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New species of Lynseia and transfer of the genus to Limnoriidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) PDF

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Preview New species of Lynseia and transfer of the genus to Limnoriidae (Crustacea: Isopoda)

Memoirs ofthe MuseumofVictoria54: 179-189 (1994) NEW SPECIES OFLYNSEIA AND TRANSFER OF THE GENUS TO LIMNORIIDAE (CRUSTACEA: ISOPODA) By LaurieJ. Cookson and Gary C. B. Poore2 Honorary Associate' and SeniorCurator2 DepartmentofCrustacea, Museum ofVictoria, 71 VictoriaCrescent, Abbot,sford, Victoria3067, Australia Abstract Cookson, L.J. andPoore,G.C. B., 1994.NewspeciesofLynseiaandtransferofthegenus to Limnoriidae (Crustacea: Isopoda). MemoirsoftheMuseum ofVictoria 54: 179-189. TwonewspeciesofLynseiaaredescribed:L. annae,insouthernandcentralWesternAus- tralia, wastakenfromburrows in leavesofseagrassesofthethin-leavedPosidoniaaustralis group: P. australisandP. sinuosa;L dianae,insouthernWesternAustraliaandwesternSouth Australia, from thethick-leavedPosidoniaostenfeldiigroup: P. coriacea,P. ostenfeldiiand P. robertsoniae. The typespecies,L. himantopoda,is alsorecordedfromWesternAustralia, inburrowsinHeterozosteratasmanica.Onthebasisofvariabilityinmandiblesanduropods the diagnosis ofthe genus is widened. Similarity ofthelimbsofthenew species tothose of Limnoria require it to be transferred to Limnoriidae White. The family LynseiidaePoore is thereby placed in synonymy with Limnoriidae. A key togenerais presented. Introduction Cambridge P. ostenfeldii den Hartog and P. robertsoniae Kuo and Cambridge are members The discovery oftwo species ofisopods sim- ofthe Posidonia ostenfeldii species group char- ilar to Lynseia himantopoda Poore, 1987, only member of the family Lynseiidae Poore, 1987, acterised by narrower leaves, thicker in cross- section and inhabiting areas of stronger wave prompted are-examination ofthisfamily and its action (Kuo and Cambridge, 1984). Both are relationships to Limnoriidae White. In this con- mined by L. dianae and the burrows are more tribution the family status of the Lynseiidae is shown to be unsustainable and its only genus is difficult to detectthan in the otherspecies group A of Posidonia. Seagrass workers in the Mediter- placed in the larger family. key to genera is presented, replacing thatofCookson (1991) who ranean, where Posidonia also exists, have not reported leafminers. reviewed the Limnoriidae in detail. All species of limnoriids are borers of plant Limnoriidae White comb. nov. material: Paralimnoria in wood, Limnoria in wood, algae or seagrass and Lynseia in sea- LimnoriadaeW—hite, 1850: 68. Limnoriidae. Cookson, 1991: 153 (modern diagnosis gsrpaescsieess.oIftLiysnsteeimap,tiwnhgictohsaureggceosntfitnheatd tthoesotuhtrhe-e andsynonymy). — LynseiidaePoore, 1987: 258. Bruce, 1988: 346ff. ernAustralia, arosetherefrom aseagrass-eating, Limnoria-Yike ancestor. By elongation andother Diagnosis. Body semicircular in cross-section, adaptations they became obligate seagrass bor- elongate, 3-15 times as long as wide. Headmore ers. Two species ofLimnoria are recorded from or less spherical, freely articulating with pere- seagrass in southern Australia, L. agrostisa onite 1. Anterior margin ofpereonite 1 directed Cookson and L. raruslima Cookson. upwardly or level with body, overlapping head The three species ofLynseia are host specific posteriorly. Pleonites 1-5 free. Pleotelson with (Brearley and Walker, 1993). Lynseia himan- lateral crests. Antennae 1 contiguous, with scale topoda isconfinedtothe narrow-leaved Hetero- (except Lynseia himantopoda). Antennae 2 lat- zostera tasmanica and is distributed with this eral or ventrolateral to antenna 1. Eyes lateral. species across southern Australia. The two new Frontal lamina absent. Clypeus transversely species burrow in the broader leaves ofspecies elongated, reaching lateral margin of antenna 2 ofPosidonia. PosidoniaaustralisHook./ andP. articulation. Labrum circular. Mandible with sinuosaCambridge and Kuo belong to thePosi- palp 3-articulate or reduced to seta; incisors donia australis species group which have thin acute; lacinia mobilis small; spine row present flexible leaves and inhabit sheltered waters (left spine row absent in Lynseia dianae); molar (Cambridgeand Kuo, 1979). Both areinfested by absent. Maxilla 1, outer lobe apex with 4-5 Lynseia annae. Posidonia coriacea, Kuo and smooth lateral setaeand 5 serrated medial setae. . 180 LAURIE .1. COOKSON AND GARY C. B. POORE Maxilla2: inner lobe with simplesetaeplus large Poore three are autapomorphies of L. himan- medial plumose oblique seta; 3-4 proximally topoda: lateral coxal plates fused to tergite, plumose setae on middle lobe; 2 proximally mandibular palp absent, loss of one ramus on plumose setaeon outerlobe. Maxilliped narrow; pleopod 5. The reduced numberofarticles in the epipod present; endite long. Pereopods ambula- maxillipedal palp and elongate pereopods 6 and tory; carpus of pereopods 6 and 7 and often of 7 are true for the genus but to a lesser extent in others with distal comb-seta. Pereopod 1 propo- the new species. dus with 2 comb-setaeposterodistally (thickened The family Limnoriidae now includes three setae on Lynseiadianae), Pereopod 7 longerthan genera: Lirnnoria, Paralimnoria and Lynseia. other pereopods. Pleopods flabelliferan. Uropod Bruce (1988) originally tentatively placed his ventrolateral; rami terminal, oval or circular in new genus and species Hadromastax merga in cross-section; exopod shorter than endopod, the Limnoriidae on the basis of head shape and often with corneous apex. articulation, antenna 1 and 2, mouthparts, pere- Remarks. Thediagnosis ofthe Limnoriidaegiven opods and pleopods. Later Bruce and Midler tbhyeCaodomkisssoinon(1o9f9t1h)eisspneoctiesseroifouLsylnysediias,ruaptgeednubsy r(e19co9g1n)irseedmobvyedseHvaerdarlomuanisqtuaexcthoaritasctoewrinstfiacmsiloyf previously assigned to its own family. The new the mandible, maxilla 1, maxillipedal epipod, free diagnosis accommodates the greater elongation coxae 1, uropod, pereonite 1, and pleonal struc- and narrowingofthe body and some limbs found ture. in Lynseia. Phycolimnoria Menzies, 1957, initially a sub- The differences between the Lynseiidae and genus of Lirnnoria Leach, 1814, was syn- Limnoriidae discussed by Poore (1987) are onymised with it by Cookson (1991) aftera phy- shown now not to be real. The two additional logenetic analysis. species of Lynseia share more features with Lirnnoriaand Paralimnoria werediagnosed in species ofLirnnoria and Paralimnoria than does detail by Cookson (1991), all 51 species were the unusual type species Lynseia himantopoda. listed, all Australasian species described, and Of the live apomorphies of Lynseia listed by their biology and literature discussed. Key to genera ofLimnoriidae Body more than 6 times as long as wide; pereopods 6 and 7 much longer 1 than pereopod 5; mandibularpalp ofat most 1 minute article; maxillipedal palp of or 3 articles Lynseia Poore I Body less than 5 limes as long as wide; pereopods 6 and 7 not significant- ly longer than pereopod 5; mandibular palp of 0-3 articles; maxillipedal palp of5 articles 2 2. Uropodal rami elongate, both with corneous apex; antenna flagellum of I 5 articles; pereopod I secondary unguis trifid Paralimnoria Menzies Uropodal exopod much shorter than endopod, only exopod with corneous apex; antenna flagellum with 4 or fewer articles; pereopod secondary I 1 unguis bifid, simpleorsometimes with spinules Lirnnoria Leach See this work for a key to species of Lynseia and Cookson (1991) for keys to world species of Paralimnoria and Lirnnoria. Lynseia Poore na I; flagellum of I article. Mandibular palp of l-articleorsetaonly; lacinia mobilis reduced (or LynseiaPoore, 1987:259. absenton right mandible: L himantopoda and L. Diagnosis. Body 7-15 times as long as wide. dianae); lacking rasp and Hie (as are seen in Lirn- Pleonite 1 epimeron square, extending ventrally noria). Maxilla 1 outer lobe with 4 or 5 smooth as far as in other pleonites. Head longer than similar apical spiniform setae. Lateral plates of wide. Pleotelson elongate. Antenna 1 flagellum coxae 2-7 posteriorly rounded. Pereopods with of2-3 articles. Antenna2 ventrolateral to anten- strong secondary unguis. Pereopods 6 and 7 NEW SPECIES OFLYNSEIA ANDTRANSFEROFTHE GENUSTO LIMNORIIDAE 181 elongate, pereopod 7 carpus as long or longer palp, reduced antennae2 flagellum, and reduced than basis. Pleopod peduncles without medial pleopod5 exopod. Pereopod 7 always pointspos- projection. Pleopod 5 with exopod reduced or teriorly, whereas in Limnoria it is often found absent, rami without plumose setae. Uropodal anteriorly directed. exopod less than halfas long as endopod; endo- All species of Lynseia are small, rarely more pod with 3 separate single or groups of brush than 2.5mm long, and are found in burrows in setae. (Eggs almost as wide as body, carried in the leaves of seagrasses. Rare specimens are single longitudinal row.) found free-swimming in seagrass beds but the period spent moving between host plants is not Remarks. Lynseia is most readily distinguished known. from Limnoria and Paralimnoria by its thin and The genus is so far confined to southern and elongate body shape, epimeron of pleonite 1 central western Australia; there have been no squareand as long asepimeron 2 (shortandacute records from extensive seagrass beds in eastern in other genera), long pereopods 6 and 7 (espe- Australia nor from other continents. cially theelongate carpus), reduced maxillipedal Key to species ofLynseia Body 15 times as long as wide; pereopods 6 and 7 about 4 times as long as pereopod 4; maxillipedal palp of 1 article Lynseia himantopoda Body less than9times aslong as wide; pereopods6and 7 less than 3 times as long as pereopod 4; maxillipedal palp of3 articles 2 Pleotelson with strong lateral and anterior crests; uropodal exopod with corneous apex; mandibular palp of article bearing 2 setae 1 Lynseiaannae Pleotelson without strong lateral and anterior crests, convex dorsally; uropodal exopod laminar; mandibularpalpreduced toonly 2 setae Lynseiadianae Lynseia annae sp. nov. Brearley, 15 Jan 1993, NMV J3I669 (8 specimens), WAM 57-93(8specimens). Figures 1-3 Description. Body, pale yellow in preserved — Lynseia sp. 2. Brearley and Walker, 1993: 417-425, material, about 7 times as long as wide; pere- fig. lb. onites shorterposteriorly; pleon about0.4oftotal Material examined. Holotype: Western Australia. Nancy length; pleonite 5 0.4 times as long as pleotel- Cleoavvee,s,RoAt.tnBersetaIr.l(e3y2,°01'2S,D1e1c5°13909'0E),,N3mM,VPaJs1i7d2u4n2ia(sfeimmawlsea, ssocnu.lpPteurreeo;niptleeo2niwtieth5fwiniethanmtiernoudtoersdaolrstarlanstvuebresre- 1.45mm). cles. Pleotelson withconcave oblique faceabout Paratypes:collectedwithholotype,NMVJ17246,(1 male, 1.4 times as long as wide, bordered by strong 2 slides); J17247 (I male, 1 slide); J17248, (56 +4oviger- irregularly denticulate ridge laterally (lateral ousfemales);J17245,(I male,3slides).ThomsonBay, Rot- crests)to nearmidanteriormargin; dorsal surface TtSssAnl.l.oeiiudsdEBetnevrs)dae)I.an,r(s(Wl3J,3e212Ay°°31,2021M0'24'SN28S,o,5A(v134u11-81g5195°93s°391p43093e'(,9'cE31Ei)N,)m,m,eMNa3n2lVMsme),mVs.J,,P1JSoP7so112o3.is4f22di3-o4dP1no7(.einI(n5ai1gmamuaammuislas,nieltn,eruIa,3.o1,lsi.1Wa.sf56ae5llrmmemeanaammlbvv,,eeerssso2,,,I frwsvieaeidtsctagteheei.sgap;inaatrmletiridsiaploholreysatttofehurbestadeosdrespmeoteafacretugiribnonaepttwoewidteshcewanisltceh2asl;felilasnarpetgeievrkreaerlsstsitauconarudl-t P1o.8s-i2d.o1nmima)s.inCuliofsfaHleeaadv,esD,oCn.gaMraan(n2i9n"g3,2S2,71F1e4b"5199E9)1,2N.5MmV, taCncleypeequusalprotoduwcieddtfhorowfaradntoefnannate1nnpaeedubnycdlies.- J13245 (1 male, 1.58mm, 3slides),J13246(I I specimens). Antenna 1 with small scale bearing 2 simple Dunsborough, Geographe Bay (33°37'S, 1I5°18'E),NM1 mV, setae; second flagellar article with about 8 aes- JP1o3s2i4d3o,ni(a1siimnmuaotsuarele,av2ess,liAde.s)B.reGaerrlaelyd,to1n1,Jouults1i9d9e1manna tphleetassectsa,e.thAirndtaerntnicale2wiatbhou1tae0s.t6hettiamsecsalnedng3tshimo-f b(l2e8,°T4.6'CSarr1u1t4h°e3r7s'Ea)n,d9Gm.,KPeondsriidcokn,ia14siAnuuogsa19l9e1a,veWsAonMr5u4b-- asenttaeen.nMaan1;difblualgealrlpuamlpsionfgl1eaarrttiicclleebweiartihn5g2diasptial- 93S(o9ustphecAiumsetnrsa)li.a, Ceduna (32°08'S, 133'4rE), 20m off cal simplesetae; right mandible incisorwith sub- swimming beach, 1-1.5m, Posidonia australis leaves, A. apical tooth; lacinia mobilis small; spine row 1X2 LAURIEJ, COOKSON AND OAKY (.'.. H. I'OOKK 1gIi1ng72uo4n2p;lde,,oLtymenalslstoeni,,aN,iM.,Vg„,,J„l1„ef3ls2pa.4nr7di;orv!i,gh;.i.h,hmamabanildteiu,sb,lnebsm,,hvhe,a1dl1,ef7lp2em4raexI.olnlSllctlaeplseedI,liaann,edsb.,2,mac,lIedm, npmlmeovnitiei 53^Ja4n5d-' elpt'ee1o'tr,elel,ms1aouniUne- nNmmMarvV NEW SPECIES OFLYNSEIA ANDTRANSFER OFTHEGENUS TO LIMNORIIDAE 183 Fa-igg,urmeal2.e,LyNnsMeViaJa1n7n2a4e5;sph.,nfoevm.alae,bNaMntVenJn1a7e241,2.2. c, d, leftmaxillae 1, 2. e,f, g, pereopods 1,4,7. h,uropod. 184 LAURIEJ. COOKSON AND GARY C. B. POORE Figure3. Lynseiaannaesp. nov.Na,MpVcreonite7and pleoniteN1MsVhowingpenesand pNedMunVclesofpleopods 1. b-e, plcopods 2, 4, 5 and 5. a, male, J13245; b-d, male, J17245; e, male, J17246. with 5 spines on right mandible, 2 on left. Max- Coxae2-7 with clearlateral sutures. Pereopod illa 1: inner lobe with 2 short setae and 2 long 4 shortest; pereopod 1 1.3 times as long, pereo- plumose setae; outer lobe with 10 apical setae, pod 5 1.4 times as long, pereopod 6 2.0 times as mesial ones denticulate, one very short. Maxilla long, and pereopod 7 2.2 times as long as pereo- 2 inner lobe with 7 setae, medial one long; mid- pod 4. Secondary unguis of pereopods 1 and 7 dle and outer lobes shorter than inner lobe, with bifid. Pereopod 7 carpus with 3 comb-setae. 3 and 2 setae respectively. Maxillipedal epipod Penes 4 times as long as width at base, taper- elongate, 3.7 times as long as wide, not reaching ing, separate, attached toposteriormargin ofven- base ofpalp, without setae; palp reaching as far tral plate ofpereopod 7. as endite, of3 articles; endite with 3 curved pap- Oostegites on pereopods 3 and 4. pose setae lateral to 2distomedial papposesetae, Pleopod 1 with 3 coupling hooks, pleopods2-4 with coupling hook. with 2 coupling hooks. Exopod plumose setae NEW SPECIES OFLYNSEIA ANDTRANSFER OFTHEGENUS TO LIMNORIIDAE 85 1 mostly apical on pleopods 1 and 2, apical and lat- Australia nor near Sydney, NSW where P. aus- eralonpleopods 3 and4. Pleopod 2 withplumose tralis exists (A. Brearley, pers. comm.). setae up to 1.3 times as long as exopod; appen- dix masculinareaching endopod tip, articulating Lynseia dianae sp. nov. proximal to midlength of endopod, apically Figures 4, 5 rounded. Pleopod 5 with 2 rami, articulation of — endopod anterior to exopod, exopod about 0.6 Lynseia sp. 3. Brearley and Walker, 1993: 417, 424-425. times as long as endopod, endopod 0.9 times as long as endopod ofpleopod 2, peduncle without Materialexamined. Holotype:WesternAustralia. Lai Bank, lateral seta. offMarmion,Perth(31°50'S, 1 15°45'E),4m,Posidoniacori- Uropodal peduncle with posterolateral tuber- acealeaves,C. Manning, 13 Mar 1991,NMVJ17253(male, cles; endopod 0.7 timesas long as peduncle; exo- 1.9mm). NMV pod 0.4 length of endopod with 1+2+2 brush Paratypes: collected with holotype, J13238 (1 setae laterally, with corneous apex. female withembryo), J13239 (I male, 1.95mm), J17251 (1 male, 2.0mm, 1 slide), J17252 (1 female, 1.8 mm, 1 slide), Etymology. For Anne Brearley, whose work on J17254 (10 males, 1.6-2.0mm; 19 females and juveniles, the biology of these isopods has discovered so largest2.6mm).BremerBay(34°24'S, 119°26'EN)M,PVosidonia ostenfeldii leaves, T. Carruthers, 3 Jun 1991, J17249 much. (1 male, 1.85mm, 1 slide),J17250(2 males, 1.5-1.9 mm, 7 females, 1.6-2.3 mm). Little Boat Harbour, Bremer Bay Distribution. Geraldton, Western Australia, to Ceduna, SouthAustralia; from burrows in leaves r(u3t4h°e2r4s',S,121J1a9°n261'9E9)2,,PWosAidMon5i2a-9ro3b(e8rtsspoenciiameenlsea)v.es,T. Car- of Posidonia australis and P. sinuosa; to 9m depth. Description. Body, pale yellow in preserved material, about 8-9 times as long as wide; pere- Remarks. Lynseia annae is immediately recog- onitesshorterposteriorly; pleon about0.4oftotal nisable from its body proportions and the pleo- length. Pleonite 5 0.5 length ofpleotelson. Pere- telson which develops lateral and anterior crests on generally smooth. Pleotelson mid-dorsally in more mature specimens. Other diagnostic convex, with lateral crests weakly raised; dorsal characters are the corneous apex on the uropod surface structurewithoutscales,posteriormargin exopod, lack ofa seta on the maxilliped epipod, without setae or scale spikes. thelargeseparatepenes, three coupling hookson Clypcus produced forward ofantennae by dis- pleopod 1, only 2largepapposesetaeon the inner tance equal to width of antenna 1 peduncle. lobe of maxilla I , and mandibular palp of one Antenna 1 with minute scale or absent; flagel- article. The rami of pleopod 5 were narrower in lumof2 articles, second article with about4aes- one of the individuals dissected than the other thetascsand 3 simple setae. Antenna2 about0.85 (Fig. 3d, e). times as long as antenna 1; flagellum single arti- The ornamented pleotelson was usually held cle with 5 distal setae. Mandibular palp lacking, strongly inclined to the remaining body, appar- replaced by2 simplesetae; rightincisorwith sub- ently to obstruct the burrow. In seagrass leaves apical tooth; lacinia mobilis absent; spine row they wereoften found in pairs, with femaledeep- with 6-8 spines on right, absent on left. Maxilla er in the burrow. The animal was seen mostly I innerlobe with 3 plumosesetae;outerlobe with with its lateral margins touching thethinnestsur- 9 apical setae. Maxilla 2 inner lobe with 6 sim- faceofthe leaves, feedingonly on the mesophyll ple setae plus longer oblique plumose seta, mid- cells between theepidermisofthe emergentleaf. dle and outer lobes as long as inner lobe, with 4 Up to 75% of leaves were burrowed at Rottnest and 2 setae respectively. Maxillipedal epipod I. Burrows may branch and minorbranches con- elongate, 5 times as long as wide, not reaching tained smallerindividuals (Brearley and Walker, base ofpalp, with 1 seta; palp reaching as far as 1993). endite, with 3 articles; endite with 3 curved pap- Four ovigerous females were found, all with posesetae lateral to2distomedial papposesetae, eggs in asingle longitudinal row (3^1 eggseach). with coupling hook. In Limnoria and Paralitnnoria there are usually Coxae2-7 withclearlateral sutures. Pereopod several eggs abreast. 1 propodus with 2 posterodistal comb-setae or2 The species has a wide distribution in central basally thickened simplesetae. Pereopod4 short- andsouth-eastern Western Australiaand has been est; pereopod I 1.7 times as long, pereopod 5 2.3 found in western South Australia. The species times as long, pereopods 6 and 7 2.7 times as was not found in searches in Shark Bay, Western long as pereopod 4. Secondary unguis of 186 LAURIEJ. COOKSON AND GARY C. B. POORE Figure4. Lynseiadianaesp. nov. a, habitus, b, pleonite 5 andpleotelson (plusdetailofsurface), c, d, antennae fp1eo,md2a.l2ee,,,5f.,Ng1M,,uVpreorJpe1oo7dp2.o5d2as,.i1S,,cma4a,lle7e.,lihNn,eMmse=Vru0J.s11a3mn2md3.9c;arbp,ues-go,fjp,e1r,emoaploed,7N.Mi,VpenJe1s7,2l5a1t;erca,lda,ndh,vmenatlrea,lNviMeVwsJj17k24p9l-eok- NEW SPECIES OF LYNSEIA AND TRANSFER OFTHEGENUS TO LIMNORIIDAE 87 1 Figure 5. Lynseia dianae sp. nov. a, right mandible, b, c, left maxillae 1, 2. d, left maxilliped. e, labium, a-e, male, NMV J17251; e, male, NMV J17249. pPeerreeooppoodds71caanrdpu7sswiimtphle2,-w3itchompbo-ssteetraieor,smeeturlues. cploeds;0e.n2dloepnogdth0.o9fteinmdeospaosdl,olnagmaisnapre,duwnictlhe;2eaxpoi-- and carpus with or without tubercle. Ischium of cal setae. pereopods 5-7 with large anteriorplumose seta. Etymology.ForDianaWalkerwhoseconcernfor Penes short, less than twice as long as broad, the health ofseagrasses has led to the discovery separate but contiguous. ofthese two new species. Oostegites on pereopods 3 and 4. Pleopods 1-4 with 2 coupling hooks. Exopod Distribution. South Western Australia, from plumose setae mostly apical on pleopods 1 and Perth to Bremer Bay; in burrows in leaves of 2, apical and lateral on pleopods 3 and 4. Pleo- Posidoniacoriacea, P. ostenfeldiiandP. robert- pod 2 with plumose setae up to 1.5 times as long soniae. asexopod; on maleappendix masculinareaching Remarks. The key feature separating Lynseia bpma0r.ioet9ddyilotcaeuinbnlmdoageuttsiethona0nsdo.of5olfpoteenoingnmddedoasotpsipoapesod,n.dladoroaPntnplgitoeceaoudrslpioaoeotfrndidptnoo5lgpeewopoxidrpot,oophxdeoi2nd2m,darorelapaxmomoitd,-io dmstdiohiofnearf;nedearowesreesllifalonlrndpgoaeoamrvsteeseLa.lefsoiosasprniesmnnld,gaigleihaa,sttseltwryihahmelciposcclnrhehveasesphtxeeas.csoaoIrfonnendtlaaahdyrbedysipsetllunieintooggnthau,etnillidy-st wiUthroouptosdetpaeed.uncle withoutposterolateral tuber- on pereopod 1, lacking setaeand scale spikes on LAURIEJ. COOKSON AND GARY C. B. POORE the posterior margin of the pleotelson, possess- Lynseia himantopoda Poore ing a simple setaon the maxilliped epipod, only twocoupling hooks on pleopod 1, having alam- Figure 6 — inaruropodal exopod, havingthreeplumosesetae LynseiahimantopodaPoore, 1987: 259-263, figs 1-4. on the inner lobe ofmaxilla 1, and in lacking a Brearleyand Walker, 1993: 417, 420,425. mandibularpalp. Lynseiadianaediffersfrom bothotherspecies 145M°a1t9e'rEi)a,laerxtiafmiicinaeld.seVaigcrtaosrsi,a.G.RhEydiglasrp,it,29PhiSlelpip1I.99(138°N28M'SV, by: large plumose seta on ischium ofpereopods J13099(6specimens). 5-7, longer basis on pereopod 7, narrow maxil- South Australia. Port Macdonnell Pier (38°03.5'S, lipedepipod, very shortseparatepenes, only two 140°42.1'E), 0.5m, Heterozostera tasmanica leaves, G. C. flagellararticles on antenna 1, and four setae on B. Poore and R. S. Wilson, 13 May 1990 (stn CRUST 81), the middle lobe ofmaxilla 2. NMVJ20403(1 male). ItdiffersfromL. himantopodain havingacou- Western Australia. Thomson Bay, Rottnest I. (32°0'S, pling hook and more apical setae on the maxil- 115°33'E), 2m, HetWerAozMostera tasmanica leaves, A. Brear- aliplilipicepdaealdlaplelnpudamiltope,s,eptlhseeroteapeeo,ndosptl3oe-no4peowadirtt5ihcwlbeiostthhonltawttoherearlmamaaixn.-d llReeoyay,vaels2,3HGaJ.rabnEodug1ra9,r9,E1,2si8deJa(n351°9059381'-,S9,N31M(171V°75J3s'2pE1e)8c,0i6m1e.(n51sm),m.aPloePs)ri.idnocneisas On some specimens examined (from slidesand Distribution. SoutherncoastofAustralia, central in situ), the antennal scale was detected while in Victoria to region of Perth, Western Australia; others it was so small that it could not be certain burrows inmleaves of Heterozostera tasmanica; that it was separate from the peduncle. One to about 2 depth. ovigerous female carried a single embryo 0.23 Remarks. New material extends the range ofthis MotohaseOrtnelmlgeiyinotgetn1sh7owo%nefrpteohefermelwioehnpaoeovlddeess(a3Bonrfaienmatadrhlle4,e.yihnoastntwdoplWpaaanlitrksseroa,ft rtcshepoeecncofeiriaendsseetddteort3nso8osHu%tteahttoeeefsrr.nolzBeWoraesevstaeterserlrwaeinyttAhaausnsbmdtuarrWnarialoiclawaksewahrsnee(irat1er9is9itt3hii)ens 1993). leaf sheath at Rottnest I. The burrows were Figure 6. Lynseiahimantopoda Poore, 1987. Habitus (from Poore, 1987).

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