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New species of terrestrial molluscs (Caenogastropoda, Pupinidae & Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) of the Hon Chong – Ha Tien limestone hills, Southern Vietnam PDF

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by  VermeulenJ J
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Preview New species of terrestrial molluscs (Caenogastropoda, Pupinidae & Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) of the Hon Chong – Ha Tien limestone hills, Southern Vietnam

BASTERIA, 71:81-92,2007 Newspecies ofterrestrialmolluscs (Caenogastropoda, Pupinidae &Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) oftheHon Chong - HaTien limestonehills,SouthernVietnam J.J. Vermeulen Nationaal Herbarium,Leiden Branch,P.O.Box 9514,NL2300 RALeiden,The Netherlands PhungLeCang BiologyFaculty,the University ofNaturalScience,227NguyenVanCu Quan,5Hochiminh,City, Vietnam TruongQuam+Tarn InstituteofTropicalBiology,85TranQuocToan Quan,3Hochiminh City,Vietnam Small limestone hills between the towns ofHon Chong and Ha Tien (Kien Giang Prov., Southwestern Vietnam) harbour a fauna of65 species terrestrial molluscs, ofwhich 36 are assumed tobeendemic tothehills. Some occuronmosthills ofthe group,others onafew,or evenonasinglehill only.Eightendemic taxa,newto science, aredescribed here:3species of thenewgenusNotharinia (Pupinidae),viz.N. attenuata,N.breviorand N. crassilabris,and 5taxa ofthe familyVertiginidae,viz. Acinolaemuscarcharodon,Anauchen informis informis, Anauchen informisparcedentata,Aulacospiraconica,andMontapiculuspyramidalis. Key words: Vietnam, Kien Giang Province, Hon Chong, Ha Tien,Pupinidae, Notharinia, Vertiginidae,Acinolaemus,Anauchen,Aulacospira,Montapiculus. INTRODUCTION TheSouthwesternpartof theMekong delta(Vietnam, Southwesternpart) consistsof boundlessplains with hereand thereanisolatedrocky hill. A string ofsmall andmedi- um-sizedhillsstretchingalongthecoastbetweenHonChong andHaTienconsistoflime- stone;seemap 1.Thegeomorphological history ofthesehillshas determinedthenature ofthelocallandsnailfauna.Theinlandhillsarenow surroundedby agricultural land on clayey soil, only afewofthemoreseawardonesstillhaveafringeof mangroveswamps surrounding them.Thepresenceofnofewerthanthreelevelsofundercutting atthebase of thelimestonehills(theupperabout2.5m, thelowermostandbyfar deepestabout 0.8 mabovethepresenterosionbasis,indicatesthatthehillshavebeensurroundedby water, mostlikelytheseaor,atleast,byacoastalfadesincluding mangroves,i.e.an environment definitelyinhospitable tomostformsoflandlife, fora considerableperiod oftimeinthe past. Italsoshowsthat thearea asawholehasbeenuplifted withrespecttothesealevel during itsrecent geomorphogical history, presumably ascompensation ofongoing subsi- denceinthenearby Mekong delta, amajorsedimentarybasin. 82 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 1-3, 2007 Map1.Mapofthe HonChong-HaTienarea,KienGiangProv.,SouthernVietnam;limestone hillsindi- catedinblack;a, HaTien;b, Hon Chong;1,Hon ChongHill;2,Ba Tai Hill;3,Son Cha Hill; 4,BaiVoi Hill;5,ThachDongHill;6,DaDungHill. Upperright:MapofVietnam,withareaunderstudyindicated. Geographically, thelimestonehills are isolated fromotherlimestonehills. Infact they form the south easternmost extension of a small belt of limestone hills in adjacent Kampuchea. The distancebetween this belt and other limestonehills in Kampuchea is considerable.InVietnam, thenearestlimestoneoccurs severalhundredsofkilometersto thenortheast. Vermeulenetal:. New species ofterrestrialmolluscsfromSouthernVietnam 83 Very little, if any, pristine vegetation is left onthe limestonehills. Themostmature vegetation is foundnearHonChong andHaTienvillage, onhillsthatareusedasplaces of worship; the temples evidently provide some protection against destructiveexploita- tion ofthehill.The environmentonthehills, duetoboththeproximity oftheseaaswell asto humanimpact, must always havebeen dynamic; theword'pristine' maynot appli- cablehere. Human impact is various:smallscaleagriculture, silviculture andshrimp farming at thefootofthehillsand in atleastoneofthedolines, firewoodcollecting, various usesof the caves, invasion of alien species, and lastbut not least, war damage. Bombing has causedanextensivesuperficial spallingofthekarstifiedrock surfaceover alargeareasur- rounding theactualblasts. At present, most of the limestone hills, those with temples nearby excepted, are sparsely vegetated with evidently secondary herbaceousand low woody growth and grass.Higher andmorematurewoody vegetationcanbefoundin deep cleftsand depres- sionsinthe rockand, inparticular, in severallarge dolines. Isolation determinedthe nature of the local biodiversity. Geographical isolation, because thenearest limestonehills are milesaway, andenvironmentalisolationbecause they havebeen,andstillare, surroundedbyanenvironmenthostiletomanyformsofland life. Environmentalpressure occurred when periods during which the limestonehills were landlockedandshelteredfromtheelementstookturns withperiods during which thehills wereexposed to seawinds, droughtandsaltspray. As aresult, theterrestrialmolluskfaunaofthehillscanbe characterizedasanisland fauna:itcomprises only65 species, whichis notmuchwhencompared tootherlimestone areasin SEAsia,butthenumberofspecies markedas probably endemictotheareais36, or 55%.Thisis a very highratio indeed,and itmakesthebiodiversity valueof thefauna considerable.Someoftheseendemicshavearangerestricted toonly oneor afewhillsof thegroup. Altogether 30 species (46%) cannot be identifiedto species level; most of thesewill prove to be newto science. Investigations intothe faunaare ongoing, but we feel that earlypublication of some ofthese noveltieswillhighlight the special nature of thelocal fauna. The drawings havebeenmadeby thefirstauthor, withtheaid ofa WildM8stereo microscopewitha cameralucidadevice. SYSTEMATICPART Pupinidae L.Pfeiffer, 1853 Nothariniagen.nov. Typespecies:Notharinia attenuataspec. nov. Description. - Shellwhite,ratherthin,aboutopaque,dextral. Spireaboutcylindrical. Whorls4 1/8-51/2.Top whorlsslightly oblique. Protoconchsmoothat40xmagnification. Teleoconch:Radialribs present,orthoclineorslightly prosocline, straightor sinuous,low, withasingle crest. Spiral sculpture absent. Nointernalconstrictionpresentin thespire, nearthe aperture. Umbilicus closed. Planethrough aperture about parallel withcoiling axis; aperture aboutcircular, without abasal edge, without teeth. Peristomesimple or double,not or hardly extendedover the previous whorlon theparietal side, withouta 84 BASTERIA, Vol. 71, No. 1-3, 2007 Figs 1-3.Notharinia spec. 1, N. attenuata spec. nov.; a, holotype (shell height2.0 mm), Vietnam,Hon Chong,HonChongHill (RMNH), frontal view;b,paratypefrom samelocality(V), right lateralview.2, N. breviorspec. nov.; a,holotype (shellheight1.7mm),Vietnam,Ha Tien,Thach Dong Hill (RMNH), frontalview;b,paratypefromsamelocality(V), rightlateral view.3,N.crassilabris spec. nov.;a,holotype (shell height 2.1 mm), Vietnam, Ha Tien, Thach Dong Hill (RMNH), frontal view; b, paratype from samelocality (V),rightlateralview. Vermeulenet at:Newspecies ofterrestrialmolluscsfromSouthernVietnam 85 well-demarcatedlip onthepalatal andbasalside. Shellheight 1.5-2.05mm. Operculum not seen. Distribution.- Endemictosouth-westernVietnam,KienGiangProv., scatteredsmall limestonehills close to the borderwithKampuchea, betweenHa Tien and HonChong. Three species known. Ecology. - Small, isolatedlimestonehillsincoastalplains onclay soil, nowmainly dryland in use forvarious purposesbutoriginally atleastpartly withinthetidalzone. ThehillswhereNothariniaoccurs haveapredominantly woody vegetation. Theclimateis strongly seasonal,withprolonged dryperiods. Presumably, thesnailsare soildwellers. Notes. - The generic description is made tosetthegenusapartfromsimilargenera of the Diplommatinidae as wellas thePupinidae. Atfirst sight, Nothariniais of typical diplommatinid appearance;and its species would fit particularly well into the genus AriniaH. & A.Adams, 1856.However,allDiplommatinidae havea circularconstriction deep insidetheultimatewhorlorevenin thepenultimate whorl,onwhichreststhesmall, circular operculum. Sucha structure isabsent inNotharinia,and thereforewe prefer to include the genuselsewhere. Although nooperculum has beenseen, we assume that Nothariniais aprosobranch, andwefindmostsimilarformsinthePupinidae, inthegenus Pseudopomatias Von Moellendorff, 1885.NothariniadiffersfromPseudopomatias in being much smaller (1.5-2.05 mm versus 5.5-14 mm high) and in having a cylindrical shell (rather thanconicalorfusiform). Nothariniaattenuata spec.nov.(fig. 1) Material seen.-Vietnam,Kien GiangProv.,KienLuong,HonChongHill(V9993/11,incl.holotype RMNH 108981). Description. - Shellcylindrical butusually somewhatattenuatedtowardsthe aper- ture, top widely rounded to somewhat truncated. Whorls 5-5 3/8, convex. Suture impressed. Radialribs straight, distinct, ratherlow and thin, densely placed; butslightly sinuous,particularly atbothends, onthebodywhorlsand particularlyonthelastwhorl, andusually slightly widerspaced onthelastwhorl.Umbilicusclosed, lastwhorltightly coiledso thathardly anaxial depression is left.Last whorlslightly expanded closetothe aperture. Peristomesimple, somewhatthickenedand somewhatreflexed; parietal side fusedto the previous whorl. Height 1.7-1.9 mm; width (excl. last whorl) 0.75-0.85 mm; index(height/width) 2.20-2.26. Height aperture0.45-0.5 mm;widthaperture0.45-0.5mm. Distribution.- Vietnam,SW. part, asingle limestonehill nearHonChong. Proposed IUCN ThreatCategoryVulnerableVU D2 (IUCN2001 Categories & Criteria, v.3.1); some environmentalprotectionis provided bythefact thattheaplace ofworship ispresenton theflankof thehill. Nothariniabreviorspec. nov. (fig. 2) Material seen.- Vietnam, KienGiangProv., HaTien,ThachDongHill(V 11468/7,incl. holotype RMNH 108983). Description. - Shellshortly cylindrical, sometimesslightly bulgingabouthalf-way its length, top widely rounded to somewhattruncated.Whorls4 1/8—4 1/2, (moderately) convex. Suture(moderately) impressed.Radialribs straight, distinct, ratherlowandthin, 86 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 1-3,2007 (very) densely placed, usually slightly widerspaced onthelastwhorl.Umbilicusclosed, but last whorlloosely coiled so that an axial depression is present. Last whorl slightly expanded close tothe aperture. Peristomedouble; outerperistome somewhatspreading beyond the inneron the palatal andbasal side; inner hardly to moderately protruding from the outer, somewhatthickenedand somewhatreflexed; parietal side fused to the previous whorlforashortdistanceonly; tracesof densely placed radiallamellaepresent betweentheouter antheinner peristome. Height 1.5-1.6mm;width(excl.lastwhorl)0.85- 0.9mm,index(height/width) 0.85-0.95.Height aperture0.5-0.55mm;widthaperture0.55- 0.65mm. Distribution. - Vietnam, SW. part, a single minute limestone hill near Ha Tien. Proposed IUCN ThreatCategory VulnerableVU D2 (IUCN2001Categories & Criteria,v. 3.1); someenvironmentalprotection is provided by thefact thatthea place ofworshipis presentonthetopof thehill. Notes. - Differs fromN. attenuata in having a shortly cylindrical spire withfewer whorls,and inthemoreloosely coiledlastwhorlthat,although itsealsofftheumbilicus, stillleavesashallowaxialdepression. Theperistome isdouble,buttheinner isbarelypro- truding fromtheouter in someshells. Nothariniacrassilabrisspec. nov. (fig.3) Material seen.- Vietnam,Kien GiangProv.,HaTien, ThachDongHill (V11467/>10,incl.holotype RMNH 108984);HaTien,DaDungHill(V11444/>10). Description. - Shell cylindrical, rarely withaslightly widened topwhorl, top(wide- ly)rounded.Radialribs about straight,ratherlow,thinand rather densely placed onthe topwhorl,increasingly sinuous, somewhathigherandmore widely spaced towardsthe aperture, widely spaced and distinctly sinuousonthelast 1/2whorl.Umbilicusclosed, last whorl tightly coiledso that hardly an axial depression is left. Last whorl slightly expanded close to the aperture. Peristome double; outer peristome usually somewhat spreading beyuond theinneronthepalatal andbasalside;innerperistome moderately to distinctlyprotruding fromthe outer, somewhatthickenedand somewhatreflexed;pari- etalsidefused totheprevious whorl; densely placed radiallamellaepresentbetweenthe outer anthe inner peristome. Height 1.6-2.05mm;width(excl. last whorl)0.65-0.75mm, index(height/width) 2.46-2.73. Height aperture0.5-0.6mm;widthaperture0.5-0.55 mm. Distribution.- Vietnam, SW. part, two limestonehillsnearHa Tien. Proposed IUCN Threat CategoryVulnerableVU D2 (IUCN2001 Categories&Criteria, v. 3.1); some envi- ronmentalprotection is provided bythefactthattheaplace ofworship ispresentonboth hills. Vertiginidae Fitzinger, 1833 AcinolaemusThompson& Upatham, 1997 Notes. - The species described below does not fully meet the diagnostic set for Acinolaemusasgivenby Thompson andUpatham (1997: 223):itlacksthe spiral sculpture of theprotoconch, and has adownwardsturnedlastportion ofthelastwhorl.However, itssculpture andthedentitionin the apertureare typicalforthegenus. Vermeulenetal.:Newspecies ofterrestrialmolluscsfromSouthernVietnam 87 Acinolaemuscarcharodonspec.nov.(fig.4) Material seen.- Vietnam, KienGiangProv.,KienLuong,HonChongHill (V 11320/>10,incl. holo- typeRMNH108985);nearHonChong,BaTaiHill(V9966/>10);nearHonChong,BaiVoiHill,Nand NW flank(V11296/6);do.,dolinealongEastflank(V11260/1);do.,HangTiencave, shrubland (V 11326/6);do., HangTiencave, below doline (V10024/6). Description. - Shell white,ratherthin, somewhattranslucent, dextral. Spire discoid butwith thefirstwhorls protruding, conical, andwith thelastportion of thelastwhorl abruptly curvedobliquely downwards,formingashort, freetube.Whorls4 1/4-43/4,the inner convex, theouterflattenedaroundtheperiphery, shoulderedabove,morerounded below, suture deeply impressed. Protoconch dull, without spiral threads. Teleoconch shiny; aradialsculptureof very fine, densely and regularlyplaced riblets; aspiral sculp- ture of rather distinct, rather well-spaced spiral threads. Umbilicus open, very wide. Peristome entirely free, general outline triangular with rounded edges, somewhat reflexed, thin. Aperture with4lamellae:1 shortand high parietalis deep inside; 1 long angularis startingattheperistome, gradually lowerinsidebutwithwithanantrorse,nee- dle-sharp toothattheleveloftheparietalis; 1 ratherlong, sigmoid palatalis starting near the peristome and deeply notched about half-way, so that insome shellsthis lamellais almostdividedintotwo;1 ratherlong basalisstartingneartheperistome asashort, high lamella,separated by a deepandwidenotchfromanantrorse,needle-sharp toothfurther inside.Height 1.2-1.4mm(0.9-1.05mm withoutthedownwardspointing partofthelast whorl);width1.5-1.8mm. Height aperture0.5-0.6mm;widthaperture0.55-0.65 mm. Distribution.- Vietnam, SW. part, two limestonehills near Hon Chong. Proposed IUCN Threat Category VulnerableVU A4 D2 (IUCN 2001 Categories & Criteria, v.3.1); BaiVoi Hillis slatedforlimestonemining;but atHon Chong Hillsome environmental protection isprovided by thefact thattheaplaceof worshipispresentontheflankofthe hill. Notes.- Thedownwardscurvedfreeportion ofthelastwhorl suffices to distinguish A. carcharodonfromotherspecies ofthegenus. AnauchenPilsbry, 1917 Anaucheninformis spec. nov. (figs 6, 7) Anaucheninformis informis subspec. nov.(fig.6) Material seen.- Vietnam,Kien GiangProv., Kien Luong,HonChongHill (V9999/3);nearHon Chong,Bai VoiHill(V9939/>10);do.,dolinealongEastflank(V11258/>10,incl.holotypeRMNH108986); do.,North and Northwestflank (V11295/1);do.,HangTien cave,below doline (V10023/3). Description. - Shell darkreddishbrown, ratherthin, opaque, dextral. Spire ovoid- conicalto conical with slightly convex sides. Whorls 43/8-5 3/8, convex, well rounded, suture deeply impressed. Protoconchshiny, withregularly and widely spaced, thinspiral threads.Teleoconchdull;aradialsculptureofirregularly spaced growth lineswhichmay be slightly raised towardsthe sutures; a spiral sculpture of fine, wavy, irregularly and rather widely spaced threads, particularly present on the lower half of the whorls. 88 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 1-3,2007 Figs 4-5. 4,Acinolaemus carcharodon spec. nov.; a,holotype(shellheight1.15 mm,incl. tuba), Vietnam, KienLuong,Hon ChongHill (RMNH), frontal view;b,paratypefrom samelocality (V),umbilical view; c,paratypefrom samelocality (V), right lateral viewwith shell wall partly removed;d,paratypefrom samelocality(V),frontalview ofaperture.5,Montapiculuspyramidalisspec.nov.;a,holotype(shellheight 1.7mm,incl.tuba),Vietnam,KienLuong,HonChongHill (RMNH), frontalview;b,paratypefromsame locality (V),umbilical view; c,paratypefrom samelocality(V), frontalviewofaperture. Vermeulenetal.: New species ofterrestrialmolluscsfromSouthernVietnam 89 Umbilicusopen,narrow, deep. Peristomeattachedtotheprevious whorl, generaloutline aboutsubrectangular butwitharounded lowermargin,somewhatexpanded onthepari- etal side, reflexed elsewhere, thin.Aperture with 3-5 lamellae: 1 distinct parietalis, 2 palatales, theuppersometimesmissing, withorwithout1basalis, 1 distinctcolumellaris. Height 3-4mm;width2.2-2.7 mm. Height aperture 1.3-1.5mm; widthaperture 1.2-1.5 mm. Distribution. - Vietnam, SW. part, threelimestonehills nearHon Chong. Proposed IUCN ThreatCategory VulnerableVU A4D2 (IUCN2001 Categories & Criteria, v. 3.1); BaiVoi Hillis slated forlimestonemining;but atHon Chong Hill someenvironmental protection isprovided by thefactthattheaplaceofworship ispresentontheflankofthe hill. Notes.- Amongsimilargenera,Anauchenis characterizedby theabsenceof anangu- lar tooth.Mostspecies haveaslender, conical spire,oftenwithconcave sides,except for A. angthongense Burch & Panha, 2000,whichapproaches A. informis in shape. Thelatter differsinhavingaperistome ofmoreangular outline,less dintinctly flaringandless well- rounded ontheparietal andpalatal side. Anaucheninformisparcedentata subspec. nov. (fig.7) Material seen.- Vietnam.KienGiangProv., KienLuong,Ba TaiHill (V9956/>10, incl. Holotype RMNH 108987);do., onshore ofsurrounding tidal lake (V 9984/3);do.,fossil depositin rock cleft (V 11499/>10). Description. - Like the nominotypical subspecies, but whorls 5 1/8-53/8, aperture with1-3 lamellae:1 distinctparietalis, 2palatales, sometimestheupperorbothmissing. Height 4-4.6 mm; width 2.7-3 mm. Height aperture 1.6-2.2 mm;width aperture 1.6-1.7 mm. Distribution. - Vietnam, SW. part, one limestonehill near Hon Chong. Proposed IUCN ThreatCategory VulnerableVU D2 (IUCN2001 Categories & Criteria,v. 3.1); the hillhasnoprotected status atpresent,buthasnotyetbeenearmarkedformining. Notes.- Somewhatlarger thanthetypesubspecies andwithfewerand less distinct apertural teeth.Diagnostic is the absence ofthe columellaris, atmostatiny gibbosity is presentin someshells. Thefossil depositin whichthespecies was foundhasnotbeendated. Aulacospira VonMoellendorff, 1890 Aulacospira conica spec.nov. (fig. 8) Material seen.- Vietnam.KienGiangProv.,HaTien, ThachDongHill (V11464/5,incl.Holotype RMNH 108988);Ha Tien,DaDungHill (V11431/7). Description. - Shelldark reddishbrown, ratherthin,opaque, dextral. Spire conical withaboutflat sides.Whorls33/8-3 1/2, distinctlyshouldered, concave abovetheshoul- der, flattenedbelow,aroundtheperiphery, suture deeply impressed. Protoconchmoreor less shiny, withoutany spiralsculpture. Teleoconchdull; aradialsculpture ofirregularly spaced growth lineswhichmaybeslightly distinctlyraisedatirregularintervals; nospi- 90 BASTERIA, Vol. 71, No. 1-3,2007 Figs6-8.6,Anauchen informisinformis subspec.nov.,holotype(shellheight3.4mm),Vietnam,nearHon Chong,BaiVoi Hill (RMNH), frontal view. 7,Anauchen informisparcedentatasubspec. nov.; a,holotype (shellheight4.5mm),Vietnam,KienLuong,Ba TaiHill (RMNH), frontal view;b,paratype(shellheight 3.6 mm)from same locality (V), frontal view. 8, Aulacospira conica spec. nov., holotype (shellheight 2.5mm),Vietnam,Ha Tien,ThachDongHill(RMNH), frontal view.

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