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Preview Niche partitioning between close relatives suggests trade-offs between adaptation to local environments and competition.

Niche partitioning between close relatives suggests trade-offs between adaptation to local environments and competition Megan L. Peterson1, Kevin J. Rice2 & Jason P. Sexton3 1EcologyandEvolutionaryBiology,UniversityofCaliforniaSantaCruz,1156HighStreet,SantaCruz,CA95064. 2DepartmentofPlantSciencesandTheCenterforPopulationBiology,UniversityofCalifornia,OneShieldsAvenue,Davis,CA95616. 3DepartmentofZoology,Bio21MolecularScienceInstitute,TheUniversityofMelbourne,Parkville,Victoria3010,Australia. Keywords Abstract Competition,facilitation,habitatpartitioning, Niche partitioning among close relatives may reflect trade-offs underlying spe- Mimulus,nicheconservatism,niche evolution,spatialstorageeffect,species cies divergence and coexistence (e.g., between stress tolerance and competitive coexistence,speciesrangelimits,Stress ability). We quantified the effects of habitat and congeneric species interactions GradientHypothesis. on fitness for two closely related herbaceous plant species, Mimulus guttatus and Mimulus laciniatus, in three common habitat types within their sympatric Correspondence range. Drought stress strongly reduced survival of M. guttatus in fast-drying MeganL.Peterson,EcologyandEvolutionary seeps occupied by M. laciniatus, suggesting that divergent habitat adaptation Biology,UniversityofCaliforniaSantaCruz, maintains this niche boundary. However, neither seedling performance nor 1156HighStreet,SantaCruz,CA95064. Tel:831-459-1812;Fax:831-459-5353;E- congeneric competition explained the absence of M. laciniatus from shady mail:[email protected] streams where M. guttatus thrives. M. laciniatus may be excluded from this habitat by competition with other species in the community or mature M. gutt- FundingInformation atus. Species performance and competitive ability were similar in sympatric ThisresearchwasfundedbyaPresident’s meadows where plant community stature and the growing season length are UndergraduateFellowshipandtheDavis intermediate between seeps and streams. Stochastic effects (e.g., dispersal among BotanicalSociety. habitats or temporal variation) may contribute to coexistence in this habitat. Received:12November2012;Revised:3 Habitat adaptation, species interactions, and stochastic mechanisms influence December2012;Accepted:5December sympatric distributions for these recently diverged species. 2012 EcologyandEvolution2013;3(3):512–522 doi:10.1002/ece3.462 and competitive ability may vary (Grime 1977; Gaucher- Introduction and et al. 2006; Liancourt and Tielbo€rger 2009). Despite Niche divergence among closely related species reflects long-standing interest in the divergence, distribution, and both the selective forces underlying species divergence coexistence of closely related species, a recent review (Sex- and the ecological mechanisms structuring current species ton et al. 2009) notes an absence of experimental field distributions. Niche partitioning is driven by trade-offs in tests of the relative strengths of species interactions and resource use that prevent the evolution of a single univer- adaptation to other environmental conditions in setting sal niche; such trade-offs are integral components of niche boundaries between recently diverged species. theory regarding distribution limits (e.g., Kirkpatrick and Quantifying the effects of habitat and congeneric inter- Barton 1997), ecological speciation (e.g., Rundle and actions in locally sympatric and allopatric habitats allows Nosil 2005), and species coexistence (e.g., Tilman 2004). tests for trade-offs in their relative importance for the Trade-offs between adaptations to species interactions divergence and coexistence of closely related species. and other environmental conditions may be particularly Traditionally, species boundaries are generally thought important across environmental or resource gradients, to be maintained by species interactions in productive where the relative importance of physiological tolerance habitats and physiological limits in stressful habitats (e.g., 512 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd.ThisisanopenaccessarticleunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsuse,distributionandreproductioninanymedium,provided theoriginalworkisproperlycited. M.L.Petersonetal. DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus Connell 1961; Gross and Price 2000). The realized niche tobespatiallyortemporallyconcentratedrelativetointer- is thus conceived as a sub-space of the fundamental niche specific interactions (Chesson and Warner 1981). For (Hutchinson 1957); when abiotic mechanisms fail to example, spatial variation allows positive population explain persistent niche boundaries, biological mecha- growth in favorable habitats to both concentrate intraspe- nisms such as competition are invoked (e.g., Wethey cific competition and buffer the effects of unfavorable 1983; Gross and Price 2000; Ettinger et al. 2011). Yet in habitats (Sears and Chesson 2007). In this case, dispersal stressful habitats, facilitative interactions may expand the from competitive refuges into nearby sympatric habitats realized niche to encompass a greater range of environ- may maintain species coexistence by preventing competi- mental conditions (Callaway 1995). Under the Stress tiveexclusion(Amarasekare2003). Gradient Hypothesis (SGH), species interactions are pre- Here, we use two recently diverged plant species that dicted to switch from primarily facilitative in stressful exhibit persistent habitat partitioning to examine the habitats to primarily competitive in productive habitats mechanisms and trade-offs underlying niche divergence (Bertness and Callaway 1994; Maestre et al. 2009). and local patterns of allopatry and sympatry. Mimulus Support for the SGH has been found within communities guttatus thrives in perennial streams, whereas its close (e.g., Choler et al. 2001; Liancourt et al. 2005), yet its relative Mimulus laciniatus occupies nearby fast-drying importance for explaining evolutionary distribution limits seeps; either species is absent from the above habitat (i.e., between closely related species) across environments occupied by its congener (Fig. 1). Both species co-occur has to our knowledge not yet been tested. in meadow habitats with intermediate water availability. Niche divergence between closely related taxa across Habitat partitioning in this system occurs within the scale environmental gradients may reflect trade-offs between of dispersal, providing an opportunity to examine the competitiveabilityandstresstolerance(Grime1977;Lian- mechanisms underlying persistent niche boundaries. We court et al. 2005; Liancourt and Tielbo€rger 2009; but see quantify habitat-specific responses and inter- and intra- Emery et al. 2001). For example, rapid development in specific interactions to test whether divergent adaptations annual plant species mayallowstressavoidance,butreduce to each habitat type, congeneric species interactions, or competitive ability, whereas perennial species exhibit greater botharesufficienttoexplaincurrentpatternsofhabitatparti- vegetative growth that may confer increased competitive tioning.Wecomparetherelativeimportanceofhabitattype ability,butdecreasestresstoleranceoravoidance(e.g.,Tercek andcongenericinteractionsineachhabitatandforeachspe- and Whitbeck 2004; Cui et al. 2011). Consequently, the cies to test predictions based on habitat characteristics and strengthandsignofspeciesinteractionsmaydependonboth life-historytrade-offs. Although we focusonhabitat adapta- the environment in which they are measured and specific tionandcongenericinteractionsin thisstudy,othermecha- functionaltraitsoftheinteractingtaxa(Goldberg1996). nisms may also contribute to habitat partitioning in this Even if closely related species exhibit divergence across system. For example, interactions with other species in the certain niche axes, other axes may be conserved (Holt localcommunity,dispersalamonghabitats,and/ortemporal 2009). Niche conservatism limits the coexistence of closely variationmayinfluencepatternsofallopatryandsympatry. related species (MacArthur and Levins 1967). Alterna- tively, speciation may be associated with niche divergence Material and Methods (e.g., Evans Margaret et al. 2009), potentially reducing competition between close relatives in particular environ- Study system ments. The relative importance of competition with close or distant relatives in determining species distributions The M. guttatus DC. species complex (Phrymaceae) offers remains practically untested (but see Burns and Strauss a unique opportunity to examine evolutionary and 2011), and may be habitat-dependent. Whenhabitatpartitioningoccurswithinthescaleofdis- (a) (b) persal, species coexistence in locally sympatric habitats may be maintained by either fluctuation-dependent or fluctuation-independent mechanisms (Chesson 2000). Fluctuation-independent mechanisms require that each species exhibits stronger intraspecific competition than interspecific competition independently of environmental variation (e.g., Tilman 1982). Alternatively, fluctuation- dependent mechanisms such as the storage effect rely on Figure1. CloselyrelatedspeciesofMimulusexhibitfine-scalehabitat covariance between environmental conditions and the partitioning.A:Mimulusguttatusinstreams.B:Mimuluslaciniatus in strength of competition, allowing intraspecific interactions mosspatchesongraniteseeps. ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. 513 DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus M.L.Petersonetal. ecological distributional processesbecauseitharborsseveral ture(Table 1).Althoughnotmeasureddirectlyinthisstudy, closely related and broadly co-occurring taxa that occupy a the habitats may also vary greatly in productivity. Streams wide range of habitat types (Vickery 1964; Wu et al. 2008). appear to have the greatest biomass in both the long term Mimulus laciniatus Gray is a diminutive, self-fertilizing (having trees and other woody plants) and within a single annual that occupies seasonally drying rocky seeps in the year (attaining largest herbaceous plant size), whereas seeps SierraNevada.Throughoutitsrange,M. laciniatusco-occurs andmeadowshavesparserandshortervegetation.M. gutta- with its close relative, M. guttatus (Vickery 1964). Mimu- tus is perennial and exhibits extensive rhizomatous growth lus guttatus is widely distributed throughout western North in the stream habitat; however, it assumes an annual habit Americaandoccupiesmoisthabitatssuchasstreambanksor and smaller size in meadows due to seasonal drying in late wet meadows. Although both species can be interfertile in summer. Despite potential differences in productivity, all experimental crosses, hybridization in natural populations habitatslikelycontaintheirownsuiteofenvironmentaland appears infrequent based on the high selfing rate in M. la- biological challenges (e.g., inundation and low-light in ciniatus and the fact that field-collected seed of both streams,herbivory,pathogens,orsoilproperties)thatcould speciesweretrue-breedingingreenhouses(J.Sexton,persobs.). outweigh any fitness effects due solely to productivity Our study site (Grand Bluff, 37.0771, (cid:1)119.2299, differences. 1670 m) is located where overlap between these species is common.Habitatpartitioningatthissiteisrepresentativeof Reciprocal transplant experiment observations throughout the species’ overlapping range; M. laciniatusandM. guttatusoftenco-occuratsmallspatial Foreachspecies,wepooledseedcollectedin2006from20 scales, where M. guttatus is often perennial and appears to individuals(>3 mapart)acrosstherangeofhabitatsnatu- occupy wetter microhabitats than M. laciniatus (M. Peter- rally occupied at Grand Bluff. A “target-neighbor” design son,pers.obs.).Atourstudysite,M. guttatusindividualsare was used to quantify intra- and interspecific interactions. largest and most abundant along streams with sustained Each species was treated as a “target” in three treatments: waterflowthroughouttheyearandmiddayshadefromtrees alone,withM. guttatus,andwithM. laciniatus.Weplanted and tall grasses (Fig. 1A). M. laciniatus does not occur in three to four seeds (randomly thinned to one plant) from streams, although it germinates readily in this environment the“target”species seedpool intothe centerof 38 mmby (J. Sexton,unpubl. data).M. laciniatusismostabundantin 38 mm by 57 mm pots, and for neighbor treatments, we mossongraniteseepsinundatedwithsnowmeltintheearly plantedfourtosixseedsoftheneighboringspeciesaround spring; however, the growth season is limited because this theperipheryofthepot.Wechosethispotsizeandneigh- habitat dries quickly under full sun exposure (Fig. 1B). bor number to simulate high competitive densities M. laciniatushasdeeplydivided leafmarginsthat can ame- observed in field environments. Neighbors were not liorateheatanddroughtstressinplants(Nicotraet al.2011) thinnedtoallowvariationinneighbordensity.Treatments andmaybeadvantageousinfast-dryingseepenvironments. were randomized within 66 12-cell blocks. We placed Both species occur in lower abundance in nearby meadows blocks in a growth chamber (14-h 23°C/10-h 4 day/night) (J.Sexton,pers.obs.)thatretainhighsoilmoistureuntillate onApril18,2008.Upongermination,wetransferredblocks summer.Thesethreehabitatsdifferinwaterandlightavail- to the field site (May 6, 2008). Blocks were distributed ability, growing season length, and plant community struc- widelyandsetwithintheexistingvegetationtoencompass the range of conditions in each of the three habitats. We Table1. Sitecharacteristics fortheseep,meadow,andstreamhabi- used felt squares under each block to encourage wicking, tats. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured (AccuPar allowingplantstoexperiencenaturalwateravailabilityand LP-80ceptometer;DecagonDevices,Inc.)toassessshadingbyneigh- drying (Sexton et al. 2011). This design exposed experi- boringvegetationineachhabitatatthelevelofexperimentalindividu- mental plants to habitat-specific conditions of water als. Six readings were taken in each of the seep and meadow availabilityandsurroundingsoilsaswellasshadingbyboth habitats, because neighboring vegetation did not reach the level of herbaceous and woody canopies when present (Table 1). the blocks and each reading was essentially ambient light, whereas 54 readings were taken throughout the stream site to encompass Althoughcelltraysmaynotrepresentapurelyrealisticbio- variation in the herbaceous canopy. Means and standard errors (in logical environment, plants within cells attain a similar parentheses) were calculated for each habitat. Days to soil drying stature to adjacent un-potted plants and typically extend after placement of experimental blocks are given for each habitat. roots into surrounding soils like naturally growing plants. Thestreamhabitatremainedwetthroughouttheyear. This method has been used in previous transplant studies Seep Meadow Stream forM. laciniatus (Sexton et al. 2011),and we feel that this design adequately captures major habitat differences (i.e., PAR(lE/m2/sec) 1828(52.79) 1881.5(22.3) 909.8(88.05) shading and timing of seasonal drying) while allowing for Daystosoildrying 67 95 NA accuratetrackingofindividualplantsandestimatesofplant 514 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. M.L.Petersonetal. DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus density.Thisapproachalsopreventsdamageordisturbance log (dry fruit mass g + 1) as the response variable and to the natural population of endemic M. laciniatus at this including all individuals that failed to reproduce. To sat- site as well as the moss substrate in which it grows. Semi- isfy model assumptions, we fit a second linear mixed artificial conditions are often used within natural contexts model using rank-transformed dry fruit mass (Conover tounderstandintraspecificandinterspecificdynamics(e.g., and Iman 1981). Results did not differ qualitatively, so Stachowiczet al.1999)andwebelievethatthistraysystem results from the rank-transformed model are presented allows a reasonable balance between creating controlled here (referred to as total fitness model). experimental conditions and providing natural growing To distinguish early and late life-stage fitness compo- conditions. We collected a block whenall individualswere nents, survival to reproduction and fecundity were modeled dead, or after 164 days. To evaluate overwintering perfor- separately. We used a generalized linear mixed model mance in M. guttatus, we left rosettes of surviving with a logit link function to model whether an individual M. guttatusineightblocksfromthestreamhabitattoover- survived to produce fruit (survival model). We fit a linear winter. mixed model to examine differences in log (dry fruit mass g + 1) among reproductive individuals (fecundity model). We fit linear mixed models using Proc Mixed, whereas Fitness data generalized linear mixed models were fit using RPML in We used dry fruit mass (harvested and dried to a con- Proc Glimmix (SAS v. 9.3; SAS Institute 2011). For all stant weight at 60°C for 48 h) as a fitness proxy because models, we included species, habitat, neighbor treatment, it is highly correlated with seed set in M. laciniatus (Sex- and their two- and three-way interactions as fixed effects. ton et al. 2011) and M. guttatus (Fenster and Ritland We used Akaike information criteria (AIC) and likelihood 1994). The actual number of neighbors varied due to dif- ratio tests (LRT) to compare random effects structures ferential germination, so it was analyzed as a covariate. with block and neighbor number as crossed random effects relative to models with only block. For the total Phenological data fitness models, the variance due to neighbor number was estimated as zero and both AIC and LRTs supported the We scored plants for phenological state every 20–25 days simpler model with only block as a random effect. during flowering, and then every 3–9 weeks later in the Conversely, both the survivorship and the fecundity growing season (mean 32.8 days, range 20–63 days). model had significant support for including number of Individuals were scored as vegetative (no reproductive neighbors and block as crossed random effects (LRTs for structures),flowering(includingbuds),fruiting(nolonger number of neighbors: v2 = 10.64, df = 1, P = 0.0006; flowering,butstillalive),ordead(nogreentissue). v2 = 13.9, df = 1, P = 0.00019, for survivorship and fecundity models, respectively). We used the Kenward- Statistical analyses Roger approximation for denominator degrees of freedom for all models. Given the significance of the Fitness data species-by-habitat and neighbor treatment-by-habitat Due to the large number of individuals that failed to interactions (Table 2), we fit separate models for each reproduce, we used several approaches to model differ- habitat (Tables S1–S3). We tested all pairwise treatment ences in fitness. The first was a linear mixed model using Table2. Species, habitat, and neighbor treatment effects on fitness for three different models. Total Fitness refers to model using rank-trans- formedlog(fruitmassg+1);Survivalreferstomodelusingsurvivaltoreproductionasabinaryvariable;Fecundityreferstomodelusinglog(fruit massg+1)onlyforthoseindividualsthatreproduced.P-valueslessthan0.05areinbold.SeeMaterialandMethodsforstatisticaldetails. TotalFitness Survival Fecundity Source Df1 Df2 F Pr((cid:3)|F|) Df1 Df2 F Pr((cid:3)|F|) Df1 Df2 F Pr((cid:3)|F|) Habitat 2 60 9.12 0.0003 2 84.06 7.75 0.0008 2 72.4 3.74 0.0284 Species 1 508 17.41 <0.0001 1 562 31.01 <0.0001 1 218 0.40 0.5285 Treatment 2 508 20.63 <0.0001 2 562 16.88 <0.0001 2 214 0.04 0.9635 Habitat*Species 2 508 7.05 0.001 2 562 4.10 0.0171 2 226 4.64 0.0107 Habitat*Treatment 4 508 2.88 0.0221 4 562 2.42 0.0477 4 220 1.46 0.2157 Species*Treatment 2 509 0.13 0.8821 2 562 1.10 0.3334 2 217 1.31 0.2717 Habitat*Species*Treatment 4 509 0.57 0.6822 4 562 0.37 0.8274 4 215 0.41 0.8022 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. 515 DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus M.L.Petersonetal. Granite seep Meadow Stream 500 500 500 Alone Intraspecific ass Interspecific ass ass uit m 400 uit m 400 uit m 400 of fr of fr of fr nks 300 nks 300 nks 300 a a a R R R 200 M. guttatus M. laciniatus 200 M. guttatus M. laciniatus 200 M. guttatus M. laciniatus Species Species Species Figure2. Leastsquaremeans(cid:4)seforrankoftotalfitness,wheretotalfitnessislog(fruitmassg+1)forallexperimentalindividuals. differences using the Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multi- tively among models, so we used models without random ple comparisons. effects to allow multiple comparison adjustments for test- Because the effects of species interactions are captured ing treatment differences. Significance of fixed effects was by the differences between neighbor and alone treatments, tested using likelihood ratio tests. Models were fit using rather than the neighbor treatment itself, we devised the Coxme package (Therneau 2011) in R 2.9.2 (R Core t-tests for ten a priori contrasts (Proc Glimmix in SAS) Development Team 2011). Tukey-adjusted multiple com- related to species interactions. Each neighbor treatment parisons used the Multcomp package (Hothorn et al. was contrasted with the alone treatment, regardless of 2008) in R. habitat and target species, to test for a general effect of intraspecific and interspecific interactions (Table S4, con- Results trasts 1–2); this effect was then contrasted across species (contrasts 3–4) and habitats (contrasts 5–10) (see Table Fitness S4 for statistical details). Species interactions (i.e., neighbor treatment) and habitat had significant effects on total fitness for both M. guttatus Phenological data and M. laciniatus (Fig. 2, Table 2). However, species We examined differences in time to flowering using Cox interactions primarily affected survival, whereas habitat Proportional Hazards models to allow inclusion of cen- had significant effects on both survival and fecundity sored individuals that died before flowering could be (Figs. 3, 4, Table 2). observed. Given the extreme differences in the timing and Survival in M. guttatus was highly dependent on habi- magnitude of censoring among habitats (due to differ- tat (F = 8.56, P = 0.0002). M. guttatus individuals in 2,304.2 ences in the timing of seasonal drying; see Table 1), we the seep were 3.58 times less likely to survive to repro- fit separate models (species, neighbor treatment, and their duction than individuals in the meadow habitat, and 2.98 interaction) for each habitat. We fit models with block times less likely than individuals in the stream habitat and neighbor number as crossed random effects, block [Fig. 3; 95% CI for odds ratios: seep/meadow (1.84, only, or no random effects. Results did not differ qualita- 6.99), seep/stream (1.59, 5.59)]. There was no significant Granite seep Meadow Stream on 1.0 Alone on 1.0 on 1.0 cti Intraspecific cti cti odu 0.8 Interspecific odu 0.8 odu 0.8 pr pr pr of re 0.6 of re 0.6 of re 0.6 bility 0.4 bility 0.4 biltiy 0.4 oba 0.2 oba 0.2 oba 0.2 Pr Pr Pr 0.0 M. guttatus M. laciniatus 0.0 M. guttatus M. laciniatus 0.0 M. guttatus M. laciniatus Species Species Species Figure3. Leastsquaremeans(cid:4)seforprobabilityofsurvivaltoreproduction. 516 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. M.L.Petersonetal. DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus Granite seep Meadow Stream 3.0 Alone 3.0 3.0 Intraspecific 2.5 Interspecific 2.5 2.5 mass2.0 mass 2.0 mass2.0 Log fruit 1.01.5 Log fruit 1.01.5 Log fruit 1.01.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 M. guttatus M. laciniatus M. guttatus M. laciniatus M. guttatus M. laciniatus Species Species Species Figure4. Leastsquaremeans(cid:4)seforfecundity,calculatedaslog(fruitmassg+1),onlyforthoseindividualsthatproducedfruit. difference in survival between the meadow and stream cant difference between alone and intraspecific treatments. habitats for either species (M. guttatus: t = 1.44, The strength of interspecific competition did not differ 167.9 P = 0.7012; M. laciniatus: t = (cid:1)0.29, P = 0.9997). between M. guttatus and M. laciniatus (F = 0.42, 213.2 2,144 The probability of survival for M. laciniatus did not differ P = 0.6574). There were no significant effects of species among habitats (F =1.05, P = 0.3524). Fecundity fol- identity (F = 1.12, P = 0.2993) or neighbor treatment 2,183.8 1,28.2 lowed the same general pattern, with strong habitat effects (F = 0.34,P = 0.7149)onfecundity. 2,27.1 for M. guttatus, but not M. laciniatus (Fig. 4; M. guttatus: In the meadow habitat, the relative performance of F = 6.57, P = 0.0019; M. laciniatus: F = 0.99, either species was dependent on the dominant neighbor- 2,127 2,75.5 P = .3782). M. guttatus individuals produced significantly ing species. M. laciniatus with intraspecific neighbors more seed in the meadow than in the stream habitat outperformed M. guttatus with interspecific neighbors in (t = 3.48, P = 0.0078). both total fitness and survival (total fitness: t = 3.79, 83.3 157 Overall, interspecific interactions were competitive (total P = 0.0029; survival: t = 4.3, P = 0.0004) (Figs. 2–4). 174 fitness: t = 3.28, P = 0.0011; survival: t = 2.99, Similarly, M. guttatus with intraspecific neighbors outper- 507.5 562 P = 0.0029; fecundity: t = 0.26, P = 0.7930), whereas formed M. laciniatus with interspecific neighbors in total 221.5 intraspecificinteractionsweremarginallyfacilitative(totalfit- fitness (t = 4.14, P = 0.0008), with a marginally signifi- 157 ness: t =1.88, P = 0.0607;survival: t =1.91, P = 0.0572; cant difference in survival (t = 2.61, P = 0.10). There 508 562 174 fecundity: t =0.23, P = 0.8208) (Fig. 2–4). The effect of were no species differences in either total fitness (t = 228.3 158 speciesinteractionsdifferedamonghabitats(Table 2).Inter- .57, P = 0.5712) or survival (t = 1.18, P = 0.2398), 174 specificcompetitionwasmoreintenseinthemeadowhabitat although M. guttatus did exhibit marginally greater fecun- relative to the stream habitat for fecundity (t =2.08, dity (t = 1.84, P = 0.0696). Rather, species interactions 216.1 79.6 P = 0.0388), and marginally so for survival (t =1.68, had strong effects on total fitness (F = 15.95, 562 2,157 P = 0.0936) and total fitness (t =1.71, P = 0.0872) P < 0.0001) and survival (F = 12.96, P = 0.0004). 507.9 2,16.92 (Fig. 2–4).However,theintensityofintraspecificinteractions Individuals in intraspecific treatments were 3.86 times did not differ statistically among habitats for any fitness more likely to survive to reproduction than individuals components (Tables S1–S3). There was no evidence that grown alone, and 8.47 times more than individuals grown M. guttatus and M. laciniatus differed in the intensity of with interspecific competitors [95% CI for odds ratios: either interspecific (total fitness: t = (cid:1)0.43, P = 0.6659; intraspecific/alone (1.06, 13.89), intraspecific/interspecific 509.2 survival: t = 1.41, P = 0.1587; fecundity: t = (cid:1)1.58, (3.58, 20)]. There was no evidence that the strength of 562 215.2 P = 0.1149) or intraspecific interactions (total fitness: these interactions differed between species for either t = (cid:1)0.10, P = 0.9176; survival: t = 1.18, P = .2397; total fitness (F = 0.30, P = 0.7412) or survival 509.7 562 2,158 fecundity:t = (cid:1)1.17,P = 0.2438). (F = 0.94, P = 0.3921). 215.2 2,174 In the seep, there were strong differences in survival In the stream habitat, M. laciniatus outperformed between M. guttatus and M. laciniatus (F = 19.54, M. guttatus in total fitness (F = 14.25, P = 0.0002), 1, 144 1, 220 P < 0.0001). M. laciniatus was 10.53 times more likely to survival (F = 14.03, P = 0.0002), and fecundity 1,244 survivetoreproductionthanM. guttatus(95%CIforodds (F = 5.46, P = 0.0214). M. laciniatus was 2.9 times 1,102 ratio: 3.68, 30.30). Interspecific competition was strong as more likely to survive to reproduction than M. guttatus individualsgrownalonewere5.47timesmorelikelytosur- (95% CI for odds ratio: 1.66, 5.08), and had greater first vive to reproduction than those in interspecific treatments year fecundity (t = 2.34, P = 0.0214). However, the 102 (95% CI for odds ratio: 1.04, 28.81); there was no signifi- subset of M. guttatus individuals left to overwinter in this ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. 517 DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus M.L.Petersonetal. habitat grew larger in the second year than M. laciniatus habitat performance, congeneric interactions, or both grows in any of the local habitats (J. Sexton, unpubl. were sufficient to explain current species distributions. data). Additionally, species interactions affected the prob- Alternatively, interactions with more distantly related ability of survival (F =3.29, P = 0.0388), but not species in the community and/or fluctuation-dependent 2,244 fecundity (F =.73, P = 0.4843). Individuals in intraspe- coexistence mechanisms may contribute to observed niche 2,104 cific treatments were 2.2 times more likely to survive to boundaries. reproduction than individuals in interspecific treatments Habitat partitioning is clear in these recently diverged (95% CI for odds ratio: 1.19, 4.07). The strength of this species, with strong lifetime fitness costs for M. guttatus effect did not differ between species (F = 0.07, in the seep habitat dominated by M. laciniatus. Low 2,244 P = 0.9354). absolute fitness of M. guttatus, even in the absence of competition, suggests that severe drought stress is the pri- mary factor limiting establishment of M. guttatus in seeps. Phenology However, species interactions reinforce this barrier, as There were significant differences in flowering time immigrating M. guttatus are faced with severe interspecific among species, with M. laciniatus having a higher proba- competition. These results corroborate our field observa- bility of flowering in all three habitats (Fig. 5; Seep: tions that M. guttatus does not invade seeps occupied by v2 = 25.354, P < 0.0001; Meadow: v2 = 17.353, P < 0.0001; M. laciniatus, despite the close proximity (<5 m) Stream: v2 = 30.831,P < 0.0001). Neighbor effects onflow- between stream and seep habitats. ering were significant in all three habitats; the presence of In contrast, neither species is dominant, either intrinsi- eitherinter-orintraspecificneighborsincreasedtheprobabil- cally or competitively, in the sympatric meadow habitat. ity of flowering relative to treatments without neighbors Rather, either species becomes competitively dominant (Fig. 5; Seep: v2 = 13.087, P = 0.0014; Meadow: when abundant, through a combination of intraspecific v2 = 17.998, P = 0.0001; Stream: v2 = 20.933, P < 0.0001). facilitation and suppression of interspecific competitors. In the meadow habitat, there was a significant species- In the absence of temporal variation or dispersal among by-neighbor treatment interaction, with M. laciniatus habitats, these interactions suggest competitive exclusion flowering earlier in response to neighbors than M. guttatus of whichever species is initially less abundant. Given that (v2 = 10.85,P = 0.0044). fluctuation-independent interactions did not explain the observed field pattern of species coexistence, fluctuation- dependent mechanisms (e.g., the storage effect) may Discussion explain coexistence of these close relatives in the meadow habitat. Determinants of niche boundaries between Interestingly, M. laciniatus seedlings outperformed close relatives M. guttatus seedlings in the stream habitat in both We examined habitat partitioning and intra- and inter- survival and fecundity; this is in contradiction with specific interactions between two close relatives within a the observed absence of M. laciniatus in this habitat. species complex to understand factors setting local limits M. laciniatus is not limited from establishing in the and allowing coexistence. Specifically, we tested whether stream habitat by either seed germination (J. Sexton, Granite seep Meadow Stream 0 0 0 d 1. d 1. d 1. e e e wer 0.8 wer 0.8 wer 0.8 o o o n fl 0.6 n fl 0.6 n fl 0.6 rtio 0.4 Cteinmseor rtio 0.4 Cteinmseor rtio 0.4 o o o p 2 p 2 p 2 o 0. o 0. o 0. r r r P P P 0 0 0 0. 0. 0. 26 47 67 101 164 26 47 67 101 164 26 47 67 101 164 Days Days Days Figure5. Cumulativeproportionofindividualsthathavefloweredthroughtimeforeachsite,species,andneighbortreatment.Arrowsindicate date at which individuals were removed from site due to seasonal drying, causing individuals that had not yet flowered to be right-censored. (cid:5) Filled symbols are Mimulus laciniatus, open symbols are Mimulus guttatus. Neighbor treatments are as follows: & = alone; = intraspecific; ▲=interspecific. 518 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. M.L.Petersonetal. DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus unpubl. data) or competition with M. guttatus seedlings may act to prevent competitive exclusion of either species (this study). Given the relatively tall, dense vegetation in in the meadow habitat. Among-habitat dispersal is likely stream habitats, we suggest that M. laciniatus may instead because seed dispersal in Mimulus occurs easily over hun- be limited by interactions with neighboring plant species. dreds of meters (Vickery 1999). Although single-year Although seedlings in this experiment were grown in monitoring did not adequately capture lifetime fitness for blocks set within the much taller herbaceous canopy, M. guttatus in the stream habitat, field observations of the seedlings did not directly compete with surrounding abundance and large size of mature M. guttatus support the vegetation for space. M. laciniatus individuals naturally argument that the perennial habit adopted in streams estab- occurring in this habitat would likely experience strong lishesa demographicstrongholdforthisspecies. asymmetric competition from other plant species, includ- Additionally, inter-annual variation in the strength of ing mature M. guttatus. Furthermore, observations of species interactions (e.g., mediated though inter-annual M. guttatus at this site confirm that perennial individuals differences in water availability) may result in a temporal grow and reproduce over several years, including those storage effect that contributes to species coexistence in individuals left to overwinter. Iteroparous, herbaceous the meadow habitat (Chesson and Warner 1981). How- perennial species generally exhibit reduced seedling sur- ever, in order for temporal environmental variation to vival relative to annuals (e.g., Silvertown et al. 1993), result in stable coexistence for annual species, each species which may explain why measuring seedling performance must exhibit a persistent seed bank and species-specific alone failed to predict the dominance of perennial germination responses to environmental conditions (Pake M. guttatus in stream habitats. Given the relatively low and Venable 1996; Angert et al. 2009). There is little evi- seedling survival of M. guttatus in all three habitats, dence that such conditions are met for either M. guttatus streams may act as a refuge for M. guttatus recruits by or M. laciniatus; both species exhibit high germination fostering high adult survival. We expect that M. laciniatus rates in moist conditions (J. Sexton, pers. obs.) and is probably excluded from streams by surrounding vegeta- M. guttatus is known to establish only transient tion, but we acknowledge that this remains to be verified (2–3 years), low-quantity seed banks (Vickery 1999; Trus- experimentally. cott et al. 2006). For this reason, it is unlikely that tem- poral variation alone maintains long-term species coexistence in the meadow habitat; however, it is likely a Habitat heterogeneity and species contributing mechanism for short-term coexistence. coexistence We tested whether intra- and interspecific interactions Intensity versus importance of interactions explained the coexistence of two close relatives in the sympatric meadow habitat. We did not find evidence of The seep, meadow, and stream habitats differ in the fluctuation-independent mechanisms for species coexis- severity of drought stress, the length of the growth season, tence (Chesson 2000); intraspecific competition was not and the abundance and size of neighboring vegetation. stronger than interspecific competition for either species. Together, these habitats may represent a gradient of com- However, fluctuation-independent mechanisms may still munity productivity. However, all habitats present unique operate if intraspecific facilitation and interspecific com- and unknown stressors (e.g., pathogens, herbivory, scour- petition results in spatial clustering of each species. While ing, etc.) regardless of productivity differences. If these we did not observe clear species clustering among mature habitats create a productivity gradient, we found little plants in the meadow habitat, this mechanism could the- support for the hypothesis that the intensity of competi- oretically promote coexistence at earlier life stages (e.g., tion between congeners increases with productivity. The germination and/or among seedlings). absolute strength of interspecific competition between In the absence of clear fluctuation-independent mecha- congeners was greater among plants in the meadow than nisms, this study supports the growing consensus that in the stream habitat where plants had the longest period habitat heterogeneity can promote species coexistence via for growth. Furthermore, the direction of species interac- fluctuation-dependent mechanisms (Chesson 2000; Amar- tions remained constant across habitats. Interspecific asekare 2003). Our results support the potential for a interactions were always competitive, whereas intraspecific spatial storage effect, as both species are effectively interactions were always facilitative. released from competition in each specialized habitat that, If one assumes that the three habitats represent a in turn, acts as a source for dispersal into other habitat productivity gradient, a consideration of the relative types. Continual propagule pressure from the seep habitat importance of species interactions (sensu Welden and for M. laciniatus and from the stream habitat for M. gutt- Slauson1986) supportscompetitive, but not facilitative, pre- atus, which host relatively large numbers of each species, dictions of the SGH. In the seep habitat, species interactions ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. 519 DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus M.L.Petersonetal. were relatively unimportant given the strong effects of any differences in performance within the sympatric seasonal drying. The low absolute fitness of M. guttatus in meadow habitat. Additionally, interspecific competition seeps rendered any effect of species interactions relatively was most intense in the meadow habitat, further suggest- unimportant in determining species performance, even ing that species differences are minimized in this habitat though the absolute intensity of these interactions were of niche overlap. comparable to other habitats. Conversely, species inter- Surprisingly, we found little evidence for a trade-off in actions were important in the meadow habitat, where habitat performance in the more specialized, geo- intrinsic species differences were lacking and relative per- graphically restricted species (M. laciniatus); individuals formance was determined by the balance of intraspecific exhibited similar performance across all three habitats. facilitation and interspecific competition. Species interac- Although we did not detect differences in competitive tions between M. laciniatus and M. guttatus seedlings ability between congeners, several other lines of evidence were of intermediate importance in the stream habitat, suggest that niche divergence between these closely related because the intrinsic advantage of M. laciniatus over species may have been driven by a stress tolerance – com- M. guttatus seedlings at this site was ameliorated when petitive ability trade-off. M. guttatus, which exhibits sev- M. guttatus seedlings experienced intraspecific facilitation eral classically competitive traits (e.g., large size due to and acted as a competitor to M. laciniatus. However, rhizomatous growth and perennial life-history) (Keddy habitat performance and interactions with M. guttatus et al. 2002), was unable to tolerate drought stress associ- seedlings do not explain the persistent exclusion of M. ated with the seep habitat. The evolution of an obligate laciniatus from the stream habitat, suggesting that com- annual life history as a drought avoidance strategy in petitive interactions with mature M. guttatus or other M. laciniatus may have come at the cost of reduced com- neighboring vegetation may maintain this niche bound- petitive ability in the thickly vegetated stream habitat, ary. Conversely, coexistence of both species in the potentially explaining this persistent niche boundary. The meadow habitat suggests that species interactions, while geographically restricted M. laciniatus appears to have a intense, are insufficient to cause competitive exclusion of wider habitat tolerance than M. guttatus, at least in the either species in the face of immigration from other absence of community-wide competition; this suggests habitat types. that the mechanism restricting range size in M. laciniatus Quantitative tests for the importance of competition involves community-level effects, not necessarily abiotic for population-level outcomes, such as the likelihood or conditions such as water availability. Our results support speed of competitive exclusion (Chesson and Huntly the hypothesis that the colonization of rare, stressful seep 1997; Violle et al. 2010), require long-term data (Freckl- habitats by M. laciniatus has led to an annual life form eton et al. 2009). However, our results are consistent with with reduced capacity to compete with larger perennials predictions that the intensity of species interactions may occupying more widely distributed stream environments. be uncorrelated with importance across environmental gradients (Welden and Slauson 1986; Gaucherand et al. Summary 2006) and emphasize the value of testing species interactions across a range of field environments. The Although limited conclusions can be drawn from a single direction of species interactions can vary between field system, these recently diverged Mimulus species provide and greenhouse environments (e.g., Burns and Strauss insight into the process of niche divergence and the role 2011) and life-history stages (e.g., Leger and Espeland of competition across a range of environmental quality. 2010). Here, the relative importance of species inter- Niche partitioning among habitats is driven by physiolog- actions changed among local habitats. Consideration of ical tolerance limits in M. guttatus, and likely driven by both the intensity and importance of species interactions community-level competitive limitations in M. laciniatus, should provide insight to the long-standing debate on suggesting trade-offs between adaptations to local envi- whether competition is stronger in more productive or ronments. Despite strong habitat-specific signals of niche stressful environments (Grime 1977; Tilman 1987; Grace partitioning, we found no fitness differences in the 1991; Violle et al. 2010). sympatric meadow habitat. This pattern of fitness and competitive equivalency in the meadow habitat suggest that coexistence here is maintained by fluctuation- Niche evolution between close relatives dependent mechanisms, such as the storage effect. Our As predicted, we found evidence for habitat partitioning examination of these factors among locally sympatric and between these closely related species. We detected critical allopatric habitats offered insights into how species distri- fitness differences between species in response to drought butions can be shaped by deterministic adaptive processes stress in the allopatric seep habitat, but did not detect in specialized environments and by stochastic processes in 520 ª2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyBlackwellPublishingLtd. M.L.Petersonetal. DeterminantsofNicheBoundariesinMimulus shared environments. More experimental work is needed Conover,W.J.,andR.L.Iman.1981.Ranktransformations as to test these generalities across a variety of recently abridgebetweenparametricandnonparametricstatistics. diverged taxa. Am.Stat.35:124–129. Cui,B.,Q.He,K.Zhang,andX.Chen.2011.Determinants of Acknowledgments annual–perennialplantzonationacrossasalt–freshmarsh interface:amultistageassessment.Oecologia166:1067–1075. We thank Bonnie Bladen, Raymond Laclergue, and the Emery,N.C.,P.J.Ewanchuk,andM.D.Bertness.2001. 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