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Preview New species of Puerto Rican Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 102(4), 2000, pp. 838-842 NEW SPECIES OF PUERTO RICAN PHYCITINAE (LEPIDOPTERA: PYRALIDAE) H. H. Neunzig Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613, U.S.A. — Abstract. Zamagiria borinquensis and Oryctometopia maricaoensis are described as new species. Both were collected as adults in western Puerto Rico. Key Words: moths, phycitines, Puerto Rico Post-Columbian Puerto Rico has been male (Fig. 3), and the girdle of robust subjected to major environmental changes. spines in the corpus bursae of the female Agriculture, mainly the extensive growing (Fig. 5). — for many years of sugarcane and coffee, re- Description. Forewing length 6.5-7.0 placed much ofthe native vegetation. Some mm. Head brownish white. Labial palpus refugia exist, however, chiefly as parks or white and fuscous. Maxillary palpus white reserves. These vary from tropical dry for- to brownish white, aigrettelike in male. est to tropical rain forests. Recently, ento- Dorsum of thorax brownish white suffused mologists at the Carnegie Museum of Nat- with fuscous. Forewing brown dusted with ural History (CMNH) have intensively white; black ridge of raised, curled scales light-trapped Lepidoptera in these remain- preceding antemedial line; antemedial line ing pockets of relatively undisturbed flora. white, weakly developed, with associated Two previously unknown species of phy- adjacent bands of dark scales; postmedial citines were collected. These are described line similar, in color and development, to below, and are added to the 20 species (Ta- antemedial line; discal spots black, moder- ble 1) previously recorded from Puerto ately distinct, separate; patch of very pale Rico by Heinrich (1956). reddish brown scales at inner base of wing and scattered patches of darker reddish Zamagiria borinquensis Neunzig, brown on outer % of wing. Underside of new species male fore and hindwing without patches or (Figs. 1, 3-5) streaks of contrasting colored scales (fre- — Type locality. Puerto Rico, Isabela, quently seen in other Zamagiria). Male Bosque Estatal de Guajataca, Montanas Ay- genitalia (Figs. 3, 4): Uncus triangular, nar- mamon. rowly rounded distally; apical process of — Diagnosis. The male and female geni- gnathos expanded into a somewhat elongate talia can be used to separateZamagiria bor- spoon-shaped process; juxta a U-shaped, inquensis from other species in the genus. thin plate with setiferous lateral arms; tran- Features peculiar to the new species are the stilla absent; valva slender, unarmed except short, triangular inner clasper on the inner for triangular, erect clasper on its inner base of the valva, the somewhat elongate, base; aedoeagus with single, short, stout, spoonshaped apical gnathal process of the well-sclerotized comutus; vinculum about — VOLUME 102, NUMBER 4 839 Table 1. Phycitinae listed by Heinrich (1956) as occurring in Puerto Rico'. Crocidomerafissuralis (Walker) Ectomyeloisfun'idorsella (Ragonot) Fimdella ignohilis Heinrich Difundella distractor Heinrich Anadelosemia texanella (Hulst) Davara interjecta Heinrich Davara rufidello (Ragonot) Sarasotafurcidella (Dyar) Caristaniuspelhicidellus (Ragonot) Eurythmasis ignifatua Dyar Paconiiis cornicidatus Heinrich Mescinia berosa Dyar Phestinia costella Hampson LaetiUaportoricensis Dyar Metephestia simplicula (Zeller) Moodnopsisportoricensis Heinrich Prosoeuzophera impletella (Zeller) CaudeUia clara Heinrich Rihua contigiia Heinrich Varneria dubia Heinrich ' List does not include a few widespread neotropical phycitines that Heinrich included in his checklist as occuring in his category "West Indies," some of which may be found in Puerto Rico. Figs. 1, 2. Males. 1, Zamagiria borinquensis, ho- as long as greatest width. Female genitalia lotype. 2, Oryctometopia maricaoensis, holotype. (Fig. 5): Ductus bursae short, about '/g as long as corpus bursae, narrow, except Holotype and paratype deposited in slightly broadened near ostium bursae, CMNH. without sclerotized plates common to most Remarks. Zamagiria borinquensis is other Zamagiria species, but generally very similar externally to other species in sclerotized anteriorly; corpus bursae elon- the genus. The character states of the male, gate, with well-developed, irregular comb particularly the grooved head with its un- of many slender spines extending distally usual compact tuft of scales attached to the from ductus bursae to about midway on frons, and the unique tuft, composed ofsev- corpus, and with strongly formed band en- eral distinct types of scales, at the base of circling corpus bursae at about middle and the antenna, are easily recognized traits of bearing about 24 robust spines; ductus sem- the species. — inalis attached to corpus bursae near junc- Etymology. The specific epithet is de- tion of ductus bu—rsae and corpus bursae. rived from the Taino name for Puerto Rico Type material. Holotype: 6: PuertoRico, (Borinquen), and the Latin ruffix -ensis (de- Isabela, Bosque Estatal de Guajataca, Mon- noting place). tanas Aymamon, 18°25'06N, 66°57'55"W, Oryctometopia maricaoensis Neunzig, forest, 210 m, 14-15 June 1996, J. Rawlins, W. Zanol, R. Davidson, C. Young, M. Klin- new species gler, S. Thompson; genitalia slide HHN (F—igs. 2, 6-8) 4427. Paratype: 1 9, same collection data Type locality. Puerto Rico, 3.3 km. sw as for holotype; genitalia slide HHN 4428. Maricao, Bosque Estatal de Maricao. 840 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 3-5. Zamagiria borinquensis. 3, Male genitalia (aedoeagus omitted). 4, Aedoeagus. 5, Female ductus bursae and corpus bursae. — Diagnosis. The male is readily identi- brown dusted with white and with a few fied by the elongate, medially constricted scattered brownish red scales. Maxillary vinculum (Fig. 6), and the female by the palpus of male aigrettelike, mostly pale large spined plate that covers most of one brown, in part pink. Maxillary palpus offe- side of the corp—us bursae (Fig. 8). male simple, pale brownish white. Dorsum Description. Forewing length 10.5- of thorax pale brown or pale purplish 12.0 mm. Head of male brownish white to brown. Forewing pale purplish brown in pale reddish brown suffused with reddish basal Vr, antemedial line moderately distinct brown, and with vertex sulcate and white; to distinct, white, its inner Vi preceded by upper part of frons produced dorsally into black and pale reddish brown patch, and a ridge. Head of female simple, brownish followed by black line and associated white white to pale reddish brown. Labial palpus patch; postmedial line moderately distinct VOLUME 102, NUMBER 4 841 Figs. 6-8. Oryctometopia maricaoensis. 6, Male genitalia (aedoeagus omitted). 7, Aedoeagus. 8, Female ductus bursae, corpus bursae and anterior part ofductus seminalis. to distinct, white; medial area with patches of small spines; vinculum long and slender of red to dark red mostly along costa and (about 2V^ times as long as basal width), and at discal spot; subterminal area with broad constricted medially. Female genitalia (Fig. brownish red patch following postmedial 8): Ductus bursae slightly shorter than cor- line. Male genitalia (Figs. 6, 7): Uncus nar- pus bursae, sclerotized over V2 its length; rowly triangular, rounded at apex; apical corpus bursae with large, many-spined process of gnathos a well-developed hook; plate, covering most of left side (when juxta platelike with thin, inwardly curved viewed ventrally) of bursae; plate, in part lateral arms; transtilla absent; valva simple, perforate; ductus seminalis attached to cor- with short, stout lobes near inner base; ae- pus bursae near junction of ductus bursae doeagus, long, slender; vesica with cluster and corpus bursae. 842 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Type material. Holotype: 6: Puerto female ductus bursae is more extensively Rico, Bosque Estatal de Maricao, 3.3 km sclerotized. Nevertheless, males of both sw Maricao, 18°09'39"N, 67°00'05"W, for- species have an enlarged frons and sunken est, 550 m, 10-11 June 1996, J. Rawlins, vertex, tufted and otherwise modified an- C. Young, R. Davidson, W. Zanol, S. tennae, simple scale tufts on abdominal seg- Thompson, M. Klingler; genitalia slide ment VIII, and generally similar genitalia. HHN 4459. Paratypes: {46,29, total); Females of both have a characteristically same collection data as for holotype, geni- large, sclerotized plate in the corpus bursae taha slides HHN 4415, 4416 (3 6,2 9); bearing numer—ous short spines. Puerto Rico, Isabela, Bosque Estatal de Gua- Etymology. The specific epithet is de- jataca, Montanas Aymamon, 18°25'06"N, rived from the locality (Maricao) where al- 66°57'55"W, forest, 210 m, 14-15 June most all the specimens were collected, and 1996, J. Rawlins, W. Zanol, R. Davidson, the Latin suffix- ensis (denoting place). C. Young, M. Klingler, S. Thompson (16). Acknowledgments All specimens from Maricao deposited in CMNH; Isabela paratype in North Carolina J. E. Rawlins generously made available State Univer—sity Collection (NCSU). specimens for study, R. L. Blinn photo- Remarks. The new species differs most graphed the new species, and L. L. Deitz, noticeably from Oryctometopiafossulatella D. L. Stephan, and B. M. Wiegmann re- Ragonot, the only other species in the ge- viewed an initial draft of the manuscript. nus, in that the male genitalia lack the short, thomlike spines projecting from the lower Literature Cited margin of the sacculus, and have a cluster Heinrich, C. 1956. American moths of the subfamily of small spines on the vesica (rather than a Phycitinae. United States National Museum Bul- single spinelike comutus), and in that the letin 207: 1-581.

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