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Newsletter 28/11/2014 - ARK Putney Academy PDF

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Preview Newsletter 28/11/2014 - ARK Putney Academy

Putney Academy News Edition 11 28-11-2014 Message from th Soene rbeevlioswi ofno:r my top ten tips ood Attitude of the w e G ee P 1.Study in a quiet place away k r i n from the TV and computers etc c i p that is both light and com- a l fortable. 2.Make a ‘revision timetable’ This section is and always let your family for teachers know when you are revising. and other staff 3.Create summary notes and to give praise anything simple that helps to students who your memory – as short notes, have gone above drawings and sayings are much and beyond to be easier to remember. kind or helpful 4.Get help. Ask friends and to others. Each student featured family to test you. Also at- Dear students will receive 5 tend any teacher revision house points. classes – as teachers will Everyone in the academy is sit- know better than anyone what ting exams over the next two will be in tests and exams! Paul Patrimonio weeks right from Year 7 to year – Man of the 5.Record yourself reading 13. Some year groups are sit- match in Rugby notes and occasionally listen ting official practice exam this week_Mr to them instead of reading. papers and some lower year Evans 6.Take a 5 or 10 minute groups are sitting assess- break every hour and do some ments. All exams have two func- Alan Kawa – Two tions; the first is to measure stretching exercises, go for brilliant tack- a short walk or make yourself les in rugby._ what you know and your skills. a drink. Mr Evans Some people call this weighing 7.Allow yourself some fun- the pig. The other function is Jake Gatehouse time each day to relax...and more important especially when 13RSA make sure you get a good 8 you completing assessments and For making such hours of sleep each night. that is measuring what students an awesome Oreo 8.Eat well. Good brain foods? do not know or are not able to cake for my do so that we, as teachers can Wholegrain foods (cereals, birthday. It wheat bran, wheatgerm and was out of this adjust our planning to ensure whole wheat pasta). Blueber- world that next time you have learnt ries. Blackcurrants. Broc- Thank you Jake!_ the knowledge and mastered the coli. Tomatoes. Oily fish. Miss Torres skills required to be success- Nuts. ful. 9.Don’t panic if you feel a Show Hy Homework is coming bit nervy. A certain amount to APA! of nervousness actually helps you perform to the best of your ability, producing a rush of adrenaline that helps you to feel alert and fo- cused. 10.Think positive – it’s se- riously not the end of the world if you do not do as well as you expected – just Be ready to download the learn from the experience. app! ouse m essage from use m essage from H M o ner r Ric ng H Miss H ur ha ri a T dr u vr s T e y Year 7 Well done to Robyn, Troy, Lia, Lynn-Esther, Dirie, Jamal, Jasmine, I have really enjoyed hearing all the Shania, Shakira, Nassim, Alea, wonderful comments about our respect post- Eleesher, Yazan and Shai for main- ers! Miss Downey will be keeping her eyes peeled and I will announce the winner in taining 100% attendance, and the next week’s assembly. following students for maintain- Well done to Mark and Isaac who have ing our main target of 96%: Sa- joined the choir in playing the African phyra, Shaecaeden, Abu, Bethany, drums, Mr Marshall is so impressed with Anna-Ruth, Raheel, Andrew, Yasmin, their skills and effort- keep this up! I was also very impressed to visit set 3 Daniaal, Kenny and Jimena. This is in Drama this week- Tyler played a fantas- great to see and we now need the tic narrator for The 3 Little Pigs. next twenty of you who are hovering Finally, your assessment week begins on in the early 90s to look at your Monday- you must ensure you are revising attendance and aim to get back to thoroughly by going through your exercise books and reading over work, attending 96% as well. The odd days off, be- extra-curricular subjects clubs and seeing ing late some mornings, and miss- your teachers for tips and support. ing the odd lesson will affect your Turing House learning in subjects, and around Congratulations to the following students this time of the year, will cause who have 100% attendance so far this term! you to miss important aspects of TWEEDDALE, Ewan GREENE, Rebecca assessment preparation. SARKER, Hemiel GRANT, Shameille SAID, Jonathan ELMER, Joseph I was very pleased to see that you PRESCOTT, Kyle ELMER, Andrew have all been completing your home- ORMISTON, Sacha Lei- DOGUSOY, Kerim work, behaving well in lessons, and manis DENNINGER, Gael ONYEKA, Victory BROWN, Sinead arriving at school on time this ONYEKA, Isaac BROWN, Shakira week, and you will be pleased as it MENSAH, Rowen BAKER, Eleesher means you get to go home on time. LENNOX, Bethany ASLAM, Rakeeza I know you will keep this up for HOLMAN, Nathanael AL-SAYED, Yazan the next few weeks so we can have a HOLMAN, Macaiah ALLEN, Shai HO, Kevin AHMED, Sharif belting end to the Christmas term. Our enterprise day is coming up- we will Have a lovely weekend. be selling cakes, sweets and Christmas items in order to raise money for Thinking of Theo. If you would like to take part in raising money for Theo, please come and see me. Please support APA’s campaign and bring in a tin of dog food to feed dogs in crisis in Romania this Christmas. Have a great weekend, Ms Harvey Hous e message fro H o u s e message fro ns m M nel m e s u M ckl Ch Br r G iD ua nly d h r y Congratulations to the following pu- Just a reminder to everyone that Year pils, in Dickens House, for achieving 9 exams start next week. All students 100% attendance so far this academic have been issued with an exam timeta- year: ble, accompanied by a text home. They will need to check with their class- WALLEN, T’Leah LAGDEN, Joseph room teachers for revision outlines THOMPSON-GOUGH, Jay- HOMSAP, Ramavadee and materials, many of which should don HARDING, Jasmine have already been distributed. It’s POPE, Leo GREENIDGE, Simeon really important that students try and POPE, Brandon FRANCIS, Adam concentrate on areas of weakness and PIEDADE, Troy COYLE, Shania give themselves a checklist to adhere PIEDADE, Teon CHOOMSAENG, Athit to. OSMAN, Abdikadir AHMED, Danyal NKOSI, Armstrong ABEBERESE, Ashia Well done to all the students who have MIAH, Iqbal maintained such excellent attendance and punctuality this year, I hope to Congratulations to the following pu- reward them before the end of term for pils for upholding the 6 pillars: their hard work and dedication. Nathalie Rangla for Good Effort, En- Year 9 are supporting Ms Fennell in thusiasm and Independence in Science the HELPING ROMANIAN DOGS IN CRISIS Dumauria Bourne-Brown Good Effort, En- leading the APA campaign to collect thusiasm and Independence in Science tins of Dog food for Abandoned and Tia Roye for Good Effort in Maths Starving dogs in Romania. If anyone Jamie Hill for Good Effort in Asdan has a spare tin that they can bring Danyal Ahmed for Good Effort in Eng- in…Please take your tins to Room B34 lish next week so they can get to Romania Riana Scott for Good Effort and Inde- for Christmas ! pendence in French Jeiel Oakley for Independence in Sci- LETS FILL UP PAWS2RESCUE VAN HEADING ence OUT TO ROMANIA! Kaliyah Roye for Good Effort in Art Ashia Abeberese for Good Effort in ORPHANED PUPS LIKE THIS NEED YOU! English Ryley White-Francis for Good Effort in English Drama Club Come and join us after school on Tues- day from 3:30pm-5:00pm; it is a lot of fun!!! Everyone is welcome!! Abandoned and Starving Romanian Dogs need your help!!! Donate a tin of dog food and help bring a little warmth to the abandonned, stray and orphaned dogs in Romania this Christmas. Please bing your cans to Room B34 by 10th December! They will be taken to Romania by lo- cal Sutton Rescue on 12th December, this way the dogs can be fed in time for Christmas. Appeal to help Romanian dogs in crisis The stray problem in Romania began in the late 1980s. Before the communist regime of Dictator Ceausescu, most Romanians worked on farms with their companion animals. But new communist policies changed agricultural Romania into an urban society complete with overcrowding and food shortages. As communism took hold, many rural families were forced to work in urban areas and were not allowed to take their pets with them into the apartments where they lived. Thousands of dogs were left to fend for themselves in the countryside. Since Ceausescu’s execution in 1989, the dog population has grown into the millions. Abandoned and stray dogs are on the streets starving and often abused on a daily basis. The Roma- nian Parliament has ruled that all stray dogs will be killed if, after 14 days in a public dog shelter, they remain unadopted. Official “ public shelters” for dogs are filthy and cold, the dogs are kept in very small cages, lying in their own faeces, deprived of food and water, often in great pain. The dogs are cruelly caught by untrained dogcatchers. Life is hell for dogs in Romania. Many local Romanian people work tirelessly to help these dogs in crisis, but have few resources to do this. Paws2Rescue are a local charity based near us in Sutton they work with their dedicated rescuers in Romania to help as many of these dogs as possible by providing places of shelter and safety, away from abuse, and providing food, vet care and love. APA students can help the dogs in crisis by donating tins of dog food that will be transported by Paws2Rescue to Romania – it will directly reach the dogs and give them food that they so desper- ately need. Paws2Rescue leave Sutton for Romania on the 12th December 2014 in an empty van, to bring back a few lucky Romanian dogs that have been adopted by families in the UK. APA STUDENTS WORKING TOGETHER CAN FILL THAT EMPTY VAN UP WITH TINS OF FOOD FOR THE DOGS IN ROMANIA. Please bring your tins to Room B34 by the 10th December 2014 PLEASE HELP Sadly, we cannot save every dog, but with your help, we can save as many as we can. Together we are stronger. APA CHRISTMAS CARD DESIGN 2014 DESIGN THE APA CHRISTMAS CARD AND HAVE IT PRINTED PROFESSSIONALLY. • THE DESIGN MUST BE NO LARGER THAN A4. • APA CAN BE PART OF THE DESIGN. • IT SHOULD BE IN COLOUR. • THE DESIGN SHOULD BE FLAT…NOT RAISED (NO STRING, ETC). • YOU ARE ONLY DESIGNING THE FRONT OF THE CARD. • ALL ENTRIES MUST BE WITH MR SOLARI BY MONDAY 1ST DECEMBER (3.30PM). • THERE WILL BE AN OVERALL WINNER AND RUNNERS UP FROM EACH YEAR GROUP. School Announcements Sports Basketball Result Table Tennis Report Wandsworth schools’ Under 16s basket- This week saw some movement in the top 10 ball competition rankings. A new entry at no. 10 is Amari, who had a strong display in his group this APA 22 v Ashcroft 38 week, winning 2 out of his 3 games. Ahead year 7 inter-tutor football of him is Sacha, who bounced back follow- ing a bad couple of weeks where an injury The final results for the year 7 in- hampered his progress. Sacha dominated his ter-tutor final are as follows: group, winning all three games as he de- servedly takes his place back in the top 7MEV 7KTO 7KYR 7CPA PTS 10. 7MEV 1v1 0v0 2v0* 5 Further up the field, Daniel Dario contin- 7KTO 1v1 4v1 3v0 7 ued his climb up the league, rising to 8. 7KYR 0v0 1v4 1v1 2 Likewise the ever present Kiera more than justified his top 10 position by oblit- 7CPA 0v2* 0v3 1v1 1 erating this week’s opponents to climb * Won by default into the top 5. Near the top we saw the The year 7 inter tutor competition first significant change as Joseph Ifayomi came to a close this week with the defeated Tyler to rise to 3 in the rank- ings. Although it is very tight at the outspoken and controversial manage- top as Tyler almost handed Louie his first rial combo of Ms Torres and Mr. A defeat, but Louie fought back to take the walking away with the cup. No one can match in the end. deny they were the overall winners but they were very lucky to face a weak- Bubbling away outside the top 10 we have ened Topalidou team in the last week. Mark D, Luca and Joshua. All three have Disheartened and knowing that they the quality to challenge any one of the were not in the top half of the group, top 10 and we look forward to seeing them the Topalidou team didn’t put up the playing some of the top players in the same fight as they had the week before next couple of weeks. against Mr. Evans team. Torres and Mr. As always Louie and Amiya lead the stand- A’s (aka the self-appointed Special ings as they continue to battle it out at One) team ran out a comfortable 4-1 the top – congratulations to them as they win to secure the title. continue to dominate like Messi and Ron- aldo. Mr Evans tutor were very unfortunate to walk away with only 2nd place over- We had some new entrants to the club this all. In the first week they completely week – well played Lewis, Aaron, Toffee dominated Ms Torres’ team with 75% and Jordan. Hope to see you again next possession and 10 shots on goal to Ms week. Torres 3. Ms Torres team scored a very Next week Louie and Amiya will be paired lucky last minute equaliser on the with the might of year 8 – Kenny, Shae and counter attack. Andrew. In the 2nd group will be: Joseph, Tyler, Alhassan and Kiera. Group 3: Isaac, Fortunately, some justice has been Daniel, Sacha and Amari. Group 4: Mark, served, as Mr Evans team were awarded Josh, Luca and Manni. the fair play trophy by the panel of international journalists in attend- 1. Louie 6. Alhassan ance. The player of the tournament was 2. Amiya 7. Isaac also from their team – well done Amiya 3. Joseph 8. Daniel Williams! 4. Tyler 9. Sacha 5. Kiera 10. Amari Unlucky to Ms Patrick and Ms Topa- lidou’s teams. Maybe football just On the bubble: Mark, Luca & Joshua isn’t your game? Better luck in other sports ;) Sport Cont. Cricket ARK Putney Academy is affiliated to Surrey County Cricket Club through the Cricket Activators programme Coaching sessions take place on Wednesdays in the sports hall from 3.30-4.30pm Upcoming Fixtures Monday 1st December - Year 8 football v Chestnut Grove Friday 12th December - Ark Basketball Competition @ Evelyn Grace Academy Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Yr7&8 Basketball Inter-tutor Football Table Tennis club KS4 football KS3 football Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall 1:15pm-1:45pm 1:15pm-1:45pm 1:15pm-1:45pm 1:15pm-1:45pm 1:15pm-1:45pm Afterschool Clubs Year 7&8 boys Year 9 boys Cricket club Trampolining Basketball football football Sports hall Sports hall yr9 and above Putney Heath DHR 3.30pm – 4.30pm 3.10pm – 4.00pm Sports hall 3.30pm – 4.30pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm Fitness training Yr7/8 girls Netball KS3 Rugby yr9 and above Sports hall Putney Heath Sports hall 3.30pm – 4.30pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm ARK Putney Academy PE Extra-Curricular Activities - Autumn Term 2014 Open Space The support and wellbeing team, Cate, Esther and Ms Collins are pleased to to offer all students drop in sessions (called Open Space) to use if you are feeling low, worried, stressed, anx- ious or have complicated stuff going on. If you want to use Open Space, all you have to do is ask your teacher for permission and go to the Wellbeing and Support Office on the ground floor of B Block. We know this might not be easy for you to do, for so many rea- sons, but please know all staff here at school want to support you wherever possible. Open Space Times: Mondays Period 3 Tuesdays Period 1 Thursdays Period 5 If you have any questions about Open Space, feel free to drop in and ask Ms Collins. Apa Christmas Fair & Concert We are currently looking for people who would like to take part in the Christmas Fair on 11th December. If you can bake, sew, knit, photo- graph, draw, paint, style hair, do nails, make jewellery or simply want to help, we would love to hear from you. Absence and Lateness A reminder to all students that if We still want your old school uniform ! you arrive late to school you need to sign in with Ms Williams or Mrs Scul- Do you have any old APA school uniform lying ly. All year 7-9 students report to around that no longer fits? Ms Williams on the top floor, room AD15 We are accepting donations via school recep- and all year 10 – 13 students report tion and our aim is to provide uniform at knock to Mrs Scully also on the top floor, in down prices at various APA events coming room AD16. soon! Please ensure that all donations are clean, in If you are ill and not attending good condition and bagged for the attention of school, that morning your parent or the PTA. carer must call school and speak to Ms Williams or Mrs Scully before 8:30am. Thank you ! For all year 7 – 9 students please call Ms Williams on our school number Next PTA meeting and extension 227 or for all year 10 – 13 students call Mrs Scully on exten- The next PTA meeting is due to take place sion 190. Or you can select line 1 on Monday 1st December at 6 p.m in the and choice the following 1 for Ms Wil- school library. liams and 2 for Mrs Scully. For further updates please follow us on Please do not call reception or leave messages because these are unclear and twitter! the receptionist cannot log lateness @apapta or sickness on the system. Miss Roe’s Travel Blog Week 6 Caves and rainforest As many of you know Miss Roe is currently travelling in South East Asia, she has writ- ten to us to let us know some of the things she has been doing that she thought the students at APA would be interested in! madic one to living in a small vil- lage. The lifestyle of the Penan people still has many traditional aspects to it however Christian missionaries bough religion to the area in the 1960’s which bought with it some changes to their life- style including improved education and healthcare. They are communal as a people and when a wild boar has been hunted it will be shared between many. Also money bought into the village is shared equal- ly and the people all support each other. The main attraction that has bought tourists to this area is the lime- stone caves that have formed over millions of years. The caves are huge not just in height but also length and there are are a large number of interconnecting caves. There are 4 main show caves which have been made accessible to all tourists by large boardwalks that Venturing out to Gunung Mulu na- allow everyone to explore the tional park in Sarawak, Malaysian caves. Deer cave is one of the Borneo, involves either a 3 day largest caves in the world, it is boat trip or a short flight as there 148 m high and 4km in length. I are no roads directly accessing this area of the rainforest. Mulu national park is a UNESCO world heritage site which means it is provided with extra support both financially and to help protect the national park area. The area is originally home to tribal people who lived nomadically in the for- est, hunting and living off of the land. The Penan tribe is the larg- est tribe in the national park and they have, over the last 50 years, changed their lifestyle from a no-

Nov 28, 2014 be selling cakes, sweets and Christmas items in order to raise money for Thinking of Theo. sons, but please know all staff here at school
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