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Nitrogen Fixation: Fundamentals and Applications: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 28–June 3, 1995 PDF

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NITROGENFIXATION: FUNDAMENTALS ANDAPPLICATIONS CurrentPlantScience and Biotechnology in Agriculture VOLUME27 ScientificEditor R.I.Summerfield,TheUniversityofReading,DepartmentofAgriculture,P.O.Box236, ReadingRG62AT,Berkshire, UK ScientificAdvisoryBoard B.K.Barton,AgracetusInc.,Middleton, Wisconsin, USA F.e.Cannon,UniversityofMassachusettsatAmherst,Amherst,Massachusetts, USA H.V.Davies,ScottishCropsResearchInstitute,Dundee, Scotland, UK 1.Denecke,UniversityofYork, York, UK J.Hamblin,The UniversityofWesternAustralia,Nedlands, WA, Australia 1.LymanSnow,RutgersUniversity,NewBrunswick,NewJersey, USA C.P.Meredith, UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis,Davis,California, USA 1.Sprent,UniversityofDundee,Dundee,Scotland, UK D.P.S. Verma,TheOhioStateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio, USA AimsandScope The book series is intended for readers ranging from advanced students to senior research scientistsandcorporatedirectors interested inacquiring in-depth, state-of-the-artknowledge about research findings and techniques related to all aspects ofagricultural biotechnology. Althoughthepreviousvolumes in theseriesdealtwithplantscienceand biotechnology, the aim is now to also include volumes dealing with animals science, food science and microbiology. While the subjectmatter will relate more particularly to agricultural applica tions, timely topics inbasicscienceandbiotechnology will alsobeexplored. Somevolumes will report progress in rapidly advancing disciplines through proceedings of symposia and workshops while others will detail fundamental informationofan enduring nature that will bereferencedrepeatedly. Thetitlespublishedinthisseriesarelistedattheendofthisvolume. Nitrogen Fixation: Fundamentals and Applications Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 28-June 3,1995 edited by IGOR A. TlKHONOVICH and NIKOLAI A. PROVOROV All-Russia Research Institute for Agriculural Microbiology, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia VA SSIL Y 1. ROMANOV A.N. Bach Institute ofB iochemistry, Moscow, Russia and WILLIAM E. NEWTON Department ofB iochemistry arul Anaerobic Microbiology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.SA. SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 978-94-010-4170-6 ISBN 978-94-011-0379-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-0379-4 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1995 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1995 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 1995 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permis sion from the copyright owner. 10thINTERNATIONALCONGRESS ONNITROGENFIXATION SUPPORTEDBY: GovernmentofRussianFederation,MinistryofScienceand TechnicalPolicyofRussianFederation Russian AcademyofAgricultural Sciences RussianAcademyofSciences St. PetersburgMayor'sOffice All-RussiaResearchInstitutefor AgriculturalMicrobiology IncooperationwithInternationalAtomicEnergyAgency (IAEA, Vienna, Austria) = SPONSOREDBY: OECD, DirectorateforFood, AgricultureandFisheries OCOE Co-operativeResearchProgram: BiologicalResource Managementfor SustainableAgricultural Systems PARIS RussianFoundationforFundamentalResearch RussianMinistryfor AgricultureandFoodProduction InternationalFoundationfor Science InternationalUnionofMicrobiologicalSocieties, Russian SocietyofGeneralMicrobiology UNESCO National ScienceFoundation(USA) United StatesDepartmentofAgriculture International SocietyforPlantMolecularBiology NorthAmerican SymbioticNitrogenFixationConference CentrodeInvestigacionsobreFijaciondeNitrogeno, UNAM, Cuernavaca Morgan ScientificInc. "ECOS" Company v ASSISTED BY: S1. PetersburgCentreoftheRussianAcademyofSciences Moscow StateUniversity DepartmentoftheRussianAcademyofAgricultural Sciencesfor NonchemozemArea(S1. Petersburg-Pushkin) All-RussiaInstituteforPlantProtection(S1. Petersburg) N.J. VavilovAll-RussiaPlantBreedingInstitute(S1. Petersburg) A.N. BachInstituteofBiochemistry(Moscow) InstituteofPlantPhysiology(Moscow) InstituteofChemicalPhysics(MoscowRegion, Chemogolovka) InstituteofBiochemistryandPhysiologyofPlantsandMicroorganisms(Saratov) vi 10THINTERNATIONALCONGRESSONNITROGENFIXATION WASORGANIZEDBY National OrganizingCommittee: CongressOrganizer: IgorTikhonovich(St. Petersburg) DeputyOrganizers: SergeyShestakov(Moscow), VassilyRomanov(Moscow) VladimirIgnatov(Saratov) ValeryShatilov(Moscow) MikhailIvanov(Moscow) Alexander Shilov(Moscow) StanislavIzmailov(Moscow) BorisSimarov(St.Petersburg) AlexanderKashtanov(Moscow) Yevgeny Smolinsky(Moscow) AndreiKozhemiakov(St. Petersburg) Mark Vol'pin(Moscow) INTERNATIONALPROGRAMADVISORYCOMMITTEE T. Bisseling(TheNetherlands) E.ll Lugtenberg(TheNetherlands) H. Bothe(FRG) y. Okon(Israel) N.l Brewin(UK) l Olivares(Spain) FJ. deBruijn(USA) APuhler(FRG) 1. Denarie(France) B.G. Rolfe(Australia) RA Dixon(UK) M.l Sadowsky(USA) C. Elmerich(France) J.I. Sprent(UK) P.M. Gresshoff(USA) 1.G. Streeter(USA) G. Hardarson(IAEA, Austria) 1. Thomas(India) R. Haselkorn(USA) G.L. Truchet(France) G.B. Kiss(Hungary) c.P. Vance(USA) A Kondorosi (France) D.P.S. Venna(USA) I.K. Ladha(philippines) G.C. Walker(USA) D.B. Layzell (Canada) D. Werner(FRG) AB. Legocki (poland) lP.W. Young(UK) K. Lindstrom(Finland) INTERNATIONALSTEERINGCOMMITfEE W.E. Newton(USA) R Palacios(Mexico) RH. Burris(USA) B.E. Smith(UK) RW.F. Hardy(USA) C. Veeger(TheNetherlands) H. Hennecke(Switzerland) vii LOCALORGANIZINGCOMMITTEE Chainnan-IgorA. Tikhonovich Infonnation,Registration, ExhibitionsandComputerService- ElenaF. Chesnokova (Head), NikolaiI. Vorobyev, AnnaV. Smitskaya, IvanA. Kniazev, MaximYu. Zanin, MariaYu. Fedorova, ElenaA. Dolgich,ElenaV. Limeschenko, LidiaN. Sokol, AnatolyVa. Danilin, TatianaS. Batyreva, AnnaP. Fomicheva, ViktorA. Kvitko Finance-TatianaK. Zabotina(Head), IouliaA. Chvabaouskene, Raisa S. Zhihareva, OlgaV. Anisimova, VeraA. Tarasova ParticipantCommunicatons-IrinaA. Kolesnik(Head), ZinaidaN. Bogdanova, ViktoriaB. Trofimova, Mikhail S. Bronshtein InterpretorServices-VladimirS. Soloviev Publications-Nikolai A. Provorov(Head), AlexandraO. Ovtsyna, OxanaN. Kurchak, YaninaK. Zabelina CulturalProgramActivitiesforParticipantsandGuestsfjointlywith "PETROINTOUR")-SvetlanaA. Tchetkova(Head), AnnaM. Kunakova Accomodations,MealsandCongressFacilities-LudmilaN. Paromenskaya, OlgaA. Kulikova, GalinaA. Vladimirova,ElenaP. Andrievskaya, ValentinaV. Vikhrova TransportationandPost-CongressToursfjointlywith "PETROINTOUR" and "NICKOTOURS") -VladimirK. Chebotar' PosterSessionPreparations-VladimirK. Lebsky(Head), AlexYu. Borisov, ViktorYeo Tsyganov, KonstantinV. Ushakov, Andrei A. Belimov, ElenaV. Morzhina, ElenaD. Kozlova, Galina S. Konovalova MediaRelations-NataliaI. Novikova CongressLogoDesigner-RemigiusI. Chvabaouskas CongressFilmProduction-Artyom Yeo Men', YevgeniyaM. Men' VisaArrangements-AlexandraN. Zaretskaya Security-Mars V. Karimov, GeorgyYU. Laptev viii PREFACE Among the most urgentproblemsthatface Mankind as weapproachtheendofthe 20th century are providing sufficientnourishment to the constantly growing World, reducing environmental pollution and conserving energy. The intense interest in biological nitrogen fixation shown by scientists from diverse fields of research (chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, geneticists, microbiologists, agrochemists and many others) is obviously connected with the fact that understanding the main steps ofthis processwillhelppeoplecopewiththeglobalproblemsmentionedabove. We believethatany divisionbetweenfundamental andapplied science isartificial; there is really only Science and its practical applications. While developing the Scientific Program ofthe 10th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, that is reflected by this volume, the Organizing Committee was always mindful ofthe fact that nitrogen fixation presents a broad spectrum ofscientific problems ofhigh fundamental interest whileatthesametime havingaverysignificantpracticalvalue. Itisimportantto stress that,eveninthecountrieswithtraditionallyhighapplicationofmineral nitrogen,interest ina sustainable balancedagriculture, andthus inthe applicationofmicrobialinoculants, is growing. So it is easy to understand why this Congress had threeofits 13 scientific sessions(7Symposiaand6Round Tables)devotedtoappliedaspects. AmongthemanyscientificaspectsthatwerediscussedintheCongressinS1. Petersburg, three should bementioned becauseoftheiractive development ofthepastseveralyears: (l) the impactofthe nitrogenase structures on efforts to understand the mechanism that occurs in all nitrogen-fixing microorganisms; (2) dissection ofthe elaborate system of signalexchangebetweenplantsand microorganisms thatundergirdstheformation ofthe symbiotic apparatus responsible for the majority of biologically fixed nitrogen in agriculture; (3) our increasing knowledge about the diversity and evolution of microorganisms that are able to fix nitrogen and the attempts to systematize them thorough molecular genetic techniques. The importance of the last is difficult to overestimate - among others, this work should help to develop biological methods for protection of plants against phytopathogens. Thus, the phenomenon of biological nitrogen fixation presentsawonderful model for the study ofmany fundamental aspects ofscienceinquiteanumberofdifferent fields. The 10th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation took place in S1. Petersburg, Russia, May 28 - June 3, 1995 and was organized through the All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology in S1. Petersburg-Pushkin. The Congress was supported and sponsored by a wealth of organizations, both within and from outside ix x Russia, as listed elsewhere in this volwne. Without their generous assistance, this Congresscouldnothavebeenorganized. About600participantsfrom over60countries gatheredto share their recent research progress with one another and to come to know the history and beauty ofSt. Petersburg. Inthis book,we have tried to reflectthe main questions that were discussed in the Congress and to detail the contributions ofevery participant. We hope this volwne will promote new insights, more significant research andfruitful cooperation. Wethankallthose listedelsewherewhoparticipatedintheorganizationoftheCongress, its smooth day-to-day operation, and the preparation ofthis volwne. Lastly, we thank VickiNewtonforhertirelesseffortstokeepusonourtightpublicationscheduleandour families and friends for their love, patience, support and understanding during this intenseexperience. Saint-Petersburg, IgorA.Tikhonovich Russia, June 1995 NikolaiA. Provorov VassilyI.Romanov WilliamE.Newton

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