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NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA Revised Edition edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher English translation edited by R. McL.Wilson GOSPELS AND RELATED WRITINGS James Clarke & Co Westminster John Knox Press LOUISVILLE • LONDON Published in Great Britain by Junes CUirke & Co. Ltd P.O. Box 60 Cambridge CBl 2NT Pubhshed in die Unitxi States by Westminster John Knox Press Louisville, Kentucity 40202-1596 British Library Cataloguing in Publicalion Data IBiWe. NT. Apocryphal books English. 19911 New Testament Aptxrrypha. - 2nd. ed. I. Schneemelcher. Wilhelm 2299 ISBN 0-227-67915-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PuMication Data A catalog rwrwd for this book is available from the Library of CcHipvss ISBN (V664-2272I-X Copyright © J C B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) TUbingen. 1990 English Translauon Copyright © James Clarke & Co. Ltd, 1991 Paperback edition published by Westminster John Knox Press. 2003 Printed in the United States of Amenca 05 06 07 08 09 10 II 12 — 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 AU ri^ts reserved No |»rt erf ttiis book may be reproduced or tfansimowl ia my form or by My means, electronic or mechanical. iaclwMng |4iottx»pying. recorttag. or by any tDformatioa stor^ and retrkval systtm. without prior pcnmssi<» io writiog from the patrinho'. Preface to the English Edition For many years the standard woric in English in diis field, indeed for pracdcal (Kirposes the only work, was The Apocryphal New Testamem edited by M.R. James and first published in 1924. By die late fifues, however, for all its unquesuoned merits, it could be said to suffer from two defa:ts: it was then more than thirty years old, and consequently took no account of the discoveries made in diat period; and it provided but little in the way of guidance to die literature (kvoted to these apocryphal writings. Both these deficiencies were m^e good in die diird edition of its German counterpart, die Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, originally edited by Edgar Hennecke and directed in its latest form by Wilhelm Schnwmelcher. An English edition (vol.1.1963; vol. 11.1%5) met widi a cordial reception, and went into a second impression some ten years later. "Hennecke-Schneemelcher' is now. however, some thirty years old. and much has happened in these three decides. For one thing, die Nag Hamm^i library is now accessible, and can be evaluatal; for another, there has been a considerable ^cession to the literature in diis whole area. A new edition is therefore very welcome, and it is appropriate that die English version also should be revised and updated (some German works have gone dirough six or seven editions, but their English versions have remainal unchanged from the first!). The policy adopted is that which governed the previous English edition: to present an English version, checked and conrected to make it in every way possible an adequate tool for the use of die English-speaking reader. Some parts are completely new, and these have been translated from scratch. At other points much of the earlier wlition has been retained, and here use has been mswk of the CMitributions of my colleagues in that eariier volume. Dr George Ogg and Prof A.J.B. Higgins. bodi now deceased, and Dr RE. Taylor. The whole has, however, been rigorously checkal and revised against die new German edition, and die translation editor must assume the full responsibility. Dr Einar Thomassen has kindly undertaken die translation of diree secdons: VIII1. the Book ofThomas; VIII 4, the Apocryphon of James; and VIII 5, die Dialogue of die Saviour. One point should be made, to avoid possible misunderstanding (such as afflicted one reviewer of die earlier first volume!): die several introdiK:uons are straight transladons from the German, except for the 'residue' of the s^Uon contributed by H.C. Puech. for which a copy of die original French was also made available. The texts, however, presented somediing of a problem, which was envisaged from the outset in die earlier edition: merely to translate the German here would have produced somediing at some remove from die originals, whereas completely new translations could scarcely have been pjut under the names of the German contributors. The solution adopted then as now was lo New Testament Apoctypha check the translations against the origmals in Latin, Greek or G^c. to ensure that they were English versions of the original and ntx merely versitHis at third hand. Some dtings go more easily into English dian into German! It is hoped thai the ^cmd volume will follow at not too great an interval after die first. R. McL. WiUoti Preface to Sixth German Edition The first volume of the Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Obersetzung, fountJol in 1904 by Edgar Hennecke (t 1951), aj^)earcd in a third edition in 1959. A fourth ediuon which came out in 1968 was simply a corrected reprint of the third edidon. The present sixth edidtwi is a corra:tal reprint of the fifdt edidon. in which printing errors have been removed; at one point only some su^iementary material has been introduced. The complete recasung of die diird (fourdi) ediuon was necessary because in r»:ent years there has been a considerable amount of work in die area of research into the apocrypha. In recent years there has been so much research in this area that a completely new recasdng of die work seemed ai^n^riate. In parucular dw texts of die Copdc gnostic library of Nag Hammadi, which in 1959 could not yet be comprehoisively evaluated, have in the interval b^n opened up atKl nuule generally »xessible. A number of works from this find belong beyotKi (k>ubt to die kinds of text die extant wimesses of which are assembled in diis volume, hi (kciding which texts from Nag Hammadi ought to be included in our collecutxi, I have profited from die advice of C. Colpe, H.-M. Schenke and H.J. Klimkeit. to whom I would express my cordial thanks. Through die inclusion of texts from Nag Hammadi the book has bectHne more voluminous than in the previous ediuon. The remaining secdons had in part to be ctMnpletely remodelled, but in part the drafting of die ^wevious ^iuon could be taken over in a revised fonn. 1 have to diank all die collaborators who have shared in this edidtm. We may also remember widi grautude those who through their work ctMitributed to the success of the previous edition, but in the interval have been called from diis life. R. Kasscl. R. Merkelbach and R. Suchel have ^vis«l me in many quesuons of detail. A. de Santos Otero has frequently helped with his sp^ial knowlnlge. K. Schiferdiek. who already in tM previous edition rendered great service, has brcn a true helper this ume also. G. Ahn has assisted me in correcung the proofs. To all diCKe named I would express my hearty dianks. Fmally I must also thank the publisher G. Siebeck and his colleagues (espe cially R. Pflug) for their understanding collaborauon. For over eighty years this work has been taken care of by the Tubingen publishing house - a notable tesumony to die solid continuity of diis house. The second volume "Apostolisches. Apokalypdk und Verwandtes"appearKl in 1989. Wilhelm Schn^melcher Table of Contents Preface to the English Edition Preface to Sixth German Edition Abbreviations General Introduction {Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 9 1. The concepts: canon, testament, apocrypha 10 2. On the history of the New Testament canon 15 a) Canon catalogues: 34 1) The Canon Muratori 34 2) The catalogue in the Codex Claromontanus 37 3) The so-called Decretum Gelasianum 38 4) The Stichometry of Nicephorus 41 5) Catalogue of the Sixty canonical books 42 b) Testimonies of Church Fathers from the 3rd and 4th centuries: 43 1) Origen 43 2) Eusebius of Caesarea 47 3) Athanasius 49 3. New Testament apocrypha 50 4. The continuance and influence of the New Testament apocrypha 62 5. On the history of research into the apocryphal literature 66 A. GOSPELS: NON-BIBLICAL MATERIAL ABOUT JESUS 77 Introduction {Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 77 L Isolated Sayings of the Lord {Otfried Hofius) 88 U. Fragments of Unknown Gospels (/oacAiffi Jerewiifls t and Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 92 Introduction (Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 92 1. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 840 (Joachim Jeremias t and Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 94 2. Papyrus Egerton 2 (Joachim Jeremias t and Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 96 3. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1224 (Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 100 4. Papyrus Cairensis 10 735 (Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 101 5. The so-called Fayyum Fragment (Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 102 6. The Strasbourg Coptic Papyrus (Wilhelm Schneemelcher) 103 Appendix: the 'secret Gospel' of Mark (H. Merket) 106 in. The Coptic Gospel of Thomas (Beate Blatz) 110 rv. Jewish-Christian Gospels (PhiUpp Vielhauer t and Georg Strecker) 134 Introduction: The Testimonies of the Early Church regarding Jewish-Christian Gospels 135

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