.. ~ NEW WORLD ORDER THE ANCIENT PLAN OF SECRET SociETIES William T. Still Huntington House Publishers .. ....! :\. • 'I~.._ Twelfth Printing Copyright © 1990 by William T. Still All rights reser~.-ed. No part of this book may be reproduced without permission from -the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be repro duced, stored in a retrieval system or copied by me· 1 chanica!, photocopying, recording or oLlier means, without permission from the publisher. Huntington House Publishers P.O. Box 53788 Lafayette, Louisiana 705:05 Library of .Congress Card Catalog Ncmber 90-'80397 ISBN t)"9l0311..{}4-1 P-rinted in USA CoNTENTs Acknowledgements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v ., Introduction--------------- vi One-October 1973: The Nixon Coup ---- - - 7 Two- Ancient Secret Societies - - - - - - - - 21 Three-The Great Atlantean Plan 41 Four-Early America and the Revolution ________ 55 ~_____ Five-Weishaupt's Illuminati _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 69 Six- The French Revolution_________ 83 Seven-American Jacobins ---------- 92 Eight-American Masonry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 98 Nine-Albert Pike, Mazzini and the Italian Revolution - -------- 118 Ten-Karl Marx. and the Intemationale -- - - - 129 Eleven-The Soviet Revolution _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 139 ~welve--Central Banking, the C~ & FOR ~-- _ _: 146 Thirteen-World WarU and the Communist Aftermath - - - _----- - 1.61 Fourteen-The Pt:esent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 175 Fifteen-The Constitutional Assult .185 Notes----------------- 1'94 Seied Bibliography __ _____ ____ - ,-2.04 Index----------------- 206 Acknowledgements With any project of this magnitude, there are many to thank. First of all to my parents, William and Mary 'Still, who helped in many ways, and second to my wife, Cynthia, who read and re--read, edited and re-edited, my sincere thanks. rn addition, thanks to Bob and Diane Still and S<lm and Loya Wheatley for their support. Valuable information and/or <ldvice came from Dr. William Culbertson,S usan Dore, GeorgeOlmsted,lBurt and Joan Collins, len LeSourd, Bill Mcllhany, M<1rshall Peters, :Rev.·Chris Parkins, Fran Ov.e.rhoit, Rev. Jim Shaw, ·Robert-Garcia, and ethers who cannot be named. .,. Special thanks .to R-on and Teresa Clark, Jesse.and Cheryl James, Tom .and Molly Todd,Dien and Maria Ti'an, Asa Moore and Arlene Janney, ·Geor.ge 'filler, Marty Mih:od, W·ood·row W. Turner, Phil Spitzer (w,ho·now-ow.es me a-<iinner),.RQger·Fones;F. Kit.k.Lining,er, Jim 'Gibson, Dennis and Louise Gregg, John and Karen Rt:tsseU, <:;1oria l-ickey 'Schultz, l>ili Mich~lmore, 'David Hazard, .Pat .and Dr-ew P.auHs, Ron Payne, Paul M.eti, -Jimmy and 5ylvia Fleming, David and T£a<ey MtCracken, RichardEdg.erton,~eff Book,Levant .1nd ,Muriel DeWolf, Ma:rtha & Eloise.Rqgers,Katny 1ayior,.l..anee Orr·ison,C.M. Piggott J-r., Joe Vitar<ii,..CarlShoemaker,J:erry,and Pam Schonder, Don Schonder,:John Janney,.Don'lPaRcoast, MikeHo1den, .Ruth Stenst<r<>m, Rich fuHock,£TicScudder,Mike R-esnick, .and roy old history teat:hers,·C<>lonel M~lanahanattd Ken.ny Rollins, aH -of \\/hom played a role, whether they·knew it-or not. Introduction This book shows how an ancient plan has been hidden for centuries d-eep within secret societies. This scheme is designed to bring all of mankind under a single world government - a New World Order. This plan is of such antiquity that its result is even mentioned in the Bible - the rule of the Antichrist mentioned in the Revelation of Saint John the Divine. ·other works on the subject do not trace the plan bey.ond the founding of one of the most notorious of these secret societies, the German Illuminati, founded in 1776. Other works fail to see any continuity betv,reen the New Vvorld Order and secret societies at all. Still others don't connect the ancient secret societies to the modern versions. This book shows what the secret societies ar:e after and how they are going about it. It shows the symbols and emblems these groups have left down .through the ages, subtly marking the path Jar their-descendents. This book shows why members of these secret societies can participate in something which will obviously lead to wodd despotism. It shows how ·their own-members are tricked by them. It reveals enough -of the -secret rituals to ·establish credibility even with the most ar<lent members of these groups. Most importantly, the book demonstrates the profound influence -secret societies hav.e had on historical events through the -centuries, their infltrences in the present day, and how they-can.best•be thwarted in-the-futur:e. Among secret societies, I have focused primarily on Freemasonry, ·or Masonry, because -i-t is the :largest, oldest, .and ..best -'<iocumented · of·,these ·.~groups. This does not .mean Masonry .is solely ·responsible in any w.ay,<Or that.a:U Masons are ~vil. ·Certainly ·.the vast majority -:o1 Mason.s .ar.e not malevolent :folk. .Masonry Js sumessful-preoi:sely because 4t - has -shielded an -occult :doctrine" from .aU ·but a hand- ·~mner picked elite. In this, ~v!..1sonry follows the traditionili pattern of other sec<ret societi-es; attempting to attract the best in society with .its benign "outer doctrine" while dcvcrly obscuring the dark secrets of its "inner doctrine." It is not my intention to implicate all individ-uals involved in Masonic lodges. There an~, no doubt, many well-meaning, com:nunity-minded people whose only purpose in joining a lodge is for fellowship and to contribute to the good of their communities. Some of their philanthropic endeavors indud~ appreciable contributions to charitable organizations and financial support to their numerous burn centers, as well as to underprivileged children. I in no way w·ish to vilify the many-God-fearing members of Freemasonry. It .is my intention to expose those at the top who are intentionally concealing their agenda. This book is not primarily about Masonry, ·however, but about an ancient plan for world conquest. Most M<:tsons who are aware of it sincerely believe that this "Great Plan" will someday usher in a new era of world .peace and -cooperation. However, the sec-ret architects of this "Gr.eat Plan" are not benign humanitarians, as they would have us believe, but .are men in the service of evil. Their "gov-ernment of nations" is a deception, hiding, in-ceality, an iron-·dad, world dictatorship. This is where their New World Order is taking us, and unless we realize from whence the danger-comes, our ability to oppose it w.ill be unf.ocused and therefore ineffective. 9 ONE 1973: NrxoN Cour OcTOBER THE My curiosity about secret soc-ieties began in the fall of 1973. As~ young, aspiring reporter iiving near \Vashington, D.C., I stumbled across a startling story of political intrigue. Since then, I've slO\·vly pursued this sometimes contradidory story, only gradually·coming to understand its significance over the years. This book is the fruit of more than a decade of research that led inexorably into their shadov.yrealm. On about October 15, 1973, I was given a memorandum ·by my father, Lt. CoL William L. Still, a refued Air·Force officer, -one of the architects of the military's defense-communications network. On Octo ber 3, 1973 he was appr-oached by an acquaintance, Joe Josephson, who ·claimed he had connections with·the White House'Of President Richa·rd M. Nixon. This acquaintance asked my father how he and his·military friends would feel about .a military takeover of the U.S. government. ~· The atmoS·ph:er~ in ·Washington·.ahthat,ljme was~thick with political ,intrigue. 'Dhe.CIA•stood accused of domestic spying at home, and of -coup d' .eta-t making in Chile. The Watergate -hearings had .:gone un throughout -the -summer ..and now President Nixon was refusing to oomply with .OOl:lrt or-ders .to 'Surrender -the White House -tapes as .evidence. TheAmerican"Civil~Libemes Unionw:as>taking·outfu:l!-page ads in>the Nf!"tJJ Y.orkTimes urg.il\g irn,peadunent'()fthe ,president. My·{ather was.dumbf<>unded ·by-'fhe"suggestion -that a ooup· was .afoot. .£1ortttnately;~ew.asable·.to«:>ncealhisshocklongi:mough:to:leam someofthe·detailsfromhis.associate,Mr.joseplason:Shortly-thereafter, : .~ he wrote a memor,1ndum dl't,1iling the incit"knt <1nd circul.lteJ it in mili tary inteHigen('e <1nd ~HI ch.1nnd~. Thi'Ss·ta1"tling memorandum read:; as follo\~·s: MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Subjl-<:t: Runwr .:onn·rnin~ pl.mnin~ ft>r .1 ;\-lilit,try Coup within thl· USA. JNTRODUCflON Mv nar.-te is Willi<Jm L. StilL Lt. Col., USAF {Rdl. I .1m not <Jn alarmht, and consider myself !tl be intdligt.'nt, t>bjl'<:tivt• ,u>d "" an<Jiv:;t of above average cap<Jbility. I am writing this st<>tt'mt•nt on!~ <Jfte~ careful consideratitm of its potential impilct on both tht• cuuntry and myself. The following summ<~ry is a combinat-ion of filet, hear::.1y, _and conjecture. I have limited the subjective diltil to those are<Js wh1ch I believe will aid in evaluating the source of the rumor, and make no comment on the rumor itself. I hav.e not included the names of pertinent p.ersonnel or org<!nizations for their own protectitm. Howl·ver, I will Cl>-<>f>l'rilk fully with any responsible inn:stigiltors. GIST OF RUMOR. (He<~rsay) _. A ·committee exists which is dedicated to the repeal of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. Its goal is to place Mr. Nixon in <the White House for a third term. Connec-ted in some manner with th-is organization is a second committee which hils il super-patriotic n.1me such as THE COMMITTEE FOR THE PRESERVATION ·OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES (I do-not remember the exact name, however it was simii<Jr to this). Jt is to be used as a lall.back-cov.er in the event that the f-irst committee cannot accomplish its goal by constitutional means. This second committee !despite its name).is dedicated to keeping Mr. Nixon in office by <Jny mea·ns: --- INCLUDINGA MII.;fTARY COUP'BYHIGH RANKiNG OfFICERS! I heard this rumoro n 30ctober 1973. The man from w-hom I he.ard this story stated that hehad•recently been"sounded·out''on a writing job for·thesetondcommittee, and that the.rewas apparendyun'·limit-ed money beh.ind it as "price was no object" in·salaryd·isrussions. He·gav.e the above rumor as the str.ategyof-theor~ani~ation. ·We then .entered .into a >dis-cussion on Jhe tactics which could be .used to ex-ecute such .a ;coup. 'During -the 'Course >of the discussion, I was ·questioned ·as to the ieasibiH-ty of {t\-e .plan and asked wheth·er I ·thought senior rnititary·men·.could be .enlisted .for such an.effort. Upon creading this memorandum, I ,dropped everything .a-nd ~pent my time·trying «>·ron.vinceo.ther members'Ofthe press in Wa·shingto.n tha·t this was a..tegit.imate:th.reat. Whatilappened next was:thestuffspy novels aremade.:of --guns.and.car·chasesthwughWashington,as welt as much more sophist.fcatecl spy games. ONE-THE Nocos CouP 9 Due to my own intensifying paranoia, I eventually b_acked -off the story, but not before the appropriate authorities, in both government and media, were a ware of the situation. At that time, I had no additional facts. I was sure I was not just dealing with a run-of-the-mill Washing ton scandal. It was clear that those involved \·v.ere capable of wielding great power, but more than that, there was a chilling feeling of antiquity that surrounded the situation. But with my limited resources, I ha<i run into a dea-d end. As the years have passed the story has continued to trickle out. Though much more research needs to be done in the area of the actual involvement -of the Nixon administration in this unsuccessful coup, proving that involvement is not--essential to my thesis. My thesis is that secret societies have 'had a major, yet little known impact on '"'orld events throughout history, and will undoubtedly attempt to influence world affairs in the future. I cannot prove that secret societies had anything to do with coup plotting in 1973-74, but the circumstantial evidence is certainly strong. I hope the publication of this book will stimulate the release of new data, which only the principals can supply. Why '"'ould aU .5. president consider such drastic action, if, indee-d he did? At first, it seeme-d that this was merely the act of a power-mad president, but the historical record has not borne out that hypothesis. The only logical alternative is very complex and requires an entire book to explain. In a nutshell, President Nixon was probably used and when proven no longer useful, discarde-d by the same group who brought us the American, Fr.ench, and Russian revolutions in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, and the World Wars, the United Nations, the Korean War, and Vietnam in the twentieth century. The problem with identifying this group is that they hide behind numerous ·covers, but the motive is always ·the same-money and power. This group has no national affiliation; in fact'; they are actively working to -eliminate the -concept of national boundaries altogether. Their goal is '-to inflict on the nations of the world an international government which -they will contr~l for their own gain. This .book shows the-history of this scheme throughouUhe centuries. Aithough it has been ·known by many names, like the "Great Plan," to Masonic occultists, it is .now generally rderre-d to as the New World Order. What follows are the facts that have comeout'0ver the y-ears: relating .to the·:Nixon-era .a>up."They are arranged rou,ghl-y in ·chronolo,gi<:al order. 'WAltRGATE-JUNE 1972 'Former CIA. .employees under--dir-ection <~f the ·White House were caughtb reaking into .Democratic National Headquarters at the Water gate.office«>II\Plexin Waslrington.An.informed-intelligence'S<>Uroehas