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New Taxa And Combinations Of Ageratina From Ecuador, Colombia, And Venezuela (Eupatorieae : Oxylobinae) PDF

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Preview New Taxa And Combinations Of Ageratina From Ecuador, Colombia, And Venezuela (Eupatorieae : Oxylobinae)

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 116(l):229-255. 2003. New taxa and combinations of Ageratina from Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela (Eupatorieae: Oxylobinae) Harold Robinson Botany, National Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 37012, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A. — Abstract. Thirteen new species, one new combination, and one new forma of Ageratina are validated, mostly from from Ecuador, some from Colombia and Venezuela. The new taxa in subg. Ageratina are Ageratina adenophoroides, A. campii, A. cumbensis, A. cumbensis f. glandulifera, A. ewanii, A. pariiceps, A. pseudogracilis, A. rosei, A. serrulata, A. villonacoensis, and A. websteri, with a new combination for A. rhodopappa f. glandularis. New species in subg. Andinia are A. harlingii, A. maranonii, and A. regalis. Efforts to complete the tribe Eupatorieae Measurements of heights of heads in the for the Flora of Ecuador have necessitated a following descriptions include involucres, review of species of Ageratina in and near corollas, and pappus, but exclude emergent Ecuador. The result has been the recognition styles. of 26 species in Ecuador, including 17 of subg. Ageratina and 9 of subg. Andinia. Ec- Ageratina {Ageratina) adenophoroides uadorian species include the common A. pi- H.Rob., sp. nov. & chinchensis (H.B.K.) R.M.King H.Rob., Fig. 1 & A. sodiroi (Hieron.) R.M.King H.Rob., some primarily more northern species, such Typ—e: Ecuador. Bolivar: Carretera Chil- as A. glyptophlebia (B.L.Rob.) R.M.King & lanes Tiquibuso, en restos de vegetacion H.Rob, and A. tinifolia (H.B.K.) R.M.King y sembrios en vegetacion de borde de car- & H.Rob, and a specimen of the primarily ratero, en el sector de San Jose de Guaya- more southern species, A. glechonophylla bal, Or55'S, 79°05'W, 2100 m, 3 Sep 1987, (Less.) R.M.King & H.Rob. One name that Zak & Jaramillo 2701 (holotype US, iso- has been used in previous studies now falls type MO). into synonymy, A. exerto-venosa (Klatt) Ad A. adenophora in glandulis stipitatis R.M.King & H.Rob, proves to be the same numerosis similis sed in laminis foliorum as A. fastigiata (H.B.K.) R.M.King & apice acuminatis et in floribus e bracteis in- H.Rob. volucri vix excedentibus differt. For useful references on Ageratina see Subshrub to 6 dm high, vegetative King and Robinson (1970, 1990) and Turn- branches not seen; stems brownish, terete, er (1997). densely covered with minute stipitate glan- Ten of the new species are known from dular hairs; internodes 7-10 cm long. Ecuador, Ageratina pseudogracilis only Leaves opposite, petioles 1.0-2.5 cm long, from Venezuela and two species, A. ewanii slightly broadened distally; blades membra- and A. serrulata only from Colombia. The naceous, broadly ovate, 5-8 cm long, 3-5 latter three species all have similar small cm wide, base broadly obtuse to subtrun- shrubby habits and glabrous to nearly gla- cate, acuminate at petiole, margins serrate brous achenes. The differences are dis- with 15-20 short teeth, apex abruptly acu- cussed most completely under Ageratina minate, surfaces concolorous, dark dull serrulata. green, adaxial surface evenly pilosulous. . 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ».^lfev. 3 —it ASTEPACEAE Eupetoriujn ^0 1 Prov. EOLIVAP.: carretera Chillanes- Tiauibuso. En restos_de vegetecion y serr.brios en vegetacion de borcJe de_ carretero/ en el sector de San Jose de Guavabal UNITED STATES Ol'SS'S 79°05'v: 2100 n Sufrutex de 60 cry, capitulos creiiias.^^ 3104779 NATIONAL HERBARIUM Vlastimil Zak 6 Jaime Ja3rasmeipltlioembte27011907 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (KG) -^ Fig. L Ageratina adenophoroides H.Rob., holotype, Zak & Jaramillo 2701 (US). VOLUME NUMBER 116, 1 231 densely puberulous on main veins, abaxial Chontamarca, 25 Apr 1945, Camp (Gilar) surface pilosulous on larger veins, puberu- E-2869 (holotype US, isotype NY). lous on veinlets; (3-)5-plinervate from 1- In foliis primariis valde cordatis late div- mm 2 above base, with main secondary ericate triplinervatis et in inflorescentiis cy- veins spreading at ca. a 30° angle. Inflores- miformibis et in floribus in capitulo 50 vel cences terminal and from distal axils, ultra distincta. branches spreading at an angle of 40-45°, Perennial herbs, woody at base, to 5 dm covered with minute stipitate glands, end- high, with 1 or 2 pairs of ascending branch- ing in rather dense broadly corymbiform es; stems brownish to reddish, terete, pu- mm clusters of heads; peduncles 4-8 long. berulous with reddish hairs; internodes Heads 5-6 mm high, involucral bracts ca. mostly 2-8 cm long, in some parts fistulose. 15, mostly subequal, elliptical-lanceolate, Leaves opposite, petioles 0.5-2.0 cm long; mm mm 4.5-5.5 long, ca. 1 wide, with im- blades broadly ovate, thinly papyraceous, mediate tips thinly membranaceous and bright green with purplish tinge, 2.5-6.0 cm somewhat acute, mostly yellowish-green, long, 2-5 cm wide, base cordate, with deep puberulous and narrowly bicostate outside. narrow sinus on larger leaves, margins with Florets ca. 25—30 in a head; corollas whit- 8-10(-20) blunt teeth, coarse and often mm ish, ca. 3.3 long, basal tube slender, ca. double from sinus to near tip in larger mm 1.5 long, distal part of throat and lobes leaves, apex short-acute, adaxial surface pilosulous, throat narrowly campanulate, sparsely pilosulous, abaxial surface some- mm ca. 1.5 long, lobes narrowly triangular, what paler, with hairs mostly along veins; mm mm ca. 0.4 long; anther thecae ca. 0.8 triplinerved from sinus at base of blade, mm long, white. Achenes 1.8-2.2 long, fu- secondary veins usually spreading at a 45- siform, with short setulae along ribs, many 50° angle, reaching only midleaf, veins short setulae clustered at carpopodium; car- sometimes reddish. Inflorescences terminal popodium annuliform; pappus whitish, of on leafy stems, rather laxly cymiform, with mm ca. 20 capillary bristles ca. 3.5 long, 8-15 heads; branches puberulous; pedun- mm mm slightly but distinctly broadened distally. cles 4-14 long. Heads 5-7 high; Ageratina adenophoroides is known only involucral bracts 23-25, oblong-lanceolate, m mm mm from the type collection from 2100 ele- ca. 6 long, 1.0-1.2 wide, outer vation in south-central Ecuador. The nu- bracts green, inner stramineous, apices merous stipitate glands and the long peti- short-acute, inner membranaceous, fringed oles broadened toward the blade are some- with many fine hairs, outside sparsely pu- what reminiscent of A. adenophora berulous. Florets 50—70 in a head; corollas & mm (Spreng.) R.M.King H.Rob, of Mexico whitish, ca. 4 long, pilosulous on lobes, mm and Central America, which has become few hairs on throat, basal tube ca. 1.5 mm weedy in Hawaii and Australia. The Ecua- long, throat ca. 2 long, lobes 0.5-0.6 mm mm dorian species is easily distinguished by the long; anther thecae ca. 0.9 long, mm abruptly acuminate leaf tips and the florets whitish. Achenes ca. 2.3 long, fusi- of the heads scarcely exceeding the invo- form, with many setulae on ribs and sides; lucral bracts. The carpopodium is unusually pappus whitish to pinkish or reddish, of ca. mm short for a member of subg. Ageratina. 22 capillary bristles, to 4 long, not broadened distally. Ageratina {Ageratina) campU H.Rob., Ageratina campii is known only from the type collection from south-central Ecuador. sp. nov. Fig. 2 The species seems most distinct in the deeply cordate leaves of the main stems Type: Ecuador. Caiiar: North rim of val- with a widely spreading triplinerved main ley of Rio de Cafiar, between Suscal and veins and the 50-70? florets in the heads. 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON PLANTS OF ECUADOR W.H.Oiinp,No.K- 2869 AprilBKr-i.l,194.'. iJ-;-ODtoriun ©"cnrsroense Sch. Biii. Det.: D, D. Keck Plants vroody at base, to 0.5 a. Lvs bright jjroon T.-ith purplish tinge. Corolla -.mite. Pappiis deep pink to nearly red, tli—is latter con—dition correlated"rith a deeper colored nearlyred sten and leaf-veins. Between Suscal and Chonta;.Tarca. HROV.CASIAR: Northrimufllicvnllc^yoftherioduCnimr. ^r^/ CollccUdbyManuelC.ilcr Distributedlijtl.cNewYorkBotanicalGnrdcn Fig. 2. Ageratina campii H.Rob., holotype. Camp E-2869 (US). 1 VOLUME NUMBER 116, 1 233 The inflorescence also seems more cymi- many hairs outside; anther thecae ca. 0.9 mm mm form than in other species. The collection long, whitish. Achenes ca. 1.5 data mention the purplish tinge of the long, fusiform, sparsely to rather densely leaves, and the deep pink to reddish pappus, setulose along ribs; carpopodium cylindri- mm the reddish condition being correlated with cal; pappus often rather pink, 3.5-4.5 a deeper colored, reddish, stem and leaf long, fragile at base, not or scarcely broad- veins. However, in the dried material, only ened distally. the pinkish color of some of the pappus Ageratina cumbensis occurs in southern bristles is evident. Ecuador in paramo habitats (mostly above 3000 m). The shrubby habit with slender Ageratina (Ageratina) cumbensis H.Rob., stems and small, subsessile leaves is dis- sp. nov. tinctive. Specimens have been determined in the past as Ageratina cutervensis (Hi- Fig. 3 & eron.) R.M.King H.Rob.; that Peruvian Type: Ecuador. Azuay: 30 km S of Cum- species differs by the tendency of dried be on road to Saraguro, 9800 ft, 26 Jan leaves to blacken and by the coarse yellow- 1979, King & Almeda 7806 (holotype US, ish hairs of the stems. isotypes CAS, MO). In plantis fruticosis in ramis virgatis pler- Ageratina cumbensis cumbensis f. umque 3-4 dm altis et in petiolis brevibus distincta. Peduncles puberulous with reddish hairs, Wiry often subscandent shrubs 3-4(-10) without glands. dm tall, moderately to rather densely Paratypes: Ecuador. Chimborazo: Road/ branched; stems brownish, terete, puberu- trail from campsite above Rio Algo (85 km lous with mostly reddish hairs; internodes from Guardiana Alais by road from Alao), 1—6 cm long. Leaves opposite, petioles 1— NNE to pass/continental divide (via old route mm 3(-6) long; blades broadly ovate, most- to Huamboya), 3350-3550 m, 20 May 1990, ly 1-2 cm long, 7-18 mm wide, base sub- King & Judziewicz 10168 (MO, US). Azuay: cordate, margins serrulate with 4 or 5 small vicinity of Nabon, 25—26 Sep 1918, Rose, blunt teeth, apex obtuse to broadly acute, Pachano & Rose 23014 (US). "Oriente Bor- adaxial surface dark green, glabrous or der," Paramo del Castillo and surrounding sparsely pilosulous, abaxial surface paler forested areas, crest of eastern cordillera on green to reddish, pilose mostly on veins; trail between Sevilla de Oro and Mendez, triplinervate from base of blade, secondary 9000-10,000 ft, 18 Aug 1945, Camp E-4822 veins spreading at a 35-40° angle. Inflores- (NY, US). Along road to Loja, ca. 13 km cences terminal on leafy stems, with as- generally S of Cumbe, ca. 10,900 ft, 4 Feb cending branches ending in few loosely cy- 1974, Kitig 6713 (MO, US). Along road to mosely disposed heads; peduncles 6-30 Loja, ca. 25 km S of Cumbe, ca. 10,800 ft, mm long, puberulous with reddish hairs, 5 Feb 1974, King 6728 (MO, US). Muletrack with minute stipitate glands in forma glan- Sevilla de Oro-Mendez, at pass and adjacent mm dulifera. Heads 7-8 long; involucral slopes. Paramo de Castillo, 02°48'S, bracts ca. 15, eximbricate, narrowly ellip- 78°36'W, 3250-3500 m, 16 Sep 1976, tical to lanceolate, 4-6 mm long, 0.8-1.0 0Ugaard & Balslev 9584 (AAU, US). About mm wide, apices acute, firm, puberulous 7 km SE ofJima on road towards San Miguel with sparse reddish hairs externally. Florets de Cuyes, 3100 m, 27 Apr 1985, Marling & 30-40 in a head; corollas whitish, 3.5-4.5 Andersson 24688 (GB, US). Loja: Parque mm mm long, basal tube slender, ca. 1 .5 Nacional Podocarpus, at pass on road Loja- mm long, throat narrowly campanulate, 1-2 Zamora, 03°58'S, 79°07'W, 2850-2960 m, 1 long, lobes ca. 0.5 mm long, with few to June 1984, 0llgaard & Madsen 74731 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 234 AgeratinacuwbensisH.Rob. det. HaroldRobinson(US),July2001 K S A 7806 PLANTSOF ECUADOR Cyiologicaland/orBiuchcmicnlVouchc ROBtKTMtRRlLLKING 26 January 1979 ANDFRANKAI.MI;DA,Nd7806 ati>.3. ^ .'\zuay: 30 km S of Cuinbe on tlie road to Saraguro at an elevation of 9800 ft. UNITED STATES wiry herb to 1 ft. tall. Local. 2850430 NATIONAL HERBARIUM Hfncimvin ,n/U(lv<l/.,riIh lliiilcdSlM.< XjliinulILrlunum.Swilln. Ii,:riu,iin„j„Jiln-HcrhjriumnfiIh-CMipiniu.U.iJcmr,./Sn,ii,,: Fig. 3. Ageratina cumbensis H.Rob., holotype. King & Almeda 7806 (US). VOLUME NUMBER 116, 1 235 (AAU, QCA, US). Parque Nacional Podo- m, rare small herbaceous sp. about 30 cm carpus, pass on road Yangana Valladolid high, among soil pockets of boulder slide, (Nudo de Sabanilla), 04°27'S, 79°08'W, 16 Dec 1944, Ewan 16618 (holotype US; 2750-2900 m, 28 Feb 1985, 0Ugaard, Lae- isotype US). gaard, Thomsen, Koming & Ilium 58392, In habitis ad A. gracilem similis sed in 58402 (AAU, QCA, US). Nudo de Sabanilla, foliis pilosis et in acheniis subglabrous et W slope ca. 10 km above Yangana on road in bracteis involucri exterioribus breviori- to Valladolid, 2500 m, 3 Apr 1985, Marling bus distincta. & Andersson 23582 (GB, US). In paramo of Subshrub ca. 30 cm high, to 20 cm wide, "el Tiro," Northern terminus of Podocarpus densely branched; stems brownish, densely m National Park, 500 from Loja-Zamora pilose with strongly ascending hairs; inter- highway, 03°59'S, 79°08'W, 2940-2970 m, 9 nodes 4-13 mm long. Leaves opposite, pet- June 1993, Keating 141 (US). Paramo above ioles 2-3 mm long; blades stiffly herbacous, refugio de Cajanuma (Centro de Informa- ovate, mostly 7-15 mm long, 3-9 mm cion), Podocarpus National Park, 04°07'S, wide, base rounded, margins with 5-7 mi- 79°30'W, 3250-3404 m, 31 Jul 1993, nute appressed teeth, apex acute, adaxial Keating 402 (US). Cordillera de Las Lagu- surface puberulous along insculpate main nitas, Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, km 41, veins, smaller hairs between veins and near 04°44'55"S, 79°25'13"W, 3270 m, 22 Nov margins, abaxial surface densely puberu- & 1994, J0rgensen, Ulloa, Leon, Vargas Loz- lous with coarse often pale hairs along ano 782 (LOJA, MO, QCA, QCNE, US). Pa- exsculpate larger veins; triplinervate near ramo above Refugio de Cajanuma (Centro de base, secondary veins ascending at ca. a 30° Informacidn), Podocarpus National Park, angle. Inflorescences densely corymbiform, 04°07'S, 79°09'30"W, 3200-3400 m, 2 Jul branches strongly ascending; peduncles 3- 1996, Keating 511 (US). Morona-Santiago: mm 8(-12) long, densely puberulous with Trail Alao-Huamboya, E slopes above and mm dark hairs. Heads 5-6 high; involucral around La Magdalena, 01°47'S, 78°24'W, mm bracts ca. 15, narrowly oblong, 2-4 3550-3700 m, 7 May 1982, 0llgaard, Holm- & long, apices broadly to narrowly acute, out- Nielsen, Andreasen, Larsen, Kvist Jensen 38310 (AAU, QCA, QNA, US). er 7 or 8 bracts shorter, thicker, puberulous externally, inner bracts with smooth, gla- Ageratina cumbensis glandulifera brous, membranaceous tips exserted. Flo- f. H.Rob., forma nov. rets 25-30 in a head; corollas white, 3.0- mm mm Type: Ecuador. Azuay: 8-10 km S of 3.2 long, basal tube ca. 1.2 long, mm mm Cumbe on road to Loja, 9050-9400 ft, 22 throat ca. 1.2 long, lobes ca. 0.8 Jan 1979, King & Almeda 7756 (holotype long, pilosulous outside; anther thecae ca. mm mm US, isotypes CAS, MO). 0.8 long, whitish. Achenes ca. 1.8 A varietatis typicis similis sed in pedun- long, nearly glabrous, sometimes with few culis stipitate glanduliferis differt. minute setulae distally on ribs; carpopo- Peduncles with minute stipitate glands dium cylindrical; pappus whitish, 2.7-3.0 mm mixed with puberulence. long, of ca. 25 fragile capillary bristles, Paratype: Ecuador. Azuay: Along road to not or slightly broadened distally. Loja, ca. 6 km generally SE of Cumbe, ca. Ageratina ewanii is known only from the 9600 ft, 4 Feb 1974, King 6693 (MO, US). type collection. The specimen was previ- common ously identified as A. gracilis, a Ageratina {Ageratina) ewanii H.Rob., Colombian species with a similar habit but sp. nov. a more decumbent base and glabrous Fig. 4 leaves. The new species is most distinctive Type: Colombia. Narino: Cordillera Ori- in the many outer involucral bracts usually W ental, slide of Volcan Dofia Juana, 3000 distinctly shorter than the inner bracts. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 236 PLANTS OF COLOMBIA plltcitdonC<.lomb;jnCmcI.on.-iMiuionofForeignEconomicAdmit 13 e-j/jinli Ji-Koo de^. C^^cAlAm\(^il UNITED STATES hcJoiypc R£a^xne£smsaolill hpeorobkaecteaouosf sbpo.uldaobroutsl3i0de;om.rahyilgeha,a, 2632166 the diao fls. -nhite. WeIsgt side of Toloon DonCaordJuialnlaeraa^^O-r^i^eOnt'a='l•, NATIONAL HERBARIUM 16618 Dcp-1i6rmtDnetoo,fN1A9R4I4NO Fig. 4. Ageratina ewanii H.Rob., holotype, Ewan 16618 (US). VOLUME NUMBER 116; 1 237 mm mm Ageratina {Andinia) harlingii H.Rob., 3.0-3.5 long, lobes 0.7-0.9 long; mm sp. nov. anther thecae ca. 1.2 long, slightly red- Fig. 5 dish to brownish. Achenes narrowly pris- mm matic, ca. 3.5 long, scabrid with short km Type: Ecuador. Loja: 15 S of Loxa, setulae on ribs and upper sides; pappus of 2450 m, 12 Jul 1959, Hatiing 5822 (holo- 35-45 slender bristles, 4.5-5.0 mm long, type S). reddish at base, not or scarcely broadened A speciebus pluribus subgeneribus An- near tips. diniis in caulibus glandulis stipitatis dense Loja: 15 km S of Loja, 2600 m, 12 Jul obtectis distincta. 1959, Marling 5804 (S); 2400 m, 12 July m Subshrubs or shrubs 0.2-0.5 high, 1959, Hading 5816 (S). with often dense branching in distal sub- Ageratina harlingii can easily be distin- verticillate clusters; stems dark brown, guished by the habit, with distal clusters of densely covered with short, stout, yellow- subverticillate branches and the stems rath- ish, stipitate glands; internodes mostly 1-3 er densely foliate and densely covered with cm long. Leaves opposite, nearly sessile, stout, stipitate glands. Only the three 1959 mm petioles 1-2 long; blades thinly coria- collections of Gunnar Harling have been mm ceous, oblong-ovate, mostly 15-32 seen. Subsequent deterioration of the envi- mm long, 10-25 wide, base rounded, mar- ronment in Loja may mean this the local- gins serrulate with 6—15 teeth, apex short- ized species is extinct. obtuse, adaxial surface glabrous, smooth or somewhat glossy, with prominulous veins Ageratina {Andinia) maranonii H.Rob., and veinlets, with few or no glandular dots, sp. nov. abaxial surface with prominent veins and Fig. 6 prominulous veinlets, densely gland-dotted; mm triplinervate from 1-2 above base of Type: Peru. Amazonas: Prov. Bongara, blade, veins ascending at ca. a 35° angle Jalca zone 3 km south of Pomacocha, E of from midrib, with 1 or 2 pairs of weak Shipasbamba, 2400 m, 20 June 1962, Wur- widely spreading distal secondary veins. In- dack 975 (holotype US, isotypes NY, florescences terminal on branches, in cor- USM). ymbiform clusters mostly 4—5 cm wide, Ad A. macbridei in foliis papyraceis late sometimes with clusters clustered; branches lanceolatis et stricte pinnate nervosis similis with stout stipitate glands; foliiform bracts sed in foliis abaxialiter subglabris et in mm and bracteoles subimbricate, 5-10 bracteis involucri apice rotundatis vel ob- mm mm long, 3—7 wide; peduncles 1-2 tusis differt. m long above uppermost bracteole. Heads ca. Shrubs 1.5-3.0 high, branching at a mm mm 10 high, 6 wide; involucral bracts 30-40° angle; stems slightly hexagonal, be- mm 12—14 in ca. 2 series, 5-6 long, outer coming terete, viscid, with numerous glan- bracts thinly herbaceous, oblong-elliptical, dular dots; internodes 2.0-6.5 cm long. mm ca. 5 long, subacute, with glandular Leaves opposite, petioles 1.0-2.3 cm long; dots outside, small stipitate glands nearer blades papyraceous, broadly lanceolate, base, inner bracts reddish-tinged distally mostly 10-16 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, base and marginally, membranaceous, lanceo- obtuse to broadly acute, margins entire in mm late, 6.0-6.5 long, acute, margins with basal fourth, mostly serrulate to serrate with fringe of fine hairs, with glandular dots out- 20-40 teeth, apex narrowly acute to slight- side. Florets 12-15; corollas whitish, 5.5- ly acuminate, surfaces with prominulous re- mm 6.0 long, with glandular dots on tube ticulum of veinlets, with glandular dots ob- mm and lobes, basal tube 1.5 long, throat scure, appearing glabrous, adaxial surface campanulate at base, cylindrical distally. dark green, with pale veins and veinlets. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 238 ITER REGNELLIANUM SEPTIMUM. FLORAAEQUATORIENSIS. X '* '' PROV. LOXA: Loxa. -r ./. ,,u-.'c^-.' c'C. alt. »- '•- :'' Gunnar Harling 'J'^-'v '-', I ''<n Fig. 5. Ageratina harlingii H.Rob., holotype, Harling 5822 (S).

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