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Next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation with resummation T. Lappi1,2 and H. M¨antysaari3 1 Department of Physics, University of Jyva¨skyla¨ P.O. Box 35, 40014 University of Jyva¨skyla¨, Finland 2 Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland 3 Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA We solve the Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation at next-to-leading order accuracy including aresummationoflargesingleanddoubletransversemomentumlogarithmstoallorders. Wenumer- icallydetermineanoptimalvaluefortheconstantunderthelargetransversemomentumlogarithm that enables including a maximal amount of the full NLO result in the resummation. When this value is used the contribution from the α2 terms without large logarithms is found to be small at s largesaturationscalesandatsmalldipoles. Closetoinitialconditionsrelevantforphenomenological applications these fixed order corrections are shown to be numerically important. 6 PACSnumbers: 12.38.Cy 1 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION culationsmustbemademorequantitativebycalculating y thecrosssectionsatNLOaccuracy. Firststepsinthisdi- a rectionhavebeentakenrecentlybycalculatingthesingle M In high energy hadronic collisions perturbative QCD inclusive [17–21] and DIS cross sections [22, 23] at this predicts a rapid growth of gluon densities, as emissions order in the QCD coupling α . However, it is not con- 5 ofgluonsthatcarryasmalllongitudinalmomentumfrac- s sistent to use these the NLO cross section calculations ] tion are favored. At such high densities non-linear sat- without a solution to the corresponding NLO evolution h uration phenomena become important. The Color Glass equation. p Condensate (CGC) [1] has proven itself to be a powerful The NLO BK equation was solved numerically for the - effective field theory to describe the strong interactions p first time recently in Ref. [24]. Its linearized version, the in these high-density environments. Leading order CGC e NLOBFKLequationhasbeenknownbefore[25–27],and h calculationshavebeenabletosuccessfullydescribequal- a solution to it with an absorptive boundary conditions [ itatively, andalsosemi-quantitatively, manyhigh-energy (to mimic the non-linear effects) also exists [28]. The scattering processes where the small-x (longitudinal mo- 2 NLO BFKL equation includes large logarithms of trans- mentum fraction) part of the hadronic wave function is v verse momentum that have been resummed in Refs. [29– probed. These include, for example, deep inelastic scat- 8 32]. However, as the BFKL equation is valid only in the 9 tering [2] and single [3–6] and double inclusive [7–10] linear regime where the scattering amplitude is small, 5 particle production. The CGC framework has also been theseresummationscannotbestraightforwardlyapplied 6 successfullyappliedtocalculationsoftheinitialstatefor 0 hydrodynamicalmodelingofaheavyioncollision[11–13]. to the BK equation. For the non-linear BK equation a . resummation scheme for the large transverse logarithms 1 When describing high-energy scattering in QCD it is hasbeendevelopedrecently[33,34]. Inadditiontothese 0 useful to employ the eikonal approximation. The most resummations, there have also been proposals to include 6 convenientdegreesoffreedomarethenthetransverseco- 1 a kinematical constraint in the BK equation [35, 36]. ordinatedependentWilsonlinesthatdescribetheeikonal : In our previous publication [24] we showed that the v propagationofaquarkoragluontroughthedensecolor i NLO BK equation does not always give a physically X field of the target. Cross sections can be expressed in meaningful evolution, and can not be applied to phe- terms of correlators of Wilson lines, the most simple one r nomenology. In this work, we study how the re- a beingthedipole(correlatoroftwofundamentalrepresen- summation of large transverse logarithms proposed in tationWilsonlines)whichgivesthescatteringamplitude Refs. [33, 34] changes this picture. for the quark-antiquark dipole to scatter off a hadronic This paper is organized as follows. First, in Sec. II we target. AnecessaryingredientinmanyCGCcalculations brieflyreviewtheNLOBKequation, andpresentthere- of cross sections is the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equa- summationoflargelogarithmstotheequationinSec.III. tion,whichdeterminesthedependenceofthisdipoleam- The numerical solution of the resummed NLO evolution plitude on rapidity (or, equivalently, in Bjorken-x or en- equation is discussed in Sec. IV. ergy). ItwasfirstderivedatleadingorderinRefs.[14,15] and at next-to-leading order in Ref. [16]. When perturbative QCD calculations are done in the collinear factorization framework, next-to-leading order II. BALITSKY-KOVCHEGOV EQUATION AT NEXT TO LEADING ORDER (NLO) corrections are known to be numerically signifi- cant. ThesamecouldbeexpectedalsointheCGC.Thus, inordertotestourunderstandingofsaturationphenom- The Balitsky-Kovchegov equation describes the rapid- ena encountered in high-energy collisions, the CGC cal- ityevolutionofthedipoleoperatorwhichcanbewritten 2 as a correlator of two Wilson lines U: tionforthedipoleoperatorinrapiditycanbewrittenas: 1 S(x y)= Tr(U U†) . (1) 1 α N − Nc(cid:104) x y (cid:105) ∂yN Tr(UxUy†)= 2sπ2cK1BC⊗D1 c Here the brackets refer to an average over the target α2N 2 α2n N (cid:104)(cid:105) + s c K D + s f cK D . (2) color field and x and y are transverse coordinates. The 8π4 2⊗ 2 8π4 f ⊗ f dependenceonrapidity(orBjorken-x)oftheWilsonlines isleftimplicit. Thenext-to-leadingorderevolutionequa- ThekernelsandWilsonlineoperatorsderivedin[16]are (cid:34) (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:35) r2 α N β β X2 Y2 X2 67 π2 10 n X2 Y2 KBC = 1+ s c lnr2µ2 − ln + f 2ln ln (3) 1 X2Y2 4π N − N r2 Y2 9 − 3 − 9 N − r2 r2 c c c 1 1 1 D = Tr(U U†) Tr(U U†) Tr(U U†) (4) 1 N x z N z y − N x y c c c (cid:34) (cid:35) 2 X2Y(cid:48)2+X(cid:48)2Y2 4r2(z z(cid:48))2 r4 r2 K = + − − + + (5) 2 −(z z(cid:48))4 (z z(cid:48))4(X2Y(cid:48)2 X(cid:48)2Y2) X2Y(cid:48)2(X2Y(cid:48)2 X(cid:48)2Y2) X2Y(cid:48)2(z z(cid:48))2 − − − − − X2Y(cid:48)2 ln × X(cid:48)2Y2 1 1 1 1 1 D2 = N Tr(UxUz†)N Tr(UzUz†(cid:48))N Tr(Uz(cid:48)Uy†)− N Tr(UxUz†)N Tr(UzUy†) (6) c c c c c 1 1 − N 3 Tr(UxUz†Uz(cid:48)Uy†UzUz†(cid:48))+ N 3 Tr(UxUy†) c c 2 X(cid:48)2Y2+Y(cid:48)2X2 r2(z z(cid:48))2 X2Y(cid:48)2 K = − − ln (7) f (z z(cid:48))4 − (z z(cid:48))4(X2Y(cid:48)2 X(cid:48)2Y2) X(cid:48)2Y2 − − − (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 1 1 Df = N Tr(UyUz†) N Tr(UxUz†(cid:48))− N Tr(UxUz†) + N 4 Tr(UxUy†)Tr(UzUz†(cid:48)) (8) c c c c 1 1 1 − N 3 Tr(UxUy†UzUz†(cid:48))− N 3 Tr(UxUz†(cid:48)UzUy†)+ N 3 Tr(UxUy†) c c c Theconvolutions inEq.(2)denoteintegrationoverthe of the dipole operator only. As the effect of the finite-N c ⊗ transverse coordinate z (in KBC) or z and z(cid:48) (in K and correctionstotheleadingorderBKequationisknownto K ). WeusethenotationX21=(x z)2,X(cid:48)2 =(x 2z(cid:48))2, be much smaller than 1/Nc2 10% (which would be f ∼ ≈ Y =(y z)2 and Y(cid:48) =(y z(cid:48))2. − − a naive expectation from the 1/Nc expansion) [47], we − − take the large-Nc limit in this work. BecauseeverytraceisproportionaltoN ,inthelarge- c OneoftheNLOcorrectionsistherunningoftheQCD N limit the terms with traces of more than two Wilson c coupling α . The term involving the renormalization lines can be neglected. The large-Nc limit also implies scaleµ2 inEsq.(3)shouldbeabsorbedintotherunningof the mean-field limit, where the correlators of products α . Whatothertermsareincludedinthescale-dependent of traces factorize into products of the two-point func- s couplingisaschemechoice. Weadoptthechoicederived tion S(r). This mean-field limit closes the equation: the in Ref. [48] and replace all terms in KBC proportional rapidity derivative of the dipole operator S(r) can be 1 to the beta function coefficient β = 11N 2n (with computedintermsofS(r)only. AtfiniteNc, correlators n = 3 in this work) by the so called3Balcit−sky3 rfunning ofmorethantwoWilsonlinesareneededwhich, inprin- f coupling. Thisprescriptionisusedherebecausewewant ciple, have their own evolution equations. In that case to resum all large logarithms, and the Balitsky running oneshouldsolveaninfinitehierarchyofcoupledevolution coupling resums α β contributions, and in particular the equations,orequivalentlytheJIMWLK[37–43]equation s logarithm βlnX2/Y2 from KBC. atNLOaccuracy[44,45]. Thiswouldbenumericallyde- 1 ∼ manding, and a much more practical approach could be The Balitsky prescription has been successfully used tousee.g. thesocalledGaussianapproximation(seee.g. inphenomenologicalapplicationstoincluderunningcou- Ref. [46]) to express the higher-point functions in terms pling effects in the leading order BK equation. For the 3 other terms we choose to evaluate α at the scale given the difference between the scale choices for the coupling s by the size of the parent dipole r, as it is the only avail- is formally a higher-order α3 correction. The kernel K s 1 able external scale. Notice also that for the α2 terms can now be written as s α N α (r)N (cid:34) r2 1 (cid:18)α (X) (cid:19) 1 (cid:18)α (Y) (cid:19)(cid:35) s cKBal = s c + s 1 + s 1 2π2 1 2π2 X2Y2 X2 α (Y) − Y2 α (X) − s s (cid:34) (cid:35) α (r)2N 2 r2 67 π2 10 n X2 Y2 + s c f 2ln ln . (9) 8π3 X2Y2 9 − 3 − 9 N − r2 r2 c The strong coupling constant α at the given distance equation. These contributions are resummed in Ref. [33] s scale r is evaluated as toallordersinα lnX2/r2lnY2/r2,andtheeffectofthe s 4π resummation is to remove the double logarithmic term α (r)= . (10) s βln(cid:40)(cid:34)(cid:18) µ20 (cid:19)1c +(cid:18)4e−2γE (cid:19)1c(cid:35)c(cid:41) ftroormthekernelK1,andmultiplyitbyanoscillatoryfac- Λ2 r2Λ2 QCD QCD (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:19) Theparameterscandµ0 controltheinfraredbehaviorof J1 2 α¯sx2 α¯ x2 athnedccou=plin0.g2,cownhsticahnt,fraenezdeshetrheewceoutapkliengµ0t/oΛQCD0.=762i.n5 KDLA = (cid:113)α¯ x2 ≈1− s2 +O(α¯s2). (11) s the infrared. Note the constant factor 4e−2γE≈ 1.26 in the identification k2 ∼ 4e−2γE/r2, which is ta≈ken from The double logarithm here is x = (cid:113)lnX2/r2lnY2/r2, the explicit Fourier transform of the kernel calculated analytically in Refs. [49, 50] and confirmed numerically and α¯s = αsNc/π. If lnX2/r2lnY2/r2 < 0, then an in Ref. [51]. In the leading order fits to the deep in- absolutevalueisusedandtheBesselfunctionischanged elastic scattering data the scale at which the coupling to J1 I1, see Ref. [33]. → is evaluated is taken as a fit parameter by identifying In addition to the kernel of the evolution equation, k2 4C2/r2. These fits require C2 4...20 in order also the initial condition for the BK evolution must be to g∼et a slow enough evolution speed∼[2]. In this work resummed. Forthisthedipoleamplitudeisparametrized we do not seek parametrizations that give a best fit to as the DIS data, and use the theoretically motivated value (cid:16) (cid:17) C2 =e−2γE. N(r)=1 exp r2Q2s,0A˜(ρ) , (12) − − The NLO BK equation was first solved in Ref. [24] where it was shown that the equation is unstable. In where ρ=ln1/(r2Q2 ) and the parameter Q controls s,0 s,0 particular, depending on the initial condition the dipole the value of the saturation scale Q at the initial con- s amplitudeN(r)=1 S(r)maydecreaseorevenbecome dition. The resummed factor A˜ is obtained from the − negative when rapidity increases, which is unphysical as original A as it would correspond to a decrease of the unintegrated (cid:90) ρ (cid:104) (cid:113) (cid:105) gluon distribution when decreasing the momentum frac- A˜(ρ)= dρ δ(ρ ρ ) √α¯ J (2 α¯(ρ ρ )2 A(ρ ). 1 1 s 1 s 1 1 tion x. The origin of this problematic behavior was 0 − − − tracedbacktothedoublelogarithmicterm lnX2 lnY2 (13) ∼ r2 r2 The McLerran-Venugopalan (MV) model [52] corre- in the kernel K . To fix this problem, a resummation of 1 sponds to A(ρ)=ρ, which gives large logarithmic corrections is needed. ρ(cid:104) (cid:113) π (cid:113) (cid:113) A˜(ρ)= 1+J (2 α ρ2)+ H (2 α ρ2)J (2 α ρ2) 2 0 s 2 0 s 1 s III. RESUMMING LARGE LOGARITHMS π (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:105) H (2 α ρ2)J (2 α ρ2) . −2 1 s 0 s There are two sources of large logarithmic corrections (14) to the BK equation that must be resummed to all or- ders. First, as shown in Ref. [33], the successive gluon In order to obtain a dipole amplitude that has a correct emissions that are strongly ordered in both transverse behavior in the infrared limit we include also an infrared and longitudinal momenta generate a large double loga- cutoff and replace the prefactor ρ/2 by ln(1/rQ +e). s,0 rithmiccontribution lnX2/r2lnY2/r2totheNLOBK Note that this parametrization is not exactly the MV ∼ 4 model used in our previous work [6], but we choose to Notethatwechoosetousetheparentdipolerunningcou- use it here in order to be consistent with Ref. [33]. pling in K as we want it to cancel the corresponding sub Thereisalsoalargesingletransverselogarithm(STL) contribution originating from the kernel K (the M 2 STL in the evolution equation that forbids us to do only a part) which uses the same parent dipole prescription. simple α expansion. As shown in Ref. [34], the large ThusthesubtractiontermK doesnotpreciselycancel s sub transverse logarithm ln(1/rQs) at the order αs2 origi- the αs2 term of the expansion of KSTL times the full Bal- nates from the kernel∼K , namely from the part itsky running coupling. Because the difference between 2 the running coupling schemes is of higher order in α , s 2 Ksub does, however, cancel the contribution from the αs2 MSTL =−(z z(cid:48))4 term in KSTL to the order αs2, which is enough for the X2Y(cid:48)2−+X(cid:48)2Y2 4r2(z z(cid:48))2 X2Y(cid:48)2 paruerpnoosteinocfluthdiesdwinortkh.eTrehseumotmheartioNnLaOretderemnosteindKby1Kthfiant, + − − ln . (15) 1 (z z(cid:48))4(X2Y(cid:48)2 X(cid:48)2Y2) X(cid:48)2Y2 which reads − − (cid:34) (cid:35) Note that the other terms in the kernels K2 and Kf Kfin = αs(r)2Nc2 r2 67 π2 10 nf . (19) are suppressed by powers of r2 in the small dipole limit. 1 8π3 X2Y2 9 − 3 − 9 Nc Theselargelogarithms(atsmallr)appeartogetherwith α at all orders and can also be resummed. The resum- The subtracted α2 contribution K is a leading log- s s sub mation was done in Ref. [34] by multiplying the kernel arithm result, and it corresponds to the leading loga- K by a factor rithmic behavior of the contribution from K . In order 1 2 to include most of the next-to-leading order corrections (cid:40) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:41) α N A (cid:12) C r2 (cid:12) into the resummation K , we fix the constant C in K =exp s c 1 (cid:12)ln sub (cid:12) . (16) STL sub STL − π (cid:12)(cid:12) min X2,Y2 (cid:12)(cid:12) Eq. (16) by requiring that the subtraction term Ksub re- { } produces as accurately as possible the small-r limit of the other NLO terms. This procedure for determining The leading logarithm resummation done in Ref. [34] C is demonstrated in Fig. 1, where we plot the con- does not fix the constant factor C (which should be sub sub tribution to the rapidity derivative of the dipole ampli- of the order one) in K . We shall fix this coefficient STL tude ∂ N(r) from the subtraction term K divided by later in such a way that the resummation captures as y sub accurately as possible the full small-r limit of MSTL, i.e. the contribution from kernels K1fin, K2 and Kf (convo- notonlytheleadinglogarithm. TheconstantA =11/12 luted with the corresponding dipole operators). The ra- 1 comesfromtheDGLAPanomalousdimensionforq qg tio is found to be close to unity within a wide range of and g gg splittings. Because the α2 part of th→is re- parent dipole sizes at the initial condition by choosing s summa→tionisincludedinthekernelK2,inordertoavoid Csub = 0.65. For another value of Csub the ratio would double counting we subtract the α2 piece of the single approach unity only very slowly when the leading loga- s logarithm resummation K from the modified kernel rithmofr numericallydominatestheotherterms. Thus, STL K1. with Csub = 0.65, KSTL includes as accurately as possi- With all these building blocks, we can write the ker- ble the leading small-r part of the kernels K1fin, K2 and nel K1 used in this work. It is obtained from the kernel Kf. Weregardthischoiceas“optimal”inthesensethat of the NLO BK equation by including the Balitsky run- it includes a maximal part of the small-r NLO contribu- ningcouplingandresummingthelargesingleanddouble tion in the (numerically easier) resummation. Thus such transverse logarithms. Thus the final kernel used in the a choice minimizes the contribution of the numerically numerical calculation now reads more difficult non-logarithmic other NLO contributions (thatwereneglectedinRef.[34]). Theratioisalsoshown α N α (r)N for Q /Λ = 2 after 10 units of rapidity evolution, s cK = s cK K s,0 QCD 2π2 1 2π2 DLA STL and it can be seen that the subtraction term is still cap- (cid:34) r2 1 (cid:18)α (X) (cid:19) 1 (cid:18)α (Y) (cid:19)(cid:35) turing most of the NLO corrections with the same Csub. + s 1 + s 1 WehavecheckedthatmodifyingthevalueofCsub within × X2Y2 X2 αs(Y) − Y2 αs(X) − a factor of 2 moves contributions between the resum- mation and α2 terms without significantly affecting the K +Kfin. (17) s − sub 1 overall evolution. Here K subtracts the α2 part of the single transverse sub s logarithm K which is included exactly in K . This STL 2 IV. EVOLUTION OF THE DIPOLE subtraction term reads AMPLITUDE (cid:32) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:33) α (r)N α (r)N A (cid:12) C r2 (cid:12) r2 K = s c s c 1 (cid:12)ln sub (cid:12) . The dipole amplitudes N(r) = 1 S(r) at rapidities sub 2π2 − π (cid:12)(cid:12) min X2,Y2 (cid:12)(cid:12) X2Y2 y = 0,5 and y = 10 obtained by sol−ving the resummed { } (18) NLO BK equation are shown in Fig. 2. The amplitude 5 Q /Λ = 2 s,0 QCD 0.35 ) 0.30 f 1.5 K + 0.25 2 y K d 1.0 / 0.20 + 2Qs fin1 n 0.15 K l d K/(sub 0.5 QQQsss,,,000///ΛΛΛQQQCCCDDD===2610 00..0150 LROesummationonly Qs,0/ΛQCD=2,y=10 Total 0.0 0.00 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 8 16 32 − − − rQ Q /Λ s s QCD Figure 1: Contribution to the evolution speed of the dipole Figure 3: Evolution speed of the saturation scale obtained amplitude, ∂ N, originating from the subtraction of the α2 by solving the BK equation at leading order (with running y s part of the single logarithm resummation (K ) divided by coupling),includingtheresummationcontributionsandwith sub the contribution from Kfin, K and K . full kernels with fixed order α2 terms. 1 2 f s Q /Λ = 2 s,0 QCD 100 lution. The evolution speeds and shapes of the solutions y=0 are comparable after a few units of rapidity evolution. y=5 y=10 10 1 The evolution of the saturation scale is studied in − more detail in Fig. 3 where we show its evolution speed dlnQ2/dy. The saturation scale Q is defined here by s s ) (r10−2 N N(r2 =2/Q2)=1 e−1/2, (20) s − 10 3 − and it should be seen as the scale at which non-linear 10 4 phenomenabecomeimportant. TheresummedNLOBK −10−3 10−2 10−1 100 equation (Eq. (2) with K1BC replace by Eq. (17), labeled rΛQCD as Total) is found to evolve roughly 30% slower than the leadingorderrunningcouplingBKequationatverylarge saturation scales with the running coupling prescription Figure 2: Dipole amplitude at different rapidities as a func- used here. The fixed order α2 terms are important close s tion of dipole size. The thick lines are obtained by using to the initial condition, increasing the evolution speed a resummed initial comparison. For comparison, the corre- significantly. This can be seen by comparing the full re- sponding amplitudes obtained without resumming the initial summedNLOBKresulttotheresultobtainedbysolving condition are shown as thin lines. the leading order BK equation improved as in Ref. [34] by including the resummation of single and double loga- rithmswithouttheotherNLOterms(Resummation only is found to increase at almost all dipole sizes through in Fig. 3). Later in the rapidity evolution (at large sat- theevolution. Inparticular,theamplitudedoesnotturn uration scales) these pure NLO terms have a negligible negative at small dipoles, which would be the case with effect. Note that we have here chosen an initial satura- theNLOBKequationwithoutresummationasshownin tion scale Q 1 GeV, which can be expected to be in Ref. [24]. In order to study the effect of the resummed s ∼ the phenomenologically relevant regime. initial condition we also solve the equation with a non- resummed dipole amplitude at y = 0 (replacing A˜ by A Theevolutionspeedofthedipoleamplitudeasafunc- in Eq. (12)). The difference between the initial condi- tion of dipole size is analyzed in more detail in Fig. 4, tions is that the resummation introduces oscillations in where the contributions to ∂ N(r)/N(r) from the differ- y the small-r part that are quickly washed out in the evo- ent terms are shown. The resummation contribution is 6 0.6 Total resummation 0.6 Total resummation LO otherαs2 LO otherαs2 0.4 0.4 N N / 0.2 / 0.2 ) ) N N y 0.0 y 0.0 ∂ ∂ ( ( 0.2 0.2 − − 0.4 0.4 − − 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 − − − − − − − − rQ rQ s s (a)Q /Λ =2 (b)Q /Λ =10 s,0 QCD s,0 QCD Figure4: Evolutionspeedofthedipoleamplitudeattheinitialconditiony=0asafunctionofdipolesize. Thecontributions from the leading order BK equation, resummation and the fixed order α2 terms are shown separately. s 0.6 Total resummation 0.6 Total resummation LO otherαs2 LO otherαs2 0.4 0.4 N N / 0.2 / 0.2 ) ) N N y 0.0 y 0.0 ∂ ∂ ( ( 0.2 0.2 − − 0.4 0.4 − − 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 − − − − − − − − rQ rQ s s (a)Q /Λ =2 (b)Q /Λ =10 s,0 QCD s,0 QCD Figure 5: Evolutionspeedof thedipoleamplitude afterthe evolution aty=10 as afunction of dipolesize. The contributions from the leading order BK equation, resummation and the fixed order α2 terms are shown separately. s defined as speed at small dipoles, and the resummed large loga- rithmssignificantlyslowdowntheevolutionspeed. Note α (r)N thatwhileK andK separatelyhavealargesinglelog- K = s c (K K 1) 2 sub resum 2π2 DLA STL− arithmiccontributionatsmallparentdipoles,thiscancels (cid:34) r2 1 (cid:18)α (X) (cid:19) 1 (cid:18)α (Y) (cid:19)(cid:35) in the total fixed order αs2 term (“other αs2” in Fig. 4). + s 1 + s 1 , At larger dipoles r 1/Qs the resummation and the × X2Y2 X2 αs(Y) − Y2 αs(X) − other NLO contribut∼ions are numerically equally impor- (21) tant and mostly cancel each other, and the total evolu- tionspeedisclosetotheevolutionofspeedoftheleading which is convoluted with the dipole part D . This corre- order BK equation in this regime. 1 sponds to the contribution of the resummed NLO equa- Whenthecalculationisdoneatlargersaturationscales tion of [34] on top of the usual running coupling LO by increasing the value of Q , the relative importance s,0 equation. The fixed order α2 contribution consists of of fixed order α2 terms compared to the resummation s s the additional contribution of the kernels K , Kfin, around r 1/Q is decreased. The same effect is ob- sub 1 s ∼ K and K . We find that the fixed order NLO terms served when the contributions are studied after 10 units 2 f give a very small positive contribution to the evolution of rapidity evolution in Fig. 5. This corressponds to sat- 7 m m u u es 0.0 es 0.0 Kr Qs,0/ΛQCD=2 Kr Qs,0/ΛQCD=2 / Qs,0/ΛQCD=6 / Qs,0/ΛQCD=6 )f 0.2 Qs,0/ΛQCD=10 )f 0.2 Qs,0/ΛQCD=10 K − K − + + 2 0.4 2 0.4 K − K − + + n 0.6 n 0.6 fi1− fi1− K K + 0.8 + 0.8 b − b − u u Ks Ks 1.0 1.0 −− 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 −− 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ( ( rQ rQ s s (a)y=0 (b)y=10 Figure 6: Contribution to the evolution speed of the dipole amplitude from the α2 terms normalized by the corresponding s contribution from the resummation. uration scales Q /Λ 19 and Q /Λ 66 for a set of initial conditions s QCD s QCD ≈ ≈ Q /Λ = 2 and Q /Λ = 10, respectively. The s,0 QCD s,0 QCD (cid:20) (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)(cid:21) oscillations visible at y = 0, that originate from the re- N(r)=1 exp (r2Q2 )γln +e (23) summationoftheinitialcondition,arewashedoutinthe − − s,0 rQs,0 evolution. It can also be seen that the MV model ini- varying the parameter γ that controls the small-r be- tial condition is closer to the asymptotic solution of the havior. This parametrization is close to the MVγ model resummed NLO BK equation than it is for the leading successfully fit to HERA deep inelastic scattering data order equation, as ∂ N/N is roughly constant in a much y with γ 1.1 in Ref. [2]. Note that the value γ 1.1 is larger range of parent dipole sizes. ∼ ∼ a result of a LO fit, and the phenomenologically relevant Let us then demonstrate the importance of the fixed parametersfortheNLOBKevolutionarenotnecessarily order αs2 contributions at r 1/Qs relative to the re- the same. In Ref. [24] it was shown that the NLO BK ∼ summation effects in more detail. In Fig. 6 we show equation becomes unstable at γ (cid:38)0.8...1. the contribution to the rapidity derivative of the dipole The stability of the resummed NLO BK equation is amplitude, ∂yN(r), originating from the αs2 terms, nor- studied by solving the equation using Eq. (23) as an ini- malized by the contribution of the resummation terms. tial condition with anomalous dimensions γ = 0.8,1.0 That is, we show the ratio and γ = 1.2. As we are interested in the stability of the evolution equation only, the initial condition is not resummed. The obtained evolution speeds for the K +Kfin+K +K − sub 1 2 f, (22) dipole amplitude N(r) at the initial condition are shown K resum in Fig. 7. We find that with the resummed evolution equation a positive evolution speed at small dipoles is where the resummation contribution K is defined obtained with all values for the anomalous dimension resum in Eq. (21), and all the kernels are convoluted with the γ, in contrast to the NLO BK equation without resum- corresponding dipole parts. As can be seen from Fig. 6 mation of large logarithms. Note that we use the same the resummation of single and double logarithms cap- Csub =0.65 when solving the NLO BK equation with an tures most of the higher-order corrections only at small anomalous dimension in the initial condition even tough dipoles. The fixed order α2 corrections become compa- it is not exactly an optimal value for γ =1. s (cid:54) rable to the resummation terms around r 1/Q , and To study how the shape of the dipole amplitude s their relative importance decreases in the ∼evolution, as changes during the evolution we also calculate the can be seen by comparing the calculations done at the anomalous dimension γ(r) as a function of the parent initial condition and after 10 units of rapidity evolution. dipole size. It is defined as AsshownpreviouslyinRef.[24]theNLOBKequation dlnN(r) without resummation is very sensitive to the behaviour γ(r)= . (24) dlnr2 of the dipole amplitude at small dipoles, and with suffi- ciently steep small-r slope the evolution turns unstable. The obtained anomalous dimension at the initial condi- Tostudythis,wehavesolvedtheevolutionequationwith tion and after 5 units of rapidity evolution are shown in 8 Q /Λ = 2 tion with running coupling is shown. We find that the s,0 QCD 0.8 resummedNLOBKequationpreservestheanomalousdi- γ=0.8 γ=1.0 γ=1.2 mension of the initial condition, which suggest that the 0.6 MVγ model parametrization is close to the asymptotic solutionoftheequation. Ontheotherhandwithleading 0.4 orderBKequationasignificantrapidityevolutionofγ(r) N isseen,especiallywithlargeanomalousdimensioninthe )/ 0.2 initial condition. N V. CONCLUSIONS y ∂ 0.0 ( Wehaveincluded thefixed order α2 corrections tothe 0.2 s − resummed Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation. The main results of this work are presented in Figs. 3 and 6, 0.4 − whereweshowthatatlargesaturationscalesandatsmall 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 dipoles the most important next-to-leading order correc- − − − − rQs tions can be included in the BK equation by resumming large transverse logarithms. We have numerically found an optimal value for the constant inside the resummed Figure 7: Evolution speed at y = 0 using different values logarithm that minimizes the effect of the other NLO for the anomalous dimension at the initial condition MVγ terms. The fixed order α2 terms are numerically impor- s parametrization, see Eq. (23). tantclosetothephenomenologicallyrelevantinitialcon- ditions for large dipoles, r 1/Q , and significantly in- s ∼ Q /Λ = 2 crease the evolution speed of the saturation scale. These s,0 QCD termsbecomenegligibleatlargersaturationscales(later 1.2 in the evolution) and at small parent dipoles. The resummed evolution equation is also shown to be 1.0 stable and to generate physically meaningful evolution forthedipoleamplitudeevenifananomalousdimension 0.8 γ > 1 is used in the initial condition. This was not the r) case with the original NLO BK equation without resum- γ(0.6 mation, as it was previously shown in Ref. [24] to cause thedipoleamplitudetoturnnegativewithphysicallyrel- 0.4 evant initial conditions. A logical next step towards the NLO CGC phe- γ=1.2 0.2 γ=1.0 nomenology would be to combine the resummed NLO γ=0.8 BKevolutionwiththeNLOphotonimpactfactor[22,23] 0.0 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100 101 and calculate the structure functions. In particular, the − − − − rQ NLO CGC picture should be tested against the precise s HERA deep inealstic scattering data [53, 54]. Figure 8: Anomalous dimension γ(r) = dlnN(r)/dlnr2 as a function of dipole size at the initial condition (solid lines) Acknowledgements and after 5 units of rapidity evolution (dotted lines). 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