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NLO Electroweak Corrections to Higgs Decay to Two Photons Stefano Actis ∗ Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik E, RWTH Aachen University, 9 D-52056 Aachen - Germany 0 0 2 Therecentcalculationofthenext-to-leadingorderelectroweakcorrectionstothedecay n of the Standard Model Higgs boson to two photons in the framework of the complex- a mass schemeis briefly summarized. J 9 1 Introduction 2 ] The production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in photon-photon collisions represents h an interesting mechanism for measuring the partial width Γ(H → γγ) with a 3% accuracy p at an upgrade option of the International Linear Collider (see [2] and references therein). - p Therefore,thecomputationofradiativecorrectionstotheleadingorder(LO)decaywidth[3] e has been an active field of research in the last years. h QCD corrections to the partial width of an intermediate-mass Higgs boson have been [ computedatnext-to-leadingorder(NLO)in[4]andatnext-to-next-to-leadingorder(NNLO) 1 in [5]. The NLO result has been extended in [6] to the entire Higgs-mass range. v Electroweak NLO corrections have been evaluated in [7] in the large top-mass scenario 1 8 and in [8] assuming a large Higgs-mass scenario. The two-loop corrections due to light 6 fermions have been derived by the authors of [9], and electroweak effects due to gauge 4 bosons and the top quark have been evaluated through an expansion in the Higgs external . 1 momentum in [10]. 0 More recently, all electroweak corrections at NLO have been computed in [11] for a 9 wide range of the Higgs mass,including the regionacross the W-pair production threshold. 0 It has been shown that the divergent behavior of the amplitude at a two-particle normal : v threshold can be removed introducing the complex-mass scheme of [12], a program carried Xi outin[13]. Notethatwehavenotaddressedthe issueofre-summingCoulombsingularities, as performed by the authors of [14]. r a In Section 2 of this note we review the implementation of the complex-mass scheme in the two-loop computation and the effect on the two-particle threshold region. Next, in Section3,wediscussthenumericalimpactoftheNLOelectroweakcorrectionsonthepartial width Γ(H →γγ). 2 Normal thresholds and complex masses The H →γγ amplitude shows a divergentbehavior around two-particle normal thresholds, related to the presence of square-root and logarithmic singularities in the variable β2 ≡ i 1−4M2/M2, where M is the Higgs mass and M , with i = W,Z,t, stands for the mass i H H i of the W (Z) boson or the top quark. ∗WorksupportedbytheDFGthroughSFB/TR9andbytheECMCRTNHEPTOOLS.Reportnumbers: PITHA09/02; SFB/CPP-09-06. Slidesavailableat[1]. LCWS/ILC2008 Square-root singularities are related to: 1) derivatives of two-point one-loop functions, associated with Higgs wave-function renormalization; 2) derivatives of three-point one-loop integrals,generatedbymassrenormalization;3)genuineirreducibletwo-loopdiagramscon- taining a one-loop self-energy insertion. Concerning the Higgs wave-function renormalization factor at one loop, it is possible to explicitly prove that the coefficient of the derivative of the two-point one-loop integral involvingatopquarkcontainsapositivepowerofthethresholdfactorβ . Therefore,square- t root singularities associated with wave-function renormalization appear only at the 2M W and 2M thresholds. Z We consider now genuine two- loop diagrams containing a self- W γ W γ energy insertion; they naturally H join terms induced by one-loop W W W W × H W a W γ b W γ mass renormalization as shown t γ t γ in Figure 1, where bosonic and H t t t × H t fermionicdiagramsareillustrated. t Fermionic diagrams of Figure 1c c t γ d t γ and Figure 1d are β -protected at t Figure 1: two-loop (a,c) and mass-renormalization threshold, and do not require any (b,d) diagrams relevant for the analysis of square-root special care. The two-loop irre- divergencies. Gray circles stand for self-energy inser- ducible diagram of Figure 1a can tions, black dots denote derivatives. be cast in a representation where the divergent part is completely written in terms of the one-loop diagrams of Figure 1b. Moreover, it is possible to check explicitly thattheβ−1 behaviorgeneratedbythe two-loopdiagramexactlycancels the β−1 W W divergencyduetoone-loopW-massrenormalizationperformedinthecomplex-massscheme. Therefore, at the amplitude level, square-root singularities are confined to the Higgs- boson wave-function renormalizationfactor (see also [15]). As thoroughly dis- cussed in [11, 13], loga- W t γ γ W t rithmic singularities are H γ W H γ t generated by the bosonic W t diagram of Figure 2, γ γ W t whereas top-quark terms areβ -protectedatthresh- t Figure 2: irreducible two-loop diagrams which potentially lead old. to a logarithmic divergency. A pragmatic gauge- invariant solution to the problem of threshold singularities due to unstable particles for the H →γγ decay has been introduced and formalized in [11]. In this setup (Minimal Complex-Mass scheme) the am- plitude is written as the sum of divergent and finite terms, and the complex-mass scheme of [12] is introduced for all gauge-invariant divergent terms. The Minimal Complex-Mass (MCM) scheme allows for a straightforward removal of unphysical infinities. Real masses of unstable gauge bosons are traded for complex poles in divergent terms, also at the level of the couplings, gauge-parameter invariance and Ward identities are preserved and the amplitude has a decent threshold behavior, as shown in Figure 3 for the NLO electroweak corrections to the H →γγ decay width (δ ). EW,MCM LCWS/ILC2008 However,the MCMschemedoes notdealwith artificial cusps associated with the crossing of WW 4 gauge-boson normal thresholds, as shown in Fig- 2 ure 3 for the WW threshold. In order to cure these effects, in [13] we have performed a full im- 0 plementation of the complex-mass scheme in the %]-2 d [ dEW,CM two-loop computation. In the complete Complex- -4 d EW, MCM d Mass (CM) setup, real masses are replaced with -6 EW, real masses complex poles and the real part of the W-boson -8 self-energy, stemming from mass renormalization 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 at one loop, is traded for the full expression, in- Mh [GeV] cluding its imaginary part. As shown in Figure 3, Figure 3: percentageNLO electroweak the full introduction of the CM scheme leads to a corrections to Γ(H →γγ) in the MCM complete smoothing of the corrections (δ ) EW,CM and CM setups described in the text. at threshold. A more striking effect is associ- The result obtained using real masses atedwiththeproductionofaHiggsbosonthrough (δ )asinputsisalsoshown. gluon-gluon fusion as discussed in [13]. EW,realmasses 3 Results Numerical results for the percentage NLO electroweak corrections to the partial width Γ(H → γγ) are shown in Figure 4. All light-fermion masses have been set to zero in the collinear-free amplitude and we have defined the W- and Z-boson complex poles by sj ≡µj (µj −iγj), µ2j ≡Mj2−Γ2j, γj ≡Γj (cid:2)1−Γ2j/(2Mj2)(cid:3), withj =W,Z. Asinputparametersforthenumericalevaluationwehaveusedthefollowing values for the masses and the widths of the gauge bosons: M = 80.398GeV, M = W Z 91.1876GeV, Γ =2.093GeV and Γ =2.4952GeV. W Z 5 d d EW, CM 4 d QCD +d d EW, CM QCD 3 EW, MCM 2 %] 1 [ d 0 -1 -2 -3 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 M [GeV] H Figure 4: NLO percentage corrections to the H →γγ decay; see text for details. In Figure 4 we have shown QCD corrections (δ ), electroweak contributions in the QCD MCM and CM setups (δ and δ ) and the full NLO prediction involving both EW,MCM EW,CM LCWS/ILC2008 electroweakeffectsinthecomplex-massschemeandQCDones(δ +δ ). Weobserve EW,CM QCD that QCD and electroweak corrections almost compensate below the WW threshold, as shown by [9, 10], leading to an overall very small correction, well below the expected 3% accuracyattheplannedlinearcollideroperatingintheγγoption. AbovetheWW threshold, instead, both corrections are positive and lead to a global 4% effect for M =170 GeV. H 4 Acknowledgments G.Passarino,C.SturmandS.Ucciratiaregratefullyacknowledgedforthe collaborationon the subject. Diagrams have been drawn with Axodraw/Jaxodraw [16]. References [1] Presentation: http://ilcagenda.linearcollider.org/contributionDisplay.py?contribId=402&sessionId=16&confId=2628 [2] K.Mo¨nigandA.Rosca,arXiv:0705.1259[hep-ph](2007). [3] J.R.Ellis,M.K.GaillardandD.V.Nanopoulos,Nucl.Phys.B106292(1976); M.A.Shifman,A.I.Vainshtein,M.B.VoloshinandV.I.Zakharov,Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.30711(1979). 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