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Preview NGC 2276: a remarkable galaxy with a large number of ULXs

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–12(2015) Printed12January2015 (MNLaTEXstylefilev2.2) NGC 2276: a remarkable galaxy with a large number of ULXs Anna Wolter,1(cid:63) Paolo Esposito,2,3 Michela Mapelli,4 Fabio Pizzolato5 and 5 Emanuele Ripamonti6 1 0 1Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, INAF, via Brera 28, I-20121 Milano, Italy 2 2IASF–Milano, INAF, via E. Bassini 15, I-20133 Milano, Italy 3Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA n 4Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, INAF, vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy a 5Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` degli Studi di Milano, via G. Celoria 16, I-20133 Milano, Italy J 6Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia ‘Galileo Galilei’, Universit`a degli Studi di Padova, 8 vicolo dell’Osservatorio 3, I-35122 Padova, Italy ] E Accepted2015January7.Received2015January7;inoriginalform2014September6 H . h p ABSTRACT - The starbusting, nearby (D =32.9 Mpc) spiral (Sc) galaxy NGC2276 belongs to the o sparsegroupdominatedbytheellipticalgalaxyNGC2300.NGC2276isaremarkable r t galaxy,asitdisplaysadisturbedmorphologyatmanywavelengths.Thisispossiblydue s to gravitational interaction with the central elliptical galaxy of the group. Previous a ROSAT and XMM–Newton observations resulted in the detection of extended hot [ gas emission and of a single very bright (∼1041 erg s−1) ultraluminous X-ray source 1 (ULX) candidate. Here we report on a study of the X-ray sources of NGC2276 based v on Chandra data taken in 2004. Chandra was able to resolve 16 sources, 8 of which 4 are ULXs, and to reveal that the previous ULX candidate is actually composed of a 9 fewdistinctobjects.WeconstructtheluminosityfunctionofNGC2276,whichcanbe 9 interpretedasdominatedbyhighmassX-raybinaries,andestimatethestarformation 1 0 rate (SFR) to be ∼5–15 M(cid:12) yr−1, consistent with the values derived from optical . andinfraredobservations.Bymeansofnumericalsimulations,weshowthatbothram 1 pressureandviscoustransfereffectsarenecessarytoproducethedistortedmorphology 0 andthehighSFRobservedinNGC2276,whiletidalinteractionhaveamarginaleffect. 5 1 Key words: galaxies: individual: NGC2276 – galaxies: star formation – X-rays: : v binaries – X-rays: galaxies – methods: numerical. i X r a 1 INTRODUCTION in fact revealed an extended ((cid:39)0.2 Mpc), unusually dense ((cid:39) 5.3×10−4 cm−3), hot ((cid:39)0.9 keV) and relatively metal NGC2276 is an Sc galaxy belonging to the poor group poor((cid:39)0.06Z(cid:12))intragroupgashalo(Mulchaeyetal.1993; of galaxies NGC2300, which is composed of four or five Davisetal.1996).NGC2276isundergoingstarburstactiv- galaxies1 and dominated by the namesake elliptical galaxy. ity. A number of Hii regions were identified in the galaxy, Here and throughout the paper we assume a distance2 to spread throughout its volume (Hodge & Kennicutt 1983; NGC2276 of 32.9 Mpc and rescale published values to this Davisetal.1997),andmanysupernovaehavebeenobserved distance when necessary. The NGC2300 group is the first inthelastfiftyyears(e.g.Iskudaryan&Shakhbazyan1967; in which an X-ray emitting intragroup medium (IGM) was Barbon, Cappellaro & Turatto 1989, Treffers et al. 1993, observed(Mulchaeyetal.1993).ObservationswithROSAT Dimai, Migliardi & Manzini 2005). The star formation rate (SFR)wasestimatedbyKennicutt(1983)tobe9.5M(cid:12)yr−1 basedonthehighHαluminosity,andvaluesbetween5and (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] 15 M(cid:12) yr−1 can be found in the literature from different 1 Apart from NGC2300 and NGC2276, the other members are measurements (mostly Hα and infrared observations; e.g. NGC2268andIC455(Huchra&Geller1982).UCG03670,at16(cid:48) Kennicutt Jr., Tamblyn & Congdon 1994, Sanders et al. (∼0.15Mpc)fromNGC2300,islikelyanothergroupmember. 2 From the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database 2003; James et al. 2004). (NED) http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/ and adopting H0 = TheasymmetricshapeofNGC2276,witha‘bow-shock- 73kms−1 Mpc−1 like’ structure along its western edge and a ‘tail’ of gas ex- (cid:13)c 2015RAS 2 A. Wolter et al. tendingtowardseast,andtheunusuallyintensestarforma- The Chandra data allowed Rasmussen et al. (2006) to tion, especially along the western edge, (the source falls in resolvedetailsoftheX-raymorphologyofNGC2276,which, theupperrangeofthedistributionofstar-forminggalaxies; asseenatotherwavelengths,ischaracterisedbyashock-like seee.g.Noeskeetal.2007forthescatter-plotsofgalaxiesin featurealongthewesternedgeandalowsurfacebrightness the Aegis field) have attracted considerable attention but, tail extending to the east. Spatially resolved spectroscopy while it is quite clear that these features are due to inter- shows that the data are consistent with the disc gas being actionwiththeenvironment,noconsensusonthedominant pressurized at the leading western edge of NGC2276, due physical process involved has yet been reached. to the galaxy moving supersonically through the IGM, at Since NGC2300 and NGC2276 are relatively close to a velocity of ≈900 km s−1. Rasmussen et al. (2006) esti- eachother(7(cid:48),about70kpc),aprimecandidateisthetidal mated that the diffuse hot gas in the disc of NGC2276 has interaction between the two galaxies (Gruendl et al. 1993; a temperature of kT ∼ 0.3 keV and an X-ray luminosity Davis et al. 1996, 1997; Elmegreen et al. 1991). Other pro- of L(0.3−2.0keV) =1.9×1040d2 =1.5×1040d2 erg s−1, X 36.8 32.9 cesses involved in shaping NGC2276 are the viscous and withaninferredresidualcomponentofunresolvedX-raybi- the ram-pressure stripping of the galactic gas in the IGM naries of about 10–15 per cent of the total flux. The IGM, (Nulsen1982;Rasmussen,Ponman&Mulchaey2006).Ras- as observed by Chandra, has a profile consistent with the mussen et al. (2006) questioned the importance of the tidal previous ROSAT measurements (Davis et al. 1996), a tem- interactions and argued that turbulent viscous and ram- perature of kT ≈ 0.9 keV and Z = 0.17 Z(cid:12) (Rasmussen pressurestripping,rampressurecompressionofthediscgas etal.2006).Thismetallicityiswellmatched,givenalsothe and starburst outflows are more likely the main elements different method used, to the one used above. influencing the shape and SFR of NGC2276. InWolteretal.(2011),wereportedontheseveralnew Using an XMM–Newton observation carried out in ULXs observed by Chandra in NGC2276 and on the fact 2001, Davis & Mushotzky (2004) identified a bright X- that the bright ULX candidate XMMUJ072649.2+854555 raysource(XMMUJ072649.2+854555)atthewesternedge actually consists of a number of distinct sources (see also of the galaxy with an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX: Suttonetal.2012).Inthiswork,wegivemoredetailsonthe non-nuclear sources with X-ray luminosities in excess of point sources, presenting the whole Chandra data analysis, L = 1039erg s−1 ; see e.g. Feng & Soria 2011 for a re- investigate the main mechanisms at work in shaping the X view) candidate. The X-ray luminosity of this object in galaxybymeansofnumericalsimulations,anddiscusstheir the 0.5–10 keV band was L0.5−10keV = 1.1×1041d2 = influence on the X-ray source population. X 45.7 5.7×1040d2 erg s−1 (where d stands for the distance 32.9 N in units of N Mpc), making it one of the most luminous known in its class (e.g. Sutton et al. 2012). They also ob- 2 ANALYSIS OF CHANDRA DATA served that the nuclear source, undetected in the XMM– The Chandra observation (Obs. ID 4968, see Rasmussen Newton data,wasmuchdimmer(byafactorof∼10atleast) et al. 2006 for further details) was performed on 2004 June than the ROSAT/HRI nuclear source seen by Davis et al. (1997) eight years earlier at L0.5−2keV ∼ 2×1040d2 = 23 with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS; 1040d2 erg s−1. X 45.7 Garmire et al. 2003), and lasted about 45.8 ks. The ACIS 32.9 was operated in the standard timed exposure full-frame ULXsaremainlyfoundingalaxieswithhighSFRs,and mode,withthe‘veryfaint’telemetryformat,andNGC2276 indeed most might be assumed to be the extension of the waspositionedontheback-illuminatedchipS3(CCD7).The HighMassX-rayBinaries(HMBX)populationtohighX-ray datawerereprocessedwiththeChandraInteractiveAnalysis luminosities. For instance, in The Antennae (Zezas & Fab- of Observations software package (ciao, version 4.6). 3 We biano 2002), in the Cartwheel galaxy (Wolter & Trinchieri removed the pixel randomization, since it deteriorates the 2004), in the NGC2207/IC2163 pair (Mineo et al. 2013) spatial resolution, but, other than that, we followed stan- and in NGC4088 (Mezcua et al. 2014) the X-ray luminos- dard data reduction and analysis procedures. ity function follows the “universal” law found by Grimm The first step of our analysis was to run the ciao et al. (2003) for HMXBs when scaled for the SFR. This wavelet source-detection algorithm with sigthresh4 set to assumption, linked to the proposed influence of low metal- 10−6, so that we expect at most one spurious source in the licity on the evolution of massive stars (see Mapelli et al. areaunderexaminationgiventhatweconsideronlyasingle 2010, and references therein) leads to expect not one, but CCD. The routine found 41 sources in CCD7, of which 16 a large number of ULXs in NGC2276. Using the corre- inthegalaxyarea,definedbyD25=177(cid:48).(cid:48)1(deVaucouleurs lations by Mapelli et al. (2010) and assuming a metallic- ity Z = 0.22 Z(cid:12) and a SFR of 10 M(cid:12) yr−1, we expect et al. 1991) with a signal-to-noise ratio higher than 4. Source positions (in RA order) and statistics of the 16 about 10 ULXs. The metallicity is derived applying the sourcesaregiveninTable1,whileinFig.1theyareshownin Pilyugin & Thuan (2005) calibration on the de-reddened theX-rayimageandover-plottedonanopticalimageofthe [OIIλ 3727]/Hβ and [OIIIλ5007]/Hβ ratios measured by galaxy. Source counts were extracted from circular regions Kennicutt (1992) on an integrated spectrum of NGC2276. centeredatthepositionsfoundbythesource-detectionrou- Indeed, a high-spatial-resolution observation of NGC2276 tineandwithradius2(cid:48)(cid:48).Thesourcesareallat<2(cid:48) fromthe takenwithChandra (Obs.ID4968,PI:Rasmussen)revealed aimpoint, therefore the 2(cid:48)(cid:48) circle is large enough to include thatthebrightULXcandidateisactuallycomposedofafew differentsources(Wolteretal.2011),andshowedatotalof 8–9 sources bright enough (LX > 1039 erg s−1) during the 3 http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/ observationtobeclassifiedasULXs(Wolteretal.2011;Liu 4 Seehttp://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/ahelp/wavdetect.htmlforthe 2011). parametersof wavdetect. (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 ULXs in NGC2276 3 Figure 1. Left: Smoothed image (csmooth) from Chandra data in the 0.5–7 keV band. The green circle (radius=50(cid:48)(cid:48)) indicates the region used to extract the diffuse component spectrum (associated to S7, see text for details) Right: The X-ray sources’ positions are over-plottedontheopticalimageofNGC2276takenfromtheDigitizedSkySurvey(DSS),seehttp://archive.stsci.edu/dss/index.html. Opencirclesandnumbersidentifydetectedpointsources;redsourcesareULXs.WhitesourceshaveL0.5−10(cid:54)1039ergs−1. X the ellipse from the detection algorithm. We expect a very Table 1. Source detected in NGC2276. Positions from the de- tection algorithm and net counts from the extraction regions of small contribution in the area from both the instrumental 2(cid:48)(cid:48) radius (see text). No astrometric correction has been applied and the diffuse background. The dominant source of error andthereforethepositionaluncertaintyisthestandardChandra isstatistic.ForsourceS7,whichcorrespondstothenuclear oneof∆(cid:54)0(cid:48).(cid:48)6(90%c.l.). region, we extracted counts in a circle of 50(cid:48)(cid:48) radius (ex- cludingallthedetectedsourcesinthatarea)forconsistency Number RA(J2000) Dec(J2000) NetCounts with the Rasmussen et al. (2006) analysis (see Section 4). (0.3–5keV) The sources’ positions are plotted in Fig.1 and the extrac- tionareaforS7isindicatedasthegreencircle.Instrumental S1 07h26m37s.4 +85◦45(cid:48)34(cid:48).(cid:48)5 417.4±20.4 S2 07h26m43s.5 +85◦45(cid:48)00(cid:48).(cid:48)1 46.2±6.9 andcosmicbackgroundwasestimatedfromcircularregions S3 07h26m46s.1 +85◦45(cid:48)38(cid:48).(cid:48)5 43.2±6.6 outside of the galaxy, but as close as possible to it, and ex- S4 07h26m47s.9 +85◦45(cid:48)52(cid:48).(cid:48)3 175.8±13.3 cluding detected sources. We did not attempt to subtract S5 07h26m48s.1 +85◦45(cid:48)54(cid:48).(cid:48)9 338.6±18.4 the diffuse gas contribution, which is, at any rate, negligi- S6 07h26m48s.2 +85◦45(cid:48)49(cid:48).(cid:48)0 104.7±10.2 ble in the extraction area of the point sources (less than 1 S7a 07h27m13s.0 +85◦45(cid:48)16(cid:48).(cid:48)0 40.3±6.4 countpersource).Afirstindicationofthesources’spectral S8 07h27m14s.9 +85◦46(cid:48)11(cid:48).(cid:48)5 14.2±3.9 shape can be evinced from Fig.2 in which the “true” color S9 07h27m15s.4 +85◦45(cid:48)54(cid:48).(cid:48)9 8.2±3.0 image of the X-ray emission has been constructed. The ab- S10 07h27m19s.7 +85◦46(cid:48)32(cid:48).(cid:48)9 19.2±4.5 sorbedorflatsourcesappearasblue/greeninthisimage.For S11 07h27m25s.8 +85◦45(cid:48)25(cid:48).(cid:48)9 68.2±8.3 a more formal analysis, we extracted individual spectra for S12 07h27m28s.7 +85◦45(cid:48)11(cid:48).(cid:48)1 21.3±4.7 S13 07h27m53s.3 +85◦46(cid:48)08(cid:48).(cid:48)8 53.2±7.3 the sources with more than a hundred net counts (S1, S4, S14 07h27m58s.4 +85◦44(cid:48)37(cid:48).(cid:48)9 19.3±4.5 S5, and S6, plus the extended region around S7). For the S15 07h28m16s.0 +85◦44(cid:48)36(cid:48).(cid:48)4 29.2±5.5 other sources (S2, S3, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16 07h28m19s.7 +85◦44(cid:48)28(cid:48).(cid:48)5 13.3±3.7 S16), since the paucity of counts hinders individual fits, we extracted a cumulative spectrum, which contains 336±20 a Source S7 is the center of the galaxy: for subsequent analysis netcounts.Allthespectralanalysiswasperformedwiththe countshavebeenextractedinacircleof50(cid:48)(cid:48)radius,excludingall xspec(v.12.8.0)fittingpackage(Arnaud1996).Resultsand detectedsources,resultinginatotalof1413±67netcounts. analysis of the spectra are described in the next Sections. more than 90% of all counts 5 and is a very good match to 5 Seee.g.fig.4.7inhttp://cxc.harvard.edu/proposer/POG/html/chap4.html (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 4 A. Wolter et al. Table 2.Resultsofspectralfitforthe4ULXswithmorethan100netcountsandforthesumofthefainter sources.Unabsorbedfluxesandluminositiesareinthe0.5–10keVenergyband. Name Γ NH FX(0.5−10keV) L(X0.5−10keV) L(X2−10keV) χ2ν (dof) (1021 cm−2) (10−14 ergcm−2 s−1) (1039 ergs−1) (1039 ergs−1) S1 1.96±0.34 4.1±2.0 14.45±0.71 18.7 10.29 0.92(17) S4 1.48+0.49 <25.0 6.78±0.51 8.73 6.39 1.47(5) −0.25 S5 1.77±0.40 3.1±2.0 11.10±0.60 14.3 8.90 1.54(13) S6a >3.2 6.0±4.0 2.60±0.25 3.36 2.86 1.50(1) SUM 1.93±0.35 1.7±0.9 6.00±0.37 7.74 4.41 1.11(18) a FluxandluminositieswerecomputedwithΓ=3.2andthefittedvalueforNH=25.3×1021 cm−2. Table 3. Point source unabsorbed fluxes and luminosities com- putedfromthepower-lawfittothemeanspectrumofthefainter sources(seeSections2and3). Name F(0.5−10keV) L(0.5−10keV) L(2−10keV) X X X (10−14 ergcm−2 s−1) (1039 ergs−1) (1039 ergs−1) S2 0.96±0.14 1.24 0.70 S3 0.90±0.14 1.16 0.66 S8 0.30±0.08 0.38 0.22 S9 0.17±0.06 0.22 0.13 S10 0.40±0.09 0.52 0.29 S11 1.42±0.17 1.83 1.04 S12 0.44±0.10 0.57 0.32 S13 1.11±0.15 1.43 0.81 S14 0.40±0.09 0.52 0.29 S15 0.61±0.11 0.79 0.44 S16 0.28±0.08 0.36 0.20 etal.2004).Fortheothersources,weconsideredthecumula- tivespectrum(seeSection2)foratotalof∼300netcounts. Figure2.ThreecolorimageoftheChandradata.Smoothedwith Anabsorbedpowerlawcanbefitalsotothesedata,result- csmoothfromciaointhe0.3–0.9keV,0.9–1.5keVand1.5–8keV inginanabsorbingcolumnN =(1.7±0.9)×1021cm−2and H bandsforred,blueandgreenrespectively.Manypointsourcesap- photonindexΓ=1.9±0.4(seeFig.4).Thismeanspectrum pearblu/greenindicatingexcessabsorptionand/orhardspectra. wasusedtoconverttheobservedcountratesofthefaintest sources into fluxes, see Table3. 3 POINT SOURCES AND ULXS ThenumberofsourceswithL(X0.5−10keV) (cid:62)1039erg s−1 is8.Liu(2011)classify9sourcesasULXs,howeverthetwo Thedistributionofthedetectedsourcesfollowsroughlythe listshaveonlythe5brightestobjectsincommon(S1,S4,S5, position of the arms of NGC2276 and the zones of high ac- S6,S11).ThefaintestonesarenotintheLiu(2011)listsince tivity in the other bands. Contamination from background theyuseacutoffluminosityof2.×1039 erg s−1 inthe0.3– sources may be estimated according to the logN–logS dis- 8 keV band and a different distance of D =36.8 Mpc. The tributionofHasingeretal.(1993).Atthedetectionlimitof othersourcesintheLiu(2011)listwhicharenotlistedhere F(0.5−2keV) =7×10−16erg cm−2 s−1(whichcorrespondsto are:NGC2276-X4,whichistheF8starSAO1148(e.g.from X LX ≈1038 erg s−1 at the distance of NGC2276) we expect the Simbad Astronomical Database6); NGC2276-X6 which 1.4sourcesbychanceinthetotalareacoveredbythegalaxy. isoutsidetheopticalregionofthegalaxy(D25=177(cid:48).(cid:48)1from Therefore, at least one of the fainter sources is probably a NED) at ∼ 2(cid:48) from the nucleus of the galaxy; NGC2276- background source. X7 which is on the border of the CCD and did not sur- Thefewbrightsourceswithenoughcounts(∼100–400) viveourthresholds;NGC2276-X9whichisonthenextchip to allow individual spectral fits are modeled by a simple S2 (CCD6) which we did not even analyze. A comparison power law modified for the interstellar absorption. A satis- of XMM–Newton and Chandra images of the field of the factory description of their spectra has a hydrogen column XMM–NewtonULXcandidateXMMUJ072649.2+854555is densityNH ofafew1021 cm−2 (thetotalGalacticNH inthe shown in Fig.5. Instead of a single bright source, Chandra direction of NGC2276 is ∼5.7×1020 cm−2; Kalberla et al. found 5 distinct sources (S1, S3, S4, S5, and S6; all in the 2005)andslopesbetweenΓ=1.4and2.2.Theobservednor- ULXluminosityrange,plusapossibleothersourcenearS1, malisednetcountdistributionwiththebestfitmodelisplot- which is visible also in Fig.1 but the detection algorithm is tedinFig.3,whilethefitresultsarelistedinTable2.These spectra are consistent with typical results for ULXs when only low-count-statistics spectra are available (e.g. Swartz 6 http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/ (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 ULXs in NGC2276 5 Figure 4. Combined spectrum of the fainter sources (see Sec- tion2).Thesolidlineindicatesthebest-fittingpower-lawmodel andinthebottompanelweplottedtheratiotothemodel. Figure5.FieldoftheULXcandidateXMMUJ072649.2+854555 as imaged by Chandra (left) and XMM–Newton (right) in the 0.3-8 keV energy band. Each image side is 55 × 46 arcsec wide. The green contour levels are logarithmically spaced from 0.1 cts/sq.pix. Several distinct X-ray sources are resolved by Chan- dra. unable to pick it up) roughly following the XMM–Newton isophotes (see also Wolter et al. 2011). The luminosity of these sources ranges from a few 1039 to a few 1040 erg s−1 (Tables 2 and 3). To investigate possible variability of the Chandra sources in the region of XMMUJ072649.2+854555, we can compare the total luminosity from Davis & Mushotzky (2004) (L0.5−10keV = 1.1 × 1041d2 erg s−1= 5.7 × X 45.7 1040d2 erg s−1) to that of the region in the Chandra 32.9 dataset corresponding to the XMM–Newton point spread function (PSF), which we chose as a circle of 30(cid:48)(cid:48) ra- dius centered at the XMM–Newton position. This includes sources S1, S3, S4, S5 and S6, plus the unresolved sources and diffuse component. We extract a spectrum and fit it with the Davis & Mushotzky (2004) best fit model (diskbb+mekal), see their table 1) leaving the normaliza- tionfree.WeobtainanunabsorbedluminosityL0.5−10keV = X 5.1 × 1040d2 erg s−1, which is consistent within uncer- Figure3. Spectroscopyofthe4brightestULXs(S1,S4,S5,S6). 32.9 tainties with the expectation. We make the same com- Foreachsource(asindicatedineachplot),weshowthespectrum, parison also for the other two sources detected in both the best-fitting power-law model (solid line) and, in the bottom the Chandra and the XMM–Newton observation, namely panel,theratiotothemodel. source XMMUJ072718.8+854636 (which corresponds to (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 6 A. Wolter et al. source S10), and source XMMUJ072816.7+854436 (which corresponds to S15). If we consider the model of Davis & Mushotzky (2004) for each of the two sources, we find that XMMUJ072718.8+85463 is apparently fainter by one dex (L0.5−10keV = 5.2 × 1038 erg s−1) with respect to X the expectation of L0.5−10keV = 4.2×1039d2 erg s−1= X 45.7 2.2×1039d2 erg s−1). However if we consider a region of 32.9 30(cid:48)(cid:48) around S10, we detect in Chandra 158 ± 46 counts, from the diffuse contribution of the galaxy besides the 19.2 net counts from S10: therefore it is probable that the XMM–Newton detection was similarly contaminated by the plasma component. A different situation is found for XMMUJ072816.7+854436 which is quite isolated: the Chandra luminosity for a power law spectrum is about a factor of 1.4 higher (L0.5−10keV = 7.9 × 1038 erg s−1) X than expected from XMM–Newton : L0.5−10keV = 1.1 × X 1039d2 erg s−1= 5.7×1038d2 erg s−1, which however 45.7 32.9 we deem not compelling given the uncertainties in spectral shapeandthedifferentresponsematricesofthetwoinstru- ments.Inconclusion,thepossiblesmallvariationinfluxbe- tweentheobservations,giventhedifferentspatialresolution of the instruments, cannot be confirmed statistically. We note that source S6 is possibly coincident with a Figure6. TheX-rayluminosityfunctionofNGC2276computed triple radio source of total L = 9.51×1036 erg s−1, 5GHz inthe2–10keVbandbyusingthesourcesdetectedinthegalaxy which Mezcua et al. (2013) suggest could be the first evi- areabyChandra.Thenucleushasbeenremoved,aswellasoneof dence of an extended jet in a non-nuclear source. The pres- thefaintsources,toaccountfortheexpectedcontaminationfrom ence of jets in ULXs has been invoked in a few cases (see background sources (see Section3). Thesolidlines represent the also Cseh et al. 2014) but the evidence is not firm yet. The universalXLFforHMXBbyGrimmetal.(2003),normalizedto source has a very blue (hard) color in Fig.2 which might 5(long-dashedline)and15M(cid:12) yr−1 (short-dashedline). indicate an excess absorption. This however is not enough to imply that the source is a background source since high levelsofabsorptionareknowntobeintrinsictomanyULXs. is lower (0.05 counts pixel−1) and therefore we corrected onlysourceswithlessthan10counts.Justtogiveanindica- tion,theslopeoftheresultingXLFisα =−0.71±0.03for N 3.1 The X-ray luminosity function NGC2276andα =−0.75±0.05fortheCartwheel.These C In order to construct the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) numbers become lower (αN = −0.66 and αC = −0.60) if ofNGC2276,wehavetoassesstwopossiblesourcesofcon- we restrict the fit to the logLX (cid:54)39.8, consistent with the tamination: spurious, unwanted sources which add to the ‘universal’ luminosity function slope of α = −0.60 found XLF, and missing sources due to detection uncertainties. by e.g. Grimm et al. 2003; Swartz et al. 2011; Mineo et al. We also do not include the central source (S7). To account 2012aforhighmassX-raybinaries(HMXBs)andproposed for the possible presence of spurious contamination from toscalewiththeSFR.TheXLFfromGrimmetal.(2003)is background sources among the Chandra point sources, we alsoplottedinFig.6fortwodifferentvaluesoftheSFRof5 randomlyexcludedoneofthethreefaintestsources,follow- and 15 M(cid:12) yr−1. Also, by comparing the total X-ray lumi- ing the results of Section3 for a chance coincidence of 1.4 nosity or the number of ULXs with the formulas of Grimm source at the faintest fluxes. The contamination becomes et al. (2003), similar results are obtained: SFR = 5 and less than 0.2 sources in the entire galaxy, as defined by 5.5 M(cid:12) yr−1, respectively. These values are in the same the D25 diameter, at fluxes F (cid:62) 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. To rangeofSFRderivedinotherwavebands(seeSect.1).Also X correct for incompleteness, we base our assessment on fig. eq. (20) from Mineo et al. (2012a) gives a predicted num- 12 from Kim & Fabbiano (2003) in which the detection ber of sources with LX > 1038 erg s−1= 3.2×SFR (cid:62) 16, probabilitiesasafunctionofbackgroundcountsandsource consistentwiththenumberofsourcesfound,takingintoac- counts are plotted. The background includes both diffuse count that at least one is spurious and the incompleteness emission from the galaxy and field background and is esti- of detection at the limit. matedinthecaseofNGC2276tobeatalevelof0.15counts pixel−1 (by averaging total counts in the galaxy region, up to D25, after excluding detected sources). We use the sec- 4 THE DIFFUSE EMISSION COMPONENT ond panel, relative to a 2(cid:48) off-axis, since the whole galaxy iswithinthislimit.Weapplytheinterpolatedcorrectionto The nuclear source of NGC2276 was previously detected all sources with less than 22 counts. This is a conservative withROSAT asvariable(Davisetal.1997)atL(0.5−2keV) ∼ X estimate.InFig.6,wecomparetheresultingXLFwiththat 2×1040d2 = 1040d2 erg s−1. Notably, the source was 45.7 32.9 oftheCartwheelgalaxy,oneoftherichestgalaxiesinULXs not detected in the 2004 XMM–Newton observation, which (Wolter & Trinchieri 2004). The Cartwheel XLF was cor- set an upper limit of L(0.5−10keV) <1.2×1039d2 erg s−1 X 32.9 rectedwiththesameprocedure:inthiscasethebackground on its emission. However, a correct comparison of the flux (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 ULXs in NGC2276 7 Figure 8.Spectrumofthecentralregionofthegalaxy(seeSec- tion4).Thesolidlineindicatesthebest-fittingpower-lawmodel andinthebottompanelweplottedtheratiotothemodel. 2.1 × 1040 erg s−1, about 12 per cent of the total lumi- nosity and consistent with the expectation for the unre- solved point source component derived from the K band Figure 7.Profileinthedirection280–370◦,inredvs.theoppo- luminosity of NGC2276 LK = 10.7, which corresponds to siteone:110–200◦,inblack.Thegreendashedlineindicatesthe L2−10keV ∼ 1040 erg s−1, by using the relation in Kim & X extent of the PSF computed via chart, normalized to the first Fabbiano (2004). Since there should also be a fraction of datapoint. unresolved HMXBs, this leaves little room for a powerful AGN. We observe that our revised temperature and luminos- wouldneedadetailedmodelingofthesurroundingemission, ity have essentially no impact on the results of Rasmussen given the different resolution of the instruments that have etal.(2006)(actually,thehigherluminosityandlowertem- observedNGC2276throughtheyears.SourceS7,coincident perature enforce their conclusion that diffuse X-ray emis- withtheopticalnucleusofthegalaxy,isextendedasweshow sion from the western edge does not arise from a shock- inFig.7,wherewecompareitwiththeChandraPSFderived compressed gas component). withchartwithstandardproceduresatthepositionofthe If we compute the total emission from the D25 of the nucleus. We plot two different profiles in the NE and SW galaxy, then the diffuse component is L0.5−2keV ∼ 2.5× directions (110 to 200◦ and 280 to 370◦, respectively) to 1041 erg s−1: we can compare it with theXfindings of Mineo showthedifferentextentatlargeradiiinthetwodirections, et al. (2012b) that Ldiffuse/SFR = 1.5 × 1040 erg s−1 / as already noted by Rasmussen et al. (2006). (M(cid:12) yr−1), albeit withXa large scatter of ∼ a dex and very SincethediffuseemissionofNGC2276andinitsprox- modeldependent.AgainthisgivesaSFRintherange5–25 imity was studied in detail by Rasmussen et al. (2006), we M(cid:12) yr−1. justverifytheconsistenceofourresultsforthediffuseemis- We recall also that the source is immersed in an IGM sion of the disc (after removing the point sources) for their component: we report the parameters found by Davis et al. region A (see their figure 2). We used an extraction region (1996) using ROSAT data, rescaled to our distance, which as similar as possible to that of Rasmussen et al. (2006): a we will exploit for the subsequent simulations. They found circle of 50(cid:48)(cid:48) radius, visible in Fig.1. an extent of about 25(cid:48) (0.24 Mpc) for the X-ray emitting We make a more general hypothesis that there might IGM, centered close to, but not exactly on, the central be intrinsic absorption in the galaxy, and we bin the spec- elliptical galaxy NGC2300. The surface brightness of the trum so as to have a minimum of 100 counts per bin, medium is described by a King function with core radius but we checked that the values are not very dependent r ∼ 4.3(cid:48) and index β = 0.41, and has a luminosity of 0 on binning. In this way, in addition to the Galactic ab- Lbol =1.12×1042d2 =5.8×1041d2 erg s−1. The mass sNorpt=ion(,4.w2+e1m.7)ea×su1r0ed21acnma−b2sofrobrintghecobleusmtnfiteq(uχi2va=len1t.0to1 ofXthehotintragroup45.g7asisMgas =(13.22.59±0.13)×1012 M(cid:12). H −1.3 ν Rasmussenetal.(2006)findsimilarvalues,buttheROSAT for 13 degrees of freedom (dof)). The resulting spectrum larger field of view is better suited to measure this large is plotted in Fig.8. This results in a lower temperature of extent component. kT = 0.18+0.05 keV and an only poorly constrained pho- −0.02 ton index Γ = 4±2, but we note that the power-law com- ponent is necessary to properly fit the spectrum and we 5 WHERE DOES THE MORPHOLOGY OF freeze it to Γ=1.7, appropriate to represent both a low lu- NGC2276 COME FROM? minosity active galactic nucleus (AGN) component and/or the unresolved point source component. The corresponding Whether the perturbed morphology of NGC2276 is the re- total luminosity is L(0.5−2keV) = 1.8×1041 erg s−1. The sult of tidal interactions with NGC2300, or of ram pres- X luminosity of the power-law component is L(0.5−2keV) = sure stripping is still an open question. The simplest way X (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 8 A. Wolter et al. to estimate the importance of tidal forces, without running 6 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS a simulation, is to compare the centripetal acceleration of To study the morphology of NGC2276 in more detail NGC2276(a )totheradialacceleration(a )exertedbythe c r than with our order-of-magnitude calculations, we ran N- othergalaxiesinthegroup,whichisdominatedbyNGC2300 body/smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical and by the hot gas component: simulations of the interaction between NGC2276 and its GM(r) environment. We used the gadget-2 code (Springel et al. a (r)= , (1) c r2 2001; Springel 2005). (cid:20) (cid:21) Theinitialconditionsaretakentothesimplestpossible 1 1 ar(D)=GMgroup(D) D2 − (D+r)2 , (2) level.Inallthesimulations,weputNGC2276onaparabolic orbitaroundNGC2300(assumedtositatthebottomofthe where r and M(r) are the three-dimensional distance from gravitational potential well of the group). The two galaxies the center of NGC2276 and the mass of NGC2276 inside start from an initial separation of 170 kpc, 85 Myr before r, respectively, while M (D) is the mass of the group theperiapsis.Atperiapsis,thegalaxiesreachtheirminimum group enclosed within a distance D from the center of NGC2300. distance of 160 kpc, and after another 85 Myr they reach their present separation of 170 kpc. We ran the simulations To derive the actual distance between NGC2276 and for 1 Gyr, but the most relevant effects occur during (and NGC2300 we used the velocity of NGC2276 with respect to the IGM, derived assuming that the IGM is coupled to within ∼< 200 Myr after) the periapsis passage. We describe the elliptical galaxy NGC2300 as a rigid NGC2300. Rasmussen et al. (2006) derive a Mach number potential,toreducethecomputingtime.Wefurtherassume of M = 1.70±0.23, corresponding to a three-dimensional velocity of v = v ×M = 865±120 km s−1. The distance that the total contribution is due to the dominant compo- s nent of dark matter, described by a Navarro, Frenk and D=x/cosαisthenderivedbymeasuringx=83.2kpc(the White (NFW) profile (Navarro et al. 1997): distance between the centers of the two galaxies projected on the plane of the sky) and cosα = ∆vr/v, where ∆vr = ρ(x)= ρ0 , (4) 421 km s−1 is the relative recession velocity between the x(1+x)2 twogalaxies(Rasmussenetal.2006).Thethree-dimensional wherex= r,withr =R /candR =(M G/H2)1/3 distance between the two galaxies is then 170 kpc, under rs s 200 200 tot 0 (H = 73 km s−1 Mpc−1 being the Hubble constant, M these assumptions. 0 tot being the total mass and c being the concentration param- For r = 13 kpc (which is approximately the isopho- eter), and tal radius of NGC2276) and M(13kpc) = 2×1011 M(cid:12), we obtain ac = 1.6 × 10−8 cm s−2. For D = 170 kpc, ρ = 200ρcritc3 , (5) ar(D)∼5×10−10 cm s−2. Thus, we expect tidal forces to 0 3 (ln(1+c)−c/(1+c)) be small today, when compared with the self-gravity of the whereρ isthecurrentcriticaldensityoftheUniverse.We galaxy.Letusconsidernowtheimportanceofram-pressure crit stripping.Thedistancefromthecenterofagalaxyatwhich assumeMtot =1.3×1013 M(cid:12) andconcentrationparameter c=10. ram-pressurestrippingbecomesimportantcanbeevaluated The second ingredient is the IGM. We perform three as (Yoshida et al. 2008) differentsimulationsfordifferentchoicesoftheIGMprofiles. (cid:18) (cid:19) Thefirstisa‘dry’simulation,withnoIGM.Thisisacontrol h GM M r = ln ∗ ISM , (3) simulationaimingtoisolatethepurelytidaleffectsbetween rp 2 2πv2ρIGMh4 the galaxies. ThesecondandthirdsimulationsassumethattheIGM where h is the scale-length of the disc, M∗ and MISM is present, but with different distributions. In both cases are the total stellar mass and inter-stellar medium mass of thedistributionsarecenteredonNGC2300.Inbothsimula- thegalaxy,v istherelativevelocitybetweenthegalaxyand tions,thegasisassumedtobeadiabatic,withinitialtemper- the IGM, and ρIGM is the local density of IGM. If we as- ature2×106K,thetotalmassofgasisMg =1.25×1012M(cid:12) sumeh=3kpc,M∗ =2.8×1010 M(cid:12),MISM =8×109 M(cid:12), and the mass of a single gas particle is 106 M(cid:12) (for a total v = 850 km s−1 and ρIGM = 5×10−27 g cm−3, which are number of 1.25×106 particles). consistent with the observations of NGC2276 (Davis et al. In the second simulation, the IGM has a NFW profile7 1996; Rasmussen et al. 2006) and its environment (we use with concentration c=10. the same values for the simulations described in the next Finally,inthethirdsimulationthegasisdistributedas Section), we obtain rrp = 6.5 kpc, which is larger than h a King model (King 1962): butstillinsidetheisophotalradiusofNGC2276(13.2kpc). Thus, we expect ram-pressure to be quite effective in per- (cid:20) (cid:16)r (cid:17)2(cid:21)−3β+0.5 ρ(r)=ρ 1+ , (6) turbing the morphology of NGC2276. 0 rc Eveniffromequations(1)and(2)wehaveshownthat tidalforcesarenotasefficientasrampressure,itisreason- 7 The NFW profile usually refers to dark matter, and not to abletoexpectthatthereisaninterplaybetweentidalforces baryonicmatter.TherationaleofadoptingaNFWprofileforthe and ram pressure, leading to an enhancement of NGC2276 baryonicIGMisthefollowing.Forlargeradii,theNFWhasthe strippingwithrespecttothecaseinwhichrampressurewas asymptotic form (cid:37) ∝ r−3 to be compared with the (cid:37) ∝ r−2 of the only process at work (see e.g. the argument in Yoshida an isothermal sphere. The NFW would model an IGM distribu- etal.2008).Inaddition,viscousstripping(e.g.Nulsen1982) tionconcentratedclosetoNGC2300,whiletheisothermalsphere might also play a role, removing matter from the ISM. modelsamorewidespreadIGM. (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 ULXs in NGC2276 9 where ρ = 3.1 × 10−3 cm−3 (from Davis et al. 1996), No gas is stripped from the galactic disc, and the tails 0 β =0.41 (from Rasmussen et al. 2006) and r =4.0(cid:48) (from observed by Rasmussen et al. (2006) are not reproduced. c Rasmussen et al. 2006). The third ingredient is a model of NGC2276. We parametrize it, according to Widrow & Dubinski (2005), as 6.2 NFW simulation thesumofthreedifferentcomponents:bulge,discanddark The evolution of the disc galaxy changes significantly, if matterhalo.Thetotalnumberofparticlesinthedarkmat- the IGM is accounted for. As we expect from our order- terhalo,bulgeanddiscoftheNGC2276modelare2×106, of-magnitude estimate, ram-pressure stripping and viscous 105 and6×105,respectively.Thesofteninglengthis100pc. stripping are efficient, and lead to the formation of tails al- The dark matter halo is modeled as a NFW potential ready during the periapsis passage (see Fig.9). We also see with Mtot = 6×1011 M(cid:12) and c = 10. The bulge is rep- that the front side of the galaxy disc is perturbed, recalling resented by a S´ersic profile, according to the Prugniel & the asymmetric ‘bow-shock-like’ shape of NGC2276. Simien (1997) deprojection ρb(r) ∝ (r/re)−p exp(r/re)1/n, The total mass in the tails is ∼6×108 M(cid:12) after the where we assume re = 0.83 pc, p = −1 and n = 1.83. The first periapsis passage (it will rise to ∼1×109 M(cid:12) at the normalization of the profile is set by the total mass of the end of the simulation). A part of this mass forms clumps bulge Mb =6×109 M(cid:12). that are visible in Fig.9. The cooling time in the galaxy The gas and the stellar component are distributed as discis∼104−5 yr,whileitis10–20Myrintheram-pressure an exponential Hernquist disc (Hernquist 1993): stripped tails. The dynamical time t is 200 Myr and 10 dyn M Myr in the galaxy disc and in the tails, respectively. Thus, ρ (R,z)= d exp(s−R/h) sech2(z/z ), (7) d 4πh2z 0 star formation occurs in the galaxy disc and might occur 0 also in the tails. where R and z are the cylindrical coordinates, M =3.6× d Finally, a small but significant fraction of the gas com- 1010 M(cid:12) isthetotalmassofthedisc,h=3kpcisthescale- ponent of the NGC2276 model (8.6×108 M(cid:12), i.e. 6.6 per length of the disc and z =0.3 pc is the scale-height of the 0 centoftheentiregascomponent)iscompletelystrippedand disc.Thedisciscomposedofbothgasandstellarparticles, lost from the galaxy during the entire simulation. withthetotalmassofgasandstarsbeingM =0.8×1010 d,g and Md,∗ =2.2×1010 M(cid:12), respectively. ThegascomponentoftheNGC2276modelisassumed 6.3 Isothermal sphere simulation to be adiabatic, with initial temperature of T = 2×104 K (Rasmussen et al. 2006). We do not introduce a cooling Thethirdsimulationisverysimilartothesecondone.Even function, but verify ‘a posteriori’ if the cooling time t in this simulation, ram pressure produces a deformation in cool isshorterthanthedynamicalfreefalltimet toestimate the front side of the galaxy disc and leads to the formation dyn the rate of star formation. In particular, we estimate the of tails and clumps. The total mass in the tails is 6×108 cooling time as M(cid:12) aftertheperiapsispassage,andraisesto7.5×108 M(cid:12) at the end of the simulation, with no significant difference 3 nkT tcool = 2 n n Λ(Z,T,n), (8) with respect to the second simulation. In the tails, tcool ∼ e p t ∼ 10 Myr, suggesting that star formation is possible. dyn wherenisthetotalgasdensity,neisthedensityofelectrons, In the disc galaxy, tcool ∼ 104−5 yr << tdyn ∼ 300 Myr, n is the density of protons, k is the Boltzmann constant, indicating that star formation should occur. p T isthetemperature,andΛ(Z,T,n)isthecoolingfunction, Thetotalmassofgasthatislostfromthediscgalaxyby as a function of n, T and of the metallicity Z. We used the theendofthesimulationis1.5×108 M(cid:12),i.e.∼12percent cooling function of Sutherland & Dopita (1993). oftheentireinitialgasmassintheNGC2276model.Thisis We assume that gas is able to form stars if nearly a factor of two larger than in the second simulation. ThedifferencecanbeexplainedwiththefactthattheIGM tcool <tdyn <tlife, (9) densitygoesasρIGM ∝r−3 and∝r−2 inthesecondandin the third simulation, respectively. Since the density of the wheret isthelifetimeofagasclumporstructure,derived life IGMatlargedistancesfromtheellipticalgalaxyinthethird directly from the simulations. simulation is higher than that in the second simulation, we Herebelowweshortlysummarizetheresultsofoursim- expect that ram pressure stripping will last longer than in ulations. the second simulation (i.e. it is important even when the disc galaxy is far from periapsis). 6.1 Dry simulation 6.4 Summary of simulation results and caveats Our order-of-magnitude estimate shows that tidal forces should not be very important for NGC2276. On the other In conclusion, we found that ram-pressure stripping and hand, even in the simulation without IGM we observe the viscous stripping are the dominant processes and can lead formation of (not strongly pronounced) tidal arms in both to both the formation of the tails and the deformation of thestellarandthegaseouscomponents.Inaddition,thegas the front side of the disc galaxy. Tidal forces contribute disc thickens. The regions where condition 9 is satisfied are marginally, by producing tidal arms and thickening the veryrareinthedrysimulation,andweexpectthatstarfor- gaseousdisc.Wefoundafactorof2–5lowerSFRthaninthe mation is not enhanced by the interaction, even during the observations, but we are aware that our very approximate periapsis passage. treatment of gas underestimates both cooling and SFR. (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 10 A. Wolter et al. Moreover,theversionoftheSPHtechniqueadoptedin gadget-2isknowntopoorlyresolvedynamicalinstabilities and mixing (e.g. Agertz et al. 2007). The main reason is thattheSPHformulationadoptedingadget-2inaccurately handlesthecaseoflow-densityregionsincontactwithhigh- densityones.Asaconsequence,gasturbulenceisartificially suppressed,andgasstrippingduetorampressuremightbe underestimated with respect to other formalisms (e.g. grid codes). In particular, we expect that the gas mass in the stripped tails is underestimated in our simulations, and the morphology of the resulting tails is quite smoother than it should be. This implies that our results can be regarded as lower limits for the ram-pressure effects. Bearing these caveats in mind, we conclude that our simulations are able to qualitatively reproduce the peculiar shape of NGC 2276, and to confirm the importance of ram pressure and viscous stripping. 7 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS We have analyzed a Chandra observation of NGC2276, a spiral galaxy in the group of the elliptical NGC2300. We havepaidparticularattentiontothepointsourcesdetected in the area of the galaxy. We find that a large number of ULXsarepresent,whichmakesNGC2276oneoftherichest environments for this still enigmatic bright sources. We have seen in Wolter et al. (2011) that six of the X- raybrightsources,fourofwhichareULXs,arepositionally coincident (1(cid:48)(cid:48)–2(cid:48)(cid:48)) with Hii regions (from Hodge & Kenni- cutt1983;Davisetal.1997).Howeverthespatialresolution at the distance of NGC2276 is not enough to warrant a physicalassociation.Atleastfivesupernovaehavebeenob- served in the last fifty years (see Section1 for references), twoclosetothecenterandtwointhewesternregionwhere ULXs are found. All observations concur on linking the high activity with the presence of a large number of ULXs, although thereisnoone-to-onecorrespondencebetweenpeaksindif- ferent bands, as is already seen in other galaxies, like the Cartwheel(Wolter&Trinchieri2004).Radioemissionisen- hanced throughout the galaxy body: one of the sULX is possibly associated to either a radio bubble or an extended jetstructure(Mezcuaetal.2013),howeverthecomplexra- diofieldmakestheinterpretationdifficult.Thesourcehasa very hard spectrum: we cannot exclude the possibility that it is a chance superposition with a background AGN. We detect 15 sources associated with the galaxy NGC2276 in the Chandra observation, out of which 8 are above the ULX luminosity threshold. We derive an XLF andconfirmthepreviousestimatesoftheSFRofNGC2276 in the range SFR = 5–15 M(cid:12) yr−1. The value is close to those of the Antennae and the Cartwheel, which are fitted with SFR = 7.1 M(cid:12) yr−1 (Zezas & Fabbiano 2002) and ∼ 20 M(cid:12) yr−1 (Wolter & Trinchieri 2004), respectively. These numbers reconcile expectation from Mapelli et al. Figure 9. Color-coded density map stars (top panel) and gas (2010) with observations. (centralandbottompanel)att=300MyrintheNFWsimulation. We know that moderate variability is rather common The boxes measure 300 kpc per edge. Top panel: the density of in ULXs (see e.g. Crivellari, Wolter & Trinchieri 2009 and starshasbeenprojectedalongthez-axis;central(bottom)panel: Zezas et al. 2006) and in recent years a few transient ULXs thedensityofgashasbeenprojectedalongthez-axis(y-axis).A have also been identified (e.g. Sivakoff et al. 2008; Middle- tailstructureiswellvisibleinthecentralandbottompanel. tonetal.2012,2013;Soriaetal.2012;Espositoetal.2013). (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–12

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