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New tools for Loop Quantum Gravity with applications to a simple model Enrique F. Borja ,†, Jacobo Díaz-Polo , Laurent Freidel‡, Iñaki Garay§, ∗ ∗∗ ∗ and Etera R. Livine¶,‡ InstituteforTheoreticalPhysicsIII,UniversityofErlangen-Nürnberg,Staudtstraße7,D-91058 ∗ 2 Erlangen(Germany). 1 †DepartamentodeFísicaTeóricaandIFIC,CentroMixtoUniversidaddeValencia-CSIC. 0 FacultaddeFísica,UniversidaddeValencia,Burjassot-46100,Valencia(Spain). 2 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,LouisianaStateUniversity.BatonRouge,LA,70803-4001. ∗∗ n ‡PerimeterInstituteforTheoreticalPhysics,31CarolineStN,WaterlooON,CanadaN2L2Y5. a §DepartamentodeFísicaTeórica,UniversidaddelPaísVasco,Apdo.644,48080Bilbao(Spain). J ¶LaboratoiredePhysique,ENSLyon,CNRS-UMR5672,46Alléed’Italie,Lyon69007,France. 6 2 Abstract. LoopQuantumGravityisnowawellestablishedapproachtoquantumgravity.Oneof the main challenges still faced by the theory is constructing a consistent dynamics which would ] c leadbacktothestandarddynamicsofthegravitationalfieldatlargescales.Herewewillreviewthe q recentU(N)frameworkforLoopQuantumGravityandthenewspinorrepresentation(thatprovides - r aclassicalsettingfortheU(N)framework).Then,wewillapplythesetechniquestoasimplemodel g inordertoproposeadynamicsforasymmetryreducedsectorofthetheory.Furthermore,wewill [ explorecertainanalogiesofthismodelwithLoopQuantumCosmology. 1 Keywords: LoopQuantumGravity,canonicalquantization,U(N)framework. v PACS: 04.60.Ds,04.60.Pp. 0 7 4 Introduction 5 . 1 Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) proposes a canonical quantization for the kinematics 0 of quantum gravity. The Hilbert space is generated by spin networks (states defined 2 1 over oriented graphs whose edges are labeled by SU(2) irreducible representations and : whoseverticesaredecoratedwithSU(2)invarianttensors,theintertwiners).Despitethe v i severaladvancesmade,theimplementationofthedynamicsisstillanopenproblem. X InthisarticlewedescribetwonewframeworksforLQGdevelopedrecently:theU(N) r a framework and the spinor representation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. We will apply these new frameworks to a simple model based on 2 nodes joined by an arbitrary number N of links.Then,wewillidentifyandexploreaglobalsymmetrythatselectsahomogeneous andisotropicsectorofthissystem[8,9].Finally,usingthespinorrepresentation,wewill propose for this system an action with an interaction term which encodes the effective dynamicsofthemodel. THE U(N) FRAMEWORK TheU(N)framework[1,2,3]isverywellsuitedtostudytheHilbertspaceofintertwin- ers with N legs. The basic tool of this framework is the Schwinger representation of the 17 First,wehavewrittenEei withoutreferencetoanyvertex. Thisisbecausespinnetworkstatessatisfythematching ccehonneecrsgktryathionapttesrtoahnteoarololpfeedrtahgteeosroEscesie(ljela)Mt=ojrsEcleoti(evme)inm,gtuhtoeenrewtfhoitreheewadlgelewtheriei,temsohaeittrcehhiEansgeiac≡opnoEssteivrtiiaeiviine=tsspEEeevceivit−iire1uiemi−−1NE..evIiin−T1pheaiu−rs1t,i.ctuhSleaecrs,ohnoifdnt,eedEcaoenipeiesraasttiholyer Eei+1isstillHermitianQandchasastrictlypositivespectrumN∗=N\{0}. Therefore,theoperator1/ Eei+1is well-defined. Finally,wepointoutthattheoperatorT\rG definedasaboveisstraightforwardlyHermitian. p L In orderto provethis conjecture, wecoulddo adirect calculationofthe actionofthe holonomyoperator,check howitactsonalltheintertwinerslivingattheverticesoftheloops andcomparewiththeexpressionabove. We L believethatamoreindirectcheckbutcertainlylesspainfulandmoreenlighteningwouldbetocomputethealgebra ofourconjecturedholonomyoperatorsandcompareittotheactualwell-knownholonomyalgebra. Wepostponethis studytofutureinvestigation[8]. We nevertheless check our conjectured formula against the exact expression of the holonomy operators for the 2-vertexgraph[7], anditseemsthatwehavetheexactsameexpressionsapartfromthesignfactor( 1)ri. Letus − lookmorecarefullyatthisissue. The 2-vertex graph consists in two vertices α and β, linked by N edges all oriented in the same direction from αtoβ. Wenumbertheedgesi=1..N. WenowhaveU(N) operatorsactingateachvertex,Ei(jα),Fi(jα),Fi(jα)† and Ei(jβ),Fi(jβ),Fi(jβ)†. Finally, thematchingconditionstoensurethatweareworkingwithtruespinnetworkstatesare E(α) E(β)=0foralledgesi. ii − ii e1 e2 e3 e4 α β eN−3 eN−2 eN−1 eN FIGURE1F.IG.T3:hTeh2e-2v-everrtteexxggrraapphhwwithitvhervteicretsicαeasnαdβaannddβtheaNndedthgeesNlinkeidnggethselmin.kingthem. Letuslookatabasicloopconsistingintwoedges(ij). Thenweapplyourconjecturedformulatoget: su(2)LiTe\rGal(igj)e=br−a√inEite+r1m1 sEjo+f1a(pFia(jαi)rFio(jβf)+haEri(jmα)Eoi(jnβ)i+cEoj(siαc)Eilj(liβa)t+oFrsi(jαa)†Fai(jnβ)d†)b√:Ei+11 Ej+1. (78) 1 ThisistheexactsameexprJessi=ponas(wae†haavedbe†ribve)d,intJheea=rliear†wbo,rk[7J]apa=rtafrobm†.theglobalpminussign. This discrepancyisnotanissuesiznceit2isonlyd−uetothediffer+enceoforientation−. Indeed,ourconjectureformulaholds foralledgesorientedthesamewayaroundtheloop ,whiletheformuladerivedin[7]assumesthattheedgesareall L LaorbieenltiendgfrotmheαtNoβl.eTghserweiisthnotphroeblienmdweixthic,hawngeingidtheenotriifeyntaStiUon(s2in)oiunrvfoarmriualnatforotpheerhaotloonrosmyacotpienragtoron above: wemultiplybyaminussignforeachedgewhoseorientationweswitch. pairAstothfe(epndososfitbhelydaey,qtuhealp)relseengtsfria,mje:workistotallyconsistentwiththefullanalysisofspinnetworkstateson the2-vertexgraphdonein[7]. ByexEpirejs=singat†ihaehjo+lonbo†imbyjo,pera(toEri†ajro=undEajic)lo,sedloopinFtierjm=soafitbhejo−peraatjobris,Eij,(FFijjian=dF−i†jFoifjt)h.eU(N) formalism,wehavefinallywrittenaproperSU(2)-invariantoperatorsactingonspinnetworkstatesandnotonlyon ThsinegloepinetrerattwoinresrEstatfeosramsdaonue(uNpt)o-naolwge[1b–r4a]. aAnsdwethhaevyesaalidsoeafrloierrm,looakicnlgocsaeredfulalylgaetbthreaextoprgesestiohneorfwtheith atahsrhcvtgeehoarotaaenllhouovdseniepiJptstoyiiemn{o.a=rrnoyraiTrs}es.toh,∑aopMiewnseritoehrasoarijsocetioFhosporvreoa,dw,ereFscraeer,stiao†iwatocnro.hettsceedTcitradeaaeprhfirnretmneeetftseoodiomsratgfshptpteehtdoilthyneegaefirbctonsohljouiueninuepmsggt(tetrtigolhuhineevcemneettaerfeeearnSdnrarctdtiltUasiwozs=reg(tsdieth2nh.0Ehee,)eFo1inlpriiotn.irronstaorhoTltdealemayulphs,ldcyo.teweeonSeooponUEfeafmer(rEia2iterjnth)g-ola-oeoiertrynfsotpvFrliaw,Eenerwigirootaarhhu=niitrtFc)tohhUa†∑rienc(ssooNdoipmpiEce)cdereohfraisemoatarfntogmrmnorotirsuamigvstfilaieeeMsccpsemstridtwo{Lnhrtpfgiiowtgee}rhroeflilnyoetocohronntemepheoeaermqtercmhuhvgataaeertysrlcniiethtc/zittuaiicoannmeorgglstfelayal carried by each leg, but still conserving the total energy; while the operators F (resp. ij F†) will decrease (resp. increase) the total area E by 2.The operators E allow then to ij ij navigate from state to state within each subspace H (J) of N-valent intertwiners with N fixed total area J; and the operators F† and F allow to go from one subspace H (J) ij ij N to the next H (J±1), thus endowing the full space of N-valent intertwiners with a Fock N space structure with creation operators F† and annihilation operators F . Finally, it is ij ij worth pointing out that the operators E ,F ,F† satisfy certain quadratic constraints, ij ij ij whichcorrespondtoamatrixalgebra[8]. THE 2 VERTEX MODEL AND THE GLOBAL SYMMETRY We consider the simplest class of non-trivial graphs for spin network states in LQG: a graph with two vertices linked by N edges, as shown in fig.1. There are matching conditions [2] imposing that each edge carries a unique SU(2) representation (same spin seen from α and from β). This translates into the equal energy condition E i ≡ E(α) E(β) = 0. These constraints E turn out to be part of a larger U(N) symmetry i i k − algebra satisfied by the operators E E(α) E(β) = E(α) (E(β))†. Now, one can ij ij ji ij ij ≡ − − show [8] that by imposing the global U(N)-invariance generated by the E ’s on our 2- ij vertex system, one obtains a single state J for each total boundary area J. Thus, the | (cid:105) U(N) invariance is restricting our system to states that are homogeneous and isotropic (thequantumstateisthesameateverypointofspace,i.e.atα andβ,andalldirections oredgesareequivalent). SPINORS AND EFFECTIVE DYNAMICS Based on the Schwinger representation of SU(2) in terms of harmonic oscillators, it is possible to give a representation of the classical phase of LQG in terms of spinor variables [4, 6]. The quantization of this classical system will lead us back to the U(N) framework for intertwiners. Focusing on this classical system, we write an action principle with an effective dynamics of the spinors for the symmetry reduced sector of the2-vertexmodel. Let us start by introducing the usual spinor notation. We define the spinor z and its dual: z0 z¯1 |z(cid:105)= z1 ∈C2, (cid:104)z|= z¯0 z¯1 , |z]≡ −z¯0 . (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) In order to describe N-valent intertwiners, we consider N spinors z satisfying a closure i condition1that,intermsoftheircomponents,isgivenby: ∑ zi zi ∝I ∑z0i z¯1i =0, ∑ z0i 2 =∑ z1i 2 = 1∑ zi zi . (1) | (cid:105)(cid:104) | ⇔ 2 (cid:104) | (cid:105) i i i i i (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Solutions are parameterized in terms of a positive number λ R+ and a unitary matrix ∈ u U(N)uptoU(N 2) SU(2)right-transformationswithz0=√λu andz1=√λu . i i1 i i2 ∈ − × The phase space is defined by the canonical Poisson bracket za,z¯b iδabδ . The i j ij { } ≡ quantization will be promoting z and z¯ as the annihilation and creation operators of i i harmonic oscillators. Then the classical matrices M = z z and Q =[z z are the ij i j ij j i (cid:104) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) classicalcounterpartsoftheoperatorsE andF. The U(N)-action on spinors is the simple N N matrix action (Uz)i = ∑jUijzj. × Defining the “homogeneous cosmological” sector as the U(N)-invariant sector, satis- fying zα zα = zβ zβ and invariant under zα,zβ Uzα,U¯zβ, imposes that all the i j i j (cid:104) | (cid:105) (cid:104) | (cid:105) → α-spinors are equal to the β-spinors up to a global phase, z¯(α) = eiφz(β). And we get i i a reduced phase space with two parameters, the total area λ and its conjugate angle φ encodingthecurvature.Ouransatzforthedynamicsofthis“cosmological”sectoris: S [λ,φ] = 2 dt λ∂ φ λ2 γ0 γ+e2iφ γ e 2iφ , (2) inv t − − − − − − (cid:90) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) which corresponds to the quantum Hamiltonian obtained in [8] with the operators E,F,F† (γ0,γ are coupling constants). In this classical case, the equations of motion ± 1 Weassociatetoeachspinorz a3-vector(cid:126)X(z)= z (cid:126)σ z ,with(cid:126)σ thePaulimatrices.Thentheclosure i i i i (cid:104) | | (cid:105) constraintis∑i(cid:126)X(zi)=0andweidentify(cid:126)X(zi)asthenormalvectortothedualsurfacetothelegi. canbesolvedexactly[4]withcertaininterestinganalogieswith(theeffectivedynamics of) Loop Quantum Cosmology, showing that the dynamics of the U(N)-invariant sector ofthe2-vertexgraphmodelcanbeinterpretedasdescribinghomogeneousandisotropic cosmology(see[10]forarecentdiscussion). CONCLUSIONS The U(N) framework and the spinor representation represent a new and refreshing way to tackle several important issues in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we have discussed these new frameworks and we have reviewed a proposal for the effective dynamics of the homogeneous and isotropic sector of the model at the classical level (thatcoincideswiththequantumHamiltonianproposedin[8]). We have described the main features of the U(N) framework, like the Fock space structure of the Hilbert space of intertwiners with N legs and we further used this U(N) structure onthe 2-vertexgraph to definea symmetryreduction to thehomogeneous and isotropicsector.Wehavethen,usingthespinorrepresentation,introducedaHamiltonian consistentwiththissymmetryreduction,whichcanbesolvedexactlyandshowntohave certaininterestinganalogieswiththedynamicsofLoopQuantumCosmology. Acknowledgments This work was in part supported by the Spanish MICINN research grants FIS2008- 01980, FIS2009-11893 and ESP2007-66542-C04-01 and by the grant NSF-PHY- 0968871. IG is supported by the Department of Education of the Basque Government underthe“FormacióndeInvestigadores”program. REFERENCES 1. F. Girelli and E.R. Livine. Reconstructing Quantum Geometry from Quantum Information: Spin NetworksasHarmonicOscillators,Class.Quant.Grav.22(2005)3295[arXiv:gr-qc/0501075]. 2. L. Freidel and E.R. Livine. 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