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López-Guerrero, ADVANCES IN Llombart-Bosch EXPERIMENTAL Felipo MEDICINE N E AND BIOLOGY W T R Volume 587 E N D S I N C A NEW TRENDS IN N C E R F CANCER FOR THE O R T H E 21ST CENTURY 2 1 S T C E N T U R Y AEMB Edited by 587 J.A. López-Guerrero, A. Llombart-Bosch and V. Felipo NEW TRENDS IN CANCER FOR THE 21st CENTURY 2nd Edition ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Editorial Board: NATHAN BACK,State University ofNew York at Buffalo IRUN R.COHEN,The Weizmann Institute ofScience DAVID KRITCHEVSKY,Wistar Institute ABEL LAJTHA,N.S.Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research RODOLFO PAOLETTI,University ofMilan Recent Volumes in this Series Volume 579 IMMUNE MECHANISMS IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE Edited by Richard S.Blumberg Volume 580 THE ARTERIAL CHEMORECEPTORS Edited by Yoshiaki Hayashida,Constancio Gonzalez,and Hisatake Condo Volume 581 THE NIDOVIRUSES:THE CONTROL OF SARS AND OTHER NIDOVIRUS DISEASES Edited by Stanley Perlman and Kathryn Holmes Volume 582 HOT TOPICS IN INFECTION AND IMMUNITY IN CHILDREN III Edited by Andrew J.Pollard and Adam Finn Volume 583 TAURINE 6 Edited by Simo S.Oja and Pirjo Saransaari Volume 584 LYMPHOCYTE SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION Edited by Constantine Tsoukas Volume 585 TISSUE ENGINEERING Edited by John P.Fisher Volume 586 CURRENT TOPICS IN COMPLEMENT Edited by John D.Lambris Volume 587 NEW TRENDS IN CANCER FOR THE 21STCENTURY Edited by J.A.López-Guerrero,A.Llombart-Bosch and V.Felipo A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series.A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication.Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment.For further information please contact the publisher. NEW TRENDS IN CANCER FOR THE 21st CENTURY 2nd Edition Edited by Antonio Llombart-Bosch University of Valencia, Valencia,Spain Vicente Felipo Centro de Investigación Prínicpe Felipe, Valencia,Spain and José Antonio López-Guerrero Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia,Spain ISBN-10 1-4020-4966-8 (HB) ISBN-13 978-1-4020-4966-8 (HB) ISBN-10 1-4020-5133-6 (e-book) ISBN-13 978-1-4020-5133-3 (e-book) © 2006 Springer All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication oftrade names,trademarks,service marks,and similar terms,even ifthey are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com Honoring the memory of Prof.Antonio Llombart Rodríguez. Commemorating the centenary of his birth and the 50th anniversary of thefounding of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) inValencia Contents Preface.............................................................................................................xi List of Contributors.......................................................................................xvii 1. Prognostic and Therapeutic Targets in the Ewing’s Family of Tumors (PROTHETS)...........................................................................1 P.Picci,K.Scotlandi,M.Serra,and A.Rizzi 2. Targeted Therapies in Ewing’s Sarcoma...................................................13 K.Scotlandi 3. The CCN3 Protein and Cancer................................................................23 B.Perbal 4. Ews-Fli1 in Ewing’s Sarcoma:Real Targets and Collateral Damage.............................................................................41 J.Ban,C.Siligan,M.Kreppel,D.Aryee,and H.Kovar 5. Molecular Karyotyping in Sarcoma Diagnostics and Research................53 H.Vauhkonen,S.Savola,S.Kaur,M.L.Larramendy, and S.Knuutila 6. TuBaFrost:European Virtual Tumor Tissue Banking..............................65 P.H.J.Riegman,M.H.A.Oomen,W.N.M.Dinjens,J.W.Oosterhuis, K.H.Lam,A.Spatz,C.Ratcliffe,K.Knox,R.Mager, vii viii CONTENTS D.Kerr,F.Pezzella,B.van Damme,M.van de Vijver, H.van Boven,M.M.Morente,S.Alonso,D.Kerjaschki, J.Pammer,J.A.López-Guerrero,A.Llombart-Bosch, A.Carbone,A.Gloghini,I.Teodorovic,M.Isabelle, A.Passioukov,S.Lejeune,P.Therasse,andE.-B.van Veen 7. Virtual Microscopy in Virtual Tumor Banking.........................................75 M.Isabelle,I.Teodorovic,J.W.Oosterhuis,P.H.J.Riegman, and the TuBaFrost Consortium 8. Harmonizing Cancer Control in Europe..................................................87 U.Ringborg 9. The Diagnosis of Cancer:“From H&E to Molecular Diagnosis and Back”................................................................................95 J.Costa 10. From Morphological to Molecular Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Tumors......99 M.Miettinen 11. Prediction of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Carcinomas of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract...............................115 H.Höfler,R.Langer,K.Ott,and G.Keller 12. Integrating the Diagnosis of Childhood Malignancies...........................121 D.López-Terrada 13. Preclinical Models for Cell Cycle-Targeted Therapies.............................139 M.Malumbres CONTENTS ix 14. WWOX,a Chromosomal Fragile Site Gene and its Role in Cancer.......149 D.Ramos,and C.M.Aldaz 15. From Genome to Proteome in Tumor Profiling:Molecular Events in Colorectal Cancer Genesis......................................................161 J.K.Habermann,U.J.Roblick,M.Upender,T.Ried, and G.Auer 16. Effect of Hypoxia on the Tumor Phenotype:The Neuroblastoma and Breast Cancer Models......................................................................179 L.Holmquist,T.Löfstedt,and S.Påhlman 17. Methylation Patterns and Chemosensitivity in NSCLC..........................195 J.L.Ramírez,M.F.Salazar,J.Gupta,J.M.Sánchez,M.Taron, M.Sánchez-Ronco,Vicente Alberola,and R.de las Peñas 18. Pharmacogenomics and Colorectal Cancer............................................211 H.J.Lenz 19. Development of Pharmacogenomic Predictors for Preoperative Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer............................................................233 L.Pusztai 20. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibitors in Colon Cancer.....................................................................................251 E.Díaz-Rubio 21. Molecular Imaging of Cancer Using PET and SPECT..........................277 A.Kjær x CONTENTS 22. MRS as Endogenous Molecular Imaging for Brain and Prostate Tumors:FP6 Project “eTUMOR”.....................................285 B.Celda,D.Monleón,M.C.Martínez-Bisbal,V.Esteve, B.Martínez-Granados,E.Piñero,R.Ferrer,J.Piquer, L.Martí-Bonmatí,and J.Cervera 23. From Linac to Tomotherapy:New Possibilities for Cure?......................303 G.Storme,D.Verellen,G.Soete,N.Linthout,J.Van de Steene, M.Voordeckers,V.Vinh-Hung,K.Tournel,and D.Van den Berge 24. Targeting mTOR for Cancer Treatment..................................................309 B.Rubio-Viqueira,and M.Hidalgo 25. Dual/Pan-Her Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors:Focus in Breast Cancer.....................................................................................329 J.Albanell 26. AntiTumor-Associated Antigens IGGS:Dual Positive and Negative Potential Effects for Cancer Therapy................................341 E.Barberá Guillem,and J.W.Sampsel 27. Synergistic Molecular Mechanisms in Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer.........................................................................................375 A.Llombart Cussac Index.............................................................................................................387

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