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METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF John N. Abelson Melvin I. Simon DIVISION OF BIOLOGY CALIFORNIA lNSlTlUl’E Ok-l-ECHNOLUCIY PASADENA. CALIFORNIA FOUNDING EDITORS Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan 0. Kaplan Methods in Enzymology Volume 301 Nitric Oxide Part C: Biological and Antioxidant Activities EDITED BY Lester Packer UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BEKKELEY. CALIFORNIA Editorial Advisory Board Bruce N. Ames Joseph Beckman Enrique Cadenas Victor Darley-Usmar Bruce Freeman Matthew Grisham Barry Halliwell Louis J. Ignarro Hiroe Nakazawa William Pryor Helmut Sies ACADEMIC PRESS San Diego London Boston New York Sydney Tokyo Toronto Contributors to Volume 301 elcitrA numbers era ni parentheses gniwollof cht names of .srotubirtnoc snoitailiffA listed era .tnerruc THEODORUS P. M. AKERBOOM (15), Institut Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidel- far Physiologische Chemie ,I Heinrich- berg, Germany Heine-Universitdt, Diisseldorf,, Germany AALT BAST (50), Department of Pharma- WENDY K. ALDERTON (12), Glaxo Wellcome cology, Universiteit Maastricht, 6200 MD Research and Development, Medicines Re- Maastricht, The Netherlands search Centre, Stevenage, Hertfordshire MICHAEL B.~TZ (54), lnstitut fiir Organische SG1 2NY, United Kingdom Chemie, Universitiit Essen, D-45117 Es- J. STEVEN ALEXANDER (1), Department of sen, Germany Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Louisi- ana State University Medical Center, JOSEPH S. BECKMAN (36, 39, 41), Departments Shreveport, Louisiana 71130 of Anesthesiology and Biochemistry, Uni- versity of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala- EMILE ANDRIAMBELOSON (53), Laboratoire bama 35294 de Pharmacologie et de Physiologie Cellu- laires, Facult~ de Pharmacie, Universit~ NIGEL BENJAMIN (10), Department of Clinical Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, 67401 lllkirch Pharmacology, .tS Bartholomew's" Hospital Cedex, France and The Royal London School of Medicine RAMAROSON ANDRIANTSITOHAINA (53), La- and Dentistry, London EC1, United boratoire de Pharmacologie et de Physiolo- Kingdom gie Cellulaires, Facult~ de Pharmacie, Uni- ALLISON HTROWSDOOLB (47), Departments of versit~ Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, 67401 Anesthesiology and Biochemistry and Mo- lllkirch Cedex, France lecular Genetics, University of Alabama, NICHOLAS M. ANSTEY (6), Menzies School of Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Health Research and Division of Medicine, RACHEL M. BOLZAN (19), Biodynamics Insti- Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin, NT, tute, Louisiana State University, Baton 0810 Australia Rouge, Louisiana 70803-1800 DANIEL BALLMAIER (33), Institute of Phar- ALBERTO BOVERIS (20), School of Pharmacy, macy, University of Mainz, 55099 Mainz, University of Southern California, Los Germany Angeles, California 90033 Luxs BARBEITO (41), Secci6n Neurociencias, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la KARLIS BRIVIBA (32, 33), Institute of Physio- logical Chemistry I, University of -less~iD Repfiblica, and Divisi6n Neurobiologia dorf, D-40001 D~isseldorf, Germany Celular y Molecular, lnstituto Clemente Estable, 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay ENRIQUE CADENAS (20), Department of Mo- NEHPETS BARNES (47), Departments of Phar- lecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, macology and Toxicology and Comprehen- School of Pharmacy, University of Southern sive Cancer Center Mass Spectrometry California, Los Angeles, California 90033 Shared Facility, University of Alabama, Bir- RICHARD CAMMACK (30), Centre for the Study mingham, Alabama 35233 of Metals in Biology and Medicine, King's HELMUT BARTSCH (5), Division of Toxicology College London, London W8 7AH, and Cancer Risk Factors, German Cancer United Kingdom xi xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 301 DANAE UOLUODOTSIRHC (43), Laboratory of JASON P. E1SERICH (47, 48), Department of evitarapmoC ,sisenegonicraC National -naC Anesthesiology, University of Alabama, rec Institute, FRDC, Frederick, Maryland Birmingham, Alabama 33253 20712 BERND EPE (33), Institute of Pharmacy, -inU PHILLIP H. CHUMLEY (47), Departments of ytisrev of Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany Anesthesiology and Biochemistry and Mo- MICHAEL J. EPPIHIMER (2), Department of lecular Genetics, University of Alabama, raluceloM and ralulleC Physiology, Louisi- Birmingham, Alabama 33253 ana State University Medical Center, ,tropeverhS Louisiana 03117 ELLEN I. CLOSS (9), Department of Pharma- ALVARO G. ESTI~VEZ (39, 41), Department of cology, Johannes Gutenberg ,ytisrevinU Anesthesiology and The UAB Center for 10155 Mainz, Germany Free Radical Biology, University of Ala- DEBORAH COFFIN (43), Tumor Biology Sec- bama, Birmingham, Alabama 35233, and tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National Seccidn Neurociencias, Facultad ed Cien- recnaC ,etutitsnI ,adsehteB Maryland 29802 ,saic Universidad ed al Repftblica, 11200 JOHN C. Cook (21, 43), Tumor Biology Sec- ,oedivetnoM yaugurU tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National PAT EVANS (35), International Antioxidant recnaC ,etutitsnI ,adsehteB Maryland 29802 hcraeseR ,ertneC King's ,egelloC London SW3 6LX, United Kingdom LIDIA E. COSTA (20), Department of -uceloM ral Pharmacology and Toxicology, School PABLO FORXE (10), Department of lacinilC of Pharmacy, University of Southern -ilaC ,ygolocamrahP .tS Bartholomew's Hospital fornia, Los Angeles, California 33009 and ehT Royal London School of enicideM and Dentistry, London EC1, United CARROLL E. CROSS (48), retneC for -arapmoC Kingdom tive Respiratory Biology and ,enicideM De- JANE E. FREEDMAN (7), Department of partment of Internal Medicine, ytisrevinU enicideM and Pharmacology, Georgetown of ,ainrofilaC Davis, California 61659 ytisrevinU Medical Center, Washington, JOHN P. CROW (16, 38), Department of Anes- DC 70002 thesiology, University of Alabama, Bir- BRUCE A. FREEMAN (37, 47), Departments of mingham, Alabama 49253 Anesthesiology and Biochemistry and Mo- RAFAEL CUETO (19), Biodynamics ,etutitsnI lecular Genetics and ehT Center for Free Louisiana State ,ytisrevinU Baton Rouge, Radical Biology, University of Alabama, Louisiana 0081-30807 Birmingham, Alabama 49253 VICTOR DARLEV-USMAR (31, 47), Department CHOKOH GENKA (42), Department of -loisyhP ogy, School of ,enicideM Tokai ,ytisrevinU of Pathology, Division of Molecular and Bohseidai, Isehara, Kanagawa ,11-952 ralulleC Pathology and ehT retneC for eerF napaJ Radical Biology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama 49253 PEDRAM GHAFOURIFAR (40), Laboratorium flit Biochemie, ehcsissOnegdiE ehcsinhceT WtLLIAM DEGRAFF (21), Tumor Biology -ceS ,eluhcshcoH CH-8092 Zarich, Switzerland tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National YOUNG-MI Go (52), Department of Pathol- recnaC ,etutitsnI ,adsehteB Maryland 29802 ogy, University of Alabama, Birmingham, ANA DENICOLA (37), Departamento ed -ocisiF Alabama 49253 Qulmica Biol6gica, Facultad ed ,saicneiC STEVEN P. A. GOSS (46), Biophysics hcraeseR dadisrevinU ed al Reptblica, 11800 Monte- ,etutitsnI Medical College of ,nisnocsiW ,oediv yaugurU Milwaukee, Wisconsin 9050-62235 Lu~s ECHEGOYEN (25), Chemistry Depart- ANDREW Gow (38), Department of ,enicideM ment, University of Miami, Coral ,selbaG Duke University, Durham, North Caro- adirolF 42133 lina 01772 CONTRmUTORS TO VOLUME 301 xiii D. NEIL GRANGER (2, 44), Department of Mo- sity, Bohseidai, Isehara, Kanagawa 259- ralucel and ralulleC Physiology, Louisiana ,11 Japan State University Medical Center, Shreve- ANDREW JENNER (48), evitarenegedorueN port, Louisiana 03117 sesaesiD Research ,ertneC King's ,egelloC DONALD L. GRANGER (6), Department of In- ytisrevinU of London, London SW3 6LX, lanret ,enicideM Division of Infectious Dis- detinU Kingdom ,sesae ytisrevinU of Utah School of -ideM YANBIN Jl (15), Department of ,yrtsimehcoiB ,enic Salt Lake City, Utah 23148 Iowa State ,ytisrevinU Ames, Iowa 11005 MATrnEw B. GRISnAM (21, 23, 43, 45), -eD HANJOONG Jo (52), Department of ,ygolohtaP partment of raluceloM dna ralulleC -loisyhP raluceloM dna ralulleC Division, ytisrevinU ogy, Louisiana State University Medical of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama 49253 ,retneC Shreveport, Louisiana 2393-03117 DAVID JOURD'HEUIL (23, 43, 45), Department ZHENGMAO Guo (27), Chemistry Depart- of raluceloM dna ralulleC Physiology, Lou- ment, Wayne State University, Detroit, isiana State University Medical ,retneC nagihciM 20284 ,tropeverhS Louisiana 2393-03117 GUIDO R. M. M. HAENEN (50), Department B. NAMARANAYLAK (18, 46), Biophysics -eR of Pharmacology, tietisrevinU ,thcirtsaaM hcraes ,etutitsnI Medical egelloC of -nocsiW 0026 MD ,thcirtsaaM ehT sdnalrehteN sin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 9050-62235 ANDRES KAMAID (41), Divisi6n Neurobi- BARRY HALLIWELL (35, 48), InternationalAn- aigolo Celular y ,raluceloM Instituto -elC tioxidant Research Centre, and Neurode- mente ,elbatsE 00611 Montevideo, yaugurU evitareneg sesaesiD hcraeseR ,ertneC King's ,egelloC University of London, London DAVID KANG (23), Department of ,ygoloiB SW3 6LX, United Kingdom Boston ,ytisrevinU Boston, sttesuhcassaM 51220 HAJIME HIGUCHI (44), Department of lanretnI ,enicideM School of ,enicideM Keio -revinU HAKIM KAROUI (18), Biophysics hcraeseR In- ,etutits Medical College of ,nisnocsiW Mil- sity, Tokyo ,2858-061 Japan ,eekuaw Wisconsin 9050-62235 NEro HOGG (18, 46), Biophysics hcraeseR In- JOHN F. KEANEY, JR. (7), Department of -deM ,etutits Medical egelloC of ,nisnocsiW Mil- ,enici Boston Medical ,retneC Boston, Mas- ,eekuaw Wisconsin 9050-62235 sttesuhcas 81120 N~EL C. HOGLEN (49), Department of -rahP EEMGNUS KIM (43), Tumor Biology ,noitceS macology dna Toxicology, retneC for Toxi- noitaidaR Biology ,hcnarB National recnaC ,ygoloc egelloC of ,ycamrahP ytisrevinU of ,etutitsnI Bethesda, Maryland 29802 Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 7020-12758 S. BRUCE KING (22), Department of -simehC NUHCGNOY HOU (26), yrtsimehC ,tnemtrapeD ,yrt Wake Forest ,ytisrevinU Winston-Sa- Wayne State ,ytisrevinU Detroit, nagihciM ,mel North aniloraC 90172 20284 MARION KIRK (47), Departments of -amrahP MARTIN N. HUGHES (30), Department of cology and Toxicology, ytisrevinU of Ala- ,yrtsimehC King's egelloC London, ,dnartS ,amab Birmingham, Alabama 33253 London WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom REINHARD KISSNER (36), Laboratorium far HARRY SOLUOPORIHCSI (38), Stokes hcraeseR Anorganische Chemie, ehcsissOnegdiE Institute dna Departments of ,scirtaideP ehcsinhceT Hochschule, CH-8092 Zarich, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Children's dnalreztiwS Hospital of aihpledalihP and ytisrevinU of LARS-OLIVER KLOTZ (32), lnstitut far Physi- ,ainavlysnneP Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ehcsigolo Chemie 1 und -ideM-hcsigoloiB 8134-40191 zinisches Forschungszentrum, Heinrich- HIDEYUKI ISHIDA (42), Department of Physi- -enieH ,tiitisrevinU D-40001 Dfisseldorf, ology, School of ,enicideM Tokai -revinU ynamreG xiv CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 301 HIROTSU6U KOBUCHI (51), ytisrevinU of -ilaC MATTHEW C. MALAND (52), Department of fornia, Berkeley, California 0023-02749 Pathology, University of Alabama, Bir- mingham, Alabama 49253 V. KOLB-BACHOEEN (13), Research Group lmmunobiology 14.80, MED-Heinrich- GIOVANNI E. MANN (9), ralucsaV Biology -eR -enieH University, D-40225 Diisseldorf, search Centre, School of Biomedical Sci- ynamreG ,secne King's egelloC London, London W8 ,A7 United Kingdom NEIL W. KOO¥ (38), Department of ,scirtaideP ytisrevinU of lowa, Iowa City, Iowa 24225 PAVEL MARTASEK (8, 18), Department of Bio- ,yrtsimehc University of Texas Health Sci- WILLEM H. KOPPENOL (36), Laboratorium far ence Center, naS Antonio, Texas -48287 Anorganische Chemie, ehcsissOnegdiE 0677 ehcsinhceT Hochschule, CH-8092 Zarich, Switzerland BETTIE SUE SILER MASTERS (8, 18), Depart- ment of Biochemistry, University of saxeT HANS-GERT KORTH (54), Institut far -rO Health Science ,retneC naS Antonio, Texas ganische Chemie, Universitiit Essen, 0677-48287 71154-D Essen, Germany ANDREA D. McGILL (25), Chemistry -trapeD PETER KOSTKA (24), Department of -simehC ment, Wayne State University, Detroit, try, Cleveland State ,ytisrevinU ,dnalevelC nagihciM 20284 Ohio 51144 TIMOTHY J. MCMAHON (11), Department of MURALI KRISHNA (21), Tumor Biology Sec- ,enicideM Duke ytisrevinU Medical ,retneC tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National Durham, North Carolina 01772 recnaC ,etutitsnI ,adsehteB Maryland 29802 PETRA MEINEKE (54), Institut far ehcsinagrO K.-D. KR6NCKE (13), Research Group Immu- Chemie, Universitiit Essen, D-45117 nobiology 14.80, MED-Heinrich-Heine- ,nessE Germany ,ytisrevinU D-40225 Dasseldorf, Germany NAFETS MESAROS (17), Department of Analyt- PAUL KUBES (3), Department of Physiology ical Chemistry, Slovak Technical -revinU and Biophysics, ytisrevinU of ,yraglaC -laC ,ytis SK-81237 ,avalsitarB Slovakia ,yrag Alberta T2N 4N1, adanaC ALLEN M. MINES (23, 45), Department of IWAO KUROSE (44), Department of Allergy Chemistry, Grambling State ,ytisrevinU and Immunology, National Children's ,gnilbmarG Louisiana 54217 lacideM hcraeseR ,retneC Tokyo ,451 Japan R. TIMOTHY MILLER (8), Department of Bio- F. STEPHEN LAROUX (23), Department of Mo- ,yrtsimehc University of Texas Health Sci- ralucel and ralulleC Physiology, Louisiana ence Center, naS Antonio, Texas -48287 State University Medical Center, Shreve- 0677 port, Louisiana 2393-03117 WILLIAM C. MILLER (6), Departments of DANIEL C. LIEBLER (49), Department of -rahP enicideM dna Epidemiology, University of macology and Toxicology, retneC for Toxi- North ,aniloraC Chapel Hill, North -oraC ,ygoloc egelloC of Pharmacy, ytisrevinU of lina 99572 Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 7020-12758 ERIC MILNE (10), Department of lacinilC PETER N. LOWE (12), Glaxo Wellcome -eR ,ygolocamrahP .tS Bartholemew's Hospital search and Development, Medicines -eR and ehT Royal London School of enicideM search Centre, Stevenage, Hertfordshire and Dentistry, London EC1, United 1GS 2NY, United Kingdom Kingdom LEE ANN MACMILLAN-CRow (14), Depart- LASHONDA MILLS (45), Department of -celoM ment of Surgery, University of Alabama ular and Cellular Physiology, Louisiana School of Medicine, Birmingham, Ala- State University Medical Center, Shreve- bama 49253 port, Louisiana 2393-03117 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 301 XV NEIL MIRANDA (27), Chemistry Department, Biology, University of Alabama, Bir- Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan mingham, Alabama 35294 48202 Huco OFFULLEP (41), Departamento de His- JAMES B. MITCHELL (21), Tumor Biology Sec- tologia y Embriologia, Facultad de Medi- tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National cina, Universidad de al Rept2blica, and Divi- Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 si6n Neurobiologla Celular y Molecular, HERBERT T. NAGASAWA (22), Division of Me- Instituto Clemente Estable, 11600 Montevi- dicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, deo, Uruguay University of Minnesota, and Medical Re- JUAN J. PODEROSO (20), Department of search Laboratories (151), Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Minneapo- School of Pharmacy, University of South- lis, Minnesota 55417 ern California, Los Angeles, California HIROE NAKAZAWA (42), Department of Phys- 33009 iology, School of Medicine, Tokai Univer- DOOWKRIK A. PRITCHARD, JR. (18), Cardio- sity, Bohseidai, Isehara, Kanagawa 259- vascular Research Center, Department of ,11 Japan Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, VALERIE B. O'DONNELL (47), Departments of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226-0509 Anesthesiology and Biochemistry and Mo- WILLIAM A. PRYOR (19), Biodynamics Insti- lecular Genetics, University of Alabama, tute, Louisiana State University, Baton Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Rouge, Louisiana 70803-1800 HIROSHI OHSHIMA (5), Unit of Endogenous RAFAEL RADI (37), Departamento de Bio- Cancer Risk Factors, International Agency quimica, Facultad de Medicina, Universi- for Research on Cancer, 69372 Lyon Cedex dad de la Rept~blica, 11800 Montevideo, ,80 France Uruguay NAOTSUKA OKAYAMA (1), Department of JOHNNY RAMIREZ (26), Chemistry Depart- Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Louisi- ment, Wayne State University, Detroit, ana State University Medical Center, Michigan 48202 Shreveport, Louisiana 71130 CATHERINE RICE-EVANS (34), International ROBERTO PACELLI (21), Tumor Biology Sec- Antioxidant Research Centre, UMOS- tion, Radiation Biology Branch, National Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, United Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Kingdom LESTER PACKER (51), Department of Molecu- lar and Cell Biology, University of Califor- HPOTSIRHC RICHTER (40), Laboratorium fiir nia, Berkeley, California 94720-3200 Biochemie, EidgenOssische Technische Hochschule, CH-8092 Zarich, Switzerland ANANTH SEKHER PANNALA (34), Interna- tional Antioxidant Research Centre, LINDA J. ROMAN (8), Department of Biochem- UMOS-Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, istry, University of Texas Health Science United Kingdom Center, San Antonio, Texas 78284-7760 HEONYONG PARK (52), Department of Pathol- JAMES A. ROYALL (38), Department of Pediat- ogy, University of Alabama, Birmingham, rics, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Alabama 35294 City, Oklahoma 73190 JULIET K. J. PARK (24), Department of Chem- HIROriISA SAITO (44), Department of Allergy istry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, and Immunology, National Children's Ohio 44115 Medical Research Center, Tokyo 154, Japan RAKESH P. PATEL (31), Department of Pathol- MATTHIAS SCHWEIZER (40), Institut fiir Vet- ogy, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pa- erinarbiologie, CH-3012 Bern, Switzer- thology and The Center for Free Radical land xvi CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 301 THOMAS SHEA (8), Department of Biochemis- JAMES A. THOMAS (15), Department of Bio- try, University of Texas Health Science Cen- chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, ter, San Antonio, Texas 78284-7760 Iowa 50011 MARK K. SHIGENAGA (4), Division of Bio- JOHN A. NOSPMOHT (14), Department of Sur- chemistry and Molecular Biology, Univer- gery, University of Alabama School of Med- icine, Birmingham, Alabama 35294 sity of California, Berkeley, California 94720 RAO M. UPPU (19), Biodynamics Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, HELMUT SIES (15, 32, 33), Institut far Physi- Louisiana 70803-1800 ologische Chemie I, Heinrich-Heine-Uni- versitiit, D-40001 Diisseldorf, Germany ALBERT NAV RED VLIET (48), Center for Com- parative Respiratory Biology and Medicine, REDN1RUS S1NGH (34), Department of Phar- Department of Internal Medicine, Univer- macy, King's College, London SW3 6LX, sity of California, Davis, California 95616 United Kingdom A. F. VANIN (29), Institute of Chemical Phys- LORNA M. SMITH (10), Department of Clinical ics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Mos- Pharmacology, St. Bartholemew's Hospital cow, Russia and The Royal London School of Medicine ETTENNAEJ V~SQUEZ-VIVAR (18), Biophysics and Dentistry, London EC1, United Research Institute and Cardiovascular Re- Kingdom search Center, Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, NATHAN SPEAR (41), Department of Anesthe- Wisconsin 53226-0509 siology and The UAB Center for Free Radi- cal Biology, University of Alabama, Bir- LILIANA VIERA (39), Department of Anesthe- mingham, Alabama 35233 siology, The Center for Free Radical Biol- ogy, University of Alabama, Birmingham, GIUSEPPE L. SQUADR1TO (19), Biodynamics Alabama 35243 Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton FABIO VmGILI (51), University of California, Rouge, Louisiana 70803-1800 Berkeley, California 94720-3200 JONATHAN S. STAMLER (11), Howard Hughes YORAM VODOVOTZ (21, 43), Cardiology Re- Medical Institute, Duke University Medical search Foundation and Medlantic Research Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710 Institute, Washington, DC 20010 JEAN CLAUDE STOCLET (53), Laboratoire de JIANQIANG WANG (25, 26), Chemistry Depart- Pharmacologic et de Physiologic Cellu- ment, Wayne State University, Detroit, laires, Facultd de Pharmacie, Universitd Michigan 48202 Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, 67401 Illkirch PENG GEORGE WANO (25--27), Chemistry De- Cedex, France partment, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202 MICHAEL R. L. STRATFORD (28), Gray Labo- ratory Cancer Research Trust, Mount J. BRICE WEINBERG (6), Department of Medi- Vernon Hospital, Middlesex HA6 2JR, cine, Division of Hematology-Oncology, United Kingdom Duke University School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, REINER SUSTMANN (54), Institat far Or- North Carolina 27710 ganische Chemic, Universitiit Essen, C. ROGER WHITE (31), Department of Medi- D-45117 Essen, Germany cine, Vascular Biology and Hypertension NEHPETS R. THOM (38), Institute for Environ- Program and The Center for Free Rad- mental Medicine, University of Pennsylva- ical Biology, University of Alabama, Bir- nia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 mingham, Alabama 35294 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 301 xvii MATTHEW WHITEMAN (35), International An- YIFAN YANG (25), Chemistry Department, tioxidant Research Centre, King's College, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Flor- London SW3 6LX, United Kingdom ida 33124 DAVID A. WINK (21, 23, 43), Tumor Biology YAO Zu YE (39), Department of Anesthesiol- Section, Radiation Biology Branch, Na- ogy, The Center for Free Radical Biology, tional Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Mary- University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala- land 20892 bama 35243 Preface The discovery that nitrogen monoxide or nitric oxide (NO) is a biologi- cally produced free radical has revolutionized our thinking about physiolog- ical and pathological processes. This discovery has ignited enormous interest in the scientific community. When generated at low levels, NO si a signaling molecule, but at high concentration, NO is a cytotoxic molecule. The physio- logical and pathological processes of NO production and metabolism and its targets, currently areas of intensive research, have important pharmacologic implications for health and disease. Accurately assessing the generation, action, and regulation of NO in biological systems has required development of new analytical methods at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organismal levels. This was the impetus for Methods in Enzymology Volumes 862 and 269, Parts A and B. Only a few years later this new Volume 301, Part C reflects the amazing continued development of new and important tools for the elucidation of NO action. In bringing this volume to fruition, credit must be given to experts in various specialized fields of NO research. Our appreciation is to the contributors to this volume who, with those who helped select them, have produced this state-of-the-art volume on NO methodology. The topics included were chosen on the excellent advice of Bruce N. Ames, Joseph Beckman, Enrique Cadenas, Victor Darley-Usmar, Bruce Freeman, Mat- thew Grisham, Barry Halliwell, Louis J. Ignarro, Hiroe Nakazawa, William Pryor, and Helmut Sies. To these colleagues I extend my sincere thanks and most grateful appreciation. RETSEL REKCAP xix

General Description of the Volume:Nitric Oxide, recently designated ''Molecule of the Year,'' impinges on a wide range of fields in biological research, particularly in the areas of biomedicine and cell and organismal biology, as well as in fundamental chemistry. This volume will be a valuable resou
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