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New York State Bar Journal 1991: Vol 63 Index PDF

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Index to 1991 Articles Amending the Estate Tax Return: Duties With Respect to Post-Return Changes in an Estate February March/April Attorneys’ Fees in Estate Administration Avoiding Burnout and Improving Performance: Attorneys Training for the Fast Track Bad Faith Litigation: A Window Period on the Horizon Bar Exam asa Test of Competence: The Idea Whose Time Never Came Barnes vs. Roosevelt: Theater in the Courtroom Busy Lawyer’s Guide: Ways to Manage Your Practice and Increase Efficiency Buy-Sell Agreements Frozen Cash Management for Lawyers Century of Law: Continuity in Change Changing Legal Profession Civil Consequences of Criminal Conduct Civil Liberties Cooperative Conversions and Apartment Warehousing Courts of the Western Frontier Crisis in Criminal Appeals and Some Possible Solutions Democratizing the Supreme Court: 300 Years of the Jury May/June Divorce, Separation and Your Law License and Practice: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do July / August Drunk Driving and Chemical Tests— A Labyrinthine Mazw Egbert Benson and the Fourth Amendment Estate, Income and Property Tax Effects of Changing Domicile from New York to Florida Estate Planning and Retirement Benefit Plans Foundations of the New York State Supreme Court (1691-1991): A Study in Sources Freedom of Worship: State and Federal Guarantees George Mason and the Bill of Rights Glasnost in Reverse: Curing FOI and Access Flaws Guidelines for the Issuance of Search Warrants: ABA Initiative Health Care Proxies: How Do We Inform Our Clients? .............ssssscsseressssssssssessesssssesessssssssesesssescesssseesess November How Ideas Travel: The Bill of Rights At Home and Abroad How the Bill of Rights Was Developed “Immigration Act of 1990” — A Primer on Green Cards Incentives and Impediments to U.S. Investment in the Former German Democratic Republic Joint Lives Life Insurance Policies Left-Handed Lawyer Local Authority to Supersede State Statutes September /October Lopez and Its Progeny — The Erosion of the Robinson Rule March/April Making Babies in the Next Century Managing Courts in Changing Times Mandatory Legal Education Proposal for New York State July /A ugust Marketing Defects — What Isa Legally Adequate Warning? ............ss:sssssessesesesseseseeseeneneeneessneensenenenees February Milestones in the Court's History New Notification Requirement Under New York State Labor Laws New Regulations Significantly Expand Real Estate Reporting Requirements New Rulings MoveSSA Away From Policy of “Non-Acquiescence” March/April New York Court of Appeals Offers Instant Access to New Decisions July / August New York State’s Clean Indoor Air Act Non-Duty to Defend Policies: Defense Costs No-Fault Auto Insurance: Freedom of Choice: the Tort Trend for the 1990s Opening the AMEX Window toSecurities Customers Seeking an Independent Arbitral Forum Origins of Popular Election of Supreme Court Justices Other Side of the Pancake: Some Contrary Thoughts About the Legal Profession Perpetuities Reform: The Proposal of the Uniform Laws Commissioners .......P art I Part Il Perspective Matters Phenomenon, Scope and Practice of Elder Law Practicing Law in the Next Century Primer on the New Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act September /October Private Costs of Public Justice July /A ugust New York State Bar Journal Decemser 1991 Index to 1991 Articles Amending the Estate Tax Return: Duties With Respect to Post-Return Changes in an Estate February March/April Attorneys’ Fees in Estate Administration Avoiding Burnout and Improving Performance: Attorneys Training for the Fast Track Bad Faith Litigation: A Window Period on the Horizon Bar Exam asa Test of Competence: The Idea Whose Time Never Came Barnes vs. Roosevelt: Theater in the Courtroom Busy Lawyer’s Guide: Ways to Manage Your Practice and Increase Efficiency Buy-Sell Agreements Frozen Cash Management for Lawyers Century of Law: Continuity in Change Changing Legal Profession Civil Consequences of Criminal Conduct Civil Liberties Cooperative Conversions and Apartment Warehousing Courts of the Western Frontier Crisis in Criminal Appeals and Some Possible Solutions Democratizing the Supreme Court: 300 Years of the Jury May/June Divorce, Separation and Your Law License and Practice: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do July / August Drunk Driving and Chemical Tests— A Labyrinthine Mazw Egbert Benson and the Fourth Amendment Estate, Income and Property Tax Effects of Changing Domicile from New York to Florida Estate Planning and Retirement Benefit Plans Foundations of the New York State Supreme Court (1691-1991): A Study in Sources Freedom of Worship: State and Federal Guarantees George Mason and the Bill of Rights Glasnost in Reverse: Curing FOI and Access Flaws Guidelines for the Issuance of Search Warrants: ABA Initiative Health Care Proxies: How Do We Inform Our Clients? .............ssssscsseressssssssssessesssssesessssssssesesssescesssseesess November How Ideas Travel: The Bill of Rights At Home and Abroad How the Bill of Rights Was Developed “Immigration Act of 1990” — A Primer on Green Cards Incentives and Impediments to U.S. Investment in the Former German Democratic Republic Joint Lives Life Insurance Policies Left-Handed Lawyer Local Authority to Supersede State Statutes September /October Lopez and Its Progeny — The Erosion of the Robinson Rule March/April Making Babies in the Next Century Managing Courts in Changing Times Mandatory Legal Education Proposal for New York State July /A ugust Marketing Defects — What Isa Legally Adequate Warning? ............ss:sssssessesesesseseseeseeneneeneessneensenenenees February Milestones in the Court's History New Notification Requirement Under New York State Labor Laws New Regulations Significantly Expand Real Estate Reporting Requirements New Rulings MoveSSA Away From Policy of “Non-Acquiescence” March/April New York Court of Appeals Offers Instant Access to New Decisions July / August New York State’s Clean Indoor Air Act Non-Duty to Defend Policies: Defense Costs No-Fault Auto Insurance: Freedom of Choice: the Tort Trend for the 1990s Opening the AMEX Window toSecurities Customers Seeking an Independent Arbitral Forum Origins of Popular Election of Supreme Court Justices Other Side of the Pancake: Some Contrary Thoughts About the Legal Profession Perpetuities Reform: The Proposal of the Uniform Laws Commissioners .......P art I Part Il Perspective Matters Phenomenon, Scope and Practice of Elder Law Practicing Law in the Next Century Primer on the New Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act September /October Private Costs of Public Justice July /A ugust New York State Bar Journal Decemser 1991 Products Liability: A Critical Analysis of the Statute of Repose Professionalism and Money in the Law Professionalism Means Pro Bono Service Representing the Innocent Copyright Infringer After Seizure Recovery for Pre-Impact Terror and Fear of Impending Death “Overlooked and Underrated” Selected Highlights of the Tricentennial Celebration Should I Create a Revocable Inter Vivos Trust? Solving Family Law Problems: Confrontation or Compromise Space Law in the Next Century Spreading Costs for Cleaning Up Contaminated Property: Contribution and Indemnification Under CERCLA Supreme Court: A Court of Record(s) To Have and Have Not: Hispanics in the New York Federal Judiciary Tomorrow’s Law School: Legal Education in the Next Century Trademark Counterfeiting Cases: Jury Instructions and Special Verdict Undeclared Wars, Congress and the President Venture Capital Investment and the “Technology Rights” Investigation Index to 1991 Authors Authors Authors Abrams, Robert Kaye, JudithS. January POE FIG aisiice ecseeccéesttsticcstcoce ts November Kaye, Stephen Rackow May/June Ange, Grace Marie May/June Keiser, Susan Atnally, Edward V. ou... March/April Lang, Robert D.. ...........-..cccssesssssseee July /A ugust Bamberger, PhylisSkloot Lee, Gerald Bruce Baum, Stanley D. ..........s:secsessesseeee January Levy, Richard A. .......sccsssssesseeseenees Bergan, Francis Levine, Gerald M. ...........:cscesceseseee Berger, Vivian Liotti, Thomas F. ..............ssscseeeees Blattmachr, JonathanG. ............... February Maccaro, James. ........sccsseseseees Ry, FIT srcecicsienstercnissnpiicecsiat March/April Mann, Monroe Yale Boehm, David O.. .........csscseeseseeseeee May/June McCuaig, Victor C.,Jr . ......sesseseese: Brennan, WilliJa.,m J r. ..............++. May/June Metzger, Leon M. .........ecssseseeseseees Burns, Haywood Miller, Arthur R. .............:cccsceeeees Cannon, Allan T. .........ssescseesseeseees January Mundy, Raymond T,, .........s:-sess0e December Carutton, DOVIGIA., ..<..cccsccceccosecsecees January Murray,Glen Edward Carni, Ellen September /October O’Connor, Sandra Day COR SIMEON, <n. assissessceosesssnenee July/August Ostrowski, WilliamJ . .............00000 CY, BEOTUIIS .nscccsseccccsteiscccseesees July / August YS | a eee: September /October Peckham, Eugene E. .........:ss:s:s+0 Cramton, Roger. .........c.rvccesreeeves February Rosenblatt, Albert M. ..........:+:s0+0 Del Gadio, RobertG. ..........:e:0000 July /A ugust Rosner, Seth Dicker, Carolyn Hochstadter Russo, VincentJ . .........scssssseeseeseee Scahill, Francis J. ...........:ssssseseseseeee Duban, Jeffrey M. .......::ssssssessssee July /A ugust Schlesinger, SanfordJ .. ........:+:+0++ PONS, FamO8 Ds aeccssscscceccseesccicacive May/June Selkirk, Alexander M., Jr. ............. Freedman, Jeffrey March/April Simon, Joel M. Friedman, SCOtt E. .............sccceceeees January SAGE, GOP Pon oscccccesccscessccessvsee Getzoff, Steven B. .........0csscesseseeeees March/April Stecher, Martin B. .........-sccssssseessees Ginsberg, Jerome M. .........s::+se000+ July/August Stivison, David V. .........ssseseseeeecees Givens, Richard A. .........::cccceseese0 September /October Suhr, NicholasJ . ...........sceseseeeeees Gold, ElayneG. ............-0.cscessseesses March/April Tarbox, John W. .........:scsscseseseeeeees Gutterman, AlanS. ..............000000 January Torres, Frank Hall, AllenJ. . September /October Tsimbinos, Spiros A. ........+seee0e Hall, H. Glen September /October Vilensky, Robert Hancock, Stewart F., Jr. .............00 January Wasowicz, JOHn A. .........scscsccseeeeeee Winfield, RichardN. ............00000 Haskel, Michael A. ..........::0s::ss0000 July / August Winograd, Elliott. .........:-ecsessese: Howard, A.E. Dick Kadane, David K. .........:.s:ssesessee0e: September /October New York State Bar Journat DecemsBer 1991

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