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New species of the genus Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua New Guinea PDF

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by  VermeulenJ J
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Preview New species of the genus Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua New Guinea

BLUMEA 41 (1996) 347-374 New species of the genus Bulbophyllum(Orchidaceae) from Sumatra, Borneo, and PapuaNew Guinea J.J.Vermeulen Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus,P.O.Box9514,2300RA Leiden. TheNetherlands Summary Nineteen newspeciesofthe genusBulbophyllumThouars (Orchidaceae)aredescribed. Theyorigi- natefrom Sumatra (includingthe RiauArchipelago),Borneo,andPapuaNew Guinea.Five species belong to sect. Hirtula Ridl.,four to sect.Leptopus Schltr.,threeto sect. Hybochilus Schltr., two to sect. Sestochilus (Breda)Benth.&Hook.f.,andonetothe sectionsCirrhopetalum(Lindl.)Rchb.f., Epicrianthes(Blume) Benth.& Hook,f.,andMonilibulbus J.J.Sm. each. Twomorespecies cannot be assignedto anysection with certainty; oneofthesemay belongto sect. Desmosanthes (Blume) J.J.Sm. The other shows similarity toB.bisetum Lindl. and B.bisetoides Seidenf.;these three spe- cies togethermaywellconstituteaseparatesection. Section Cirrhopetalum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. Bulbophyllum subbullatumJ.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 1 Intrasect. Cirrhopetaluminflorescentia uniflora,sepalislateralibus mediali vix longioribus notatum.—Typus: cult. Jongejan2419 (L). Rhizome creeping, 1.0-1.5mmdiam.Pseudobulbs 1-leafed,ovoid,0.4-2cm apart, 0.3-0.8 by 0.3-0.5 cm, not flattened.Petiole0.5-1.5mm.Leafbladeovate, 1.9- 4.6 by 0.6-1.0 cm, index (length/width) 3-6,obtuse. Inflorescence 1.3-1.5 cm, 1-flowered.Peduncleerectto patent,0.7-0.9 cm;bracts 4,thelongest c. 3mm,ob- tuse. Floralbracts tubular, thelongest c. 2 mm,acute. Pedicelandovary c. 3 mm. Flowers not fullyopen. Mediansepal erect, somewhatconcave, ovate, 3.5-3.8by 2.5-3 mm, index (length/width) 1.2-1.4, rounded,margins slightly erose and shortly, irregularly ciliate; base rathernarrowly attached; thin, surface abaxially slightly andirregularly bullatetowards thetip. Lateralsepals free, flat, nottwisted, not falcate,somewhatoblique, ovate,4.0-4.5by c. 2.5 mm, index (length/width) 1.6-1.8, margins erose towardsthetip,otherwiseas themediansepal. Petalserect, not falcate,triangular, 1.5-2.5by 1.1-1.5mm, index(length/width) 1.3-1.6, short- lyacuminate,margins finely papillose andwithafew long hairstowardsthetip;base broadly attached; thin; surfaceadaxially finelypapillose towardsthetip.Lipcurvedin thebasal half, general outlineovate, 2.5-2.7by 1.0-1.2mm,index(length/width) 2.2-2.5 (not spread), tip obtuse;thick; glabrous; adaxially concave near the base, with 3 ridges, 2oftheseratherdistinct, wide,obtuse, diverging andcoinciding with the margins towardsthe base, continuing over aboutthe full length ofthelip, the 348 BLUMEA Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996 third along themedianline,narrow, flanked by a furrow oneach side,starting near thebase andcontinuing overc. 2/3 ofthelength ofthelip;abaxially witha wide,re- fuse ridge over mostofitslength. Columnfromovary tothe tipofthe stelidiac. 1.5 mm.Stelidiasmall,not falcate, deltoid,c.0.3mm,acute,with aeroseuppermargin, anda deltoid, widelyrounded wing along thelowermargin; stigmanotprotruding at itsbase,subtriangular. Antherabaxially with aninconspicuous, roundedridge over mostofitslength, frontalpartdistinctlyprotruding, concave, frontmargin rounded, glabrous. Pollinia4,obovoid, theouterflattenedon bothsides, theinnermore than halfas long as theouter, distinctlyflattenedonboth sides.Stipes absent. Colours —Flowers dark purplishred. Distribution Sarawak: 1stDivision, Ulu Sungei Sematan,cult. Jongejan 2369, — 2419 (L). Ecology —Foundinprimary forest.Altitudec. 50masl. Notes— 1. Vegetatively, thisspecies is difficultto distinguishfromB. acumina- tum Ridl. Theflowers are similarto thoseofB. auratum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. in most details,butthelateralsepals differfromany otherspecies ofsect. Cirrhopetalum in being only slightly longer thanthemediansepal, andin having erase margins. Be- sides, the lateralsepals lack thetwisting in thebasal part, whichbrings theirupper marginstogether; this characteroccurs inmostspeciesofthe section. 2.Thenamereferstothesomewhatbullateabaxial surfaceofthesepals. Section Epicrianthes (Blume) Benth.& Hook. f. Bulbophyllum cyanotriche J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 8 AB. epicrianthidipetalorumappendicibusspathulatis, labello obtuso differt.—Typus: Lamb 1513/92 (L). Plant(not seen, presumably withapendulous rhizomelikeall otherspecies ofthe section). Petiolec. 1 mm. Leafbladeovate,c. 4.2 by 1.6 cm,index (length/width) 2.6-2.7, obtuse. Inflorescence c. 1cm, 1-flowered.Peduncle 0.3-0.4cm; bracts 1(?), c.4mm, acute. Floralbracttubular, c. 3.5mm, cuspidate. Pedicelandovary c. 9 mm, with thenodec. 3mmfromthefloralbract. Flowers wideopen. Median sepal spreading orreflexed, somewhat concave, ovate, c. 9.5 by 4.5 mm, index (length/width) 2.1-2.2, shortly acuminate, base rathernarrowlyattached; thick; glabrous. Lateralsepals free,slightly falcate, slightly oblique, c.9 by 4mm,index (length/width) 2.2-2.3; otherwiseas themediansepal. Petals erect, moreor less flat, not falcate, a seam ofc. 0.7 by 2.7 mmalong thecolumn foot, index (length/ width)0.2-0.3, frontmargin with c. 13 appendages; appendages mobile, straight, moderately flattened, spathulate, the longest c. 4 by 0.6 mm, index(length/width) 6.6-6.7, rounded, with the baseattachedto thepetal by a thin filament, very soft, surfacefinely papillose. Lip slightly sigmoid in lateralview, general outlineovate, c. 6by 2mm, index(length/width) c. 3 (not spread), tip obtuse, margins glabrous near thebase(there as tworidges over thesurfaceofthelip whenthis isobserved adaxially), elsewherewith short, irregular, patent,stiffhairs; thickand solid;adaxi- ally with a deeply concave, almostslit-like basal part, top part somewhatconvex, J.J.Vermeulen: New species ofBulbophyllum 349 with2small, rounded,glabrous ridges aboutparallel to themargins atabout 1/4of thelength ofthelip, surfacewithshort,patent,straight hairs;abaxially convex atthe base, somewhatchanneledin thebasal half, with two distinctpatches oflarge, ob- ovoid vesicles nearthemargin atabout1/3ofthelength ofthelip, surfaceotherwise withshort,patent,straight hairs. Columnfromovary to thetipofthestelidiac.2mm long. Stelidianot falcate, broadly deltoid, c. 0.3 mm, tip finely emarginate, upper margin slightly erase; witha distinct, deltoid, subacutewing along thelowermargin; stigma not protruding atitsbasebutwithaslightly convex longitudinal callus, sub- triangular.Antherabaxially withanarrow, obtuseridge frombase totipbutnot over- topping thefrontmargin; frontmargin not drawnout, not concave,roundedwiththe tipcurledupwards, erose.Pollinia(notseen). Colours— Sepals orange withreddish streaks andspots. Sepals with bluishap- pendages. Lip bluish. Distribution— Malaysia: Sabah, TawauZone,Danum Valley N.R.,Lamb1513/ 92 (L). Ecology —Found asan epiphyte inopen, stuntedforestonserpentine soil. Alti- tude 300masl. Notes— 1. Bulbophyllum epicrianthes Hook.f. is mostsimilar; B. cyanotriche differsin having distinctly spathulate appendages along thepetals, as wellas in hav- ing anobtuselip. 2.Thenamerefersto thebluishappendages onthepetals SectionHirtulaRidl. Bulbophyllum aithorhachis J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 2 Bulbophyllospadicifloro similis,petalisreniformibus,stelidiis falcatis differt.—Typus: cult. Jongejan2219(L). Rhizome creeping, 3-4mmdiam.Pseudobulbs1-leafed,depressed conical, 1.0-2.5 cm apart, 0.6-1.4by 1.1-2.2cm, not laterally flattened.Petiole8-35 mm. Leaf blade elliptic toovate, 11.5-16.0by 2.5-4.0 cm, index (length/width) 4.0-4.6, acute.Inflorescence 27-50cm, 25-50-flowered.Peduncle pendulous, 17-28cm; bracts5, thelongest 7-12mm,shortly acuminate.Rachis pendulous, swollen and spindle-shaped, withslight depressions belowtheflowers, 10-22cm by 9-12mm, surface glabrous. Floralbracts triangular, 3.5-4mm,acute.Pedicelandovary c. 4 mm.Flowersspirally arranged, inalaxraceme, fewopenata given time, wideopen but withthelateralsepal touching therachis, hardly spreading. Mediansepal recurv- ed, flat,ovate, c. 5.5by 2.5 mm,index(length/width) c.2.2, obtuse, margins very finelyciliate; baseratherbroadly attached;ratherthick, surfaceadaxially sparsely hir- sute! abaxially withfewminute, blackish appendages nearthebase. Lateralsepals free,not orhardlyfalcate,hardly oblique, triangular,c.5.2by 3.0mm,index(length/ width) 1.7-1.8, acute,uppermargin glabrous, otherwiseas themediansepal. Petals erect, notfalcate, reniform, c. 1.2by 1.6mm,index (length/width) 0.7-0.8, thetip rounded,margins longciliate towardsthetip; base narrowly attached;ratherthick; surface glabrous. Lip curvedinthebasalhalf,general outlineaboutelliptic, c. 3.3by 350 BLUMEA Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996 1.3 mm, index(length/width) 2.4-2.5 (notspread), tip rounded, margins slightly erose, withlong hairsincreasing inlength andthicknesstowardsthetipofthelip; very thick; adaxially hardly concave butwith amedianslit nearthebase, with 3 ridges starting inthebasalhalfand continuing up tothetipofthelip, 2oftheseratherdis- tinct, obtuse, diverging andcoinciding with the margins towards thetip, thethird along themedianline, very distinct, high andnarrow, and overtopping thetipofthe lip as a high crest, adaxialsurface irregularly hairy except nearthe base; abaxially with awideretuseridge nearthebaseandadistinctly swollentoppart, surface gla- brous; small, triangular, subacuteauriclespresent atthebaseofthelip,neartheliga- ment. Column fromovary tothetipofthestelidiac. 2mm. Stelidiadistinct, falcate, c. 0.7 mm, acute, witha deltoid,obtuse wing along thelower margin, at itsbase; stigma not protruding at its base, subrectangular; columnfoot slightly swollen. Antherabaxially with a ratherdistinct, rounded, long-papillose ridge near its top, frontalpart not protruding, not concave, frontmargin truncate,long papillose. Pol- linia4,obovoid, theouter flattenedon oneside,theinnerslightly morethan halfas long as theouter,distinctlyflattenedonboth sides.Stipesabsent. Colours— Rachis, pedicelandovary pale greenish, suffusedwithreddishpurple. Sepals pale greenish, spotted withreddishpurple, particularly towardsthemargins and neartheveins.Petalsyellow, topmarginand ciliaedarkreddish purple. Lippale yellowish, adaxially suffusedwithdarkreddishpurple towardsthemargins, hairson themidriboff-white;abaxially withareddish purpleswelling towardsthetip;hairs along themargin whitetowardsthebaseofthelip, butthethickerhairsalongthetop part darkreddishpurple. Distribution— Brunei: Sungei Ingei, surroundings ofBatu Melintang, cult.Jonge- jan2219(L). Ecology —Foundinprimary forest. Altitudec. 50masl. Notes— 1. Shares a distinctlyswollenrachis withB. spadiciflorum Tixier. This species, however, has narrowerpetals (index 2.6-2.7),andshorter stelidia. 2.Thenamereferstothedarkcolouroftherachis. Bulbophyllum cerebellum J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 7 Bulbophyllopolycyclo similis, sed plantasummum 16cm alta,rhachis 1.8cm longa, la- bellum 4lobis lateralibus gaudet.— Typus:Giles 998 (K). Rhizome creeping, 2.0-2.5 mm diam.Pseudobulbs 1-leafed,ovoid, 0.4-1.3 cm apart, 1.2-2.5by 0.7-1.2cm, not laterally flattened.Petiole 15-25mm.Leafblade elliptic to (ob)ovate, 5-14by 1.5-3.5cm,index (length/width) 3.3-4.0, acute.In- florescence 4-12 cm, 10-29-flowered.Pedunclepatentto pendulous, 3.8-10.0cm; bracts5, thelongest 3-6 mm, acute. Rachispendulous, slightly swollen, withslight depressions below theflowers, circularin section, 1.0-1.8cm by c. 3mm, surface glabrous. Floralbractstriangular, 1.0-1.5mm,acute. Pedicelandovary c.2.6mm, with the node0.2-0.3 mm from thebract. Flowers scattered, in a denseraceme, many open ata given time,not much opening. Mediansepal somewhatincurved, somewhatconcave, triangular, 3.5-4.6by 2.0-2.4mm, index(length/width) 1.7- 1.9, acute; margins with few very fine papillae; baseratherbroadly attached; rather thin; surface glabrous. Lateralsepals free,somewhatrecurved, flat, hardly falcate, J.J.Vermeulen: New species ofBulbophyllum 351 somewhatoblique, 4.0-5.5by 3.2-4.2mm, index(length/width) 1.2-1.3, round- ed, uppermargin glabrous, lower finely ciliate, basebroadly attached; otherwiseas the mediansepal. Petals erect,not falcate, ovate, 2.8-3.2 by 1.5-1.8 mm, index (length/width) 1.7-1.9, tip rounded, margins sparsely and very finely ciliate, base rathernarrowly attached; ratherthin; surface glabrous. Lip curvedabout half-way, general outlineabout elliptic, 2.6-3.4by 1.4-2.4mm, index (length/width) 1.4- 1.9(not spread), tip rounded, margins shortly and sparsely ciliate; very thick; sur- face irregularly wrinkled except for thebasal part, glabrous; adaxially concave and with amedianslit nearthe base, distinctly convex towards the tip, with 2 distinct, roundedridges divergingandcoinciding withthemargins towardsthebase, continu- ing over somewhatless than 1/2ofthelength ofthelip,andending inashort, high keel; abaxially withawide,elliptic swelling towardsthetip;4semi-elliptic,rounded, glabrous, broadly attachedlaterallobespresent,2oftheselarge,attachedover about 1/3 ofthelength ofthelip, obliquely forwards directed, somewhat falcate, 2others small, atthebase ofthelip, neartheligament. Column fromovary to thetipofthe stelidia 1.0-1.5mm. Stelidiadistinct, not falcate,subtriangular, 0.7-1.0mm,acute, along the uppermargin with anobliquely forwards directed, deltoid, obtuse wing with aslightly erose anteriormargin, along the lowermargin with a similarwing withglabrous margins; stigma not protruding atitsbase, narrowlyovate.Antherab- axially witharatherdistinct, roundedridge nearitsbase, frontalpart somewhatpro- truding, not concave, front margin truncate, ciliate.Pollinia4, subrhomboid,the outer moderately flattenedonboth sides, theinner distinctlymorethanhalfas long as theouter,distinctlyflattenedon bothsides.Stipesabsent. Colours — Pedunclepurplish, rachis green.Pedicel andovary yellowish green. Sepal yel.low, themedian with brown veins. Petals yellow with brownspots. Lip yellowwith brownspotsonthe largestpairoflaterallobes. Distribution— Malaysia: Sabah, WestCoast Zone,KinabaluN.P., Carr3470 (AMES); 'Borneo',no furtherdetails, Giles998(K). Ecology —Found inprimary forest.Altitude 1300masl. Flowering observedin May. Note —Mostsimilaris B. polycyclum J.J.Verm.;B. cerebellumdiffersinbeing muchsmaller(plant, including inflorescenceabout16cm high, rachis 1.8cm long), and in having alip with two large laterallobes (nextto 2 smallauricles at thevery base) whichinfrontabruptly end, sothat thelip seems tobeconstricted atthatlevel in lateral view. Thetop partofthelip hasa warty, more or lessbrain-liketexture (hence thename); particularly the swellingnearthetipontheabaxialsideresemblesa setofhumanbrains. Bulbophyllum polycyclum J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 3 Bulbophylloatratosimilis,lhachidi adsummumflorifera,petalis obtusisdiffert.—Typus: cult. Hort.Leiden 913457(L). Rhizome creeping, 3-4 mmdiam.Pseudobulbs 1-leafed,ovoid to depressed-coni- cal, 0.9-1.2cmapart, 1.2-1.5by 1.3-1.8cm, not laterally flattened.Petiole30-40 mm. Leafblade elliptic to ovate, 12.5-16.0by 4.5-6.5cm, index (length/width) 2.2-2.4, obtuse. Inflorescence 50-75 cm, 70-90-flowered.Peduncle pendulous, 352 BLUMEA Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996 17-40cm; bracts 5-6, thelongest 8-10mm,shortly acuminate.Rachis pendulous, slightly swollen withtheflowersinsertedonlow-conicalprotuberances, aboutcircu- larinsection, 33-36cmby 3-4mm,surface minutely scabrid. Floralbracts trian- gular, 1.2-1.5mm,acute.Pedicelandovary2.2-3.0 mm, withthenodec. 0.5mm from thebract. Flowers scattered atthebaseoftheinflorescence, arranged inoften imperfectwhorlsof5-8inthemiddleportion, andarranged ininterrupted spirals to- wardsthetip, fewopenata given time,not muchopening. Mediansepal somewhat incurved, somewhat concave, triangular, 3.6-4.5 by 1.5-2.0mm, index (length/ width) 1.9-2.7,obtuse, margins very finely papillose; baserathernarrowly attached; ratherthick; surface adaxially glabrous, abaxially minutely scabrid.Lateral sepals free, somewhatrecurved, flat, hardly falcate, somewhatoblique, 3.3-4.0by 2.5- 3.0mm,index (length/width) 1.2-1.6,otherwiseas themediansepal. Petalserect, hardly falcate, ovate to spathulate, with a widenedbase, 1.9-2.0by 0.6-1.0 mm, index(length/width) 2.0-3.2, tip rounded,margins long ciliatetowardsthetip; base ratherbroadly attached; thin;surface glabrous. Lip curvedabout half-way, general outlineaboutelliptic, 2.2-2.9by 1.5-1.8mm, index (length/width) 1.2-2.0(not spread), tip rounded, margins slightly erose, ciliatewith the longest hairs in the middlepart; very thick; surfaceaboutglabrous; adaxially concavenearthebaseand distinctly convex nearthetip withtheadaxialsurfaceovertopping the frontmarginof thelip, withan inconspicuous medianslitover mostofits length ending in asmall circularplug thatcanberemoved, with3 ridges starting at thebaseandcontinuing over c. 1/2thelength of thelip, 2ofthesedistinct, obtuse,diverging andcoinciding with themargins towardsthebase, thethirdalong themedianline, inconspicuous, a mereswelling aroundamedianslit; abaxially withawidetruncate ridge up toabout half-way thelip; small subcircularauriclespresent atthebaseofthelip, neartheliga- ment. Columnfromovary to the tip ofthe stelidia 1.8-2.0mm.Stelidiadistinct, somewhatfalcate, triangular, c.0.7 mm,acute,with anobliquely forwards directed, deltoid, obtuse, slightly erose wing along the uppermargin,and an obliquely for- wards directed,triangular,obtusetoothalong thelowermargin;stigma witha trans- verse basalcallus, callusflankedby two lateral, deltoid, obtuse wings on thecolumn foot.Antherabaxially witha ratherdistinct, roundedridge nearits top, frontalpart not protruding, not concave, frontmargin truncate,ciliate. Pollinia4,obovoid, the outer flattenedon one side, theinnerdistinctlymore thanhalfas long as theouter, distinctlyflattenedon bothsides.Stipesabsent. Colours — Rachis darkgreen. Sepals and petals greenish, heavily stainedwith blackish purple, particularly towards themargins andneartheveins.Lip yellowish, stainedwithblackishpurple. Distribution— Malaysia: Sabah, InteriorZone,Long PaSiaArea,cult. Jongejan 1870(L). Indonesia:KalimantanTimur, Apo Kayan, Gunung Sungei Pendan,cult. Hort. Leiden 913457(h). Ecology — Found inpodzolic forest, c. 20 m high, with a mossy forest floor. Altitude850-1700masl. Notes— 1.MostsimilartoB. atratum J.J.Sm.However, thisspecies hasarachis witha toppart(ofc. 65 cm length) withoutflowers, andanacuminatemediansepal andpetals. J.J. Vermeulen: New species ofBulbophyllum 353 2. Inthemiddlepartoftherachis theflowersare arranged ina numberofdense whorls 1-2cm distantfromeachother. Thischaracter isratherunusual(itis also foundinB.penduliscapum J.J.Sm., ofsect.Altisceptrum J.J.Sm.); thenamerefers tothis character. Bulbophyllum xenosum J.J.Verm., spec. nov. — Fig. 4 Bulbophyllojolandaeinflorescentia partim disticha,petalisacutis differt.—Typus: cult. Jongejan4425 (L). Rhizome creeping, 2.5-3.0 mm diam. Pseudobulbs 1-leafed, depressed-conical, 2.2-4.2cm apart, 1.2-1.5by 1.0-1.4cm, not laterally flattened.Petiole 12-20 mm. Leafbladeelliptic, 8.5-13.0by 0.8-1.2cm, index(length/width) 10-11,sub- acute. Inflorescence c. 44cm, c. 30-flowered.Pedunclepatent, c. 19cm; bracts 4, thelongest c. 5 mm, shortly acuminate.Rachis arching, not thickened, c.25 cm by c. 1 mm,surface glabrous. Floralbracts triangular,2.0-2.5mm,acute.Pediceland ovary 4.5-5.0mm,withthenodec. 0.3mmfromthebract.Flowersscattered atthe baseandthetipoftherachis,imperfectly distichousinbetween,inalaxraceme, many open ata given time,fullyopen. Mediansepal recurved,somewhatconcave, ovate, c. 11 by 1.5 mm, index (length/width) 7-8, acute, margins ciliateexcept nearthe base; baseratherbroadly attached; ratherthin;surface glabrous. Lateralsepals free, somewhatfalcate, somewhatoblique, triangular, c. 9.5 by 2.2 mm, index (length/ width) 4.3-4.4, uppermargin glabrous, base broadly attached; otherwise as the median sepal. Petals erect,not falcate, obovate, c. 1.5 by 0.8 mm,index (length/ width) 1.8-1.9,tipacute,margins longciliatetowardstip;basebroadlyattached; thin; surface glabrous. Lip curvednearbase,general outlineaboutovate,c.5.5by 1.5mm, index (length/width) 2.6-2.7(not spread), tipobtuse, marginsslightly erase, with numerous very long hairsincreasing inlength towardsthetip;ratherthin,basethick; adaxiallysomewhatconcave andwithamedianslitnearbase, withoutridges, surface glabrous; abaxially witharetuseridge nearthebase, surface glabrousexcept fortwo longitudinal rowsoflonghairsabouthalf-waythelip;smalltriangular,obtuseauricles presentatbaseofthelip, neartheligament. Columnfromovary to tip ofthestehdia c. 2.2 mm. Stelidia distinct, falcate, triangular, c. 0.9 mm, acute, with an incon- spicuous, deltoid, acute toothalongtheuppermargin, andaninconspicuous, deltoid, broadly roundedwing along thelowermargin; stigma with arather inconspicuous, acute toothat itsbase.Antherabaxially with aratherdistinct, rounded,long-haired ridge nearits top, frontalpart not protruding, not concave, frontmargin truncate, ciliate.Pollinia4, theouterobovoid, flattenedon oneside, theinner slightly more thanhalfas long astheouter,elliptic distinctlyflattenedonbothsides.Stipes absent. Colours—Rachis, pedicel andovary suffusedwith reddishpurple. Sepals green- ishwhite, abaxially suffusedwithpale purple, adaxially heavily stained withpurple and withlarge, blackish purple blotches. Lip yellowish white, suffused withred- dishpurpletowardsthemargins, withlarge, moreorless transverse,blackish purple blotches, hairsreddishatbase, yellow towardsthetip. Distribution—Brunei: Temburong, upperzoneofBukitBelalong, cult. Jongejan 4425(L). 354 BLUMEA Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996 Ecology —Foundinprimary forest.Altitude650-900masl. Notes— 1.Twospecies arerathersimilarto B. xenosum: B. jolandae J.J.Verm, differsin having theflowersscatteredalongtherachis, acuminatepetals, andstelidia withdistinct, deltoidteethalong bothmargins; B. echinochilumKraenzl. differsin havingalmostorbicularpetalswithanemarginate tip,andanellipticlip. 2.The general shape oftheflowerisremarkably similartothatoftheAfricanB. saltatoriumLindl.Bulbophyllum xenosum seems outofplace among theBornean species ofthegenus,hence thename. However,the shape ofthepseudobulbs, the ciliatepetals, andthe tuftofhairs on the antherclearly show thatitbelongs in the SoutheastAsiansectionHirtulaRidl. Bulbophyllum xiphion J.J.Verm., spec. nov. — Fig. 5 Bulbophylloplatyrrhachidi similis,sepalis lateralibus triangularibus breviter acuminatis, stelidiis marginesuperiore distincte alato differt.—Typus:cult. Hort.Leiden 913241 (L). Rhizome creeping, 5-6 mm diam.Pseudobulbs 1-leafed,ovoid,0.9-1.5 cm apart, 1.0-1.6by 1.0-1.6cm, not flattened. Petiole40-60 mm. Leafblade obovate to elliptic, 20-24 by 5.0-6.5 cm, index (length/width) 3.5-4.0, rounded to obtuse. Inflorescence c. 42cm, 60-70-flowered. Pedunclepatent, c. 28cm; bracts 4, the longest c. 16mm, shortly acuminate.Rachis slightly nodding atthe base (at anangle ofabout45°), swollen, widenedand flattened, with slight depressions below the flowers, elliptic in section, 11-15 cm by 1.2—1.5 cm by 6-8 mm, surface finely rugose-papillose. Floralbracts widely deltoidto triangular, 0.5-1.2 mm,acute. Pediceland ovary 2.0-2.4mm. Flowers scattered in a laxraceme, few open ata giventime, not widely open,Mediansepal not recurved, somewhat concave, trian- gular, 5.0-5.5 by 2.0-2.4 mm, index (length/width) 2.3-2.5, acute, margins finely andshortly ciliate,base broadly attached; thick; surfaceadaxially very finely papillose towards the margins, abaxially glabrous. Lateralsepals free, somewhat recurved, somewhat falcate, somewhat oblique, 5.5-6.2 by 3.2-3.5mm, index (length/width) 1.7-1.8, acute, adaxially glabrous, otherwise as the median sepal. Petalserect, somewhat falcate, obovate to elliptic, 3.0-3.2by c. 1.5 mm, index (length/width) 2.0-2.2,tip rounded, margins slightly erose andlong ciliatetowards thetip;base broadly attached; thin;adaxially very finely papillose andwithsomelong hairstowards thetip;abaxially glabrous. Lip curvedabouthalf-way, general outline ovate, c. 3.0 by 1.7 mm, index (length/width) 1.4-1.5 (not spread), tip rounded, margins slightly erose, long ciliate, withthelongest hairsabouthalf-way thelip; very thick; adaxially somewhatconcave nearthebase,with2 very inconspicuous, round- edridges diverging andcoinciding withthemargins towards thebase,andcontinuing overc. 2/3ofthelength ofthelip, surfacevery finely papillose towardsthetip; ab- axially withan inconspicuous, wide, truncate ridge starting atthebaseand continu- ing upto abouthalf-way thelip, with a distinctly convex toppart, surface glabrous but toppart finely papillose andwithscatteredlong hairs; small, semi-elliptic,round- edauricles witherose margins presentatthebaseofthelip, neartheligament. Col- umnfromovary tothetipofthestelidiac.2.0-2.2mm.Stelidiadistinct, not falcate, triangular, c.0.6mm,acute, witha deltoid,subacutewing witherosemargins along theuppermargin, and asmall, triangular, acute tooth along the lowermargin atits J.J. Vermeulen: New species ofBulbophyllum 355 base; stigma not protruding at itsbase, elliptic.Antherabaxially with a ratherdis- tinct, rounded, long-papillose ridge abouthalf-way, frontalpart not protruding, not concave, front margin truncate, long papillose. Pollinia4, obovoid, theouter flat- tenedonone side, theinnermore than halfas long as theouter, distinctly flattened on bothsides. Stipes absent. Colours— Rachis yellowish green,eitherspotted with bronze-purple or not. Sepalsoff-white,adaxially spotted withpurple. Lippurple. Distribution— Indonesia:KalimantanTimur, Apo Kayan, Gunung Sungei Pen- danarea, cult. Hort. Leiden913241(L), de Vogel & Cribb9062 (K). Ecology — Foundinprimary foreston aridge; alsoonatreeoverhanging ariver. Altitude650-1050masl. Flowering observed inOctober. Notes— 1.Atfirstsight very similartoB.platyrrhachis Ridl. Thelatterdiffers in having therachis nodding about 180°atitsbase, in having ovate lateral sepals witha widely roundedandfinely mucronate toppart, inhaving longerandspathulate petals (slightly over 2/3the length ofthemediansepal inB. platyrrhachis, slightly over 1/2inB. xiphion), andin lacking adistinctwing withanerose margin along theup- permargin ofthestelidia. 2.Thenamereferstotheflattened, sword-likerachis. SectionHybochilus Schltr. Bulbophyllum camptochilum J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 13 Bulbophyllocomberisimilis,labelli in dimidio partecarina mediali humiliore,labelli apice valide curvatodiffert.— Typus:cult.Jongejan2337(L). Rhizome creeping, 0.4-0.6 mm diam. Pseudobulbs 1-leafed,ovoid, basal part slightly recumbent, 0.2-0.4 cm apart, 0.25-0.35 by 0.15-0.25cm, slightly flat- tened. Petiolec. 0.2 mm. Leaf bladeovate, 0.4-0.5 by 0.20-0.25cm, index (length/width) c. 2, mucronate. Inflorescence 0.6-0.7 cm, 1-flowered. Peduncle patent, 0.20-0.25cm; bracts2, the longest c. 1.2 mm,acuminate. Floralbracts tubular, 1.0-1.2mm, acuminate. Pedicelandovary 1.2-1.6mm, with the node 0.4-0.5 mmfrom thefloralbract.Flowers not fully open. Mediansepal recurved, somewhatconcave, ovate, c. 4.0 by 1.3 mm, index(length/width) 3.0-3.1, acute, baserathernarrowly attached; ratherthin; glabrous. Lateralsepals free, flat,some- what falcate, somewhat oblique, c. 4.3 by 1.6mm, index (length/width) 2.6-2.7; otherwise as the mediansepal. Petalserect, not falcate, elliptic, c. 1.7 by 0.7 mm, index (length/width) 2.4-2.5, acuminate, baserathernarrowly attached; thin; gla- brous. Lip curved in thetop half, general outlinesubrectangular, c. 1.4by 0.6 mm, index (length/width) 1.3-1.4(not spread), tip rounded, margins entire, long ciliate with thelongest hairs abouthalf-way thelip; thick; adaxially slightly concave nearthe base,with 3ratherdistinct, obtuse ridgescontinuing overc.2/3ofthelength ofthe lip, 2ofthese diverging andcoinciding with themargins towards thebase,thethird along themedianline, wide andwith amedianslitover itscrestnearthebase, nar- rowing towards thetip ofthe lip, adaxial surfacepapillose except for themedian ridge, withlongerhairstowardsthemargins;abaxially withan inconspicuous, widely roundedridge overmostofitslength, surfacemore or less glabrous. Columnfrom 356 BLUMEA Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996 ovary to thetipofthestelidiac. 1.2mm;columnfootwith amedian callusnearthe ligament. Stelidiadistinct, somewhatfalcate, triangular, c. 0.7mm, obtuse,with a large, obliquely forwards directed,triangular, subacute, wing along theuppermar- gin which widely overtops thestelidia; stigmaslightly protruding atitsbase,semi- elliptic.Anther abaxially with aninconspicuous, roundedridge towards thetip,the frontalpartnotprotruding, not concave, frontmargin rounded,glabrous. Pollinia2, obovoid,flattenedononeside. Stipes absent. Colours— Sepals whitetowards thebase, reddishpurple towardsthe tip. Petals white.Lip reddish purple. Columnwhite. Distribution— Brunei:Sungei Ingei, surroundings ofBatuMelintang, cult.Jonge- jan2337(L). Ecology —Foundinprimary forest. Altitudec. 100masl. Notes— 1. In general habitvery similarto B. comberi J.J.Verm. This latterspe- cies hasanarrowerlip whichis hardly curvednearthetop,more distinctlywidened towards the base,it has a highermedian ridge and amedian slitonly closeto the base. 2.Thenamereferstothe distinctlyrecurved top partofthelip. Bulbophyllum cavipes J.J.Verm., spec. nov. —Fig. 14 Bulbophyllopapulifero petalis labello minus dimidio longiore, marginelaevi differt. — Typus: de Wilde &de Witde-Duyjjes14612 (L). Rhizome creeping, 0.2-0.4mm diam.Pseudobulbs 1-leafed, ovoid, 0.5-1.4 cm apart, 0.3-0.5 by 0.12-0.20cm, somewhat flattened. Petiole0.5-1.5 mm. Leaf blade elliptic, 0.5-1.4by 0.2-0.4cm, index(length/width) c. 2.5-4.7, finely mu- cronate. Inflorescence 1.8-2.5cm, 1-flowered.Peduncleerect, 1.4-2.0cm; bracts 2, thelongest 1.0-1.5mm,acuminate.Floralbractstubular, c. 1.6mm, acute. Pedi- celandovary c. 1.7mm,withthenodec.0.4mmfromthefloralbract.Flowers fully open. Mediansepal recurved, somewhat concave, triangular, c. 4.0 by 1.3 mm,in- dex(length/width) 3.0-3.1, subacute, base broadly attached; thin; glabrous. Lateral sepals free, flat, not falcate, hardly oblique, c. 4.3 by 1.5 mm, index(length/width) 2.8-2.9,otherwiseas themediansepal. Petalserect, not falcate,elliptic, c. 1.3 by 0.7 mm, index (length/width) 1.8-1.9, acute, margins slightly erose, base rather narrowly attached; thin; glabrous. Lip slightly curved nearitsbase, general outline ovate, c. 3.4by 0.9 mm, index (length/width) 3.7-3.8(not spread), tip rounded, margins slightly erose,aboutglabrous; ratherthin; adaxially slightly concave nearthe base,with2 ratherdistinct,roundedridges divergingandcoinciding with themargins towards thebase, andcontinuing overslightly less than 1/3 ofthelength ofthelip, theseridges withtwo slight, finelypapillose calli inbetween, surfaceotherwiseabout glabrous; abaxially withoutaridge, surfaceaboutglabrous. Columnfromovary to thetipofthestelidiac. 0.9mm;columnfootwitha callusneartheligament. Stelidia distinct, not falcate, triangular, c. 0.6 mm,obtuse, with alarge, obliquely forwards directed, triangular, along theuppermargin with asubacutewing with asomewhat dentateupper margin which overtops the stelidia, along the lower margin witha slightly less prominent, deltoid, obtusewingwithglabrous margins; stigma distinct- ly protrudingatitsbase,semi-elliptic. Antherabaxially with a distinct,obtuseridge

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