NEW TECHNOLOGIES – TRENDS, INNOVATIONS AND RESEARCH Edited by Constantin Volosencu New Technologies – Trends, Innovations and Research Edited by Constantin Volosencu Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Ana Skalamera Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published April, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from [email protected] New Technologies – Trends, Innovations and Research, Edited by Constantin Volosencu p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0480-3 Contents Preface IX Part 1 Manufacturing Technologies 1 Chapter 1 Microassembly Using Water Drop 3 Taksehi Mizuno Chapter 2 Design and Simulation-Based Optimization of Cooling Channels for Plastic Injection Mold 19 Hong-Seok Park and Xuan-Phuong Dang Chapter 3 Biologically Inspired Techniques for Autonomous Shop Floor Control 45 Hong-Seok Park, Ngoc-Hien Tran and Jin-Woo Park Chapter 4 The Micro Injection Moulding Process for Polymeric Components Manufacturing 65 R. Surace, G. Trotta, V. Bellantone and I. Fassi Chapter 5 Recent Advances in Multi-Dimensional Packing Problems 91 Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Guido Perboli and Roberto Tadei Part 2 Nanotechnologies 111 Chapter 6 Nano Research Trends of Critical Scientific Fields Across Leading Worldwide Geo-Economic Players and Their Spatial Interactions 113 Mario Coccia, Ugo Finardi and Diego Margon Part 3 Robotics 137 Chapter 7 Improving Accuracy and Flexibility of Industrial Robots Using Computer Vision 139 Petar Maric and Velibor Djalic VI Contents Part 4 Telecommunication 165 Chapter 8 A Framework for VoIP Testability and Functionality Extension with Interactive Content Delivery 167 Janez Stergar, Janez Klanjšek and Sibila Vadlja Part 5 Physics 189 Chapter 9 Application of Radiosity Simulation Methods for Lighting Researches 191 Ruzena Kralikova and Katarina Kevicka Part 6 Dental Medical Technologies 207 Chapter 10 Combined-Correlated Methods Applied to the Analysis of Dental Prostheses Materials Quality 209 Diana Laura Cotoros and Mihaela Ioana Baritz Part 7 Smart Homes 239 Chapter 11 Smart Homes as Service Platforms for New Healthcare and Energy Services 241 Mikko Pynnönen and Mika Immonen Part 8 Speech Technologies 259 Chapter 12 Recent Progress in Development of Language Model for Slovak Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition 261 Jozef Juhár, Ján Staš and Daniel Hládek Part 9 Agriculture Technologies 277 Chapter 13 The Use of High-Speed Imaging Systems for Applications in Precision Agriculture 279 Bilal Hijazi, Thomas Decourselle, Sofija Vulgarakis Minov, David Nuyttens, Frederic Cointault , Jan Pieters and Jürgen Vangeyte Part 10 Management 297 Chapter 14 Team Building for Implementation of Concurrent Engineering Loops 299 Lidija Rihar, Janez Kušar, Tomaž Berlec and Marko Starbek Contents VII Chapter 15 The Development Process as a Complex and Interdisciplinary Team Based Challenge 327 Michael Bader and Mario Fallast Chapter 16 Risk Management in Area of Security and Protection of Health During the Work 347 Andrea Seňová and Katarína Čulková Part 11 Technology Popularization 377 Chapter 17 Open and Integral Innovation on Tablet PC by Popularized Advanced Media as Industrial Cradle 379 Makoto Takayama Preface At the beginning of the new millennium the request for innovation increased. Complex manufacturing, miniaturization of the components, development of the Internet or healthcare are in need of new technologies provided by researchers who are capable to introduce them. The book “New Technologies - Trends, Innovations and Research” presents contributions made by researchers from the entire world and from some modern fields of technology, serving as a valuable tool for scientists, researchers, graduate students and professionals. Some practical applications in particular areas are presented, offering the capability to solve problems resulted from economic needs and to perform specific functions. Some chapters cover topics related to high technologies; other topics related to consumer goods. The book mostly covers technological applications, including material applications with complex machines as well as virtual applications such as computer software, communications technology and business methods. The book will make possible for scientists and engineers to get familiar with the ideas from researchers from some modern fields of activity. It will provide interesting examples of practical applications of knowledge, assist in the designing process, as well as bring changes to their research areas. A collection of techniques, that combine scientific resources, is provided to make necessary products with the desired quality criteria. Strong mathematical and scientific concepts were used in the applications. They meet the requirements of utility, usability and safety. Technological applications presented in the book have appropriate functions and they may be exploited with competitive advantages. The book has 17 chapters, covering the following subjects: manufacturing technologies, nanotechnologies, robotics, telecommunications, physics, dental medical technologies, smart homes, speech technologies, agriculture technologies and management. In the domain of the manufacturing technologies the following contributions are presented: a method of micro-assembly using water drop for electric components characterized by combining surface tension with negative pressure produced by vacuum; a systematic method for optimizing the cooling channels in order to obtain the target mold temperature and to reduce cooling time and non-uniformity of X Preface temperature distribution of the molded part; a study of the autonomous shop floor control system with biologically inspired techniques, a solution for autonomous adaptation to disturbances; a study of the micro injection molding process for the manufacturing of polymeric micro-components and a study of the multi-dimensional packing and loading problem. In the field of manufacturing technologies a resource study of the nano-research trends is presented. In the field of robotics a chapter presents an algorithm for automatic identification of the kinematic model of the manipulator’s geometry in order to increase its accuracy and flexibility, based on a system with parallel optical axes used for measurement of the 3D position of the tool’s tip and/or fixtures of work pieces, a complete automation being achieved. In the field of telecommunications a multimedia system application for voice over Internet protocol, web cameras and IP phones is presented. In the field of physics an application of radiosity simulation methods for lighting researches is presented, which has as an objective a study of quantitative and qualitative parameters of illumination, designing a lighting system with a higher performance. In the field of dental medical technologies a study which analyzes advantages and disadvantages of composite materials based upon resins, used as dental materials, is presented. In smart home development section a chapter introduces emerging business area of home centered services, focusing on smart homes as service platforms for health care and energy services. In speech technologies some methods and principles used in Slovak language modeling are presented, with application in the Slovak automatic transcription and dictation system for the judicial system. For precision agriculture, with application in two specific domains, pesticide spraying and fertilizer spreading, high speed imaging systems are presented, that allow the acquired data to be processed with an algorithm used to determine the grain velocities and trajectories necessary for characterization of the centrifugal spreading. In the field of management the following themes are presented: a study on the organization of the teamwork, where a structure of a track-and-loop process of concurrent product realization, suitable for small companies, is described; a resource study of the collaboration of the parties involved during the development process of technical products, and a study on some general problems of the risk management. And in the end there is a chapter about popularization of advanced technology and advanced information technology.