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NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY A Seventh-day Adventist High School 2015 PDF

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Preview NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY A Seventh-day Adventist High School 2015

NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY A Seventh-day Adventist High School 180 Academy Drive Newbury Park, California 91320-1199 Phone (805) 498-2191 FAX (805) 499-1165 Web address: www.npaa.info 2015 - 2016 School Bulletin Member of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools and Colleges NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY BULLETIN 07/20/15 56 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration/Faculty and Staff .............................................................. 3 School Calendar ........................................................................................ 4 General Information .................................................................................. 5 General Regulations ................................................................................ 10 Attendance Regulations .......................................................................... 20 Scholastic Information ............................................................................ 25 Course Descriptions ................................................................................ 33 Financial Information ............................................................................. 40 Boarding Information ............................................................................. 45 Co-Curricular Activities ......................................................................... 48 2 55 ADMINISTRATION 2015 - 2016 Mr. Steve Laing, M.A. ................................................................. Principal Mr. Sheldon Parris, M.A.…………………………………...Vice Principal Mr. Paul Sandman M. B.A. ...................................................... ...Treasurer Ms. Julianna George, B.S…....……………………………Academic Dean FACULTY AND STAFF Ryan Austin………………………………..Dead Dean of Boys, Librarian Armando Bello………………………………….……….Plant Supervisor Susana Bello……………………….Administrative Assistant/Attendance Maria Flores………………………………………….Assistant Treasurer Sola Folorunso……………………,,,,,,,,,,,,.…...Dean of Girls, Yearbook Sophia Grise……………………….………..Physical Education/ Science Tracy Harder………………………………….…..……..English/History Joan Hsu……………………………………..…….….……………...Art Vernon Hsu………………………………………..……….Mathematics Ron Johnson……………………………..…....Special Projects Manager Tricia Kurunathan………………………..….……….English/Journalism Stephanie Leon………………………...…Associate Dean of Girls, NHS Suny Lopez………………………………..………….…………...Music Anna Meza…………………………….…...………...Cafeteria Director Alex Palmer…………………………..….……..Associate Dean of Boys Fernando Rossi………………………...……………..Religion/Chaplain Branon Shea…………………………….….……...Athletic Director/P.E. Rozaleth Tenga…………………………….…..……..…………..Science Liza Vargas…………………………………....…………Spanish/Drama Thomas Wilson…………………………...IT/Computer Applications 54 3 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2015 - 2016 Registration August 12, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. FIRST SEMESTER 1st Quarter: August 17 - October 16 Dorm Orientation, 6:00 p.m. ...................................................... August 16 First Day of Classes…………………………………………….August 17 Golf Tournament ........................................................................ August 24 No School, Labor Day ............................................................ September 7 Achievement Tests ..................................................... September 16 & 17 End of 1st Quarter ..................................................................... October 16 2nd Quarter: October 19- December 16 Parent/Teacher Conference, 4:00-7:00p.m. ............................... October 28 NPAA Academy Day …………………………………...….November 11 Thanksgiving Vacation………………………………….November 23-27 Semester Tests .................................................................. December 14-16 End of 1st Semester .............................................................. December 16 Christmas Vacation ............................................ December 17-January 3 SECOND SEMESTER 3rd Quarter: January 4 - March 11 2nd Semester Begins ................................................................... January 4 No School, Martin Luther King Day ......................................... January 18 No School, President’s Day ..................................................... February 15 End of 3rd Quarter ....................................................................... March 11 Spring Vacation ...................................................................... March 14-25 4th Quarter: March 28 - June 2 Alumni Day ..................................................................................... April 9 No School, Memorial Day ............................................................. May 30 Semester Tests .................................................................... May 31-June 2 End of 2nd Semester ......................................................................... June 2 Junior & Senior Graduation Practice ........................................... June 2&3 Commencement ............................................................................... June 5 4 53 GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY, a coeducational secondary high school, was established in 1948 on what now comprises 436 acres located in the beautiful Conejo Valley of Ventura county. To visit the campus use the Wendy exit on the Ventura Freeway in Newbury Park. PHILOSOPHY Our philosophy of education is based on the belief that the ultimate purpose of man is to respond to the character of God and His unconditional love through love and service to our fellow men, and that this response should be evident in all aspects of instruction. We believe that God has a place for each individual in His eternal plan, and that an important lesson of education is to know the will of God and be willing to do His will. Since the principle of separation of church and state precludes religious instruction in public school, Seventh-day Adventists have established their own school system tailored to educate the whole nature of man — physical, mental, social and spiritual. It is a well-established fact that young people develop ideals from the influences surrounding them as much as they do from formal instruction. They tend to emulate the habits and customs of their associates. Therefore, NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY puts emphasis on providing a setting where spiritual ideals and social skills can be developed along with intellectual and physical achievement in a college preparatory environment. PURPOSE NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY purposes to provide quality Christian Seventh-day Adventist education. The school strives to promote reverence for God and kindness to man. NPAA offers a college-prep program. It is the objective of the Board of Trustees: To operate an academy, grades 9-12 in harmony with the standards recommended by the General, Union, and Southern California Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists. 52 5 To teach the subjects outlined in the Code of Education of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and of the NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY State of California. PURPOSE: To promote excellence in education. To develop in its students Christian ideals and characters that will To motivate students to reach their potential. lead them to consecrate themselves for Christian training and To give student assistance in tutoring. service. Membership: Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores with an accumulative To provide a college preparatory curriculum in a Quality School academic GPA of 3.5+. program. Good citizenship. Attendance grade of B and above. MISSION STATEMENT Recommended by a teacher and voted by the staff. The mission of Newbury Park Adventist Academy is to develop Honor Club Dues ($25 per year) Christ-like character, gain wisdom through Biblical principles, and foster unselfish service. PRIVILEGES: Educational Enrichment experiences that have been We believe this is exemplified on our campus by our students, approved by the administration such as the Pasadena culminating in the command that Christ left us in John 13:34. Lecture Series. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. These guiding forces have aided us in adopting our School Wide Goals. SCHOOLWIDE GOALS A student under the guidance and instruction of NPAA will receive the skills and opportunities to: I. Spiritually: a. Experience a personal relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and worship. b. Incorporate principles of the Bible into personal daily living and decision-making processes. c. Embrace Christian attitudes, values, and practices while interacting with others. d. Experience the joy of Christian fellowship. e. Commit to a lifetime of Christian service. 6 51 II. Intellectually: OTHER CLUBS a. Develop critical thinking skills to improve reasoning and analysis of a broad field of knowledge. Opportunity is given for clubs to be organized as interest is indicated and such b. Demonstrate effective communication skills in speaking, group a group may be granted approval by the Administration. Each of these discussion, and writing. organizations has at least one staff sponsor. c. Cultivate study habits and learning skills to complete successfully an academically challenging program, allowing success in higher OFFICER ELIGIBILITY education. Student officers for all co-curricular activities must meet and maintain the d. Experience creative expression that broadens aesthetic awareness following qualifications and standards for the previous semester: through literature and fine arts. III. Physically: 1. Faculty approval (citizenship, reliability, and cooperation). 2. Attendance standards (“B” or above). a. Engage in behaviors that promote lifelong physical fitness and 3. Scholarship standards (3.0 GPA with no “F’s” or “I’s” for major well-being. offices; 2.5 GPA with no “F’s” or “I’s” for minor offices). b. Acquire an understanding of the key risk factors and decisions 4. Christian standards (officers must be in harmony with the that affect health. distinctive standards of the Seventh-day Adventist Church). IV. Socially: Major offices include all presidencies, any ASB vice-presidency, Honor a. Work effectively as a group member in varying and social Society vice-presidency, and yearbook editor. A student may hold only one circumstances. major office at any one time. b. Identify positively within the school and local communities. c. Develop skills necessary for success in adult life. d. Engage in service to others. PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) e Accept responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. Parents and teachers participate in PTO. It is an organized effort to provide better communication between school and parents. This cooperative program EQUAL OPPORTUNITY is intended to enhance the educational experience of NPAA students. It is the policy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in all its church The Parent Teacher Organization has an ongoing fund raising program. Profits operated schools on elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels in the go directly back into the educational experience of NPAA students. United States, to admit students of any race to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at its schools, and to make no discrimination on the basis of race in administration of education policies, applications for admission, scholarship, or loan programs, and athletic or extracurricular programs. STUDENT TO STUDENT HARASSMENT The Southern California Conference Office of Education, along with the school administrators and their faculty and staff, are committed to providing a learning environment that is free from harassment for all students. Incidents of harassment should be reported in accordance with these procedures so school authorities may take appropriate action. Students who 50 7 sexually harass others are subject to discipline up to, and including, WEEKS OF DEVOTION dismissal. Employees who engage in sexual harassment are subject to discipline up to, and including, termination. Special chapel meetings are held each fall, winter, and spring for devotion and for spiritual growth. Definition: Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances or requests, and other conduct of a sexual nature which is offensive. It can be spoken, ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY (ASB) written, or physical behavior. It includes offensive pictures, graffiti, jokes, and gestures. The student body and faculty comprise the Associated Student Body. Officers are elected by the members to represent the organization in all of its activities. Sexual harassment also occurs when the offensive behavior or material creates a hostile school environment. The ASB functions as a means of promoting (through coordinated activities) positive relationships between the students and the staff. It contributes also to Reporting Procedures: Students who have experienced sexual harassment the development of leadership as various important responsibilities are placed will report the incident to school authorities as soon as possible. If the upon this organization. harassment is between students, the student will report the incident to the classroom teacher. The student may also report to the principal, vice BANQUETS principal or counselor. Each semester students have an opportunity to develop the finer social graces INTERNET BLOG SITES by attending a dress-up banquet. Non-member dating is a privilege and must be petitioned for approval. The following rules apply: Any student blog must be representative of the school’s Christian philosophy and ideals. Any deviation from this that is not representative of the school’s 1. Any student wishing to bring a visitor must get PRIOR permission. philosophy or has any student harassment element to it could result in 2. A petition with signatures of the student and the parent must be approved dimissal from school. by the Administrative Council. To avoid embarrassment, the request needs to be approved before the guest is asked. ADMISSION 3. Guests are subject to all NPAA rules and regulations. 4. Members are personally responsible for their conduct as well as their SDA Youth guest’s conduct. 5. The guest will be expected to pay the actual cost of the event, not the ASB NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY is open to all young people member cost. of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who come for the purpose of doing earnest, faithful work; who have the sincere desire to develop Christian CLASS ORGANIZATIONS characters; who appreciate the opportunity to learn in such an environment; and who will be contributors to the development of a Christian community. The four classes: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors organize in the fall. The purpose of class organization is to give an added outlet for Non-SDA Youth purposeful religious and social activities, to foster better school spirit, and to afford further leadership training. The school is also open to persons of good moral character who may not be members of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, who respect sacred MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS things, and who are willing wholeheartedly to observe all regulations of the The organizations sponsored by the Music Department provide a wealth of institution. activities and experiences for those interested in developing musical talent. Besides giving special programs during the year, the Music Department provides music for religious services and other special occasions by request. 8 49 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Student's Pledge NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY offers a variety of It is mutually agreed that every student who presents himself for admission opportunities for student participation in organized activities, both religious thereby pledges to observe willingly all of the regulations and to uphold the and secular. These organizations offer spiritual leadership, Christian Christian principles upon which the Academy is operated. It is also friendship, and many worthwhile activities. understood that should a student break this pledge, he may be asked to withdraw. STANDARDS In life off campus and in the classrooms, students are encouraged to conduct Public functions such as student campaigns, entertainments, class night, themselves as wholesome Christian citizens. No more is expected; no less is graduation, and all other school activities will be conducted in harmony with acceptable. the recognized standards and principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They will be free of all coarse and objectionable features in both Special Education subject and preparation. Seventh-day Adventist schools have not been established for the purpose of Preparing and presenting programs provides opportunity to develop high offering special education and are therefore unable to accept students who ideals and standards. To achieve these ideals, materials and details of each have serious educational problems. program must be approved by the faculty before presentation. All programs for which the school bears responsibility, either directly or indirectly, will Physical Examination have faculty supervision. California school law requires every student to be immunized against polio SCHOLASTIC ELIGIBILITY and measles. The school must keep up-to-date immunization reports on file. A new student must present a Medical Examination Report signed by a Students with a recorded “F” in any class or in Attendance are not eligible medical doctor. Every year a new Consent to Emergency Treatment form for co-curricular activities (including Varsity) that take them out of a class must be signed by the student's parents. during the present quarter. All students who participate in co-curricular activities will have ten school days after the co-curricular event to make up all the course work missed. Tests and quizzes will be made up as arranged by the teacher. Under no circumstances will assignments, tests, or quizzes be accepted later than 10 school days after the extracurricular event has ended. NEWBURY TEEN POWER (NTP) Newbury Teen Power is NPAA's religious outreach organization. Religious activities are designed to develop and inspire and to give students the outlet for an expression of love to God and others. Opportunities include leading out and performing in one of the ministries that follow: 1. Church Ministries 4. Music Ministries 2. Campus Ministries 5. Production Ministries 3. Community Ministries 48 9 GENERAL REGULATIONS School Activities: 1. All dorm students are expected to attend school activities when in Since NPAA was established for students who desire to gain Christian residence. training, it is expected that all who attend NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY will conform to the standards taught and upheld by the Seventh Non-School Activities: -day Adventist denomination. Cheerful observance of all student regulations 1. Any non-school activity must be approved by the Dorm Administrator. will help the year be a pleasant one for everyone. Dress Code: FUNDAMENTAL STANDARDS 1. Dorm students must adhere to the dress code as per the school bulletin. Proper order and discipline are necessary for good work in school. On or 2. After-school, non-school activities: away from the campus, students are expected to show the same respect for a. All dress must be appropriate and modest. duty, order, morality, personal honor, and the rights of others as is expected of any good citizen. Extended Campus 1. The extended campus includes the Subway Plaza and the Target Plaza. Special privileges are contrary to good school spirit and good sportsmanship. Students may access these areas by checking out with the Dean. An act performed by a single student or group of students may seem 2. On occasions when the students are granted permission to access the insignificant, but unless that act can be performed by every student in the areas of the extended campus they must be in a group. school without injury to the school, it is not acceptable. Controlled Substances Any practice or attitude which tends to nullify a Christian atmosphere or defeat the purpose of the school will not be permitted. Whenever, in the Five-day and Seven-day dorm students, male and female, may be subjected judgment of the faculty, a student’s connection with the school is no longer to drug testing by request of Administration. If hair follicle results are profitable to himself, or his influence becomes detrimental to others, he may positive the student will be asked to withdraw immediately. be dismissed from the school though no overt act has been committed. What to Bring Any student engaging in any of the following activities makes himself liable Each dorm room is provided with a twin bed and a dresser for each student, to dismissal from school: along with a closet to be shared by the members of the room. Dorm students will need to have the following: 1. Using, handling, possessing, or furnishing others tobacco, alcoholic beverages, narcotics or drug paraphernalia. 1. Personal care items (deodorant, soap, toothbrush, etc.) 2. Gambling or the possession of gambling devices. 2. Twin-size bedding (not optional) 3. Using or possessing dangerous weapons or explosives of 3. Pillow and pillow case any kind. 4. Bath and beach towels 4. Using profane or indecent language, possessing or displaying 5. Bible obscene literature, pictures, or articles. 6. Alarm Clock (battery operated) 5. Dishonesty in any form. 7. Personal clothing and formal church attire 6. Willful destruction or defacement of school property. 7. Tampering with school fire equipment or the fire alarm system. 8. Undermining the religious ideal and faith held by the Seventh- day Adventist Church. 9. Improper conduct involving persons of the opposite sex. 10 47

instruction in public school, Seventh-day Adventists have established their own school .. earning credit to apply toward the following year's expenses. Summer jobs . A student transferring from another school must, at the time of.
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