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Preview Nikolai Berdyaev's Theory of Russian Cultural Apocalyptic

KKnnoowwiinngg tthhee TTiimmee,, KKnnoowwiinngg ooff aa TTiimmee 33rrdd AAnnnnuuaall CCoonnffeerreennccee ooff tthhee CCeenntteerr ffoorr MMiilllleennnniiaall SSttuuddiieess BBoossttoonn UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, DDeecceemmbbeerr 66--88,, 11999988 CCoonnffeerreennccee PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss The Russian Idea Of Apocalypse: Nikolai Berdyaev’s Theory Of Russian Cultural Apocalyptic Michael J. Christensen Drew University eltb uesti ut qusbuoiv beom oesk ieslmekir tdslr oe w hfdt ongenihcaorp peahT .a ee shste eeeshrof eebzee ra bee shstle ea fee shgtnira ernelev a straastuj–tnecs 1 e h ntnioitac odv nearut alnacisyhpat ermie hhtt iewcnadroc c na,ielpo enpais s .u..R , ederl l ar fpao.eoowdhentpe 2 w een h ftgonim oec hdt n,asnois icvitpylaco pra oyftivilco reapv ashnaiss ueRhT yeh T.{.. tdieifisnet nyirutnec ye htta hgtn oor lsosfsy be ahortta eodnsev idlah} .msylcat aectamit le uhfttonet r sroaaeptsas iw dehnc aderag eodrtenilc neirew 3 INTRODUCTION: rimidal V:dni mo temo cserugi fye keerh t,citpylacop ayrareti lnaissu Rf oknih te wnehW saloc i,NvoyvoloS Fyodorov, ,yksveotsoD dynoatsloT ialokiN . veaydreB r,ovfoyvoloS d nyaticitneht u fadoiov e”dredoog-o dr“alup osatpasirhcit ngAnim oec hdtenoisiv n,eelpmaxe d ne ehtetane ce shnstoraep po ah,wliv ee Dhydtbessess ot pusbuoethg igrniraep p,aytilautirips f oeht02 htsi hdtehsilb udp ndaenoisi v .n eeeHpor u fEtonedise reP hstemoc edb nyarutn ec .99 8no1iiranecs ( A Short History of the Antichrist) ,rotn es minha hctitsimit peor ohmg u.o hT ,voyvoloS ialokiN naiss u fRnooitida retm assi h ntsieti row hrwekni hctitpylaco p na savieaydreB .yhposolih psuoigiler . ttIs enWred oem h fttoa hmto rtfnereff iydldedic e sdyirots i fhyohposoli hnpaissuR 1 rimidalV o dtyetbt Oo, ud r vqnoenee tt iyiatavreoflloS ,hcirdeirF :Adlr oe Whfd toneEhT yrotsiH (NY: . 1).26p2 8,9n1oitarop rgonCihsil bluaPnoitanre tmnmIorF 2ialokiN veaydreB , ae dnIaiss ueRhT (NY: enrafsidniL Press, 1992), p. 208. 3 Otto ,hcirdeirF yrot s :iAdHlr oe Whfd toneEhT (NY: gnihsilbu Planoitanretn ImmorF Corporation, 1986) p. 220,274. 1 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen laic od snsaet a,dstc alfaret inla hetr osmae dd insagnina edmeterpret nfyiorot s eioasbhtdnet .stneve 4e hfgtonina ermepe ee dhtterpret nyie hsytal ntonatrop me irsaet ad dnsatc acfiro ts iH d nsaisi rlcanoit a fnsodoir egpnir uydlesnet ntis ofmles tsilaev ecritpylaco pnaais s. ueRga catastrophe, 5 fsoet acdifice p osdtekn inlet fo lainnellimnoitatcepxe hcih w 6 “correspond to ogtnidroc c,ahtr and eon”asneva ee hhnsting insiatrec .veaydreB 7 g nwiothoN veaydreB and other nredomerp e h ntsing ilsacigoloms odcnatsred nsurekni ht ta hd tofsGot cs)aac t,esnoitcnujn oycratena l,psespil crean ud lnraal o,sstem oecki ls(nevaeh doht ecmitpylaco p nadaepolev edId neagav alSr a,Cstne vneam uthnacifing ilsellar adp nraeugra eer hn te. hsWhco pceirots irhoj a fmsogninnig edb nsad nee hktr a omntoitalugnai rltacigoloe hfto ,ae dyiranoitulov e,rnoitavon nliacigolonhc e,tenotsel icmirots inh a”(sng icsitpylacop ae“r ormo )ng ilsacigoloms orco/d n,asisi rlcautxetnoc etalugnairt neit ad dnceific e dparsaw ottni od pna reh tgonom ae(tadid n sadaaceifitne deni batcnem ocmitpylaco pn,aanoitaterpret nliarutluc lir pfeAohportsat arcaelc ulnybonre he Chhtt iews ae chshtic u.Se gnfd aaone ehktr ao)mtsetad 26, 1986. nniet fdoet i”cycehpo rlPybonreh Cd“ellac- oe shetbircs eotdt n ,aIywadoT d nsauraleB ydbeyartr osypagolotahc sceitpylaco pnaaiss ufnRooitida re thntiht ittwierpret nd in,aeniarkU rehposolihp/retirw ialokiN d anna u sohaanto b”(citpylacop ad“r oe whe t sl.u lv ieIwaydreB sdan ae(ga srualup osp t niti u”berusolcsi d r“”ognirevocn u s“ganina elmanigi rso t niti o)nbrev y bdeyolpme s)aveaydreB der dhanntwoeoittatn eniaro . 8 4 fmositpa be“ h,telpma xreoF yllamr orfimida leVcni rtPa httna e,m8 8,9tsug u nA”o’suR fsonezit iec htta httc alfaret inala hrteht a,rm ihht iewrip mee hstu hdt nyatinaitsir hdCetpecca .y aed n nodiezitp alb lear e’wsuR 5 ,ehportsa tlaacnoi tsfaeon mniIt ntis utj o,nsetanim oydtilatn ecmitpylaco p,aseug rvaeaydreB .sess aspisi re chrtet fdaesiv ed rndalr oe whfd tone ehr tot fee srs ae.t tas Dee Whnt tiuabissuR e hd tnnaoitulov ehRcne re Fhrtet feas ae chs tahwcuS“ -g n eu. mJst i ratctahiAwtnoelopaN -it n fAeocnaraep praa een hdteisehpo rgpnillitS 00 0r1a eey h st,aylrali m” i.Stsirhc C.E. or 1500 s tntsl a aee,ee hsf dphftsdeotoanhr mecufa E ood.e rlEhspr.tapo C waw.tda nrae h roateeNh“t fmoihca o fJsoeicehpo rep hetr eswnaissuR af,nrotaeir iyp lS eo afhHt wrotuaee onebraoiF dn apihsdneir f,evol fmoihc a .o..“mJodeerf ndae esep sho)etr2nu0tE2i1w -e5r3o1i1F( e hdteterpret nd in,asedasu re Chgtnir uedta td snhacru hnscilavaehpu espylacopA gnidivo r spa e h fteo gwa egnnim oec h ftnoois isv’mihca o.Jstne vleacirots iehrut udf ntanerr u fceonilt unoa doetlae ptpiaripS .dt eht t g i oavusontleoihweahhworytdreB ialokiN ,veaydreB naissu RehT aedI , ( YN .012- 9.,0p)2p2 9,9s1s eernPrafsidniL: 6:noitatcepx ElainnelliM doir etpnerr ue c hfntooitelpm oe c htetam olcl id wne ehtta hfteil ee bht r(adnel arceveta h ywsbra e0y0 0f1o sunna idnum , onna inimod , sunna ba ebru atidnoc : 0,0M0A5 ,noisnet xy;eb) D0A0 0, 1M0A006 msilainnellim noitatce pcxietpylac o’pdaesab-et asdt‘neser per fsonoitaren elgarev e fsnooitaniml uec h sthici hewt addetpec cyaled iewm omso refvir end adcna d”r.a) h 6c,6i 06R,01 050,01 6D3n2A1o1i(tapicitna ,sednaL detnioppas i:Ddeirr adT oeGlihW tse Weh tf oygolaene Geh tdn amsilainelliM )79 9,1nilffiM-nothguo H”(yrassol G“ .)7 9y9r1au rm bt 6eh2F.(yrass o/lggro.ellim.www//:ptth< ialokiN ,veaydreB ,t ceAvitae re C hfgtonina eeMhT (London: Victor . 0, 2),35z.5cp9n1alloG 4 8 citpylacopA“ )nwo nstsk iiad(lr oe whfd tonceihportsat ae chsteilp mniet f,oega srual u”p onpi noitc aenivi dy bdenimrete ddn adelangis--)denoisivn es it isa (hcop ewe naf ogninnige beh tdna ,)tseret nciimeda craalucitr ay pms(txetn oscuoigil ed rnlaarutl uncais s. uenRtI arfo citpylacopa eniv i,dgnireff utsnese r,pynits ecditehpo r,pet aeflbaegnahc nhut idwetaicos sdar osawi 2 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen l.r yaaCdn unfS oftof e,legav alSr a,Ceugaell owce ryeDmre hpkwuc iotptn aIw esr u r oaodcfepolev eehdwcihw–noitalugnai rltacigoloe hfdtooht elmatnemirep xr eudoetneserp nsihco p fesod nker adm nyafitne doit–ygolodoht erMekr alMainnell i rMMo MeM hltl adcna .yrotsi hlainnelli mdn acitpylacopa 9citpylaco pnaaiss u fRtoxetn oec h ntMi MeM hgtniyol p mE teiv orSemr oef h ntei graaelc uen h ftdo nee h ftroekr almainnell i sam6i8 9,1 6l2ir p,Ayrotsih .noinU .I LEYHBTONREHC CITPYLAC ONPAAI S YSNCUIERHPORP eak iglninr u,bneva emho rlfl erfa ttsae rdag n:Adednu olseg ndari het hntehT feo m .ae rnheTt afswognir pe shnd tonsarev ie rhfdtor i nlhaolt etd fin,ahcrot e hrtadto soswimroW yn ad mn,adoowmr oewmac esbret ae whfd*tor .i hAt )11-0 1n:o8italev e.Rr(et tei d bseatasmiwua c,erbe t eamh wotdr efeildpoep dlu otwa httna lrpett iyblemert x ne,a)”lybonreh C,“cinova lnS id(oowmr o*W ...yrtalo d fisotiu rrfett ieb hstezilobm y,selbaknird nruet aewkam 10 :dnuorgkcaB e hfstokn ae bhntO froedr oe bhrta e,neniar knrUiev itRaypirP re wroape l, csauunraleB fp oaeme sy(golonhc est'06 9d1etadt ugonizili t,u38 9nd1ietcurtsn oyclits as hatwnalp .)suraleB ,68 9, 16l2ir pnAO 11 noisolpx en a nev egsnisael edr nraotca eer hft fdo iel hgtniwo ldberrucco sepoto sniw oddeni adruo lrcaelc uhngih- e. le irAmehpsom te ahott nsielcitr aepvitcaoid afsronot e hrtet fsadn iew h ftnooitcer ied h fteosua c. enBoill iemv i ffnooitalup ogpnitcepsus n nunao ,noisolpxe t s . ee %arh5iTss ud Rn% a0d2eviec eerniark Ut(uoll ae fhf% to0d7eviec esruraleB n ollef western Europe). tsr osw’dlr oew h stdaedrag eyrllanoitanret n sirietsas ildybonre heChT n,ireve w. obHm ocbimo tlala m faseoz ies hytl nso anwoisolp xleaut c ea. htTnedic craaelcun cimo te a hfntooitanimatn oecvitcaoid ae rhstem i0 t0d2ecudo rlpybonre h,Ctuoll afsfomret f osnoissim eeh tsemi tnoilli men odn a,denibmo cikasaga Ndn aamihsori Hn odeppor dsbmob fsoelcitr at po,hlamr oodntenrut es ranhoitaid acrirehpsom te ahet l.i dhnWal seIl ieMerhT hc u .Mefi llamin adn atnal pn idn a,ylppu sreta weh tn i,lio seh tn iniame rmuise cdn amuinotulp .sra e fysodnasuo h ftsoderdn urh odfetanimatn o eclbl idwn ael hfto fasogn ahptr ieb hdt n,anoitammusn olcan i,ftsirhcit ngAnim oec h,tgninr acwims o,ctnemhsinup larutl u oacstref e”rcitpylaco pnaaissu Ry“lpm i rsgonikni hctitpylaco pnaaiss u,Rsu h.Te gwaen ytilatn esmuoigil erralup odp nsasensuoicsnoc d re.dahdewtntoEnteiro eeS ialokiN ,veaydreB :Y Na(e dnIaiss ueRhT . 8,.0)p22 9,9s1s eernPrafsidniL 9 e h ntdoes a sb)iygolodoht erMekr alMainnelli MM( MeMhT ftohgis nniredomerp d nvaeaydreB sng ilsacigoloms onciatr egcniri a yp”bsem idtn en“recs iod hswrekni hctitpylaco praehto ,seltt aebvisice ds(tne vleacirots ilhaciti rhct i)wsnoitcnujn oycratena l,pstem o,csespilce( dri hltaciti rdaced dyalpm idIs nla r. aaC rreoj a famdo nee hktr aym atma h)tsrorr e,tsnoisavni e.e nSo(italugnai rrtett er bo)fae dyiranoitulov ernrooitavon nliacigolonhce tn(g icsitpylacopa ).sgnideeco rePse h nteigav alSr a yC”bnoitalugnair T,“elcit rda nnaoitatneserp 10 smla sd Pntanemats ew Te,Nelb iyBdu txSodoht reOhT :ellivhsa N.noisre Vsema Jgni K, .39 9,1srehsilb unPosl esNamohT 11 elih w,erofe bthgi neh tespilc eranu lagniwolloF ...yk seh tmor flle ftemo cs’yellaH 3 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen woH saw? deeht tetrnperveetni d neaniar k nUliev erlalup odp ndaaerpsed inawO yratnem u gconotiddro c,csauraleB dengis sda n”ad o fGto cna ad“eredisn o scrietsas irdaelc ulnybonre h6C8 9e1 h,tecnedive .ecnacifingi ssuoigiler 12 sdaeterpret n siliybonr e hC citehporp d n)aevitcide r rpcoitsilata f( citpylacopa noitida rrtalup o,pgn ohalt iywnomr a nh)iyrotalev e rrcoimsylcata c( naiss u fRo .citpylacopa htf ief h fteo vee h nt,o19-09 9 n1nioig elrybonre heC h otsttis ilvaiti n yigmniruD k sdalu onwet f,Iolybonre h fCyorasrevinna tuo bnaoini psouoigil eearv auh ooy D:“snaisuraleB fyorots ighn oel hetsraeh e ordtedeeco rdp n”a,se yd“erews nyallacip yyte h”T?lybonrehC n ignireffus fsogniti re whn”tira tdsoowmro We “hett idclu oywe h,tyltneu q.e sruFraleB sumadartsoN 13 elbi Beh tn idn a 14 .retsas ildybonre h6C8 9e1 h otytllacifice pgsnirref e sra 055 ,,1ll olpanoit a4 n9 n9aI1 4 4 f2eolpm aasto ugaqnidulcn is(nezit incaisuraleB rdoeergas iyde hytlgnor tws oghnidulc n,isnoitse u fqyoteir adavek sear e)wsreda ellanoitutitsni :tnemeta tgsniwoll oe fhhtt idweerga denehiitsehp osrraepwtsa sliydbonr eehhCT Revelation of John s adw na therefore inevitable. m o e1 roenl, fthOa5atcs esnop snearem .)e eyrlggA n, oe=re5trSg aysligDnort S 6=s51a.(w2 niatr egcno msaesnops e”reer gyAlgnort Sd“ n”aeerg A f“roebm uhng iyhlgnisirpr ueshT .tnacifing idseredisn osc anwoitalup oep h ftsotnemges 15 5yf8e o 4vgo rntauisd ro ccA naisuraleB 0 1eh tgnirud (699 1lirp An idenoissimmo cIsnezitic ht ylrae n,)lybonreh Cf oyrasrevinn a dr iehnto .elb ieB h ntdietcide rypllacifice pyscehpo rrapetsas irdaelc ulnybonre heC hdteredisn o)c%2.13( tna lep h ftyoteir arav oefm ahnsilg neE h st”idoowmroW“ ehtnisba htiw naworb-dreor . mre et tsetlipbrup-peed ehtnisbA r odfe ssu a,whtuomr e svhici h fwtoneiderg nnii aem h,t s(mr olwanitset neir u ocstesopr ulpanicidem semrev ”aisenm ad“ r .oe )whmT r o=w kee reG hmto rdfevir e sd)issenluftegrof( ehtnisba rett ie bhfstonoitaicos slaacina t .oe bhT n ignitluse rni sf ossenluftegro fdn assenretti beh tro frohpate mlacilbi bas aevre stnal planicidem 12 .yrot stiuhohguo r” s hdft dtoocseGaat“erpre teynrlianom msorcetsa sliadrutaN suoigil eerht laicosohcy sw epeatnutitsn oy ca”md oftGoc anss“aaretsas ildacigolon hfnc ooeittaterpretni wer De(spylaco plAybonre h,Cnesnetsir hlCeahc ieM e.Snoi ntUeiv orSemr oef h ntnionemonehp .)69 9,1noitatress iydtisrevinU 13 nyicehpo rlPybonre he Chnntoh o. JtsnSaet fsdoaet is caswumadartsoN 69 9e1 h ntsiuraleB . ) 2xQidnepp Ay(evrus e m oorhsewgolor thscan eyrrFutnec-h ts6u1o m esashufitmadartsoN elbakram ehrt iswtne vdelr oewrut usfniarta udqed ondciedroc ed rnwaaser oefveil esbecruos yl u nJei gea h ftdo nee hdt n,anoi ntUeiv oeS h ftlol aef h,trelt i fHeos ier hgtnidulcn iy(carucca . ) .9yeyn,s 9reri snd 9uS na ,tan,1t,er.2rra.nXHtC7etdeabeCuo“QR seicehpo rePtelpm oeChT fo sumadartsoN .noiti ddEesiv e.R (NY: sumadartsoN Co., 1947), p. 336. 14 noitaleveR 8:10,11 quoted above. 15 ,k rr“aeltCeP e hfytoramm u:Serut ur Fud Onsaevlesr udOnatsred nsU’teL—suraleB cilb ulPanoit a fNyoevr umaSo rsfcitsita teSvitpircseD ” .noinipO lacigoloic or Sorfetn eeChT . 4.,3p)49 9,1ytisrevi nlUlenro C,(lanoitanret nnIois idVlr o,WLUCARO--hcraeseR 4 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen .tnemgdu jenivid 16 stina ldpoowmr orWett ieb hrt oefm acniva leShT lybonrohC n I.)gnillep snainiarkU ( stina lep h fteom aen h,tnaissuR nyloP nswa oon sk,la lybonrehC . (iynrehC kcalb/kr asdna em elihw lyb ,gni efsbosenrett ie bhstetonn od cn)aecnetsi xfeeosn etts aeph ty(ro tssna eymllaret il .)ytila e frsosenkr aed h,tecnetsi x fesosenkca lebht 17 nI dr okwee reG h,tsel bn iaBiniarkU sohtnispa sdaootsred ns1ui1 :n8oitalev en)Riehtnisb a( lybonrohC ralup osp tsietiv nhicihw-- .lybonre hfnCow octirots ie hhrta ernetsas i6d8 9e 1hhtt inwoitaicossa rev ieR hrta etnnemeltt e sassatpircsun aymrutn ehctfle w ntdienoitn etmsr i sfliybonrehC d l fOtoc ecsitpylaco p na yadbeltt ess adw n,a)eniar kdU ndanal orPeta la(inauht i nLtiaypirP e n fopoihsda eeh hrted n,u57 7 n1sireveileB nairallI Petrov. 18 e“ hT e hdtehcae r”psetilybonrehC lybonre h oCdtetarg iyme hrtehte h.Wdlr oew h ftdo ntenenim mei hdt ntasirhcit neA h ftloavirra deretn edc nee hdteveil eybe hetsuaceb around that town, we do not know. nairallI Petrov, ,tsilanru onjaiss uogRtnidrocca yerdnA ’sg esLwo Ce‘mankc iengnar trseht ae rhetro b,“hsellI e” h.Tmsicitan aefmert xse irh onfwo nsk adwna ye hetsuac edbetucesr eepr eswetilybonrehC ery dhoaoetfrtspufer“ d n,asht ad oneacivr eysratil iemdabr o,fstropss aepgdelwonk c,arast t od nid dne ehnteh wy(rutn ehctneeten ie n hfdt o ne” e h.ttrAenn aymrart n nodaicevaheb ,)emoc eht tces .a idr etotstaurAgime 19 yrutnec-htneeten inneewt enboitcenn o)ccitehpo rr poc(ilobm yeshT dn asetilybonrehC lybonre hyCrutnec-hteitnewt ogtnidroc c,ae nsouoiv b n osamisicitpylacopa aneh W.hsellI ,naissuR raelcu nst idn alybonreh Cf onwo teh thti wrailima fnainiark Ur onaisuraleB retsasid reads about lybonrohC .detcep xen ebascnoitaicos scaitpylaco p,atx ee thfrtoetpa hhcthg ie ehnti eh tmor fseni lehT“ noitaleveR ”,enoyrev eyllacitcar py bnwon ker aelbi Beh tn i n idenialpx ehsellI oetvitcart td an”a,evitsegg us saewspylaco pe Ahd tnlaybonre hnCeewt enboitcenn oe.ch 7T8“91 .ytilatne mcitpylacopa ne es ba1h1-01 :n8oitalev e,Rnoitaterpret nciitpylaco praalup ofyporots ie hhn,tideednI raelc ulnabo ld gn,ahtr ae ehgtnikir ttsem orecotiroe t ,eanmoitpu rceinac l hoatv idweifitnedi 16 tna ldpoowmr orWett ie bhosttecneref elracilb irbehtO ;51 :h9aimer e;J4 :s5brevo r:Pedulcni .2 1;: 76s: o5 dm;nA9a1-5 1s:n3oitatne m;a5L1:32 17d nsanoisul l,asnoitaicos ssa t nidinu o sfdir o fawgonina eem h,tsegaugn acliva lnSI g n.is dnoon”rotT a,oi“eircthsacatseatuoRnnoc yerdnA n ihci rs ilybonreh Cdro weht “,hsellI lacinato bsa hosl at i,sgninae mlacigololih pdn alacirotsi hst idnoye B”.seno tdn asgninaem :“snoitaicossa aklyB , or ,aknilyb e hdt n.Assa r fgeoda l sabi ayanrehc aklyb , or lybonrehC s i r e ”he.tmdoa onnroaowfmrow yerdnA ,hsellI s’tsilanru onJaiss uAR tnuoc csAsent ieWyE (NY: n&osdrahciR ,) n.ap.m9r6ietS 18 ,ydu tess asci h ftnooitatnese ryplr a neganira erhet f,aya leCneg u,Erossefo ryprots inhaissuR :noitamrof nginiwoll oef hdtereffo nairallI Petrov nyitinumm occitsan oem hgtnitra trset f,a n iyretsano m’sreveile Bdl Oeh tn iredae laemace b,lybonrehC aialeB astinirK eniar k nUwio n( e he trsatnadnecs eldautir i .ps )siyHrutn ehctneeten iynlr ae ehnytirotirr entairts uftAor atpub reveil edB leO h ftsotnerehda d eertea tnnr aia,ftuwoiqoldcoaspeoohMrteM Rogozhskoe sniatiloport etmnerr ue.c hwTocs o nMeihchsibdalk .iipmilA 19 et arg io)mtnoitax amto rsfreveil ed BldOee rofh wIf(Ies orJorep me Ehydtbetiv ns iavworteP ot airtsuA ta eht dne fo eht91 ht .yrut nec yerdnA hsellI s’tsilanru onJaiss uAR ssenti WeyE tnuoccA n&osdrahc i:RY N( )n. a3.m7pr-i2e7tS 5 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen .ra w yr o ftno cIeehfter tnu onyMoretsan ouMoisynoiD e hgtnitartsul loics e serairfe h,tsohtA ynciehp odropowm r eodhWetterpre tsnki n eo,hmst'0 5 e9gh1 nt.ir r audtDosowm rgonWillaf sfmoret .sbm ocbimo taa 20 citpylaco pdanatsred noe utseluwla hksrowema rlfacigoloe hrltoaciteroe httahW 0?e 2lhyTbonre hfsConoitaterpretni ht ,rehposoli hspuoigil enraiss uyRrutn ec ialokiN ,veaydreB .ediu glufple hasi ESPYL A A CNEFOADOPIIA S.ESIHUITR A. Nikolai hcivordnaxelA veaydreB (1874-1948 s,irekni hctitpylaco pdaebircsed-fl e,as) . yrutn ehcteitne wet h ntriehposoli hnpaiss unRwo ntks eeb hytlbaborp hrteihwt e,gvoetaydreB s(rekni hntaiss urReilrae ,yksveotsoD ,yotsloT Fyodorov, yltcnits isadeidob m,e)voyvoloS . noitatnei rloacigolotahc sneaissuR yranoitulo v geanrir uedto rd wn,athguo h,tdev ivleaydreB osatsent icwitehp o sr,aap)sr afsworom ud rnsar adwlr odwim ay(rots inhaiss uneRimit nnraied rdolr ogwnitpursid citpylacopa or millennial tnem om 21 . ysrAots idhlr ofwo veaydreB ,yhpargoibo t seuoicathaf e esrnhePittats ytilae Rdn amaerD eg an an ievi lo tto ly mnee bsa htI “: yrtnu on c wyro moefki lcaihportsatac ev ashdlr odw lsoe y yeemro f. edBlr oewlo h ewd hnta nesi rsae nwo edn ndaespalloc ... .” 22 edh n,aet olnacigolotahc s ne nado nyellacip ystgniti rsw iH deltit n,eemul oevrit nndeaetoved d neE hdt nganinnig eeBhT lacigolotahcs ed“ell aetcha ho,wt hsilgn Edn anamre G,hcner Fn idehsilbu pnee beva hskro wsul pytrih tsi hf otso M”.scisyhpatem .snoitalsnart rek nliahctigolo t vas ehanacwaysdereB lar et htoaginul o.hT rtosicitpylacopa srae ydnasuoh ten olacilbi beh tf odn er ogninnige beh tro fseta dste soh wtsilainnellim , veaydreB .e g w afesaonnois id vntanemgd ucjitehpo ryplsuoir eksoot 23 eH detbuod taht eht wen ega foeht draw odtenilc n.Iya wdaess ad payhteic od snhacru hfrcoed rd ole ohltit nnuig edblu otciripS ,lufepo hyllautirip stu b,msimissep hci h nwei glaautiri p fasgoninw aed hdtetapicit nvaeaydreB . e“e hmTerp unsgi edrlu oewcits udj nyatrebil y(rots ifho”dne w ereyhonrtfasse cs)easnwonork em iltacigolotahc s n esadaootsred n,ugninnigeb ( soriak )d neam iytranid rsodnecsna rhtci hw yrotsi hnamuh ( )sonork .w odn near eehtapicitr a ephwci h nwdi ndaenomm ues r eahwci h ow,t na e ommtr eet hdtootsred n. eugHnikni hdt nganiv isl i nh”icitpylacop as“ avweaydreB s tginitarugua nsitne vlean ief h ntdoesuc oyfllacitehpo rdp n,ahco pw e efa”noeg dee hnto“ ,erutl urcalup odp nlaautcellet nhit o nbsieiraropmetn osc i fhyon aemki l. ntUnevda s’veaydreB 20 o cdoe soteneo oSirwfhfmoproW tnu onyMoretsan ouMoisynoiD yybratnemm odc nsaohtA seuqcaJ tnu o fMsokn oeM h nT,initnelaV seuqc a yJsbohtA ana i yDdbetalsna r,tnitnelaV ,llihtA :nodnoL( erdnA Deutsch, 1960), pp.121-123. 21 drahciR sednaL ,yrots ilharutl u fcnoosa eeasbircs e od”ttnem olmainnelli mm“r eet hste su ,r afsworom ud rnsar a,wsredn od wnsangis--serug id fnsaae dciitpylaco ponate pyolralucitrap lacigolotahc sreu phsci h.wc tsetsirhcit nd Ansahaiss e,Msep onhaipo t,ustne vceihportsatac .sra edynasu o fhea otgnaed l goanginnig ed bne age a hfdt one e hfstonoitatcepxe 22 ialokiN veaydreB , ytilae Rdn amaerD yerffo e:Gnod nto rLe(bm aeLniraht a.Ksna rt selB , .,x)i0591 23 ialokiN ,veaydreB Toward a New Epoch nodnoL( yerff o: eG .) 9, 4s9e1lB deortr evfeearydreB ”.tiri pe Shfe togeAh tse“aspylaco pe ahstwoll otfa ha trw eeenht 6 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen ,evit cda ncaitsimit pto u,beviss a rpcoitsimiss etp osn aywgolotahc sceitpylacopa ekr as laC :snialpxe o,tyrots ifnhooitul olsan iyfl ne ohsttasir hfgConim odCnoc ee Shodttrawr okfo oolT ep onhodna b oartehti e sneim i fteodist udo nyarots idhnoy eybrots i fhgonina eem hetes ta h.Tmsicits ycmitsilaudivid noit ntiaert e orsts ellli t,sytivitca n oiftlese nnogis erron seim o osltli tmse hstna edm ntas aep h ntsigni hetse httna esm ayhgolotahc sneaitsirhC true. But it is not true of ”.veaydreB 24 For noitanimul lliautiri pds nraew oepvitae r fceocru oes hst aywgolotahc sceitpylaco p,aveaydreB mr oo f tteslnh.naetraisercedtorrspo B. s’veaydreB yroehT . nehW ylpm its osnna e emchitpylaco pmar eet hste svueaydreB nam udh neam i ft”od neE hdtraw odtetneir ot“ u,bnedd ish ahwci htwa h ftgoniliev n rugonilaever .noitnevretn ienivi df onoitapicitn an iyrotsih ot tosnref ee”rh,snais s fus oRk“ae penshehW tneic n fasotnadnecs eldarutl uec h ottt u,byl nsonaiss ucRinhte suR dn asnainiark Ugnidulcni (’ snaisuraleB m ridaoheftutits n oo)hcw r eltacneaopriyatthacn --a group psyche or corporate dev io lhewlpo egpno msanoitaren esgsor cd aneam irte vdoepolev ehdci h-w-gnikni hfntorettap .erip mneaiss udR leo h ftsoredra oeb hntihtiw n okro wsi hn isetat se hneh wflesmi hsedulcn iveaydreB yfissal csnaissuR “:yksveotsoD s asevlesmeht snaiss u.Rsemert x oemte hstevi rndoitutitsn orcie h”T.stsilih idn nsatsicitpylacopa s”ahtr ad ennaeva e w hfenaonoitaleve re “hr tokfo orlehtie emoc eybe hr,tostsicitpylacopa eli h,wdlr oew h ftdo nee hsttia wyaleviss anpoitatnei rcoitpylaco p ea. hsTtsilih iynranoitulover ”,stsilihi nll aer ae wesuace bs ugnom aderaepp asa hmsilihiN “.tuob at isgnir bylevitc atsilihi neht .yra is d inehito rywksveotsoD 25 senif eadidepolcyc ntEeiv oeS hT naissuRmsilihin seaht ”.ef illaic o fssomr oef hdt nearutl u,csmr olnar o,mslae d:iseul anvomm o fcnooitcejer“ 26 m reehtT na v yIabiss u nRdiecudort nsiaw ,lev osn’venegreT s ndsonrSaehtaF deoit l)dsp2nap 6awa81( sya s,msilihi nnaiss u .Rtnemevo myranoitulove reht eme hltacigolotahc see h st,iveaydreB sa ti;inoitaziliv iecsl atfsnia g,ayrots i fhsoecitsuj nei httsnia gtalov e sar ti: Id“eta tyslevitagen ”.nig e,byrots iehvo b raeodist u,oef iw l eda nn,ad n n eoaetm olcla hysrots itha hdtnamed 27 laico stneser peh thti wtnemnoisullisi dralimi sas adebircse de bna ccitpylacop anaissuR lufep oth edy n,ae rsagni hyt aew h fteocnatpec ceaviss adp nmasimiss e npginitlus eyrllau s,uredro o tgnidrocc a,msilihi N.do Gf ohpmuir tlani fdn a)gnireffu sfo (dn egnidnepm ieh tfo si “,veaydreB detrevn in aylno em ae s hfstoed io s w sfttaohguo hent basceicnedn e ht”t .omBsicitpylacopa l unoasis seefurhoRuttcu resthus th.Tm“urtc elpascigolota hs fcdneosnateeis o ,prnpoiooc ra‘coits y samoi h,wnamr e faGtoa hmto ryfldnuofo rspreffid ,namhcn e ftraoa Fhr’to,tsicitirc 24 ,ekral Cgnidlei FrevilO Introduction to veaydreB nodnoL( : yeffoeG ,selB ,)0591 .p.481 25 ialokiN ,veaydreB yksveotsoD dl a.nso nDart Attwater ( YN n a,i sd,ki)or7oe5BM9: 1.p.71 26 ,yranoitc icDidepolcyc ntEeivoS .M.A Prochorov ,,,a )i,7d.8ed9pe1 o:tl wecoiycvcsonoSEM( p. 886. 27 ialokiN veaydreB , msinummo Cnaissu Rf onigir OehT , pp. 40-41. 7 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen cri o taosph iewaks dogmatist. . .” 28 f omargai das iwol e B gnidnatsred nluarutl usc’veaydreB seitiral oo pwhtt imwuunitn olcacigolotahc sn:eaygolotahc sneaiss urRalup ofpo d neavitca/elbisnopser( d ncaitsilihi ns(eicnedn eetmert xoe wdt n;aevissap/elbisnopsernon .)citpylacopa suonegidn inA ,txetn osc tniiht iywroe hltacituenemreh saedivo repvitcepsr esp’veaydreB lacitirc fyodu tess alcacigoloe hytraropmet n oodatceilp pena bahcci hkwrowemarf /naissuR .)ycehpo rlPybonre heCh Ty(golotahc sneaisuraleB MLUAUCNII GTS ON’NLOVAOCEITASAYSHDUCRRSEEB )xirt aAM( elbisnopseR ()evitca/evitaerc/lufepoh NIHILISTIC-------------------------------------------------APOCALYPTIC elbis ntoopNseR ()evissap/citsimissep/lufetaf ehT“ naissuR stsilihin dna stsicitpylacopa era ta eht emertxe selop fo eht...luos ( ialokiN ,veaydreB yksveotsoD .snart dlanoD ,s knoaoiBd i:rrYeeNtM(awttA 1957), p. 19. 28 ialokiN veaydreB , yksveotsoD dl a.nso nDart Attwater : YnNa(i d,isrke oM,o)B7591 .p.71 8 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen 9 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen Modified XLIARCTIAGMOLO TAHCSE elbisnopseR ()evit c/aevitae r/clufepoh lacigolohtyM__________________________citsilanoitaR CITPYLACOPA_________________citehporP____________CITPYLACOPANON citsilanoitaR _ lacigolohtyM________________________ elbis ntoopNseR ()evissa p/citsimisse p/lufetaf .“ . . ym noitaterpretni fo ygolotahcse si evitca dna ,evitaerc ton .evissap ehTdne fo eht ,dlrow dna eht dne fo yrotsih dneped osla nopu eht evitaerc tca fo”.nam ( ialokiN ,vealydreB ehT naissuRaedI , p. 257.) .C r ectict ap ryfalohaCco p eAnhatissuR Soul ehT ahsuD iissoR y bs i)luo snaissuR ( g noitdr o,ccciatpyla ceorpuatan m r .e evt h eytaBydreB iissoR lanoita nreht of oevisulcn is ie h, tneicn af oylima feh tn iseigolohcysp dn anainiark Uyliramirp (’suR -t shogpuoh t,lnaaisuraleB . y)Baiss uhRt inwoitaicos sraie hytn esdeta ttSnedneped neise h ntsitsilanoit atneivoS ahsud e h d nsasensuoicsn o,cytivitcejb u,sytilatn elmanoit atan ulbu olsaudivid n ninaa etm osneod ,seitluciff ihdt itwhgua r sfyigolohcy slpanoit aeanbircs e odttpmet tsa ihhguoh t. leApyt-retcarahc d nsanaiss utRa hdtnu oefv aIh tso attr htnsgn ieuofiocorhotg e e tns eaeesscthnuftaoisuraleB rehte hrwedisn oorcte d. rnnooInemone hlparutl ugcninima xfseoy anwretseW s’veaydreB d naaiss u nRginikni hctitpylaco p fanoonemone hep h nttohg islde hysroeht ts ue,mwsuraleB 10 www.mille.org/confprodec98/christensen

6000 AM, 1000 AD); by extension, millennialism represents 'date-based' apocalyptic expectation and can derive .. Hagia Sophia became a mosque.
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