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New species of the genus Wakarumbia from Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Lycidae) PDF

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Preview New species of the genus Wakarumbia from Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Lycidae)

THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OFZOOLOGY 2001 49(2): 259-267 © National University ofSingapore NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS WAKARUMBIA FROM SULAWESI (COLEOPTERA: LYCIDAE) Ladislav Bocak DepartmentoJZoology, Palacky University, t~. Svobody 26, CZ-77/46 Olomouc, Czech Republic. Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. - The following new species are described: Wakarumbia amporiwensis, new species, W. equalis, new species, W. fasciata, new species, W. grisea, new species, W. kalamensis, new species, W. mamasensis,newspecies,W. montana,newspecies,W. orobuensis,newspeciesandW.petri,newspecies. TheimportantdiagnosticcharactersareillustratedandallknownspeciesofWakarumbiaBocak, 1999,are keyed. Relationships between species and ecological data are briefly discussed. KEYWORDS.- Taxonomy,Coleoptera,Lycidae,Metriorrhynchini,Wakarumbia, newspecies,Sulawesi. INTRODUCTION and altogetherover 160 specimens were collectedon three localities on southern slope of the Gunung Gandadiwata Wakarumbia has recently been proposed for one species massiveandonGunungLompobatang.Onlyonespecieswas collected from Buton island, near the south east coast of collected in the central part of Sulawesi, near Poso Lake. Sulawesi (Bocak, 1999). Later additional species were All 9 species represented in this material are new and they described from the material collected in Bumonga-Bone are described here. National Park in Northern Sulawesi during the Wallace Project organised in 1985 by the Royal Entomological SocietyofLondonandonespecieswastransferredfromthe MATERIAL AND METHODS genusProtaphesKleine, 1926(Bocak,2000).Additionaltwo species described by Pic (1922) were transferred from Allmorphologicalmeasuresweremadeusingtheoculargrid Xylobanus Waterhouse, 1879 (Bocak & Bocakova, 2000). of an Olympus SZX-12 binocular microscope at the Several additional new species were found in the material magnification 20 times for body length and 90 times for fromSulawesiandaredescribedhere.Akeyishereprovided remaining body parts. Data given in the paragraph for identification of all known species of the genus 'Measures'refertotheholotype,whenonlyonesizeisgiven, Wakarumbia. thespansexpressthevariabilityofavailablespecimens,when aserieswasavailable.Eyediameterwasmeasuredinlateral Although the material collected by the British expedition viewandwhentheeyeoutlinewasnotcircularthediameter wasrelativelyrestricted,itshowedpotentiallyhighradiation was measured at the widest point. The interocular distance within Wakarumbia. Altogether 11 species were found in was taken from a dorsal view at the pointofminimum eye thematerialof27specimens,threeofthemrepresentedonly distance. Line illustrations were derived from infemales andthereforenotyetformally described(Bocak, microphotographs produced by an Olympus DP-lO or 2000). Thegenus Wakarumbia formed onlysmallfragment Olympus Camedia 3000 digital camera. intheLycidmaterialoftheBritishexpeditionandIexpected that members ofWakarumbia occurrarely in the area. The Depositories.- BMNH-NaturalHistoryMuseum,London, closely related Hemiconderis Kleine, 1926, occurring on UK; KMTC - Kyioshi Matsuda collection, Takarazuka, New Guinea, formed only 0.30% of Lycidae collected by HyogoPref.,Japan;LMBC-author'scollection,Department American expeditions (Bocak & Bocakova, 1990) and it of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences UP, Olomouc, Czech seems that Wakarumbia is also a rare group. The new Republic; SMNS - Natural History Museum, Stuttgart, materialcollectedinsouthernSulawesiinJuly 1999didnot Germany;ZRC-ZoologicalReferenceCollection,National confirm this presumption. Over 50% ofIycids collected in University of Singapore, Singapore. themountainsofsouthernSulawesibelongedtoWakarumbia Received 24 Aug 2000 Accepted 6 Nov 2000 259 Bocak: New species of Wakarumbia TAXONOMY W. celebensis (Kleine, 1933) and W. lateniger (Pic, 1922), were not found in the studied material. The adults were Wakarumbia Bocak, 1999 usually sitting during day on the bottom side of leaves of shrubs or lower tree stratum. Bending of branches did not Wakarumbia Bocak, 1999: 166. disturb themand atmostthey tried to change theirposition on leaf. Only seldom, they fly or fell down when more Type species - Wakarumbia gracilis Bocak, 1999, by intensively disturbed by shaking of branches. Over halfof monotypy. collectedspecimenswasfoundinaggregationsonsingletree or on a group of several trees. Differential diagnosis. - Wakarumbia is characterised by the combination ofthe following characters: the pronotum ThemembersofWakarumbia areoftenengagedinmimicry poses single rhomboidal median areola connected laterally complexes. Most species collected in higher elevation are by the transverse costae with the lateral margins of the uniformlyblackandoccurstogetherwithseveralhabitually pronotum(Fig. 1),thefully developedprimaryelytracostae verysimilarspeciesofthespeciousXylobanus Waterhouse, andtheabsenceofsecondarycostae,characteristicshapeof 1879 and less common Plateros Bourgeois, 1879 (see phalluswithuniquecomplexthorn-likestructureinthebasal Bocakova, 2001 forthe generic status ofPlateros). Species part (Figs. 2 - 12), and the spermaduct attached to the of these genera occur syntopically and several times characteristicpocketintheapicalpartofvagina.Theabsence specimensofseveralgenerawerecollectedinaggregations. ofsecondarycostaeremindsofXylobanusWaterhouse, 1879, ThiscasewasobservedontheGunungLompobatang,where butothercharacters do not supporttheirclose relationship. W. montana, new species, and W. petri, new species, were Xylobanus is characterisedby the different arrangement of found in quite high number of specimen together with costaeonpronotumanddifferenttypeofmalegenitalia.The unidentified Xylobanus and Plateros. related genus Hemiconderis differs externally in having secondary elytral costae, two independent basal thorns in Wakarumbia grisea, new species, W. orobuensis, new male genitalia, and the simple, sack-like vagina (Bocak & species, and W. kalamensis, new species, were collected Bocakova, 1990). togetherwithoneunidentifiedspeciesofPlaterosandseveral Xylobanus in the Mamasa area. All species from this area Redescription. - Body small, slender (Fig. 1), head small, aredarkbrowntoblackwithlighterpubescencegivingthem partlyconcealedby pronotum, antennae shorterthan body, greyishappearance.Severalspeciesofsyntopicallyoccurring ll-segmented, segments 3 - 7 emarginate at base ofapex, Xylobanushadlighterpubescencerestrictedtothepronotum, mouth parts tiny but fully developed, maxillary palpi 4 but they resembled the species ofWakarumbia in size and segmented,labialpalpi3-segmented,marginoflastsegment shapeofbody.Anotherspeciesfoundinthisarea, W. equalis, with projections. Sexual dimorphism in size of eyes. new species, was dark brown to black without light Pronotum with five areolae, median areola narrow, pubescence,verysimilartothespeciesfoundintheGunung rhomboidal,costaestraight,sharpandnarrow(Fig. 1).Elytra Lompobatang area. The species resembled another with four primary costae, connected by transverse costae, unidentified blackXylobanus species from the same place. primarycosta2and4weaker,secondarycostaeabsent.Male genitaliawithoutparamerae,phallobaseannuliformwithout The secondmimicrycomplexin the Mamasaareainvolved anysclerotizationofmembrane,phallussimplewithcomplex twospeciesofblackXylobanuswithyellowtransverseband thorn-like structureatthebaseofinternalsac(Figs. 2- 12). inthemiddleofelytra,oneunidentifiedspeciesofthefamily For full description of Wakarumbia see Bocak (1999). Cantharidae and two species of Wakarumbia: W. fasciata, new species, and W. mamasensis, new species. Thegeneric DiversityandEcology.- Altogether23 Wakarumbia species classification of these animals is impossible without are already known from Sulawesi and Buton island (21 microscope,becausethedegreeofexternalsimilarityisvery formally described, additional two undescribed species are high. known only in females, the specimens are deposited in the Wallace Projectcollectionin the NaturalHistoryMuseum, The mimicry complexes are very common in Lycidae and London). One species is knownfrom Butonisland, another they involve very often several families ofColeoptera and two from the south-western tip ofSulawesi, all remaining, evenotherorders.Lycidaeareuntasteful(Moore & Brown, sooner described species occur in the North Sulawesi 1981) and they are considered models in these complexes. Province (Bocak, 2000; Bocak & Bocakova, 2000). We do not know predators foraging for such small beetles. Additional 9 species are described here from central and Thepatternofblackdorsumwithyellowbandispresumably southernSulawesi.Availabledatashowhighvicarianceand aposematic, buttheuniform blackcolourationwithgreyish the faunas of southern and northern parts of Sulawesi are pubescencecanhardlybeconsideredsuch.Despitethisfacts, completely different at specific level. Almost all newly gaps between individual complexes are very apparent and collectedspecimenswerefoundinmountainareas900-1750 any variability within them considerably suppressed. The m above sea level, where Wakarumbia species were high specific diversity in Wakarumbia could be enhanced dominantwithinLycidae.Onlyonespecimenwascollected notonlybytheinsularhistoryofsomepartsofSulawesibut inlowerelevationofcentralSulawesi.Twosoonerdescribed also by the coevolution in isolated mimicry complexes. speciesoccurringinlowerelevationsofsouthernSulawesi, 260 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OFZOOLOGY2001 KEY TO MALES OF WAKARUMBIA1 12. Elytra black with yellow transverse band in middle part, sometimesyellowpartcanbediminishedandforms more or less independent patches on each elytron 13 I. Wholeelytradarkbrowntoblack,atmostwithslightlylighter Elytra otherwise coloured 14 costae 2 Elytra otherwise coloured, pale yellow, light brown or dark 13. Male genitalia as in Fig. 7 W.!asciata, new species brownwithyellowhumeri,orblackwithyellowtransverse Male genitalia as in Fig. 6 W. mamasensis, new species band in middle part ofelytra 12 14. Whole elytra brown, light brown to pale yellow or at most 2. Head, thorax, and most of femora light brown, pronotum apical one tenth ofelytra slightly infuscated 15 brown, phallus symmetrical.. W. gracilis Bocak Humeralpartofelytralighterthanrest,infuscatedpartalways Wholebodydarkbrowntoblack,onlytrochanterslightbrown larger than light one 18 or eventually elytral costae a bit lighter than bottom of elytral cells 3 15. Apical part ofphallus rotated at least by 90° 16 Apical part ofphallus almost symmetrical, middle part with 3. Eyediametersmallerthaninteroculardistanceortheirdiameter triangular process W. amporiwensis, new species equals their frontal distance 6 Eyediameteratleast1.10timeslongerthaninteroculardistance 16. Meso-andmetathoraxlightbrowntoyellow,phallusslender, ..........................................................................................4 basalpartofopeningapparentlyasymmetrical,apicalpart rotated by 90° W. pallescens Bocak 4. Pronotum and elytra covered with greyish pubescence..... 5 Meso-andmetathoraxbrowntodarkbrown,phalluswithbasal Pronotumandelytracoveredwithdarkpubescence,maleeye part ofopening symmetrical, apical part not rotated...17 diameteratleast1.2timeslongerthanminimalinterocular distance, phallus slender, symmetrical . 17. Basal tubular part of phallus bulb-like, tubular part forming ..............................................................W. oculata Bocak less that 5 percent ofphallus length . ......................................................W. brunnescens Bocak 5. Eyediameter1.17-1.27timeslongerthaninteroculardistance, Basal tubular part ofphallus, slender, parallel-sided, tubular apical part ofphallus symmetrical (Fig. 5) . part forming third ofphallus length . ... W. grisea, new species ........................................................... W. brendelli Bocak Eye diameter at least 1.50 times longer than interocular distance, phallus slightly curved (Fig. 11) . 18. At least one quarter ofelytra eyllow 19 ..............................................W. kalamensis, new species Onlyveryshorttransversepartofhumeri lighterthantherest ofelytra 20 6. Pronotumandelytracoveredwithgreyishpubescence,phallus slender, tubular part short, forming one sixth of phallus 19. Lightcolouredcostaeanddarkerbottomofelytralcellsinmore length, apical partapparentlyrotated(Fig. 12),maleeyes than humeral third of elytra, male eyes 1.67 times verysmall,interoculardistance1.36timeslongerthantheir interocular distance, phallus without any constriction in maximum diameter W. orobuensis, new species apical part (Bocak, 2000, Fig. 27) . Pronotumandelytracoveredwithdarkpubescence,interocular ..................................................W. flavohumeralis Bocak distance at most 1.30 times longer than their maximum Colourationofelytralcostaeandbottomofelytralcellssimilar diameter 7 inwholeelytra,maleeyes 1.35timesinteroculardistance, phalluswithconsiderablyconstrictedsubapicalpart(Fig. 7. Apical part ofphallus considerably rotated (Fig. 9) 8 4) W. angustior (Pic) Apicalpartofphallussymmetricalorveryslightlyrotated(Fig. 8) 9 20. Discofpronotuminfuscated,elytralcellsapparentlytransverse, eyes in male as large as interocular distance . 8. Tubular part forms 30 percent ofphallus length, interocular ...................................................... W. celebensis (Kleine) distance 1.15 times longer than eyediameter, body large, Disc of pronotum yellow, without any patches, elytral cells around 7 mm, very narrow margin ofpronotum brown. ..............................................................W. grandis Bocak slightly transverse W. lateniger (Pic) Tubular part forms 15 per cent of phallus length (Fig.9), interoculardistance 1.08 times longer than eyediameter, Note.ThespeciesofthegenusWakarumbiadiffermostlyinthe entire pronotum black W. petri, new species size on eyes in male (they are almost uniform in females) and shape of male genitalia. The differences in colouration are 9. Elytralcostaelighterthanbottomofelytralcells,phalluswidest insufficient in many cases for certain identification. The in basal third W. similis Bocak charactersavailableinbothsexeswereusedinthekeyasfaras Elytra costae ofsame colour as bottom ofelytral cells ....10 possible,butsometheseshadtobebasedoncharactersavailable for males only. 10.Eyediameter1.00-1.09timeslongerthaninteroculardistance, tubularpartofphallusformslessthan10percentofphallus length, apical part rotated by 60° (Fig. 10) . Wakarumbia amporiwensis, new species ....................................................W. equalis, new species (Figs. 2, 3) Eyessmallerthaneyediameter, tubularpartofphalluslonger than 10 per cent of phallus length (Fig. 8), apical part symmetrical or rotated by less than 300 ••••••••••••••••••••••11 Material examined. - Holotype - male, Indonesia, C Sulawesi, 17kmEPendolo,nr.Amporiwo, 120.45.49E,2.06.33S,coil.Bolm, I1. Basalpartofphallusslender,widestinbasalthird,tubularpart 4-9 Jul.1999 (LMBC). longer, forming 20 per cent ofphallus length (Fig. 8) ... .... W. montana, new species Etymology. - The specific name refers to the type locality Basal part ofphallus robust, widest in basal quarter, tubular ofthe holotype. part longer, forming 12 percent ofphallus length . ....... W. nigra Bocak 261 Bocak: New species of Wakarumbia Differentialdiagnosis. - Wakarumbia amporivensis, new Measures. - Male.Lengthofbody6.0mm, widthathumeri species, belongs to the group of uniformly yellow or 1.23 mm, lengthofpronotum0.86 mm, width ofpronotum testaceous species. It differs from externally similar W. 1.08mm,holotype:interoculardistance0.37 mm,maximum pallescens in the light yellow apex of elytra and the diameter ofeyes 0.48 mm. symmetrical apical halfofphallus,from W. brunnescensin lighter colouration, more robust transverse bridge in basal Distribution. - Central Sulawesi. part ofphallus and the bent left margin in the middle part ofphallus. Remark. - Wakarumbia amporiwensis, new species, W. pallescens and W. brunnescens seem to be closely related Description. - Male. Body slender, yellow; antennae, species on the basis ofsimilar shape of male genitalia and abdomen, tarsi, and apical parts offemora and tibiae dark similarsize ofeyes. The first two species were collected in brown. Head small, with distinct antennal tubercles, frons lower elevations where Wakarumbia is generally rare. shining, covered with sparse long pubescence. Maxillary palpi with broad robust apical segment, labial palpi very short, with apical segment of similar shape. Eyes large, Wakarumbia equalis, new species hemispherically prominent, eyediameter 1.29times longer (Fig. 10) than interocular distance. Antennae slender, considerably compressed, surpassing elytral three quarters. Pronotum Materialexamined.- Holotype- male,Indonesia,SSulawesi,25 trapezoidal, broadest at base, 1.26 times wider than long, kmEMamasa, 1100m, 119.28.39E,3.02.IOS, call. Balm, 22-24 Jul.1999 (LMBC). discwithonemedianareola,shining.Scutellumflat,concave at apex. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary costae, Paratypes - 3 males, 6 females, same locality data, 2 females, primary costae 2and 4considerably strongerin apical two Indonesia, S Sulawesi, 8 km W Mamasa, 950 m, 119.20.32E, thirds of elytral length, elytral cells slightly transverse. 2.56.13S, call. Balm, 18-21 Ju1.l999 (LMBC, ZRC). Phallusslender,tubularpartveryshort, weaklybulbous,left margin with triangular process, apical part almost Etymology.- Thespecificnamereferstothe approximately symmetrical (Figs. 2, 3). Female unknown. equal frontal distance of male eyes and eye diameter. 2 3 4 Figs. 1-4. I -General appearanceofWakarumbia grandis Bocak. Malegenitalia: 2, 3- Wakarumbia amporiwensis, new species; 4 -W. angustior (Pie). Scales 0.5 mm. 262 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2001 Differentialdiagnosis.- Wakarumbia equalis,newspecies, - 1.31 times longer than maximum eye diameter. belongs to the group of uniformly black species. It differs from externally similar species in the short tubular base of Measures. - Male. Length ofbody 5.25 - 6.40 mm, width the phallus, in relatively largereyes, and in slightlyrotated at humeri 1.03 - 1.22 mm, length of pronotum 0.77 mm, apexofphallus(Fig. 10,comparewithsimilarphallusofW. widthofpronotum0.95 mm, holotype: interoculardistance nigra, whose apical part is symmetrical). 0.36 mm, maximum diameter ofeyes 0.35 mm. Description. - Male. Body slender, dark brown to black, Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. mouth parts and trochanters light brown. Head small, with distinctantennaltubercles,frons shining,coveredwithsparse long pubescence. Maxillary palpi with broad robust apical Wakarumbia fasciata, new species segment, labial palpi very short, with apical segment of (Fig. 7) similar shape. Eyes relatively large, hemispherically prominent, eye diameter 1.00 - 1.09 times longer than Materialexamined.- Holotype- male,Indonesia,SSulawesi,25 interocular distance. Antennae slender, considerably kmEMamasa, 1100m, 119.28.39E,3.02.lOS, call. Bolm, 22-24 IuI.I999 (LMBC). compressed, surpassing elytral two thirds. Pronotum trapezoidal, broadest at base, 1.23 times wider than long, Etymology. - The specific name refers to the yellow discwithonemedianareola,shining.Scutellumflat, concave transverse band in the middle part ofelytra. at apex. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary costae, primary costae 2and 4 considerably strongerin apical two Differentialdiagnosis.- Wakarumbiafasciata,newspecies, thirds of elytral length, elytral cells slightly transverse. reminds W. mamasensis, new species, but it differs in the Phallus slender, tubular part very short, apical part slightly shape of male genitalia; compare Figs. 6 and 7. rotated (Fig. 10). Female. Interoculardistance ofeyes 1.17 5 6 7 8 Figs. 5 - 8. Male genitalia: 5 - Wakarumbia grisea, new species; 6- W. mamasensis, new species; 7 - W.!asciata, new species; 8- W. montana, new species. Scales 0.5 mm. 263 Bocak: New species of Wakarumbia Description. - Male. Body medium-sized, slender, dark long,discwithsinglemedianareola,shining. Scutellumflat, browntoblack,elytrawithyellow,middle,transverseband, concave at apex. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary reaching in humeral part ofelytra to humeri, mouth parts, costae,primarycostae2and4considerablystrongerinapical marginsofpronotum, trochantersandbasesoffemora light two thirds ofelytral length, elytral cells quadrate. Phallus browntoyellow.Headsmall,withdistinctantennaltubercles, slender, tubular part short, apical part almost symmetrical frons shining, covered with sparse long pubescence. (Fig.5).Female.Interoculardistance 1.14-1.22timeslonger Maxillary palpi with broad robust apical segment. Labial than maximum eye diameter. palpivery short, withapical segmentofsimilarshape.Eyes relatively small, hemispherically prominent, interocular Measures. - Male. Length ofbody 5.5 - 7.0 mm, width at distance of eyes 1.24 times longer than maximum eye humeri 1.09-1.46mm,lengthofpronotum0.70mm, width diameter. Antennae slender, considerably compressed, ofpronotum 0.94 mm, holotype: interocular distance 0.33 surpassingelytraltwothirds.Pronotumtrapezoidal,broadest mm, maximum diameter ofeyes 0.39 mm. at base, 1.34 times wider than long, disc with one median areola, shining. Scutellum flat, bilobed at apex. Elytra Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. parallel-sided, with four primary costae, primary costae 1 and 3very weak, almost absent in some parts, elytral cells regular, quadrate to slightly transverse. Phallus slender, Wakarumbia kalamensis, new species tubular part forming basal fourth of phallus, apical part (Fig. 11) slightly rotated (Fig. 7). Female unknown. Materialexamined.- Holotype- male,Indonesia,SSulawesi,25 kmEMamasa, 1100m, 119.28.39E,3.02.IOS,colI. Bolm, 22-24 Measures.- Male.Lengthofbody7.25mm,widthathumeri Ju1.l999 (LMBC). 1.35 mm, lengthofpronotum0.99 mm, widthofpronotum 1.33mm,holotype:interoculardistance0.51 mm,maximum Paratype - female, same locality data (LMBC). diameter ofeyes 0.41 mm. Etymology. - The specific name is derived from the name Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. ofthesmallvillage Kalama,inwhichvicinitywascollected the type material. Wakarumbia grisea, new species Differential diagnosis. - Wakarumbia kalamensis, new (Fig. 5) species,belongstothegroupwithgreyishuppersideofbody. Itdiffers from all known Wakarumbia speciesinextremely Materialexamined.- Holotype- male, Indonesia,SSulawesi, 8 big eyes, theirmaximumdiameteris 1.67 times largerthan kmWMamasa, 950m, 119.20.32E,2.56.13S,colI. Bolm, 18-21 Jul.1999 (LMBC). the frontal interoculardistance. Phallus (Fig. 11) resembles thoseofW. montana,newspecies,knownfromthe Gunung Paratypes - 2 females, same locality data, 2 males, 5 females, Lompobatang (Fig. 8). Indonesia, S Sulawesi, 25 km EMamasa, 1100 m, 119.28.39E, 3.02.IOS, coIl. Bolm, 22-24 Ju1.l999 (LMBC). Description. - Male. Body slender, dark brown to black, coveredwithdensegreyishpubescence,mouthparts,margins Etymology. - Thespecificnamereferstothecolourationof ofpronotum,andtrochanterslightbrown. Headsmall,with the upper side ofbody. inconspicuous antennal tubercles, frons rugulose, covered with dense pubescence. Maxillary palpi with broad robust Differentialdiagnosis. - Wakarumbia grisea, new species, apicalsegment.Labialpalpiveryshort,withapicalsegment belongstothegroupofgreyishpubescentspecies(w. grisea, ofsimilarshape.Eyesverylarge,hemisphericallyprominent, newspecies,W. kalamensis,newspecies,andW. orobuensis, maximum eye diameter 1.67 times longer than interocular new species). Wakarumbia grisea, new species, has distance ofeyes. Antennae slender, considerably flattened, moderately biggereyes and symmetrical phallus with very reaching elytral four fifths. Pronotumtrapezoidal, broadest shortbasaltubularpart(Fig.5).Thesecharactersenablesure atbase, 1.39timeswiderthanlong,discwithsinglemedian identification of the species. areola, shining. Scutellum flat, bilobed at apex. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary costae, primary costae 2 Description. - Male. Body slender, dark brown to black, and 4 considerably stronger in apical two thirds ofelytral wholebody,legsandantennaecoveredwithrelativelydense length, elytral cells apparently transverse. Phallus very and longgreyish pubescence, mandibles andbases ofpalpi slender,tubularpartlong,formingonefifthofwholelength, light brown. Head small, with distinct antennal tubercles, apical part slightly rotated (Fig. 11). Female. Interocular frons shining, covered with dense pubescence. Maxillary distance 1.03 times longer than maximum eye diameter. palpi with broad robust apical segment. Labial palpi very short, with apical segment of similar shape. Eyes large, Measures.- Male.Lengthofbody7.05mm,widthathumeri hemispherically prominent, maximum eye diameter 1.17 1.52mm, lengthofpronotum0.94mm, width ofpronotum 1.27timeslongerthaninteroculardistance.Antennaeslender, 1.31mm,holotype:interoculardistance0.34mm,maximum considerably compressed, reaching elytral four fifths. diameter ofeyes 0.57 mm. Pronotumtrapezoidal,broadestatbase, 1.34timeswiderthan 264 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY2001 Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. Description. - Male. Body slender, dark brown to black, elytrawithtransverse yellowbandinmiddle part, extentof band between one tenth and one fifth of elytral length, Wakarumbia mamasensis, new species sometimes(incaseofholotype)pleuraeandsuturedarkand (Fig. 6) middlebandtransformedintwoindependentyellowpatches. Humeralpartofprimarycostae2and3withgroupofyellow Materialexamined.- Holotype- male,Indonesia,SSulawesi,25 hairs.Mandibles,basesofpalpiandtrochanterslightbrown. kmEMamasa, 1100m, 119.28.39E, 3.02.10S,coIl. Bolm, 22-24 Head small, with conspicuous antennal tubercles. Frons Ju1.1999 (LMBC). shining,coveredwithdensepubescence.Maxillarypalpiwith broad, robust apical segment. Labial palpi very short, with Paratypes - 2females, same locality data (LMBC). apical segment of similar shape. Eyes relatively small, Etymology. - The specific name is derived from the name hemispherically prominent. interoculardistance 1.14times ofthe town Mamasa, the centre ofwestern Toraja region. longer than maximum eye diameter. Antennae slender, considerably compressed, reaching over elytral two thirds. Differential diagnosis. - Wakarumbia mamasensis, new Pronotumtrapezoidal,broadestatbase, 1.15timeswiderthan species, externally resembles W. fasciata, new species, but long, disc with one median areola, shining. Scutellum flat, it differs substantially in the shape ofmale genitalia (Figs. concave at apex. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary 6,7).Additionally,W. mamasensis,newspecies,hassmaller costae,primarycostae2and4considerablystrongerinapical extentofthe transverse bandand the groupoflighthairs at twothirds ofelytrallength, elytralcellsquadratetoslightly the base of primary costa 2 and 3. transverse. Phallus very slender, tubularpartlong, forming 9 10 11 12 13 Figs. 9- 13. Malegenitalia: 9-Wakarumbiapetri, new species; 10-W. equalis, new species; 11 -W. kalamensis, new species; 12-W. orobuensis, new species. Basal antennal segments, male: 13 - W. petri, new species. Scales 0.5 mm. 265 Bocak: New species of Wakarumbia basaltwofifthofphalluslength,apicalpartsymmetrical(Fig. Wakarumbia orobuensis, new species 6). Female. Body slightly bigger, interocular distance 1.19 (Fig. 12) - 1.30 times longer than maximum eye diameter. Materialexamined.- Holotype- male,Indonesia,SSulawesi,25 Measures. - Male.Lengthofbody5.35mm,widthathumeri kmEMamasa, 1100m, l19.28.39E, 3.02.lOS, colI. Bolm, 22-24 Ju1.1999 (LMBC). 1.03 mm, length ofpronotum0.75 mm, width ofpronotum 0.86mm,holotype:interoculardistance0.35mm,maximum Etymology. - The specific name is derived from the name diameter ofeyes 0.31 mm. of the village Orobua, in which vicinity was collected the type material. Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. Differential diagnosis. - Wakarumbia orobuensis, new species, is a member of the mimicry complex of greyish Wakarumbia montana, new species species from Mamasa region. It differs from similar W. (Fig. 8) kalamensis, new species, and W. grisea, new species, by much smaller eyes and shape of male genitalia (Fig. 12). Material examined. - Holotype- male, Indonesia Sulawesi, 25 km SSE Malino, Gn. Lompobatang, 119.53.3lS, 5.17.50S, coli. Bolm, 26-28 Ju1.1999, 1800 m (LMBC). Description. - Male. Body small, slender, dark brown to black, covered with yellowish to greyish pubescence, only Paratypes- 25males,samelocalitydata(LMBC,BMNH,SMNS, mandiblesandbasesoftrochanterslightbrown.Headsmall, KMTC). withdistinctantennaltubercles,frons shining,coveredwith densepubescence. Maxillarypalpi withbroadrobustapical Etymology. - The specific name refers to the mountainous segment. Labial palpi very short, with apical segment of distribution ofthis species. similar shape. Eyes small, hemispherically prominent, interoculardistanceofeyes 1.36timeslongerthanmaximum Differentialdiagnosis.- Wakarumbiamontana,newspecies, eye diameter. Antennae slender, considerably flattened, resemblesexternallyW. petri,newspecies,butbothspecies surpassingelytraltwothirds.Pronotumtrapezoidal,broadest are well characterised by the shape of male genitalia at base, 1.33 times wider than long, disc with one median (compare Figs. 8, 9). Wakarumbia similis has the similar areola, shining. Scutellum flat, concave at apex. Elytra male genitalia and differs by lighter elytral costae. parallel-sided, with four primary costae, primary costae 2 and 4 considerably stronger in apical two thirds ofelytral Description. - Male. Body slender, dark brown to black; length, transverse costae irregular, elytral cells quadrate to mandibles, basal segments of palpi and trochanters light slightlytransverse.Phallusslender,tubularpartrathershort, brown. Head small, with distinct antennal tubercles, frons formingonesixthofphalluslength,apicalpartconsiderably shining, covered with sparse long pubescence. Maxillary rotated (Fig. 12). Female unknown. palpi with broad robust apical segment. Labial palpi very short, with apical segmentofsimilarshape. Eyes relatively Measures.- Male.Lengthofbody4.95mm,widthathumeri small, hemispherically prominent, interocular distance of 0.98 mm, lengthofpronotum0.66 mm, widthofpronotum eyes 1.20 times longer than maximum eye diameter. 0.88mm,holotype:interoculardistance0.37mm,maximum Antennae slender, considerably flattened, reaching over diameter ofeyes 0.28 mm. elytral two thirds. Pronotum trapezoidal, broadest at base, 1.26 times wider than long, disc with one median areola, Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. shining. Scutellum flat, concave at apex. Elytra parallel sided, with four primary costae, primary costae 2 and 4 considerably strongerin apical two thirds ofelytral length, Wakarumbia petri, new species elytralcellsquadratetoslightlytransverse. Phallusslender, (Figs. 9, 13) tubularpartlong,formingbasalfifthofphalluslength,apical part almost symmetrical (Fig. 4). Female. Altogether 46 Materialexamined. - Holotype- male, Indonesia, Sulawesi, 25 females were collectedtogether with males ofW. montana km SSE Malino, Gn. Lompobatang, 119.53.3IS, 5.17.50S, colI. sp. n. and W. petri sp. n., butI am not able to connect any Bolm, 26-28 Ju1.1999, 1800 m (LMBC). femalewithmale,becausethesespeciesareindistinguishable by external characters and only males provide reliable Paratypes- 59males,samelocalitydata(LMBC,BMNH,SMNS, KMTC); 3 males, Indonesia, Sulawesi, 7 km S Malino, Gn. diagnosticcharacters ongenitalia. Femalesaremorerobust Lompobatang, 119.43.47S,5.l7.40S,coli.Bolm,29Ju1.1999,950 with body size 5.25 - 9.7 mm. m (LMBC). Measures. - Male. Lengthofbody 5.3 -5.75 mm, widthat Etymology.- Wakarumbiapetri,newspecies,isnamedafter humeri 1.01 - 1.34mm,lengthofpronotum0.87mm, width my son Petr Bocak, an enthusiastic collector ofLycidae. ofpronotum 1.18 mm, holotype: interocular distance 0.46 mm, maximum diameter ofeyes 0.39 mm. Differentialdiagnosis.- Wakarumbiapetri,newspecies,is the only completely black species of Wakarumbia with Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. considerably rotated apical part of phallus (Fig. 9). This 266 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OFZOOLOGY 2001 species is externally very similarto syntopically occurring LITERATURE CITED W. montana, new species, but its phallus reminds those of W. celebensis, which is known from lowerelevation ofthe Bocak, L., 1999. New taxa of the subtribe Hemiconderinina Gunung Lompobatang massive. (Coleoptera,Lycidae)from Indonesia. Entomol. Bl.,95: 166 - 170. Description.- Male.Bodyslender,darkbrowntoblack,only Bocak,L.,2000.ArevisionofthegenusWakarumbia(Coleoptera, basesofmaxillarypalpiandtrochantersbrown. Headsmall, Lycidae). Eur. J. Entomol., 97: 271 - 278. withdistinctantennaltubercles, frons shining,coveredwith Bocak, L. & M. Bocakova, 1990. Revision of the genus sparse long pubescence. Maxillary palpi with broad robust Hemiconderis (Coleoptera, Lycidae). Acta Entomol. apicalsegment.Labialpalpiveryshort, withapicalsegment Bohemoslov., 87: 209 - 220. of similar shape. Eyes relatively small, hemispherically Bocak,L.& M.Bocakova,2000:NomenclaturalnotesonLycidae, prominent, maximum eye diameter 1.09 times longer than with description of one new species. Acta Univ. Palacki. interoculardistanceofeyes.Antennaeslender,considerably Olomuc. Fac. rer. nat. Bioi., 39: 6 - 12. flattened, surpassingelytraltwothirds. Pronotumtrapezoidal, Bocakova, M., 2001: Revision and phylogenetic analysis ofthe broadest at base, 1.35 times wider than long, disc with one subfamilyPlaterodinae(Coleoptera,Lycidae).Eur.J. Entomol., median areola, shining. Scutellum flat, concave at apex. 98(1): 53 - 85. Elytra parallel-sided, with four primary costae, primary Bourgeois, l., 1879. Lycides recueillis au Bresil par C. Van costae 2and 4considerably strongerinapical two thirds of Volxem. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Compt. Rend., 22: IS - 19. elytral length, elytral cells quadrate to slightly transverse. Kleine, R., 1926a. Protaphes, anew Lycid-genus from Sarawak. Phallusslender,tubularpartrelativelyshort,forming asixth Sarawak Mus. J., 3(10): 363 - 365. of phallus length, apical part rotated by 360 degrees (Fig. Kleine, R., 1926b. Coleoptera -Lycidae. Nova Guinea, 15: 91 9). Female unknown, see remark on the females of W. 195. montana sp. n. Kleine, R., 1933.NeueLycidenundBemerkungenwmCat. Col. lunk-Schenkling Lycidae. Stett. Entomol. Zeit.,94(1): I -20. Measures. - Male. Lengthofbody 5.6 -7.05 mm, width at Moore,B.P.& W.V.Brown, 1981.Identificationofwarningodour humeri 1.07- 1.41 mm, lengthofpronotum0.88mm, width components,bitterprinciplesandantifeedantsinanaposematic ofpronotum 1.19 mm, holotype: interocular distance 0.46 beetle - Metriorrhynchus rhipidium (Coleoptera: Lycidae). mm, maximum diameter ofeyes 0.39 mm. Insect Biochem., 15: 493-499. a Pie,M., 1922.Contribution I'etudedesLycides.L'Echange,407: Distribution. - Southern Sulawesi. 13 - 16, hors-texte. Waterhouse,C.0., 1879.Illustrationsofthetypicalspecimensof Coleoptera in the collection ofthe British Museum. Part1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lycidae. British Museum, London. 93 pp. The study of Oriental Lycidae was partially supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project 206/98/ 0539, which is gratefullyacknowledged. I am very grateful to the Olympus C&S Ltd. for the generous loan of the Olympus DP-lO digital microphotographic equipment. 267

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