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Nitto World Go., Limited Report and Financial Statements 3 December 2003 [ an aes UE ams Nitto Werld Co., Limited! Register No: 2124369 Directors 1 Demall Audttors bras & Yours LLP atest Londo Pe Lacie SEL 2A Roylstorad offica Stentor Syke Hite Bub Road Hayes idles Li SHY Nitta World Co., Limited Directors’ report mess ther wi he ian termi at nit. tor otal ee weep, a lin a cos, oct one ended 3t Dever 2003, Results and dividenda ‘The company did ot made using he year. Conroy aly no Hof and lass account is pecaerd, Principal activity and review of the business (0h 24 erga 297 Feet he ila ke curypaay in pone by SUC Fumbens Led (03 30 December 1997 tio tude and assets af dhe soctpaby wor tabsfed 195. he company lan an id ee Et te Directors and thelr interests “Tas icone wo sv drag rere a ined on ge “Tazre ane no dnecton interes ito hates of te compmny’ which ate rapa he staan wade schedule 0:1 Compares Act 196 Aucitors 2 teaollon In nepal Hew & Young 11 Pa voir wl: be. he main tbe Aan Gescil tng, 3 order he band hairy Secty Nitto World Co., Limited Statamant of directors’ responsibilities in respect of the financial statements Company law segues hs irra co separ inane sous fer cach Bansal yea which Inve od Piso Teena of a ne ths company dU ee en a The prot er lo he (oup fH pod. 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They anc nha neque Bs sefoparting fo ‘ho gong urd beaut Zr ukiogrevsoneeseps fr proven aa deeeion a ud a ube: Inga i Independent auditors’ report to the membore of Mito World Co, Limited ‘We aye aut ae coger’ Gm stamens or the your ened 31 Leseree 2008 wich use Unence Shoot sad to tat uores Uf Tha eae slate have besa preted ob ‘he Psi oF the secounting poles se ut ber ‘hiner, mls ley emus member, hy, i secon wi: Seton 23 of he Companies Sct 935, ural rh been uaderezen y mdgb ste oe coer retrbare thy wate es ronal sae Fa ae sie el ir noob papers. 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Balance sheet st 31 December 2003 Debts arouats ling due min one yor ot ascets capita and rosarves Collsdap shes capi! Sasre pees aocoast roth an ost acount Puak lhe Rd, MP Wale Pisin 2B Rosina 264 3 4 ois zane 41e1a74qula7s lela “ano1ar E9n0.360.9n.080 SITE SUSE F assearn atsseart AOA 6t0.48 Nitte World Ca., Limited, Notes to the financial statements 8t31 Dacemper 2003 4. Accounting policies Bess of preparation “The fini simon te popu war thistle vein amt nanan ite applicable accomsing stands ‘os enmpany sat ade darn cee ar prioe reeate od consequently wo pri are ss uocourt Statement of ces flows ‘Ta canpany is ten advensage ofthe :wamrion adorded by aerion 228 ofthe Companies Act LES esi ts a wily oral aden St Holy Kesey, rh prepares oneal “onic aafraente his ace sbi aac. On this Raia he canary ia ene roe seguvamest of ERS 1h pla asian of eat ow Related party transactions Aa abeidinny of Sanwood Hoole & Revere Woslivide In, the company ha en edeanayy ol he ‘Seti in FAS &Reteed pans chaosntes" nu telonecuntactiny mike! erthre he ‘ouplesdoe by Sarvoed Hots & Reson: ® 2. Staff costs and numbers ‘The enesots see he oly employees of ths eampany ding the yea and Thisen eure dvectrsromoe:aean 2s Lame by a aw ercup mderakics 3. Debtors: amounts laling due wilhin one year 20200 é Aerts de fmol gn sean Aung aloes 4, Share capital Aebosie t 96800 Orda tne oF 1M ao yomgeo —vass0.00 40682002 Altec! wo an fly oat f z 98,000 Orda ses of 1300 eat saunaco — s9en000 Nitto World Co., Linited Notes to the financial statements #31 December 2008 5. Reserves Orta, setrvey shown oi alae sh the losin ams eee bbe bene 2a a8 2 2 sonsiitatobte ie asa (14.356, 817) 145368071 Gh pent sccourt Dasisao "375300 ATR SED CATES 6. Ultimate holding company ae inmediae parent eontaay ia fumbers Linted, a company ecosptstd ia Sool, Co, Limite orale raga sate'ons of Dis gros a avalble We Pine, New Wor, NY IEG, LS, Stari robe pubie et Western,

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