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New taxa of gall midges from the Russian Far East (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) PDF

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Preview New taxa of gall midges from the Russian Far East (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2005 New taxa of gall midges from the Russian Far East (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko Fedotova, Z.A. & Sidorenko, V.S. 2005. New taxa of gall midges from the Russian Far East (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 13(2), 2004: 213-231. Twelve new species and seven new genera of gall midges from Primorsk Territory are described: Dentifibula hastata sp. n., Aculeatodiplosis fasciata gen. et sp. n., Tuguridiplosis phaseoliformis gen. et sp. n., T. abdita sp. n., T. cordata sp. n., Stenohypodiplosis sejunc- ta gen. et sp. n., Samaradiplosis devexa gen. et sp. n., Montosidiplosis crenata gen. et sp. n., Dissimilidiplosis strumosa gen. et sp. n., Tonsidiplosis incurva gen. et sp. n., T. rostriformis sp. n., and T. tuberculata sp. n. Trisopsis tjanshanica (Marikovskij, 1960) is transferred to the genus Tonsidiplosis, comb. n. Z.A. Fedotova, Samara Academy of Agriculture, Ust-Kinelskiy 446442, Samara Prov., Russia. E-mail: [email protected] V.S. Sidorenko, Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Introduction It should be mentioned that the diagnoses of the new genera are based on characters of males, The International Network DIVERSITAS in the and tribal positions of the new genera are tenta- Western Pacific and Asia (DIWPA) was estab- tive, since they are described from male speci- lished in 1993 with a series of biodiversity fo- mens only. cused goals including the inventoring and moni- toring of biodiversity and its ecosystem function. TAXONOMIC ACCOUNT DIWPA has led to an improved collaboration between biodiversity researchers and has orga- Tribe CONTARINIINI Rübsaamen & nized in 2001 the “International Biodiversity Ob- Hedicke, 1926 servation Year” (IBOY). According to recommen- dations of DIWPA-IBOY, an one-hectare plot has Genus Dentifibula Felt, 1908 been selected in the vicinity of village Kame- nushka (Primorsk Territory, Ussuriisk District), Diagnosis (based on Harris, 1968, emended). in a mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest on the Body small; female wing length about 1.0 mm. top of a hill (200 m above sea level) on the left Palpi 3-4-segmented. Antennae with 2+12 seg- side of the Volkha River (43º36.63´N 132º ments. In male, flagellar antennal segments with 14.18´E). A total of 33619 specimens of arthro- two nodes; proximal and distal necks long; each pods from 118 samples have been collected on node with a single set of circumfilar loops. In plot by different methods, 3590 of them belong- female, antennal segments with long cylindrical ing to Cecidomyiidae. nodes and relatively long necks, circumfila sim- This paper is devoted to descriptions of seve- ple. Wing with R joining costa slightly before 5 ral new taxa of gall midges collected on the ex- apex. Tarsal claws simple on all legs. Gonocoxi- perimental plot. The holotypes and paratypes of tes with a distal triangular elongation and subapi- new species are deposited in the Zoological In- cal insertion. Gonostyli short, inserted subapical- stitute, St.Petersburg (ZIAS). The abbreviations ly. Aedeagus long. Hypoproct simple, entire. Cer- used in the paper are as follows: F1, F2, ... F15 – ci short, divided, sometimes reduced. length of flagellomeres 1, 2, ... 15; LT – light Composition. The genus includes five Palae- trap; MT – Malaise trap; WT – window trap. arctic species: D. viburni (Felt, 1907) (Italy and 214 Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae (cid:127) ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 also the Nearctic), D. turkmenorum Mamaev, of gonocoxite less rounded in proximal half, re- 1986 (Turkmenistan), D. nigritarsis Mo, 1992 duced cerci and hypoproct, gonostylus more (China), D. magna Mo & Liu, 2003 (China), and swollen apically and basally, more elongate wing D. marikovskajae Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2004 (2.5 times as long as wide in D. hastata, 2.2 times, (Russian Far East). Other species are known from in D. nigritarsis) and longer necks of mid flagel- India, Ceylon and North America (Grover, 1965; lomeres. The new species is similar to D. turk- Harris, 1968; Gagné, 1973, 2004). menorum Mamaev in having 4-segmented palpi, Bionomics. The larvae of two species are reduced cerci and hypoproct, and very long aede- known as predators of Diaspididae (Coccinea). agus, which is longer than the gonocoxite and Biology of other species is unknown. gonostylus. D. hastata differs from D. turkmeno- rum in the gonostylus longer than the basal part Dentifibula hastata Fedotova & Sidorenko, sp. n. of gonocoxite (from the base to insertion site of (Figs 1-8) the gonostylus). Contrastingly, in D. turkmeno- rum the aedeagus and gonostylus are shorter than Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. the gonocoxite and its basal part, respectively. Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 18.VII.2001, slide Another species from the Russian Far East, D. no. 170 MT 12/1 (leg. V. Sidorenko) (ZIAS). marikovskajae Fedotova & Sidorenko, differs Description. Male. Body length 0.73 mm; wing from the new species in the 3-segmented palpi, length 1.1 mm, wing width 0.58 mm. Body pale aedeagus shorter than gonocoxites, well-deve- yellow. Eyes occupying nearly entire surface of loped cerci and hypoproct. head. Antennae with 2+12 segments; scape not visible; pedicel transverse, rounded, 1.3 times as Tribe CECIDOMYIINI Rübsaamen & long as wide. F1 5.2 times as long as wide; basal Hedicke, 1926 node of F1 much longer than basal nodes of oth- er flagellomeres. F1 slightly darker than other Genus Aculeatodiplosis Fedotova & flagellomeres. Distal node of F1 about 0.8 times Sidorenko, gen. n. as long as proximal neck and 1.1 times as long as proximal node. F5 1.7 times as long as wide; Type species: Aculeatodiplosis fasciata Fedotova & proximal neck, distal and proximal nodes almost Sidorenko, sp. n. equal in length; distal neck 1.5 times as long as Diagnosis. Eyes very large, occupying nearly distal node; circumfilar loops not reaching next entire surface of head. Head without postverti- node. F12 2.7 times as long as wide, with round- cal peak. Antennae with 2+12 segments. Male ed apex. Palpi 4-segmented, ratios of segments flagellomeres with two nodes; distal nodes slight- 1:0.9:0.8:0.8; 4rd segment strongly swollen and ly wider than proximal ones, without narrowing rounded apically. Wings without dark spots along in mid segments and with two whorls of circum- veins, 2.5 times as long as wide. Vein R5 almost filar loops; proximal nodes with one whorl of straight, joining C before wing apex. Tarsomer- loops; each node with one whorl of setae. Mouth- es 4 and 5 covered with dark scales. Tarsal claw parts with long clypeus. Palpi 3-segmented. Wing simple, hook-shaped; empodium longer than strongly widened proximally. Vein R slightly 5 claw. curved and joining C distinctly behind wing apex. Gonocoxite strongly enlarged medially, with Cu forked; M and pCu present. Tarsal claw 3+4 long tapered lobe apically, 3.0 times as long as simple. wide, 1.6 times as long as gonostylus, with a small Male genitalia with short gonocoxites and short protrusion at apex, densely covered by short se- curved gonostyli. Gonostylus densely covered tae. Gonostylus slightly concave medially, 3.9 with almost straight strips, strongly sclerotized times as long as wide, with proximal and distal distally. Cerci with incision and rounded lobes. halves strongly enlarged, strongly sclerotized dis- Hypoproct shorter than cerci, without incision. tally. Cerci reduced, unsclerotized. Hypoproct not Aedeagus very thin, curved basally and pointed visible, probably reduced. Aedeagus unsclero- apically, longer than gonocoxite. tized, almost parallel-sided in middle part and Comparison. The new genus is similar to the pointed apically, but strongly curved, much long- European genus Camptodiplosis Kieffer, 1912 er than gonocoxite. Genital base undeveloped. including two species (Skuhravá, 1997), chiefly Female, larva and biology unknown. in the entire hypoproct and thin gonostyli, but Comparison. The new species differs from all differs from it in the thinner pointed aedeagus, known species of Dentifibula in the very long apical protrusion on the hypoproct and cerci, deep curved aedeagus and very long gonostyli attached narrow (not triangular) incision on cerci, 3-seg- to distinctive protrusions of gonocoxites. It is mented (not 4-segmented) palpus and the absence closely related to D. nigritarsis Mo but differs in of processes at the base of gonocoxite. the very long and curved aedeagus, lateral side Included species. Type species only. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 (cid:127) Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae 215 Figs 1-8. Dentifibula hastata sp. n., male. 1, genitalia; 2, 7, tarsal claw (variation of shape); 3, pedicel and F1; 4, F12; 5, palpus; 6, F5; 8, wing. Scales: 0.1 mm. 216 Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae (cid:127) ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 Figs 9-14. Aculeatodiplosis fasciata sp. n., male. 9, genitalia; 10, tarsal claw; 11, mouthparts; 12, pedicel, F1 and F2; 13, scape and pedicel; 14, wing. Scales: 0.1 mm. Aculeatodiplosis fasciata Fedotova & mally. Wing 2.2 times as long as wide. Vein R 5 Sidorenko, sp. n. forming large apical cell. Empodium and claw (Figs 9-14) equal in length. Gonocoxites strongly curved, enlarged basally, Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. 3.5 times as long as wide. Gonostylus almost equal Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 30.VI.2001, slide to gonocoxite in length, slightly sclerotized proxi- no. 163 LT/5B (leg. V. Sidorenko) (ZIAS). mally and covered by strips, 3.5 times as long as Description. Male. Body length 2.0 mm; wing wide, enlarged basally. Cerci with protrusions at length 2.75 mm, wing width 1.23 mm. Antennae apices of lobes and with a narrow median inci- with pedicel almost rounded; scape 1.2 times as sion. Hypoproct wide, with apical protrusion, long as pedicel. Basal node of F1 as long as oth- slightly enlarged medially, narrowed basally; cer- er ones; distal node of flagellum slightly larger. ci 2.2 times as wide as hypoproct. Aedeagus F1 5.8 times as long as wide. Distal node 1.1 strongly pointed, curved, with hook at apex. times as long as proximal one, 2.6 times as long Female, larva and biology unknown. as proximal neck and 3.2 times as long as distal neck. Distal neck 1.2 times as long as proximal Genus Tuguridiplosis Fedotova, gen. n. one. F2 without narrowing, 0.9 times as long as F1. Palpi 3-segmented, ratios of segments Type species: Tuguridiplosis phaseoliformis Fedoto- 1:0.8:1.9; 3rd segment slightly enlarged proxi- va, sp. n. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 (cid:127) Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae 217 Diagnosis. Eyes very large, occupying nearly 4.6 times as long as wide, with large elongate entire surface of head. Head without postverti- distal protrusion. Palpi 4-segmented, ratios of cal peak. Antennae with 2+12 segments. Male segments 1:2.1:1.8:0.7 and 1:1.9:1.9:1.2; 4th seg- flagellomeres with two nodes: elongate distal one ment slightly enlarged and rounded apically. Wing with narrowing in all segments and rounded or 2.4 times as long as wide, maximally widened semicircular proximal one. In some segments, distally, with very large cell formed by veins C distal node without visible constriction. Male and R . Tarsal claw simple, bent in apical half flagellomeres with three whorls of circumfilar 5 almost at right angle; empodium equal to claw loops and two whorls of setae. Circumfilar loops in length. short, not reaching next node. Terminal antennal Apical part of gonocoxite with wide subapical segment with long oval protrusion, narrowed at incision and rounded subapical lobe on inner side. base. Necks of apical flagellomeres longer than Gonocoxite 1.5 times as long as wide, 1.3 times necks of proximal ones. Palpi 3-4-segmented. as long as gonostylus. Gonostylus slightly curved Wing elongate, maximally widened distally. Vein distally, about 5 times as long as wide. Cerci with R joining C far before wing middle; R slight- 1+2 5 very wide and low incision between very short ly curved and joining C distinctly beyond wing pointed lobes, 2.4 times as wide as hypoproct. apex. Vein pCu not visible; Cu present, forked. Hypoproct Y-shaped, moderately sclerotized, Fork of Cu situated farther from wing base than enlarged distally, with oval apical incision. Ae- junction of R to C. Tarsal claw simple. 1+2 deagus with thin cylindrical apical protrusion and Gonocoxite broad, strongly rounded basally, very wide parallel-sided basal part. with rounded preapical lobes on inner side. Gono- Female, larva and biology unknown. stylus deeply arcuate or angularly bent near base Comparison. See the key to species of Tugu- or before apex. Cerci with one or three apical ridiplosis below. incisions and two or four apices, respectively. Hypoproct concave apically, with two apices. Tuguridiplosis abdita Fedotova, sp. n. Aedeagus thin apically and strongly widened (Figs 23-29) basally, much longer than gonocoxites, with cy- lindrical, conical or swollen apex. Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. Comparison. The new genus is similar to the Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 26.VIII.2001, slide monotypical genus Buhromyiella Holz, 1970, no. LT 152/7010/31 (leg. Z. Fedotova) (ZIAS). known from Germany (Skuhravá, 1997), but dif- Description. Male. Body length 0.75 mm; wing fers from it in the wide cerci, enlarged gonoco- length 1.15 mm. Pedicel and scape not visible. xite, the gonostylus widened at base or in apical Distal nodes of flagellomeres elongate, with part and more or less distinctly curved (in Buhro- slight narrowing, proximal nodes of F1 and F2 myiella, it is smoothly arcuate and without abrupt almost rounded, that of F5 transverse. Circum- widening), and simple claws of all tarsi. filar loops of flagellomeres long, reaching or al- Included species. Tuguridiplosis phaseoliformis most reaching bases of respective proximal and sp. n., T. abdita sp. n. and T. cordata sp. n. distal nodes. F1 4.2 times as long as wide, distal node 1.5 times as long as distal neck, 3.4 times Tuguridiplosis phaseoliformis Fedotova, sp. n. as long as proximal neck and 1.1 times as long (Figs 15-22) as proximal node. F1 1.1 times as long as F2. F5 3.3 times as long as wide, distal node 1.5 times Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. as long as distal neck. Distal node of F5 1.6 times Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 13.VII.2001, slide as long as proximal one and 2.2 times as long as no. WT 123/7010/31 (leg. Z. Fedotova) (ZIAS). proximal neck. Palpi 3-segmented, ratios of seg- Description. Male. Body length 1.3 mm; wing ments 1:1.3:2; 3rd segment slightly enlarged and length 1.33, wing width 0.53 mm. Pedicel trans- rounded apically. Wing 2.7 times as long as wide, verse; scape 1.2 times as long as pedicel. Distal maximally widened distally, with very large cell, nodes of flagellomeres elongate, with slight nar- formed by veins C and R . Tarsal claw simple, rowing; proximal nodes almost rounded. Circum- 5 hook-shaped; empodium not visible. filar loops of flagellomeres short, not reaching Gonocoxite with wide subapical incision and apices of respective proximal and distal necks. rounded subapical lobe on inner side. Gonoco- F1 5.2 times as long as wide; distal node 1.4 times xite 1.7 times as long as wide. Gonostylus about as long as distal neck, twice as long as proximal 2.9 times as long as wide, almost equal to gono- neck and 1.5 times as long as proximal node. F1 coxite in length, moderately sclerotized distally, 1.2 times as long as F2. F5 4.6 times as long as slightly curved medially, enlarged basally, with a wide, distal neck equal to distal node in length. small swelling on dorsal side. Cerci very wide, Distal node of F5 1.5 times as long as proximal with a slight incision between very narrow short one and 1.2 times as long as proximal neck. F12 lobes, 2.4 times as wide as hypoproct. Hypoproct 218 Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae (cid:127) ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 Figs 15-22. Tuguridiplosis phaseoliformis sp. n., male. 15, genitalia; 16, tarsal claw; 17, scape, pedicel, F1 and F2; 18, 21, palpus (variation of shape); 19, F11 and F12; 20, F5; 22, wing. Scales: 0.1 mm. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 (cid:127) Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae 219 Figs 23-29. Tuguridiplosis abdita sp. n., male. 23, genitalia; 24, palpus; 25, F1; 26, tarsal claw; 27, F5; 28, F2; 29, wing. Scales: 0.1 mm. almost parallel-sided, slightly enlarged distally, nodes of flagellomeres elongate, with slight in- with triangular incision. Aedeagus conical, with cision; proximal nodes of F1 rounded, those of rounded apical swelling. mid flagellomeres almost conical. Circumfilar Female, larva and biology unknown. loops of flagellomeres long, reaching apices of Comparison. See the key to species of Tugu- respective proximal and distal necks. F1 4.5 times ridiplosis below. as long as wide, distal node 1.6 times as long as distal neck, 2.1 times as long as proximal neck Tuguridiplosis cordata Fedotova, sp. n. and 1.3 times as long as proximal node. F2 al- (Figs 30-35) most equal to F1 in length. F3 3.5 times as long as wide; distal node of F3 1.4 times as long as Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. distal neck, 1.9 times as long as proximal one Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 23.VIII.2001, slide and 2.3 times as long as proximal neck. Palpi 4- no. LT 161/6 (leg. Z. Fedotova) (ZIAS). Description. Male. Body length 1.5 mm; wing segmented, ratios of segments 1:1.6:1.9:2.3 and length 2.21, wing width 1.29 mm. Pedicel trape- 1:1.9:1.9:1.2; 4th segment slightly enlarged and zoidal; scape 1.2 times as long as pedicel. Distal rounded apically. Tarsi broken. 220 Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae (cid:127) ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 Figs 30-35. Tuguridiplosis cordata sp. n., male. 30, genitalia; 31, scape and pedicel; 32, F1; 33, F3; 34, 3rd and 4th segments of palpus; 35, mouthparts. Scales: 0.1 mm. Gonocoxite without subapical incision. Inner – Each lobe of cerci with an additional incision (Figs side of gonocoxite with rounded processus in the 15, 23). Aedeagus not curved medially . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Hypoproct with pointed apices, without additional middle. Gonocoxite 1.6 times as long as wide, apical incisions on lobes. Aedeagus strongly swol- 1.2 times as long as gonostylus. Gonostylus len, with parallel-sided basal half and thin obtuse apex slightly curved proximally, about 1.2 times as (Fig. 15). Circumfilar loops not reaching next nodes long as wide, with large swelling on dorsal side. (Figs 17, 19, 20). Palpi 4-segmented (Figs 18, 21). – Cerci cordate, with triangular incision between Body length 1.3 mm . . . . . . T. phaseoliformis sp. n. pointed short lobes, 2.6 times as wide as hypo- – Hypoproct without pointed apices, with additional apical incisions on lobes. Aedeagus conical, gradu- proct. Hypoproct moderately sclerotized, almost ally tapering from base to apex, with rounded apex parallel-sided, with oval apical incision. Aedea- (Fig. 23). Circumfilar loops almost reaching next gus moderately sclerotized, strongly swollen ba- nodes (Figs 25, 27, 28). Palpi 3-segmented (Fig. sally, curved medially, almost cylindrical and 24). – Body length 0.75 mm . . . . . . . T. abdita sp. n. slightly narrowed distally, rounded apically. Female, larva and biology unknown. Genus Stenohypodiplosis Fedotova, gen. n. Comparison. See the key to species of Tugu- ridiplosis below. Type species: Stenohypodiplosis sejuncta Fedotova, sp. n. Key to species of Tuguridiplosis (males) Diagnosis. Eyes very large, occupying nearly entire surface of head capsule. Head with postver- 1. Cerci heart-shaped (Fig. 30). Aedeagus slightly cur- tical peak. Antennae with 2+12 segments. Male ved medially, gradually tapering from base to apex. flagellomeres with two nodes: long distal one Circumfilar loops reaching next nodes (Figs 32, 33). with narrowing on all segments and rounded Palpi 4-segmented (Fig. 35). – Body length 1.5 mm . proximal one. In some segments, distal node al- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. cordata sp. n. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 (cid:127) Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae 221 most without narrowing. Male flagellomeres with long as proximal one and 1.2-1.5 times as long three whorls of circumfilar loops and two whorls as proximal neck. F12 4.3 times as long as wide. of setae. Circumfilar loops short, not reaching Palpi 4-segmented, ratios of segments next node. Terminal antennal segment with nar- 1:1.7:2.5:1.6 and 1:1.4:2.0:2.2 (in holotype and rowing after distal node and cone-shaped apical paratype, respectively); 4th segment of palpus part. Palpi 4-segmented. Wing elongate, maxi- almost parallel-sided, rounded or slightly point- mally widened medially. Vein R joining C far ed apically. Wings 2.4-2.9 times as long as wide. 1+2 before wing middle; R strongly curved and join- Vein R strongly curved apically, forming large 5 5 ing C distinctly behind wing apex. M and apical cell. Tarsal claw curved near the middle. 3+4 forked Cu present. Fork of Cu situated farther Gonocoxite strongly enlarged basally, 2.1 times from wing base than junction of R to C. Tarsal as long as wide, 1.2-1.3 times as long as gono- 1+2 claw simple, bent at right angle; empodium much stylus. Gonostylus enlarged, slightly bent distal- longer than claw. ly and slightly swollen basally, 5.6-5.8 times as Male genitalia with long gonocoxites and slen- long as wide. Cerci slightly widened basally or der gonostyli. Cerci with acute-angled lobes. almost parallel-sided, with long triangular api- Hypoproct very narrow, much shorter and nar- cal lobes and large triangular emargination, un- rower than aedeagus, equal to cerci in length. sclerotized, 3.3-4.4 times as wide as hypoproct. Aedeagus equal to gonocoxite in length. Base of Hypoproct narrow, finger-like, moderately scle- genitalia with triangular sclerotized plate. rotized in apical part, enlarged basally, rounded Comparison. The new genus very similar to apically. Aedeagus pointed apically, with subapi- the monotypical genus Dichodiplosis Rübsaa- cal constriction, 1.7 times as wide as hypoproct. men, 1910 from Europe (characters according to Female, larva and biology unknown. Skuhravá, 1997) in the shape of male genitalia, but differs from it in the conical (not cylindrical) Genus Samaradiplosis Fedotova, gen. n. aedeagus and hypoproct, much wider aedeagus (unequal to aedeagus and hypoproct in width), Type species: Samaradiplosis devexa Fedotova, sp. n. very wide and long cerci with oval (not triangu- Diagnosis. Eyes very large, occupying nearly lar) incision, the presence of triangular (not entire surface of head capsule. Head with postver- rounded) process at the base of gonocoxite, not tical peak. Antennae with 2+12 segments. Male fla- setose hypoproct almost equal to cerci in length gellomeres with two nodes: long distal one with (in D. langeni Rübsaamen, 1910, the hypoproct constriction on middle segments and rounded or is much longer than cerci), short circumfilar loops transverse proximal one. In some segments, espe- of male flagellomeres nowhere near reaching the cially in apical ones, distal node almost without nar- respective nodes, and the equal length of circum- rowing. Male flagellomeres with three whorls of filar loops of all whorls (in D. langeni, loops of circumfilar loops and two whorls of setae. Circum- the middle whorl are shorter than those of proxi- filar loops of proximal nodes short, not reaching mal and distal whorls). next node, about as long as loops in proximal whorl Included species. Type species only. of distal nodes. Loops of distal whorls of distal nodes longer, but only in F1 they reaching next fla- Stenohypodiplosis sejuncta Fedotova, sp. n. gellomere. Apex of terminal antennal segment with (Figs 36-45) oval protrusion. Palpi 3-segmented. Wing elongate, maximally widened medially. Vein R joining C 1+2 Holotype. M, Russia, Primorsk Terr., environs of vill. far before wing middle; R5 strongly curved and join- Kamenushka 30 km SE of Ussuriysk, 14.VIII.2001, slide ing C distinctly behind wing apex. M and forked 3+4 no. 124 7010 WT/31 (leg. Z. Fedotova) (ZIAS). Cu present. Fork of Cu situated at same distance Paratype. M, same locality, 14.VIII.2001, slide no. 129 from wing base as junction of R to C. Tarsal claw 7010 WT/51 (leg. Z. Fedotova). 1+2 simple, bent near the middle almost at right angle; Description. Male. Body length 1.4-1.6 mm; empodium not visible. wing length 1.9-2.0 mm, wing width 0.53-0.73 Male genitalia with long gonocoxites and slen- mm. Antennae with 2+12 segments. Scape 1.2- der gonostyli. Gonocoxite with large medioba- 1.3 times as long as pedicel; basal node of F1 sal processes. Cerci with rounded lobes, strong- longer and not wider than others; distal nodes of ly dilated basally. Hypoproct sclerotized, very most flagellomeres with distinct constriction. F1 narrowed apically and strongly enlarged basally, 1.1 times as long as F2, 5.5 times as long as wide. slightly longer and narrower than cerci, almost Distal node of F1 1.4 times as long as distal neck, equal to aedeagus in length. Aedeagus longer than 1.9 times as long as proximal one and 1.6 times gonocoxite. as long as proximal neck. Distal neck of F1 1.2 times as long as proximal one. F5 3.7-3.8 times Comparison. The new genus is similar to the as long as wide. Distal node of F5 0.9 times as genus Trigonodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1917 with a long as or equal to distal neck, 1.2-1.7 times as single species T. fraxini Rübsaamen, 1917 from 222 Z.A. Fedotova & V.S. Sidorenko: New Cecidomyiidae (cid:127) ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 13 Figs 36-45. Stenohypodiplosis sejuncta sp. n., male. 36, 37, genitalia (36, holotype; 37, paratype); 38, F5; 39, tarsal claw; 40, 41, palpus (40, holotype; 41, paratype); 42, scape, pedicel and F1; 43, F3; 44, F12; 45, wing. Scales: 0.1 mm.

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