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Newell Industries SBM 130 v1.1 source code PDF

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Preview Newell Industries SBM 130 v1.1 source code

" ) 3 1000 Rem .SBM130 1.1 01/26/86 1010 Goto 2500 1020 Graphics 2: Poke 710, Cl spoke 712, C2s Poke 755, Is Return 1025 Graphics 0s Poke 710, Cl sPoke 712, C2s Return 1030 Position 2,9:? V^ii+^N^gpo" *' 1040 Return 1045 Trap 1045: Posi ti on 2,2:? "NUMBER OF LABEL LINES " Lab : Posi tion 23,2: Input L ab: Return 1050 Position 1,2: Input Cn$: If Cn$=" " Then Cn$=" " : Posi ti on 2,2:? Cnf: Cn2f=" " : Cal " : Ca2«~" " : Return 1055 Position 1,4: Input Cn2f: Posi ti on 1,6: Input Calf: Posi ti on 1,8: Input Ca2$:Ret urn 1060 Position 1,10: Input Pont 1070 Return 1080 ? ? "PART NUMBER" Input Pnf: If Pn$="END" Or Pn$*"NEXT" Then Return : : 1090 T$="#",Pn$, "<3" 1100 F=*Find<Pnptf,TS,0> :T*F: If F=0 Then ? " lloR’TT^i" F : or W=1 To 100: Next W: Return 1110 F=»Find (Pnpt*, "@",F) S*Val <Pnpt$(F+l) : ) 1120 F=Find <Pnpt$, "&",F> B-Val (Pnpt$(F+l) Return : ) s 1130 Trap 1150: Open #1 , 4, 0, "D2: INVFIL. DAT" : Return 1140 Point #l,S,B:Rget #1 , Pnf, Desf, Vnf, Valf, Va2f, Qoh, Locf, Reo, Cost , Pri , Sold , Tds, Qoo,Pg 1150 Close #1 : Return 1160 Trap 1210:Close #1 1170 Open # 8 0 "D SETUP2. DAT" Rput #1 Df, Dtot In, Ytd, Ptd, Ttd, Nac, Tr Ml M2, M7, 1 , , , 1 : : , , , , M8 M9, M10 , 1180 Goto 1210 1190 Trap 1210: Close #l:0pen #1 , 12, 0, "D2: INVFIL. DAT" 1200 Point #1 , S, B: Rput 41 , Pnf , Desf, Vnf, Va14, Va2f , Qoh, Locf, Reo, Cost, Pri , Sold , Tds, Qoo, Pg 1210 Close # Return 1 : 1215 ? "}ENTER FIRST LETTER OF YOUR CHOICE." 1220 Close #2: Open #2, 4, 0, "K: " : Get #2, Key: Close #2 1230 Sound 0, 100, 10, 14: For W=1 To 4:Next W:Sound 0, 0, 0, 0: Return 1240 T$="#", Accf, "ti" 1250 F=Find <Acptf, Tt, 0) : T*F: If F**0 Then II -'*££11n* WSJppci-'**114-hi<*-'0 ftfj.t-' " : F or W«1 To 100: Next W: Return 1260 F*Find <Acpt$, "<1" ,F) iSa-Val <Acpt$<F+l> 1270 F«*Find (Acptf, F) Ba**Val (Acptf (F+l Return , : ) ) : 1280 Close #l:Trap 1300: Open #1 , 4, 0, "D1 : ACCOUNT. DAT" : Return 1290 Point #1 , Sa, Ba: Rget #1 , Cnf, Cn2*, Cal*, Ca2$, Tdt , Pd, Bd, Acc, Trm* 1300 Close #1: Return 1310 Trap 1340: Open #1 , 12, 0, "D1 : ACCOUNT. DAT" : Return 1320 Position 11,0:? Acc:Position 2,2:? Cnt:Position 2,4:? Cn2f : Posi tion 2,6:? C al$: Posi ti on 2,8:? Ca2$ 1330 Return ' r 1340 ? #7; Chrf <Pt 1 > : ; Acc 1350 ? #7; Using Fl$,Cnt, "TO DATE TOT", Tdt 1360 ? #7; Using Flf, Cal*, "PAID TO DATE", Pd 1370 ? #7; Using Flf, Ca2f, "BALANCE DUE" Bd , 1380 Rc*Rc+l:If Rc>14 Then ? #7 Chrf (Pt4) Rc=“0 ; : 1390 Return 1400 Position 2,2:? "ENTER ACCOUNT NUMBER OR NAME": Input T$ 1420 Return 1425 Close #l:0pen #1 , 4, 0, "D1 : ACCPT. DAT" : Rget #1 , Acptf: Return 1430 Close #7:0pen #7,8,0, "P: 144u Return 1450 Close #1 : Open #1 , 4, 0, "D1 : ACCOUNT. DAT" 1460 Return 1470 Point #1 Sa, Ba: Rget #1 Cnf, Cn2$, Calf, Ca2f, Tdt, Pd, Bd, Acc, Trmf: Return , , 1480 Note #1 , Sa, Ba: Rget #1 , Cnf, Cn2t, Cal*, Ca2f, Tdt, Pd, Bd, Acc , Trmf: Return 1490 Point #1 , Sa, Ba: Rput #1 , Cnf, Cn2f, Calf , Ca2f, Tdt, Pd, Bd, Acc , Trmf: Return 1500 CloseIL #1 : Open #1 , 12, 0,A1 "D1 : ACCOUNT. DAT" : Return •ri-Xr>j*.“n*•f.-f .1.t."*11f•-.it «» ,— t- i _ * "! " ( 3s? M ll¥«lll>f*V-'V»i{M11 1520 Position 2,5s? "£nu« l!”:pd~;&SIbpuu,‘ 3 Posi ti on 2,7s? "£§*B "•-'u®-'§§¥" : Return 1530 Position 2,?:? Return ; 1540 Position 1,10s Input Trm*:Return 1550 Tt*"#", Acc*, 1560 F=Find<Acpt*,T*,0) sT*Fs If F«0 Then 7 II ->*££IIR*«-'*IKp-'fu-'* i For W= To 100# Next Ws Return 1 1570 Position 2,10s? Trm*s Return 1580 ? #75 Chr* (Pt2) ; Acc; Tab (3) ; Cn*j Tab (45) ; Cai*5 Tab (32) ; Ca2*; Tab ( 1 19) ; Trm$; Chr* Pt3) 1590 Rc=Rc-*-l:If Rc >56 Then ? #7; Chr* (Pt4) Rc=0 s 1600 Return 1610 Position 2, 11 s? “4 s Posi tion 2,13s? "¥&§I" s Positi on 2,15s? £jj" 1620 Return 1630 Position 2,12s? TdtsPosition 2,14s? PdsPosition 2,16s? Bd 1640 Return 1650 Position 1,12s Input TdtsPosition 1,14s Input PdsPosition 1,16s Input Bd 1660 Return 1670 ? #7; Chr* (F’tl Acc ) ; 5 1680 ? #7; Cn$s ? #7?Cn2* 1690 ? #7; Cal* 1700 ? #7 Ca2* ; 1710 For W= To Lab-5 ? #7 Next W 1 3 3 1720 Return 1730 ? "lt££llR1*^"|Acc ? Cn*s? Cn2* 3 1740 ? Cal* 1750 ? Ca2*s? 1760 Return 1770 Gpm^Os If Cost>0 And Pri>0 Then Gpm*5 ( Int (( 1- (Cost/Fri )) *1000) ) /10 1780 Position 2,2s? ,,¥Afc>4-/!$RS?5)JC>® ";Pn* 1790 ? "Ipu£bi¥*§ Half's? Desf 1800 ? Map**5llcnTH :? Vn*s? Val*:? Va2* 1810 ? "Silt® " ;Qohs? "!4ll£A*§ll*i® " ; Loc*s Posi ti on 23,10s? " ’¥£ "jGpm;"'/. " 1820 ? "dpllbSpd-^lli*!'*® " jReos? "£tlu®®*" 5 Costs ? '‘uaiip-^oSCp®*" 5 Pri 1830 ? " Sol ds ? "<tH6a>£-;Sn^Ao-'aA^Np-,uii«<a®$" Tdss ? "^B-MI^-Mldapo® j 5 " Qoo ; 1840 ? " 'dllRV® "jPg 1850 Return 1860 Position 14,2s Input Pn*s If Pn**s',END" Then Return 1870 Position 1,4s Input Des*: Posi ti on 1,6s Input VnfsF'osition 1,7s Input Valt: Posi tion 1,3s Input Va2* 1880 Trap 1880s Posi ti on 6, 9s Input Qohs Posi tion 11,10s Input Loc* 1890 Trap 1890s Position 16, 11: Input Reo 1900 Trap 1900s Posi tion 7, 12s Input Cost 1910 Trap 1910s Position 13, 13s Input Pri 1920 Trap 1920s Positi on 15, 14s Input Sold 1930 Trap 1930s Position 26, 15s Input Tds 1940 Trap 1940s Positi on 15, 16s Input Qoo ' • 1950 Trap 1950: Positi on S, 17s Input Pg I960 Return 1970 T*»"#",Pn*, "iS" 1980 F»Find (Pnpt¥, T*, 0) If T«F Then Return s 1990 If F>0 Then ? " ¥&b®-/$R8gpa-'&!iapaSB-/pu§u«’'*''*''*‘' s For W=1 To 100: Next W 2000 Return 2010 End 2020 F1*—" 5 ! * ! • * • } J ; ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TiTTTVTTTr Tu»uTtiiTiMTrriTtT TiTttatinttTtTiTkTi TaTTaT aITaT»TaT ##. ## ##### *!!!!!!!!! " 22004300 ?F1*#7«:F?1 #f7"p##Ta#b##(#32. -##Len##(#Cn#f#-#)./2#)#; C#n#f#;. #" " ; D* ( 1 , 2) ; D$ (3,4) f "/"j D* (5) ; Chr* (Pt2 ? #7 ) s 2050 ? #7; "PART # DESCRIPTION GROUP Q0H COST PRICE QOO LOCATION "j 2060 ? #7j T/C0ST T/RETAIL GPM" 2070 For W=1 To 120s? #7} Next Ws? #7 | s 205 85 Trap 2090s O"pen #7, 8, 0, "F's "" t » " L , 2090 Trap 2085s? #7$ Using Fl$ Pn$, Des* Pg Qoh Cost Pri Qoo, Loc*, Tcost. Tpri Gpm , , , , , , , , 2100 Gtc“Gtc+Tcost Gtp*=Gtp+Tpr : i 2110 Li ne=Line+1 If Line>=60 Then ? #7? Chr* (Ft3) Chr* (Pt4) Goto 2040 : p s 2120 Return 2130 Trap 2140: If Vn*< 1 , Len (Cn*> ) -Cn* Then 2090 2140 Return 2150 If Pg*Pgn Then 2090 2160 Ret*urn 2170 F1 "•!><!!'!!!!! 1 1 ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 !!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!! #####. ##" 2180 ? #7s ? #7; Tab (27) p "PRICE LIST " f D* < 1 , 2> p p D* <3, 4) p "/" p D* <5) i ? #7 2190 ? #7| "PART # DESCRIPTION LOCATION PRICE" 2200 For W-l To 78s? #7; "*" Next Ws? #7 ; s 2210 Li ne=4s Return 2215 Trap 2220s Open #7,8,0, "Pi" 2220 Trap 2215s? #7; Using FI*, Pn*, Des* Loot, Pri , 2230 Li ne=Li ne+1 s If Lin#*60 Then ? #7p Chr* (Pt4) : Goto 2180 / 2240 Return 2250 If Qoh+Qoo<Reo Then 2090 2260 Return 2270 »’» I I I 1 I I I • I t I « 1 I I I 1 I I I I ;»« 1 J I 1 * * I t I » I I I I I I I I I » I I I # ##### !!!!!!!!!! ######### ######.##'' 22S0 ? #7p Chr* (Ptl) p "TURN REPORT “ p D*< 1 , 2) p "/" j D* <3, 4) ? "/" { D* (5) 2290 ? #7p Chr* <Pt2) 2300 ? #7j "PART # DESCRIPTION QOH COST PRI CE QOO LOCATION TURN AMOUNT" 2310 For W=i To 120:? #7? New Ws? #7 ' p s 2320 Return 2330 Trap 2340s Close #7: Open #7, 8, 0, "Ps " s Goto 2350 2340 ? " Gosub 1220: Goto 2330 s 2350 ? #7pN*i? #7p A*: ? #7pAl*s? #7pMisc* 60 #7: ? #7:? #7; Tab (30) p Chr* <Pt1 ) ; "PURCHASE ORDER":? #7pTab(33) pChr*(Ptl)p "# " M10s ? #7 2370 ? #7s? #7s ^3=aEi»rir8®i«:sK!aa»«r5tsr3»w«»ss:sc=s:=s;s2!St:!£KiaK3K3;83s;3s;3s:3S3s:3=:3:s»ss3a!n 2380 ? #7; Chr* (Pt1 ) $ "VENDER: " ; Tab (21 ) p "SHIP TOs 2390 ? #7p Pv*p Tab <40> N* j 2400 ? #7pPal*p'Tab (40) A* ; 2410 ? #7p Pa2*p Tab (40) pAl* 2420 ? #7* 11asaassBaaBfflatsaasassssaaasasssfsassBasswsswaBaeattaaaRaaasacfflassssKaBssassssaa!J ; 7 #75 7 #7 2430 ? #7p "PART Tab ( 14) p "DESC. /VENDOR P/N" ; Tab (52) p "QUAN" ; Tab (58) ; "PRICE EA"; Tab 68) ; "EXT. PRICE" < 2440 ? #7n 11 asswap#swtaraiwiwwas* was»*«•*#»aswarnwaswas:»SB^ 5^2r^s:sK:3=x:5s:2c:aa:,, 2450 Te*=l: Return 2460 Fit*1"#### #####.## #####.##" 2465 Trap 2470s Open #7,8,0, "P: 2470 Trap 2465s? #7p Pn*p Tab < 14) p Des*; Tab (52) p i ? #7} Using FI*, Hm, Cost, Coat*Hm 2480 Tot=Tot+Cost*Hm O ^ p<g ^ji» 2500 Gosub 1020s Position 6,3s? #6; "SBM 130" : Position 3,5s? #6; "COPYRIGHT 1985" 2501 Position 2,7s? #6;"newell industries":? "COMPILING PROGRAM":? "INSTALL DAT , A DISK IN DRIVES 1 and 2" 2502 Fast :? " PRESS RETURN WHEN READY"p 2505 Dim Cl*<3) ,C2*<3) , D* (7) , Q* <7) , N* (40) , A* (40) , Al* (40) , Mi sc* (20) ,T*(13) ,F1*( 12 0) , F2* (10) , Acc*(10) , Trm* (12) 2506 M3*1000s Max"29000s Dim S*(5),B*(4) 2510 Dim Pn* (12) , Des* (30) ,Vn*(35) , Val*(35) ,Va2*(35) ,Loc*(10) ,Cn*(35> ,Cn2*<35) , Ca 1* (35) ,Ca2*(35) ,Pon*(12) - 770 2515 Input T*s? , " 3-^11*55^ ’‘•/S^Spupu" s Poke ^1913,87' |J 2520 Trap 7999s Open #1 , 4, 0, "Di : SETUP. DAT" s Rget #1 , Cl*, C2*, N*, A*, Al*, Miac*, Pt1 , Pt 2, Pt3, Pt4, M3, M4, M5, M6 2530 Close #l:Qpen #1 , 4, 0, ”D1 s SETUP2. DAT" s Rget #1 , D$, Dtot, In, Ytd, Ptd, Ttd, Nac, Tr Ml M2, M7, MS, M9, M10 , 2540 Dim Acpt* (Max *M1 Pnpt* (Max #M2) ) , 2550 Trap 2560s Gosub 1425 •— .< “i”. Tl, 1t&T T\/V3TI -Ei.xr* -T-«» 0 7 5 " " " ? 2570 Close #1 Cl=Val (Clt C2=Val (C2t) : ) s 2600 Dtt=Dt 2610 ? "I DATE IS " ; Dt; " MMDDYY" 2620 ? "RETURN OR ENTER NEW DATE"! "EXAMPLE! 010133* (JAN. 1, S3) s Input Ot 2630 If Len(Qt)>6 Then 2610 • -v 2640 If Len (Clt) >5 Then Dtt*Qt 22665600 ?If "3KDeAyTOEAsIcS (""Y;"Dt)fA; n"d (KYayO<R>NA>sc?"< "5 y:"Go)suTbhen12D20tt*Dt:Goto 2610 2670 Dt*Dtt:If Q**"" Then 2690 2680 Dtot®0: Gosub 1160 2690 Gosub 1020 2700 Position 1,2:? #6; "Reports" : Posi ti on 1,3a? #6; " Invoi ci ng 2710 Position 1,4:? #6; "Mail 1 i st" t Posi tion 1,5:? #6; "Add/edit inventory" : Posi ti on 1,6:? #65 "Ordering receiving" 2720 Position 1,7:? #65 "System setup" : Position 1.9:? #6: "Quit" 2740 Gosub 1215: If Key<65 Or Key>90 Then 2740 2750 Position 0,9 2760 If Key*Asc("R"> Then 3940 m a 2770 If Key*Asc ( " I " ) Then i-weDrU 2780 If Key*Asc < "M" > Then jCf120 2790 If Key*Asc ( "A" > Then 5550 2800 If Key®Asc ( "0" ) Then 6350 2810 If Key=Asc<"S"> Then 7/77 2820 If Key*Asc("Q") Then ? ">REMOVE DISKETTES AND TURN SYSTEM OFF": End 2830 Goto 2690 22886500 PGoossuibtio1n0201:,4Po:s?i#ti65on"Ex1,i2t :"?: Po#s6i; t"Siaolne"1,: 5P:os7i #t6i o;n"Re1t,u3r:n? t#o65 s"tIoncvken":tPoorsyi tion 1,6:? #65 "Totals" 2870 Position 1,7a? #6$ "Close out day" : Posi ti on 1,3 ? #65 "Quote" 2890 Gosub 1215 2910 Quote*0: If Key*Asc<"S") Then 2990 2920 If Key=Asc < " I " ) Then 3660 2930 If Key*Asc ( "E" )• Then 2690 2940 If Key*Asc("R") Then 3720 2950 If Key*Asc("T") Then 3840 2960 If Key*Asc ( "C" Then o>870 ) 2970 If Key*Asc("Q"> Then Quote*1 : Goto 2990 2980 Goto 2850 2990 Gosub 1025: Posi tion 14,0:? " i^ali : Positi on 13,1:? "RETURN TO QUIT" 3000 If Quote>0 Then Position 14,0:? "u&^'pu-'ANlltjj ":? 3010 Trap 2850:? "ENTER SALESPERSON #"51 Input Spn:? "ENTER ACCOUNT Input Acc $ St*0 Ttol *0 : : 3015 If Acct®"NEXT" Then Gosub 1425 3020 Gosub 1510: Gosub 1030: Test*0: Trm$="CASH" 3030 If Acct*"" Then Acc*0:Goto 3070 3040 If Acct="NEW" Then Acc*Nac: Acct=Strt (Acc) : Test*l 3050 Gosub 1240:Gosub 1280:Gosub 1290: If F>0 Then Gosub 1320:Goto 3070 3060 Goto 2990 3070 Gosub 1050: Gosub 1060 3080 Fit*"#### t####.## t#####. ##" F2t*"t#####. ##" : 3090 1 " iu-'t t §u-''§!l° iioxciti 3100 Gosub 1220: If Key< >Asc ( "Y" ) And Key< >Asc ( "y" ) Then 2990 31 10 Trap 3120:Close #7:0pen #7, 3, 0, "P: " : Goto 3130 3120 ? "«Nb!i-'ll^-/¥dS^*pd-^^a-'¥dpuu-;ojj<tNd'-i'',« "-.Gosub 1220: Goto 3110 3130 ? #7;Nt:? #7; At:? #7; Alt:? #7; Mi set: If Quoted Then In*In+l:Goto 3150 3140 ? #7:? #7:? #7; Tab (35) ; Chrt (Pt 1 ) ; "QUOTE" : ? #7:? #7:? #7: Goto 3160 3150 ? #7:? #7:? #7; Tab (33) 5 Chrt <Pt 1 ) ; " INVOICE" : ? #7$ Tab (33) 5 Chrt (Pt 1 );“#"; In: #7: ? #7:? #7 3160 3170 #7s Chrt (Pt 1 ) ; "TO: ";Tab(21) j "ACC# " 5 Acc 3180 #7: Cnt; Tab (40) ; "DATE: " ; Dt ( 1 . 2) ; "/" ; Dt (3, 4) ; "/ " ; Dt (5, 6) 3190 #7} Cn2t: ? #7; Calt; Tab (40) ; "SALESPERSON: Spn 5 3200 i# #7;Ca2f5 Tab (40) ; "P.0. OR AUTH: " Pont 321 r> -n•«*'54vm2-2WOV11rAT#7: "t/P•**A»—R11T #" : Tab ( 1 4) : "DESCRIPTION" J Tab (52) j "QUAN" ; Tab (58) ; "PRICE EA" : Tab (6 0 s ” ) T 3230 2 #7 M waB»Ma«BaBasmaB3»aaac»saiaa!38!sstB}aBs««ca3!«««Bia®aBaaacfflS8«:3aas <! atasseasscagogscss'* 3240 ? "3 ''s Position 15,0:? "§'iaill£*>i ’ " : If Quote>0 Then ? "Deposition 17,0:? "QU OTE" 3250 Gosub 1080s If Pn*«"END" Then 3410 3260 If Pn$«"NEXT" Then Gosub 3930: Goto 3240 3270 If F-C Then 3240 3280 Gosub 1130: Gosub 1140 3290 Gosub 1770 3300 Trap 3300: Posi ti on 2,19s? " t ll " ; : Input Hm: If Hm<“0 Then 3240 3310 Trap 3330: Posi ti on 2,20:? H¥tifCp-'pACt I Input Pe: If Pe<0 Then Pe*Pri -Int ( (A bs (Pe) /100*Pri ) *100) / 100 3320 Goto 3340 3330 Pe»Pri 3340 Position 11,19:? Hm; " Position 13,20:? Pe; " ":? " §u->* t §u-'£iibbp£<t-'o Gosub 1220 f3 lla-'*! 3350 If K*y< >A»c < "Y") And Key< >Asc ( "y") Then ? ">":Goto 3290 3360 Ep“0s Ep«Hm*Pes If Pg>4999 Then Ttol =Ttol +Ep 3365 Trap 3370: Open #7, 8, 0, "Pi 3370 Trap 3365:? #7; Pn$; Tab 14) Deaf Tab (52) ? #7; Using Fl$,Hm,Pe,Ep ( ; ; ; : 3380 If Quote>0 Then St“St+Ep Goto 3240 : 3390 Sol d“Sold+Hm: Tds“Tds+Ep: Qoh“Qoh-Hm: St“St+Ep 3400 Gosub 190: Dtot“Dtot+Ep: Goto 3240 1 3410 ? #7« n;a::s::£::ffit»icr;s::»aa:aES5tKXX!B!:38iffl:n:2CS2:ss:s::!»ss3s;3!::3s:s8:8E:ffi:te:K;« nsatscotsacstagessc** 3420 ? "J§u-'uA,ip-/*etu&p’£p" ; s Input T$:Tax“0 3430 If Tf< >"Y" And T*<>"y" Then 3460 3440 Trap 3440s Positi on 2,2:? Tr* 100s Posi ti on r~y t*y Input Temp:Tr“T s emp/100 3450 If T$“"Y" Or T$*»"y" Then Tax=Int ( (Tr*Ttol ) *100) /100: If Tax<Tr*Ttol Then Tax “Tax+0. 01 3460 Trap 3460: Posi ti on 2,3s? "Lit§¥¥§>4' ’-'EtAd ; : Input Sc 3470 Total “St+Sc+Tax 3480 Position 2,5:? "AMOUNT DUE Total If Quote>0 Then 3500 : 3490 Trap 3470: Positi on 2,7:? "AxllN^s^dpEpSapI" ;: Input Amt 3500 Position 2,9:? "4pdxu" Position 8,9:? Trmf: Position 7,9: Input Trm* toc:1 " $u-'<t tiu-'£lldopEs-'oR-'iio-'^": Gosub 1220: If Key< >Asc ( "Y" ) And Key< >Asc ( "y" Then 3420 3520 ? #7; "TERMS: Trm* Tab (52) ; "SUB-TOTAL" Tab (68) :? #7; Using F2$,St " j j ; ; 3530 If Tax >0 Then ? #7; Tab (52) ; "TAXABLE TOT. " ; Tab (68) ; : ? #7; Using F2$,Ttol:Ttd =Ttd+Ttol 3540 ? #7; Tab (52) ; "TAX" ; Tab (68) ; : ? #7; Using F2$,Tax 3550 ? #7; Tab (52) ; "SHIP/HANDLING"; Tab (68) ; :? #7; Using F2$,Sc 3560 ? #7; Tab (52) ; "TOTAL" ; Tab (68) ; : ? #7; Using F2*, Totals If Quote>0 Then 3610 3570 ? #7; Tab (52) ; "AMOUNT PAID" ; Tab (68) ; : ? #7; Using F2«,Amt:If Amt>«Total And T ax >0 Then M7*>M7+Ttol M9*M9+Tax : 3580 If Amt>Total Then ? #7; Tab (52) ; "REFUND" ; Tab (68) ? #7? Using F2*, Amt-Total 3590 Bal“0:lf Amt<otTotal Then Bal “Total -Amt 3600 ? #7; Tab (52) ; "BAL DUE" ; Tab (63) ; : ? #7; Using F2$,Bal 3610 If Acc>0 Then ? #7; "Please use account number when placing orders." 3620 ? #7;Chrf(Ptl) ; "THANK YOU" Chr$ (Pt4> If Quote>0 Then 2850 ; : 3630 Tdt“Tdt+Total Pd“Pd+Amt Bd“Tdt-Pd Ytd“Ytd+Total -Tax Ptd=Ptd+Total -Tax M8=M8 : : : s : +Amt 3640 If Acc>0 Then Gosub ISOOsGosub 1490:Gosub 1210: If Test>0 Then Nac=*Nac+l 3650 Gosub 9000: Gosub 1160: Goto 2850 3660 Gosub 1025: Position 13,0:? " lltili-'BtpEO" : Posi ti on 11,1:? "ENTER ' END 0 QUIT" 3670 Gosub 1080s If Pn$“"END" Then 2850 3680 If Pn$“"NEXT" Then Gosub 3930: Goto 3660 3690 If F»0 Then 3660 3700 Gosub 1130: Gosub 1140 3710 ? "3 ": Gosub 1770: Gosub 1220s Goto 2850 3720 Gosub 1025: Positi on 17,0:? "dpcRd^" 3730 Gosub 1080: If F=>0 Then 2850 3740 Gosub 1130: Gosub 1140 _7telL. —' * * lLAi. >4-** r|.-JJtf.*.i*L*m,»I”I «iii.»-**.. * ,-H. M\tJflIILi. 1:1 ) A" ) " t By<>A«c("y") Then 2850 3760 Trap 3760: Posi ti on 2,19:? "tlld-'xA^R t"l51 Input Hm: If Hm<»0 Then 2850 3770 Trap 3770: Positi on 2,20:? "¥di£p-'pA£t ” Input Pe: If P»<0 Then 3770 3780 Position 11,19:' Hm it Position 13,20:? Pe; " It : ? "§u-'«t§u-'’£llbbp£*-'o (33-7>9110o-'I^t "K5 e: GyoOsAusbc1<2"2Y"0> And Key< >Asc ( "y" Then 2850 > 3800 Qoh=Qoh+Hm: Sol d^Sold-Hm: T7=Hm*Pe: Tdss=Tds-T7: Ytd=Ytd-T7: ? "fcAuAgKp" ;: Gosub 1 220: Tax3"©: Ptd“Ptd’~T7 3810 It Key^Asc < "Y" ) Or Key«Asc ( "y" > Then Ttd*Ttd-T7: Tax=Int ( (Tr#T7) #100) /100: I Tax<Tr#T7 Then Tax*Tax+0.01 3820 Ytd»Ytd-Tax Ptd=Ptd~Tax Dtot=Dtot-T7 : : 3830 Gosub 1160: Gosub 1190: Goto 2850 3840 FI*=»"$######. ## $######.## *#####.##" :? " YEAR PERIOD TODAY" 3850 ? Using Fl$, Ytd Ptd Dtot , , 3860 Gosub 1220: Goto 2910 3870 ? "3-ARE YOU SURE ?"::Gosub 1220: It Key< >Asc ( "Y" ) Then 2890 3880 Trap 3870: Close #7: Open #7,8,0, "P":? #7; Chr$ (Pt 1 ) ; "DAILY SALES ” j D*< 1 ,2) | "/ (3, 4) 5 M/"| D$ (5 3890 F2$="t######.##":? #7:? #7.: "CASH SALES i « r #7; Using F2^,M8 3900 ? #7; "TAXABLE SALES";:? #7; Using F2*,M7 3910 ? #7; "TAX COLLECTED";:? #7; Using F2$ M9: M7=0: Ii8=>0: Ii9=0: Gosub 9000:Go3ub 11 , 60 3920 Goto 2690 3930 Close #l:0pen #1 , 4, 0, "D2: INVPT. DAT" : Rget #1 , PnptS: Cl ose #1: Return 3940 Gosub 1020: Posi tion 1,0:? #6; " 1 1 " : Positi on 1,1:? #65 "Outstanding" ; Posi ti on 1,2:? #6 “Exit to menu" ; 3950 Position 1,3:? #6; "Selected" : Position 1,4:? #6; "Recover tiles" 3960 Position 1,5:? #6; "Credit accounts" : Position 1,6:? #6; "New accounts" : Posi ti on 1,7:? #6 "List accounts" ; 3970 Position 1,8:? #6 "Update/edi t ; 3990 Gosub 1215 4000 Fl$="! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $######.##" 4010 It Key*Asc ( "A" > Then 4120 4020 It Key«Asc("Q"> Then 4380 4030 It Key*Asc ("E") Then 2690 4040 It Key-Asc <"S") Then 4620 4050 It Key*Asc("R") Then 4780 4060 It Key*Asc < "C" Then 4450 ) 4070 It Key«=Asc "N" Then 4900 < ) 4080 It Key«Asc("L“) Then 4170 4090 It KeyOAsc ( "U" Then 4970 ) 4100 Goto 3940 4120 Gosub 1025: Position 16,0:? "A!st!i-;A££llN^*u" : Rc*0 4130 Trap 4770: Gosub 1450: Gosub 1430:? #7; Chr$ <Pt1 ; "ALL ACCOUNTS" ) 4140 Gosub 1480: It Cn**"" And Acc>Nac Then ? #7; Chri (Pt4) : Goto 4770 4150 Gosub 1340 4160 Goto 4140 4170 Gosub 1025: Position 16,0:? "AEOn^u-'^Su*" Rc»0 : 4180 ? "NUMERICAL":? "ALPHABETICALLY":? :? "ENTER FIRST LETTER OF YOUR CHOICE"; 4190 Gosub 1220: It Key*Asc("N") Then 4220 4200 It Key“A$c("A") Then 4260 4210 Goto 4770 4220 Trap 4770:6osub 1450: Gosub 1430:? #7; ChrS (Pt 1 ); "ACCOUNTS LIST" 4230 Gosub 1480: It Cn$*"" And Acc>“Nac Then ? #7; Chr$ (Pt3) ; Chr$ (Pt4> : Goto 477/0 4240 Gosub 1580 4250 Goto 4230 4260 Trap 4770: Gosub 1450: Gosub 1430:? #7; ChrS (Pt "ACCOUNTS LIST" Acpt$»" 1 5 : 4270 Trap 4290:Gosub 1480: It Cn*="" Then 4290 4280 Cn$ (5) Acpt$=Acpt$, "#",Cn$, "0" Str$ (Sa) Str$ (Ba) Goto 4270 : , , , : 4290 TS*"T-HHH-t" F*0 : 4300 F=Find (Acpt$, ,F> It F=»0 Then 4330 : 4310 It Acpt$ (F, F+4) <TS Then T$*Acpt$ (F, F+4) : F1«=F: Goto 4300 4320 Goto 4300 4330 F»Find (Acpt$, MtS",Fl) :Sa=Val (Acpt$(F+i) ) 4340 F=Find (Acpt$, "8.;",F) : Ba*Val (Acptt(F+l) ) A-ysrr, S\r~. 1 * CI - 1 dTrvsrz ; t i 4360 F«Find<Acpt*, 0) i If F*0 Then ?))) #7;)Chr$ <Pt4> : Gosub 1425: Goto 4770 4370 Goto 4290 4380 Gosub 1025: Posi ti on 10*0:? " ’•-'&££iin*!<*u" : Gto=0: Rc=0 4390 Trap 4770:6osub 1450: Gosub 1430:? #7: Chr$ <Pt 1 >: "OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS" 4400 Gosub 1480: If Acc>Nac Then 4440 4410 If BcK^O Then 4400 4420 Gosub 1340: Gto«Gto+Bd 4430 Goto 4400 ( 4440 ? #7: ? #7; "TOTAL OUSTANDING * ";Gto:? #7; Chr$ CPt4> Goto 4770 : 4450 Gosub 1025: Posi tion 13,0:? "£ojaSi«-'6££llN^4u" 4460 Gosub 1400; If T$»"" Then 4770 4465 If T$“"NEXT" Then Gosub 1425: Goto 4540 4470 Trap 4580: Acc»Val (TS) : Acc$=T$: T$=" , Accf, "il“ 4480 F*=Find (Acptf , T$, 0) : If F=0 Then ? 0 iiijj'TTS" : For W=1 To 100: Ne xt W: Goto 4450 4490 Gosub 1260: Gosub 1280: Gosub 1290 4500 Gosub 1510: Gosub 1530: Gosub 1320: Gosub 1570: Gosub 1610: Gosub 1630 4510 ? Gosub 1220: If Key*Asc <"#" Then 4590 ll > 4520 If KeyOAsc ("Y"> And Key< >Asc < "y" > Then 4770 4530 ? "ENTER AMOUNT OF PAYMENT" ;: Input Pmt 4540 ? "§u-'*t§u^£»tioj.t£<t": Gosub 1220 4550 If KeyOAsc ("Y") And KeyOAsc "y" Then 4530 < 4560 Pd*Pd+Pmt Bd»Bd-Pmt i 4570 Gosub 1500: Gosub 1490: Goto 4770 4580 Trap 4770: Gosub 1280 4590 Trap 4600: Gosub 1480: If Tf=CnT Len (TS> Then 4500 < 1 , ) 4600 If Acc>*eNac Then 4770 4610 Goto 4590 4620 Gosub 1025: Position 12,0:? "up!tfp£*pa-'&££llN’i«u" 4630 Gosub 1400: If T«*"" Then 4770 4635 If T*»"NEXT" Then Gosub 1425: Goto 4620 4640 Trap 4690: Acc^Val (T$) Acc$*T$: T*“"#" AccT, : , 4650 F=Find(Acpt$,TS,0> : If F»0 Then ? "A££llFJHi*^!* - For W®1 To 100: Ne xt W:Goto 4620 4660 Gosub 1260: Gosub 1280: Gosub 1290 4670 Goto 4730 4680 Trap 4770: Gosub 1430: Gosub 1340: Goto 4770 4690 Trap 4770: Gosub 1280 4700 Trap 4710: Gosub 1480: If T$»Cn$ Len (TS) Then 4730 < 1 , ) 4710 If Acc>*Nac Then 4770 4720 Goto 4700 4730 Gosub 1510: Gosub 1530: Gosub 1320: Gosub 1570: Gosub 1610: Gosub 1630: Gosub 122 0 4740 If Key-Asc<"*"> Then 4700 4750 If KeyOAsc <"P") And Key< >Asc ( "p" Then 4770 4760 Goto 4680 4770 Close #1 Close #7: Goto 3940 : • 4730 ? "THIS FUCNTI0N WILL REINDEX ALL OF THE":? "ACCOUNT FILES. PRESS Y TO STAR T, ":? "N TO ABORT. 4790 Gosub 1220 4800 If Key< >Asc ( "Y" ) And Key< >Asc ( "y" Then 3940 4810 Close #1 : Open #1 , 4, 0, "D1 : ACCOUNT. DAT" 4820 AcptS*" Trap 4870 " : 4830 Gosub 1480 4840 S$=Str$ (Sa) B$=®Str$ <Ba> Acc$*Str$ Acc : : ( 4850 Acpt$=Acpt$, "#" Acct, "@",S*, "&",B* , 4860 Goto 4830r . 4870 Close #l:<Poke 1913, S0i Open #1 , 8, 0, "D1 : ACCPT. DAT" 4880 Rput # A£pltt; ' 1 , 4890 Close #1 ^Poke l"9T37S7jl Goto 3940 4900 Gosub 02^TPo"sTtl'Orr"t6 0 ? 1 , : 4910 AccS*Str* (Nac) Gosub 1240: If F«0 Then 4770 : 4920 Gosub 1280:Gosub 1290:Gosub 1510:Gosub 1530: Gosub 1050:Gosub 1540;Gosub 132 0: Gosub 1570 4930 Position 2,18:? "§u-'*t §u-'£llbbj.i£**" Gosub 1220 ; : ) " 5 A 1 >) ) " )) " 4930 Tdt*0sPd=0: Bd“0: Gosub ISOOsGosub 1490s Nac=Nac+i : Gosub 9000s Gosub 1160 4960 Goto 4770 4970 Gosub 1025s Position 15, 0s? "N¥3&<tp°pa§4 4980 Gosub 1400s If T®**" " Then 4770 4985 If T "NEXT" Then Gosub 1425s Goto 4970 4990 Trap 5080: Acc*Val <T$ Acc$»T$: T$«"#" Acc$, "il" ) s , 5000 F«Find<Acpt$,T$,0> s If F»0 Then ? "3££llR!**-;>$ll<t-'ll**t-'* s For W»1 To lOOsNe xt WsGoto 4970 5010 Gosub 1260: Gosub 1280s Gosub 1290 5020 Gosub 1510s Gosub 1530: Gosub 1320s Gosub 1570: Gosub 1610s Gosub 1630s? "§u-'«t§ Gosub 1220 u-'*t\x-’il : 5025 If Key*=Asc ( "*" ) Then 5090 5030 If KeyOAsc <"Y"> And Key< >Asc ( "y" > Then 4770 5040 Gosub 1050s Gosub 1540s Gosub 1650 55005600 ?If "§Kue-y'<9t>§Aus^c£l<l"oYa"jj)i£A*n4d*' $ Kt eGyo<su>bAsc12<2"0y" Then 4770 5070 Gosub ISOOsGosub 1490: Goto 4770 5080 Trap 4770: Gosub 1450 5090 Trap 5100s Gosub 1480s If T$»Cn* Lan <T*> Then SB*020 ( 1 , 5100 If Acc>“Nac Then 4770 5110 Goto 5090 5120 Gosub 1020: Posi tion 1,1: ? #6j " 1 " s Posi ti on 1 , 8. r:> #65 "Outstanding " s Posi ti on 1,3:? #6 "Exit to menu” ? 5130 Position 1,4s? #65 "Selected accounts" 5150 Gosub 1215 5170 If Key«*A$c < "A" Then \,J V1V 5180 If Key=Asc<"0"> Then C*7AA 5190 If Key*Asc("E") Then 2690 55200 If Key«*Asc ( "S" ) Then 5370 *^1I0 Goto 5120 5j£ 5230 Gosub 1025s Posi tion 16,0s? "&**:$-'&££IIFI!*«u" 5240 Gosub 1045 5250 Trap 5540s Gosub 1450 5260 Gosub 1480: If Cn*="" And Acc>IMac Then 5540 5270 If Cnf=" " Then 5260 1wS!Ti'w’SO Gosub 1430: Gosub 1670 c•rr.rxffj Goto 3260 5«:3T00 Gosub 1025s Posi ti on 10,0s? " llF46u«3>iI§!i ’-'A££Hn!*<*u" 5“'SIO Gosub 1045 v 5320 Trap 5540s Gosub 1450 5330 Gosub 1480: If Acc>Nac Then 5540 5340 If Bd<»0 Then 5330 5350 Gosub 1430s Gosub 1670 5360 Goto 5330 5370 Gosub 1025s Posi tion 12,0s? "up!ip£4pa-'&££II <*Li 5380 Gosub 1045 5400 Gosub 1400s If T$«" Then 5540 5405 If T$»"NEXT" Then Gosub 1425: Goto 5370 3410 Trap 5470s Acc»Val <T$) Accf«Tf T*®"#" Acc$, : , 5420 F=Find <Acpt$,T$,0> s If F=0 Then ? "4££llR»**-'‘ill*-/ll>*«',SKp ":For W-l To 100:Ne xt WsGoto 5370 5430 Gosub 1260 5440 Trap 5540s Gosub 1450: Gosub 1470 5450 Goto 5510 5460 Gosub 1430s Gosub 1670: Goto 5510 5470 Trap 5540: Gosub 1450 5480 Trap 5490s Gosub 1480: If T«=Cn$ Len <T$> Then 5510 ( 1 , 5490 If Acc>“Nac Then 5540 5500 Goto 5480 5510 Gosub 1730s Gosub 1220s If Key*Asc Then 5480 < 5520 If KeyOAsc ("P") And Key< >Asc < "p" Then 5540 5530 Goto 5460 5540 Close #1 : Close #7: Goto 5120 5550 Gosub 1020s Positi on 1,1s? #65 "Add inventory" : Posi ti on 1,2s #65 " Inventory e dit" Position 1,3s? #6 "Exit to menu" ggir-,s 4 i , 1 A iiX..a: uE i nJ*. \jm,rk H J r~.rv fir v_ j Mr-,—J r 1I 1A. — It Q )) )>) ion 1,6:? #6; "Sort inventory" 5580 Gosub 1215 5600 If Key-Asc ("A") Then 5660 5610 If KeyAsc ( " I " > Then 5850 5620 If Key-Asc < "E" Then 2690 5630 If Key*Aac ("P") Then 6090 5640 If Key«Asc <"R"> Then 6260 5645 If KeyAsc "S" Then 7100 ( ) 5 50 (3oto 555(3 5660 Gosub 1025: Posi ti on 14,0:? " II " IPosition 11,1:? "ENTER ’END-’ TO QUIT" 5670 F'n*3" " : Desf»" " : Qoh^O: Cost^O: Pri™0: Sold*0: Tds30: Qoo^O 5680 Gosub 1770: Gosub 1860 5690 If Pnf="END" Then 5820 5700 Gosub 1970: If F>0 Then 5680 5710 ? 5720 Gosub 1220 5730 If KeyOAsc <"Y" ) And Key< >Asc ( "y" > Then 5660 5740 Trap 5750: Goto 5760 5750 Trap 5810: Open #1 , 9, 0, "D2: INVFIL. DAT" 5760 If Len (Pnpt$> >Max*M2~i5 Then ? "'MEMORY FULL, SAVING INDEX":Goto 5820 5770 Note #1 , S, 8: Rput #1 , PnS, DesS, Vn*, Val$, Va2*, Qoh, LocS, Reo, Cost , Pri , Sol d, Tds, oo, Pg 5780 S*3Str$ (S) B$=*Str$ (B) : 5790 Pnpt$»Pnpt$, "#",Pn$, "@",Sf, "&",B$ 5800 Goto 5660 5810 ? "JS§u©^pbdllb',^‘liC.lLose #l:Goto 5660. 5820 Close tl^oke 1913, 80y?0pen #1 , 8, 0, "D2: INVPT. DAT" 5830 Rput # Fn 1 , 5840 Close ttlsfFok'e 1913, 87)Goto 5550 5850 Gosub 1025TF^sTHorTl4, 0: ? lloG-'pIi* " : Position 11,1:? "ENTER 'END’ TO QUIT" ' 5860 ? ? "PART NUMBER" Input Pnf:? " ":If Pn*»"END" Then Close : : #1 Goto 5550 : 5865 If F'n$="NEXT" Then Gosub 3930: Goto 5850 5870 T«*"#",F‘nt, "S" ______ 5830 F=Find (Pnpt*, T$, 0) :T=F: If F-0 Then ? " VAo^^Wxgpo-'^ llbB^TS" s F or W= To 100: Next W:6oto 5850 1 5890 Trap 5950: F=Abs <F) : F*Fi nd <Pnpt$, , F) : S=*Val <Pnpt$ <F+1 ) ) 5900 F«Find <Pnpt$, , F) : B=*Val (Pnpt$ (F+l ) ) 5910 Trap 5920: Goto 5930 5920 Gosub 1130 5930 Point #1 , S, B: Rget #1 , F'n$, Desi, VnS, Va1%, Va2$, Qoh, Loc Reo, Cost, Fri , odd, Tus, Qoo Pg , 5940 If Test3! Then Test=0:Goto 5870 5950 ">":Position 14,0:? "§^ajj^*llb|3-'}.tS§*" ? Gosub 1770 : : 5960 ? "(E)DITji j(mQ)v iUiItT-r;- (S)AAlVIEP;. /(kNl)\KE?XVTTj« II a 5970 Gosub 1220:? "" 5980 If Key*Asc<"E"> Or Ke'yAsc ( "e" Then 6050 5990 If Key-Asc <"Q"> Or KeyOAsc ( "q " Then Close #l:Goto 5550 6000 If Key*Asc ( "S" Or Key“Asc < "s" Then 6060 6010 If Key-Asc ("N") Or Key=*Asc ( "n" > Then 5850 6020 If Key-Asc "+" Then F=T-10: If F>*0 Then Test=l:Goto 5890 < ) 6030 If KeyAsc ("*" > Then Test3!: Goto 5890 6040 Goto 5950 6050 Gosub 1860: Goto 5950 6060 Gosub 1970: If F>0 And T< >F Then 5950 6070 Gosub 90 1 1 6080 Goto 5850 6090 Gosub 1025: Positi on 17,0:? " n¥«t§ll^u" Gtc-0: Gtp-0 : 6100 ? ? "1-ALL":? "2-BY VENDOR NAME":? "3-BY PRODUCT GROUP":? "4-PRICE LIST" •: r 6110 n BELOW REORDER F’OINT and not on order" I- 6120 Gosub 1220: Key=K'ey-48: If Key>5 Or Key< 1 Then 5550 6130 Trap 6250:Gosub 1430:Gosub 1130 6140 If Key«4 Then Gosub 2170: Goto 6190 tj~*xrK-i" ...11.-ri _l 1. *Lf'» : nu iuirmtd _il 5 ; p "3 " " 3 d 6160 If Key«2 Then ? "ajj!i'all5--‘’!*t&xp" ps Input Cn* 6170 Trap 6170s If Key*3 Then ? "¥cillSF4£<tJ 'Oiln¥" Input Pgn3 Cn**"PRQDUCT GROUP Str* (Pgn) 6130 Gosub 2020 6190 Trap 6240sRget #1 Pn*, Des$, Vn*, Val*, Va2*, Qoh, Loc*, Reo, Cost Pri Sold, Tds, Qoo , , , Pg , 6200 Trap 6220s Tcost*0s Tcost=Cost#Qohs Tpri=0a Tpri=Pri *Qohs Gpm=100 6210 Gpm* Int 1~ <Cost/Pri *1000) /10 ( ( < ) ) > 6220 On Key Gosub 2090,2130,2130,2220,2250 6230 Goto 6190 6240 ? #7;Chr*<Pt3> :? #7; "WHOLESALE VALUE**" ; Gtcs ? #7; "RETAIL VALUE**" ; Gtp s ? #7.; Chr* <Pt4) 6250 Close #ls Close #7 Goto 5550 s 6260 ? "THIS FUCNTIQN WILL REINDEX ALL OF THE" s ? "INVENTORY FILES. PRESS Y TO CO NTINUE," :? "N TO ABORT. " 6270 Gosub 1220 6280 If KeyOAsc <"Y"> And Key< >Asc ( "y" ) Then 5550 6290 Gosub 1130 6300 Pnpt**" Trap 5820- " s 6310 Note #l,S,BsRget #1 Pn$, Des*, Vn*, Val*, Va2*, Qoh, Loc*, Reo, Cost Pri Sold, Tds, Q , , , oo Pg , 6320 S**Str* (S) B**Str* (B) s 6330 Pnpt*»Pnpt*, "#",Pn*, "«",S*, "&",B* 6340 Goto 6310 6330 Gosub 10203 Posi tion 1 , 1 s? #65 "Order" : Posi ti on 1,2s? #65 "Recei ving" s Positi on 1,3s? #6 "Exit to menu" ; 6360 Position i,4s? #6; "Turn report 3 Posi ti on 1,5s? #6; "Sales report" 6380 Gosub 1215 6400 If Key»Asc ( "0" Then Te*0sGoto 6460 ) 6410 If Key*Asc<"R") Then 6680 6420 If Key*Asc ( "E" Then 2690 > 6430 If Key*Asc("T") Then 6800 6440 If Key»Asc <"5"> Then 6920 6450 Goto 6350 6460 Gosub 1025s Posi ti on 13,0s? "YRdCt4up~/llb5po" 66447800 PIfn**T"e="0s DeTsh*e*n"P"ossVint**i"on" s V1a1l, *1*s"?" "VEaN2T*E*R" '"EsNQDo’h=0TsOLoABcO*R*T""" s Reo*0s Cost*0s Pri *0s Sol *0s Tds*0s Qoo*0 6490 ? ? "PART NUMBER" Input Pn*s? " "3 If Te*0 And Pn**"END" Th : s en 6910 6500 If Pn*="NEXT" Then Gosub 3930a Goto 6460 6510 If Pn**"" And Te>0 Then 6630 6520 Gosub 1090a If F»0 Then 6460 6530 Gosub 1130s Gosub 1140s Gosub 1770 6540 ? "iu-/* t t ; s Gosub 1220 6550 If KeyOAsc ("Y”) And KeyOAscC'y") Then 6460 6560 If PvS*"" Then F'v*«Vn*3 Pal**Val*: Pa2**Va2* 6570 If Pv*OVn* Then ? 5 ? "^ll*^0i^p^£y*£Slla"'-/fu«/4t§u-'llO$" 5 s Gosub 1220s If Key< >A© c C'Y" And KeyOAscC'y") Then 6460 ) 6580 ? " 3 " 3 Position 2,2s? "ARA!*§«&->* ll-'lldapo" ; : Trap 6580s Input Hms If Hm< 1 Then 64 60 6590 ? s? '’§u-,*t§u-'£lld5j.t£*f" j s Gosub 1220a If Key< >Asc ( "Y" > And KeyOAscC'y") Then 6580 6600 Qoo*Qoo+Hm 6610 If Te<l Then Gosub 2330 6620 Gosub 2460s Gosub 1190s Goto 6460 &&7*%***O* ^ ? *1 ^^ ^ ys;•syy TTTQ T1^? TH? TTtT TTIt? an:assessesassen**•* 6640 ? "}TERMS"p Input T*s? AUTH. Input 0* s " 5 s 6650 ? #7; "DATE " p D* < 1 , 2) ; D* (3, 4) 5 "/" ; D* (3) ; TERMS ";T*;" AUTH. " Q* 6660 ? #7; "TOTAL *" Tot Chr* <Pt4> ? 6670 Pv*«""sTe*0sTot»0sM10*M10+Is Gosub 1170s Goto 6910 6680 Gosub 1025s Posi tion 14,0s? ’-'¥ *" Position 11,1s? "ENTER ’END’ TO 11 s QUIT" 6690 ? ? "PART NUMBER"s Input Pn*s? " "3 If Pn*="END" Then Close 3

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