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Review Article Nitric oxide deficiency in pulmonary hypertension: Pathobiology and implications for therapy Adriano R. Tonelli1, Sarah Haserodt2, Metin Aytekin2,3, and Raed A. Dweik1,2 1Department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory Institute, 2Department of Pathobiology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; and 3Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey ABSTRACT Nitric oxide (NO) is a diffusible gas with diverse roles in human physiology and disease. Significant progress in the understanding of its biological effects has taken place in recent years. This has led to a better understanding of the pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and the development of new therapies. This article provides an overview of the NO physiology and its role in the pathobiology of lung diseases, particularly PH. We also discuss current and emerging specific treatments that target NO signaling pathways in PH. Key Words: pulmonary hypertension, nitric oxide, physiopathology and therapeutics NITRIC OXIDE PHYSIOLOGY Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease that has poor prognosis since it may lead to right [1] ventricular failure and death. The disease is characterized NO is an endogenously synthesized, diffusible, lipophilic by excessive pulmonary vasoconstriction and abnormal gas that is produced by a group of enzymes known as nitric vascular remodeling that result in loss of vascular oxide synthases (NOS). Their role is[ 6t]o convert the amino acid L-arginine to L-citrulline and NO. For their activity, NOS cross-sectional area and increase in right ventricular [2] require oxygen, reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide afterload. One of the proposed mechanisms involved in the phosphate (NADPH), and other cofactors such as flavin pathogenesis of the disease is an imbalance in vasoactive adenine dinucleotide (FAD), flavin monon[u11c-l1e3]otide (FMN), mediators with reduced levels of the vasodilatory and [3] calmodulin, and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). NOS is active antiproliferative nitric oxide (NO). as a homodimer and contains a reductase and an oxygenase domain. The oxygenase domain is the active site of NO[14 s]ynthesis Since the breakthrough discovery in 1987 that the [4,5] with binding sites for heme, L-arginine, and BH4 (Fig. 1). endothelium-derived relaxing factor was nitric oxide (NO), Three NOS isoforms (Types I, II, and III) have been this colorless and odorless free-radical gas became identified. These NOS isoforms have important differe[n15c,e16s] increasingly recognized as a key factor in human physiology in expression and regulation as shown in Table 1. [6,7] and disease. NO is an autocrine and paracrine signaling In general, NOS I is expressed in neuronal cells and skeletal molecule whose functions are diverse and involve smooth muscle; NOS II is found in epithelial, and smooth muscles muscle relaxation, platelet inhibition, central and autonomic cells as well as in neutrophils, macrophages, and fibroblasts; neurotransmission, tumor cell lysis, bacterial killing, and and N[1O7S] III is present in endothelial cells throughout the [7-10] body. NOS I and III are continuously expressed and stimulation of hormonal release. This review will focus regulated by Calcium/Calmodulin; meanwhile, NOS II is on the role of NO in physiology and pathobiology of lung Access this article online diseases, particularly pulmonary hypertension (PH), and the Quick Response Code: Website: www.pulmonarycirculation.org current and emerging pulmonary hypertension (PH)-specific DOI: 10.4103/2045-8932.109911 treatments based on NO signaling. Address correspondence to: How to cite this article: Tonelli AR, Haserodt Dr. Raed A. Dweik S, Aytekin M, Dweik RA. Nitric oxide deficiency Cleveland Clinic in pulmonary hypertension: Pathobiology 9500 Euclid Ave. A-90 and implications for therapy. Pulm Circ Cleveland, OH 44195, USA 2013;3:20-30. Email: [email protected] 20 Pulmonary Circulation | January-March 2013 | Vol 3 | No 1 Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH Table 1: Characteristics of nitric oxide synthases isoforms NOS Designation Size Expression Main cellular sources in the Calcium Nitric oxide Chromosome isoforms (KDa) lung regulation output I Neural NOS 155 Constitutive Inhibitory non‑adrenergic Dependent Picomolar 12 (nNOS) non‑cholinergic neurons II Inducible 125 Inducible by cytokines, Airway epithelial cells Independent Nanomolar 17 NOS (iNOS) endotoxin and oxidants III Endothelial 135 Constitutive Endothelial cells and brush Dependent Picomolar 7 NOS (eNOS) border of ciliated epithelial cells NOS: nitric oxide synthase α γ β regulated at the transcription level. NOS II transcription is increased by cytokines (e.g., TNF- , int[e10r,1fe8]ron- , and IL-1 ), endotoxins, oxidants, and shear stress, and is decreased by corticosteroids, retinoids, transforming growth factor beta, platelet-derive[d9, 1g0,1r3o,1w9]th factor, insulin-like growth factor 1, and thrombin. The initial clear distinction between the constitutive and inducible isoforms has been recently distorted a[2n0,2d1 ]constitutive isoforms may be induced, and vice versa. NOS I acts as a functional antagonist of acetylcholine and mediates inhibito[2r2y] nonadrenergic non-cholinergic neural bronchodilation. NOS II is involved in inflammation as it Figure 1: NO synthesis and signaling pathways. BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin; mediates the cytotoxic activity of activated macrophages cGMP: Cyclic guanosine monophosphate; GMP: Guanosine monophosphate; and may be a contributin[23g] factor in the vasodilation GTP: Guanosine triphosphate; NO: Nitric oxide; NOS: Nitric oxide synthase; ONOO-, peroxynitrite; PK: Protein kinases; sGC: Soluble guanylate cyclase; observed in septic shock. [ 2N4]OS III plays a role in the SNO‑Hb: S-nitrosothiol – hemoglobin. L-arginine can be regenerated from regulation of vascular flo[2w5] and may reduce plasma L-citrulline by two enzymes (argininosuccinate synthase and argininosuccinate exudation in the airways [2 6]and regulate ciliary beating lyase). and mucociliary clearance. NOS III is the predomin[1a4,n20t] source of NO production in the pulmonary circulation. Studies in transgenic mice and humans to assess the relative contribution of the three NOS isoforms showed cells (e.g., vascular smooth mus[9c,3l4e] cells), acting as an that NOS II and III are the key regulators of the pulmonary intra- or intercellular messenger. The NO intracellular circulation tone. NOS III is the key mediator of resting tone diffusion may be limited because NO is readily oxidized through endo[2t7h] elium-dependent pulmonary vasculature to the more sta[b11l]e metabolic products nitrite (NO2¯) and vasodilation, while NOS II may [m28]ediate the pulmonary nitrate (NO3¯) and is scavenged predominantly by circulation’s response to oxygen. Targeted disruption hemoglobin. Upon entering the cells, NO activates the of the NOS III gene in mice was associated with mild P[2H9] intracellular soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) to produce without evidence of pulmonary vascular remodeling, 3’,5’-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which which likely reflects compensation by the other NOS mediates most of th[1e0 ,3p5]hysiological and pathological isoforms. effects of NO (Fig. 1). Vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells have the ability Two main types of guanylate cyclase (GC) are known: the to regenerate the NOS substrate L-arginine by synthesizing particulate-associated enzymes, which are transmembrane argininosuccinate from citrulline and aspartate, a process receptors that contain GC that is activated by atrial and that requires two enzym[3e0s-3, 2a]rgininosuccinate synthase and brain natriuretic peptide; an[3d6 ,3t7h]e cytosolic or soluble argininosuccinate lyase. The first enzyme is co-induced type which is activated by NO. NO appears to exert its with NOS II an[3d3 ]the second is constitutively expressed effect by binding to the heme iron (ferrous state) of the in these cells. Exogenous citrulline administration sGC, stimulati[n13g,3 4t,h38e] enzyme basal cyclase activity several effectively stimulated NO production in va[3s1c]ular endothelial hundred-fold. Once cGMP is produced, it mediates cells by means of regenerating arginine. physiologic responses through its effects in cGMP-gated ion channels, cGMP-regulated phos[3p4,h39o]diesterases, or Once NO is produced, it may act within the cell in cGMP-dependent protein kinases. A preferential wPhulimcohn airty iCsir cguelantioenr a| tJeadnu aorry- Mfraercehl y2 0d13if f|u Vsoel 3i n| tNoo 1adjacent activation of specific target proteins is believed2 1to Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH NITRIC OXIDE PHYSIOLOGY IN THE [40] PULMONARY VASCULATURE underlie the differential effects of cGMP in various cells. cGMP-induced vasorelaxation of vascular smooth muscle is through several mechanisms including activation of K-channels which hyperpolarizes the cell membrane, The specific role of NO produced in the pulmonary inhibition of calcium[14 ,i3n9]flux, and reduction of myofilament vasculature is still a matter of intense investigation. Data calcium sensitivity. suggest that NO[4 i8n-5h0]ibits smooth muscle tone, proliferation, and migration. NO causes relaxation of th[4e8, 4v9]ascular The cGMP signal is chiefly limited by phosphodiesterases smooth muscle tone via the activation of cGMP. In fact, (PDE) which degrade the cyclic nucleotide of GMP. PDE endogenous NO plays a key role in decreasing the pulmonary degrade both cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) artery resistance at the time of birth a[n39d,4 9i,n51 ]maintaining the and cGMP; however, PDE-5 is specific to cGMP, and dilation of the pulmonary vasculature. The production indeed the[ 4e1]nzyme requires the binding of cGMP for full of NO by NOS II in injured vascular smooth muscle cells may activation. prevent vasospasm a[5n2-d55 i]nhibit cell proliferation by possibly inducing apoptosis. In addition, NO in this setting may NOS inhibitors and NO generators have allowed for a regulate the metabolism of va[5s2]cular smooth muscle cells, better understanding of the NO signaling pathways. NOS favoring anaerobic glycolys[5i6s], and lead to toxic effects on inhibitors are analogs of L-arginine that act as a false adjacent endothelial cells. substrate for this enzyme and inhibit both the constitutive [57] and inducible forms of NOS. Of these, the most widely NO inhibits vas[5c8u] lar smooth muscle cell proliferation, used include N-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), DNA s[y48n,5t0h,5e8,s59i]s, and collagen production via activation of N-nitro-L-arginine (L[4-2N] NA), and N-nitro-L-arginine cGMP. Furthermore, NO inhibits vascular smooth methyl ester (L-NAME). Another commonly utilized NOS muscle cell [m50]igration independent of the effects on inhibitor [i8s] L-aminoguanidine, a more selective inhibitor proliferation. Higher levels of NO are required to inhibit of NOS II. NO generators are compounds that release NO proliferation rather than to produce vasodilation, suggesting such as diethylamine, sodium nitroprusside, and isosorbide a potential concomitant activation by cGMP of the [c60A]MP dinitrite, among others. kinase pathway which inhibits cellular proliferation. NO generators can also inhibit proliferation in cells that lack sGC, The most important endogenous NOS inhibitor suggesting that cGMP-independent mechanisms play a role. among the methylated argi[n43i,n44e]s is the asymmetric One of these potential mechanisms is the up regulation of dimethylarginine (ADMA). ADMA is produced Fas, a membrane protein tha[5t4 b]elongs to the TNF receptor as a result of proteolysis of methylated proteins. The family and induces apoptosis. NO-induced apoptosis could methylation of arginine is a post-translational modification be the result of a feedback control on calcium responses to via protein arginine methyltransferaes (PRMT). ADMA growth factors, or deamination of purine and pyrimidine acts as a false substrate and competitively inhibits [N44O,45S] bases in DNA t[h61a,6t2 ]leads to increased mutagenesis and DNA activity, blocking the formation of endogenous NO. strand breaks. Although NO has b[6e3e]n reported to inhibit ADMA undergoes clearance by the dimethylarginine cell proliferation in endothelial cells, o[6t4h]er investigations dimethylaminohydrolase [(46D]DAH) and it is also partially have shown than either exogenous NO or NO produced cleared by the kidneys. Methylated arginines, like by NOS II in vascular smooth[6 5m] uscle cells may stimulate ADMA, may be responsible for the “L-arginine paradox.” endothelial cell proliferation. At physiological state, NOS is saturated with arginine, thus an increase in arginine concentration in[3 1p]lasma or Alternative NO pathways include the oxidation of NO cytosol should have no effect in NO production. However, to form nitrite or reaction with protein thiols to form elevating plasma arginine or citrulline levels enhance NO S-nitrosothiols, molecules that can lead to vasodilation production, suggesting some form of competitive inhibition or can regula[6t6e,67 ]protein function by post-translational of NOS, such as ADMA, is present and can [4b5e,4 7o]vercome modification. NO is oxidiz[1e3d] in the blood and tissues by increasing the arginine concentration. Another to form nitrite and nitrate. Nitrate is produced by explanation for the arginine paradox is the potential the reaction of NO with oxy[h13e]moglobin, while nitrite is existence of a separated cellular pool of arginine allocated to formed by oxidation of NO. These molecules can be NO synthesis, i.e., caveolar-localized arginine regen[e32r]ation recycled to form NO by an allosterically controlled nitrite system, in which citrulline is recycled to arginine. This reductase reaction predominantly dur[6i8n-7g0 ]hypoxia, thereby hypothesis is supported by a study that revealed the complemen−ting the NOS path−way. Deoxygenated colocalization in discrete cellular domains (caveolae) hemoglobin has nitrite reductase a[6c9t,7i1v]ity, forming NO from of enzymes[3 1i,n32v]olved in arginine regeneration and NO nitrate (NO3 ) and nitrite (NO2 ), a reaction that can pr2o2duction. explain tPhulem hoynaproy xCiiarc-uslpateiocnif i|c J vaansuoardyi-Mlaatrocrhy 2 e0f1fe3 c|t Voobl s3e r| vNeod 1 in Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH some organs. The NOS pathway is oxygen dependent[ 6w9,7h0]ile Endogenous NO plays an important role in the regulation the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway is hypoxia activated. of airwa[2y0] function, having both beneficial and detrimental β effects. It leads to bronchial smooth muscle r[8e]laxation, In addition, NO can be responsible for nitrosylation of a potentially modulating the basal airway tone. Inhaled cysteine residue of the -subunit of hemoglobin, resulting NO decreased pulmonary airway resistance in pigs and in S-nitrosylated-hem[3o9g]lobin, a protein that exerts NO-like NO gene[r8a]tors relaxed human airway smooth muscle vasodilator effects. This reaction is favored in the in vitro. Exhaled NO is increased in inflammatory oxygenated state of hemoglobin, and, once desaturation of airway diseases such as asthma and bronchiectasis likely hemoglobin occurs, there is release of SNO to acceptor thio[7l2s] due to an increase in NOS II expression in the epithelial potentially delivering NO to the systemic circulation. cells of these patients with[ 8s,2o0,m77]e contribution from the S-nitrosylation and nitration enable the systemic transport constitutive NOS isoforms. In asthma the fraction of the NO signal, a process that w[1o4u] ld not be possible for of exhaled NO is considered a surrogate for eosino[2p0,h85i-l8i7c] NO due to its very short half-life and strong affinity to airway inflammation and steroid responsiveness. bind hemoglobin. A reduction in exhaled NO levels is observed in smokers NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRIC OXIDE possibly as a result of a dysregulation of N[77O,8S8] activity as cigarette smoke contains high levels of NO. SYNTHASES IN THE LUNG NO is a key molecule in the oxidative metabolism since it can exert oxidant or antioxidant effects depending on the local tissue milieu. Hence, in an environment where the NO is produced endogenously in the human lung in the load of antioxidant is low, NO will have oxidant properties; upper and lower respirato[2r8y,7 3t]ract and it is detectable in however, when the oxidant load is high, NO plays an exhaled breath (6-8 ppb). The origin of exhaled NO antioxidant role[1 6b,7y4] scavenging free radicals and reactive in the human lung likely depends upon all three isoforms oxygen species. NO rapidly consumes superoxide (O2¯) of NOS (I-III) but predominantly derives from the a−irway by forming peroxynitrite (ONOO¯) which is a less reactive epithelial expression of NOS II, the high-producer of NO. NO metabolites like nitrosothiol and nitrite (NO2[)8] are onxitirdaatnet (tNhOat3 ¯c).a[7n9 ] bSeo mfuert hofe rt hmeseeta rbeoalcizteivde toox pyrgoednu scptse cliikees found in the bronchoalveolar lavage of human lungs. NO could be responsible for oxidative modification of cellular is formed in high concentrations in the upper respiratory proteins such as oxidation of sGC, a reaction that can impair tract (nasopharynx and paranasal sinu[s28e,7s3)] and in lower the specific activ[8i9t]y of sGC and reduce the ability of NO to quantities in the lower respiratory tract. It is produced stimulate cGMP. On the same lines, recombinant human in a variety of cells including epithelial, endothelial, and superoxide dismutase decreases oxidative stress and smooth muscle cells, and also in inhibitory non-adrenergic increases eNOS activity and expression, stimulating[9 0N-9O2] non-cholinergic neurons, mastocytes, f[6i,b7,2r8o] blasts, production, and ultimately pulmonary vasodilatation. macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. NITRIC OXIDE IN PULMONARY HYPERTENSION Immunohistochemical studies have identified the presence of all three isoforms of NOS[,6 e,1x0,p12r,2e8,s7s4-e76d] in different cells of the human lung (Table 1). Specifically, NOS I is located in inhibitory non-adrenergic non-cholinergic NO is a potent pulmonary vasodilator that is produced locally neurons; NOS II is expressed in the[ 8a,2i1r,7w6,7a7y] epithelium; and in the lung and has effects on smooth muscle relaxation and NOS III is found in endothelial cells. Contrary to what proliferation. The close proximity of the airways and vesse[9l3s] occurs in other organs where NOS II needs to be induced, in the lung[ 2a8l]lows NO produced in high levels in the upper in the lungs this enzyme is continuous[2l1y] expressed in the and lower airways by NOS II to affect pulmonary vascular airway epithelium at basal conditions. tone, in concert with the low NO level[3s5 t]hat are produced by NOS III in the vascular endothelium. NO is considered to NO is involved in pulmonary neurotransmission, be a selective pulmonary vasodilator because after exerting host defense, airway and vascular smooth muscle its vasodilator action, NO is scavenged by hemog[3l5o]bin relaxation, mucociliary clearan[8c,7e7], airway mucus secretion, having minimal effects on systemic hemodynamics. inflammation, and cytotoxicity. NO plays key roles in lung biology and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of Disruption of the NO pathway is a major contributor to several lung diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, the pathobiology of PH. NO in exhaled breath and NO bronchopulmonary dysplasia, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, biochemical reaction products in bronchoalveolar lavage and adult respiratory dis[8t,1r2e,2s0,s28 ,s35y,7n8-d84r]ome in addition to are lower in lungs of patients with PAH than contr[4o5l,9s4 ]and pPuullmmoonnaaryr yC irhcyuplaetiornte |n Jsainouna.ry-March 2013 | Vol 3 | No 1 their level is inversely related to the degree of PH. 2N3O Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH in exhaled breath of individuals with idiopathic PAH is levels and decrease in activity of dimethylarginine significantly lower than subject with PH assoc[i9a5t]ed with dimethylaminohydrolase[1 0(8D]DAH), the endothelial enzyme other causes or healthy nonsmoking controls. In fact, that metabolizes ADMA. Higher serum levels[1 0o9f,1 1A0]DMA patients with PH associated with other cau[s95e]s had similar are increased in patients with idiopathic PAH [111] and levels of exhaled NO than healthy controls. chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, and correlate with disease severity and survival. ADMA levels Early data demonstrated a reduced expression of NOS III, increase predominan[1t1l0y] due to a reduction in the expression measured by immunostaining, in the vascular endothelium and function DDAH. of pulmonary arteries in patients with PAH. This reduced expression inversely correlated[9 6w] ith the severity of the Arginase II, an enzyme that is part of the urea cycle and morphological arterial changes. More recently, however, breaks down arginine to ornithine, can decrease the other investigators show[9e7d,98 i]ncreased or unaltered NOS III substrate available to NOS for NO synthesis. Idiopathic and immunostaining in PH. Moreover, there is eviden[c99e] PAH associated with sickle cell disease patients have been of high NOS III expression in plexiform lesions in PAH. found to have higher levels of Argina[1s1e2 ]II and lower levels A unifying hypothesis suggested that the act[i1v00i]ty of NOS III of L-arginine than healthy controls. In the absence [1o4f] may be reduced rather that its expression. Other NOS L-arginine or BH4, NOS III may become “uncoupled,” isoforms besides NOS III may con[94t]ribute to the low exhaled resulting in the generation of the free radical superoxide. NO observed in idiopathic PAH. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS IN PH: DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS NO has also been implicated in the important role that bone morphogenetic protein[1 0r1e]ceptor II (BMPRII) has in the pathogenesis of PAH. In the lung, BMPRII is highly expressed in endothelial cells and its activation prom[1o0t2e]s proliferation, migration, and survival of these Although the vascular endothelium produces large amounts cells. BMPRII levels are markedly reduced in patients of NO, very little is exhaled as a res ult of the marked af[f2i8n]ity with heritable or idiopathic[ 1P02A]H, promoting endothelial of NO to hemoglobin in the pulmonary circulation. In dysfunction and apoptosis. These effects have been spite of this potential limitation, NO can be measured in recently attributed to a decrease in NOS III activity, since exhaled breath and its concentration is inversely related BMPRII ligands failed to stimulate NOS III dependent to the exhalation flow. For this reason, the fraction of protein kinase activation in pulmonary artery endoth[e1l0i3a]l exhaled NO is measured at a constant flow (usually cells from patients with mutation in the BMPR2 gene. 50 mL/s). Using this approach, the fraction of exhaled NO is a reliable surrogate of the[1 1m3]aximal flux of NO from PAH patients treated with epoprostenol had a three-fold the large airway compartment. This method does not higher exhaled NO than PH patients not receiving this measure the steady-state mean distal airway/alveolar treatment and two-fold higher than healthy controls. concentration of NO. There is no simple surrogate for Interestingly, exhaled NO increased at 24 hours[ 9i5n] those measuring this parameter since its determination requires patients treated with this prostacyclin analog. These the measurement of the fraction of exhaled NO at multiple data suggest that prostacyclin analogs may in part improve expiratory flow rates and t[h20e,1 1a4]pplication of a modified PH through effects on NO. In support of this, previous “slope-intercept” algorithm. work has shown that nebulized epoprostenol increased the exhaled NO in pati[e10n4]ts with PAH associated with Authors have investigated whether exhaled NO could congenital heart disease. Similarly, inhaled iloprost also serve as a noninvasive marker of severity of disease and led to an increase in NO concomitant with a decrease in response to therapy in PH. The value of repetitive exhaled pulmonary artery p[r1e05s]sure in a patient with PAH associated NO measurements was studied in 17 PAH patients over with scleroderma. Other PAH-specific therapies that two years. NO levels at entry were inversely correlated do not directly target the NO pathway may also improve with the number of months from the PAH diagnosis, the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide sug[9g5,e10s6t,1i0n7g] a crosstalk suggesting a glo[b10a6]l decrease in NO over longer periods between different signaling pathways. with the disease. Lower exhaled NO levels at entry were associated with higher pulmonary artery pressures and less The NO signaling pathways have been found to be affected decrease over time. NO at the beginning of the study was not in PH at different levels. Endogenous NOS III inhibitors associated with survival; nevertheless, its level increased may be involved in the pathogenesis of PH. These include over time in the PAH individuals who survived to complete the symmetric and asymmetric dimethylarginines (ADMA). the study when compared to those who died, and c[1o0r6r]elated An2i4mal models of hypoxic PH showed increased ADMA with chPaunlmgoensa riyn C pircuullmatioonn a| rJyan auarrtye-Mrya rcphr e2s0s1u3 r|e Vso.l 3 | TNho u1s, Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH exhaled NO could be a u[9s4e,9f5u,1l0 6m] arker of disease severity and response to therapy. Inhaled NO is frequently used for acute vasodilator challenge during right heart catheterization in patients with PAH. A positive pulmonary vasodilator test (decrease in mean pulmonary artery pressure of at least 10 mmHg to an absolute value less than 40 mmHg without decrease in cardiac output) indicates the patient that can po[1t1e5-n11t8i]ally benefit from long-term calcium-channel blockers. NO vasodilator challenge in several types of PH can also provide prognostic information, as responders may have b[1e19t-t1e22r] outcome, independent of the treatment administered. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS IN PH: Figure 2: Therapeutic strategies to increase NO effect. BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin; cGMP: Cyclic guanosine monophosphate; EPC: Endothelial progenitor cells; THERAPY GMP: Guanosine monophosphate; GTP: Guanosine triphosphate; HMG coA red, hydroxyl-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase; Inh, inhaled; NO: Nitric oxide; NOS: Nitric oxide synthase; ONOO-, peroxynitrite; PDE: Phosphodiesterases; Inhibiting phosphodiesterases-5 PK: Protein kinases; rhSOD: Recombinant human superoxide dismutase; sGC: Soluble guanylate cyclase; SNO‑Hb: S-nitrosothiol – hemoglobin. L-arginine can be regenerated from L-citrulline by two enzymes (argininosuccinate Therapies that manipulate the downstream NO signaling synthase and argininosuccinate lyase). have revolutionized the treatment of PH (Fig. 2). Sildenafil and tadalafil are FDA appr[o12v3-e1d25 ]PDE-5 inhibitors for the treatment of PAH in adults. The FDA recently placed difficulties for its delivery and avoidance of the toxic effects a safety warning on the prescription of sildenafil, not recommending its use in pediatric patients due to i[n12c5r]ease of N[O13 3o]xidative products have prevented its widespread use. During continuous administration of NO, NO mortality with increasing doses in this age group. This oxidative products (NO2) can build u[p13 5a]nd cause airway modification was based on the results of the Sildenafil hyperactivity at low concentra[t13io6]ns and pulmonary Citrate in Treatment-Naive Children[ 1w26]ith Pulmonary edema at higher concentrations. Methemoglobin is also Arterial Hypertension (STARTS-2) trial. This extension formed as NO reacts with oxyhemoglobin. Furthermore, study, designed to assess the safety and tolerability of mechanisms should be in place to avoid abrupt cessation of long-term treatment with oral sildenafil monotherapy in inhaled[ 1N37O,1 3a8s] this may lead to rebound PAH with deleterious children (aged 1-17 years) with PAH, showed a higher effects. Nonetheless, two studies that evaluated the mortality[1 2r6i]sk in patients randomized to high-dose long-term use (one and three months, respectively) of sildenafil. inhaled NO in PAH, chronic thromboembolic PH, and PH due to COPD reported no significant increase in methemoglobin, PDE-5 inhibitors prevent the normal hydrolysis of cGMP, withdrawal syndrome, change in oxyg[1e32n,1a3t4i]on, pulmonary prolonging the NO effects on tissues. PDE-[512 7i]s mainly function, or systemic hemodynamics. expressed in the pulmonary vascular bed, thu[10s0 ,1i2t8s] inhibition has primarily pulmonary-specific ef[1fe27c]ts. >  Furthermore, PDE5 is upregulated in the lun[12g9] and the Currently, inhaled NO is FDA approved for the treatment of term hypertrophied right ventricular myocardium of patients and near-term ( 34 week gestation) neonates with hypoxic with PAH. Therefore, PDE-5 inhibitors are an ideal treatment respiratory failure with clinical and ec[8h1,o82c,1a3r9]diographic evidence of pulmonary hypertension. Extended for PAH because they decrease the right ventricular administration (weeks) of inhaled NO has been studied in afterload and improve right ventricular [i1n29o]tropy, without relevant systemic hemodynamic effects. premature infants and does not appear to imp[8r1o-8v3e,1 4s0u,1r4v1]ival Using nitric oxide as an inhaled gas or prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia. At present, inhaled NO is undergoing clinical investigations to evaluate its utility as a treatment for bronchopulmonary Inhaled NO was first shown to selectively redu[1c30e] dysplasia (NCT01503801). There are two ongoing studies pulmonary vascular resistance in a lamb model; using extended administration of inhaled NO in adults subsequently, mul[1t1i8p,1l3e1,1 3s2t]udies have confirmed this with PH. The PHiano study (NCT01265888, Geno LLC) is finding in humans. Continuous inhaled NO had an open label, dose-escalation, Phase II study using a NO beneficial eff[e13c2t-s13 i4n] patients with PAH or PH associated delivery system (NITROsyl) in patients with PAH or PH wPiutlmho nCaOryP CDirc;ulation | Jhaonwuaeryv-Mear,r chh i2g0h1 3c |o Vsotl 3a n| dN ot 1echnical secondary to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The seco2n5d Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH study (NCT01457781, INO Therapeutics) is a randomized, L-arginine replacement aims at providing excess substrate double blind, placebo control, Phase II study of inhaled NO for the NOS enzyme and stimulating the NO production. versus placebo as add-on therapy in subjects with PAH. NO L-arginine attenuated PAH in different animal models [153-155] iNs idterliicv eorxedid bey da ospneocirasl device (INOpulse DS). of PAH and in patients with PAH associated with sickle cell disease, idiopathic PAH, and chronic [156,157] thromboembolic PH. L-citrulline, a urea cycle Plasma levels of nitrate and nitrite are low [1in42 ]diseases intermediate, is metabolized to L-arginine in pulmonary that have endothelial dysfunction like PAH. Inhaled vascular endothelial cells. Oral supplementation increased nitrite could be converted [t1o43 ]NO and selectively dilate NO synthesis and ameliorated chronic hypoxia-induced [158] the pulmonary circulation. The vasodilatory effects PH in newborn piglets. In children undergoing of these inorganic anions (nitrite and nitrate) are less cardiopulmonary bypass, the oral supplementation potent than the org[6a9n] ic nitrates (nitroglycerin) and of L-citrulline safely increased plasma citrulline and nitrites (amyl-nitrite); however, the inorganic compounds arginine concentrations, and more importantly PH did [159] do not induce significant systemic vasodilat[6o9r] effects and not occur in those with elevated citrulline levels. The tachyphylaxis as the organic molecules. Nebulized safety and effectiveness of intravenous L-citrulline, in sodium nitrite has been shown to ameliorate PH induced children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass for surgical by hypoxia in animals and humans, [w143i,t1h44 ]a longer duration repair of a congenital heart defect, is currently being of action than that of inhaled NO, supporting that tested (NCT01120964). nitrites are NO donors particularly during hypoxia as r[e69s,1u4l3t] of the nitrite reductase action of deoxyhemogobin. NO production by NOS depends on the de novo biosynthesis Ethyl nitrate is an organic nitrate given by inhalation that [160,161] of the enzyme cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). forms S-nitrosothiols and has shown to improve pulmonary hemodynamics in a model of hypoxia-induced PH without BH4 stabilizes the NOS dimmer assembly and the favorable altering systemic va[s14c5u] lar resistance or increasing spin state of the Fe (II)-O2 heme intermediate preventing methemoglobin levels. Its low potency when compared “uncoupli[n14g,1”6 o2,1f6 t3h]e enzyme and formation of reactive oxygen with inhaled NO can be markedly enhanced both [i1n45 v]ivo and products. The augmentation of tetrahydrobiopterin in vitro by the addition of the thiol glutathione. showed promising results in a pilot study[ 1i6n4] patients with PAH or chronic thromboembolic PAH. Another Efforts in trying to find better stability and prolonged promising therapy is the recombinant human superoxide half-life in NO delivery led to the discovery of dismutase (rhSOD) that scavenges superoxide anion [165] diazeniumdiolates (diethylenetriamine/NO) that can and increases the bioavailability of NO. In a lamb form a group of adducts called NONOates that are model of persistent PH, rhSOD administered through complexes of NO with nucleophiles that spontaneously and the endotracheal tube as a bolus enhanced the effects of [165] nonenzymatically release NO when dissolved in aqueous inhaled NO on pulmonary vasculature. neutral PH solutions. This pr[o14c6e,1s47s] prolongs the half-life of NO release up to 20 hours. Nebulized NO donors Attractive new potential therapies for PAH include have been [s1h48o]wn to reduce PVR in hypoxi[a1-4i7n]duced PAH the NOS III enhancers, the delivery of autologous [166] in piglet[s14,9] monocrotaline rat model, and ARDS endothelial progenitor cells, or the enzyme NOS II patients with no systemic adverse effects or toxic and III using adenoviral-mediated transfer or adult stem [167] Oreathcteior nth perroadpucietss obfa NsOe.d on the nitric oxide pathway cell-based ex vivo gene therapy. Bone marrow-derived endothelial-like progenitor cells prevented the development or progression of PH in a monocrotaline rat model of Several promising therapies which affect the signaling [168] PH. The engraftment of these progenitor cells in the pathway of NO are under active investigation (Fig. 1). pulmonary vasculature may restore the microvascular Soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators increase cGMP [168] structure and function. Meanwhile, animals receiving independently of NO. One of these stimulators, Riociguat, endothelial-like progenitor cells or mesenchymal stem increased the activity of soluble guanylate cyclase 73-fold cells transduced with NOS III had reversal of established in vivo with partial reduction in pulmonary pressures, [168,169] PH and improved survival. Adenoviral gene transfer RV hypertrophy, and pulm[1o5n0]ary artery muscularization in animal models of PH. This medication showed of NOS III produced an increase in the NOS III expression promising results in a Phase II stu[1d5y1] in patients with PAH and activity with attenuation in the [h17y0]poxia-induced and chronic thromboembolic PH. We are awaiting the increase in pulmonary artery pressure. Similarly, NOS results of two Phase III studies evaluating safety and clinical II gene transfer increased pulmonary NO production with effectiveness of riociguat in PAH (NCT0081[10526]93) and reducti[o17n1] in hypoxia-induced PH and vascular remodeling ch2r6onic thromboembolic PH (NCT00855465). in rats. Pulmonary Circulation | January-March 2013 | Vol 3 | No 1 Tonelli et al.: NO deficiency in PH CONCLUSIONS Modulation of cholinergic neural bronchoconstriction by endogenous nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal peptide in human airways in vitro. J Clin Invest 1993;92:736‑42. 23. Moncada S, Palmer RM, Higgs EA. Nitric oxide: Physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. 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