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SKINNER Auctioneer and Appraisers of Antiques and Fine Art ) ( Seu, } ~ An AM , J } :P ra / Prices include buyer's premium/ Science & Technology, 05/03/2003 10:00 AM, Venue: Bolton Lot numbers which are omitted were withdrawn or did nol sell. We are not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price Ros JC Price | Lot Price | Lot Price 340 $176.25 $88.13 | 395 $587.50 $117.50 $146.88 $293.75 | Aébnin 341 $2,467.50 $117.50 | 396 $1,175.00 |4 3 $88.13 $146.88 $293.75 | Alo» 342 $205.63 $117.50 | 397 $1,057.50 $1,527.50 $176.25 $940.00 |— Ulbre, boy 343 $29.38 $70.50 | 398 $293.75 $1,997.50 $235.00 $1,410.00 ce 344 $117.50 $117.50 | 399 $117.50 $411.25 $205.63 $1,527.50 | sw 345 $822.50 $82.25 | 401 $117.50 $940.00 $176.25 $881.25 | 2 346 $205.63 $176.25 | 402 $88.13 $1,175.00 $264.38 $881.25 |T rre2rimn « 347 $117.50 $176.25 | 404 $117.50 $1,116.25 $58.75 $1,880.00 —[(Crwrticcy 348 $1,997.50 $88.13 | 405 $235.00 $117.50 $176.25 $998.75 [Hiradk e abel. 349 $411.25 $264.38 | 406 $176.25 $117.50 $58.75 $881.25 |D ial 350 $3.53 $205.63 | 407 $205.63 $82.25 $88.13 $146.88 |B evuee 2 $176.25 $117.50 |4 08 _ $176.25 $146.88 $146.88 $235.00 | ems. Dito 352A $117.50 $176.25 | 409 $440.63 $58.75 $146.88 $1,762.50 ~ 1977 353 $146.88 $117.50 | 412 $587.50 $58.75 $205.63 $1,116.25 |M cNay bef 354 $146.88 $323.13 | 413 $235.00 $205.63 $117.50 $1,997.50 |Foulods « beg 355 $176.25 $176.25 | 415 $381.88 $176.25 $117.50 $411.25 | Mew "deeds 357 $70.50 $88.13 | 416 $323.13 $1,175.00 $88.13 $998.75 |MeN Wor, 358 $176.25 $88.13 | 417 $411.25 $117.50 $3,055.00 $470.00 |~ tle—4 Seay 360 $146.88 $117.50 | 420 $235.00 $176.25 $1,175.00 $2,937.50 [Tw bene 361 $117.50 $176.25 | 424 $117.50 $293.75 $176.25 $1,292.50 fos mm olen t 362 $117.50 $58.75 | 429 $58.75 $381.88 $235.00 Ise 4 363 $235.00 $58.75 | 431 $205.63 $1,292.50 $998.75 are 364 $105.75 $646.25 | 433 $58.75 $1,645.00 $646.25 “tobe pQdarddes Ud oF werbel tayo dof Sanh Souncaa A ELT o*/ shre Mow ey Seales ¥ Pip ge of alf Kiads sold by Wi” PoynTel{ +a Philadelphia ~All golf of egvel fineness with fhe Colns 5 sariaad rs laken ef the Bank of North Amenca at b/s a penny reye a in late (8 i cenfiny bekewds,prujled velvet déted MS in mk (79¢ ' 336,75 S$ m i e e D e r a . s C ? y e e a e e e Le ) y r a A y g e P o l n p } c y |A )g j / b p s d r ) ) o i 4 o f r n c t y ho o? o r w p ] p y a V P o9 y H ( e g ) r r ) e ? F ) Ocala \ odie sKeny \ ng ck is beg ~ euro ( YR, rrains. 09, 123,190,50. BANKING AND EINAN counterfeited. The dated 1876, body of og. ll calculated to de- CHASE NATIONAL BANK ‘oF vady, not dangerous, | 117 BROAD Ae ae ‘ This new Bank, organized by the founders:o f the. Pirsé : National Bank of New York, who have sold out anid *getire ” . - frem that institution, will open for business ‘about. Sepember 189,946.50. us, and like the 50 20, 1877. | et e the best we have SAMUEL C, THOMPSON, Presidént, tuOeatrrhtteeeirrtsse, r s ofh av1e85 3d--e-- | ‘i JOE THOMPSOlaNte, P resViidceen t PFrierssti dNeantti, br%a l ‘< late Vice President First Nationa ISAAC W. WHITE, Cashier. ome late of Poughkeepsie, # (™> i . y Ps os z | = 716,30. here are but the “s) ta newly coin- < The only one approved and daily in use by the U.S. Treasury at Washington, the Wel, $8. Mint at Philadelphia, and other Government offices, where ithas been thoroughly tested by expert-, who recommend it as being Perfectly Reliable, and the best they have seen. “This instrnment makexby one move the THREE ESSENTIAL TESTS OF WEIGHT, DIAMETER AND THICKNESS. It. detects the n.ost dangerous coun- terfeitanstantly. It has already proved its superior merit in over fifty banks, where it has taken ihe place of various other tests. It is very. neat and strong, made of hard ‘ brass with steel pivot, finely and accurately adjusted and cannot get out of order. e beéfieve every invention made during the last quarter of the century, for the de- tection of counterfeit coin has been presented to us for inspection and endorsement, but hyp with this singletexception we have always found them unreliable; we therefore take plea- nas sire in recommending it as of great practical value for the uses intended, Nicely jfe e « Si enelosed in a box“anade sent to any address, with postage paid, on receipt of price. JOHN §. DYE. tion than is « PRICE, Plain, $2.00 #4 Sileer Plated, $3.00.. 605 Walnut St., Philad’a. ‘< QURING PACKANID SNMOGKIN G el, : ESTABLISHMENT. opression of | Id|s , can be —— PROVISION DEALERS, ' generally ede a ssC or. 24th and Brown Sis. | : | FRANK BOWER: PHILADELPHIA. t of the Law W. BNTENMANN: | The picture on the last page is a rough xerox of a photo of the only piece of this patent model that has been identified, just the plate marked D in the patent drawing. It is assumed that the scale part, if it still exists, was sold as is without the patent tag and cannot be located. The patent tag is in poor cond- HELTON. DUL LS aAGrached. to part D, This 18 the only “coin scale" for which I have. the patent model, and the only one which I know of having been found in the last 12 years of searching the remain- ing patent models. They have all been searched through once so it is unlikely that any scales or detectors will show up unless they were sold before 1973 by O. Rundle Gilbert in New York. Erv Brauer G. HOAG. Combined Scale and Coin Tester. No. 216,184. Patented June 3, 1879. SOTO RODE OIF BOE8T FBTE TT, BD 8118s) Bt) EE B8ks6 Be Bist BO Leea eseree as ese ~- -- Wee e 4 9 EE NES FPF OT @ Selrer-.: A daiguia? BY *MdeanAey ATTORNEYS, Me PETERS, PHOTO-UUTHOGRMAPHER WAsHiNGTOM 0 C UNITED STATES PATENT CFFICH. GEORGE IIOAG, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. IMPROVEMENT IN COMBINED SCALE AND COIN-TESTER. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 216,184, datel Jone 3, 1579; application tiled Mareh 27, 1879. To all whom tt may concern: To the central part of the lower side of the Ge it known that I, GEorGE IIoaa, of tke pan Dis attached the upper edge of a vertical city, county, and State of New York, have in- plate, E, which has slo¢ tforsme d in it directly vented a new and Improved Combined Seale beneath the slots d@ of the said pan D. The and Coin-Tester, of which the following is a slots e’ are made of a breadth equal to the specification. breadth of the slots d’, and of a depth equal Figure Lis & top view of my improved de- to half the length of the said slots d’, so that Vice. Fig. 2 is a side view of the same, partly the coins will be held with their diameters in in section, throngh the broken line wow, Fig. 1. line with the seale-pan D. Fig. 5 is a detailed cross-section of the same, I is the beam which is used for testing the taken through the line yy, Fig. 1.) Fig. 4 isa weight of the coins, and whieh is counected at detail view of the reverse side of the cuin-scale itsends with the main beam B by bolts. screws, beam. orrivets G. The beam F is provided with a Similar letters of reference indicate corre- weight, I], for balancing the coins. In the sponding parts. upper edge of the beam F are formed notches The object of this invention is to furnish at the various points where the weight H giles for weighing Jetters and other mail- should stand to balance the various coins. watter which shall be provided with appli- The notches for the gold coins should be ances for testing the weight, size, and thick- marked upon one side of the beain F, and the ness of coins, and which at the same time shall notches for the silver coins should be marked be simple in construction and convenient and upon the other side of the said beam, with the reliable in use. ; value of the coins to which they belong. The invention consists in the combination of The slots d’ in the seale-pan D nay also be the slotted vertical plate with the slotted scaie- marked with the value of the coins to which pan of a scales, for testing the size and thick- they belong. ness of gold and silver coins; and in the com- With this construction the device, while bination of the second beam and its weight serving as a scale for weighing letters and with the main beam and its weight, aid with other mail-matteral,s o serves as a test for the the seale-pan provided with the slots, and the size, the thickness, and the weight of gold and vertical plate provided with the slots for test- silver coins. ing the weight, the size, and the thickness of Having thus fully deseribed my invention, I gold and silver coins, as hereinafter fully de- claim as new and desire to secnre by Letters seri bed. Patent— A represents the standard, B the main beam, The combination of the seale-pan D, consist- C the weight, and D the pan or platform, ot ing ofa horizontal plate, provided with slots @, the scales, which parts are connected together and the vertical plate E, provided with the slots aud balanced in the usual way. e’, and the supplemental seale-beam F, secured The seale-pan D is wade flat, and has a se- by the bolts G to the seale-beam B, so as to ries ef slots, @’, formed through it to reccive be parallel with the said beam, and provided the cifferent gold and silver coins, the slots with the weight H, with the main beam B and towant one end of the pan D being intended its weight ©, snbstantiallya s and for the pur- for the gold coins, and those toward the other pose set forth. end being intended for the silver coins. The GEORGE HOAG. slots @ are made of a length aud breadth equal Witnesses: to the diameter and thickness of the various JAMES T, GRAHAM, €0ibs, 80 a8 to test their size and thickness. C. SEDGWICK. SKINNER Auctioneer and Appraisers of Antiques and Fine Art Prices include buyer's premium. Science & Technology, 05/03/2003 10:00 AM, Venue: Bolton Lot Price 435 $117.50 437 $88.13 |4 39 $1,527.50 440 $1,997.50 441 $411.25 | 442 $940.00 443 $1,175.00 ; 444 $1,116.25 EOlcle hnnosn 445 $117.50 446 $117.50 447 $82.25 _ $146.88 449— $58.75 $146.88 | 450 $58.75 461 $146.88 | 451 $205.63 462 $176.25 452 $176.25 463 $235.00 453 $1,175.00 | 464 $205.63 454 $117.50 465. $176.25 455 $176.25, | 466 $264.38 456 $293.75 467 $58.75 457 $381.88 468 $176.25 458 $1,292.50 © 469 $58.75 $1,645.00 470 $88.13 ay $146.88 472 $146.88 cad 473 $205.63 474 $117.50 2 Sonuynasthun VAM? 475 $117.50 476 $88.13 ; 3 | 477 $3,055.00 Atbrys /7 f° wrth uit etihle - Sy ake 478 $1,175.00 Mew %¢ dd , JenPonr t Meu Vbiinnegy Frovel 479 $176.25 SR eg oh for! Lest endef-e r J (3/4; 480 $235.00 Deved corn bel j 51°{ 2 $998.75 Alinkor WARKAWTED aves bat $646.25 | Alden rn Tapered arn boy $293.75 Allud G¥P RR $293.75 , Abler.Aer ui AF pat gund $940.00 Aller per uit #2 oval try. $1,410.00 Alc her We» 4 A 3 Mm ALck b+. $1,527.50 | Rod a ron beat fe 2S -5 d Crrkep, arch $881.25 | Symtuwn Mrseia ed Lo $881.25 | Brean rveher “wo ware 25 SO peor Trrimns $1,880.00 | Kigvenders urd inh & $998.75 | Merewlle wort drsoo FO Oe $881.25 | Maren lhe 01) ect etete. dint $146.88 Be Wee MO (< ole $235.00 Bivien noah peled | $1,762.50 Tewnpom alid bby tilt, with eenti, dys $1,116.25 | MeA/ally nuebit pleted wabnt beat mm Cre bored muhors bor zee F4 LAgibr shall mache pte { roe a beat boy. 4 Dnehes ‘ 11.25 Me KJ, : taline Gore , Upterd Gnas f Che tt 2 $998.75 f ws gay Ajcesa« uke agehun om “wget bea aA (alin $470.00 Pauls hay Mel, t plaliet ea Aor é vt Aner hens (lew axplacsd) $2,937.50 | Fawhechea Counce pral, ile rv. Derik, tums Angad + it $1,292.50 Pater ) Ziugh ayy al rod hnaas % nm

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