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New World Order - Old World Lies PDF

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New World Order - Old World Lies www.gentiledefenseleague.net This is my book "Without Prejudice" . It explains the foreign criminal legal system franchise operating under colour and guise of law in our own courts to commit a myriad of crimes against humanity and our nations. When all final decisions devolve to the courts, all power devolves to the judiciary. When your courts themselves fall victim to the ageless designs of world conquerors and justice no longer prevails, then nobody is secure and the very thing for which they have given up their freedom; enslaves them. Consider the legal definition of FREE. FREE - "not subject to the legal constraint <legislation> of another". We literally lose our freedom one piece of legislation at a time. The true law is based upon what is morally and ethically correct.. the sense of right and wrong that stretches from the top of your head to your belly button. And that is why morals and ethics in our society are the first victims of the legal system franchise that has overthrown the law. It is a most lucrative racket... 75% of the world's lawyers are in North America and we have 25% of the world's incarcerated prisoners. Think about it; Police NEED Crime, Lawyers NEED Crime... JUDGES NEED CRIME! So do Security Companies, Penal Institutions... What is LAWFUL is unwritten... it is your sense of morals and ethics.. honour.. duty to your loved ones.. and respect for life itself. What is Legal, is by legal definition; the Written Form of the Law. Herein lies the deception. In the lawful sense; what is legal or 'written' must conform to what is lawful or it is simply UNLAWFUL, which renders it invalid and thus il-legal. The legal system has blindfolded Justice and left her sitting outside on the steps of our court houses. Dedication People touch our lives in a myriad of ways. Sometimes for the good and sometimes in ways we would rather they didn’t. My dedication is to those who have opened my eyes to both incredible kindness and to speechless evil. To Her lawfully naked and legally regally deceitfully cloaked British Emperor Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2, Defender of the Faith and Sworn to uphold the True Gospel, Head of the British Crown of Israel and Royal Queen of the Jews. Since you already have a rubber stamped court order to seize all my belongings for debts owed to you and have already stolen the food out of my children’s mouths and the roof from over their heads on numerous occasions, you might as well have as much as I can write as well. While you may just be some nice old Jewish granny in your own country on the other side of our Earth, let me ask; why and what in God’s Name are you doing in and to the rest of our world? To Mr. Ed Wright; my British Banker buddy for explaining the global Banking System, the British Navy Gay Boy Club, the Canadian Crown Legal System, British banking scams, how the “real gentleman’s game” of bureaucratic black operations is played, screwing your friends, screwing your enemies, humping the nearest fire hydrant and always watching your front. To Mr. Oscar Fech; my Jewish friend from Calgary who mercilessly teased me and insisted “my god is a dog” until I finally caught on that the fairy tale was all a lie and a fraud. Thanks for the eye opener. I have to agree I prefer Allegory to the Obtuse but isn’t the Truth simply more efficient? Somehow I don’t think dinner with Chretien would be all that appetizing. J To Mr. David Bosomworth for the inspiration to finally put this book together. I keep trying to render distinct problems and solutions into one page three fold brochures so people have time to read. I hope it is all you were expecting. To RCMP Constable Wendland, Acting Sargeant McRae, Constable Fenson, Constable MacKill, Constable Taylor and Constable Johnson for showing us the difference between the thin blue line of honourable patriots and the fat yellow stripe of the treasonous foreign owned private British “de facto police state” army of the Anglican Church Crown of Israel and their Jewish Queen. To Vancouver PD officer Linda Malcom from Crime Stoppers, LAPD officer Mike Ruppert and Captain Jack McLamb from “Police and Military against the New World Order” for showing us the thin blue line is still there and that real heroes exist in more than just British Crown of Israel “Canadian His-story” and other Disney fairy tales. Thanks for everything Linda. We truly appreciated it. To Mr. R. B. McMeekin, Ms. Thea Smith and Ms. Nancy Gagne who showed me in great detail how minor public servants in CCRA and the Crown Legal System are “above their illegitimate law” and can use the courts and their criminal ability to rubber stamp ???LEGAL??? documents in order to financially rape, rule and criminally terrorize private Canadian citizens. From outright Fraud to Child Stalking, can these public persons “do it all legally?” Is it murder for them to bureaucratically badger someone until they commit suicide and leave their children without a parent as happened to Mrs. Debra Stefan? Is it child stalking to call schools to find out where the children have moved after they have seized your damage deposit and paycheques and left your family homeless? Parents with children are easy targets for these criminals as their children are always the victims. Is this a Canada that you are proud of? To foreign British Crown Prosecutor Mr. Vern Brewer who left me shocked with incredulity when he jerked his thumb over his shoulder with contempt and instructed his Crown Judge Crony in defamatory summation to “keep in mind we need to send a message to the herd back here when we sentence the Schuck’s for not cooperating with CCRA.” I have a message from the herd for our traitorous Mr. Brewer and his judicially fraudulent ilk; “watch out for the horn.” To the Reverend David Romeril, Reverend Kevin Annett and Reverend Rock Smith; classic Chaucerian examples of the distinction between a British Pardoner and local North American Parsons. A special thanks to David for that pontificating defence of how the Queen and her Anglican Church Crown subjugate and judge Canadians with absolute malice of righteous forethought and expect not to be judged them selves because they control our legal system. The “free?” association between transgressions and debts in Matthew 6:12 was priceless, but “Nay, methinks not good Pardoner, my bacchanalian son of Eros; you cannot serve both God and Money. No Slave can have two Masters but thank you for Opening my Eyes and Ears.” To Mr. Joe Clark for his kind reception, proudly showing me the gold fringed flag in his office and teaching me that there is “no light of Day” at the end of the long dark tunnel of Canadian political treason. To the fonetikaly flatulent and maudlin Mr. Kenney, with filing cabinets as rotund as himself of complaints from private citizens being criminally attacked by CCRA, howling incipiently between mouthfuls from the trough to hold the tax dogs back on their leashes. Looking on the bright side of hindsight it is perhaps some kindness that his own more liberal libertarian performance pales the embarrassment of his predecessor. To Dave Lindsay and Dave Thompson. Canadian Heroes and Champions of Truth and Justice. A million thanks for all your efforts that no one ever sees. And finally, to my fellow directors and volunteers in the Reform and Alberta Parties who taught me that true friendship is both priceless and rare and Anarchy is the only political system that works. It has been an honour to stand with those of you who have given your genuine selfless true patriotic love to our country. Freedom of Speech Anarchy is simply an absence of government, an absence of that which does not and never will work. While the idea of having a government to govern the civil service seems legitimate enough, it is unfortunate that too few understand the difference between governing the civil service and subjecting the free citizens of the state to slavery. Lord Acton’s axiom is a universal constant. We are told that we are free as long as we follow all the “laws”. This is a lie. If you have to follow all this legislation that pretends to be “laws” you are a slave. It is that simple. The legal definition of free is “not subject to the legal constraint of another”. A free man is self governing. A slave follows rules and regulations. To those that constantly tell me we need to be subjected to all the rules and regulations of this foreign church I would ask, is the only thing that stops you from committing transgressions against your fellow man a written rule? The only thing that stops you killing everyone in sight: a written rule? The only thing that stops you from stealing everything you can at every opportunity a written rule? Is the only thing that compels action or in-action a written rule? It quickly becomes obvious that you cannot replace moral and ethical behaviour with written rules. Then it becomes more obvious why the legal system of written rules and regulations needs to overthrow the morals and ethics of the people in order to take over the justice system and rule the state by absolute jeopardy. How do you bring about peaceful change in your own country when the only lawful venue to do so is controlled by the foreign power attacking you? Only freedom of speech brings about peaceful change. When people are FORCED to silence or targeted because they have spoken or written the truth, they are provoked to reciprocate and react to the negative physical actions being taken against them in a like manner. You cannot purchase peace with the barrel of a gun, only slavery and political power. Only Freedom brings Peace. While the foreign controlled Canadian government scrambles to erect as many legal barriers against the state they have been victimizing perhaps they should stop and ask themselves “can you righteously condemn those whom you give no choice but to respond to your depredations in desperation?” Is it not time you sided with the Canadian state that pays your way instead of against it? “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to speak the truth.” -Paul McRae The only defence against slander or libel is the TRUTH. If telling the truth about a situation paints someone in a bad light then it is incumbent upon them to change their actions, not to kill the messenger. Is the truth really ever anything other than just the truth? Is the truth racist? Is it anti- White, anti-Black, anti-Semitic, anti-Gay or anti-Establishment? Are these attributes one can logically assign to TRUTH? Nonsense. The truth simply is. The fact of the matter is that unless the New World Order crowd can suppress the truth, they just aren’t going to get what they want. They want power and power means CONTROL. They need to control every aspect of your life; family, work and media or they just aren’t going to get what they want. They want authority over your life. They want you to believe they have the right to rule you. They want to leave you the responsibility to pay for it all. They want controlled profits, labour resources and progress. They want a much smaller global population and they want slaves. Who are THEY? Global Slavery Scenario At the top of the heap are Global Bankers. They stay hidden and their stock in trade is deceit. Their ill-gotten gains both afford and demand anonymity. Their financial tools are counterfeit, cheque kiting and stock manipulation. For the mere expedience of putting ink to paper they buy up all valuable assets. When you can print your own money you can buy what you want. It is their intention to enslave the human race and reduce it to their chattel property. They plan to “smash the world and then mould it closer to their hearts desire”. Bankers maintain a Punch and Judy puppet show called geo-politics and behind the scenes they launch their attack on a target nation using a three-part strategy; Force, Religion and Legislation. The entire global financial system is a quasi-military, quasi-religious, quasi-legal, quasi-feudal, quasi-political beast. 1) Force is used to attack a nation and smash its peoples. Soldiers. 2) Religion is imposed to induce insanity and herd people into a sheep like state. Priests. 3) The Legislation of the conqueror is brought in on the shirttails of God. Lawyers. Poli-ticians are the actors that play the part of making the victims believe they represent them and that they actually have a choice (are free). Poli-ce are the coercive arm of the poli-tically appointed Ju-diciary. (These poli-tic-al actors are Poli-Tick(s). Poli meaning Many. Ticks meaning Blood Suckers.) Rule vacillates back and forth between the Kings and the Judges, but they both rule in the name of God. They are stepping-stones on the way to God-less Global Judicial Rule of the fascist states of a Super-national United Nations. The easiest way to bring force against a nation is to play global politics, set one nation against another and then come in and pick up all the pieces. The global Bankers first divide the world into nations and then come in and piece it back together as they wish. A) The short-term strategy of the game is to divide and enslave nations. In Canada this is the job of the Brit-ish Crown of Israel. B) The long-term strategy of the game is to bring the enslaved nations into an enslaved United Nations under the legislative rule of a global court. 1) First you seize the land and then enslave the people. Do all you can to smash any cohesiveness in the society; families, neighbourhoods, villages, etc… must all be taken apart so that no group can stand together. Free people are subjected by force to the authority of their foreign masters. 2) Human minds literally grow as they learn. It induces insanity by teaching people that God made everything because it creates a mnemonic for a fictitious entity and maps everything to it. This cripples the ability to reason since one never makes the logical thought processes required to deal with reality. Not understanding the environment around them, people are easily herded using fear tactics. Fear cripples reason and leaves people easy to mind manipulate. The herd is taught that God gives their foreign masters (Kings) the right to rule them. 3) Legislation is Slavery. Freedom is the right to make your own choice. Every piece of legislation enacted against a free man is an attack on his freedom. God is no longer needed once the foreign private legal system franchise is in place. Control is then passed from a King to a Judge and God is lobbed out the door with the rest of the trash. The mindless enslaved herd creature is financially raped until he is beyond his productive use as a hu-man resource. In the event of a revolution of the masses, you simply repeat the three steps ahead until no semblance of hu-man-ity exists within the herd and they are completely mind controlled. A quick reading of the Bible shows how despotic rule can be volleyed back and forth between Kings and Judges. The unfortunate thing about herds is that eventually they need to be culled. Whenever the hu-man race becomes aware of what is going on it makes them difficult to control. People just don’t stand still very well when their families are being decimated. One good way of culling a hu-man herd is by vaccine. You can inject slow working poisons directly into a hu-man body and then reap incredible profits as the panicked herd creatures throws all their hard earned assets at trying to prolong the inevitable. All that much more fun to look your victim in the eye and smile at them while you administer the poison that will give them the final push to their grave. Here, have some more drugs. Pharmaceuticals kill four times as many people in North America as illicit narcotics do. SIDS, autism and a host of childhood diseases are all caused by vaccines produced by these same pharmaceutical manufacturers. I have mentioned Bankers and Phoney Money scams. I have also mentioned Pharmaceuticals, a huge Money Maker. What connection do Phoney Money and Drugs have? The world owes a combined debt of nearly fifty trillion dollars. (Of course no one had fifty trillion dollars to lend, it was all created out of thin air.) If one follows the gold (debt) to its final destination one finds the Bank that controls all the Central Banks of the Jewish Common Wealth Nations of Israel; The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements has an asset base of one hundred and seventy five trillion dollars. Basel, Switzerland is also the home of the world’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Switzerland is the world’s only “neutral nation”. Sincere as gold in their poppy neutrality; every home is required by law to be armed and all male citizens are compelled to serve in the army. Europe has erupted into violence with two world wars that have left Switzerland virtually untouched. Switzerland is the ancestral home of the European Jewish Royal Families. The centre of the Habsburg dynasty is the Falcon’s Nest. All the Royal Families of Europe are Jewish (line of Judah) by ancestral descent. They claim to sit on Christ’s Throne. The people Israel claim that their God gives them the divine right to rule the Earth. There are competitors for the Crown of course. The Catholic Pope wears the Triple Crown and claims to be the Vicar of Christ and the King of Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. In control of the fantastic assets that the Jewish God has amassed in the Swiss Vatican accounts, the Swiss Guard is assigned to guard the Pope. According to the ecumenical councils of Basel, the Catholic Church owns the earth and all the kings of the earth, including the British Crown are subject to it as well. Interestingly, this agenda to rule the world is millennia old and it is laid out in an ancient document known as the Holy Bible. Within its pages lies an agenda for the people of Israel to subjugate and enslave the world. It is the most racist agenda ever penned by man in the name of God. Whether the people in control of this system are Jewish is debatable. However, those that rule us do claim that they are. Elizabeth claims to sit on Christ’s throne because she is related to him by blood. Christ was a descendant of Judah, which is why he was called a Jew. Though the Head of the British Crown of Israel Anglican Church may well be a Christian by religious faith, she is obviously of Jewish ancestral lineage. The term Jew in the Bible refers to someone from the House of Judah, not to someone of the Jewish religion. The religious terms “Jewish” and “Christian” were not used at the time of Christ. The disciples called themselves the “naazrim ha-brit” (people of the covenant). Christians were a sect formed by Simon Pater who had political designs and wanted to finance them with proceeds from the lucrative God Indus-tree. The delectable board provided by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is a cornucopia of fruit pregnant with the seeds of pretensions to power. In Canada there is no separation of “our” government and the foreign Anglican Church British Crown of Israel. In Canada we are ruled by the British Crown of Israel and their Jewish Queen. This is the reason why one must examine this religious aspect of this British criminal conspiracy when they try to understand the foreign corporately owned Canadian political slavery system. Israel is a Hebrew term that means “ruler of God”. Brit-ish means “people of the covenant”. Jacob means “deceiver”. The Saxons are Saac’s Sons or Isaac’s Sons. The Engel-ish are the “people of the Engel”. The “Engel” or Unicorn is the symbol of the House of Ephraim who claim that Jacob passed the Crown of Israel to them. The symbol of the Crown in one of their privately owned courts in Brit-ish Columbia shows that the Crown of Israel is subject to the Lion of Judah. The Lion of Judah is

I have to agree I prefer Allegory to the Obtuse his office and teaching me that there is “no light of Day” at the end of the controlled profits, labour resources and progress Genesis 28:10-15. 2 This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing: He shall be The Racist Religion A
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