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Microbiology (2004), 150, 3527–3546 DOI 10.1099/mic.0.27303-0 Nitrate reduction and the nitrogen cycle in archaea Review Purificacio´n Cabello,1 M. Dolores Rolda´n2 and Conrado Moreno-Vivia´n2 Correspondence 1Departamento de Biolog´ıa Vegetal, A´rea de Fisiolog´ıa Vegetal, Universidad de Co´rdoba, Spain Conrado Moreno-Vivia´n 2Departamento de Bioqu´ımica y Biolog´ıa Molecular, Edificio Severo Ochoa, 1a planta, Campus [email protected] Universitario de Rabanales, Universidad de Co´rdoba, 14071-Co´rdoba, Spain Thenitrogencycle(N-cycle)inthebiosphere,mainlydrivenbyprokaryotes,involvesdifferent reductiveoroxidativereactionsusedeitherforassimilatorypurposesorinrespiratoryprocesses forenergyconservation.AstheN-cyclehasimportantagriculturalandenvironmentalimplications, bacterialnitrogenmetabolismhasbecomeamajorresearchtopicinrecentyears.Archaea areabletoperformdifferentreductivepathwaysoftheN-cycle,includingbothassimilatory processes,suchasnitrateassimilationandN fixation,anddissimilatoryreactions,suchasnitrate 2 respirationanddenitrification.However,nitrogenmetabolismismuchlessknowninarchaea thaninbacteria.Theavailabilityofthecompletegenomesequencesofseveralmembersof theeury-andcrenarchaeotahasenablednewapproachestotheunderstandingofarchaeal physiologyandbiochemistry,includingmetabolicreactionsinvolvingnitrogencompounds. Comparativestudiesrevealthatsignificantdifferencesexistinthestructureandregulationofsome enzymesinvolvedinnitrogenmetabolisminarchaea,givingrisetoimportantconclusionsand newperspectivesregardingtheevolution,functionandphysiologicalrelevanceofthedifferent N-cycleprocesses.Thisreviewdiscussestheadvancesthathavebeenmadeinunderstanding nitratereductionandotheraspectsoftheinorganicnitrogenmetabolisminarchaea. Introduction carriedoutbyammonia-oxidizingbacteria,andthefurther oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, performed by nitrite- Asnitrogenisanessentialelementforlivingorganisms,the oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic bacteria. Denitrification availabilityofasuitablenitrogensourceoftenlimitsprimary is a respiratory process whereby nitrate is successively productivityinbothnaturalenvironmentsandagriculture. reduced to nitrite, NO, N O and N , which takes place Nitrogencanbefoundinseveraloxidationstates,from+5 2 2 predominantly under anaerobic conditions in many facul- inthemostoxidizedcompound(nitrate)to23inthemost tative bacteria (Berks et al., 1995; Zumft, 1997; Moreno- reduced form (ammonium), but in biological compounds Vivia´n & Ferguson, 1998; Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999; it is almost exclusively present in the fully reduced state. Richardson & Watmough, 1999). Some heterotrophic The global biogeochemical nitrogen cycle (N-cycle) allows bacteria are able to combine nitrification and aerobic theinterconversionsofnitrogencompoundstomaintaina denitrification by oxidizing ammonia to nitrite, which relativelysmallamountoffixedorcombinednitrogenina is later reduced to N (de Boer & Kowalchuk, 2001). continuous exchange with atmospheric dinitrogen (N ), 2 2 Ammonification is the dissimilatory reduction of nitrate a huge nitrogen reservoir. The N-cycle includes both to ammonia that does not serve the purpose of nitrogen reductive and oxidative processes, in which prokaryotes autotrophy, although this term normally describes the play a predominant role (Fig. 1). Assimilatory pathways, release of ammonia from organic nitrogen compounds such as N fixation and nitrate assimilation, generate 2 (Zumft, 1997). Finally, anaerobic ammonium oxidation ammonium that is further incorporated into cell material, (anammox) is a reaction that produces N by reducing 2 mainly by the glutamine synthetase–glutamate synthase nitrite and oxidizing ammonium. This process, performed (GS–GOGAT)route.However,whereasN fixationisonly 2 bybacterialcommunitiesofplanctomycetes,seemstobeof drivenbyfree-livingorsymbioticdiazotrophicprokaryotes, ecological importance in marine environments (Dalsgaard assimilatory nitrate reduction is carried out by bacteria, et al., 2003; Kuypers etal., 2003). fungi,algaeandhigherplants,andalmostalllivingorgani- smsareabletoincorporateammoniumintocarbonskeletons. Bacteria are involved in all N-cycle pathways, and the Ontheotherhand,someprokaryotescanobtainmetabolic different aspects of their inorganic nitrogen metabolism energy by redox processes involving nitrogen compounds, havebeenextensivelystudiedbothbiochemicalandgeneti- such as nitrification and denitrification. Autotrophic nitri- cally(forspecificreviewsseeBerksetal.,1995;Zumft,1997; fication is a two-step process consisting of the oxida- Ferguson, 1998; Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999; Richardson & tive conversion of ammonia to nitrite via hydroxylamine, Watmough,1999;Eisenbergetal.,2000;Halbleib&Ludden, 0002-7303 G 2004 SGM Printed in Great Britain 3527 P. Cabello, M. D. Rolda´n and C. Moreno-Vivia´n Fig. 1. The biological N-cycle. The different nitrogen compounds are arranged according to their oxidation states and the main reduc- tive or oxidative pathways are indicated by arrows. Conversion of hydroxylamine to nitrous oxide by heterotrophic nitrification, and production of N from ammonium and 2 nitrite by anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), are not indicated. The enzymes involved in the different pathways are: 1–2, glutamine synthetase–glutamate synthase (GS–GOGAT); 3, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH); 4, nitrogenase; 5, assimilatory nitrate reductase (Nas); 6, assimilatory nitrite reduc- tase (sirohaem-Nir); 7, dissimilatory and respiratory nitrate reductases (Nap and Nar); 8, respiratory nitrite reductases (Cu-Nir and cd -Nir); 9, nitric oxide reductase (Nor); 10, 1 nitrous oxide reductase (Nos); 11, ammonia monooxygenase; 12, hydroxylamine oxidase; 13, nitrite oxidase. 2000;Arconde´guyetal.,2001;Kowalchuk&Stephen,2001; reductases have been found in the sequenced genomes Richardson et al., 2001). Archaea form a monophyletic of members of both crenarchaeota and euryarchaeota domain of organisms distinct from bacteria and eukarya, (Table 1). However, in most cases, either functional or with two major subdivisions: crenarchaeota, which are sequencedata,butnotboth,areavailable.Therefore,future predominantlyhyperthermophilesandanaerobicrespirers, researchshouldbedirectedtocharacterizingatthephysio- andeuryarchaeota,whichincludemethanogensandextreme logical and biochemical levels the products of the genes halophiles(Woeseetal.,1990;Brown&Doolittle,1997).In identified by these genome sequencing projects and their general, archaeal replication, transcription and translation regulation. This will be of special evolutionary interest are more related to eukaryal than to bacterial processes because significant differences between the bacterial and (Bell & Jackson, 2001; Kelman & Kelman, 2003; Reeve, archaealnitrate-reducingsystems areemerging. 2003), but archaeal central metabolism components are more closely related to bacterial proteins. In addition to Phylogenetic relationships of the nitrate reductases ammoniumassimilation,membersofarchaeacan driveall the reductive pathways of the N-cycle, either dissimilatory Three different nitrate-reducing systems (Nas, Nar and reactions, such as nitrate respiration and denitrification, Nap) have been described in bacteria (Berks et al., 1995; orassimilatorypathwayslikeN2fixationandnitrateassimi- Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999; Richardson, 2000; Richardson lation. Because archaea are the predominant microbial et al., 2001). Assimilatory nitrate reductases (Nas) are populationsinextremeenvironments,suchashighlysaline usually cytoplasmic enzymes which are repressed by water and hot springs, they sustain the N-cycle in these ammonium and use either NADH or ferredoxin as specialandsevereecosystems.Inspiteofthis,todate,there physiological electron donor. The NADH-Nas enzymes of is little information on inorganic nitrogen metabolism Klebsiella and Rhodobacter capsulatus are dimers com- in archaea, especially on nitrate reduction. Although the posed of a small FAD-containing diaphorase and a large archaealgenome sequencing projects are bringing out new catalytic subunit with one Fe–S centre and a molybdo-bis- data, the understanding of inorganic nitrogen metabolism molybdopteringuaninedinucleotide(Mo-bisMGD)cofactor, inarchaeaisstillanopenresearchfield.Thisreviewcovers whereas cyanobacterial ferredoxin-dependent enzymes are the current knowledge on the nitrate reduction processes monomers (Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999; Richardson et al., and other pathwaysof the N-cyclein archaea. 2001). Membrane-bound nitrate reductases (Nar) are involved in anaerobic nitrate respiration and denitrifica- tion, being negatively regulated by O and unaffected by Assimilatory and respiratory nitrate reduction in 2 ammonium. Nar enzymes are composed of a catalytic archaea subunit with MGD cofactor (NarG) and an electron- Many archaea are able to reduce nitrate by assimilatory or transfersubunitwithfouriron–sulfurcentres(NarH).This respiratory pathways, dissimilatory nitrate reduction being complex is bound to a membrane bihaem b quinol- much more frequent than nitrate assimilation (Martı´nez- oxidizingcomponent(NarI).Recently,thecrystalstructure Espinosa et al., 2001b). In addition, genes encoding of Nar has been determined at high resolution, revealing putative nitrate transporters, nitrate reductases and nitrite that NarG protein has an aspartate residue acting as the 3528 Microbiology 150 Nitrogen cycle in archaea Table 1. Presence of putative nitrate transporters and enzymes involved in nitrate reduction and denitrification in archaea Evidence for the presence of the different proteins is derived from gene bank sequences and genome sequence analysis (genetic) conducted on websites http://gib.genes.nig.ac.jp and http://www.genome.ad.jp, from physiological and biochemical studies (functional) or both (genetic and functional). The accession numbers of the corresponding genes are indicated. ND indicates that the protein or enzyme has not been detected by genetic or functional analysis. ? indicates that no clear assignation is deduced only on the basis of sequence similarities. For details and references, see the text. Archaea Nitrate Nitrate Nitrite Nitric oxide Nitrous oxide transporter reductase reductase reductase reductase Crenarchaeota Aeropyrum pernix ND Nar (genetic) Sirohaem-Nir ND ND APE1288 (NarG), (genetic) APE1294 (NarH), APE1326 (NirA) APE1300 (NarJ) Sulfolobus solfataricus ND Nar? (genetic) ND qNor? (genetic) ND SSO1579 (NarH?), SSO1573 (N-term.), SSO1580 (NarG?) SS01571 (C-term.) Sulfolobus tokadaii ND ND ND ND Nos? (genetic) ST2395 (Cu quinol oxidase), ST0105 (Cu cyt c oxidase) Pyrobaculum aerophilum ABC (genetic) Nar (genetic and Sirohaem-Nir qNor (genetic and Nos (functional) PAE3619 (NrtC) functional) (genetic) functional) PAE3610 (NarJ), PAE2577 (NirA) PAE3603 (NorZ) PAE3611 (NarG), cd-Nir (genetic 1 PAE3612 (NarH), and functional) PAE3613, PAE2614 PAE3600, PAE3598 (NarI) (NirS) Euryarchaeota Archaeoglobus fulgidus ABC (genetic) Nar (genetic) Sirohaem-Nir ND ND AF0638 (NrtC), AF0173 (NarJ), (genetic) AF0639 (NrtB), AF0174, AF0175 AF0164 (NirA) AF0640 (NrtA), (NarH), AF0176 AF0086 (NrtB), (NarG), AF0545 AF0087 (NrtC), (NarV), AF546 AF0088 (NrtA) (NarI), AF0501 (NarI) Haloarcula marismortui ND Nar (genetic and Cu-Nir (genetic Nor (functional) ND functional) and functional) CAD22069 (NarG), CAB93142 (NirK) CAD22070 (NarH), CAD22073 (NarJ) Halobacterium sp. ND ND ND ND Nos? (genetic) VNG2377G (NosY) Haloferax denitrificans ND Nar (genetic and Cu-Nir (genetic Nor (functional) Nos (functional) functional) and functional) CAD82168 (NarH) CAD89521 (NirK) Haloferax mediterranei ND Ferredoxin-Nas Sirohaem-NirA ND ND (functional) (functional) Nar (functional) Cu-Nir or cd- 1 Nir (functional) Haloferax volcanii ABC (genetic and Nar (functional) ND ND ND functional) AJ238877, AJ238878, AJ238879 http://mic.sgmjournals.org 3529 P. Cabello, M. D. Rolda´n and C. Moreno-Vivia´n Table 1. cont. Archaea Nitrate Nitrate Nitrite Nitric oxide Nitrous oxide transporter reductase reductase reductase reductase Methanothermobacter ND Nas (genetic) ND ND ND thermautotrophicus MTH1567 (NasA), MTH1547 Methanocaldococcus jannaschii ABC (genetic) ND Sirohaem-Nir ND ND MJ0412 (NrtC), (genetic) MJ0413 (NrtB) MJ0551 (NirA) Methanopyrus kandleri ABC (genetic) ND Sirohaem-Nir ND ND MK0601(NrtA), (genetic) MK0602 (NrtB), MK0801 (NirA) MK0603 (NrtC) Methanosarcina acetivorans ND ND ND ND ND Methanosarcina mazei ND ND ND Nor (genetic) ND MM2988 Pyrococcus abyssi ND ND ND ND ND Pyrococcus furiosus ABC (genetic) ND Sirohaem-Nir? ND ND AA113496 (NrtC) (genetic) PF1197 (NirA?) Pyrococcus horikoshii ND ND Sirohaem-Nir ND ND (genetic) PH0827 (NirA) Thermoplasma acidophilum ABC (genetic) Nas? (genetic) ND ND ND Ta1177 (NrtB), Ta0136 (Nia) Ta1178 (NrtC) Thermoplasma volcanium ABC (genetic) Nas? (genetic) ND ND ND TVN0387 (NrtB) TVN0215 (Nia) Mo-ligandfortheMo-bisMGD cofactor,andalsoincludes of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus and an unusual iron–sulfur cluster, previously undetected the crenarchaeote Aeropyrum pernix are closely related. (Bertero et al., 2003; Jormakka et al., 2004). Finally, the Phylogenetic trees based on NarH sequences also correlate periplasmic Nap systems of many Gram-negative bacteria wellwiththe16SrDNAtree,makingthearchaeaA.pernix participate in different processes, like redox balancing, and Pyrobaculum aerophylum the outgroup and closely scavenging nitrate in nitrate-limited environments, and joining these archaeal sequences to the T. thermophilus aerobic or anaerobic denitrification (Potter et al., 2001; bacterial subtree (Petri & Imhoff, 2000; Philippot, 2002). Gavira et al., 2002; Ellington et al., 2003). Usually, Nap However, the NarG-based phylogeny is not entirely enzymes are heterodimers with a catalytic subunit (NapA) consistent with the 16S rDNA-based taxonomy (Che`neby andacytochrome c(NapB),whichreceiveselectronsfrom et al., 2003; Gregory et al., 2003). As the nar genes were NapC,amembranecytochromec(Berksetal.,1995;Reyeset present before the phylogenetic divergence of bacteria and al., 1996, 1998). However, the enzyme of Desulfovibrio archaea,itcanbeassumedthatrespiratorynitratereductase desulfuricansisasingleNapAsubunit,forwhichthecrystal played a key role in energy metabolism during pre-oxic structure has been solved (Dias et al., 1999). times(Petri&Imhoff,2000).Inaddition,thereisevidence that Nap and Nar have probably been acquired in some Preliminary sequence comparisons of Nar, Nas and Nap bacteria by horizontal gene transfer (Stolz & Basu, 2002). indicated that these enzymes represent different phylo- This seems to be the case for the nar gene cluster of genetic groups (Reyes et al., 1996). A recent study of the T. thermophilus (Ramı´rez-Arcos et al., 1998b) and for the sequences of eukaryotic and prokaryotic nitrate reductases plasmid-encoded nap genes of Rhodobacter sphaeroides revealedtheexistenceofthreedifferentclades,correspond- (Castillo et al., 1996). Results of NarG-based trees are also ing to the eukaryotic nitrate reductase, the prokaryotic consistent with the possibility of lateral gene transfer respiratory Nar, and the prokaryotic Nas/Nap enzymes, (Gregory et al., 2003). Evidence of recent lateral gene with the Nap from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans providing transfer among hyperthermophilic archaea has been pub- the evolutionary link between Nas and Nap subclades lished(DiRuggieroetal.,2000),buttherelativeimportance (Stolz & Basu, 2002). It is worth noting from this study ofthismechanismofgeneticexchangeamongarchaea,and that the deepest branch of the Nar clade is the euryar- also from and to bacteria, should be determined in future chaeoteHaloarculamarismortui,andthattheNarenzymes studies. 3530 Microbiology 150 Nitrogen cycle in archaea Nitrate reductase cofactors transport systems of the NarK type are involved in bac- terial respiratory nitrate reduction (Moir & Wood, 2001). GenomesequencesofseveralarchaeacontainMGDcofactor Within the bacterial NarK-like transporters there are two biosynthesis genes, andarchaeal nitrate reductases seem to distinct subgroups. Recent studies in the bacterium Para- bemolybdoenzymes.However,tungstenandmolybdenum coccus pantotrophus suggestthat NarK1isaproton:nitrate have similar chemistry and it is known that hyperthermo- symporter that allows initiation of nitrate respiration, philic archaea possess W-containing enzymes, such as whereas NarK2 is a nitrate:nitrite antiporter required for aldehydeferredoxinoxidoreductase,withthebasicstructure maintenance of a steady-state rate (Wood et al., 2002). of the pterin cofactor shared in the Mo- and W-enzymes Genome sequencing projects reveal that ABC-type trans- (Hille, 2002). Recently, Mo-free nitrate reductases with porters are widespread in archaea (Table 1). In particular, vanadiumandhaemcascofactorshavebeenisolatedfrom putative ABC-type nitrate transporters are present in the vanadate-reducing,iron-reducingandsulfur-oxidizingbac- crenarchaeotePyrobaculumaerophilum(Fitz-Gibbonetal., teria (Antipov et al., 1998, 2003; Murillo et al., 1999). In 2002)andtheeuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobusfulgidus(Klenk addition,activeW-substitutedmolybdoenzymeshavebeen et al., 1997), Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (Bult et al., described in mesophilic bacteria (Buc et al., 1999; Gates 1996),Methanopyruskandleri(Slesarevetal.,2002),Thermo- et al., 2003). Thus, tungstate can function at the active plasma acidophilum (Ruepp et al., 2000) and Thermoplasma site of the Paracoccus pantotrophus NapA, although the volcanium (Kawashima et al., 2000). However, substrate enzymeshowsloweraffinityfornitrate(Gatesetal.,2003). specificityfortheseputativetransportershasbeenassigned Although nitrate reductases and other Mo-enzymes are solely on the basis of sequence similarities. A functional usually inactivated by tungstate, this inhibition is not characterization of archaeal nitrate transporter genes has relevant in vivo since bacteria exhibit high-affinity Mo- been only performed in Haloferax volcanii, where three uptake systems for extracting traces (micromolar or ABC-type transporters are essential for nitrate respiration nanomolar) of Mo from the media, and because Mo is (Wanner&Soppa,1999).Thetypeoftransportsystemused usually present in natural environments at higher con- for nitrate uptake has a serious impact on the bioener- centrations than W. However, Mo(IV) forms a highly getics oftheprocessbecausean ATP-driven nitrate uptake insolublesulfide(MoS2),whileV(asVO2+orV3+)andW systemisequivalenttoconsumingaboutthreeprotonsand (as WO24{ or WS24{) form relatively soluble salts, and this energetic cost makes its involvement in dissimilatory therefore there are chemical reasons to believe that both processes unlikely (Moir & Wood, 2001). For this reason, W and V were more available than Mo in the primitive as mentioned above, bacterial nitrate assimilation usually strongly reducing sulfide-rich environments (Williams & requires ATP-dependent ABC nitrate transporters whereas Frau´stodaSilva,2002).Inaddition,someextremeenviron- nitrate respiration is associated with proton-motive-force- mentssuchashotspringsanddeep-seahydrothermalvents drivenNarKtransporters(Moreno-Vivia´netal.,1999;Moir usually contain high levels of tungsten, and in fact an &Wood,2001),evenintheextremethermophilicbacterium obligate W requirement for the anaerobic growth of the Thermus thermophilus (Ramı´rez et al., 2000). It is worth hyperthermophilePyrobaculumaerophilumhasbeenreported noting that most archaea with putative ABC nitrate trans- (Afshar et al., 1998). The respiratory nitrate reductase of portersseemtocontainrespiratorynitratereductasesrather this archaeon is a Mo-enzyme, but its activity is not than assimilatory Nas enzymes. However, as discussed abolishedathighWconcentrations,incontrasttobacterial below, nitrate uptake may not be required for respiratory Nar systems. Moreover, the presence of tungstate in the nitratereductioninarchaea,incontrasttobacteria,andthe culture medium stimulates the anaerobic growth with putative ATP-dependent nitrate transporters may indeed nitrate (Vo¨lkl et al., 1993). The ability to respire nitrate in be involved in nitrate assimilation. these conditions has been interpreted as an adaptation of the archaeon to the W-rich hyperthermophilic environ- Assimilatory nitrate reduction in archaea ment(Afsharetal.,1998,2001).Clearly,furtherbiochemi- Most nitrate-reducing archaea use nitrate as alternative cal studies will be necessary to determine the possible electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration, but recently, involvement of alternative metal cofactors in archaeal assimilatorynitrateandnitritereductaseshavebeenpurified nitrate reduction, but the possibility that V or W, rather from Haloferax mediterranei (Martı´nez-Espinosa et al., than Mo, may be included in some archaeal nitrate reduc- 2001a, b). This extreme halophilic archaeon grows aero- tase cofactors cannot be excluded. bically with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source, but it can also denitrify because it contains both Nas and Nar Nitrate transport systems enzymes. Assimilatory nitrate reductase is a dimer of 105 Two types of nitrate transporters are involved in bacterial and50 kDasubunitsandusesferredoxin asreductant,but assimilatory nitrate reduction: the ATP-dependent ABC notNAD(P)H(Martı´nez-Espinosaetal.,2001b).Thiscould transporters composed of an integral membrane subunit, indicate a different structure for archaeal Nas because a cytoplasmic ATP-binding component and a periplasmic bacterial ferredoxin-Nas enzymes are usually monomeric, substrate-binding protein; and the monomeric NarK-type whereas NADH-dependent Nas enzymes are heterodimers transportersbelongingtothemajorfacilitatorsuperfamily, (Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999). The assimilatory enzyme of which depend on proton-motive force. However, only H. mediterranei has a K for nitrate of 0?95 mM and an m http://mic.sgmjournals.org 3531 P. Cabello, M. D. Rolda´n and C. Moreno-Vivia´n optimum temperature of 80uC at 3?1 M NaCl, but 60uC hyperthermophilicarchaea;manyofthemcanperformthe at1?3 MNaCl.Activityisinducedbynitrateandrepressed entire denitrification process (see below). Respiratory Nar byammonium,asdescribedforthebacterialNas(Martı´nez- enzymeshavebeenpurifiedfromseveraldenitrifyinghalo- Espinosa et al., 2001b). The assimilatory nitrite reductase philiceuryarchaeota,includingthreeHaloferaxspeciesand of H. mediterranei has also been purified. It is a 66 kDa Haloarculamarismortui(Table 1).Asalt-requiringNarhas monomer which uses ferredoxin as electron donor, has a beenpurifiedfromHaloferaxmediterranei,withanactivity Km for nitrite of 8?6 mM, and shows maximal activity at maximumat89uCin3?2 MNaClandKmfornitratevalues 60uC with 3?3 M NaCl. Like the bacterial assimilatory in the range from 2?5 to 6?7 mM depending on salt con- nitritereductases,theH.mediterraneienzymecontainssiro- centration (A´lvarez-Ossorio et al., 1992). The membrane- haem and Fe–S centres (Martı´nez-Espinosa et al., 2001a). bound Nar of Haloferax denitrificans is composed of two The 21 kDa ferredoxin from this halophilic archaeon has subunits of 116 and 60 kDa, with a K for nitrate of m beenpurifiedandcharacterized,anditsphysiologicalroleas 0?2 mM. Curiously, the enzyme is stable in the absence of theelectron donorforbothassimilatorynitrate andnitrite salt,andactivitydecreaseswithincreasingNaClconcentra- reductaseshasbeenconfirmed(Martı´nez-Espinosaetal.,2003). tions(Hochstein&Lang,1991).Haloferaxvolcaniicontains amembrane-boundtrimericNar,with100,61and31 kDa Analysis of the published archaeal genome sequences subunits. Activity is salt-independent, with a temperature suggeststhepresenceofputativeassimilatorynitrate/nitrite optimumof80uCandaK fornitrateof0?36 mM(Bickel- reductases (Table 1). Thus Methanothermobacter therm- m Sandko¨tter & Ufer, 1995). The Haloarcula marismortui autotrophicus has a putative nitrate reductase (MTH1567 Nar has a K for nitrate of 80 mM with 2?0 M NaCl, and gene product) homologous to bacterial Nas (Smith et al., m activityisenhancedbysalt.Theenzymewasfirstdescribed 1997). Thermoplasma strains contain nitrate reductase as a homotetramer of a 63 kDa polypeptide (Yoshimatsu related proteins (T. acidophilum Ta0136 and T. volcanium et al., 2000), but further characterization revealed that it VN0215 gene products), which are similar to each other isaheterodimerwith117and47 kDasubunits,the63 kDa and to the eukaryotic assimilatory NADPH-nitrate reduc- bandbeinganincompletedenaturationstateoftheenzyme tases(Kawashimaetal.,2000;Rueppetal.,2000),although (Yoshimatsu et al., 2002). It has been proposed that the these putative proteins are too small (about 200 residues) H. marismortui Nar is a new archaeal type of membrane- comparedtothenia-encodedeukaryoticnitratereductases. boundnitratereductase(Yoshimatsuetal.,2002).First,the The eukaryotic nitrate reductases are quite distinct from enzyme is composed of two subunits, which are homo- any of the bacterial Nas, Nar or Nap enzymes. They share logoustotheNarGHbacterialsubunits,butlackstheNarI no sequence similarity and do not bind the Mo-bisMGD membrane-associated protein. Second, the H. marismortui cofactor, but instead have the so-called molybdopterin- NarGH complex has significant sequence and structure cofactor(Mo-co),inadditiontoFADandcytochromeb 557 (Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999; Campbell, 2001). Therefore, similarity to the dissimilatory selenate reductase from Thauera selenatis, although it does not reduce selenate. the assignation of a role in nitrate reduction to the Recently, the similarity of Nar to selenate reductases has Thermoplasma small nitrate-reductase-related proteinswill be of special evolutionary interest and should be explored also been indicated on the basis that both enzymes have in future studies. Asp ligands to the Mo atom (Jormakka et al., 2004). In addition,theN-terminalregion ofNarGincludesa typical ThePyrobaculumaerophilumgenomecontainsagene(nirA) twin-argininesignalpeptideforproteintranslocationacross encoding a putative assimilatory ferredoxin-dependent themembranebytheTatexportpathway(Berksetal.,2000) sirohaemnitritereductase(PAE2577),inadditiontoputa- and the enzyme has activity in situ with both membrane- tive genes encoding a respiratory cytochrome cd1-nitrite permeable benzyl viologen and membrane-impermeable reductase (Fitz-Gibbon et al., 2002). Putative nirA homo- methylviologen,suggestingthatthecatalyticsiteislocated logousgenes arealso present in the genomes of Pyrococcus in the outside of the membrane, as described for the T. furiosus, Pyrococcus horikoshii (PF1197 and PH0827, res- selenatis selenate reductase (Yoshimatsu et al., 2002). In pectively;Maederetal.,1999),Aeropyrumpernix(APE1326; contrast, bacterial NarG faces the cytoplasmic side of the Kawarabayasietal.,1999),Archaeoglobusfulgidus(AF0164; membrane and nitrate reduction takes places in the Klenketal.,1997),Methanocaldococcusjannaschii(MJ0551; cytoplasm (Berkset al., 1995; Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1999). Bult et al., 1996), and Methanopyrus kandleri (MK0801; Finally,althoughtheH.marismortuiNarGHcomplexdoes Slesarevetal.,2002).However,biochemicalandfunctional not contain any quinol-oxidizing cytochrome b subunit, a studies are necessary to confirm the assimilatory nature of gene encoding a homologue to SerC, the cytochrome b theseputativenitrateandnitritereductasesandtoestablish subunit of selenate reductase, is found downstream of ifthesearchaealenzymesarestructurallydifferentfromthe the narGH genes and together with a narJ-homologous bacterialassimilatory enzymes. gene, which probably encodes a nitrate-reductase-specific chaperonefor MGD cofactor assembly. Respiratory nitrate reduction in archaea AgeneclusterencodingaputativerespiratoryNarhasalso Theabilitytousenitrateasaterminalelectronacceptorin beenidentifiedinArchaeoglobusfulgidus(Klenketal.,1997; energy metabolism is found in a variety of halophilic and Table 1). The AF0176 gene encodes a protein with 42% 3532 Microbiology 150 Nitrogen cycle in archaea similaritytoEscherichiacoliNarG,althoughthisA.fulgidus operon organization is conserved in all bacteria, including NarG protein is smaller (80 kDa) and contains a twin- Thermusthermophilus(Ramı´rez-Arcosetal.,1998a),although arginine signal peptide, suggesting that it is translocated this organism has an extra narC gene in the operon, and acrossthemembraneliketheH.marismortuiandprobably Paracoccus pantotrophus includes the narK gene in the other archaeal NarG proteins. The AF0175 product is narKGHJI cluster (Wood et al., 2001). However, archaeal predicted to bind four Fe–S clusters, whereas the AF0174 nar genes do not conserve this organization. Thus, in gene encodes an integral membrane protein, although no Pyrobaculum aerophilum a putative narJ gene is located haem groups are bound to this protein. Finally, a NarJ upstreamfromthenarGHgenes,intheoppositedirection. homologue is also found in the gene cluster (Klenk et al., A gene encoding a cytochrome b is present downstream 1997;Richardsonetal.,2001).Inaddition,genesencoding from narH, although its role as Nar subunitis conjectural, anABC-typenitratetransporter(AF0638–AF0640),aputa- and another putative narI homologue is located elsewhere tive nirA gene encoding the cytoplasmic sirohaem nitrite in the genome (Fitz-Gibbon et al., 2002). In Haloarcula reductase(AF0164)andotherputativeiron–sulfurproteins marismortui, two small ORFs and a narJ homologue are clusteredtonarI-likegenes(AF0499–AF0501andAF0543– located downstream from the narGH genes, and putative AF0547) are also present in the A. fulgidus genome. Some genesencoding aniron–sulfurproteinandacytochromeb hyperthermophilic archaea are also able to respire nitrate. are located upstream from narGH (Yoshimatsu et al., Thus, Aeropyrum pernix has a putative nar cluster 2002). In Aeropyrum pernix, no narI-like gene has been (Kawarabayasi et al., 1999) and Pyrobaculum aerophilum found and narGH genes are followed by a putative cyto- uses nitrate as respiratory electron acceptor (Vo¨lkl et al., chromebgeneandnarJ,whichislocatedabout2 kbdown- 1993). The purified Nar of this archaeon shows very high stream from narH (Kawarabayasi et al., 1999). Therefore, specific activity, with a K for nitrate of 58 mM and an m based on subunit composition, subcellular location of the optimaltemperatureof95uC,andisactiveinthepresence active site and nar gene organization, it can be concluded of high tungstate concentrations. Interestingly, the P. thatarchaealNarsareanewtypeofenzymewiththeactive aerophilum Nar is a heterotrimer, with subunits of 130, 52 sitefacingtheoutsideandanchoredtothemembranebya and 32 kDa, and contains a b-type cytochrome similar to SerC-like cytochrome b, or stabilized by the lipid environ- the Thauera selenatis SerC, in addition to molybdenum ment in the membrane as described for the P. aerophilum cofactorand iron–sulfurcluster (Afshar et al., 2001). Nar (Afshar et al., 2001). This system could be an ancient BacterialandarchaealNarsystemsalsodifferintheorgani- respiratory nitrate reductase, although the nitrite formed zationofthenargenes(Philippot,2002).ThemainnarGHJI could also be assimilated (Richardson et al., 2001). Figs 2 Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the denitrification pathway in bacteria. The periplasmic nitrate reductase (NAP), the membrane-boundnitratereductase(NAR),theperiplasmicnitritereductases(Cu-NIRorcd -NIR),themembrane-boundnitric 1 oxide reductase (NOR) and the periplasmic nitrous oxide reductase (NOS) are represented without indicating their subunit composition and cofactors. Note that not all represented components are present in a single organism (i.e. NAP and NAR, Cu-NIR and cd -NIR). cyt bc , proton-pumping cytochrome bc complex; cyt c, NapC membrane-bound tetrahaem 1 1 1 cytochrome c; cyt c , cytochrome c ; MQH /MQ, menaquinol/menaquinone pool. 550 550 2 http://mic.sgmjournals.org 3533 P. Cabello, M. D. Rolda´n and C. Moreno-Vivia´n Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the denitrification pathway in archaea. Membrane location and dependence on menaquinol as the electron donor are assumed for the four reductases (nitrate reductase, NAR; nitrite reductase, NIR; nitric oxidereductase,NOR;andnitrousoxidereductase,NOS),assuggestedforPyrobaculumaerophilum.Thesereductasesare representedwithoutindicatingtheirsubunitcompositionandcofactors.Anoutsidelocationforthenitratereductionsiteinthe NAR complex is also assumed (see text for details). The identity of the proton-translocating dehydrogenase (DH) that regeneratesmenaquinolfrommenaquinoneispresentlyunknown.TheputativeABC-typenitrate/nitritetransporterpresentin somearchaeaisassumedtoserveforassimilatorypurposesratherthanfortherespiratorynitratereduction,sincetheactive site of NAR is assumed to be located on the outside of the membrane. MQH /MQ, menaquinol/menaquinone pool. 2 and3schematizethedifferentorganizationofthebacterial archaeal species would be probably involved in nitrate and archaeal respiratory nitrate-reducing systems, and the assimilation rather than in nitrate respiration. otherenzymesinvolvedinthewholedenitrificationpathway (see below). Denitrification in archaea The possible outside location of the catalytic site of NarG Denitrification can be considered as the modular assem- in the archaeal respiratory nitrate reductase has important blage of four partly independent respiratory processes: bioenergetic implications. First, bacterial nitrate respira- nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide and nitrous oxide reduction tion involves the generation of a proton-motive force by a (Zumft, 1997; Figs 2 and 3). All denitrifiers isolated so far redox-loopmechanism,withtwoprotonsconsumedinthe are also able to respire oxygen, indicating a close evolu- nitratereductionreactioninthecytoplasmandtwoprotons tionary relationship between the two processes, and deni- released from quinol oxidation on the periplasmic side of trification has been considered the ancestor of aerobic the membrane (Berks et al., 1995; Jormakka et al., 2003), respiration(Saraste&Castresana,1994).Therefore,know- althoughperiplasmicnitrate reductionbytheNap enzyme ledgeofdenitrificationinarchaeaisofspecialinterestfrom and other reductases involved in the denitrification path- an evolutionary point of view. Denitrification has been way are coupled to proton-pumping protein complexes described for several halophilic archaea, such as Haloferax (Fig. 2). However, the possible outside location of the and Haloarcula strains (Tomlinson et al., 1986; Inatomi & nitrate reduction site in archaeal Nar would imply the Hochstein, 1996; Ichiki et al., 2001), and extreme thermo- couplingofthisprocesstoaproton-translocatingcomplex, philic archaea, such as Ferroglobus placidus (Vorholt et al., althoughtheidentityofthiscomplexispresentlyunknown 1997) and Pyrobaculum aerophilum (Vo¨lkl et al., 1993; de (Fig. 3). The genome sequenceofPyrobaculum aerophilum Vries&Schro¨der,2002).Asthearchaealrespiratorynitrate reveals that this organism apparently lacks a cytochrome reductasesthatcatalysethefirststepofdenitrificationhave bc complex (Fitz-Gibbon et al., 2002), but the occurrence beendescribedabove,wewillfocusnowonthenitriteand 1 of membrane-bound bc complexes and different proton- N-oxide respiration processesin archaea. pumping NADH dehydrogenases and hydrogenases has been described in archaea (Castresana & Moreira, 1999; Nitrite respiration Deppenmeier et al., 1999; Schu¨tz et al., 2000; Sapra et al., 2003). In addition, an active nitrate-uptake system would In bacteria, there are two different and unrelated NO- not be required for respiratory nitrate reduction in producing respiratory nitrite reductases: the homotrimeric archaea, thus increasing the energetic yield of the nitrate copper-containing enzyme encoded by nirK, and the reduction process. This could also explain the apparent homodimeric cytochrome cd -nitrite reductase encoded 1 absence of NirK-type nitrate transporters in archaea and by nirS. The crystal structures of both enzymes, which are suggests that, as indicated above, the putative ATP- located in the periplasm, are known and have been dependent ABC-type nitrate transporters found in several reviewed in detail elsewhere (Zumft, 1997; Ferguson, 3534 Microbiology 150 Nitrogen cycle in archaea 1998;Richardson&Watmough,1999).Azurinandpseudo- et al., 1993). In most denitrifying bacteria, Nor is a azurin are the electron donors to Cu-Nir, whereas cyto- membrane complex of a 17 kDa cytochrome c (encoded chromec is the reductant for cd -Nir (Zumft, 1997). by norC) and a 38 kDa cytochrome b with 12 trans- 551 1 membrane regions (encoded by norB). This enzyme, DenitrifyingarchaeaalsocontaineitherCu-Nirorcd -Nir. 1 known as cNor, receives electrons from cytochrome c. Haloarcula marismortui has a nirK gene encoding a Cu- The denitrifying bacterium Ralstonia eutropha and several Nir. EPR analysisreveals the presence of type 1andtype2 non-denitrifying pathogenic bacteria such as Neisseria Cu centres in the purified enzyme, which has optimal species possess a monomeric Nor with 14 transmembrane activity at 2 M NaCl. A 46 kDa precursor of this protein regions, which is called qNor because it is a quinol- with an N-terminal signal peptide for translocation across oxidizing enzyme. This protein, encoded by norZ, is the plasma membrane has been detected by SDS-PAGE similar to the norB gene product but contains an N- (Ichiki et al., 2001). Although the physiological electron terminalextensionabsentinNorB,withaquinone-binding donor is unknown, the archaeal halocyanin, a blue Cu- site. In Gram-positive bacteria, a menaquinol Nor with protein present in some archaea (Scharf & Engelhard, an additional small Cu -containing subunit has been 1993), could be the putative reductant. Protein sequence A described as qCu Nor (Hendriks et al., 2000; de Vries & analysis of the H. marismortui nirK gene product reveals a A Schro¨der, 2002; Philippot, 2002). close relationship with the Neisseria gonorrhoeae Cu-Nir, thus suggesting lateral gene transfer of the nirK gene Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates that the (Ichiki et al., 2001; Philippot, 2002). Interestingly, the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum has a qNor-type NO Haloferax denitrificans nirK gene sequence is also available reductase (Table 1). Putative nir (nitrite reductase) and (CAD89521, Table 1), and is highly similar to both H. nor (nitric oxide reductase) genes are located 3?3 kb marismortui and N. gonorrhoeae Cu-Nir. However, anti- upstream from the nar (nitrate reductase) genes (Vo¨lkl serum against bacterial Cu-Nir does not recognize the H. et al., 1993; Fitz-Gibbon et al., 2002). The purified Nor denitrificans enzyme, suggesting possible structural differ- is a single membrane subunit with two modified haem ences (Inatomi &Hochstein, 1996). groups and one non-haem iron, and uses menaquinol as electron donor (de Vries & Schro¨der, 2002). The genome The existence of a nirS homologous gene in the genome of Methanosarcina mazei also contains a NO reductase of the hyperthermophile Pyrobaculum aerophilum suggests gene (MM2988; Deppenmeier et al., 2002) and Sulfolobus thepresenceofacd -nitritereductase(Table 1).Recently,it 1 solfataricus includes a putative gene encoding a haem NO has been reported that this archaeon has a membrane- reductase, but it is truncated by a transposase separating boundrespiratorynitritereductasewhichusesmenaquinol the N-terminal (SSO1573) and C-terminal (SSO1571) as the physiological electron donor, thus having different domains (She et al., 2001). Sequenced genomes of other subcellular location and reductant than bacterial cd -Nir 1 archaea do not include nor homologous genes (Table 1), (Figs 2 and 3). It is worth noting that, in contrast to although the presence of NO reductase has been reported denitrifyingbacteria,allfourreductasesinvolvedindenitri- fication in P. aerophilum are membrane-bound enzymes in some denitrifying halophilic archaea that have not yet which use menaquinol as electron donor (de Vries & beensequenced.ThepresenceofqNorinsomearchaeaisof Schro¨der, 2002). The dependence of the menaquinol pool evolutionary interest because qNor could be the ancestor and the membrane confinement of all these enzymes in notonlyofthecNor,byacquiringhaemc-bindingresidues archaeal denitrification could be related to the relatively in the N-terminal region and separating this domain as a small volume between the S-layer and the cytoplasmic small cytochrome c subunit, but also of the whole super- membrane, in comparison with the larger periplasmic family of haem-copper oxidases and aerobic respiratory space inbacteria, orcould reflecttheancientorigin ofthis enzymes. The capacity for N-oxide respiration appeared pathway. The membrane location of all denitrification early in evolution and qNor may have arisen to detoxify enzymesinP.aerophilumcouldalsoexplaintheabsencein NO; this could still be the role of the enzyme in non- this archaeon of soluble components of the denitrification denitrifying bacteria. After the appearance in the atmo- pathway, such as c-type cytochromes or cupredoxins sphere of oxygen generated photosynthetically, these (Lubben & Morand, 1994; de Vries & Schro¨der, 2002; see enzymes could have replaced non-haem iron by copper Figs 2and 3). and evolved to generate the proton-pumping cytochrome oxidases (Saraste, 1994; Saraste & Castresana, 1994; N-oxide respiration Richardson, 2000; de Vries & Schro¨der, 2002). Nitric oxide, the product of the respiratory nitrite reduct- On the other hand, the E. coli flavorubredoxin has been ases, is a toxic compound that is reduced to N O by nitric recently described as a novel type of prokaryotic NO 2 oxide reductases (Nor) immediately after it has been reductase. The purified protein has a turnover number generated. Several enzymes with Nor activity have been similar to that of canonical bacterial Nor and also has described. In fungal denitrification, NO reduction to N O oxygen reductase activity, although it shows lower affinity 2 is catalysed by a soluble monomeric enzyme of the cyto- forO thanforNO(Gomesetal.,2002).Flavorubredoxins 2 chromeP-450family(Shoun&Tanimoto,1991;Nakahara are A-type flavoproteins which are present in bacteria and http://mic.sgmjournals.org 3535 P. Cabello, M. D. Rolda´n and C. Moreno-Vivia´n some archaea, such as Pyrococcus furiosus, Archaeoglobus 1996). Several nif genes are also involved in cofactor fulgidus, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and Methano- biosynthesis, electron transfer and regulation. Alternative thermobacter thermautotrophicus. Therefore, it has been nitrogenaseshavebeenfoundinseveralbacteria,withVor proposed that this protein is a widespread class of NO FesubstitutingforMo.Theseenzymeshavelowercatalytic reductase, which could detoxify NO or oxygen, allowing efficiency than Mo-nitrogenases and are encoded by nif versatilityinresponsetoenvironmentalconditions(Gomes homologous genes, termed vnf (V-nitrogenase) or anf et al., 2002). However, the physiological relevance of this (Fe-nitrogenase).Alternativenitrogenasesincludeanaddi- protein should be determined in future studies. tional small subunit d, encoded by vnfG or anfG (Eady, 1996; Rees, 2002). N fixation is highly regulated since is Thelaststepofdenitrification,thereductionofN OtoN , 2 2 2 an energy-expensive process requiring large amounts of is of great environmental importance because it closes the reducing power and ATP. Ammonium causes a reversible N-cycle.AlthoughN OislesstoxicthanNOornitrite,and 2 short-terminhibitionofenzyme activity,calledswitch-off/ bacteria could manage without converting N O into N , 2 2 on (Zumft & Castillo, 1978), and a long-term effect at most denitrifying bacteria contain nitrous oxide reduc- the transcriptional level. Ammonium switch-off occurs tases (Nos) encoded by the nosZ gene. These enzymes are by ADP-ribosylation of NifH by DraT/DraG, an ADP- periplasmicmulticopperhomodimersthatreceiveelectrons ribosyltransferase/glycohydrolase system. Expression of nif fromcytochromecorpseudoazurin(Zumft,1997).Ineach genes requires NifA, a transcriptional activator under the 65 kDa monomer, the copper ions are organized in two control of Ntr, a two-component regulatory system of centres, a di-copper cluster CuA resembling that of cyto- bacterial nitrogen metabolism (Ludden, 1994; Merrick & chrome oxidase, and a CuZ cluster in which four Cu Edwards,1995; Halbleib &Ludden, 2000). atomsareligatedbysevenHisresidues.Abridginginorganic sulfur in the CuZ centre has also been identified (Brown N fixation in archaea, first described in Methanosarcina 2 etal.,2000;Rasmussenetal.,2000).Insomearchaea,such barkeri (Murray & Zinder, 1984) and Methanococcus as Haloarcula marismortui and Ferroglobus placidus, the thermolithotrophicus (Belay et al., 1984), is exclusive of, predominant gas species produced by denitrification is but widespread within, methanogenic euryarchaeota N O (Werber & Mevarech, 1978; Vorholt et al., 1997), 2 (Table 2). However, neither Methanococcus voltae nor although other archaea such as Haloferax denitrificans and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii grows diazotrophically, Pyrobaculum aerophilum are able to reduce N O to N , 2 2 despite the presence of nifH-like genes in their genomes having a complete denitrification pathway (Tomlinson (Leigh, 2000). Mo-nitrogenase predominates in diazotro- et al., 1986; Vo¨lkl et al., 1993; de Vries & Schro¨der, 2002). phic methanogens, which contain at least the nifHDKENX However,inP.aerophilum,N OformedbyqNoraccumu- 2 genes(Lobo&Zinder,1990;Chien&Zinder,1996;Kessler lates because its reduction to N by the nitrous oxide 2 et al., 1998; Leigh, 2000). nifHDK are the structural genes reductase is very slow. In contrast to the periplasmic for nitrogenase, whereas nifENX code for FeMo-cofactor bacterial Nos, the P. aerophilum enzyme is located in the biosynthesis proteins (Moreno-Vivia´n et al., 1989). The membrane and uses menaquinol as electron donor, like diazotrophic growth of Methanococcus maripaludis shows the other three reductases of the denitrification pathway Mo dependence, indicating that N fixation is catalysedby in this hyperthermophile (de Vries & Schro¨der, 2002; 2 aMo-nitrogenase(Kessleretal.,1997),althoughMethano- Fig. 3). N O reduction has not been investigated in other 2 sarcina species contain alternative nitrogenases (Table 2). species of archaea and putative nos genes are not present M. barkeri has two clusters of nitrogenase genes, the nif2 inthesequencedarchaealgenomes(Table 1),althoughtwo geneclusterencodingtheMo-nitrogenaseandthenif1(vnf) long hypothetical quinol oxidases (ST2395 and ST0105) cluster encoding an alternative V-nitrogenase, which also withthemotifoftheNosbinuclearcoppercentrearefound includesavnfGgene(Chienetal.,2000).Likethenifregions in Sulfolobus tokodaii(Kawarabayasiet al., 2001). of other methanogens, both gene clusters contain two glnB genes encoding nitrogen signal transduction proteins N fixation in archaea 2 (Chienetal.,2000).TheM.acetivoransgenomeincludesnif, N2 is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere, but vnf and anf genes, being unique among archaea in having itis highly stable andunreactive and isonly used as nitro- all three nitrogenase systems(Galagan etal., 2002). gen source by some prokaryotic organisms. Biological N 2 fixationiscatalysedbynitrogenase,anO -sensitiveenzyme There are significant differences in gene organization and 2 complex which generates two molecules of NH by reduc- regulation between bacterial and archaeal nitrogenase 3 tion ofN . Nitrogenasecan alsoreduce protonstoH and systems. First, all nif genes and the glnB genes are co- 2 2 several substrates with double or triple bonds, such as transcribedinasingleunit(nifHglnBglnB nifDKENX),this I II acetylene and cyanide (Halbleib & Ludden, 2000). Nitro- beingageneorganizationuniquetoarchaea(Kessleretal., genase consists of a molybdenum–iron protein (dinitro- 1998; Leigh, 2000). Transcription of nif genes occurs from genase), which receives electrons from an iron protein typical archaeal promoters, probably reflecting the differ- knownasdinitrogenasereductase.MoFeproteinisana b ences between archaeal and bacterial transcription appa- 2 2 tetramerencodedbythenifDandnifKgenes,andFeprotein ratus,andisregulatedbyrepression,whereasanactivation isahomodimerofthenifHgeneproduct(Howard&Rees, mechanism involving NifA operates in bacteria. As stated 3536 Microbiology 150

processes, such as nitrate assimilation and N2 fixation, and dissimilatory reactions, such as nitrate respiration and denitrification. However, nitrogen metabolism is much less known in archaea than in bacteria. The availability of the complete genome sequences of several members of the eury- and
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