Hindawi Publishing Corporation BioMed Research International Volume 2016, Article ID 6525163, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6525163 Research Article Newly Developed Topical Cefotaxime Sodium Hydrogels: In Vivo Antibacterial Activity and Evaluation AzzaS.Zakaria,1,2SamarA.Afifi,1,3andKadriaA.Elkhodairy4 1DepartmentofPharmaceutics,CollegeofPharmacy,KingSaudUniversity,P.O.Box22452,Riyadh11495,SaudiArabia 2DepartmentofMicrobiology,FacultyofPharmacy,AlexandriaUniversity,P.O.Box21500,Alexandria21527,Egypt 3DepartmentofPharmaceutics,NationalOrganizationforDrugControlandResearch,P.O.Box35521,Giza12561,Egypt 4DepartmentofIndustrialPharmacy,FacultyofPharmacy,AlexandriaUniversity,P.O.Box21500,Alexandria21527,Egypt CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoKadriaA.Elkhodairy;[email protected] Received18January2016;Revised6April2016;Accepted13April2016 AcademicEditor:KamlaPathak Copyright©2016AzzaS.Zakariaetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Inanattempttoreachbettertreatmentofskininfections,gelformulationscontainingCefotaxime(CTX)wereprepared.Thegel wasformulatedusingCarbopol934(C934),HydroxypropylMethylcellulose4000(HPMC4000),CarboxymethylcelluloseSodium (NaCMC),Pectin(PEC),XanthanGum(XG),orGuarGum(GG).Thirteendifferentformulaswerepreparedandcharacterized physicallyintermsofcolor,syneresis,spreadability,pH,drugcontent,andrheologicalproperties.Drug-excipientscompatibility studieswereconfirmedbyFTIRandtheninvitrodrugreleasestudywasconducted.Invitroandinvivoantibacterialactivitiesof CTXwerestudiedagainstwoundpathogenssuchas,Staphylococcusaureus(S.aureus),Escherichiacoli(E.coli),andPseudomonas aeruginosa(P.aeruginosa),usingeitherpuredrugorFucidin(cid:2)creamascontrol.F13providesbetterspreadabilitycomparedto F1(XG)orF11(HPMC).Moreover,thereleaseofthedrugfromhydrogelF13containingC934wasslowerandsustainedfor8h. Stabilitystudyrevealedthat,uponstorage,therewerenosignificantchangesinpH,drugcontent,andviscosityofthegels.Also,F13 showedthelargerinhibitionzoneandhighestantibacterialactivityamongotherformulations.Histologicalanalysisdemonstrated thataftersingletreatmentwithF13gelformulation,anoticeablereductioninmicrobialbioburdenoccurredincaseofbothGram positiveandGramnegativebacterialisolates. 1.Introduction Controlled release of antibiotics at site of infection is a newstrategybeingemployedtotreatchronicinfections[4,5]. Several antimicrobial agents are available in the market in Localized delivery systems, based on biodegradable poly- different pharmaceutical dosage forms for the treatment of mers,arecapableofslowingandcontrollingdrugreleasefor skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs). These preparations acertainperiodoftime,withinitialbursteffecttocircumvent aredesignedtobeadministeredeitherorallyorparenterally theinfection. ortopically.Topicalpreparationshaveseveralbenefitscom- Hydrogels, swollen three-dimensional networks of paredwithsystemictherapy[1,2].Initially,therequiredcon- hydrophilicpolymersheldtogetherbyassociationbondsor centrationforantibioticactivityattheskintargetsitemaybe cohesive forces, are of special interest in controlled release moreeasily achieved after topicaldosing. Moreover,topical applications, because of their soft tissue biocompatibility, administrationresultsinmuchlowerundetectablesystemic the ease with which drugs are dispersed in matrix, and the levels[3].Additionally,itcanavoidanunnecessaryexposure high degree of control achieved by selecting the physical ofgutflorathatmayexertselectionforresistance.Therefore, and chemical properties of polymer network. Hydrogels topical application of antimicrobial agents is considered an havebeeninvestigatedextensivelyforapplicationascarriers importantalternativeusingthestratumcorneaasthetarget in diffusion-controlled release devices [6]. Hydrogels are a organofvariousantibioticdrugtreatments[1]. commonformoftopicalapplication.Theyachievesustained 2 BioMedResearchInternational release by diffusion from a reservoir through microporous clinicalisolateandonestandardPseudomonasaeruginosa(P. membraneintotheskin[5]. aeruginosa) (ATCC 27853) and one clinical isolate. Finally, Cefotaxime (CTX) sodium as an antimicrobial agent onestandardStaphylococcusaureus(S.aureus)(ATCC29213) is a semisynthetic broad spectrum third-generation cepha- and one methicillin resistant S. aureus clinical isolate were losporin against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria studied in this research. The strains were collected from and some pseudomonal species as well as some anaero- wound specimens from outpatient departments of King bic bacteria [7]. It has activity in presence of some beta- KhalidHospital,Riyadh,SaudiArabia. lactamases, both penicillinases and cephalosporinases of Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. Its spectrum of (2)MediaandCultureConditions.Allclinicalsampleswere activityincludesmoststrainsofbacterialpathogensresponsi- first inoculated onto Sheep Blood Agar (SPML Co. Ltd,, ∘ bleforsepticaemia,respiratorytractinfections,urinarytract Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), The plates were incubated at 37 C infections, soft tissue infections, bone and joint infections, for24–48h.Identificationofisolateswasdoneaccordingto obstetric and gynaecological infections, and other various standard methods described elsewhere [12, 13] and Clinical typesofinfections[8].Cephalosporinsasanantibioticgroup Laboratory Standards Institute [14]. Isolates were stored in iswellknowntohaveminimalsideeffectscomparedtoother brain heart infusion broth containing 16% (w/v) glycerol at antibioticgroups. −80∘Cuntilfurtheruse. Toourknowledge,thereisneithermarketedtopicalfor- mulationofthisessentialgroupnorresearchstudyperformed (3) Growth on Mannitol Salt Agar. Staphylococcal isolates to investigate topical cephalosporin preparations. Based on were reinoculated onto Mannitol Salt Agar (Oxoid, Hamp- ∘ thisknowledge,itwasofinteresttoformulateCTXastopical shire,UK)andthentheplateswereincubatedat37 Cfor24– preparation to treat bacterial skin and soft tissue infections 48h.Mannitolfermentationwasobservedandrecorded. moreefficiently. (4)GrowthonMacConkeyandCetrimideAgar.Gramnegative The present study was conducted to formulate topical isolates were reinoculated onto MacConkey Agar (Oxoid, hydrogel formulations of CTX. Natural polymers such as Hampshire, UK) and then the plates were incubated at Pectin (PEC), Xanthan Gum (XG), Guar Gum (GG), syn- ∘ 37 C for 24–48h. Lactose fermentation was observed and theticpolymer,namely,Carbopol934(C934),andsemisyn- recorded.P.aeruginosastrainswerefurtherreinoculatedon thetic polymers such as Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose ∘ cetrimideagar(Oxoid,Hampshire,UK)at37 Cfor24h. (HPMC) and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (Na CMC) were used as gelling agents. Effect of propylene glycol (PG) used as a penetration enhancer on the release had been 2.2.Methods studied.Hydrogelswereevaluatedfortheirphysicalappear- ance, rheological behavior, spreadability, drug release, and 2.2.1.FourierTransmittedInfraredSpectroscopy(FTIR). FTIR antimicrobial activity. Since different microorganisms can spectra were performed to find out any possible drug- exist on the margins of chronic wounds [9], in vitro and polymerinteractions.SamplesofCTXandofeachpolymer in vivo antibacterial activity of CTX was studied against used (XG, GG, PEC, HPMC, Na CMC, and C934) as commonlyisolatedwoundpathogenssuchasStaphylococcus well as samples of their physical mixtures in the ratio of aureus(S.aureus),Escherichiacoli(E.coli),andPseudomonas 1:1 were grounded separately and mixed thoroughly with aeruginosa(P.aeruginosa)[10,11]. potassiumbromide.Atotalof1mgofeachsampleand100mg of potassium bromide (KBr) were ground uniformly and compressedtoformaKBrfilmdisc.Potassiumbromidediscs 2.Experimental werepreparedbycompressingthepowdersatapressureof5 tonesfor5mininahydraulicpress.Datawerescannedover 2.1.Materials −1 a spectral region from 400 to 4000cm and the obtained 2.1.1.MaterialsUsedforGelPreparation. Cefotaxime(CTX) spectrawereanalyzed[15]. sodium and Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose 4000 (HPMC 4000)werepurchasedfromSigma,USA.XanthanGumwas 2.2.2. Preparation of Cefotaxime (CTX) Sodium Gel Formu- purchasedfromUltrafine(India).GuarGumwaspurchased lations. Drug-loaded hydrogels were prepared according to from Premcem Gums Ltd. (India). Sodium carboxymethyl previouslydemonstratedprocedure[6,16].Ingeneral,there cellulose (Na CMC) and Pectin (Pec) were obtained from arefourdifferentclassesofexcipientsusuallyincorporatedin Shinestu Chemical Co., France. Carbopol 934 (C934) and ordertopreparetopicalgelswhicharegellingagents,humec- Triethanolamine(TEA)werepurchasedfromLobaChemie, tants, preservatives, and vehicles [17]. Different concentra- Mumbai,India.Propyleneglycol(PG)andsodiumbenzoate tions of various polymers (gelling agents) were postulated. areobtainedfromMerck,Germany.Fucidinisaproductof NaturalpolymerssuchasGG(inrangeof2–5%w/w),XG(in LEOPharmaceuticalproducts,Denmark. rangeof2-3%w/w),PEC(inrangeof6-7%w/w),semisyn- theticpolymersHPMC4000(inrangeof3-4%w/w),andNa 2.1.2.MaterialsUsedforMicrobiologicalStudies CMC (in 4 and 7% w/w) as well as the synthetic polymers C934 in concentration of 2% w/w were used. Drug- (1)BacterialIsolates.Atotalofsixbacterialisolateswereused, loaded hydrogels were formulated by dispersing the gelling one standard E. coli (E. coli) (ATCC 25922) and one E. coli agentsslowlyinanaqueous-basedsolutioncontainingCTX BioMedResearchInternational 3 Table1:CompositionofCTXtopicalhydrogels(%w/w). Ingredients F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 CTX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — XG 2 3 — — — — — — — — — — — GG — — 2 3 4 5 — — — — — — — PEC — — — — — — 6 7 — — — — — NaCMC — — — — — — — — 4 7 — — — HPMC — — — — — — — — — — 3 4 — C934 — — — — — — — — — — — — 2 PG 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sodiumbenzoate 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Purifiedwaterto 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (1% w/w), PG (5% w/w, as a humectant), and sodium (4)DrugContentDetermination.Aspecificquantity(100mg) benzoate(0.25%w/w,asapreservative),withthehelpofan ofeachpreparedhydrogelwastakenanddissolvedin100mL overheadmechanicalstirreratamoderatespeed.pHofC934 ofphosphatebuffer(pH6.8).Thevolumetricflaskcontaining hydrogelwasadjustedusingTEAwithstirringuntildesired the gel solution was shaken for 2h on mechanical shaking pH value was approximately reached (6.8–7). The prepared waterbathinordertocompletedrugsolubility.Thissolution hydrogelswerepackedinwidemouthjarcoveredwithscrew wasfilteredandestimatedspectrophotometricallyat254nm cappedplasticlidandwerekeptindarkandcoolplace[18]. [7] using phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) as blank [23]. This test Sampleswereallowedtoequilibrateforatleast24hatroom wasperformed3timesandmeanvalue±SDwascalculated. temperature prior to performing rheological measurement (5) Determination of Viscosity. Viscosity of CTX topical [3,19].ThecompositionofdifferentpreparedCTXhydrogel hydrogelswasdeterminedusingRheometer(BrookfieldR/S, formulationsisgiveninTable1. USA) with spindle # C 50-1 having a speed of 50rpm. All measurements were done in triplicate at room temperature 2.2.3.PhysicochemicalEvaluationofthePreparedHydrogels [21]. (1)VisualExamination.Cefotaximehydrogelswereinspected (6) In Vitro Drug Release Study. In vitro drug release study visually for their color, homogeneity (appearance and pres- was done as mentioned before with some modifications ence of any aggregates), grittiness (presence of particles or [16]. Drug release from the prepared topical hydrogels was grits),andsyneresis(phaseseparation). determined using dialysis tubing (MWCO of 12400 D; 99.99%retention,Sigma-Aldrich,USA)placedintherelease (2) pH Determination. The pH of various CTX gel formu- mediumunderconstantstirringusingdissolutionapparatus lations was determined using pH meter (Mettler Toledo, USPII(ErwekaDT600,Germany).Aquantityof5gofeach Switzerland), which was calibrated before each use with hydrogelformulationswereindividuallypackedintodialysis standard buffer solutions. A quantity of 1g of CTX gel was tube with the ends being tightly fastened. Release medium dissolved in 100mL freshly prepared distilled water and was 500mL phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The medium was stored for two hours. The electrode was inserted into the maintainedat37∘C±0.5andstirredcontinuouslyat50rpm. samplesolution10minpriortorecordingthereadingatroom Aliquots of 5mL of the release medium were withdrawn at temperature.Eachmeasurementwascarriedoutintriplicate predeterminedtimeintervals(15,30,45,60,90,120,180,240, andaveragepHwascalculated[3,20].Resultsareshownin 300, 360, and 480min) over a period of 8h and replaced Table2. by fresh phosphate buffer to provide sink condition. Each withdrawnsamplewasfurtherdilutedwithphosphatebuffer (3) Spreadability Test. Spreadability (g⋅cm/sec) is expressed (pH6.8)anditsabsorbancewasmeasuredusingUV-visible in terms of time taken in seconds by two slides to slip off spectrophotometer (Biochrom Libra S22, UK) at a 𝜆max of from the gel placed between them, under certain load [21]. 254nm. Absorbance was converted to drug concentration Thestandardizedweighttiedontheupperplatewas20gand using a linear calibration curve and then the cumulative length of the glass slide was 7.5cm [22]. Spreadability was percentage of CTX released was calculated with the help calculatedbyusingthefollowingformula: of dilution factor. All measurements were performed in (Weight×Length) triplicate(𝑛=3). Spreadability= . (1) Time (7) Drug Release Kinetic Study. The data obtained from the According to the above equation, it is clear that the lesser in vitro release study were analyzed using various kinetic thetimetakenforseparationofthetwoslides,thebetterits modelstodescribethemechanismofdrugreleasefromthe spreadability. hydrogels. Three kinetic models including zero-order (2), 4 BioMedResearchInternational first-order (3), and Higuchi square root models (4) were 2.2.5. Determination of the Isolates Sensitivity. Sensitivity of appliedonthereleasedata[6]: the standard strains and the clinical isolates under test to 𝑄=𝐾0𝑡, (2) various CTX formulations was determined by Kirby-Bauer welldiffusionsusceptibilitytestdescribedinCLSI[28].The where𝑄istheamountofdrugreleaseattime𝑡,𝐾0 iszero- exponential phase cultures of the bacterial isolates under orderrateconstantexpressedinunitsofconcentration/time, test were made in sterile normal saline and adjusted to 0.5 and𝑡isthetime.Consider McFarland’sstandardapproximatelycorrespondingto1-2× 𝐾 𝑡 8 log𝑄=log𝑄0− 2.3103, (3) H10inCtoFnUA/mgaLr.(MThHeAc)upltluatreess(Owexroeidt,hUeKn)suwnaibfobremdlyobnyMmueallners where𝐶0 istheinitialconcentrationofdrugand𝐾1 isfirst- ofsterileswab.Equidistancewellswerecutintheplateswith help of 8mm borer. In each of these wells the gel solutions orderconstant.Consider andpuredrugwereplacedandtheplateswereleftatambient 𝑄=𝐾 𝑡1/2, (4) 𝐻 temperaturefor30mintoallowprediffusionpriortoincuba- ∘ where𝐾𝐻istheconstantreflectingthedesignvariablesofthe tionat37 Cfor24h.Antibacterialactivitywasestimatedby system. measuring the diameter of inhibition zones. Well diffusion To find out the mechanism of drug release, the release testswereperformedintriplicatesandantibacterialactivity datawasfittedinKorsmeyer-Peppasmodelasfollows: was expressed as the mean diameter of inhibition zone ± 𝑀 standarddeviation. 𝑡 =Ktn, (5) 𝑀 ∞ 2.2.6. In Vitro Wound Model for Assessing Effectiveness where𝑀𝑡/𝑀∞isfractionofdrugreleasedattime𝑡,𝐾isthe of Antibiotic Gel. Susceptibility of the bacterial strains in releaserateconstantincorporatingstructuralandgeometric planktonicformwastestedagainstdifferentgelformulations characteristicsofthetablet,and𝑛isthereleaseexponent.The usingthemodifiedquantitativemethodoriginallyintroduced 𝑛value(diffusionexponent)isusedtocharacterizedifferent by Hammond et al. [29, 30]. Each hydrogel was challenged releasemechanisms[24].TheresultsareshowninTable3. against one of the strains tested. The concentration of CTX was 1% in each formulation tested. Three sterile 6mm (8)StabilityStudy.HydrogelsF1,F11,andF13whichshowed cellulosediskswereplacedonapetridishwithLuriaBertani apromisingsustaineddrugreleasewerepackagedinairtight agar(LBagar)(Oxoid,Hampshire,UK)and10𝜇Lbacterial plasticcontainerandsubjectedtostabilitystudy.Theywere 2 3 ∘ suspension containing 10 –10 CFU was dropped on each stored at room temperature (25 C) and in the refrigerator ∘ disk.Thesurfaceoftheplatewascoveredwithasterilegauze (4 C) over a period of three months [23, 24]. Physical square(5×5cm)saturatedwithgelweightequivalentto1% evaluationofthesampleswascarriedoutbyvisualinspection CTX.Asterilegauzesquarewithouttopicalantimicrobialgel forphaseseparationandchangeincolorandodor.Rheolog- was used as a control. A sterile small glass petri dish was ical properties were also examined. Furthermore, chemical placedonthegauzetomaintaindirectcontactbetweenthe stability was evaluated by spectrophotometric analysis of agentandtheinoculateddisks.Theplateswereincubatedat drugcontentandpHmeasurement[25]. ∘ 37 C for 24h, after which the gauze squares were removed andeachdisktransferredintoasteriletubecontaining1mL 2.2.4. Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The tubes were vigorously (MIC). MICsofCTXandthedifferentgelformulationswere performed in cation-adjusted Mu¨ller Hinton broth (Oxoid, vortexed three times for 2min to detach bacteria from the Hampshire, UK) (MHB) by means of microdilution broth disks.Suspendedcellswereseriallydilutedfourtimes(a10- method in accordance to National Committee for Clinical fold dilution was used) in PBS and 10-𝜇L aliquots of each laboratory Standards [26] and CLSI documents [27]. Stock dilutionwereinoculatedonLBagarplates.Theseplateswere ∘ solutionsofCTXpuredrugoreachoftheformulationsunder incubated at 37 C for 16h and the numbers of CFU were testwaspreparedinsteriledistilledwatertoreachaninitial counted. concentrationof2mg/mL.Preparationofinoculaforbroth Thefinalresultrecordedrepresented3×108CFU/diskif microdilution testing was performed in accordance with thebacterialgrowthwassomassivethatthenumberofCFU CLSIstandardprocedures.Briefly,0.5McFarlandequivalent obtainedwasuncountableeveninthehighestdilution. inoculumofeachstrainwaspreparedinnormalsalinefrom 18–24hagarplateculture.Thesuspensionwasfurtherdiluted 2.2.7. Topical Antimicrobial Efficacy of C934-CTX Hydrogel 5 toachievedesiredinoculumsconcentrationof10 CFU/mL. UsingaMouseModel. Toevaluatethepharmaceuticalpoten- 100𝜇Lofaliquotofeachstrainwasthenaddedtoa96-well tialofC934-CTXhydrogel(F13)asanovellocaltreatmentfor microtiterplatecontaininggradientconcentrationsofeither SSTIs,antimicrobialeffectofthishydrogelwasinvestigatedin CTXpuredrugorthegelformulationsundertestdilutedin amurinesurgicalsiteinfectionmodel. ∘ doublestrengthMHB.Theplateswerethenincubatedat37 C for24h.Theturbidityofeachwellwasmeasuredat490nm (1)ExperimentalAnimals.Theanimalsusedforinvivoexper- withamicroplateELISAreader.TheMICwasdefinedasthe imentswere200gspecific-pathogen-freemaleWistaralbino lowest concentration of the antibiotic or the hydrogel that rats. All animals were obtained from Experimental Animal preventedbacterialgrowth. Care Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University BioMedResearchInternational 5 (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Rats were housed in stainless 3.ResultsandDiscussion steel cages (5 animals/cage). Animals were acclimated with free access to tap water and standard pellet diet (Purina 3.1. Fourier Transmitted Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). FTIR Chow) in a facility with controlled temperature (22–24∘C) spectrumoffreeCTX(Figure1(a))showedthatthecharac- −1 and humidity (50–60%), on a 12h light/12h dark cycle, teristicspeaksareat3430and3347cm duetoNHstretching −1 for at least 1week before the experiments. The protocol of (NH2) and the peaks at 2938, 1760, 1729, and 1647cm this study was carried out according to the regulations and are attributed to aliphatic C–H stretching, C=O (𝛽-lactam) recommendationoftheAnimalResearchEthicsCommittee stretching,C=O(carboxylicester),andC=O(amide)stretch- ofCollegeofPharmacy,KSU,SaudiArabia. ing,respectively[35].Inaddition,thespectrumshowedother −1 characteristic peaks at 1610 and 1536cm which are cor- (2)InVivoWoundModel.Inthismodel,twobacterialclinical responded to C=C and C=N stretching, respectively. Other isolates were chosen based on being the most common peaks appear at 1386 and 1355cm−1 due to aliphatic C–H pathogen in SSTIs [31, 32]. These strains were P. aeruginosa bond, whereas the peak at 1062cm−1 is attributed to C–O isolateandMRSAisolate.TheBacterialisolateswereinitially stretching[15,36]. incubatedintrypticasesoyagarwith5%glucosefor24hat Figures1(b)and1(c)showedcharacteristicpeaksofC934 ∘ 37 C and re-suspended in saline adjusted to 0.5 McFarland and the physical mixture of CTX and C934 in 1:1 ratio. turbidity. FTIRspectrumofthemixturerevealedthatthereisneither Rats of each group were intraperitoneally anesthetized appearanceofnewpeaksnordisappearanceofexistingpeaks, withxylazine(8mg/kgbodyweight)andketamine(30mg/kg whichindicatedthatthereisnointeractionbetweenthedrug bodyweight),thehaironthelowerbackwasshavedandthe andthegellingagentused.Characteristicpeaksofthedrug skin was cleansed with antiseptic solution (10% povidone- groupswereidentifiedinallthespectraofpreparedphysical iodinesolution).A1-cm-long,fullthicknessincisionwound mixturesofthedruganddifferentpolymersusedasgelling was created on the dorsal side of the rat. Approximately agents (not included). This study revealed that the drug 1cm of silk suture infected with either P. aeruginosa isolate or MRSA isolate (approximately 5 × 103 cells/cm of suture) wascompatiblewitheachoftheselectedgellingagentsand indicatedthesuitabilityoftheselectedpolymersforprepara- was placed into the wound and secured in the skin by tionoftopicalCTXgelformulation. knotting.Onesinglesuturewasattachedoverthemiddleof the incision. The animals were returned to individual cages 3.2.CharacterizationofthePreparedCTXHydrogels. Results [33]. of the visual inspection of the prepared CTX hydrogels are (3) Experimental Protocol. Rats were randomly allocated presented in Table 2. Most of the prepared hydrogels were into six groups. For each bacterial strain, three challenged yellowishincolor,eitheropaqueortranslucentortranspar- groupsreceivedthefollowing;GroupI(GI);Negativecontrol ent. All the prepared hydrogels showed good homogeneity group(challengedwiththebacteriaanddidnotreceiveany withabsenceoflumpsandsyneresis.Nosignsofgrittiness. antibiotic).GroupII(GII):Positivecontrolgroup(challenged The hydrogels had smooth homogenous texture and glossy with the bacteria and treated with a Fucidin cream). This appearanceexceptF10whichshowedclumps. cream was used as an available marketed topical antibiotic pHvaluesofthepreparedformulaswereintherangeof5- formulation containing 2% fusidic acid for the sake of 6whichisconsideredacceptabletoavoidskinirritationupon comparison with the formulated hydrogel and group III application[37].PEC-basedgelwasanexceptionaspHwas (GIII):Challengedgroupwiththebacteriaandtreatedwith about4.Additionally,therewasnosignificantchangeinpH C934-CTXhydrogel1%(F13). valuesasafunctionoftimeforallformulations.Resultsare Antibiotictreatmentswerestarted24hafterincisionand illustratedinTable2. 2 suturing. After 24h, the animals were sacrificed and 1cm ThedatapresentedinTable2showedthatthepercentage tissuewascutfromthewoundareainordertoexaminethe drugcontentofpreparedhydrogelformulationsrangedfrom effectivenessoftheformulatedgelF13forinfectiontreatment. 95 to 98.9% which are within the official limits (100 ± 5%) Equal sections of the isolated skin tissues were used for [38].Thisindicatedthatthedrugwasuniformlydistributed reading bacterial bioburden. Viable counts of bacteria per throughoutthegel.Therefore,themethodusedinthepresent sectionwereanalyzedintissuehomogenate. study seems to be reproducible for the preparation of CTX Quantificationofviablebacteriainthehomogenatewas hydrogels. done by culturing serial 10-fold dilutions of the bacterial Good spreadability is one of the criteria for gel to meet suspension onto nutrient agar plates. The plates were incu- idealqualities.Itisthetermexpressedtodenotetheextentof ∘ batedat37 Cfor24handtheorganismswerequantifiedby areatowhichgelreadilyspreadsonapplication.Therapeutic countingthenumberofCFU/section. efficacy of a gel formulation also depends on its spreading Other tissue sections were further used for histologi- value[22].Additionally,spreadabilityisveryimportantasit cal study. They were fixed with formalin and embedded showsthebehaviorofthegelwhenitcomesoutfromthetube in paraffin. Consequently, the sections were stained using [39]. Spreading coefficient of different hydrogels is shown Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), and then they were dried in Figure 2. The determined spreadability values indicated overnight.Thestainedtissuesweremicroscopicallyexamined thatthepolymersusedprovidedhydrogelswhichcanspread andthemostdetailedandcleartissueslideswerechosen[34]. by shearing force of low magnitude. It was observed that 6 BioMedResearchInternational e % transmittanc −2110000 CTX 3346.64 3100.40 2936.72 2821.48 1759.61 1729.74 1648.261535.251458.72 1354.711281.091242.36 1046.73 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers(cm−1) (a) e 20 c n % transmitta −11000 C934 3118.02 2361.37 1708.701648.59 1458.04 1170.44 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers(cm−1) (b) 20 e nc 6 % transmitta −200 CTX and C934 3100.62 2364.3 1727.32 1655.071560.321535.181451.44 1242.471182.55 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers(cm−1) (c) Figure1:FTIRspectraofCTX(a),C934(b),andphysicalmixtureofCTXandC934(c). Table2:PhysicalpropertiesofCTXtopicalgelformulations(F1–F13). Formulations Color Homogeneity Grittiness pH %drugcontent F1 Opaque,yellowish +++ — 6.6 96±0.3 F2 Opaque,yellowish +++ — 6.5 98.8±0.1 F3 Translucentyellowish +++ — 5.9 95.4±0.2 F4 Translucentyellowish +++ — 5.6 98.9±0.3 F5 Translucentyellowish +++ — 5.7 97.5±0.4 F6 Translucentyellowish +++ — 5.6 97.8±0.1 F7 Opaque,buff +++ — 4.0 98±0.2 F8 Opaque,buff +++ — 4.0 98.3±0.1 F9 Shiny,transparent,yellowish +++ — 6.2 97.5±0.2 F10 Shiny,transparent,yellowish Clumpy — 6.3 95±0.1 F11 Transparent +++ — 5.7 98±0.3 F12 Transparent +++ — 5.9 97.8±0.4 F13 Transparent +++ — 6.3 96±0.2 ++:good;+++:verygood;—:nogrittiness. BioMedResearchInternational 7 30 120 100 25 d e m/sec) 20 % releas 80 ·bility (gc 15 mulative 4600 ada 10 Cu 20 e pr S 0 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (min) 0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F1 Formulations F2 Figure2:Spreadingcoefficientofdifferenthydrogelformulations Figure4:DrugreleaseprofilesofhydrogelformulationsF1andF2. F1–F13. 120 60000 100 d e 50000 eas 80 el % r cosity (cps) 3400000000 Cumulative 246000 Vis 20000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 10000 Time (min) 0 F3 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F4 F6 Formulations Figure5:DrugreleaseprofilesofhydrogelformulationsF3–F6. Figure3:Viscosityincentipoisesofdifferenthydrogelformulations F1–F13. all hydrogels that when the rate of shear is increased the viscosity decreases which indicated that the formulation is spreadability of CTX hydrogels decreased by increasingthe shearthinningpseudoplasticinnature. polymer concentration and the values were in the range of 10.9to27.4gm⋅cm/sec.Maximumspreadabilitywasobserved 3.3. InVitroReleaseStudy. ThereleaseprofilesofCTXfrom for hydrogels containing C934 (2% w/w), followed by that differenthydrogelformulationsareshowninFigures4–7.It containingHPMC4000(3%w/w)andthatformulatedwith isobviousthatthereleaseofCTXfromhydrogelswasvaried 2%w/wXG.ThelowestspreadabilitywasforNaCMC(4and according to concentration of the polymer and viscosity of 7%). thehydrogels.Generally,anincreaseinthevehicleviscosity Itcanbeconcludedthatthepreparedhydrogelsfulfilled would cause a more rigid structure with a consequent therequirementofgel-basedformulationsfordermatological decrease in the rate of drug release [16]. Hydrogels F7 that use which should have several favorable properties such as exhibited the lowest viscosity (1522 centipoises) released its greaselessandeaseofspreadability[3,17]. drugcontentwithin30min,whilehydrogelsF10whichhad It was reported that viscosity is an important physical thehighestviscosity(59042centipoises)showed100%drug property of topical formulations, which affects rate of drug releasewithin6h. release [20]. It was found that viscosity of the prepared Thereleaseofthedrugfromthepreparedhydrogelswas hydrogels ranged from 1522 to 59042 centipoises. The vis- ranked in case of hydrogels containing XG in the order F1 cosityincreaseduponincreasingthepolymerconcentration > F2 and the release was more than 95% after 6h. In case (Figure3).Thelowestviscositywasobservedwithhydrogels of GG-based hydrogels, the order of release was F3 > F4 > containingPECwhilehydrogelscontainingNaCMCshowed F5 > F6, depending on the amount of CTX released after the highest viscosity. Viscosity of hydrogels prepared with 5h.Thisresultcanbeexplainedbytheincreaseinpolymer GG was changed with time. Generally, it was observed in concentrationfrom2to5%w/wwhichresultedinanincrease 8 BioMedResearchInternational 120 example, the viscosities of F2 (XG-based hydrogel) and F11 (HPMC-basedhydrogel)arenearlyinthesamerange(9537 ed 100 and9817centipoises)butF2releasedabout93%ofitsdrug as ele 80 content within 6h, whereas F11 released its drug content % r completelyafter4h.Ontheotherhand,hydrogelsF5(GG- ve 60 based hydrogel) and F12 (HPMC-based hydrogel) with a ulati 40 viscosity of 10788 and 10981 centipoises, respectively, both m u releasedabout95%oftheirdrugcontentafter4h.Increasing C 20 viscosityto59042centipoisesasincaseofhydrogelF10(Na 0 CMC-based formulation) released the same amount of the 0 100 200 300 400 500 drugatthesametime(4h). Time (min) Among all hydrogel formulations, C934 (F13) showed F7 F9 superior sustained drug release followed by HPMC 4000 F8 F10 (F11) and XG (F1). C934 is a hydrophilic polyacrylic acid polymeranditscarboxylgroupsbecomehighlyionizedafter Figure6:DrugreleaseprofilesofhydrogelformulationsF7–F10. neutralization with TEA, forming a gel due to electrostatic repulsionamongchargedpolymerchains.IncreasingpHof the prepared hydrogel to be suitable for skin application resultedinuncoilingofthepolymerchainsduetoionization 120 of its carboxyl groups and subsequently forming a rigid gel d 100 [40]. The colligative results revealed that Carbopol was a e eleas 80 goodgellingagentascomparedtootheragentsforhydrogels’ % r preparation. These results were consistent with previously e 60 reportedwork[41–43]. v ulati 40 Results of in vitro release study verified that the most m importantfactorsinfluencingCTXreleasefromtheprepared Cu 20 hydrogelsarepolymertypeandconcentration.Polymertype 0 provedtohavearemarkableandpredominantinfluenceon 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 the drug release from the prepared hydrogels followed by Time (min) the polymer concentration.Many studies showed that drug releasewasdecreasedwithanincreaseingellingagentcon- F11 centration.Asthepolymerconcentrationincreases,viscosity F12 F13 increases[3,20,39]. Theprogressivedecreaseintheamountofdrugreleased Figure7:DrugreleaseprofilesofhydrogelformulationsF11–F13. fromhydrogels,asthereleasetestproceeded,wasattributed to gradual increasein concentrationof the eroded polymer which increased the viscosity of the system. Consequently, thediffusionofthedrugthroughthemembranedecreased. in the hydrogel viscosity from 5766 to 19582 centipoises. Hydrogel F3 released about 80% of its drug content within 3.3.1. Kinetic Modeling of Drug Release. Different mathe- one hour but hydrogel F6 released about 56% of its drug matical models were used to describe the kinetics of CTX content after the same time. It is clear that as the viscosity increased by approximately 4-fold, a decrease in the drug hydrogels. The values of the release exponent (𝑛) and the releasebyapproximately1.5-foldwasobserved. regression values of zero-order, first-order, and Higuchi Sameresultswereobtainedfortheotherpreparedhydro- releasemodelsfordifferent formulationsare representedin gels. Drug release from PEC-based hydrogels, namely, F7 Table3. andF8,wasveryfastasmorethan95%ofthedrugcontent TheHiguchikineticplotswerefoundtobefairlylinearas wasreleasedwithin45min.HydrogelF7showedfasterand indicatedbytheirhighestregressionvalues.Thecorrelation higherdrugreleasethanformulationF8.Incaseofhydrogels coefficientsvalues(𝑅2)wereintherangeof0.843–0.995for containingNaCMC,thereleasewasrankedintheorderF9> all hydrogel formulations. In general, it was observed that F10andcompletedrugreleasewasattainedwithin4and5h, themechanismofdrugreleaseofallformulationswaseither respectively. Drug release behavior of hydrogels containing anomalousdiffusionornon-FickiansupercaseII. HPMC4000wasintheorderofF11>F12andcompletedrug The release exponents (𝑛) for optimized formulations releasewasachievedafter4and6h,respectively,whereasthe F1, F11, and F13 were found to be 1.330, 1.069, and 0.860, drugreleasefromhydrogelF13containingC934wasslowand respectively. The diffusion exponents 𝑛 for F1 and F11 were sustainedfor8h. morethan1,whichindicatesanon-FickiansupercaseII.On Itwasalsoobservedthatthedrugreleasedidnotdepend theotherhand,formulationF13showedadiffusionexponent only on hydrogels’ viscosity but it was also influenced by of 0.860 (0.5 < 𝑛 < 1), indicating anomalous diffusion the type and network structure of each polymer used. For coupledwitherosion. BioMedResearchInternational 9 Table3:KineticstudyoftheinvitroreleasedataofpreparedCTXhydrogels. Zero-order First-order Higuchimodel Korsmeyer-Peppasmodel Formulationcode Correlationcoefficient(𝑅2) (𝑛) F1 0.848 0.652 0.976 1.330 F2 0.913 0.663 0.990 0.834 F3 0.689 0.644 0.843 2.510 F4 0.785 0.603 0.922 1.597 F5 0.875 0.647 0.975 1.256 F6 0.881 0.648 0.978 1.330 F7 0.805 0.241 0.936 8.730 F8 0.812 0.179 0.940 11.15 F9 0.896 0.589 0.980 0.629 F10 0.927 0.661 0.993 0.844 F11 0.820 0.579 0.943 1.069 F12 0.857 0.655 0.967 1.421 F13 0.969 0.693 0.995 0.860 3.4.StabilityStudyfortheFormulatedCTXHydrogels. CTX Table4:MIC(𝜇g/mL)ofdifferentCTXgelformulationsagainst hydrogels(F1,F11,andF13)whichshowedpromisingresults GrampositiveandGramnegativestandardandclinicalisolates. assustainedreleaseformulationsweresubjectedtostability BacterialStrains CTX F13 F11 F1 studies at refrigerator and ambient room conditions for 3 E.coli(ATCC25922) 0.06 0.06 1 2 months.Afterstoragefor3months,hydrogelsdidnotshow E.coli 1 1 >2 >2 anychangeincolor,odor,pH,drugcontent,andrheological P.aeruginosa(ATCC27853) 31.25 31.25 62.5 31.25 properties.Additionally,nophaseseparationoccurred.This P.aeruginosa 62.5 125 250 62.5 indicatedthatthedrugwasstableingelsevenafter3months ofshorttermstorageandthegelformulationswerephysically S.aureus(ATCC29213) 0.25 0.25 0.5 1 andchemicallystable. MRSA 7.8 15.6 31.25 31.25 ItisclearfromabovediscussionthatF1,F11,andF13are the best formulations among all the prepared formulations; therefore, they were subjected for further investigation for microbiologicalactivities. their MIC against some different bacteria isolated from wound and SSTIs. A standard strain of each of the tested 3.5. Microbiological Studies. SSTIs are considered as one of Gram negative bacteria was studied as well for the sake of the serious problems worldwide, especially due to bacterial fair judgment to the selected formulas’ effect. Furthermore, resistance. Shortage in marketed topical dosage forms con- standard S. aureus was tested with one MRSA strain for taining different groups of antibiotics aroused the need of a better indication of the antimicrobial coverage of CTX oralandparenteralapplicationswiththeiraccompaniedside gel formulas. CTX pure drug was tested along with the gel effects. formulas as a control (Table 4). Results revealed that the Cefotaxime(CTX)sodiumasoneofcephalosporinbroad MICvaluesofthestandardstrainsobtainedwereconsistent spectrum antibiotics has a high safety margin and was withtheinterpretedCLSI2011values.F13showedcomparable reportedtobeeffectiveagainstdifferentmultidrugresistant MICs to the control drug and showed better efficacy than pathogenasbytheFDA. F1 and F11. The MICs against standard strains of E. coli In the present study, effect of the prepared CTX topical and P. aeruginosa were from 0.06–2 to 31.25–62.5𝜇g/mL, gelformulationswasinvestigatedthroughdifferentmicrobi- respectively,whileitwasfrom1–>2andfrom62.5–250𝜇g/mL ologicaltechniques. against clinical isolates of the same strains, respectively. S. aureus showed much lower MICs of all formulations tested 3.5.1.EvaluationofBacterialSusceptibilityto whencomparedtotheisolatedMRSAwheretherangewas CTXGelFormulations from0.25–1to7.8–31.25,respectively.Analysisoftheresults indicated that isolated P. aeruginosa gave the highest MIC (1)DeterminationofMinimalInhibitoryConcentration(MIC). values but it is still considered as having an intermediate Results of broth microdilution method with different CTX sensitivity to CTX as previously reported [44, 45]. These formulations were represented in Table 4. The formulas F1, obtained minimum inhibitory values against the bacterial F11, and F13 which showed considerable good spreadability isolateswereconsistentwithpreviouslyreportedresults[46, andreleasecharacteristicswereselectedfurthertodetermine 47].Thegelbasedidnotshowanyantibacterialactivity. 10 BioMedResearchInternational 50 45 45 42.6 43 43 40 37.25 38 m) 40 m) 35.25 36.25 40 m m 35 n zone ( 3305 32.25 32 32.25 33.14 n zone ( 30 26.5 26 25.75 28.4 o o 25 biti 25 biti hi hi 20 er of in 1250 er of in 15 et et m m 10 a 10 a Di Di 5 5 0 0 F13 F11 F1 CTX F13 F11 F1 CTX E. coli (ATCC 25922) P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) E. coli P. aeruginosa (a) (b) 40 35.3 35.8 34.6 35 33 m) m 30 e ( 25 25 n n zo 25 21.75 23 o biti 20 hi n of i 15 er et m 10 a Di 5 0 F13 F11 F1 CTX S. aureus (ATCC 29213) MRSA (c) Figure8:AgarwelldiffusionassayforantibacterialactivitiesofdifferentCTXgelformulationsagainstselectedpathogens. (2) Agar Well Diffusion Assay. Agar well diffusion method be attributed to the great spreadability characteristic of F13 wasusedforscreeningtheantimicrobialpotentialofCTXgel gelwhichaffectstherapeuticefficiencyofthedrug. formulationsandtheresultswereshowninFigure8.Effect Tested formulas showed significant results (𝑃 < 0.05) ofthethreechosenformulasontheselectedbacterialstrains against Gram negative standard strains tested (Figures 8(a) was represented as the mean of three readings (mm ± SD). and8(b))comparedtoisolatedone(Ca.10mmdifference). Along with the formulas, control pure drug was tested as Although the tested formulations demonstrated better well for better comparison. Figure 8 clearly demonstrated effect against E. coli isolate as compared with P. aeruginosa thattherewasnosignificantdifferenceinzoneofinhibition isolate,theobtainedP.aeruginosaresultswereintheaccept- betweenF1,F11,andF13.Diameterofinhibitionzonesshown ablesusceptibilityvaluestoCTXasrevisedinCLSI[49]. byformulationF13wassimilartothatofcrudedrugagainst Figure 8(c) showed the effect of three formulations any of the strains tested which is in agreement with the against Gram positive S. aureus. Two strains were tested, S. fact that incorporation of the drug into gel base does not aureusandMRSA.AgainstS.aureus,thezonesofinhibition decreaseitsantibacterialactivity[48].Additionally,thiscan weresignificantlybetterthanMRSA,givingmorethan10mm