— . PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(2), 2005, pp. 476-477 Note New State Record of Cidex coronator Dyar and Knab (Diptera: Culicidae) From Mississippi Culex (Culex) coronator Dyar and Knab, of Cx. coronator were collected at Copiah is one of six species in the Culex coronator County Wildlife Management Area complex as defined by Bram (1967). This (CCWMA), an undisturbed area in central complex is very widely distributed between Mississippi containing numerous semi-per- Argentina and the southern United States, manent pools fed by springs as well as nu- but is poorly understood and differentiated merous rain-filled woodland pools. The CCWMA primarily by male genitalia characters. is composed of open fields, vast Bram (1967) determined that Cx. coronator pine forests, and creek bottoms containing is the only member ofthe complex to occur mature hardwoods (predominantly oak and in the United States. The currently recog- hickory). The December specimens of Cx. nized distribution for Cx. coronator in the coronator were collected in a wooded area United States is listed as Arizona, New approximately six km east of the CCWMA Mexico and Texas (Darsie and Ward 1981). and within thirty meters of a paved county This paper reports the first collections of road. Cx. coronator from Mississippi, which rep- After collecting Cx. coronator, extensive resents a considerable eastward and north- efforts were made to find the breeding ern extension of the previous distribution. site(s). Roadside ditches, swales, artificial New collection records. Culex corona- containers, and woodland pools were sam- tor Dyar and Knab: Copiah Co., Mississip- pled in a three square mile area by dipping pi, Copiah County Wildlife Management and looking for larvae. All specimen iden- Area, 22 September 2004, CDC light trap tifications, adults and larvae, were con- baited with CO2, Collector: Jerome God- firmed by the third author. Specimens have dard, 1 9; Copiah Co. Wildlife Manage- been deposited in the Mississippi Entomo- ment Area, 1 October 2004, CDC light trap logical Museum, Mississippi State Univer- baited with CO,, Collector: Wendy Varna- sity, Starkville, MS, the Public Health Pest do, 1 9; Copiah Co., Mississippi, 7 Decem- Management mosquito collection, Winston- ber 2004, CDC Ught trap baited with CO2, Salem, NC, and the Smithsonian Institution Collector: Wendy Varnado, 2 9 mosquito collection, Washington, DC. All specimens were collected as a result The presence of Culex coronator in Mis- ofa statewide survey ofmosquitoes ofMis- sissippi was unexpected in light ofthe gen- sissippi funded by a West Nile virus grant erally tropical nature of this species. Con- from the Centers for Disease Control and firmation that these collections represent an Prevention. Collections were made by established breeding population of Cx. co- hanging CDC light traps baited with dry ice ronator was confirmed by finding hundreds (CO2) in late afternoon in selected sites and of larvae in three widely separated areas retrieving the traps first thing the next day. near the original adult collection site. Lar- Mosquitoes were killed by freezing, glued vae were found in a small spring in the to pinned paper points, labeled with collec- woods, as well as in two separate roadside tion information, and identified using Car- ditches/swales. penter and LaCasse (1955), Darsie and The initial U.S. collections of Cx. coron- Ward (1981), and Clark-Gil and Darsie ator occurred in Texas (Randolph and (1983). The September-October specimens O'Neill 1944, Rueger and Druce 1950, VOLUME NUMBER 107, 2 477 Eads et al. 1951). These Texas records were of California Press. Berkelev and Los Angeles, extended by Hill et al. (1958), who record- CA. ed Cx. coronator from Bexar, Bowie, Cam- Clark-Gil. S. and R. E Darsie. Jr. 1983. The mosqui- eron, Dimmit, Hidalgo, Liveoak, Milam, toes of Guatemala. Mosquito Systematics 15: 151-284. Starr, Webb, and Willacy counties. In 1953. Darsie, R. E, Jr. and R. A. Ward. 1981. Identification Richards et al. (1956) found this species in and geographical distributionofthemosquitoesof Cochise and Pima counties, Arizona, and North America, north of Mexico. Mosquito Sys- DWoolnfafAetnaal.Co(u1n9t7y5,) NfoeuwndMeitxiicnot.wHooswietveseri,n Eads,teRm.atiBc.,s GS.upCp.leMmeennztie1s:,1-a3n1d3.L. J. Ogden. 1951. Distribution records of west Texas mosquitoes. there is another old record that should now Mosquito News 1 1: 41-47. be considered. Hill et al. (1958) reported Hill, S. O., B. J. Smittle, and E M. Philips. 1958. Dis- one male and two females of this species tribution of mosquitoes in the fourth U.S. Army area. Entomology Division. Eourth U.S. Army collected in 1953 in Vernon Parish (Ft. Medical Laboratory. Fort Sam Houston. TX. 155 Polk), Louisiana. This record was not in- pp. cluded in the most recently published dis- Randolph, N. M. and K. O'Neill. 1944. The mosqui- tributions for this species (Darsie and Ward toes ofTexas. Bulletin of the Texas State Health 1981) because Carpenter (1970) suggested Department, 100 pp. Richards, C. S., L. T. Nielsen, and D. M. Rees. 1956. the Louisianarecord should be deleted until Mosquito records from the great basin and drain- it could be confirmed. Although finding Cx. age ofthe lower Colorado Riven Mosquito News coronator in Mississippi does not validate 16: 10-17. the Hill et al. (1958) record for Louisiana, Rueger. M. E. and S. Druce. 1950. New mosquito dis- tribution records from Texas. Mosquito News 10: it certainly suggests that those identifica- 60-63. tions of Cx. coronator from Louisiana were Wolff, T. A., L. T. Nielsen, and S. O. Hayes. 1975. A correct. current list and bibliography ofthe mosquitoes of New Mexico. Mosquito Systematics 7: 13-17. Literature Cited Wendy C. Varnado, Jerome Goddard. and Bram, R. A. 1967. Classification of Ciilex subgenus Bruce A. Harrison. (WCV, JG) Mississippi CulexintheNewWorld(Diptera: Culicidae). Pro- Department of Health, P.O. Box 1700, ceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- Jackson, MS 39215, U.S.A. (e-mail: ington 120: 1-222. [email protected]); (BAH) North Carpenter, S. J. 1970. Review of recent literature on Carolina Department of Environment and mosquitoes ofNorth America. SupplementI. Cal- Natural Resources, 585 Waughton Street. ifornia Vector Views 17: 39-65. NC Carpenter, S. J. and W. J. LaCasse. 1955. Mosquitoes Winston-Salem, 27107, U.S.A. {e-mail: of North America (North of Mexico). University [email protected])