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Preview Nitrogen uptake from 15N-enriched fertilizer by four tree crops in an Amazonian agroforest

Agroforestry Systems 57: 213–224, 2003. 213 © 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Nitrogen uptake from 15N-enriched fertilizer by four tree crops in an Amazonian agroforest Harald Dinkelmeyer1,2, Johannes Lehmann1,3,6,*, Andreas Renck1, Lucerina Trujillo4, Jose Pereira da Silva Jr.4, Gerhard Gebauer5 and Klaus Kaiser1 1Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany; 2Institute of Geography, University of Erlangen, 91054 Erlangen, Germany; 3Federal Research Institution for Forestry, 21027 Hamburg, Germany; 4Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, 69011-970 Manaus, Brazil; 5Institute of Plant Ecology, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany; 6Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University, NY 14853 Ithaca, USA; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]; fax: (607) 255-3207) Received26March2002;acceptedinrevisedform6October2002 Key words: Humid tropics, Nitrogen competition, Nitrogen leaching, Root activity, Stable N isotopes Abstract Mixedtreecroppingsystemshavebeenproposedforsustainablenutrientmanagementinthehumidtropics.Yet, thenutrientinteractionsbetweenintercroppedtreeshavenotbeenaddressedsufficiently.Inthepresentstudywe compare the temporal and spatial patterns of the uptake of applied 15N by four different tree crops in a mixed tree cropping system on a Xanthic Ferralsol in centralAmazônia, Brazil, during one year. Most of the N uptake occurred during the first two weeks. Very little N was recovered by peach palm (Bactris gasipaes), more by cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum) and annatto (Bixa orellana) and most by Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Due to tree pruning the total accumulation of applied 15N in the above-ground biomass of annatto decreased throughout the year. It remained constant in cupuassu and peach palm and increased in Brazil nut. Brazil nut showed an extensive root activity and took up more fertilizer N applied to neighboring trees than from the one applied under its own canopy in contrast to the other three tree crops. Therefore, trees with wide-spread root systems may not need to receive N fertilizer directly but can take up N applied to other trees in the mixed crop- ping system. This means that such trees may effectively decrease N leaching when intercropped with trees that have dormant periods or places with low N uptake, but also exert considerable resource competition. Introduction treecropswithperennialrootsystems,largelossesof fertilizerNfromthetopsoilwereobservedwhichac- High precipitation leads to rapid water percolation in cumulated as adsorbed nitrate in the subsoil (Schroth central Amazonian upland soils (Rozanski et al. et al. 1999). 1991).Additionally, these Ferralsols are strongly ag- Acombination of different trees may reduce these gregated (Lehmann et al. 2001a) and are therefore losses because growth cycles and root activity distri- highly permeable. Due to high weathering they have bution of different tree crops may complement each lowexchangecapacities,andnutrientretentioninthe other (Schroth et al. 2001). This would lead to a topsoilisconsequentlylimited(VanWambeke1992). higher use efficiency of applied fertilizer and reduce As a result, high leaching losses of applied fertilizer leaching losses. On the other hand, competition for were observed, e.g. under maize in the centralAma- nutrients may decrease the production of one crop or zon(Cahnetal.1993;Melgaretal.1992).Treeswere the whole system. reported to reduce nutrient leaching in comparison to Nutrientinteractionsbetweentreesinmixedcrop- annualcrops(BureshandTian1998).Butevenunder ping systems are difficult to determine due to their 214 complexgeometries.Assessmentoftherootdistribu- Spreng.) K. Schum. (cupuassu), whose fruit is used tioncangivevaluableinformationaboutthearchitec- for juice and ice cream; Bactris gasipaes Kunth. ture of the belowground biomass, but often fails to (peach palm), for heart of palm production; Berthol- quantify short-term dynamics of nutrient uptake.Ad- letia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl., producing Brazil nut; ditionally, trees in tropical lowlands may have very Bixa orellana L., an important local dye (annatto), deep root systems (Canadell et al. 1996; Nepstad et andalegumecoverofPuerariaphaseoloides(Roxb.) al. 1994). Because of the low root abundance in the Benth. (pueraria). Cupuassu and Brazil nut were al- subsoil, determination of their contribution to total ternately grown in the same row with a distance of 7 nutrient uptake is difficult. Tracer studies can help to m. In the adjacent rows at a distance of 4 m either quantify these spatial and temporal patterns of nutri- annatto (4 m distance within the row) or peachpalm ent uptake (Lehmann and Muraoka 2001). Therefore (2mdistancewithintherow)weregrown(Figure1). we used 15N-enriched fertilizer to compare the dy- The rows on both sides of peach palm and annatto namics of N uptake by four intercropped trees on a were planted with cupuassu and Brazil nut; therefore Xanthic Ferralsol in the central Amazon during one peach palm and annatto did not neighbor each other. year.Thepurposeofthisstudywas(i)tocomparethe Fourplotsof7×8masshowninFigure1wereran- spatial distribution of N fertilizer use; and (ii) to de- domly located in blocks with the dimensions of 48 × scribe the temporal dynamics of N uptake by differ- 62 m and replicated three times (randomized com- ent tree crops in anAmazonian agroforest. pleteblocks;totalamountofplots=12).Plotswithin ablockwereseparatedfromeachotherbyatleasttwo rows of trees (12 m) to avoid cross contamination. Materials and methods Peach palm was managed for palmito production (heart of palm) and cut every four to five months.At The study was carried out at the Empresa Brasileira planting pueraria was sown between the trees and de PesquisaAgropecuaria (Embrapa)-Amazônia Oci- manuallycutunderthetreecanopyeverythreetofour dental29kmNorthofManaus,Brazil(3°8(cid:1)S,59°52(cid:1) months.At the time of this study, pueraria cover was W, 40–50 m above sea level), in 1998 and 1999.The stronglyreducedduetoshadingandverylittleground rainfalldistributionisunimodalwithamaximumbe- vegetation was present. Nitrogen uptake by pueraria tween December and May (211–300 mm per month; and ground vegetation was presumed to be low and 75% of annual rainfall) and a mean annual precipita- was therefore not quantified. Fertilizer applications tionofabout2100mm(1931–1960;Rodriguesetal., weresplitequallybetweenthebeginningoftherainy 1971,unpublished;andRibeiroandAdis(1987)).The seasoninDecemberandtowardstheendoftherainy vegetation is a tropical lowland rainforest. The soils season in May using 95, 42, 85, 42 g N (as ammo- are Xanthic Ferralsols (FAO 1990) and derived from nium sulfate) per plant and year for cupuassu, peach Tertiary sediments. They are very deep and clayey, palm, annatto and Brazil nut, respectively. Dolomitic withlowpH(inH O;4.0–4.5),mediumlevelsofor- lime and Atifos (North Carolina Phosphate, 13% P) 2 ganicC(18.9mgg−1)andN(1.6mgg−1)butlowin was broadcast on the soil surface at a rate of 1.9 Pcontent (6.3 mg g−1), cation exchange capacity (21 Mg ha−1 and 19 kg Pha−1, respectively, in 1996. By mmol kg−1)andbasesaturation(33%)(alldatafrom the start of the presented experiment, the trees were c a 7-year-old fallow within the present experiment (n six years old and in full production apart from Brazil = 3); Schroth et al. (1999)). nut. Duringtheexperimentalyear,theregularfertilizer Experimental setup applicationwasdelayedbyafewweeksduetoalate start of the rains. On 12/13 January 1999, 15N-en- The site was first cleared in 1980 for a rubber plan- richedammoniumsulfate(10atom%15Nexcess)was tation (Hevea brasiliensis (Adr. Juss.) Muell. Arg.), addedtoonlyoneofthefourtreespeciesineachplot which was abandoned in 1986. The developing sec- using1g 15Nexcessperindividualtreeresultingina ondary forest was cut and burned in 1992 in order to total 15N application of 1, 1, 3, 4 g 15N per plot to establish several cropping systems mainly with fruit Brazilnut,cupuassu,annattoandpeachpalm,respec- trees during the first half of 1993. Here, we investi- tively(Figure1).Inanyofthefourplotsonlythefer- gated the uptake of N in a multi-strata agroforestry tilizer applied to one tree species was labeled, system with Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex whereas the other trees only received unlabelled N 215 Figure 1. Spatial layout of the experimental unit (I., values denote distances between trees in [m]) and application of 15N (II., distances betweenplotsnottoscale)tofourdifferenttreecropsinthecentralAmazon;signaturesfortrees(A–D)correspondtosetsofdatashownin Figure2toFigure4. fertilizer. The effective amount of applied N (10 g N adilutesolutionandasprayersystem,whichallowed tree−1) by 15N-enriched ammonium sulfate was de- to spray each quadrant several times and thus ensure ducted from the routinely applied N fertilizer. The ahomogeneousapplication.Thelitterlayerwascare- nutrients were added uniformly on the surface of the fully removed before the application and distributed mineral soil in a square of 4 m2 around each stem. evenly afterwards. The tracer was applied to 1 m2 areas at a time using 216 uPlant and soil sampling 15N (cid:2)mgtree(cid:1)1(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:5)biomass biomass leaf,branch,stem (cid:2)kgtree(cid:1)1(cid:3)(cid:6)15N (cid:2)mgkg(cid:1)1(cid:3)(cid:7) leaf,branch,stem The N isotope composition was measured in the four tree species before the tracer application in October Recovery of 15N in tree and soil was determined in 1998,twoweeksafterthetracerapplicationon25–27 two different ways, as the ratio of uptake to applica- January, and on 18/19 February, 23 March, 15–23 tion for the entire cropping system as shown in Fig- April, 1 July and 8/9 November 1999. In February, ure1(NitrogenSystemRecoveryNSR)andforsingle March and July, only leaf samples were collected, tree species (Nitrogen Tree Recovery NTR): whereas at the other dates also stem and branches 15N (cid:2)mgtree(cid:1)1(cid:3) were sampled.At least 10 leaves from random loca- NSR(cid:2)%(cid:3)(cid:4) biomass (cid:6)100 tions on each tree were collected including old and 15N (cid:2)mgsystem(cid:1)1(cid:3) fertilized young leaves exposed to sun or in the shade. Stem samples were obtained with a drill (8 mm diameter) 15N (cid:2)mgtree(cid:1)1(cid:3) NTR(cid:2)%(cid:3)(cid:4) biomass (cid:6)100 along the trunk to its center, branches were cut and 15N (cid:2)mgtree(cid:1)1(cid:3) fertilized pieces were randomly collected from young and old parts (at least 10 samples per tree). Totalapplication(100%)was9mg 15Nexcesstothe InDecember1998andJanuary1999,soilsamples system as shown in Figure 1, and 1, 1, 3, and 4 mg were obtained from 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.5, 0.5–0.8, 15Nexcess to single tree species of cupuassu, Brazil 0.8–1.2, 1.2–2 m, inApril and November 1999 addi- nut, annatto and peach palm. Recovery of 15N in be- tionally at 2–3, 3–4, 4–5 m depths. Four subsamples low-groundbiomasswasnotdetermined.Itmaycon- were taken from each depth at 0.5–0.8 m distance stitute a large part of total plant recovery, more for from the trunk under those trees which received 15N, peach palm (root-to-shoot ratio 1.0 for heart of palm and combined to one sample per replicate. production)thanforBrazilnut,cupuassuandannatto (root-to-shoot ratio 0.3–0.4; Haag (1997)). Determination of biomass and calculation of 15N uptake Nitrogen isotope analyses In September 1998, April and December 1999, total The leaf samples were dried at 70 °C for 48 hours. above-ground biomass was determined using allom- The soil samples were air-dried at room temperature etricrelationshipsinordertocalculatetotalNuptake and all samples were finely ground with a ball mill. and 15Nrecovery:cupuassu(woodybiomass=18.59 The 15N-enriched samples were analyzed using an × dia 2.82, N = 7; leaves = 4.07 × dia stem at 0.2m stem at ElementalAnalyzer(CarloErbaNA1500;forDumas 3.42,N=36;allP<0.05forindependentsamples; 0.2m combustion)connectedtoanisotoperatiomassspec- Wolf (1997)); Brazil nut (stem = 0.926 × f, N = 7; trometer(FinniganMATdeltaE)viaasplitinterface. branches=2.50×f1.51,N=7;leaves=10.36×f1.28, Thenaturalabundanceof 15Ninplantandsoilbefore N=79;wheref= (cid:1)(crosssectionarea (at10,20,30%of application of the 15N-labeled fertilizer was deter- ) × height/10; all P < 0.05 for independent total height) minedwithanelementalanalyzer(Fisons1108)cou- samples; Wolf (1997)); annatto (stem + old branches pled via a ConFlo II Interface to a delta S isotope = 140.6 × dia 1.657, N = 4, P < 0.05, Wolf stem at 0.2m ratio mass spectrometer (Finnigan MAT). Natural (1997); young branches = 11.97 × dia + 7.02; branch abundance of 15N was deducted from calculations of leaves=24.87×dia +17.48,N=23;R2=0.71; branch enrichedsamplestoestimatetherecoveryanduptake own measurements); peach palm (total biomass = distribution of the added 15N. 0.587×height–0.287,N=12;R2=0.93;ownmea- surements). For production estimates of peach palm, Statistical analyses the trees that were cut during harvesting of the heart ofpalmwerequantifiedseparatelyandtheNamounts Statisticalanalyseswerecomputedbyanalysisofvar- were added to the difference between values at the iance (Statistica 5.0) using a randomized complete beginning and the end of the experiment. Uptake of blockdesignforcomparisonsbetweentreesindiffer- applied 15N was calculated from the product of ent plots and using a split plot design for compari- above-ground biomass and 15N contents of leaves, sons between trees in the same plot (Little and Hills branches and stem, respectively: 217 Table1. Above-groundbiomassoffourdifferenttreecropsattheendoftheexperimentinDecember1999,biomassproductionduringone yearasaproportionofthebiomassattheendoftheexperimentandNconcentrationsandtotalabove-groundNinamixedcroppingsystem inthecentralAmazon. Species Plantpart Above-groundbiomass Above-groundbiomass Biomassproduction Nconcentration Namount [kgtree−1] [Mgha−1] [%yr−1] [gkg−1] [kgha−1] Peachpalm totalplant 2.7d ±0.5 0.8d ±0.1 56.7b ±17.5 8.9 ±0.9 6.3d ±0.9 Brazilnut wood 169.7 ±15.2 15.8 ±1.4 60.6 ±6.7 6.4 ±0.4 101.3 ±11.8 leaves 63.1 ±5.2 5.9 ±0.5 64.4 ±7.3 23.1 ±0.7 137.8 ±13.0 totalplant 223.8a ±19.1 21.7a ±1.6 61.6ab ±6.9 nd 238.1a ±15.3 Annatto stem 9.3 ±0.2 1.4 ±0.0 8.6 ±1.4 6.3 ±0.5 9.3 ±0.8 branches 2.7 ±0.2 0.4 ±0.0 94.5 ±15.7 7.8 ±0.6 3.1 ±0.3 leaves 3.0 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.0 79.8 ±14.4 28.4 ±0.9 13.6 ±1.3 totalplant 15.3c ±0.4 2.4c ±0.1 86.4a ±15.0 nd 26.4c ±1.7 Cupuassu wood 19.4 ±1.4 1.8 ±0.1 52.2 ±6.7 5.3 ±0.4 10.6 ±1.6 leaves 18.6 ±1.6 1.7 ±0.2 66.7 ±9.0 20.0 ±0.5 35.9 ±3.7 totalplant 38.0b ±1.9 3.6b ±0.2 59.0b ±7.8 nd 46.5b ±3.8 Effect1 *** *** ** nd *** 1P<0.01(**),P<0.001(***).ValuesinonecolumnfollowedbythesameletterarenotsignificantlydifferentatP<0.05;meansand standarderrors(n=12).ndnotdetermined. 1978). For the analysis of the foliar (cid:2)15N values, the Enrichment of 15N in plant and soil logarithmic values were used due to inhomogeneity of variances. In case of significant effects, individual Theuptakeofapplied 15Nwasrapidandalltreespe- cell means for the respective level were compared cies had the highest foliar 15N enrichment during the usingleastsignificantdifferences(LSDatP<0.05if period14to96daysafterfertilization(Figure2).The not indicated otherwise) (Little and Hills 1978). enrichmentinbothpeachpalmandannattodecreased rapidlyafterwardsbutremainedrelativelyconstantin cupuassu. The highest relative enrichment was noted Results in peach palm. Cupuassu, peach palm, and annatto had a higher 15N enrichment when the fertilizer was Biomass and N accumulation appliedunderneaththeirowncanopy,whereastheen- richment did not differ according to the place of ap- Thehighestabove-groundbiomasswasfoundinboth plication for Brazil nut. Only 18–43% of its foliar N wood and leaves of individual Brazil nut trees, the derived from the fertilizer N which Brazil nut re- lowest in peach palm (Table 1). On an area basis ceiveddirectlybyaplacementarounditsstem,while peachpalmstillshowedthelowestbiomass,although 8–12% came from the fertilizer N applied to cu- four peach palm trees were planted for every Brazil puassu, 12–28% and 23–54% from that applied to nut or cupuassu. Annatto branch biomass had the annattoandpeachpalm,respectively(rangeindicates highest relative production during the experimental variability over time; Figure 3). In contrast, the other periodwithanincreaseofmorethan90%inoneyear tree species took up more than 85% of the fertilizer (Table 1). Foliar N contents were highest in annatto Nfromthefertilizedareaunderneaththeirowncano- (28.4gkg−1),whereastotalabove-groundNaccumu- pies. Whereas the proportion of uptake from the N lation was largest for Brazil nut (238 kg ha−1), fol- directly applied around the stem of the trees de- lowedbycupuassu(47kgha−1),annatto(26kgha−1) creased with time for peach palm, annatto and cu- and peach palm (6 kg ha−1) (Table 1). puassu, it increased for Brazil nut (Figure 3). Conse- quently, the total uptake of 15N by Brazil nut from the area underneath its own canopy increased during thestudyperiod(Figure4).Bytheendoftheexperi- mentthe 15NuptakebyBrazilnutfromtheNapplied 218 Figure2. Foliar15Ndynamicsoffourdifferenttreecrops(A.toD.comparewithFigure1)asaffectedby 15Napplicationundertheirown canopy or to the adjacent three tree crops (within each graph) from December 1998 (before the application of 15N enriched ammonium sulfate)toNovember1999inamixedcroppingsysteminthecentralAmazon.Differencesandmaineffectscomputedbyanalysisofvari- ance;nsnotsignificant,*,**,***significantatP<0.05,0.01,0.001,respectively;valueswiththesameletteracrossallspeciesatthesame datearenotsignificantlydifferentatP<0.05(meansn=3). around its stem (601 mg 15N tree−1) was in the order Recovery of applied 15N of magnitude of the uptake from all other locations and by all other trees in the system (869 mg 15N Attheendoftherainyseason54%oftheapplied 15N tree−1)(Figure4).However,alsothetotal 15Nuptake were recovered in plant and soil (Table 2). Less 15N byBrazilnutfromfertilizerappliedtotheothertrees was taken up by plants (25%) than was found in the was significant: Brazil nut took up more N from the soiltoadepthof5m(29%).Therecoveryinthesoil fertilizer applied to annatto (only by the end of the decreased from 73 to 29 to 7% throughout the year experimental period) or peach palm than these tree whereas it increased in the plants from 14% in Janu- species themselves (Figure 4). ary to 25% inApril but decreased to 17% in Decem- ber. During the same time the total recovery in plant 219 Figure3. SpatialdistributionofrelativefertilizerNuptakebyfourdifferenttreecrops(A.toD.comparewithFigure1)fromNapplied undertheirowncanopyortotheadjacentthreetreecrops(withineachgraph)inamixedcroppingsysteminthecentralAmazon.Values abovecolumnsshowthesumoftheatom%15Nexcess;maineffectscomputedbyanalysisofvariance;nsnotsignificant,*,**,***signif- icantatP<0.05,0.01,0.001,respectively(meansn=3). and soil decreased from 87 to 54 to only 24% (data erywasnotsignificantlydifferentbetweenanyofthe not shown). trees. In the above-ground biomass, the largest In relation to the amount applied to each tree (ni- amount of 15N applied directly to the tree was ini- trogen tree recovery NTR, equation 3), soils under tially recovered in Brazil nut and cupuassu, the low- cupuassu tended to have slightly lower 15N recovery estinpeachpalm(P<0.05).After10months,Brazil than soils under Brazil nut two weeks after applica- nut had taken more than half of the 15N applied to it tion (P = 0.08; Figure 5).At other times, soil recov- (61%), followed by cupuassu (34%), whereas the 220 Figure4. Dynamicsof15Nuptakebyfourdifferenttreecrops(A.toD.comparewithFigure1)fromNappliedundertheirowncanopyor totheadjacentthreetreecrops(withineachgraph)inamixedcroppingsystem(Figure1)inthecentralAmazonduringoneyear.Differences andmaineffectscomputedbyanalysisofvariance;asterics(maineffects)andbars(LSD)indicatesignificantdifferencesbetweenlocations ofapplicationforeachsamplingdate(differencesbetweenlineswithinonegraph):nsnotsignificant,*,**,***significantatP<0.05,0.01, 0.001,respectively;lettersindicatesignificantdifferencesacrossallsampledspecies(differencesbetweengraphsA.toD.)fortheeachsam- plingdateatP<0.05(meansandstandarderrors;n=3). lowest proportions of applied fertilizer were found in applied, but received only 11% directly around its the above-ground biomass of annatto (11%) and stem.Thelowestefficiencywasnotedforpeachpalm, peach palm (8%) (Figure 5). which retrieved 1.3% but received 45% of the total Fromthewholecroppingsystem(nitrogensystem applied N to the entire system (system as shown in recovery NSR, equation 2), the highest proportion of Figure 1). the applied 15N after the rainy season was taken up The efficiency of investing N fertilizer was lowest by Brazil nut with 12% and annatto with 8% (Ta- whenappliedtopeachpalm,asallplantstogetherre- ble 2). Whereas most of the 15N taken up by either trieved only 5.9% of the total N applied to peach annatto or peach palm originated from the N applied palm, although peach palm received 45% of the total to the respective trees themselves, Brazil nut took up N in the system (calculating to 13% efficiency) (Ta- 4.6and3.4%ofthetotalappliedNinthesystemfrom ble 2). The highest efficiency was found for N fertil- peach palm and annatto, respectively (Table 2). ized to cupuassu, from which 4.2% were taken up Therefore, the high efficiency of Brazil nut was not while 11% were applied to cupuassu (38% efficien- caused by uptake of the N fertilizer it received di- cy),withonlyslightlylowerefficienciesforNapplied rectly(2.7%recovery),whichwaslowerthantheup- to annatto (33% efficiency) and Brazil nut (32% effi- take by cupuassu from the N applied to cupuassu ciency). (2.9%), but by an uptake of N applied to associated A large proportion of the unused N was found in trees. Thus, Brazil nut recovered 12% of the total N thesoilunderpeachpalm(15%ofthetotalNapplied, 221 Table2. Systemrecovery(NSR,equation2)of15Nappliedtodifferenttreecropsasammoniumsulfatefertilizerinamixedcroppingsystem inthecentralAmazonafter3monthsinApril1999. 15Nrecoveryby Recovery[%]of 15Nappliedto Cupuassu Brazilnut Peachpalm Annatto totalarea Cupuassu 2.9a ±0.4 0.5b ±0.4 0.1c ±0.0 0.1c ±0.0 3.6b ±0.4 A B B B Brazilnut 1.0b ±0.6 2.7a ±0.6 4.6a ±2.0 3.4b ±2.0 11.7a ±3.0 C B A A Peachpalm 0.0c ±0.0 0.0c ±0.0 1.2b ±0.2 na 1.3b ±0.2 B B A Annatto 0.2c ±0.1 0.3b ±0.1 na 7.4a ±2.4 7.9a ±2.4 B B A Sumofplants 4.2 ±0.4 3.5 ±0.5 5.9 ±1.7 10.9 ±4.4 24.5 ±4.2 B B B A Soil(0–5m) 3.1 ±0.4 3.0 ±0.9 14.9 ±1.9 8.3 ±2.0 29.3 ±0.7 C C A B Totalsum 7.3 ±0.3 6.5 ±0.3 20.8 ±2.1 19.2 ±3.0 53.8 ±6.0 B B A A Applied 15N[g] 1(11) 1(11) 4(45) 3(33) 9(100) andtreesperex- perimentalunit([% oftotal])according toFigure1 na=notapplicable:rowsofannattoandpeachpalmarenotadjacent.Valuesinonecolumnorrowfollowedbythesamesmallorcapital letter,respectively,arenotsignificantlydifferentatP<0.05;meansandstandarderrors(n=3). being 33% of the amount it received directly). Sub- was practiced in the cited study. Therefore, our val- stantially less N remained in the soil under annatto uesfortotalNuptakearetypicalforagroforestswith (8.3% of the total N applied, being 25% of the similar species composition. amount it received). Biomass and N uptake by roots were not assessed inthepresentstudyandtotalNsequestrationinplant biomasswasthereforeunderestimated.Usingamaxi- Discussion mum estimate for root-shoot ratios (Haag 1997) and root N contents total recovery may only slightly in- Biomass and nitrogen uptake creasefrom53to62%.Thiscalculationassumessim- ilarNconcentrationsinrootsasinabove-groundbio- Above-ground biomass of all trees determined in our mass which is most likely much smaller as study was similar to that determined in an extensive demonstrated by McGrath et al. (2000). The conclu- study including destructive sampling of entire trees sions about the distribution of N uptake are not af- conducted by Schroth et al. (2002) in the same ex- fected by neglecting root N contents, since the an- periment. Nitrogen contents of leaf and woody bio- natto,Brazilnutandcupuassuhavesimilarroot-shoot mass were slightly higher than those from 6- to ratios(Haag1997)andpeachpalmhasverylowtotal 8-year-old Brazil nut, peach palm and cupuassu (not biomass. available for annatto) reported by McGrath et al. (2000) from the southernAmazon basin.This can be explained with the fact that no annual fertilization 222 2000). The restricted lateral root activity of pruned peachpalmwasassumedtoberesponsibleforthelow utilization of biologically fixed N from an inter- cropped legume cover (Lehmann et al. 2000). Addi- tionally, pruning the peach palm for heart of palm harvest also decreased root activity in the subsoil at the same site (Lehmann et al. 2001b). The high proportion of N uptake by Brazil nut from associated trees may not only be a result of an uptake of N at the topsoil, but may also be derived from subsoil N. Already two weeks after N applica- tion, significant amounts were found at 0.8 to 2 m depth and up to 5 m depth three months later (Din- kelmeyer2000).Wewerenotabletoidentifywithour experimental approach whether the trees were taking up fertilizer N from the topsoil or the subsoil. The strongtaprootformedbyBrazilnut(Haag1997)may indicateasignificantuptakealsofromthesubsoil,al- though Lehmann et al. (2001b) could not verify a pronounced subsoil root activity. However, since the total uptake by Brazil nut as shown in the present studyisveryhighevenalowrelativeuptakefromthe subsoil may still result in a relevant amount of sub- soil N depletion. Nitrogen use effıciency and nitrogen losses Two mechanisms contribute to high fertilizer N up- takebyamixedtreecroppingsystem:(1)highNup- Figure 5. Recovery of the 15N applied to each tree (single-tree observation;NTRfromequation3)initsownabove-groundbio- takefromthefertilizerdirectlyappliedtothetree,and mass (I.) and in the soil (II.) in a mixed cropping system in the (2) high nutrient uptake by associated tree crops. For centralAmazonduringoneyear.Differencesandmaineffectscom- example, the efficiency of the N applied to cupuassu puted by analysis of variance; asterics (main effects) and bars and annatto was not only an effect of a high uptake (LSD)indicatesignificantdifferencesbetweentreesforeachsam- by cupuassu or annatto, respectively, but a co-uptake pling date: ns not significant, *, **, *** significant at P < 0.05, 0.01,0.001,respectively;LSDbarsarenotshownifmaineffects byBrazilnut.TheefficiencyoftheNappliedtoBra- werenotsignificant;lettersindicatesignificantdifferencesbetween zil nut was lower than that to cupuassu and annatto samplingdatesforthesamespeciesatP<0.05(meansandstan- due to the fact that no other tree took up N from the darderrors;n=3). fertilizer applied to Brazil nut. The larger uptake of N by Brazil nut as compared to the amount that the Uptake distribution of applied N fertilizer treeactuallyreceivedbyfertilizerapplicationdemon- stratestheimportanceofintroducingtreespecieswith Brazil nut had the most widespread root activity extensive root activities into plantations of trees that amongthestudiedtreecrops,takingupmoreapplied have spatially restricted root activities. N from neighboring trees than from the fertilizer ap- ThehighefficiencyoffertilizerNusebyBrazilnut pliedunderitsowncanopy.Brazilnutwasthetallest may be due to a possible uptake from the subsoil as treewiththelargestabove-groundbiomassandNac- discussed above. Both an uptake from the topsoil but cumulation in the studied cropping system. This will especiallyfromthesubsoilwillresultinlowerleach- certainlyreflecttheamountofbelow-groundbiomass. ing losses, which are generally large in the studied Peach palm and annatto were periodically pruned soil due to high rainfall (Rozanski et al. 1991). The whichusuallydecreasesrootgrowthandextensionas soils in the central Amazon are strongly weathered shown for an acacia in Kenya (Peter and Lehmann and have high anion exchange capacity due to varia-

Nitrogen uptake from 15N-enriched fertilizer by four tree crops in an tree cropping system on a Xanthic Ferralsol in central Amazônia, Brazil, during
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