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Preview New Spinor Field Realizations of the Non-Critical $W_{3}$ String

New Spinor Field Realizations of the Non-Critical W String 3 ∗ Li-Jie Zhang 1Department of Mathematics and Physics, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028 Yu-Xiao Liu† and Ji-Rong Ren 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000 7 0 Abstract 0 2 Weinvestigate thenewspinorfieldrealizations oftheW algebra, makinguseofthefactthatthe 3 n a W algebracanbelinearizedbytheadditionofaspin-1current. Wethenusethesenewrealizations J 3 1 to build the nilpotent Becchi-Rouet-Stora–Tyutin (BRST) charges of the spinor non-critical W 3 4 string. v 5 6 2 PACS numbers: 11.25.Pm,11.25.Sq, 11.10.-z. 7 0 5 0 / h t - p e h : v i X r a ∗Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10275030. †Corresponding author; Electronic address: [email protected] 1 As is well known, W algebra has remarkable applications in W gravity and W string theories since its discovery in the 1980s.[1,2] Furthermore, it appears in the quantum Hall effect, black holes, in lattice models of statistical mechanics at criticality, and in other physical models.[3] The Becchi-Rouet-Stora–Tyutin (BRST) formalism[4] has proven to be rather fruitful in the study of the critical and non-critical W string theories. The BRST charge of W 3 (i.e. W ) string was first constructed in Ref.[5], and its detailed studies can be found in 2,3 Refs.[5-7]. A natural generalization of the W string, i.e. the W strings, is a higher-spin 3 2,s string with local spin-2 and spin-s symmetries on the world-sheet. Many works have been carried out on the scalar field realizations of W strings.[7−9] The BRST charges for such 2,s theories have been constructed for s = 4,5,6,7.[8] Later we discovered the reason that the scalar BRST charge is difficult to be generalized to a general W string.[10] At the same N time, we found the methods to construct the spinor field realization of W strings and W 2,s N strings.[10] Subsequently, we studied the exact spinor field realizations of W (s = 3,4,5,6) 2,s strings and W (N = 4,5,6) strings.[10,11] Recently, we have constructed the nilpotent BRST N charges of spinor non-critical W (s = 3,4) strings by taking into account the property of 2,s spinor field.[12] These results will be important for constructing super W strings, and they will provide the essential ingredients. However, all of these theories about the W strings mentioned above are based on 2,s the non-linear W algebras. Because of the intrinsic nonlinearity of the W algebras, 2,s 2,s their study is a more difficult task compared to linear algebras. Fortunately, it has been shown that certain W algebras can be linearized by the inclusion of a spin-1 current. This provides a way of obtaining new realizations of the W algebras. Such new realizations 2,s were constructed for the purpose of building the corresponding scalar W strings.[13] 2,s Since there has been no work focused on the research of spinor field realizations of the non-critical W string based on the linear W algebra, in this Letter we construct new 3 1,2,3 nilpotent BRST charges of spinor non-critical W string for the first time by using the linear 3 bases of the W algebra. To construct a non-critical BRST charge, one must first solve 1,2,3 the forms of matter currents T and W determined by the OPEs of TT, TW and WW. Here T and W here are constructed on the linear bases T ,J ,W of the W algebra, and these 0 0 0 1,2,3 linear bases are constructed with the spinor fields. Then direct substitution of these results into BRST charge leads to the grading spinor field realizations. All these results will be 2 important for embedding the Virasoro string into the W string. 3 We begin by reviewing the linearization of the W algebra by the inclusion of a spin-1 3 current.[14] We take the linearized W algebra in the form 1,2,3 C/2 2T (ω) ∂T (ω) 0 0 T (z)T (ω) + + , 0 0 ∼ (z w)4 (z ω)2 z ω − − − 3W (ω) ∂W (ω) 0 0 T (z)W (ω) + , 0 0 ∼ (z ω)2 z ω − − C J (ω) ∂J (ω) 1 0 0 T (z)J (ω) + + , (1) 0 0 ∼ (z w)3 (z ω)2 z ω − − − 1 J (z)J (ω) − , 0 0 ∼ (z ω)2 − hW (ω) 0 J (z)W (ω) , W (z)W (ω) 0. 0 0 0 0 ∼ z ω ∼ − The coefficients C, C and h are given by 1 24 1 3 C = 50+24t2 + , C = √6(t+ ), h = t. (2) t2 1 − t 2 r To obtain the new realizations for the linearized W algebra, we use the multi-spinor 1,2,3 fields ψµ, which have spin 1/2 and satisfy the OPE 1 ψµ(z)ψν(ω) δµν, ∼ −z ω − for the first time to construct the linear bases of them. The general forms of these linear bases can be taken as follows: 1 T = ∂ψµψµ, J = α ψµψν (µ < ν), W = 0, 0 0 µν 0 −2 where α are pending coefficients. By making use of the OPE J (z)J (ω) in Eq.(1), we µν 0 0 can obtain the equation that the coefficients α satisfy, i.e. α2 = 1. From the OPE µν µ<ν µν relation of T0 and J0, it is easy to obtain C1 = 0. SubstitutinPg the value of C1 into Eq.(2), we can obtain the value of t. Then the total central charge C for T can be obtained from 0 Eq.(2). Thus we can determine the explicit form of T under the restricted condition of its 0 central charge. Finally, using the OPE T (z)J (ω) in Eq.(1) again, we reach the exact form 0 0 of J . The complete results are t = i, C = 2, C = 0 and 0 1 ± 4 4 1 T = ∂ψµψµ, J = α ψµψν, W = 0, (3) 0 0 µν 0 −2 µ=1 µ<ν=1 X X 3 where the coefficients α satisfy µν 4 (α )2 = 1. (4) µ<ν=1 µν P As we know, for the energy-momentum tensor of a scalar φ, it has central charge C = 1 in two-dimensional conformal field theory, while C = 1/2 for a single fermion field. This means thatonerealscalar fieldisequivalent totwo realoronecomplex fermionfields. Inparticular, they correspond to the forms ψ =: eiφ :,ψ = ψ +iψ . Similarly, the power exponent can also 1 2 be used as a means of bosonisation in our constructions. Then, our 4-fermion construction is equivalent to a two-scalar system. Now let us consider the spinor realizations of the non-linear W algebra with linear bases 3 of the W algebra. We begin by reviewing the structures of the W algebra in conformal 1,2,3 3 language. The OPE W(z)W(ω) for W algebra is given by[1] 3 C/3 2T ∂T W(z)W(ω) + + ∼ (z w)6 (z ω)4 (z ω)3 − − − 1 3 + 2ΘΛ+ ∂2T (5) (z ω)2 10 − (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 + Θ∂Λ+ ∂3T , (z ω) 15 − (cid:18) (cid:19) where 16 3 Θ = , Λ = T2 ∂2T. 22+5C − 10 The bases of the W algebra can be constructed by the linear bases of the W algebra: 3 1,2,3 T = T , W = W +W (J ,T ), 0 0 R 0 0 where the currents T , J and W generate the W algebra and have been constructed 0 0 0 1,2,3 with multi-spinor fields. First we can write the most general possible structure of W. Then the relations of the above OPEs of T and W determine the coefficients of the terms in W. Finally, substituting these coefficients together with T , J and W into the expressions of 0 0 0 T and W, we can obtain the spinor realizations of the W algebra. The explicit results turn 3 out to be very simple: 1 T = T , W = W ( 3i∂2J +4iJ3 +6iT J ). (6) 0 0 ± 6 − 0 0 0 0 4 Substituting the expressions of T , J and W in Eq. (3) into Eq. (6), we obtain the explicit 0 0 0 constructions of T and W for the W algebra as follows: 3 4 1 T = ∂ψµψµ, (7) −2 µ=1 X 4 1 W = ǫ α ψµψν∂ψλψλ µνλρ µν ±2i | | µ<ν,λ,ρ=1 X 4 + α (∂2ψµψν +ψµ∂2ψν +2∂ψµ∂ψν) , (8) µν ! µ<ν=1 X where α satisfies Eq.(4). µν The non-critical W string is the theory of W gravity coupled to a matter system on 3 3 which the W algebra is realized. Subsequently, we give realizations of the spinor field . 3 The BRST charges of the non-critical W string take the form: 3 Q = Q +Q , (9) B 0 1 Q = dz c(T +T +T +yT +Teff), (10) 0 ψ M bc βγ I Q = dz γF(ψ,β,γ,T ,W ), (11) 1 M M I where y is a pending constant. The matter currents T and W , which have spin 2 and 3 M M respectively, generate the W algebra and have been constructed for the cases s = 3 (T and 3 W in Eqs.(7) and (8) are replaced by T and W , respectively). The energy-momentum M M tensors in Eq. (10) are given by[12,15] 1 T = ∂ψψ, T = T, T = 2b∂c+∂bc, ψ M bc −2 1 T = 3β∂γ +2∂βγ, Teff = η ∂YµYν. βγ µν −2 The operatorF(ψ,β,γ,T ,W ) has the spin of 3 and the ghost number of zero. The BRST M M charge generalizes the one for scalar non-critical W strings, and it is also graded with 2,s Q2 = Q2 = Q ,Q = 0. Since the first condition is satisfied for any s automatically, the 0 1 { 0 1} remainingtwoconditionsdeterminey andthecoefficientsofthetermsinF(ψ,β,γ,T ,W ). M M Now, using the grading BRST method and the procedure mentioned above, we discuss the exact solutions of spinor field realizations of the non-critical W string. 3 In this case, Q takes the form of Eq.(9). The mater currents T and W are given B M M by Eqs.(7) and (8), respectively. The most extensive combinations of F in Eq.(11) with 5 correct spin and ghost number can be constructed as follows: F = f β3γ3 +f ∂ββγ2 +f ∂β∂γ +f βγ∂ψψ 1 2 3 4 +f β∂2γ +f ∂2ψψ +f βγT 5 6 7 M +f ∂ψψT +f ∂T +f W . (12) 8 M 9 M 10 M Substituting Eq.(12) into Eq.(11) and imposing the nilpotency conditions Q2 = Q ,Q = 1 { 0 1} 0, we can determine y and f (i = 1,2, ,10). They correspond to three sets of general i ··· solutions, i.e. (i) y = 0, f = 0 (i = 4,6,7,8,9,10), and f (j = 1,2,3,5) are arbitrary constants but do i j not vanish at the same time. (ii) y = 1 and 1 1 f = ( 7f +3f ), f = (7f 3f ), 1 3 5 2 3 5 150 − 15 − 1 f = (22f 78f +10f ), 4 3 5 7 5 − 5 f = 11f +39f 5f , f = 0, f = f , 6 3 5 7 8 9 7 − − −2 where f (j = 3,5,7,10) are arbitrary constants but do not vanish at the same time. j (iii) y is an arbitrary constant and f = 0 (i = 4,6,7,8,9,10), i 8 16 39 f = f , f = f , f = f , 1 5 2 5 3 5 −55 11 11 where f is an arbitrary non-zero constant. 5 Substituting the construction (12) of F into Eq.(11) and using T and W given by M M Eqs.(7) and (8), we obtain the explicit spinor field realizations of the non-critical W string. 3 In summary, we have constructed the new spinor field realizations of the non-critical W 3 string, making use of the fact that the W algebra can be linearized by the addition of a 3 spin-1 current. First, we use the multi-spinor fields ψµ to construct the linear bases of the linearized W algebra. Subsequently, the non-linear bases of W algebra is constructed 1,2,3 3 with these linear bases T ,J and W . Finally, we use these new realizations to build the 0 0 0 graded BRST charges of the spinor non-critical W string. The constructions are based 3 on demanding the nilpotency of the BRST charges. The solutions are very standard, i.e., there are three solutions for the W string. It is worth noting that our four-fermion result 3 6 has central charge C = 2, while for the critical W string the central charge should be 3 C = 100. Since the (T ,J ) system is linear, we can add more matter to obtain C = 100. 0 0 For simplicity, considering the independence of central charge under non-critical case, we only give the discussion based on C = 2 in this study. We expect that there should exist such realizations for the case of higher spin s. Having obtained the exact BRST charges of W string, we can investigate the implications for the corresponding string theories. 3 It is a pleasure to thank Professor DUAN Yi-Shi and Dr. WEI Hao for useful discussions. 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