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4 NEW NORTH AMERICAN FOR SUBTRIBES ASTEREAE (ASTERACEAE) ABSTRACT Recent molecular evidence indicates that most genera of North American Astereae comprise a American monophyletic assemblage. Within this h are ihi tin iihi li i| f ' i « I i I t i i Hemisphere— hypothesized be the Southern the previously to n morphological Monoptilon group.the Pentachaet ith a qroup. Additionally, v i | M and molecular evidence indicates tlnttb oracantha.and Batopilasia are closely „ » among themselves and constitute coherent group. These four North American groups related a names rank:Chaetopappinae {Chaetopappa, are recognized here with formal at subtribal subtr.nov. Monopt/Von), Pentachaetinae suhtr rr nt Astranthiinaesubtr. ' ' . - Dov.iAstranthium.Dichoetophortider, Boltoniinae (Batopilasia, Boltonia, n id e/ - China an\ n MTv'FN : que generos Adicionalmente, evid encia morfologic.i rnoiec;ular indican los Boltonia, la y muy Chloracantha, Batopilask estan relacionados ent y i ron nombres formales en rango: .][, el Chaetopappinaesubtr n ov. {Chaetopjpt Pentachaetinae subtr. nov. {Pentachaeta, ), Rigiopappus, Tracyina), Astr ium, Dichaetophora, Geissolepis, Townsendia), Homochrominae, colocandola Boltoniinae [Batopilask Boltonia .China a •> d ectotipifica y i, i (Nesom A primarily morphological overview of the tribe Astereae 994a) recognized 1 1 which were hypothesized be primarily North American subtribes, four of to and Symphyotrichinae). Three (Machaerantherinae, Chrysopsidinae, Solidagininae, dis- North American generic groups were hypothesized to be most closely related tinctive = Hemisphere— group subtribes of the Southern the Monoptilon (subtribe Feliciinae to group and western North America), the Pentachaeta (subtribe Bellieae, primarily Africa hnU-'n gnu and and the Townsendia h ,cominae, primarily Australia Bellieae), i North America).The genus Boltonia was hypothesized to be related to genera of subtribe group (Nesom Asterinae, primarily an Eurasian 994a, 994b). 1 1 Noyes and Rieseberg (1999) used nucleotide seguence data from nuclear riboso- DNA mal representing broad range of Astereaean genera to test various hypotheses of a and showed relationship classification in the tribe.Their results that genera examined all of North American Astereae comprise strongly supported clade^thus mor- a single, homology phological parallelism rather than underlies hypotheses suggesting that dis- persal from the Southern Hemisphere and Asia accounts for the origin of the Monoptilon, Pentachaeta, and Townsendio groups and Boltonia. Notwithstanding these unexpected patterns of relationship, the generic infra-tribal groups under consideration have consistently been recognized as coherent (see cave- below regarding Aphonostephus, and The ats Geissolepis, Bo/ton/a). morphological dis- tinctiveness of these groups egual to others already is n with recognition of their origin from within the broad provided here with formal names the same at rank. ChaetopappinaeNesom,subtr.nov. bn <,iu\r,:Chaetapai Small, annual or short-lived perennial herbs, taprooted, decumbent (Monoptilon, some Chaetopappa) to erect. Leaves entire, oblong to oblanceolate-spatulate, alternate. Heads mostly solitary; phyllaries flat to convex, with broad, sharply delimited, hyaline margins. m Hi I" t( hiti n il\ dling Disc flowers sometimes with sterile ovaries; i I i style branches with obtuse or truncate to triangular collecting appendages. Cypselae eglandular and or glandular, terete multinerved (most Chaetopappa) or obovate, flattened, and some 2-nerved (Monoptilon, Chaetopappa); pappus of persistent bristles, or scales, and commonly or pales, or of bristles scales, in multiples of 5 (in Chaetopappa), or absent. chromosome = Base number, x Genera included: Chaetopappa DC, Monoptilon & 8. Torr. Gray ex A. Gray. Distribuiio piimaiil ha the southwestern and south- tat in i USA and central northern Mexico. = This is essentially the "Monoptilon group," earlier placed in subtribe Feliciinae (Nesom Bellieae 1994a) and as "Incertae sedis" (Nesom 2000). The two genera of Chaetopappinae form a monophyletic group sister to Euthamia Nutt.ex Cass.in the Noyes and Rieseberg the Lane analysis. In analysis of et (1996), the phyletic origin of al. imm Chaetopappa lies ind Townsendia, although does I t I 1 t < i > it not do so the original analysis from which the DNA data were drawn (Morgan in 990). 1 The southern European genus was Bellium included the Monoptilon earlier L. in group (Nesom 994a), but with the strong indication that Monoptiloi 1 North American are probable in origin, that the closest relation: it is with the other Old World genera. between and An Similarities Bellium Pentachaetinae N florum Cypsela* disci. pappus setarum vel Annual herbs, taprooted. Leaves alternate,entire,filiform or linearto narrowly oblanceolate. Heads and long-pedunculate; phyllaries with hyaline margins. Ray corollas yel- solitary some commonly low to reddish, less white, strongly coiling (lamina absent in Pentachaeta). appendages. Cypselae Disc flowers: style branches with linear-lanceolate collecting ter- ete to slightly compressed, narrowly oblong to oblanceolate in outline,beaked in Tracyina, eglandular; pappus 1 -seriate (1-2 seriate in Tracyina), of persistent bristles frequently in multiples of sometimes flared at the base and partially connate, or sometimes com- 5s, = chromosome number, Genera pletely lacking, or of long scales {Rigiopappus). Base x 9. \nc\uded:PentachaetaNun.,Rigiopappus A.Gray, Tracy/na S.F.Blake. Distribution primarily grassland habitats of California, USA, with several taxa of Pentachaeta reaching Baja in Oregon, Washington, ldaho,and Nevada. California, Mexico; Rigiopappus also occurs into = (Nesom This the "Pentachaeta group/earlier placed in subtribe Feliciinae Bellieae is 1994a) and as'lncertae sedis" (Nesom 2000). The close resemblance and relationship Bohm among these three genera have been noted by Blake (1937),0mduff and (1975), and Robinson and they were placed as coherent unit within the Brettell (1973); a "Chaetopappa group" Bremer 994).The Pentachaetinae form monophyletic group by a (1 to Ericameria Nutt. the Noyes and Rieseberg analysis. sister in Nesom, Astranthiinae subtr. nov.TvPF genus: Astranthium Nutt. plerumque Herbae annuae biennes vel perennes plerumque radice palari. Capitula solitaria, longipedunculata;phyllaria marginibus late hyalinis; receptacula convexa vel conica.Corollae radii non plerumque albae vel caeruleae, midfascia abaxiali lavandula, reflexae aut circinnatae.Corollae tubo Cypselae oblanceolatae obovatae, complanatae, 2(-3)-nervatae, laeves vel discii brevi. vel plerumque pubescentes matibi hidiatis;pappus setarum vel corona demissa papillatae, trie i i , branching caudex, Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, taprooted, often with a rarely fibrous-rooted, mostly strigose with short, white hairs. Leaves alternate, spatulate to linear, entire or few-toothed. Heads solitary, mostly long-pedunculate, rarely sessile; phyllaries with broad, hyaline margins; receptacles convex to conical. Ray corollas white to bluish or pinkish above (rarely yellow in To wnsendia), usually with a lavender to blue or pink abaxial branches with midstripe, not reflexing or coiling. Disc corollas short-tubed; style triangular- lanceolate collecting appendages. Cypselae oblanceolate to obovate, flattened, 2(-3)- smooth pubescent with duplex ribbed,the surfaces or papillate,glabrate or usually hairs winged and with glochidiate, bifurcate, or entire apices (achenes fringed-ciliate in Dichaetophora); pappus -seriate, of barbellate bristles or a low crown of setae/bristles 1 = = chromosome number,x 3,4,and and (2-awned Dichaetophora). Base 9 (or x 5 scales in = Genera Dichaetophora \r\Astranthium;x 3 Dichaetophora). iuclucie&.Astranthium Nutt., in A. Gray, Geissolepis B.L Rob, Townsendia Hook. Distribution mostly in western North USA America north of Mexico {Townsendia), Mexico and south-central {Astranthium),Jexas and adjacent Mexico {Dichaetophora), and e This the "Townsendia group," earlier placed subtribe Brachyscominae (Nesom is in and 994a) as'lncertae sedis"(Nesom 20Q0).Aphanostephus DC.also was included earlier 1 Nesom in the Townsendia group (by and various others), but molecular data from eral sources (Morgan 990; Lane et 996; Noyes and Rieseberg 999; Noyes 2000) al. 1 1 1 < Dichaetophora, and Townsendia comprise monophyletic group a essentially to the sister Conyzinae and Chrysopsidinae the Noyes and Rieseberg in analysis. Geissolepis p is etically interposed between the Townsendia group and these two related subtribes, a set of morphological features places closer to the Townsendia group than the it Conyzinae or Chrysopsidinae, and the genus can reasonably be included the in Astranthiinae. Alternately, presumably would be treated as a monophyletic subtribe. it Geissolepis similar to the Astranthiinae "core" genera solitary heads, white, is in its and straight ray corollas, conical receptacles, glochidiate cypselar vestiture. distinct It is within the subtribe combination of prostrate habit with creeping,fibrous-rooted, in a its lignescent stolons, succulent leaves, resin canals on the phyllaries, cypselae, and disc corollas, paleate receptacles, ray corollas without an abaxial midstripe.gradually ampliate disc corollas, subterete cypselae with 8 resinous ribs, and pappus of short scales with chromosome number = argins.The has been reported as 2n 6 (Ralston 1 Boltoniinae Neson ubtr.nov.lvi nus Boltonia L'Herit. ,i us ac persistente foliis viridi-glabratis. Folia aggregata; vel laxe phyllari; iria resinosis.Corollae albaeve radii Perennial, herbs or subshrubs {Chloracantha), rhizomatous, with persistently green- glabrate stems and leaves, thorny in Chloracantha. Leaves essentially cauline, entire or all few-toothed. Heads corymboid solitary or very loosely to paniculate; phyllaries primarily herbaceous, rounded apically to obtuse, with three orange-resinous nerves. Ray corollas white to slightly bluish, coiling. Disc corollas orange-veined; style branches with deltate collecting appendages. Cypselae terete and multinerved or flattened, 2-nerved, and winged chromosome = Base number.x Genera Nesom (Boltonia). included:8oto/3/7os/'o 9. & Noyes, Boltonia Chloracantha Nesom, Suh, Morgan, Sundberg, & Simpson. L'Herit., Dis- tribution in northwestern Mexico {Batopilasia), eastern USA {Boltonia), and Mexico and USA the southwestern to Louisiana (Chloracantha). Batopilasia, Boltonia, and Chloracantha apparently among them- are closely related selves (summary of ideas and evidence Nesom & Noyes and in 2000). Batopilasia Boltonia are sister genera in the Noyes and Rieseberg analysis, the pair in a sister relationship to the Symphyotrichinae and Machaerantherinae. Chloracantha was not included in this molecular analysis but morphologically similar to Batopilasia, as observed the origi- is in nal description of the species (Sundberg & Nesom 1990). Boltonia set apart from the other two genera by conical or convex receptacles, its is winged flattened,2-nerved,orange-veined, often cypselae short-tubed disc corollas,and with an abbreviated pappus. These specializations prompted the observation that New mo- morphologically the World" (Nesom 994b, but "Boltonia isolated in p. 63), is 1 1 Old World Astennae lecular evidence has found close relatives. related neither to its It is (Nesom 994b) nor to genera of the Townsendia group (Bremer 994). 1 1 With the formal recognition of the four subtribes above, six North American genera among the of Astereae remain without a clear hypothesis of subtribal affinity.These are Nesom (Nesom placed by (1994a, 1994b) mostly subtribes "'primitive' Asters" 2000), in Greene, Asterinae or Symphyotrichinae: Doellingeria Nees, Eucephalus Nutt., lonactis Oclemena Greene, Oreostemma Greene, and Tonestus Nelson. A. Noh Homochrominae Bentham & Hooker of as invalid published— was provided with description a a it name (Homochroma based on legitimate genus a 1 among those genera they placed the subtribe. in F Bentham Heterochrominae the nomenclaturally"sister"taxon to the illegitimate 8 name not based on an included genus), but reasonable lectotypificc a (this who Homochrominae already has been effected by Solbrig 963), specified th (1 Homochrominae Bentham & 74.18731 ECTo™ Hooker,Gen.Pl.2:1 :(Solbr E I DC. (= Zyrphelis Cass.). nym Homochrominae becomes syno of With this typification, a Belli. Gren. & Godr, France 2:83, 04. 850; type, Bellium L along wit! Fl. 1 1 .) (Phytologia 76:205. 1994; type .Felicia Cass.). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS comn Ted Barkleyand N.Gandhi. apprecate the helpful nents of K. 1 REFERENCES new 937. Tracy ina, a c 1 1:73 and Timber Portland, Oregon. tics classification. Press, Chromosome number Compositae with emphasis on ANF,M.A.and 1993. reports in J. Li. Astereae of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Sida 5:539-546. tribe 1 ANb, M.A., D.R. Morgan, Y. Suh, B.B. Simpson, and R.K. Jansen. 1996. Relationships of North DNA American genera of Astereae, based on chloroplast restriction site data. In D.J.N. 49-77. Hind and Beentje Compositae: Systematics. Vol. pp. Proc. Interntl. H.J. (eds.). 1, Compositae Conf, Kew, 994. 1 r . DNA using restriction site analysis of chloroplast and taxor a Machaeranthera section Psilactis. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Texas,/5 Nesom, G.L 1994a. Subtribal classification of the Ast 193-274. Nesom, G.L. 1994b. Review of the taxonomy of Aster New emphasizing the World species. Phytologia 7 Ni >m,( 2000. Generic conspectus of the tribe Astei si ..1 . Central America, the and Hawaii. Antilles, Sida, Bot. and Nesom, G.L. R.D. Noyes. 2000. Batopilasia Chihuahua, Mexico. Sida 19:79-84. Noyes, R.D. 2000. Biogeographical and evolutionary i (Asteraceae) from sequence ITS data. Syst. Evol. 22( PI. and LH. sequence Noyfs, R.D. Riesfbfrg. 1999. ITS data s deep geographic d reflect l.Bot.i 8 41 .T and Ornduff, R. B.A. Bohm. 975. Relationships of Tracyina ar 1 53-55. and Ch romosome Ralston, G.L. Nesom, B.L.Turner. 989. nu B., 1 with special reference to the tribe Tageteae. Sida 3:359 1 and Robinson, H. R.D. Brettell. 1973. Tribal revisions in the Ast< The relationship c Rigiopappus. Phytologia 26:69-70. Solbrig,O.T. 1963.Subfamilial nomenclature of Compositae.Taxon 12:229-; and A new A Sundberg, S.D. G.L. Nesom. 990. species of Erigeron (Asteraceae: 1 Chihuahua, Mexico. Phytologia 69:278-281

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