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Preview Newly-born pulsars as sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays

Draftversion January26,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 NEWLY-BORN PULSARS AS SOURCES OF ULTRAHIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS Ke Fang1, Kumiko Kotera 1,2 and Angela V. Olinto1 Draft version January 26, 2012 ABSTRACT 2 Newly-born pulsars offer favorable sites for the injection of heavy nuclei, and for their further 1 accelerationtoultrahighenergies. Onceacceleratedinthepulsarwind,nucleihavetoescapefromthe 0 surrounding supernova envelope. We examine this escape analytically and numerically, and discuss 2 the pulsar source scenario in light of the latest ultrahigh energy cosmic ray (UHECR) data. Our n calculations show that, at early times, when protons can be accelerated to energies E >1020eV, the a youngsupernovashelltends to preventtheir escape. Incontrast,becauseof their highercharge,iron- J peakednucleiarestillacceleratedtothehighestobservedenergiesatlatertimes,whentheenvelopehas 5 becomethinenoughtoallowtheirescape. Ultrahighenergyironnucleiescapenewly-bornpulsarswith 2 millisecond periods and dipole magnetic fields of ∼1012−13G, embedded in core-collapse supernovæ. Duetotheproductionofsecondarynucleons,theenvelopecrossingleadstoatransitionofcomposition ] from light to heavy elements at a few EeV, as observed by the Auger Observatory. The escape also E results in a softer spectral slope than that initially injected via unipolar induction, which allows for H a good fit to the observed UHECR spectrum. We conclude that the acceleration of iron-peaked . elements in a reasonably small fraction (. 0.01%) of extragalactic rotation-powered young pulsars h would reproduce satisfactorily the current UHECR data. Possible signatures of this scenario are also p discussed. - o r t 1. INTRODUCTION natural explanation if the sources were transient, such s as gamma-ray bursts or newly-born pulsars. The de- a [ The origin of the highest energy cosmic rays flection in the extragalactic magnetic fields should in- still remains a mystery (see Kotera & Olinto 2011; deed induce important time delays (∼ 104 yr for one 1 Letessier-Selvon& Stanev 2011for recentreviews). The degree deflection over 100 Mpc) between charged parti- v measurementofafluxsuppressionatthehighestenergies cles and the photons propagating in geodesics, so that 7 (Abbasi et al. 2008; Abraham et al. 2010b), reminiscent the sources should already be extinguished when cos- 9 ofthe “GZKcut-off”(Greisen1966;Zatsepin & Kuzmin mic rays are detected on Earth. Even in this case, for 1 1966) produced by the interaction of particles with the proton dominated compositions and intergalactic mag- 5 cosmic microwavebackground(CMB) photons for prop- netic fields of reasonable strengths, the UHECR arrival . 1 agations over intergalactic scales, has appeased the de- directions are expected to trace the large scale struc- 0 bate concerning the extragalactic provenance of UHE- tures where the transient sources are distributed, with a 2 CRs. ThisfeaturenotonlysuggeststhatUHECRswould possible bias (Kalli et al. 2011). The precise role of ex- 1 originate outside our Galaxy, but also that the sources tragalactic magnetic fields in UHECR propagation may v: of the highest energy particles should be located within be clarified in the future through extensive Faraday ro- i ∼100Mpc distance,inourlocalUniverse. However,the tation surveys (see, e.g., Beck et al. 2007) and indirect X sourcesremainamysteryandresultsfromtheAugerOb- measurements of gamma-ray halos around blazars (e.g., r servatory on the arrival directions and chemical compo- Neronov & Semikoz 2009). a sition of UHECRs make the picture even more puzzling. Thecompositionmeasurementsatthehighestenergies Hints of anisotropies in the sky distribution of cosmic oftheAugerObservatoryaresurprising. Abraham et al. rays above 60 EeV were reported by the Auger Obser- (2010a) reporta trendfrom a protondominated compo- vatory, but most of the anisotropy signal seems to issue sition at a few EeV toward an iron dominated compo- from a clustering of events over a few tens of degrees sition at around 40 EeV (continuing up to 60 EeV, see around the region of Centaurus A (Abreu et al. 2010). Abreu et al. 2011b), assuming that hadronic interaction No powerful sources are observed in the direction of the modelscanbeextrapolatedtotheseenergies. Thistrend highestenergyevents. Thismightbeexplainedbystrong is not confirmed by the HiRes experiment (Abbasi et al. deflectionsthatcosmicrayscouldexperienceinpresence 2005)norbythepreliminarydataoftheTelescopeArray of particularly intense extragalactic magnetic fields or if (Tameda et al. 2011), who report light primaries in the they were heavy nuclei. This absence might also find a Northernhemisphere(whileAugerobservestheSouthern hemisphere). Onemaynotehoweverthatbothresultsre- main consistent with those of Auger within quoted sta- 1Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Kavli Institute tistical and systematic errors. for Cosmological Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois60637, USA. 2TheoreticalAstrophysics,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, From a propagation point of view, heavier nuclei 1200ECaliforniaBlvd.,M/C350-17,Pasadena,CA91125,USA are favored compared to light elements for a given en- 2 ergy as they can travel hundreds of megaparsecs be- is consistent with a GZK cutoff (Abbasi et al. 2008; forelosingtheirenergybyphoto-disintegrationprocesses Abraham et al.2010b). Adecadeago,thechemicalcom- on the cosmic backgrounds due to their lower energy position was also barely detectable at the highest ener- perbaryon(e.g.,Stecker & Salamon1999;Bertone et al. gies while recent results suggesta puzzling trend toward 2002; Allard et al. 2005, 2008; Hooper et al. 2005). Nu- heaviernuclei. Anewinvestigationofthepulsarscenario clei of charge Z can also be in principle accelerated to asUHECRsourcesistimely,inthelightofthedatathat an energy typically Z times larger than protons in a has been recently acquired. given electromagnetic configuration. Propagation mod- Inthispaper,weexaminethekeymechanismsinvolved els where a heavy composition arises at the highest in the production of UHECRs by newly-born pulsars, energies due to a combination of a low proton maxi- and discuss their implications, considering the latest ob- mum acceleration energy (around 10 EeV) and Z times servational results. We focus in particular on the effects higher maximum energies for heavier elements (present ofthe dense supernovaenvelopethat surroundsthe neu- in a slightly higher abundance than Galactic) have been tronstar,and that acceleratedparticles have to traverse shown to reproduce the composition trends observed by on their way to the interstellar medium. We perform Auger (Allard et al. 2008; Aloisio et al. 2009). However, detailed analytical and numerical Monte-Carlo calcula- these works focus on the propagation, and do not pro- tionsoftheenvelopecrossingandpredicttheout-coming vide a plausible source for the injection of these specific features that particles should bear after the escape. It compositions. The problem of finding powerful sources is found that a small fraction of extragalactic rotation- that inject mainly these low abundance elements and of powered young pulsars embedded in supernovæ could their escape from the acceleration site remains open. satisfactorily explain the latest UHECR observations. Heavy nuclei dominated injection models are quite The layoutofthis paper is the following. In Section2, rare in the astrophysical literature of candidate sources. wereview andupdate the discussions relatedto the pro- A direct injection of large proportions of heavy nu- duction of UHE heavy nuclei in newly-born pulsars. In clei into an acceleration region requires either an ini- Section 3, we describe the supernova envelope modeling tial metal-rich region, or an efficient nucleosynthesis in used to develop our analytical estimates and to perform the accelerating outflow. These requirements are hardly our numerical simulations of the escape of UHECRs. met by fireball-type gamma-ray bursts (Lemoine 2002; Our main results on the escape of UHECRs from the Pruet et al. 2002). Active galactic nuclei (AGN), which supernovæ envelopes are presented in Section 3. In Sec- aretheotherpopularsitesforUHECRaccelerationmod- tion4wediscuss theimplications ofthe newly-bornpul- els, are observedto have a solar to super-solarmetallici- sar model in view of the available UHECR observations. ties, but with a lowproportionof nucleiheavierthanni- There,wearguehowareasonablysmallfractionofextra- trogen (e.g., Groves et al. 2006; Mathur & Fields 2009). galactic fast spinning young pulsars embedded in super- Young neutron stars on the other hand possess iron-rich novæcould reproduce satisfactorilythe currentUHECR surfaceandearlyconditionsthatarepropitiousforheavy data,anddiscussobservablesignaturesthatcouldprobe nuclei injection. the pulsar model. Our conclusions are drawn in Sec- Pulsars have been suggested as possible accelerators tion 5. of cosmic-rays since their discovery (Gunn & Ostriker 1969), due to their important rotational and magnetic 2. UHEHEAVYNUCLEIPRODUCTION energy reservoirs. Galactic pulsars have been suggested INNEWLY-BORNPULSARS asthesourcesofcosmicraysaroundthekneeregionupto the ankle (Karakula et al. 1974; Bednarek & Protheroe In this section, we review and discuss some key points 1997, 2002; Giller & Lipski 2002; Bednarek & Bartosik relatedto the productionof UHE heavynuclei innewly- 2004). Blasi et al.(2000)proposedthatironnucleiaccel- bornfast-spinningneutronstars. Ournumericalapplica- erated in the fastest spinning young neutron stars could tionsfocusonisolatedrotation-poweredpulsarsofradius explain the observed cosmic rays above the ankle in a R∗,10 ≡ R∗/10km, angular velocity Ω4 ≡ Ω/104s−1, Galactic source scenario. They assumed that the strip- principal moment of inertia I ≡ I/1045 gcm2, and 45 pingofheavynucleifromthesurfaceofthestarisaplau- magnetic dipole moment µ ≡ µ/1030.5cgs with µ = 30.5 sible seeding and derived a spectrum based on the spin BR3/2 = 1030.5 cgs(B/6 × 1012 G)R3 , with B the down of young pulsars (J ∝ E−1). Arons (2003) stud- ∗ ∗,10 surface dipole field strength. We show in Section 3 that ied the birth of extragalactic magnetars as the source such parameters would enable the escape of UHE nuclei of ultrahigh energy protons, developing the acceleration from the surrounding supernova envelope. mechanism in detail and assuming that the magnetar wind disrupts the supernova envelope to allow the es- cape of accelerated particles. 2.1. Acceleration by unipolar induction The Blasi et al. (2000) and Arons (2003) proposals Rapidly rotating neutron star magnetospheres for the origin of UHECRs were elaborated to explain are promising particle acceleration sites (see, e.g., the absence of the GZK cut-off in the observed spec- Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983 and references therein). In trum reported by AGASA (Takeda et al. 1998) with- the out-flowing relativistic plasma, the combination out invoking the so-called top-down models (see, e.g., of the fast star rotation and its strong magnetic field Bhattacharjee & Sigl 2000). An increase in the expo- can induce, in principle, potential differences of order sure at the ultrahigh energies by the HiRes and Auger Φ = Ω2µ/c2. Provided that particles of charge Z can Observatories have shown that the UHECR spectrum experience a fraction η of that potential, they can 3 be accelerated to the energy (Blasi et al. 2000; Arons however likely to prevent the acceleration of particles 2003): to the highest energies both in the polar cap and the outer gap. Venkatesan et al. (1997) and Arons (2003) E(Ω)=ZeΦη =3×1020Z26η1Ω24µ30.5 eV (1) discussed that particles accelerated in the wind region withr≫R withR the radiusofthelightcylinder,do where η ≡η/0.1 and Z ≡Z/26 for iron nuclei. L L 1 26 not suffer curvature radiative losses. Energy losses by gravitational waves and electromag- In the next paragraphs, we follow the arguments of netic radiation lead to the spin-down of the pulsar (see Arons (2003) to calculate the radius at which particle Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983 and references therein)3, and acceleration is most likely to occur. We also take into thus to the production of particles of lower and lower account the effects of curvature radiation of pions that energies as time goes. Under the assumption that was not previously considered, though it could be more the Goldreich-Juliancharge density (Goldreich & Julian constraining than the curvature radiation of photons. 1969) is entirely tapped in the outflow for acceleration, and using the expression of the pulsar spin-down rate, Outside the light cylinder, the dipole field struc- one can derive the energy spectrum of the accelerated ture cannot be causally maintained and the field be- particles (Arons 2003): comes mostly azimuthal, with field lines spiraling out- wards (Michel 1991). In regions of the wind where dNi = 9 c2I E−1 1+ E −1 , (2) the rest mass density is not dominated by electron and dE 4Zeµ E positron pairs, the plasma can be considered as force- (cid:18) g(cid:19) free. Insuchregions,andforthecaseofalignedrotators, where Eg is the critical gravitational energy at which Contopoulos & Kazanas (2002) calculated that charged gravitational wave and electromagnetic losses are equal. particles flow out with a motion along the (nearly az- The gravitational wave losses start dominating at the imuthal) magnetic field lines that becomes negligible highest energies when the magnetic field of the star be- when r ≫ r = γ R . The intial Lorentz factor min,lin L L comesµ&1033cgs. Magnetarsarethusaffectedbythese of the particles entering the wind, γ , can take values L losses. For pulsars with milder fields that are the main between 10−103 depending on the magnetospheric pa- concernofthispaper,gravitationalwavelossesarenegli- rameters. Beyond r ≫ r , particles flow out nearly min,lin gible, and Eg ≫1020eV. In this case, the injected spec- radially (they “surf-ride” the fields) and the wind acts trum reads (Blasi et al. 2000): like a linear accelerator: the Lorentz factor of the out- flowing plasma increases linearly as γ ∼r/R . dN w L i =5×1023I (Z µ E )−1eV−1, (3) 45 26 30.5 20 Arons (2003) extended the work of dE Contopoulos & Kazanas (2002) to oblique rotators Thespin-downtimeatwhichparticlesofenergyE can and to regions in the wind where magnetic dissi- be accelerated in the voltage drop, when gravitational pation occurs (i.e., in non force-free regimes), for wave losses are negligible, reads (Arons 2003): r > rdiss ∼ 2κ±RL. Here κ± is the ratio between the number density of heavy ions (that we assume equal to 9 Ic3 Ei the Goldreich-Julian density) and of electron-positron t (E)= −1 (4) spin 8µ2Ω2 E pairs. Calculations of pair creation in ultra-magnetized i (cid:18)3×10(cid:19)20eV Z η I neutron stars suggest κ± ∼10−100 (Baring & Harding ∼3×107 26 1 45 s. (5) 2001). Arons (2003) discussed that surf-riding acceler- (cid:18) E (cid:19) µ30.5 ation can still occur in these more general cases. He argues further that magnetic dissipation via Alfv´en where E is the maximum acceleration energy corre- i wave emission beyond r would lead to an even more sponding to the initial angular velocity Ω. The spin- diss i efficient surf-riding process, the waves acting as strong down time at which particles of energy E can be accel- pondermotive forces on the ions. The Lorentz factor of erateddoesnotdependontheinitialrotationvelocityof the ions (of mass m) would then reach values as high the neutron star Ω, for E ≪E. i i i as γ = ZeηΦ/(mc2) > γ for r > r . The results i i w diss obtained for the unipolar induction toy-model described 2.2. Acceleration sites in Section 2.1 can then be applied. The curvature radius of a surf-riding ion at distance Variousauthorshavediscussedparticleaccelerationin- r ≫ r reads (Arons 2003): ρ = 2ργ2, where sidethelightcylinderofpulsarsandmagnetars(see,e.g., min,lin c l w Harding & Lai 2006 for a review). Possible sites include ρl ∼ ηr is the Larmor radius of the particle.4 One the polar cap region, just above the magnetic pole of can calculate that, to avoid photon curvature radiation thestar(e.g.,Sturrock1971;Harding & Muslimov2001, 2002), the “slot gap” region along the last open field 4 The complete expression of the curvature radiation given by line between the polar cap and the light cylinder (Arons Arons (2003) is ρc = 2ρlγw2/cos(Ω,µ). The angle between the 1983),andintheoutergapregionclosetothelightcylin- rotation axis and the magnetic dipole moment needs to satisfy der (e.g., Cheng et al. 1986a,b; Bednarek & Protheroe (Ω,µ) < 90◦ to avoid curvature radiations. In such a configu- ration, one can expect an outflow of ions to form from the po- 1997, 2002). Energy losses by curvature radiation are lar cap to the rotational equator, along the last closed field lines (the so-called “return current”, Goldreich&Julian 1969; Michel 3 Numerical simulations of magnetized neutron star relativistic 1975; Contopoulos etal. 1999). In the model of Arons (2003), it windssuggestthatthespin-downratemaybefasterthanobtained isspecifically this currentof ions that istapped into the windfor inthestandard“vacuum dipole”model(Bucciantini etal.2006). acceleration. 4 losses, the acceleration of particles at E ≡ E/1021eV elements, it is possible that heavy nuclei get injected in 21 needs to take place at radius greater than: the wind by these means. Z e2 1 1/6 Heavy nuclei loading of the pulsar wind by mixing r =E1/2 (6) of the stellar material via Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities min,c A46m4c4ηΩ4 (cid:18) p (cid:19) or oblique shocks was also proposed (Zhang et al. 2003; ∼6×106E1/2Z1/6A−2/3η−1/6Ω−2/3cm. (7) Wang et al. 2008). This mechanism requires however 21 26 56 1 4 that a jet goes through the stellar core, a case that is not considered in the present study. Kelvin-Helmholtz The cooling timescale for curvature radiation of pions instabilities might also occur at the interface between is more constraining; it reads (Herpay & Patk´os 2008): the wind nebula and the supernova remnant (Jun 1998; E e0.039/χ van der Swaluw et al. 2004), but it is unlikely that the tc,π =6×10−141021 eVA−561 χ s , (8) envelope in that region has a metallicity high enough to mix large amounts of heavy nuclei in the wind. where χ ≡ E2~/(ρ A2m3c5). We present here only the c p The nucleosynthesis of heavy elements by r-process case of charged pions π+, as this process dominates the in the neutrino-driven wind at the very early phase of case of the emission of π− and π0 (Herpay et al. 2008). the proto-magnetar formation has also been discussed Onecanreadilyseethatχ∼13E2 A−2η−1Ω (R /r)3 ≪ by Metzger et al. (2011a,b). These authors find that 21 56 1 4 L 1 and thus, t ≫ t , for sufficiently large r ≫ R in the production rate of nuclei with A & 56 can be c,π acc L the wind. Numerically, for the same parameters as in important during the first 1 to ∼a few 100 s, when Eq. (6), the acceleration above E21 ≡ E/1021eV needs the electron fraction Ye could be fairly low, the wind totakeplaceatr >rmin,c,π ∼2×107cmtoavoidenergy expansion time τexp . 103 s, and the entropy S . losses through curvature radiation of charged pions. 100k nucleon−1,asisrequiredforasuccessfulr-process b (see, e.g., Hoffman et al. 1997). Though these results The radiation fields in the pulsar wind are unlikely to are obtained for the case of a highly magnetized proto- impacttheaccelerationofUHECRs. Theearlyneutrino- magnetar driving a jet (as in Bucciantini et al. 2007), driven wind should end within the Kelvin-Helmholtz they can be applied in a non-collimated mildly magne- timescale of about 10−100s (Pons et al. 1999), and the tized wind case, as the evolution of S and τ is mostly windshouldthenbecomerelativisticandnonradiatively exp ruled by thermal ingredients (and the rotation speed) in dissipative. Afewdaysafterthesupernovaexplosion,the the times considered. However, we will see in the next temperature of the soft thermal photons from the sur- section that the supernova envelope at t ∼ 10−100 s face of the neutron star drops to T . 107 K and photo- is too dense to allow the escape of particles, whatever disintegration on this background radiation can also be their mass number. At later times, as the wind cools neglected,eveninsidethelightcylinder(Protheroe et al. and becomes relativistic, the neutrino heating efficiency 1998; Bednarek & Protheroe 2002). drops, shutting off the r-process. It is thus unlikely that In the pulsar wind beyond the light cylinder, pos- this channel can seed heavy nuclei in the wind in our sible acceleration sites thus lie close to the equato- framework. rial plane of the star, at a distance R > r ≡ a min max(rmin,lin,rmin,c,rmin,c,π)∼3×107−9Ω−41 cm,assum- 3. UHECRESCAPEFROMSUPERNOVAENVELOPES ing γ .103. The fact that r &r implies that the L min diss unipolar induction toy-modelcould apply, and that par- Particles accelerated in the pulsar wind further need ticles could reachultrahigh energies within this range of to escape from the pulsar wind nebula itself, and then distances. fromthe surroundingyoung supernovaenvelope. We as- sume in this study that the supernova envelope is not totally disrupted by the wind, and that particles do not 2.3. Heavy nuclei injection escape through a region punctured by a jet, like in a strongly magnetized proto-magnetar scenario discussed One can mention three channels via which heavy ions by Metzger et al. (2011a) —see Appendix A for further couldbe seededinthe neutronstarwind. Note thatsce- discussions. narios of pulsar winds loaded with heavy nuclei give a satisfactory explanation to some observations. For in- Theescapeofacceleratedionsfromthemagnetarwind stance, the morphological features of the Crab Nebula nebulawasdiscussedbyArons(2003). InSection2.2,we could be the signature of resonant scattering of pairs of arguedthatatdistancesr≫R ,thecurvatureradiusof L electrons and positrons by heavy nuclei (Hoshino et al. the ions reads: ρ ∼ 2ηr3/R ≫ r. Hence, particles are c L 1992; Gallant & Arons 1994). not coupled to the magnetic field lines and can escape the wind beyond r . The classical argument that applies best in min our scenario is that iron nuclei can be stripped In supernova envelopes, magnetic fields are of order off the neutron star surface, as has been sug- a few mG at most (see, e.g., Reynolds et al. 2011 for a gested by Ruderman & Sutherland (1975) and review). The Larmor radius of the ions is thus much Arons & Scharlemann (1979). Strong electric fields largerthanthesizeoftheenvelopeandtheirtrajectories combined with bombardment by particles can extract can be treated rectilinearly. We give in the following ions from the polar cap regions, where the co-rotation section, estimates of the density profile and composition charge is positive provided that Ω·B < 0. The surface of young supernova envelopes, that we use to study the of a neutron star being composed mainly of iron-peaked escape of UHECRs analytically and numerically. 5 3.1. Supernova envelopes sity of the envelope, the detailed density profile is not crucial to our calculations. AsdiscussedforinstancebyChevalier(2005),rotation- Under the assumption of adiabatic, spherically powered pulsars can originate in various types of core- symmetric flows, the numerical calculations of collapsesupernovæ: inTypeIIsupernoværesultingfrom Matzner & McKee (1999) show that the density of red supergiant stars with most of their hydrogen enve- a Type II supernova inthe dense centralregioncantake lope intact (SNIIP), or with most of their hydrogen lost values as high as: (SNIIL and IIb), or in Type Ib or Type Ic supernovæ (SNIb/c) that stem from stars with all their hydrogen ρ (t)∼10−16M5/2 E−3/2t−3 gcm−3 . (12) lost. See also Maeda et al. 2007, Woosley 2010, and SNII ej,10 ej,52 yr Piro & Ott 2011, Kasen & Bildsten 2010, for supernovæ Most type II supernovæ eject a mass of order M associated with magnetars. Chevalier (2005) finds that, ej,10 (Woosley & Weaver1995). This dense,relativelyflatre- of the remnants with central rotation-powered pulsars, gion extends to radius R ∼ 2(E /M )1/2t and is sur- the pulsar properties do not appear to be related to the b ej ej roundedby a steep outer power-lawprofile. The column supernova category. density that the acceleratedparticles have to traverseto Within a few days after the explosion, the supernova escape is then: enters a free expansion phase with velocity distribution v =r/t, thatlasts severalhundreds ofyears. A straight- ySNII(t)=ρSNIIRb ∼4Me2j,10Ee−j,152t−yr2 gcm−2. (13) forwardwayto model the evolutionofthe density of the ejectaistoassumethattheejectedmassMej willexpand ForTypeIb/c/bcsupernovæ,onecanapplythemodel spherically in time with a mean velocity vej over a shell of Matzner & McKee (1999) for the explosion of a star of radius RSN = vejt. The ejected velocity, Eej, relates with a radiative envelope, which yields: to the supernova explosion energy and the ejected mass through: ρ (t)=7×10−17 v −1.06× SNIb/c 0.01c 1/2 vej =2 MEej ∼109Ee1j/,522Me−j,11/02cms−1 , (9) Me1j.,927Ee−j,05(cid:16).297t−yr3 g(cid:17)cm−3 , (14) (cid:18) ej(cid:19) out to radius R , beyond which the density decreases b where we defined Mej,10 ≡ Mej/10M⊙ and Eej,52 = steeply. We have assumed in this estimate an explosion Eej/1052ergs. Mostcore-collapsesupernovæareinferred energyofEej,52andanejectamassofMej,2=Mej/2M⊙, to have explosion energy E ∼ 1051ergs. However, for which are derived from the observation of such objects ej the pulsars with millisecond to sub-millisecond periods (Drout et al. 2010). The corresponding column density, considered here, one can expect that the rotation en- taking into account the velocity distribution v = r/t, ergy of order (1/2)IΩ2 ∼ 1052ergs will be transfered reads within a fraction of a year to the surrounding ejecta Rb (see Kasen & Bildsten 2010). Depending on the radia- y (t)= ρ dr ∼9M2 E−1 t−2 gcm−2 . tion conversionefficiency of this energy,the surrounding SNIb/c SNIb/c ej,2 ej,52 yr Z0 supernovacouldbecomeultraluminous. Someultralumi- (15) nousSNIb/candSNIIhaveindeedbeendetectedwithan Equations (11), (13), and (15) agree within factors of explosion energy & 1052ergs (e.g., Nomoto et al. 2001; a few. It is thus reasonable to consider Eqs. (10) and Woosley 2010; Piro & Ott 2011; Barkov & Komissarov (11) as representative of the envelope mean density and 2010). column density, for types II and Ib/c supernovæ. Equa- The mean density over RSN(t) can then be written: tions (13), and (15) show that higher ejecta energy Eej and lower masses M would enhance the column den- ej ρ (t)= Mej ∼2×10−16M5/2 E−3/2t−3gcm−3 , sity. The effects of suchcases onparticle escape are also SN (4/3)πv3t3 ej,10 ej,52 yr discussed throughout the paper. ej (10) Onecanfurther note that ifthe pulsarwindshreds its where tyr ≡ t/1yr, which is the timescale to reach a surrounding supernova envelope, as discussed in Arons pulsar spin that enables the acceleration of iron up to (2003)forthemagnetarcase,disruptedfragmentswould ∼ 1020.5 eV (see Eq. 4). The column density integrated expand in the interstellar medium. In this case, one can over RSN as a function of time reads weightthe initial supernovadensityby C−2/3, C ≡δρ/ρ y (t)=ρ R ∼2M2 E−1 t−2 gcm−2. (11) being a factor measuring the clumpiness of the envelope SN SN SN ej,10 ej,52 yr (Murase et al. 2009). A high C wouldease the escape of UHECRs from the envelope. However, the values of C More detailed modelings show that the density evo- remaindifficulttoevaluate,asnoobservationalevidence lution of the ejecta is expected to depend on the type of such phenomena has been detected. of supernova. Yet, we demonstrate in what follows that Eq. (11) above provides a good estimate for the evolu- tion of the integrated column density of various types of Thecompositionofthesupernovaejectadependsupon supernovaenvelopes. Indeed, wewillsee inthe nextsec- the type, progenitor mass, and the final interior mass tion that the escape of UHECRs is determined by their of the supernova. CXO J164710.2-455216’s associa- interactions on the baryonic envelopes. Because these tion with the Westerlund 1 star cluster argues that at interactionssolelydependontheintegratedcolumnden- least some pulsars arise from massive star progenitors 6 (Muno et al. 2006). But, as mentioned before, rotation- The condition of escape from the supernova envelope powered pulsars and magnetars have been invoked for can thus be written as t /t <1, yielding dyn had a wide variety of supernova types. The composition of a type Ib supernova is roughly 50% helium and 50% t>tesc,p ∼1.2×107Mej,10Ee−j,15/22s for proton,(18) C/O: e.g., the Woosley (2010) progenitor is ∼50% he- t>t ∼3.8×107M E−1/2s for iron, (19) lium, ∼43% carbon and ∼7% oxygen. Type Ic super- esc,Fe ej,10 ej,52 novae (more numerous than Ib supernovae) are com- where we assumed a supernova density profile following posedalmostentirelyofC/Oandheavierelements: e.g., Eq. (10). Cosmic rays at ultrahigh energy will escape Mazzali et al. (2010) argued that SN 2007gr was com- only if they are produced at late times t & 1 yr, when posed of roughly 75% C, 15% O, 8% 56Ni, and 2% S. the envelope density has decreased. Because nuclei of Type II supernovae have a range of ejecta, ranging from charge Z at a given energy E are produced at a time roughly60%H,30%He,and10%C/Otoexplosionsvery t (E) ∝ Z (Eq. 4), one has t /t ∝ Z−2. The spin dyn had similar to type Ib supernova with small amounts of H. escape condition from the baryonic envelopes at a fixed WewilldiscussinSection3.4howtheescapedUHECR E should consequently be eased for heavier nuclei. spectrumvariesbetweenpurehydrogenandpurehelium StillassumingthesupernovadensityprofileofEq.(10), envelopes (or helium and carbon envelopes). and using the spin-down time given in Eq. (4), one can express the cut-off energy above which injected primary particles should not be able to escape the envelope: 3.2. Analytical estimates 1/2 −1 In accord with the discussion at the beginning of Sec- 8µ2Ω2 3M σξ E =E 1+ i ej (20) tainodn(31.11,)wperowviidllecaonrseiadseornianbtleheesftoilmloawtiengofththaet Eevqosl.u(t1io0n) cut,Z i  9 Ic3 4πmbve2j!  ofthedensityofthe supernovaenvelopesurroundingthe  σ 1/2 neutron star. ∼7.5×1018Z1η1I45µ−301.5Me−j,110Ee1j/,522 σp eV(21) Successful escape of UHECRs from the envelope will (cid:16) σ (cid:17) 1/2 occur if the shell crossing time tdyn is shorter than the ∼1.2×1020Z26η1I45µ−301.5Me−j,110Ee1j/,522 σFe eV(22) coolingtimebyhadronic,t ,andphoto-hadronic,t , had Nγ (cid:16) (cid:17) interactions. wherethefirstnumericalapplicationcorrespondstopro- tons and the second to iron nuclei. Note that under the TheaccelerationofaparticletotheenergyE happens crude approximation that σ ∝ A2/3, E ∝ Z/A1/3. cut,Z atatime after pulsarbirth: t(E)≃t (E). We canas- spin For E ≪E, E does not depend on Ω. cut,Z i cut,Z i sumethatthethicknessofthesupernovashelltotraverse at a time t is given by R ≃tv . Indeed, from the val- This trend is illustrated in Figure 1, where the main SN ej uesgiveninSection2.2,the accelerationsite Ra ≪RSN, timescalesatplayaredisplayed: tdyn andthad asa func- as soon as t & 100 s. The crossing time for UHECRs tion of particle energy E, for various pulsar parameters traveling at the speed of light then reads: Ω and µ, and for both pure iron and pure proton injec- tions. As expected, iron particles can escape the enve- R v lope at higher energies, as they can reach these energies SN ej tdyn(E)≃ c ≃ c tspin(E) . (16) at later times. Lower magnetic fields (µ . 1031) lead to longer t at a fixed E (Eq. 4), while high pulsations spin As the expansion time scale of the envelope is tex = (Ω&104s) lead to higher acceleration energies (Eq. 1). R /v ≃ t < t , one can neglect the evolution SN ej spin dyn of the envelope density during the escape of a particle. When iron nuclei are injected, secondary particles are produced by hadronic interactions for times t < t . esc,Fe The timescale for hadronic interaction losses can be Thesesecondariesofmassandchargenumbers(A,Z)can expressed as: escapethe envelopeonly attimes t>t , wheret esc,Z esc,Z is defined as the time at which t /t = 1. Hence, t (E)=m {cρ [t (E)]σ(E)ξ(E)}−1 , (17) dyn had had b SN spin secondariesthat will escape from the envelope have nec- essarily been produced between t < t < t , i.e., where m is the mass of the dominant target ion com- esc,Z esc,Fe b the lightest secondaries will escape first. This translates posing the envelope. The parameters ξ(E) and σ(E) in terms of the energy range of the primary iron to: are the elasticity and the cross-sectionof the interaction E <E <E (t ), where we can further express at energy E. For our analytical estimates, we evalu- cut,Fe Fe esc,Z E (t ) = (26/Z)E . The main fragment among ate their values roughly from the hadronic interaction Fe esc,Z cut,Z secondary particles will thus emerge from the envelope model EPOS (Werner et al. 2006). We assume that the between energies E′ .E .E′ , with cross-sections of the hadronic interactions do not vary low,Z cut,Z fsotrropnrgoltyoanb-porvoetEon>in1te0r1a8cetVionasndansedtσthFeem=t1o.2σ5pb=fo1r3i0romnb- El′ow,Z≡5A6Ecut,Fe (23) protoninteractions. The number ofnucleons carriedout ateachinteractioncanvaryfrom1toA−1,withalarge ∼2.1×1018Aη1I45µ−301.5Me−j,110Ee1j/,522eV , spread in values. For demonstrative purposes, we take 26A an average value of ξ =0.4 for both p−p and p−Fe in- E′ ≡ E (24) cut,Z 56Z cut,Z teractions. These calculations are done accurately using EPOS in our numerical calculations in the next section. ∼3.5×1018Aη I µ−1 M−1 E1/2 eV. 1 45 30.5 ej,10 ej,52 7 Fig.1.— Timescales at play for the escape of UHECRs from a supernova envelope with Mej,10 and Eej,52. The crossing time tdyn (dashedlines)andenergylosstimebyhadronicinteractionsthad (solidlines)aredisplayedasafunctionofparticleenergyE,forpureiron (red) and pure proton (blue) injections. The timescales are calculated for various pulsar initial rotation velocities Ωi =103,104s−1 and magneticdipolemoments µ=1030 to1031.5cgs,aslabeled. Theother pulsarparametersaresettoI=1045gcm2,η=0.1. The numerical estimates are calculated for secondary time by photo-disintegrationof order: protons. Peaksofthe varioussecondaryelements should appear in the escaped cosmic-ray spectrum at their re- spective energies. A tail due to lower energy secondary tAγ,th=[cξAγ(∆ǫAγ/ǫ¯Aγ)σAγUth/ǫγ]−1 (25) nucleons (E <E′ ) followingapproximatelya power- 3/8 lawwithindex∼lo−w,1Z/2shouldalsobeproducedtogether ∼105A−0.21 Eej,52 M−9/8t9/4s (26) withthemainfragment,downtoPeVenergies. Theam- 56 ηγ2,1ηt2h! ej,10 yr plitude of this tail around ∼ E′ is about a fraction low,Z of the number of the main fragment. where ∆ǫ /ǫ¯ ∼ 0.4A0.21, σ ∼ 8×10−26A cm−2 From Eq. (16) and (17), one can derive: Aγ Aγ 56 Aγ 56 (Murase et al. 2008), and we take for the elastic- tdyn/thad ∼ 3 × 1010t−22Me2j,10Ee−j,152 at t2 ≡ t/100s, ity of the Aγ interaction: ξAγ = 1/A (which for (A,Z) = (90,40). We assumed a cross-section is a crude approximation). This estimate of σ = 1.5b for nuclei-proton interactions and an elas- the cooling time is valid for cosmic-ray energy 90 ticity of ξ = 0.4, at energies E ∼ 1020 eV (in the target E ∼4×1017(η η )−1/4E1/8 M−3/8t3/4eV, and A,peak γ,1 th ej,52 ej,10 yr rest-mass frame). This demonstrates that nuclei with isaboutoneorderofmagnitudelargerforE &E , A & 56 that could be injected at times t ∼ 10−100 s A A,peak as the photo-disintegration cross-section lowers. At the if a successful r-process occurred in the neutrino-driven highest energies (E ∼ 1020eV), photo-disintegration wind (Section 2.3), cannot survive the crossing of the A couldthus play arole onthe escape ofcosmic raysif the supernova envelope. radiation and thermalization efficiencies are higher than η η &10−2. Therateofwindenergygoingtoradiation γ th Ultrahigh energy ions could also experience photo- is evaluated to be of order 10% (e.g., Kasen & Bildsten disintegrationin the radiationfields generatedatthe in- 2010), but the thermalization fraction of these photons, terfacebetweenthepulsarwindandthesupernovashell. ηth, is not known, due to the uncertainties on the opacities in the internal shock region. Mixing and This radiation field can be expected to be significant Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities effects creating finger-type if the supernova explosion is driven by the pulsar wind, structures could lead to a leaking of the high energy asexpectedformillisecondrotators. Afractionη ofthe γ photons, and the thermalization fraction could be as wind energy ∼ (1/2)IΩ2 can be converted to radiative i low as . 10%. A higher acceleration efficiency η would energy via internal shocks and another fraction η of th alsoenable particles to reachthe highest energiesby the thisradiationthenthermalizesdependingontheopacity time the radiation field intensity has become negligible. ofthemedium. Thisthermalcomponentpeaksatenergy Given these uncertainties, and for simplicity, we will ǫγ =kT ∼0.4(ηγ,1ηth)1/4Ee−j,15/28Me3j/,180ty−r3/4eV, with en- assume in this paper that the radiation field can be ergy density U ∼ 0.5η η E−1/2M3/2t−3ergcm−3, neglectedfor the escape of UHECRs fromsupernova en- th γ,1 th ej,52 ej yr velopes,thebaryonicbackgroundplayingthemajorrole. where η ≡η /0.1. This backgroundleads to a cooling γ,1 γ To summarize, the conditions for successful accelera- 8 tion and escape above 1020eV can be written as: BΩ2 &(1012.4G)×(104s−1)2Z−1η−1R−3 i 26 1 ∗,10 (27) (B .1012.8GZ26A5−61/3η1I45Me−j,110Ee1j/,522R∗−,310 Highervaluesofthemagneticfieldwouldallowhigherac- celeration energies, but would require lower ejecta mass and higher explosion energies. Note that 10M⊙ can be viewed as an upper bound for the ejecta mass for type II supernovæ (Woosley et al. 2002). One might also advocate that the presence of clumps could lower the overall densities and allow the escape of particles at E > 1020 eV. All in all, the parameter space allowed for successfulaccelerationandescape appearsto be nar- row, but we will see in Section 4.1 that the low rate of sourcesrequiredtoaccountfortheobservedUHECRflux would compensate for this issue. A higher acceleration efficiency η would also broaden the allowed parameter space. 3.3. Numerical Setup Fig. 2.—UHECRspectrumbefore(dash)andafter(solid)escape As discussed in the previous section, the hadronic in- fromahydrogen supernovaenvelopewithMej,10 andEej,52,with teraction between UHECRs and the baryonic envelopes pηu=re0p.1r,otΩon=i1n0je4c.0tiso−n1.,Tahnedpµu=lsa1r03p0a.r5acmgse.ters are I =1045gcm2, is the determinant factor that would affect the injected UHECR spectrum. pulsars embedded in pure hydrogen, helium and carbon supernovæ. The interactionswith the baryonicenvelopeswerecal- culated by Monte-Carlo for injected nuclei and their secondaries. As in Kotera et al. (2009), we used the 3.4. Numerical Results hadronic interaction model EPOS (Werner et al. 2006) andthefragmentationmodelofCampi & Hu¨fner(1981), We first assume a pure hydrogen envelope. The re- as implemented in the air shower simulation code sults are presented in Section 3.4.1. Simulations using CONEX (Bergmann et al. 2007). more supernova envelopes with heavier composition are discussed in Section 3.4.2. In the case of a non-hydrogen baryonic envelope, the interaction products can be derived from the nuclei- 3.4.1. Pure Hydrogen supernova envelope proton interaction case by a superposition law. In the targetrestframe,theproductsoftheinteractionbetween Figure 2 presents the injected (in dash line) and es- aprojectileofmassnumberandenergy(A ,E )and proj proj caped (in solid line) spectra of pure proton injection by atargetnucleusofmassnumberA areroughlyequiv- targ a pulsar with initial angular speed Ω = 104s−1 and alent to A times the products of the interaction be- i targ magnetic dipole moment µ = 1030.5cgs. The injected tween a projectile with (A ,E /A ) and a target proj proj targ spectrum follows the characteristic −1 spectral index in proton. The exact cross-sections are nonetheless com- Eq. (2). As predicted in Eq. (21) UHE protons above puted with EPOS. ∼10EeVfailtoescapethesupernovaenvelope,sincethe In the simulations, we modeled pulsars with initial region is still very dense at the time they are produced. angular velocity Ωi ∼ 103.0−4.2s−1 and magnetic mo- Below a few EeVs protons are free to escape. Protons ment µ ∼ 1030−33cgs, corresponding to a surface mag- with energy in between can partially escape with signifi- netic dipole field B ∼ 2×1012−15G. Notice that there cant flux suppression. EPOS shows that for one 10EeV is an upper limit (∼ 104.2s−1) on the initial angular primary proton, the peak of interaction products lies at speed (Haensel et al. 1999). For each set of parame- 1014eV; the chance of resulting a secondaryprotonwith ters, 107 cosmic rays are injected following a power-law E ≥ 1017eV is less than 0.01. Therefore we can barely energy spectrum as in Eq. (2) with minimum injection see the secondary protons in our energy window of sim- energy E = 1017eV, and the maximum acceleration ulation. min energy E calculated in Eq. (1). Above E, the spec- i i The spectra of pure iron injection by pulsars with trum cuts-off exponentially. Nuclei with initial energy Ω =104s−1andµ=1030.5,1031.5cgsareshowninFig3. E are injected at a radius Ra = 1010 cm (correspond- Ini the top plot (µ = 1030.5cgs, Ω = 104s−1), primary ing to ∼ 3rmin for Ωi = 104s−1, see discussion in Sec- iron nuclei with energy up to E = 1.2 × 1020eV tion 2.2) at the time t (E), and propagate through a cut,Fe spin can escape without significant loss. As discussed in our supernova envelope of total ejected mass 10M⊙ (2M⊙ analytical estimates, most secondaries should originate in Type Ib/c supernova case) expanding at a constant from primary iron nuclei with energy between E = rate vej = 109Ee1j/,522Me−j,11/02cms−1. The evolution of the 1.2×1020eVand56×Ecut,p=4.2×1020eV,correcuspt,Foend- ejecta density is assumedto follow Eq. (10). We studied ing to the iron cutoff and iron mass number times the 9 When the magnetic field is 10 times stronger (µ = 1031.5cgs,Ω = 104s−1, bottom plot of Fig 3), the pul- i sar spins faster and the cutoff for primary and secon- daries are lowered by 10 times (see Eq. 24). Hence, the µ = 1031.5cgs case presents a similar shape as the µ =1030.5cgs case except an overall shift to lower ener- gies by a factor of 10. As pointed out in Section 2.1, at low energies when E ≪E the gravitational wave losses are negligible and g t is independent on the initial rotation speed Ω for spin i E ≪ E. A pulsar with higher initial angular veloc- i ity can inject UHECRs with greater maximum energy. However a minimum spin period ∼0.4ms is allowed for neutron stars (Haensel et al. 1999) corresponding to an upper limit (∼ 104.2s−1) on the initial angular speed. Magnetic dipole moments µ greater than 1032cgs would make the spin-down process too fast to allow UHECR escape. On the other hand pulsarswith µ<1030cgs are not energetic enough to accelerate particles to ultrahigh energy (see Eq. 27). To determine the best escaping re- gionwe ran a parameter scanwith 15×15 sets of (Ω,µ) and the results are presented in Figure 4. Wedefine the cut-offenergyE asthe energythe ra- cut tiobetweentheescapedandinjectedparticlesislessthan 10%. Itcorrespondsapproximatelytothehighestenergy ofescapedcosmicraysE definedinEq.(21). InFig- cut,Z ure4,the contoursrepresentE reachedafterescaping cut hydrogensupernova envelopes with M and E for ej,10 ej,52 pulsarswithdipolemomentµandinitialangularvelocity Ω. In the proton case (top), protons with energy above i 1020eV cannot escape the supernova envelope in our model. In the ironcontours(bottom), the parameter re- gion with (µ≈1030.00−30.72cgs)×(Ω ≈103.95−4.20s−1) i allowsthe escape ofironnucleiwith energygreaterthan 1020eV. Thisparameterscanisbasedonasupernovaen- velope with density profile described inEq. (10). Higher values of explosion energy and lower ejecta mass could lead to a broader enclosed parameter region that allows the escape, as E scales with M−1 E1/2 (Eq. 20). cut,Z ej,10 ej,52 Our results agree with the theoretical prediction from Fig.1inBlasi et al.(2000),exceptthatwehaveasmaller parameterareathat allowsescape. This comes from our Fig.3.— UHECR spectrum before (dash) and after (solid and dashdotted)escapefromhydrogensupernovaenvelopewithMej,10 assumption that only η ∼ 10% of the induced potential and Eej,52, with pure iron injection. The pulsar parameters are turns into UHECR energy. I = 1045gcm2, η = 0.1, Ω = 104s−1, and µ = 1030.5cgs (top), and µ=1031.5cgs (bottom). Different compositions are listed as 3.4.2. Helium-Carbon/Hydrogen-Helium supernova inthelegendbox. envelopes cutoffofsecondaryprotons. InagreementwithEq.(24), ResultsinFigure5arefromsimulationswithanejecta secondaries lie between (1.0−5.0)×1018eV for proton, mass of Mej = 10M⊙, explosion energy Eej = 1052ergs, 2.0×1018−1.3×1019eV for helium, 7.9×1018−4.0× and a composition of pure 4He (top) and pure 12C (bot- 1019eV for CNO, (1.3−7.1)×1019eV for Mg-like ele- tom). As discussed in Sec. 3.3, realistic envelopes for ments and2.0×1019−1.1×1020eV for Si-likeelements, SNII and SNIb/c are more complicated and could be withthepeakpositionsscaledtothemassnumberofthe evaluated by a combination of Fig. 3 and 5. Spectra of elements and the bump width being almost the same in UHECRs escaped from envelopes abundant in heavier logarithmic coordinates. The significant tail of protons elementsmaintainfeaturesfromthatwith apurehydro- below 1EeV comes from the products of the hadronic gen envelope. For instance, in case of a pure helium interactions. On average, each interaction of a 500EeV envelope (top plot in Fig. 5), the spectrum preserves iron nucleus results in one EeV proton among its prod- the ‘original’ secondary peaks at 6.3× 1017eV for hy- ucts. Thestrongsignalsfromsecondarynucleicontribute drogen,2.5×1018eV for helium, 8.0×1018eV for CNO, to a steeper overall spectrum (in solid black) which fol- 1.3×1019eV for Mg-like elements and 2.5×1019eV for lows ∼E−2 at 1018.5−1020eV. Si-like elements. These peaks are similar to the ones in 10 Fig. 4.—Parameterspacewithcut-offenergy(Ecut,Z)contours, Fig.5.—UHECRspectrumafterescapefromasupernovaenve- for a hydrogen supernova envelope with Mej,10 and Eej,52, and lopewithMej,10andEej,52,withcomposition(top): 100%4Heand pulsarparameters I45 andη1. Thesolidlines referto cut-offpar- (bottom): 100% 12C. The pulsar parameters are I = 1045gcm2, ticleenergies aftertheescape. Upisprotoninjectionanddownis η=0.1,Ω=104s−1,andµ=1030.5cgs. ironinjection. Noticethatcurrentneutronstarmodelssuggestan upper limitof rotational speed at Ωi ≤ 104.2s−1. Note also that tribute to an increment of primaries around 4×1019eV Ecut,Z scaleswithMe−j,110Ee1j/,522 (Eq.20). for helium envelopes and 1.3 × 1019eV for carbon en- velopes. a pure hydrogen envelope (see the first plot of Fig. 3), except that they are located at 4 times lower in energy, 4. IMPLICATIONSFORTHESCENARIOOFUHECR due to the 4 times heavier interactant. PRODUCTIONINNEWLY-BORNPULSARS The case of heavy envelopes can generate multiple ThesuccessofaUHECRsourcescenarioliesinitsabil- peaks to the left of the original peaks due to multiple ity to reproduce these observations: i) the energy spec- products. According to the superposition law, the num- berofproductsscaleswithAN afterN interactionswith trum, ii) the composition, iii) the anisotropy,and iv) on the fact that it requires a rate of sources consistentwith envelope baryons of mass number A. So the later gener- the population studies inferred from other astronomical ations (tertiaries and so forth) whose energy are mostly observations. below 1018eV are far more numerous than the earlier generations(primariesandsecondaries). This bringsthe As we discuss in this section, the results obtained in low end of the original peaks up to be a second, or even this paper suggest that all four points could be rea- thirdadditionalpeaksforallcompositions;theyalsocon- sonably achieved in the extragalactic rotation-powered

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