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Nicotinic ACh Receptors Susan Wonnacott and Jacques Barik Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK Susan Wonnacott is Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Bath. Her research focuses on understanding the roles of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the mammalian brain and the molecular and cellular events initiated by acute and chronic nicotinic receptor stimulation. Jacques Barik was a PhD student in the Bath group and is continuing in addiction research at the Collège de France in Paris. Introduction and there followed detailed studies of the properties of nAChRs mediating synaptic transmission at The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is the these sites. nAChRs at the muscle endplate and prototype of the cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion in sympathetic ganglia could be distinguished channels (LGIC) that also includes GABA , GABA , A C by their respective preferences for C10 and C6 glycine, 5-HT receptors, and invertebrate glutamate-, 3 polymethylene bistrimethylammonium compounds, histamine-, and 5-HT-gated chloride channels.1,2 notably decamethonium and hexamethonium.7 This nAChRs in skeletal muscle have been characterised provided the first evidence that muscle and neuronal in detail whereas mammalian neuronal nAChRs DD nAChRs are structurally different. in the central nervous system have more recently RR become the focus of intense research efforts. This In the 1970s, elucidation of the structure and function II was fuelled by the realisation that nAChRs in the brain of the muscle nAChR, using biochemical approaches, VV and spinal cord are potential therapeutic targets for was facilitated by the abundance of nicotinic synapses II a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions. akin to the muscle endplate in electric organs of the NN The generation of transgenic mice with deleted or electric ray, Torpedo, and eel, Electrophorus. High GG mutated nAChR subunits3 and the development affinity snake α-toxins, including α-bungarotoxin of subtype-selective ligands to complement the (α-Bgt), enabled the nAChR protein to be purified RR generous armamentarium of natural products that and subsequently resolved into 4 different subunits, EE target nAChRs,4 support this research. Progress is designated α,β,γ and δ.8 An additional subunit, ε, was SS being made in understanding the physiological roles subsequently identified in adult skeletal muscle. In EE of nAChRs in the brain and the underlying molecular the early 1980s, these subunits were cloned and the AA and cellular mechanisms, and the contribution of era of the molecular analysis of nAChRs commenced. RR nAChRs to pathological conditions. The muscle endplate nAChR has the subunit CC Muscle nAChR combination and stoichiometry (α1)2β1εδ, whereas HH nAChRs in vertebrate skeletal muscle have been tinh efo eetxatrl aojru dnectnioenrvaal tendA CmhuRsc l(eα,1 a)2nβd1 γ(mδ upsrceldeo-dmeirnivaeteds) F F studied for over a century; this preparation was electric organs. The high density of nAChRs in Torpedo UU pivotal in Langley’s formulation of the concept electric organ has facilitated high resolution structural RR of a ‘receptive substance’.5 In these studies he studies using electron microscopy.9 Together with TT showed that ‘nicotine causes tonic contraction of biochemical and biophysical approaches to studying HH certain muscles of fowl, frog and toad, and that this structure-function relationships, this has resulted in a EE contraction is prevented .... by curare’. This was detailed molecular description of the nAChR.1 RR the first notion that the action of a neurotransmitter or pharmacological agonist is transduced into an Molecular Architecture of the nAChR intracellular response by interaction with a molecular (Figure 1) entity (‘receptor’) in the membrane of the responsive Each of the five subunits comprising the nAChR span cell. Dale distinguished the actions of muscarine the lipid bilayer to create a water-filled pore. Each and nicotine, leading to the recognition of two subunit consists of 4 transmembrane segments, pharmacologically distinct (and structurally and the second transmembrane segment (M2) lines the functionally unrelated) families of receptors for the ion channel. The extracellular N-terminal domain neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh), that take their of every subunit contains a ‘cys-loop’ that is the names from these natural products.6 Neuromuscular signature sequence of this LGIC family: two cysteine and ganglionic preparations lend themselves to residues, separated by 13 amino acids (Cys 128, physiological and pharmacological investigations, 142, Torpedo α subunit numbering), form a disulphide Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series Figure 1 | General structure of nAChRs1 Non-competitive Antagonist K+ Positive Allosteric Agonist / Competitive Complementary Modulator Antagonist binding site: γ/(δ) Primary E D Channel Blocker binding site: α BW Y111Y117 W 149 55/(57) Y 151 F Nic D Y 180/(182) 190 CC 192 C Y a) N b) 193 198 Y93 W86 A ACh binding protein Cys-loopC C Ca2+,Na+ C M1 M2 M3 M4 M2 lines c) the channel a) Schematic of a nAChR with one subunit removed to reveal the ion channel lumen. Notional sites of action of interacting drugs in the extracellular domain or within the channel lumen are indicated. b) Agonist binding site loop model. The agonist binding site is enlarged to show the contributing polypeptide loops forming the primary and complementary components, with key amino acids indicated on the loops. c) The topography of a single subunit. bond to create a loop that has been implicated in californica and Bulinus truncatus.12,13 Each subunit the transduction of agonist binding into channel of this pentameric secreted protein is homologous opening.10 The principal agonist binding site resides to the N-terminal domain of a nAChR subunit, with in the N-terminal domain of α subunits, close to a pair conservation of all the residues implicated in ACh of adjacent (‘vicinal’) cysteine residues (Cys 192, binding to muscle nAChRs. These proteins provide a 193, Torpedo numbering) that define an α subunit. high resolution view of the extracellular portion of the Mutagenesis and photoaffinity labelling experiments receptor, notably of the binding sites at the interface have highlighted the importance of 4 aromatic between adjacent subunits, and the interaction of residues (Tyr 93, Trp 149, Tyr 190, Tyr 198, Torpedo agonists with these sites.10 numbering), consistent with 3 polypeptide loops of Upon agonist binding, nAChRs undergo an allosteric the α subunit (loops A-C) contributing to the primary transition from the closed, resting conformation to agonist binding site (see Figure 1).11 The adjacent an open state that allows an influx of Na+, and to a subunit (γ/ε or δ) also contributes to the binding site lesser extent Ca2+, and an efflux of K+ under normal (complementary site: ‘loops’ D-F, now recognised to physiological conditions. In the closed state the ion be mostly β strands). One consequence of this is that channel is occluded by a ‘hydrophobic girdle’ that the αγ/ε and αδ binding sites are not identical with constitutes a barrier to ion permeation. Agonist respect to ligand affinity.1 However, occupancy of binding in the extracellular domain promotes a both binding sites is required to open the channel. conformational change that results in a rotational Knowledge of ligand binding to nAChRs has been movement of the M2 helices lining the pore. Twisting greatly augmented by the crystal structure of an ACh of the girdle widens the pore by ~3 Å, sufficient for binding protein first identified in the snail Lymaea ion permeation.9 At the muscle endplate, the ensuing stagnalis and subsequently also cloned from Aplysia depolarisation elicits muscle contraction. Despite the  | Nicotinic Receptors presence of agonist, the nAChR channel closes within seconds to minutes, to enter a desensitised state. In Figure 2 | Relationship between the major this condition, the nAChR is refractory to activation. conformational states of a nAChR Multiple desensitised states have been proposed to aaggoonniisstt exist.14 In the active (open) conformation, the nAChR RREESSTTIINNGG AACCTTIIVVEE CChhaannnneellcclloosseedd CChhaannnneellooppeenn AAggoonniissttbbiinnddss binds agonists with low affinity (Figure 2; e.g. K for wwiitthhlloowwaaffffiinniittyy d ACh ~50 μM). The desensitised states display higher affinity for agonist binding (K for ACh ~1-5 μM), thus d the desensitised nAChRs can retain bound agonist despite its non-conducting state. DDEESSEENNSSIITTIISSEEDD FFaassttoonnsseett Sites on the Muscle nAChR for Ligand AAggoonniissttbbiinnddss Interactions (Figure 1) wwiitthhhhiigghhaaffffiinniittyy In addition to agonists binding to the agonist binding sites in the extracellular domain, competitive DDEESSEENNSSIITTIISSEEDD antagonists also bind at or close to these sites, SSlloowwoonnsseett preventing access to agonists. Their antagonism can be overcome by increasing the agonist concentration (unless the antagonist binds irreversibly, as is the agonist binding sites, and include channel blocking case for α-Bgt), hence competitive antagonism is drugs that occlude the channel. Their inhibition is not referred to as ‘surmountable’. The concentration surmountable with increasing agonist concentration. of competitive antagonist necessary for nAChR In addition to compounds that interact specifically blockade will depend on the experimental conditions. with residues in the mouth or lumen of the pore, any Non-competitive antagonists bind to sites distinct from small positively charged species may be predicted Table 1 | Selected compounds that interact with mammalian muscle nAChRs Drug Comment Potencya Agonists (±)-Anatoxin A A bicyclic amine from blue-geen algae that is a potent, enantio-selective ACh-like agonist lacking EC = 50 nM 50 significant activity at muscarinic receptors or AChE.88,237 (-)-Nicotine The natural tobacco alkaloid is ~6 times more potent than its unnatural enantiomer at muscle ED = 20 µM 20 nAChRs.238 Competitive Antagonists Benzoquinonium A classical neuromuscular blocking agent,239 also used for invertebrate preparations.240 More recently reported to act as an allosteric potentiating ligand and open channel blocker of muscle and neuronal nAChR subtypes.241 α-Bungarotoxin Polypeptide snake toxin from Bungarus multicinctus; most potent of the ‘long’ α-neurotoxins. Binds K = 0.01-10 nM d (α-Bgt) pseudo-irreversibly, reflecting very slow dissociation kinetics. Interacts potently with α subunit sequence around Tyr -X-Cys -Cys .1,242 190 192 193 α-Conotoxin MI One of several α-conotoxins from Conus sp. that specifically block muscle nAChRs. MI exhibits a K ~ 0.1-1 nM d 10000-fold preference for the α/δ versus the α/γ agonist binding site interface of mammalian muscle nAChRs.139,243 Decamethonium Often used as a competitive antagonist but it produces a depolarising neuromuscular block akin to ED = 0.12 µmol/kg; 95 nicotine and other agonists. It is more accurately classified as a partial agonist.7,244 0.03 mg/kg Pancuronium Used clinically as a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant.245,246 IC ~ 5 nM 50 d-Tubocurarine As a photoaffinity label, it discriminates αδ and αγ agonist binding sites.1,246,247 K = 30 nM, d1 K = 8 µM d2 IC ~ 50-100 nM 50 Channel Blockers Chlorpromazine This neuroleptic drug also blocks the nAChR channel, interacting with hydrophobic residues in the IC >300 nM 50 Torpedo M2 channel lining.248,249,250 Histrionicotoxin First isolated from frogs of the dendrobatid genera.251,252,253 K ~ 0.1-1 µM i (Bold Text Denotes Compounds Available From Tocris) aEC , effective concentration producing 50% of maximum activation; ED , effective dose producing 20% of maximum response (activation); ED , effective dose 50 20 95 producing 95% of maximum response (blockade); K, Afinitiy for binding to muscle or Torpedo preparations or purified nAChR; IC , concentration producing 50% d 50 inhibition; dependent on experimental conditions; K, Inhibition constant i www.tocris.com |  Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series to channel block, and many agonists including ACh necessitated the presence of specific receptors. In do this at high concentrations.15 The efficiency of the early 1980’s it was apparent that [125I]-α-Bgt and channel blockade is ‘state dependent’; access to the [3H]-nicotine labelled distinct sites that differ in their channel requires the channel to be open. Hence the pharmacological profiles and anatomical distributions speed of block will be influenced by the state of the in rodent brain.16,17 This raised the (then) novel and receptor: resting, open or desensitised (Figure 2). controversial prospect of nAChR heterogeneity in the A selection of compounds acting at such sites on brain. Since the first publication of a cloned neuronal the muscle or Torpedo nAChR is listed in Table 1. nAChR subunit (α3) in 1986,18 eleven neuronal Allosteric modulators can act at a number of sites to nAChR subunits have been identified in mammals influence agonist interactions or channel function. (α2-α7, α9, α10, β2-β4),4,19 with an additional subunit, α8, cloned from avian species.20 Neuronal nAChR α Subunits are defined by the presence of a pair of Heterogeneity of Subtypes (Figure ) vicinal cysteines equivalent to those that characterise In addition to their presence in skeletal muscle, the muscle α1 subunit. This led to the supposition that nAChRs in autonomic neurones were implicit, and all α subunits could constitute the primary agonist recognised to be pharmacologically distinct, since binding subunit in neuronal nAChRs. However, the α5 the studies of Paton and Zaimis.7 The existence subunit is not capable of fulfilling this role as it lacks of nAChRs in the brain was controversial, but the critical tyrosine from loop C (Tyr190, Torpedo α1 realisation that the tobacco smoking habit is labelling, Figure 1).21 β Subunits lack the N-terminal underpinned by the psychoactive actions of nicotine vicinal cysteines but β2 and β4 subunits contain the Figure 3 | Heterogeneity of vertebrate nAChRs Phylogenetic relationship of all vertebrate nAChR subunits cloned to date, adapted from ref. 342. (For complete phylogenetic tree including invertebrate subunits see ref. 127.) Viable subunit combinations are indicated on the right. Putative agonist binding sites are indicated by small dark circles between adjacent subunits. ααααα99999 ααααα99999 ααααα99999 ααααα99999 ααααα1111100000 ααααα1111100000 α9 ααααα99999 ααααα99999 ααααα99999 ααααα99999 α10 NNNeeeuuurrrooonnnaaalll,,, hhhooommmooommmeeerrriiiccc α7 ααααα77777 ααααα88888 ααααα77777 pppCCCaaa222+++///NNNaaa+++ ααααα77777 ααααα77777 ααααα88888 ααααα88888 ααααα88888 ααααα88888 α8 ~~~111000 ααααα77777 ααααα77777 ααααα88888 ααααα88888 ααααα77777 ααααα77777 α1 β1 MMMuuussscccllleee,,, ε/γ δ α1 α1 pppCCCaaa222+++///NNNaaa+++ γ 000...222 δ β1 εεε α2 βββββ22222 ααααα44444 ααααα44444 xxxxX = β2,α4, α5,… α4 α3 βββββ22222 xxxxX NNNeeeuuurrrooonnnaaalll,,, α6 hhheeettteeerrrooommmeeerrriiiccc βββββ22222 βββββ22222 α5 pppCCCaaa222+++///NNNaaa+++ ααααα66666 ααααα44444 ααααα66666 ααααα66666 ~~~111---111...555 β3 βββββ22222 βββββ33333 βββββ22222 βββββ33333 β2 βββββ22222 βββββ22222 βββββ44444 β4 ααααα33333 ααααα33333 ααααα33333 ααααα33333 ααααα33333 ααααα33333 βββββ22222 YYYYY βββββ44444 YYYYY βββββ44444 YYYYY YYYYY = β2,β4, α5,…  | Nicotinic Receptors tryptophan residue characteristic of loop D (Figure 1); α3β2* and α7 nAChRs (where * indicates the hence these subunits can act like γ and δ muscle possible inclusion of unspecified subunits; see subunits to provide the complementary binding site Figure 3).35 Additional subunits (including α4 and in an αβ pair. The absence of this residue in the β3 α10) have been reported in dorsal root ganglia;36,37 subunit makes it the true homologue of the muscle β1 nAChRs in these sensory neurones are of interest subunit that does not contribute to an agonist binding as therapeutic targets for modulating nociceptive site. Indeed, the sequence similarity between α5 and signals. β3 subunits (see Figure 3) is consistent with both • There is a heterogeneous distribution of α2-α7 having this role.22 and β2-β4 subunits in the mammalian CNS:19 In contrast, the α7, α8 and α9 subunits are α4, β2 and α7 are the most wide-spread subunits distinguished by their ability to form robust homomeric with α4β2* and α7 nAChRs having a somewhat receptors in expression systems in the absence complementary distribution. In contrast to their of a β subunit. Hence these subunits provide both roles at the neuromuscular junction and in primary and complementary faces of the agonist sympathetic ganglia, there are rather few reports binding site,19 resulting in five putative binding sites of neuronal nAChRs mediating cholinergic per receptor monomer (Figure 3). It is not known if synaptic transmission in the CNS. There is more than 2 sites must be occupied by the agonist to abundant evidence in the brain for presynaptic open the channel, but occupancy of a single site by nAChRs that modulate the release of many the antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA) is predicted different neurotransmitters38 and this has led to to be sufficient to inhibit α7 nAChR function.23 In the unproven supposition that the majority of avian tissues α7α8 heteromers also occur and an nAChRs are located presynaptically. However, association between α7 and β2 subunits has been nAChRs also exist on somatodendritic regions, suggested to occur in mammalian brain.24 A splice in perisynaptic or extrasynaptic locations.39,40,41 variant of the α7 nAChR subunit that incorporates a The current perspective is that presynaptic and novel 87 base pair cassette in the N-terminal domain extrasynaptic nAChRs serve to modulate short has also been reported to be expressed in rat and longer term neuronal activity in response intracardiac neurones, and possibly other tissues.25 to non-synaptic (‘paracrine’) levels of ACh (or It differs in having slower desensitisation kinetics and choline, in the case of α7 nAChRs).42 more reversible blockade by α-Bgt. The related α10 The α7 nAChR is particularly prominent in the subunit is only incorporated into a functional nAChR hippocampus, where it is found on GABAergic when co-expressed with the α9 subunit.26,27 interneurones of stratum oriens and stratum A distinct but related gene family of α and β subunits radiatum, and on pyramidal neurones. Presynaptic has been uncovered in invertebrates. The C. elegans α7 nAChRs are present on glutamate terminals genome sequence incorporates 29 candidate nAChR and facilitate transmitter release in various brain subunits, Drosophila melanogaster and Anopholes regions, including hippocampus, cortex and gambiae each have 10 nAChR subunit genes, while ventral tegmental area.43,44,45 Nicotine acting at α7 the honey bee Apis mellifera has 11 such genes.28,29 nAChRs can enhance hippocampal LTP,46 and α7 Twelve nAChR subunits have been found in the nAChRs are associated with attentional processes mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis.30 and working memory.47,48 As a consequence, α7 Distribution and Physiological nAChRs are a therapeutic target for treating cognitive Significance of nAChR Subtypes impairment, notably in Alzheimer’s disease and In situ hybridisation has shown that nAChR subunits schizophrenia, and this has prompted the generation have distinct and often widespread distributions in the of α7 nAChR-selective ligands,49 some of which are vertebrate nervous system. The subunit composition listed in Table 2. of native nAChRs has proved a more challenging quest. The following methodologies have contributed α4β2 nAChRs have high affinity for nicotine (and to the current understanding of subunit composition: account for >90% of [3H]-nicotine binding to brain subtype-selective radioligand binding (Table 5); tissues). A stoichiometry of (α4) (β2) has been 2 3 pharmacological characterisation; single cell PCR proposed, generating two agonist binding sites and electrophysiology; immunoprecipitation with consistent with the model of the muscle nAChR subunit-specific antibodies; knock out mice. (Figure 3).50,51 Manipulation of the stoichiometry • Autonomic neurones (including sympathetic of α4β2 nAChRs expressed in Xenopus oocytes ganglia, parasympathetic innervation, sensory indicates that (α4) (β2) nAChRs are also viable, 3 2 ganglia, chromaffin, neuroblastoma and PC12 displaying lower affinity for ACh and higher Ca2+ cells) typically express α3, α5, α7, β2 and β4 permeability;52,53 whether native nAChRs with subunits,31,32,33,34 with the likely assembly of α3β4*, this subunit stoichiometry exist is not known. www.tocris.com |  Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series Table 2 | Potencies of selected compounds that interact preferentially with α7 nAChR Potency Drug Comment Binding Function Agonist K a EC b i 50 AR-R17779 A synthetic, structurally rigid spirooxazolidone with 100-fold great potency for binding to α7 0.2 µM 10-20 µM nAChRs than α4β2 nAChRs. No activation of α4β2, α3β4, α3β2, 5-HT receptors.254,255 3 Central effects at 1-2 mg/kg s.c.256 Choline The substrate and breakdown product of ACh is a weak α7-selective agonist, 10 times less ~2 mM 0.4-1.6 mM potent than ACh.257,258,260 A very weak or partial agonist at α3β4* nAChRs in PC12 cells, noncompetitive inhibitor of α3β4* nAChRs in bovine chromaffin cells, blocks α3β4* and α4β2* nAChRs with IC of 15 and 370 µM. IC for desensitisation of α7 nAChRs ~40 50 50 µM.259,261,296 Compound A A potent and selective α7 nAChR agonist (referred to a Compound B in earlier 40 nM 14 nM- abstracts).262,263 In conjunction with the allosteric potentiator PNU 120596, 10 nM 0.95 µM Compound A activates α-Bgt-sensitive Ca2+ signals in PC12 cells.265 Effective in vivo at doses of 3-10 mg/kg.264 GTS-21 A partial agonist at α7 nAChRs, eliciting 12-30% of maximum response to nicotine or ACh. 0.2-0.5 µM 6-26 µM (aka DMXB) Also interacts with α4β2 nAChRs (K = 84 nM versus [3H]-cytisine): very low partial agonist i activity but significant antagonism of α4β2 nAChRs.266,267,268,269,296 Effective in vivo in cognitive tasks and normalises sensory gating.270 PNU 282987 A synthetic α7-selective agonist, with weak activity at 5-HT receptors (K = 0.9 µM). When 26 nM 128 nM 3 i administered at 1 mg/kg i.v. it restored amphetamine-induced sensory gating deficit and augmented hippocampal theta oscillation in anaesthetised rats.271,272,273 SSR180711 A synthetic α7-selective partial agonist (E = 36-50% of maximum response to ACh). ~20 nM 1-4 µM max Elicits central effects after i.p. or oral administration.274,275 Competitive antagonists Ka IC c i 50 α-Bungarotoxin Blocks α7, α8, α9* nAChRs; faster dissociation kinetics than at muscle nAChRs, but 0.5-1 nM (1-100 nM) requires long preincubation for maximum effect. Preincubation time may be reduced by increasing concentration (e.g. 100 nM for 20 min).265,269,276 Not suitable for in vivo studies (unless locally applied). a-Conotoxin ImI From Conus imperialis, this peptide toxin selectively inhibits rat α7 nAChRs. Weaker ND 86-220 nM antagonist of α9 (IC 1.8 µM) and muscle nAChRs (50 µM), with no action at heteromeric 50 nAChRs. Open channel blocker of 5-HT receptor.139,277,278 May be species selective, as 3 reported to block bovine α3β4* nAChRs (IC 2.5 µM).279 Also blocks certain invertebrate 50 nAChRs.139 Methyllycaconitine Isolated from Delphinium sp., this hexacyclic norditerpenoid antagonist discriminates 1 nM 10-200 nM (MLA) between muscle and α7 nAChRs, unlike α-Bgt.155,260,269,282 Crosses blood brain barrier following systemic administration, but access to brain is reduced after chronic nicotine treatment.280,281 Effective i.c.v. in rat (10 µg).256 The relatively high potency at α6β2* nAChRs compromises the use of MLA to define α7 nAChRs in catecholaminergic brain regions where α6 is expressed.157 MG 624 A 4-oxystilbene derivative that shows a 30-fold preference for blocking chick α7 nAChR, 100 nM 100 nM compared with α4β2 nAChRs.160,161 Related F3 derivative targets non-α7 nAChRs in rat chromaffin cells.162 Strychnine This glycine receptor antagonist is also a competitive antagonist at α7, α8, α9/α10 nAChRs; 6 µM 1 µM non-competitive block of muscle nAChRs and voltage-dependent block of heteromeric neuronal nAChRs (IC = 7-30 µM).27,66,283,284,285,286 50 Allosteric modulators EC b 50 5-Hydroxyindole A metabolite of 5-HT that potentiates α7 nAChR responses to ACh: increases potency and efficacy of 2.5 mM ACh without affecting desensitisation. Effective at 100 µM in brain preparations.287,288,289 Ivermectin This semi-synthetic anthelminthic agent is an allosteric potentiator of α7 nAChRs; pre-application ND (16 seconds) necessary, effective at 30 µM. More potent interactions with mammalian GABA and glycine A receptors.290,291,292 PNU 120596 Positive allosteric potentiator of α7 nAChR responses, prolongs agonist-evoked currents. No effect on 200 nM responses from α4β2, α3β4 or α9α10 nAChRs. In vivo, CNS effects in response to 1mg/kg in rats. Limited solubility.265,293 (Bold Text Denotes Compounds Available From Tocris) aK, Inhibition constant, from competition binding assays for [125I]-α-Bgt or [3H]-MLA binding to brain membranes or heterologously expressed human or rat α7 nAChR; i bEC , effective concentration producing 50% of maximum activation; from electrophysiological recording of whole cell currents or intracellular Ca2+ responses, from 50 native receptors in hippocampal neurones or cell lines or heterologously expressed human or rat α7 nAChR; cIC , concentration of competitive antagonist producing 50% inhibition of functional responses; dependent on experimental conditions, especially agonist 50 concentration and whether antagonist is co- or pre-applied (and, in the case of α-Bgt, preincubation time, due to slow association kinetics); n.d. = not determined  | Nicotinic Receptors Transgenic knockout of either of these subunits targets has stimulated the generation of synthetic eliminates nicotine self administration, whereas ligands to add to this pharmacopoeia. However, there virally targeted re-expression of the β2 subunit in remains a lack of subtype-selective tools, in particular mesolimbic areas of β2 knockout mice recovers antagonists. Only the α7 nAChR has a significant this behaviour, implicating a role for α4β2 nAChRs and growing list of selective agonists, antagonists in nicotine addiction.54,55 α4β2 nAChRs are highly and allosteric modulators, these are described in Table 2. Selected pan-acting or less discriminating expressed in the thalamus. As a consequence of agonists and antagonists are summarised in Tables their putative role in thalamo-cortical circuitry, gain of 3 and 4 respectively, and some are briefly discussed function mutations in the M2 domain of either the α4 below. More comprehensive accounts of the families or β2 subunit give rise to some forms of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy.56 of synthetic nicotinic ligands have been published recently.4,65 α3 and β4 subunits have a much more restricted Agonists (Table ) distribution in the CNS, for example in medial habenula and locus coeruleus they are often, but not Structurally diverse naturally occurring nicotinic always, co-expressed.19 agonists include: (-)-nicotine, (-)-cytisine, (+)-anatoxin A, (+)-epibatidine, anabasine and α6 and β3 subunits are largely restricted to anabaseine. Synthetic agonists range from catecholaminergic neurones and contribute to the classical “ganglionic agonist” dimethyl- nAChRs of complex subunit composition, e.g. phenylpiperazine (DMPP) developed in the 1960s, α6β2β3 and α4α6β2β3 nAChRs on dopaminergic to novel agonists created more recently in order to terminals.57 The β3 subunit is suggested to be provide greater subtype selectivity and therapeutic necessary for the correct assembly, stability and/ efficacy.4 Typically, agonists bind with highest affinity or targeting of α6* nAChRs.58 The α2 subunit has at the α4β2 nAChR, with 2-3 orders of magnitude the most limited expression pattern of any nAChR lower affinity at α7 nAChRs and with intermediate subunit in the rodent CNS, being largely restricted affinity to α3* nAChRs (Table 3). With respect to to the interpeduncular nucleus.59 As a consequence functional potency, a similar relationship is observed, its contribution to native nAChR has been rather little except that differences in EC values between studied. However, its distribution in the primate brain 50 subtypes are less marked, especially between α4β2 appears to be more extensive.60 and α3* nAChRs. Agonists are ~2 fold more potent at • Mechanosensory hair cells express (exclusively) α8 nAChRs66,104 and ~10 fold more potent in binding α9 and α10 subunits that coassemble to generate to α9α10 nAChRs,27 compared with α7 nAChRs. predominantly heteromeric nAChRs that mediate Binding affinities (K values) are typically 2-3 orders i effects of the efferent olivocochlear system on of magnitude lower, in terms of concentration, auditory processing.26,61 than EC values for nAChR activation (Table 3). 50 With the exception of some recently described α7 • Expression of nAChR subunits has also nAChR-selective agonists described in Table 2, few been detected in diverse non-neuronal cells. agonists have sufficient nAChR subtype selectivity These comprise astrocytes, macrophages, to exclusively activate one particular subtype in a keratinocytes, endothelial cells of the vascular mixed population. system, muscle cells, lymphocytes, intestinal epithelial cells and various cell-types of the • ACh is the endogenous agonist for all nAChR lungs.62,63 mRNAs encoding most nAChR subtypes. It is a popular choice for activating subunits (but not α6) have been detected in such nAChRs in electrophysiological experiments but cells. The identity and functional significance its utility is compromised by its lack of selectivity of assembled nAChRs in non-neuronal cells for nAChRs versus muscarinic AChRs, and remain poorly understood, although α7 nAChRs its susceptibility to hydrolysis. A muscarinic on macrophages have excited interest in the antagonist (typically atropine, ~1 µM) and an possibility that they might be involved in anti- acetylcholinesterase inhibitor must be included inflammatory responses.64 with ACh in biological preparations; some of these agents may also interact with nAChRs (see Nicotinic Ligands for Neuronal below). nAChR • Carbamoylcholine (carbachol) is formed Due to the critical roles of muscle and ganglionic by the modification of ACh to a carbamate, nAChRs, nature has elaborated a diverse array of resulting in a hydrolysis-resistant analogue. This plant and animal toxins that target these receptors has reduced affinity at α4β2 and α7 nAChRs and their counterparts in the CNS. More recently, the (Table 3) but is potent at muscarinic sites and perceived validity of neuronal nAChRs as therapeutic is commonly used as a muscarinic agonist. www.tocris.com |  Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series Table 3 | Binding affinities and functional potencies of selected agonists at neuronal nAChRsa nAChR subtype Agonist α4β2* α7 α3β4 α4β2* α7 α3β4 Binding affinity K (nM) Functional potency EC (µM) i 50 A-85380 0.017- 17-290107,108,110 14-78103,107,110,298 0.7108 8.9108 0.8108 0.14103,107,108,110 5-Iodo-A-85380 0.01-0.2103,110,111 250-6145110,111 50-280103,110,111 0.013111 – 5111 Acetylcholine 33-4467,103,339 4000-180000 620-85067,103 0.5-68104,131,294,295 28-180 35-20367,104,131,297 67,269,285,339 80,104,131,269,285,296 (+)-Anabasine 260-520125,339 58-340125,339 – – 16.8125 – Anabaseine 32125 58-759125,269 – 4.2125 6.7125 – (±)-Anatoxin A 1.9-3.5294,299 91-380269,299,300 53298 0.048-0.1390,294 0.58-3.990,300 – Carbamoylcholine 35-1000 12000- 3839-4700103,298 17-34294,295 580285 – 67,69,103,294,339 580000269,285,339 (-)-Cotinine 0.04-0.06; – – – (175*)80 – >100000069,301 (-)-Cytisine 0.012-1.5 260-1500067,110,269,28 54- 0.019-2.6131,294,295 5.6-71131,296,300 14-7267.131.297 67,69,103,110,294,339 5,300,339 22067,103,110,298 Dimethylphenyl 8.7-190 69,298,294,339 470-7600300,339 820103 1.9-18131,294,295 26-6480,131,300 14-19131,297 piperazinium (DMPP) (±)-Epibatidine 0.042-0.15 20-24067,107,269 0.21-0.98 0.0045- 1.2-1.3104,266 0.024-0.07104 67,103,107,294 67,103,107,298 0.0085104,295 Lobeline 1.5-1669,302,303 11600-13100269,303 – (0.73-21*)295,303 (8.5*)80 – Methylcarbamyl- 1.7-2867,69 4400067 2,70067 2.6294 – 4467 choline (MCC) (-)-Nicotine 0.6-10 400- 290- 0.35-5104,131,295 49-113131,266,269 8.1-11067,104,131,297 67,69,103,125,294,339 15,00067,125,269,285,339 47667,103,107,298 RJR 2403 26304 36000304 – 0.73-1685,304 24085 – TC 2559 5.5-2298,344 >1000098 >100000344 0.18345 >100345 >30345 (±)-UB165 0.27305 2760305 6.5305 ** 6.9114 0.27-0.31114,305 Varenicline 0.17100 620100 85100 2.3-5.2100,306 18306 13-55100,306 (Bold Text Denotes Compounds Available From Tocris) *IC (drug inhibits rather than activating nAChR responses) 50 **weak partial agonist areferences are indicated with each entry; preparations used are as follows: Reference: Species and Preparation 67. Rat/HEK or tsA cells, or rat brain 285. Chicken brain α7/binding 69. Rat α4β2/brain [3H]-nicotine binding 294. Mouse thalamus (α4β2*)/[3H]-nicotine binding/Rb+ efflux 80. Human α7/Xenopus oocytes 295. Human α4β2/SH-EP1 cells 85. Human/Xenopus oocytes 296. Rat α7/Xenopus oocytes 90. Chicken/heterologous or Rat/native 297. Human α3β4/HEK cells 98. Human/mammalian cells/binding 298. Rat α3β4/HEK cells 100. Human/HEK/neuroblastoma 299. Rat brain/binding 103. Rat/HEK 300. Rat brain α7/binding; Chicken α7/Xenopus oocytes 104. Human (or chicken)/Xenopus oocytes 301. Rat brain/[3H]-epibatidine binding 107. Rat brain/IMR32 cells/binding 302. Rat brain α4β2/binding/Xenopus oocytes 108. Rat brain/binding; Human/Xenopus oocytes or cell lines 303. Rat brain binding/rat thalamus Rb+ efflux 110. Rat brain/adrenal glands/binding 304. Rat brain/binding/rat thalamus Rb+ efflux 111. Rat brain/rat α3β4 cells/binding/rat striatal dopamine release/rat α3β4 305. Rat brain/rat α3β4 cells/binding/rat α3β4 cells Ca2+ increases cells Ca2+ increases 306. Rat/Xenopus oocytes 114. Human/Xenopus oocytes 339. Rat/mouse brain/[3H]-nicotine and [125I]-α-Bgt binding 125. Rat/binding to brain/Xenopus oocytes 344. Rat cortex/binding 131. Human/Xenopus oocytes 345. Human/mammalian cell lines/Ca2+ respnses 266. Human α7/Xenopus oocytes 269. Human α7/HEK cells  | Nicotinic Receptors N-Methylation of the carbamate nitrogen to activity in in vitro functional assays and in a yield N-methylcarbamylcholine (MCC) recovers number of behavioural tests.80,81 Because of its high (nanomolar) binding affinity at α4β2 extended half life (T = 5-6 hours, compared with ½ nAChRs, comparable to ACh.67 N-Methylation <1 hour for nicotine in rat brain)77 cotinine attains also confers substantial selectivity for nAChRs high concentrations in vivo and can desensitise over muscarinic AChRs.68,69 The permanently nAChR responses,80,82,83 although ganglionic charged quaternary nitrogen atom renders MCC nicotinic responses appear to be less affected.81 membrane impermeant; this has been exploited • Trans-metanicotine (RJR-2403 or TC-2403) to discriminate cell surface nAChRs from the generated by opening the pyrrolidine ring of total population that includes a large proportion nicotine, also occurs naturally as a minor tobacco of intracellular nAChRs.70 alkaloid. It shows some functional selectivity for • (-)-Nicotine, a tobacco alkaloid, is the prototypic α4β2 nAChRs compared with α3* nAChRs,84,85 nAChR agonist that was used historically to and is effective in vivo when administered at classify the receptors.5 All nAChR subtypes are doses of 1-7 µmol/kg (0.2-1.2 mg/kg) s.c.86 It has activated by nicotine, with the exception of α9 recently been tested, with encouraging results, in and α9α10 nAChRs; nicotine is an antagonist an in vitro model of ulcerative colitis.87 at these subtypes (IC values are 31 µM and 50 4 µM respectively).26,71 Neuronal heteromeric nAChRs exhibit a marked preference for the TC 2559 and RJR 2403, Subtype- natural enantiomer over (+)-nicotine whereas Selective α4β2 Ligands α7 nAChRs appear to be less stereoselective. Nicotine crosses the blood brain barrier readily and its pharmacokinetics and metabolism MeHN TC 2559 N are well documented.72 For a comprehensive Cat. No. 2737 discussion of nicotine doses used in vivo in .2C4H4O4 OEt various vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, see ref. 343. Behavioural responses typically RJR 2403 NHMe Cat. No. 1053 show a bell-shaped dose-response profile with .C4H4O4 N maximum responses in rats elicited by doses of 0.4 mg/kg s.c. or less. For chronic (continuous) TC 2559 and RJR 2403 (TC-2403) are subtype-selective administration, nicotine may be given via osmotic ligands for α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that display good CNS-PNS selectivity ratios. TC 2559 displays minipumps or indwelling s.c. cannulae and a daily selectivity for (α4)(β2) receptor stoichiometry and acts as a delivery of 2-4 mg/kg/day in rats reproduces the 2 3 partial agonist, whilst RJR 2403 is a full agonist. plasma concentrations that are found in human smokers.73,74 Nicotine in flavoured drinking water In vivo Both compounds are active in vivo; TC 2559 and RJR 2403 (e.g. 2% saccharin, to disguise the aversive taste significantly improve passive avoidance retention following of nicotine) provides a means of self-delivery scopolamide-induced cognitive deficits in rats. of nicotine chronically. This route is often used with mice (e.g. 200 µg/ml in drinking water)75 RJR 2403 TC 2559 because surgical implantation of osmotic pumps α4β2 0.026 0.18 in mice is less convenient due to their size. Mice α4β4 – 12.5 have a much faster turnover of nicotine (T <10 ½ α2β4 – 14.0 min) than rats (T ~55 min) and consequently ½ α3β4 >1000 >30 require higher doses.76,77,78 However, high doses α1β1γδ >1000 – of nicotine (>1 mg/kg s.c. in rats) produce adverse effects, most likely due to ganglionic α3β2 15 >100 or neuromuscular actions, although higher α7 36 (K) >100 i concentrations elicit convulsions. These doses EC values (in µM). Data taken from Bencherif et al (1996) and Chen et al 50 refer to the free base concentration of nicotine; (2003). 3-times higher concentrations of the tartrate salt Bencherif et al (1996) RJR-2403: a nicotinic agonist with CNS selectivity I. In vitro characterization. J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther. 279 1413. Lippiello et al (1996) are required to achieve these concentrations of RJR-2403: a nicotinic agonist with CNS selectivity II. In vivo characterization. nicotine base; published doses should indicate J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther. 279 1422. Damaj et al (1999) Antinociceptive and pharmacological effects of metanicotine, a selective nicotinic agonist. the free base concentrations. J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther. 291 390. Bencherif et al (2000) TC-2559: a novel orally active ligand selective at neuronal acetylcholine receptors. Eur.J.Pharmacol. • Cotinine is the principal metabolite of nicotine. 409 45. Chen et al (2003) The nicotinic α4β2 receptor selective agonist, TC- Its ability to displace nicotinic radioligands from 2559, increases dopamine neuronal activity in the ventral tegmental area of rat midbrain slices. Neuropharmacol. 45 334. Zwart et al (2006) 5-I A-85380 and binding to rat brain is inconsistent,69,79 but recently TC-2559 differentially activate heterologously expressed α42 nicotinic receptors. cotinine has been reported to have weak nicotinic Eur.J.Pharmacol. 539 10. www.tocris.com |  Tocris Bioscience Scientific Review Series • TC 2559 is the 5-ethoxy derivative of trans- affinity binding (K ~1 nM), but its differential i metanicotine. This modification of the parent interactions with other nAChR subtypes has compound results in greatly improved selectivity enabled it to be used to distinguish subpopulations for α4β2 nAChRs, coupled with relatively low of nicotinic binding sites labelled by [3H]- efficacy (~30%).4,344,345 Interestingly, TC 2559 epibatidine that differ in having high or low affinity is suggested to discriminate between α4β2* for cytisine.95 At α4β2* nAChRs cytisine is a partial and α6β2* nAChRs, as it provokes currents in agonist; its functional efficacy is dependent on midbrain dopamine neurones that are insensitive the identity of the β subunit present. Thus cytisine to α-conotoxin-MII.345 In vivo, TC 2559 (1-10 mg/ displays full efficacy at nAChRs containing the β4 kg) generalises to nicotine in a discriminative subunit expressed in Xenopus oocytes, while stimulus test that is considered to be mediated greatly reduced efficacy is observed at by α4β2 nAChRs.98 TC 2559 significantly β2-containing nAChRs.96 Halogenation at the attenuated scopolamine-induced cognitive 3-position of the pyridine ring increases both deficits and reduced working memory errors in potency and efficacy.94 Cytisine is less potent a radial arm maze, at doses of 1-6 µmol/kg. In than nicotine in behavioural studies, and shows contrast to nicotine, no locomotor or hypothermia only partial generalisation to nicotine in a drug effects were observed, consistent with reduced discrimination test; doses of 1-3 mg/kg are peripheral side effects.344 effective in vivo.97,98 • Anatoxin A is a potent, semi-rigid, stereoselective • Varenicline (ChantixTM (USA); ChampixTM (EU)) agonist originally isolated from freshwater blue is a cytisine congener developed to exploit the green algae, Anabaena flos aqua.88 Activity properties of cytisine (selectivity and partial resides in the natural (+)-enantiomer. At muscle agonism with respect to α4β2* nAChRs) as an nAChRs, anatoxin A is about 8 times more potent aid to smoking cessation.99 Although it appears than ACh89 but it activates neuronal nAChR selective for α4β2* nAChRs in binding assays, its subtypes at sub-micromolar concentrations agonist potencies at different nAChR subtypes, (Table 3), with EC values that are 20-100 times 50 determined by electrophysiological recordings lower than those for ACh.90,91 Despite being a from heterologous expression systems, show less secondary amine (that should cross the blood discrimination306 (Table 3). Varenicline is effective brain barrier readily), there are few reports of the in releasing dopamine in vitro and in vivo (efficacy in vivo effects of anatoxin A, although two reports ~45% of maximum response to nicotine) but it suggest that its responses are qualitatively is also capable of attenuating nicotine-evoked different from those of nicotine.92,93 dopamine release, a reflection of its partial agonist properties.100 Indeed, varenicline is more (±)-Anatoxin A, Potent Nicotinic potent at inhibiting nicotine-evoked responses Agonist in Xenopus oocytes (IC = 6 nM) than it is at 50 eliciting responses (EC = 3 µM), interpreted 50 (±)-Anatoxin A Me O as a reflection of the higher affinity for agonists NH Cat. No. 0789 .C4H4O4 shown by the desensitised state of nAChRs (α4β2 nAChRs in particular) (see Figure 2). Varenicline (±)-Anatoxin A is a nicotinic receptor agonist (K values is effective in vivo at doses of 0.01-3.0 mg/kg i are 3.5 and 380 nM for α4β2 and α7 nicotinic receptors (given s.c. or p.o.)100 and has a half life of 4 and respectively). The agonist stimulates [3H]-dopamine release 17 hours in rats and humans respectively, with from rat striatal synaptosomes (EC = 136 nM) with a higher 50 little metabolism.101 potency than (-)-nicotine. (±)-Anatoxin A displays powerful behavioural effects in the rat; it decreases locomotor activity in nicotine-tolerant and non-tolerant rats and decreases • Epibatidine, originally obtained from skin extracts rates of operant responding in a drug discrimination of the Amazonian frog Epidobates Tricolor, is procedure. one of the most potent nicotinic agonists,102 Wonnacott et al (1991) Nicotinic pharmacology of anatoxin analogs. II. Side binding to multiple heteromeric nAChRs with chain structure-activity relationships at neuronal nicotinic ligand binding sites. sub-nanomolar affinities.103 Like anatoxin A, J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther. 259 387. Stolerman et al (1992) Behavioural effects of anatoxin, a potent nicotinic agonist in rats. Neuropharmacology 31 311. Thomas epibatidine also has a bicyclic moiety that confers et al (1993) (+)-Anatoxin is a potent agonist at neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine some rigidity to its structure, but in this case it is receptors. J.Neurochem. 60 2308. Sharples et al (2000) UB-165 implicates α4β2 nAChR in striatal dopamine release. J.Neurosci. 20 2783. a smaller azabicycloheptane ring, coupled to a chloropyridyl moiety. In contrast to anatoxin A, • (-)-Cytisine occurs in a number of plants of the the enantiomers of epibatidine show equivalent leguminosae family including laburnum. Its rigid biological activities.102,104,105 The functional structure has provided a template for modelling potency of epibatidine is exceptionally high, with nicotinic ligands.94 At α4β2 nAChRs it is sub-micromolar EC values for heteromeric 50 comparable to nicotine, with respect to its high 10 |

Nicotinic. ACh Receptors. Introduction. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) . The agonist binding site is enlarged to show the contributing polypeptide
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