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New Voices on Adam Smith (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) PDF

388 Pages·2006·1.17 MB·English
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Preview New Voices on Adam Smith (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

New Voices on Adam Smith There is a general resurgence of interest in the writings and significance of Adam Smith. This volume includes fourteen original, commissioned and refereed papers by already established young scholars who have recently finished their PhD dissertations on Adam Smith or a closely related topic. The international and multidisciplinary character of all these contributions reflects the intellectual fertility of Smith’s works. Issues ranging from analysis of Smith’s sources, economics, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, and politics to penetrating treatment of Smith’s rele- vance in recent discussions of gender, cultural diversity, or environmental protection make this volume a must for all those interested in his legacy. The book is a useful first introduction to the state of the art in scholarship on Adam Smith as well as a provocative reorientation for those familiar with long-standing debates on Smith’s continuing importance. Leonidas Montes is Associate Professor of Economics at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile. Eric Schliesseris Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, Research Fellow, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Department of Philosophy, Leiden University and Research Associate, Amsterdam Research Group in History and Methodology of Economics, University of Amsterdam. Routledge studies in the history of economics 1 Economics as Literature 8 The History of Game Theory I Willie Henderson From the beginnings to 1945 Robert W. Dimand and 2 Socialism and Marginalism in Mary Ann Dimand Economics 1870–1930 Edited by Ian Steedman 9 The Economics of W. S. Jevons Sandra Peart 3 Hayek’s Political Economy The socio-economics of order 10 Gandhi’s Economic Thought Steve Fleetwood Ajit K. Dasgupta 4 On the Origins of Classical 11 Equilibrium and Economic Economics Theory Distribution and value from Edited by Giovanni Caravale William Petty to Adam Smith Tony Aspromourgos 12 Austrian Economics in Debate Edited by Willem Keizer, Bert Tieben 5 The Economics of Joan and Rudy van Zijp Robinson Edited by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, 13 Ancient Economic Thought Luigi Pasinetti and Edited by B. B. Price Alesandro Roncaglia 14 The Political economy of Social 6 The Evolutionist Economics of Credit and Guild Socialism Léon Walras Frances Hutchinson and Albert Jolink Brian Burkitt 7 Keynes and the ‘Classics’ 15 Economic Careers A study in language, Economics and economists in epistemology and mistaken Britain 1930–1970 identities Keith Tribe Michel Verdon 16 Understanding ‘Classical’ 25 Marx’s Concept of Money: the Economics God of Commodities Studies in the long-period theory Anitra Nelson Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori 26 The Economics of James Steuart 17 History of Environmental Edited by Ramón Tortajada Economic Thought E. Kula 27 The Development of Economics in Europe since 1945 18 Economic Thought in Edited by A. W. Bob Coats Communist and Post- 28 The Canon in the History of Communist Europe Economics Edited by Hans-Jürgen Wagener Critical essays Edited by Michalis Psalidopoulos 19 Studies in the History of French Political Economy 29 Money and Growth From Bodin to Walras Selected papers of Allyn Abbott Edited by Gilbert Faccarello Young Edited by Perry G. Mehling and 20 The Economics of John Rae Roger J. Sandilands Edited by O. F. Hamouda, C. Lee and D. Mair 30 The Social Economics of Jean- Baptiste Say 21 Keynes and the Neoclassical Markets and virtue Synthesis Evelyn L. Forget Einsteinian versus Newtonian macroeconomics 31 The Foundations of Laissez-faire Teodoro Dario Togati The economics of Pierre de Boisguilbert 22 Historical Perspectives on Gilbert Faccarello Macroeconomics Sixty years after the General 32 John Ruskin’s Political Economy Theory Willie Henderson Edited by Philippe Fontaine and Albert Jolink 33 Contributions to the History of Economic Thought 23 The Founding of Institutional Essays in honour of Economics R. D. C. Black The leisure class and sovereignty Edited by Antoin E. Murphy and Edited by Warren J. Samuels Renee Prendergast 24 Evolution of Austrian 34 Towards an Unknown Marx Economics A commentary on the From Menger to Lachmann manuscripts of 1861–1863 Sandye Gloria Enrique Dussel 35 Economics and Interdisciplinary 43 The Contribution of Joseph Exchange Schumpeter to Economics Edited by Guido Erreygers Economic development and institutional change 36 Economics as the Art of Richard Arena and Cecile Dangel Thought Essays in memory of 44 On the Development of Long- G. L. S. Shackle run Neoclassical Theory Edited by Stephen F. Frowen and Tom Kompas Peter Earl 45 F.A. Hayek as a Political 37 The Decline of Ricardian Economist Economics Economic analysis and values Politics and economics in post- Edited by Jack Birner, Ricardian theory Pierre Garrouste and Thierry Aimar Susan Paskoff 46 Pareto, Economics and Society 38 Piero Sraffa The mechanical analogy His life, thought and cultural Michael McLure heritage Alessandro Roncaglia 47 The Cambridge Controversies in Capital Theory 39 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium A study in the logic of theory in Economic Theory development The Marshall–Walras divide Jack Birner Michel de Vroey 48 Economics Broadly Considered 40 The German Historical School Essays in honor of The historical and ethical Warren J. Samuels approach to economics Edited by Steven G. Medema, Edited by Yuichi Shionoya Jeff Biddle and John B. Davis 41 Reflections on the Classical 49 Physicians and Political Economy Canon in Economics Six studies of the work of Essays in honor of doctor-economists SamuelHollander Edited by Peter Groenewegen Edited by Sandra Peart and Evelyn Forget 50 The Spread of Political Economy and the 42 Piero Sraffa’s Political Economy Professionalisation of A centenary estimate Economists Edited by Terenzio Cozzi and Economic societies in Europe, Roberto Marchionatti America and Japan in the nineteenth century Massimo Augello and Marco Guidi 51 Historians of Economics and 59 Marshall’s Evolutionary Economic Thought Economics The construction of disciplinary Tiziano Raffaelli memory Steven G. Medema and 60 Money, Time and Rationality in Warren J. Samuels Max Weber Austrian connections 52 Competing Economic Theories Stephen D. Parsons Essays in memory of Giovanni Caravale 61 Classical Macroeconomics Sergio Nisticò and Domenico Tosato Some modern variations and distortions 53 Economic Thought and Policy James C. W. Ahiakpor in Less Developed Europe The nineteenth century 62 The Historical School of Edited by Michalis Psalidopoulos Economics in England and and Maria-Eugenia Almedia Mata Japan Tamotsu Nishizawa 54 Family Fictions and Family Facts Harriet Martineau, Adolphe 63 Classical Economics and Quetelet and the population Modern Theory question in England 1798–1859 Studies in long-period analysis Brian Cooper Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori 55 Eighteenth-Century Economics 64 A Bibliography of Female Peter Groenewegen Economic Thought to 1940 Kirsten K. Madden, Janet A. Sietz 56 The Rise of Political Economy and Michele Pujol in the Scottish Enlightenment Edited by Tatsuya Sakamoto and 65 Economics, Economists and Hideo Tanaka Expectations From microfoundations to 57 Classics and Moderns in macroeconomics Economics I Warren Young, Robert Leeson and Essays on nineteenth and William Darity Jnr twentieth century economic thought 66 The Political Economy of Public Peter Groenewegen Finance in Britain 1767–1873 Takuo Dome 58 Classics and Moderns in Economics II 67 Essays in the History of Essays on nineteenth and Economics twentieth century economic Warren J. Samuels, thought Willie Henderson, Kirk D. Johnson Peter Groenewegen and Marianne Johnson 68 History and Political Economy 76 At the Origins of Mathematical Essays in honour of P. D. Economics Groenewegen The economics of A. N. Isnard Edited by Tony Aspromourgos and (1748–1803) John Lodewijks Richard van den Berg 69 The Tradition of Free Trade 77 Money and Exchange Lars Magnusson Folktales and reality Sasan Fayazmanesh 70 Evolution of the Market Process Austrian and Swedish 78 Economic Development and economics Social Change Edited by Michel Bellet, Historical roots and modern Sandye Gloria-Palermo and perspectives Abdallah Zouache George Stathakis and Gianni Vaggi 71 Consumption as an Investment 79 Ethical Codes and Income The fear of goods from Hesiod Distribution to Adam Smith A study of John Bates’ Clark and Cosimo Perrotta Thorstein Veblen Guglielmo Forges Davanzati 72 Jean-Baptiste Say and the Classical Canon in Economics 80 Evaluating Adam Smith The British connection in CreatingThe Wealth of Nations French classicism Willie Henderson Samuel Hollander 81 Civil Happiness 73 Knut Wicksell on Poverty Economics and human No place is too exalted flourishing in historical Knut Wicksell perspective Luigino Bruni 74 Economists in Cambridge A study through their 82 New Voices on Adam Smith correspondence 1907–1946 Edited by Leonidas Montes and Eric Edited by M. C. Marcuzzo and Schliesser A. Rosselli 75 The Experiment in the History of Economics Edited by Philippe Fontaine and Robert Leonard New Voices on Adam Smith Edited by Leonidas Montes and Eric Schliesser With a foreword by Knud Haakonssen First published 2006 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2006 Selection and editorial matter, Leonidas Montes and Eric Schliesser; individual chapters, the contributors This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2006. “To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to www.eBookstore.tandf.co.uk.” All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN10: 0-415-35696-2 (hbk) ISBN10: 0-203-00295-4 (ebk) ISBN13: 978-0-415-35696-1 (hbk) ISBN13: 978-0-203-00295-7 (ebk) To Warren Samuels, whose invisible hand promotes the best kind of intellectual exchange

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of academic interest in Adam Smith. As a consequence, a large number of PhD dissertations on Smith have been written by international scholars - in different languages, and in many diverse disciplines, including economics, women’s studies, philosophy,
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