TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttca 7>'ans.IepidS,oc,JL")an57 (4):335-353, September2006 New species ofEupithecia (Lepidopt Geeromae,tridae) from China, part V V.G, MiRoNovi),A, C. GALswoRTHy2) & D. XuE') i' Zoological Institut ReAS, Universitetskaj naab,, 1, RU- 199034. Saint Petersburg ,Russia 2' The Britis hMuseum (Natu rHiasltory) ,Cromwell Road, SW7 5BD, London ,Unite dKingdom 3) Institut oef Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19 Zhongguancun Lu Haidian, Beijing ,100080 China Abstract r2 new species of Eupithecia (Lepidopt eGreoam,etridae) are described from China. Key words Revision, Eupithecia blenn asp. n., Eupithecia verprota sp. n., Eupithecia spissata sp. n., Eupithecia nirvana sp. n., Eupithecia serpentigena sp, n,, Eupitheeia falvidony aspt. an., Etrpitheci aatuni sp. n,, Eupithecia phantastica sp. n,, Eupitheci aactrix sp. n., Ettpithec sieavera sp, n,, Eupitheci maagiea sp. n. and Eupithe(:i avillica sp. n., taxonomy, Introduction This is the fift ihn a series of papers describin ngew species of Chinese Eupitheci afrom col- lection sin Bonn and Munich, the background to which was given in the fir sftour papers (Mirono vet at,, 2004a, b, c, d). The purpose of these papers is to publis hdetail osf new species (i nmany cases discovered in newly collected material) in advance of the publication of a genera lreview of the genus in China. In this paper we describ ea funher twelve new species (E .blenna sp. n., E. verprota sp, n., E, spissata sp. n,, E. nirvana sp. n., E. serpenti- gena sp. n., E. falvidor sspa.t na., E. at"ni sp. n., E. phantastica sp. n., E, actrix sp, n., E. E. E, severa sp. n., magica sp. n, and villica sp. n.). We are gratefu tlo Dr D. StUning (ZFMK, Bonn) and Dr A. Hausmann (ZSM, Munich) fbr kind support of the authors when visiting respectively the Bonn Museum and the Zoologische Staatssarnmlungen, Munich; also to Dr L. Ronkay, Budapest, and his col- league sfor their indefatigab llaebour in sorting out the Vojnits material. Thanks are also due to the Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaf t(DFG ;grant No. 436 RUS 17199102) and to the Royal Society L,ondon, whose grant has enabled Dr Mironov to work in London, Finally we are gratefu t1o Malcolm Scoble at BMNH for reading the manuscript and commenting helpfu11y. Abbreviation sZ:FMK: Zoologische sForschungsinstitu tund Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (Germany)Z;SM: Zoologisches Staatssarnmlung MUnchen (Germany);ZISP: Zoologica lInstitu RtAeS, Saint-Petersb u(rRgussi aIZ)C;AS: Institut eof Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences B,eljing C,hina. Eupitheci ablenna Mironov & Galsworthy ,sp. nov. (Fig .1) Descriptio n(8?) .Wingspan 22.5-24 mm; fore wing 13-13.5 mm. Fore wing elongate with slightly bowed costa, oblique termen and pointe dapex (i nthe two paratyp emales the fbre wings are narrower, more elongate and pointe dthan in the female); ground colour dark brownis hgrey ;transverse line sinconspicuou sexcept postmedian ,which is oblique, and right angled near costa behind disca ldot ;terminal area slightly darke rwith narrow, crooked whitish subterminal line and small tornal spot; terminal line narrow, brownish black ,finely interrupte dat vein endings; disca ldot smal1, narrow and oblique, black ,Fringe sbrownish grey, slightly chequered brown. Hind wing elongate, rather dirt ywhite along costa and in NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 336 V,G.MIRoNov,A. C.GALswoRTHy& D, XuE ee,.entw"kesew esgerzesk ew imj es ss eees ee twewtwkee・ asl .r' ee wwVttsi',.,.fi ectxe \#}i ee e・es eee \" ts ' eeee'es tw stly ee ge .eemaeqdrkwyas.,ifgee.eegee Figs 1-6, Eupithecia adults (Sca ]bear=1 mm). 1. E. htenna sp. nov. 2. E, veFT]rota sp. nov, 3. E. spissata sp, nov. 4. E. nirvana sp, nov, 5, E, serpenttgena sp. nov. 6. E.fLflvidoi's astp.a nov, the middle and brownish grey along terminal and anal margins; postmedian line well marked near anal margin; terminal lin eand fringe sas fore wing; disca ldot mjnute, round- ed, dark brown, smaller than on the fore wing. Male genitali a(Fi g1,3) .Uncus short and narrow, biapica lV.alve narrow, slightly curved, sharply tapered to apex, with very narrow, rounded apex; broad ventral processe sclose to bases of valvets, asymmetrical: narrower and more rounded on the right valve, broader and obtuse on the lef tvalve; sacculus heavi] ysclerotized, Vinculum rather short and wide, al- most a semicircle. Papi]la oen the anterior arms of labide selongate and narrow. Aedeagus long and slim, equal to lengt hof valve. Vesica multiply granulat ewi,th numerous oblique wrinkles, armed with one long plate which has thickened Iongitudin amalrgins and one small irregula rplat enear ductus ejaculat boarsei ,uSsterni tAe8 smal1, short, peg-like ,with relatively broad and rounded, narrowly sc]erotized apex and with a les ssclerotized medial blotch nearer to base ;latera lmargins stronger sclerotized; basa lhollow very shallow. Female genita] i(aFig ,16) .Bursa copulatrix large o,vate, membranous, covered with dense spines of varying sizes on the right side, ranging from very small near base and gradually mcreasing towards colliculum. Ductus bursae almost abgent, spineless, Ductus seminalis uncinate, recurved, attached to corpus burgae near it sbase at the lcf tside, Colliculu mcol- NII-Electronic Library Service ee ee, TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan wh1 re eXs, l 1,, Eiu)tthecftraomChina,Pdrt5 337 eegzez,ts g -es・esg es ec e e ec eseleee 1 xge .,. k.'.g " , h'$ yw o"me 'Tf' sw 'igeti y ee 1ee - ec asM ttwv s / e 'ss re"Mf$"isgS"'. /ee/ag , #$' ' es /eee s ・ me ms ' /ee/ pteeeq ` ee ' ' " ag ' esec'/ #mpasee va Figs 7-12 Euptthea addults (SLalebar m=m1) 7 - atuni sp nov g E phantastica sp nov 9 E actnxsp noN 10 E severa bp nov 11 E magicasp noi I2 E vtlhcasp nov lar-hk es,hort and relatively broad Antrum membranous Tbrgite A8 almogt square, slight- ly broadened towardg the pogterio redge with rounded posterio rangles Antenor and pogte- Papillae broad rior apophyses short and niu'row analeg medium-gized, rather and rounded Range CentralChma KnowntromSichuanandShaanxiprovinces Simila rspecies This species belongs to the proterva group Externall iyt can be distin- guitshe dw,ith didicul tyfrom Eupitheaa clavoflara Inoue ,1955 by the slightly ldrger winggpan The male and female genital icaan easily be distinguishe dfrom those of E (lav- cfera and other East Asian allied speueb The male genital iaare more or leg sgimilar to those of E costiconvexa Inoue ,1979, but the salve is narrower, with asymmetncal ventral processe st,hc vinculum bi oader, rather trapezium-1ike ,the pdpilla oen the anterior armg of the labide slonger a,nd the eighth sternite with an obtuge, rounded apex, without apica] rods The female genitali aare rather similar to those of E sttbjl{mosa lnoue, 1965 howcver, this latte hras almost unitorm bpines ]n the burga cepulatnx, a na"ower colliculum and longer anterior and posteno rapophyscs Holotypc 9, C Chind, prov Shaanxi ,Fopmg Natura lRegerve, Panda dred, 1,600 m, 6-11 1999,33045'N107D48'E,legV Smiaev&A PIutenko(ZFMK) Paratypes18,locali- iv ty as holotype ,15-20 iv 1999 ,33e45'N 107048'E ,leg V Simaev &A PIutenk o(ZFMK), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 338 V, G,MIRoNov, A. C.GALswoRTI{y & D.XuE 18,China-SichuanD,axue Shan, Gongga Shan,NW Moxi,29041'E101058'N,23.iy-t5. v. 2001, 2,600-3,200 m, leg .V. Siniae v& A. Plutenko ,ex coll. Dr A. Schintlmeist (erZSM). Remarks. The two paratype males are in worn condition; their eighth sternites di(fe rslight- ly from one another by the shapes of the basa llobes. Eupithecia verprota Mironov & Galswerthy ,sp. no" (Fi g2,) Descriptio (n8?) .Wingspan 20-23 mm; fore wing 11,5-12. 5mm. Fore wing elongate, narrow, pointe dwi,th slightly bowed costa and termen; ground colour pale grey; basal area brownish; median lines inconspicuou sf,brming two broad ,brown costal spots; terminal area darker ,brownish with light ,narrow tornal spot; terminal lin enarrow, dark brown, inter- rupted at the vein endings; disca ldot moderately large ,circular, black ,Fringes long ,pale grey ,chequered brown at vein endings. Hind wing elongate, with concave termen and ta- pered apex; ground colour pale, whitish grey; transverse line sclear, wavy, brownish; basal area brown near anal margin; terminal lin eand fringe sas fbre wing; disca ldot circular, smaller and pale rthan on the fore wing. Male genital i(aFi g1.4) .Uncus short, relatively slender, biapica lV,alve narrow, broadened basally with prominent blunt ventral process; sacculus heavil ysclerotized, Vinculum large, wide, semicircular. Papilla eon the anterior arms of labide sshort and wide. Aedeagus stout, slightly curved, broadened anteriorly, equal to length of valve. Vesica covered with numerous minute dentate spikes; armed with one long curved plat ewith thickened longitu- dina lmargins and one small irregu] aprlat enear ductu sejaculat obraiseu ,sStemite A8 very wide, almost triangular, with prominent and wavy latera lmargins, more sclerotized medial- ly; basal hollow shallow; apical hollow very small, Female genital i(aFi g1.8) .Bursa copulatrix large ,ovate, almost completely covered with dense spines of varying sizes except in areas near base of ductus seminalis, colliculum and a curved area between base of ductus seminalis and colliculum on the ventral side; medial spines large rthan basal and apical. Ductus bursae not clearly expressed. Ductus seminalis broadened near base ,curved backwards ,attached to corpus bursae near it sbase on the left side. Colliculu mcollar-like, elongate and relatively narrow. Antrum slightly sclerotized, covered by numerous pores .Ibrgit Ae8 rather elongate, slightly broadened posterior lwiyt,h a shallow medial hollow on the posterio mrargin, rounded posterio arngles and a narrow more sclerotized medial area. Anterio rand posteri oarpophyses relatively long and narrow, slightly expanded to tips .Papilla aenales medium-sized, rather narrow and tapered, Range. CentralChina,Known fromShaanxiprovince. Simila rspecies, This species belongs to theproterva group .It is distinguish efdrom other allied species of this group by the lighte prale grey colour of the wings, the indistin mcetdi- an line sand the presence of dark costal spots on the fore wings. It most resembles large and ligh tspecimens of Eupithecia subbneviata Staudinge r1,897, which is easily distin- guishable in the male genitali sai,nce the valves lack the saccular extension. In the male, the shape of the yalves, with a more prominent ,blunte rventral process ,the very broad eighth sternite, and in the female the differe nshtape of the bursa copulatrix, the djtfere ndtisposi- tion of spines in the corpus bursae and the elongate, narrow colliculum easily distinguish this new species from two other closely related species E, pivterv aButler ,1878 and E. Leech,1897. niphonaria Holotype .8, C. China, prov. Shaanxi ,Foping Natura lReserve ,Panda area, 1,600 m, 6-11, iv.1999, 33e45'N 107048'E,leg.VlSiniaev&A. Plutenko(ZFMK).Paratypes. 4 if"34, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan E"pitheciafromChinaP,art5 339 locali tays holotype b,ut 3 8 with date 15-20 .iv .1999 (ZFMK; 1 8 l 4 in ZISP). Remarks. The name "verprotd; is an anagram of the species name "proteJva", Eupithecia spissat Maironov & Galsworthy ,sp. nev (Fi g3.) Descriptio(nr9).Wingspan20 fore 11 Fore mm; wing mrn. wing slightly elongate; costa and termen slightly bowed; apex tapered; ground colour brownish grey ;transverse line sin- distinc etx,cept to some extent oblique postmedian lin ewhich fOrms a series of black dashes on the veins and is obtusely angled onto the costa; terminal area slightly darker with poorly visible, ligh tand narrow, wavy subterminal lin eand clear rounded, whitish tornal spot; ter- minal lin enarrow, black ,continueus; disca ldot moderately large o,void, black ;fringe cshe- quered pale grey and brown. Hind wing elongate with termen slightly concave near apex; ground colour pale, whitish grey along costa and in the middle, and darker g,rey along ter- minal and anal margins; terminal area with clear, narrow, wavy, whitish subterminal line and small, white tomal spot; terminal lin eand fringe sas fore wing; dark discal dot circu]ar or ovoid, smaller and paler than on the fore wing. Male genitali a(Fig ,15) .Uncus small, rather short and slim, biapica lwi,th broad and nar- row basal lobes .Valve shaped lik ean orange segment, evenly tapered to apex, with narrow- ly rounded apex and without ventral process; sacculus lightl syclerotized. Vinculum small, very short, medium width, gently curved, PapMae on the anterior arrns of labide smedium- sized, rather broad and s]ightly curved. Aedeagus short and stout, shorter than valve length. Vesica armed with one 1arg eand broad, fusifor mcomutus, one smaller, obtusely pointed, obliquely situated comutus and one very small, irregula rplat enear ductus ejaculatorius base .Sternit Ae8 small, with two narrow, tapered rods; membranous apical hollow broad and deep;basalhollowshallow. Female genital i(aFig 1.7). Bursa copulatrix elongate, rather pouch-like ,broadened basally, heavil ysclerotized at base especially on the right side, with short and broad ,thick-walled diverticul unmear it sbase ;an S-shaped patch of relatively small dense spines covers one side of the corpus bursae ,while a separate patch of dense, Iarger ,stout spines is placed at its ventral side near the base , Ductus bursae not clearly separate and colliculum absent. Ductus seminalis long and narrow; attached to corpus bursae towards it sbase on the left side. Antmm broad ,membrarious. [Ibrgi tA8e small, trapezoid with rounded posterio arn- gles .Anterio rand posteri oarpophyses elongate, narrow and tapered .Papillae anales medi- um-sized, slightly elongate and rounded. Range.China.Known fromSichuanprovince, Similar species. This species belongs to the undnta group .On the basi sof the structure of the male and female genitali Ea,, spissat ais allied to Eupithecia homogrammata Dietze, l908 and E. pygmaeata (Httbn e17r9,9), However, it is externally quite differe nftrom both thes especies. E, spissata is distinguish efrdom E. homogvammata and E, pygmaeata by the 1arge relongated wings, the presence of conspicuous dark disca ldots and large wrhite tornal spots on the fore wings; the absence of ]igh twavy transverse lines on all wings and the lighte hrind wings with clear small disca ldots .The male genital ioaf this new species can easily be distinguish ferdom those of both compared species by the shapes of uncus. valve, vinculum, cornuti on the vesica and eighth sternite. The fema]e genital iaare cioser to ihose of E. p.vgmaeata b,ut can be easily distinguish ebdy the differe ndtispositi oofn spines, the presenc eof a dense group of larg espines on the ventral side of the bursa copulatrix, the spineless heavil ysclerotized area near the base of the corpus bursae ,the broader ,shorter and thick-walled diverticul uamt the base of the corpus bursae ,and the narrower eighth ter- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 340 V.G.MIRoNov,A.C.GALswoRTm・& D.XuE @ k A i"- pm・ gey V v/ e,,,/ majes1eetw ・VE > wa va -tt':ttlttit "ltj7'/' 't"':"t}'/// ・, .fi'Z・1i:i・eg .i,IL,L/,,1-1ij ,.f 't・ :ft t.4/i .-.t tt tt Figs 13-15. Male genitali aof Eupithecia species (sca lbaer=1 mm; with sternite A8; later avilew of uncus and papill aon the anteiior arrn of ]abides enlarged), 13 .E, btetz nsap, nov, 14, E, verpreta sp. nov. 15 .E. spissata sp, nQv, gite and longer apophyses, Holotype, ?, China,Sichuan,Daxue ShanMts.,Gongga Shan,W Moxi,29034'N1010 59'E, ca 3,200 m, 20-21. yiL 1999, leg. Vl Siniae v&A, Plutenk o(ZFMK) .Paratype ,1 8, locali tays holotyp e(ZFMK). Remarks, The single paratyp emale is in a worn condition. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan EupithecifaromChipa,PartS 34] 18 16 Figs 16-18. Female genitali aofEupithecia species <scaleba rm=m)1. 16. E. blenna sp. nov. 17. E. spissat asp. nov. L8. E. verprota sp. nov. Eupitheci anirvana Mironov & Galsworthy, sp. nov. (Fig 4,) Descriptio(ng\).Wingspan2r.5-25 fore 12-13.5 Fore mrn; wing mm. wing rather nar- row and elongate with tapered apex; costa and termen slightly bowed; ground colour brownish grey ,unicolorous; transyerse line sinconspicuou sf,orming three dark spots on costal margin; terminal lin ebrown, narrow and continuous; white tornal spot large and clear, with inner dark shade; discal dot Iarge ,ovate or semicircular, black. Hind wing rather narrow and elongate with concave termen near apex and narrewly rounded apex; ground colour as fore wing but lighte nrear costal margin; transvers eline sinconspicuou st;erminal lin eas fore wing; whitish tornal spot and dark disca ldot are clear but smaller than those on the fore wing. Male genital i(aFig .19) .Uncus rather short and slim, biapica lV,alve large ,elongate and broad with widely sclerotized costal margin and a single spine on the costa near the apex; ventral margin with a shallow medial hollow ;apex tapered; sacculus sclerotized, covered NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 342 V.G,MIRoNov,A.C.GALswollTII&yD.XtJE with numerous minute pores. Vinculum short and wide, tapered anteriorly, Papillae on the anterior arms ef labide selongate and tapered to tips ,Aedeagu slarg el,on gand stout, equal or slightly shorter than length of valve. Vesica armed with one long horn-lik ceornutus, equal to lengt hof aedeagus, with a broad and curved base and slightly broadened near apex, one parall eblut thinner ,shorter and les ssclerotized styloid cornutus and one elongate, twisted plate with a hooked ending near ductus ejaculat boasrei. uSstemite A8 1arge ,broad- ened basall yw,ith two narrow, parall ealpical rods with weakIy broadened and blunt tips; apical hollow membranous, narrow and deep; basal hollow broad and shallow. Female genitali a(Fig 2.2). Bursa copulatrix heavil ysclerotized, funnel-shape wdith two later arolunded promontories close to colliculum and a spineless thick-wall esadc near base; covered with mainly small spines in the medial part and with a VLshaped chain of large spines on the middle of the ventral side of the corpus bursae ;a large ,spherical, membra- nous diverticu lwuitmh a narrow tubulate base attached to median part of corpus bursae from ventral side. Ductus bursae not well developed ,Ductus seminalis short, broadened basa]ly ;attached to median part of corpus bursae from dorsa lside, Colliculu malmost plate-lik eb,road ,heavil ysclerotized as bursa .Antrum broad ,poriferou sh,eavil syclero- tized . Tiergi tAe8 short and broad, trapezoid with shallow medial hollow on the anterior margin. Anterior and posteri oarpophyses very short, rather thick. Papillae anales relatively largeb,road and rounded. Range.China,Known fromSichuan province. Simila rspecies, This species belongs to the unclata group ,It is most similar to Eupithecia vana Nitijni 1t9s7,9 and can easily be confused with it :it can generall bye distinguish ebdy the 1arge rsize, the more elongate and pointe dfore and hind wings, the les sdark costal spots and the rather larger disca ldots on the fore wings. The male genitali aof E, nirvana have a slightly shorter tip to the uncus with the base les sbroad ,a longer apical spine on the valve with a les sbroad and prominent base ,a tapered vinculum without medial hollow ,a shorter horn-lik ceomutus with les sbroadenin gat the apex, and only one styloid cornutus on the vesica (E .vana has two similar styloid cornuti); the apical rods of the eighth sternite are also slightly breader and more rounded than in E, vana, The female genitali aof E nirvana are easily distinguish ferdom those of E. vana by the funnel-shap ebdursa copulatrix with a differen tdispositio nof spines, the shorter and broader diverticul uamt the base of the corpus bursae and the shorter anterior apophyses, Holotype.8,China,Sichuan,Daxue ShanMts,Gongga Shan,NW Moxi, 29041'N 1010 58'E, 14-19 .vii. 1999, ca 2,850 m, leg .Vl Siniae v&A. PIutenko (ZFMK). Paratypes. 59, locali tays holotype ,but 2 9 were col]ected at a]titude about 3,200 m, 29034'N 101C59"E, 20-21, vii, 1999 (ZFMK and 2 9 in ZISP), Eupithecia Mironov& Gaiswonhy, (Fig5) serpentigena sp. nov. Descriptio (n9) .Wingspan 21 mm; fore wing 12 mm, Fore wing relatively broad ,costa slightly bowed, apex rounded, termen gentl ycurved. Ground colour pa]e grey ,darker at apex and marginal area. [Iiw oconspicuous dark patches on costa. Inner and median trans- verse lines not expressed, postmedian present as a narrow black crenulate line ,sharply an- gled at leve lof disca ldot and running inwards to connect with outer dark patch on costa; a broad grey postmedia nfasci aoutside postmedian line .Disca ldot black ,larg eand square. [[eminal lin edark brown, thinge sgrey .Hind wing rounded triangular, clear white, with marked grey-brown shading in whole area ef anal margin, Discal dot small, round. [rermina llin ebrown, fringe cshequered white and grey-brown. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 343 Eupitheciafrom China,Part5 Female genital i(aFi g2.4). Very distincti vBeu,rsa copulatrix small, globula rme,mbranous, almost completely covered with very small, thin spines except area near ductus seminalis base ,Ductus bursae broad ,e!ongated, slightly curved, with sclerotized band along the mid- d]e, also with prominent diveniculu mat right side and two small patche sof small spines (on eapical and the other Iarger ,U-shaped, in the middle of the ductus bursae) ,Ductus sem- inali lsong and narrow, sharply broadened at base ,broadly attached to the middle part of the corpus bursae from lef tside, Colliculu mnot evident. Antrum broad ,membranous, Tergite A8 small, narrew and slightly elongate, trapezoid, with rounded posterio crorners. Anterior and posterio arpophyses rather short and narrow. Papilla aenales smal], short and rounded, Male unknown. Range. Known only from the holotyp especimen, which was collected at 1,100 m in the Wanglang nature reserve north of Chengdu in Sichuan province. Simila rspecies. In outward appearance, the combination of a strong disca ldot, a strongly crenulate postmedian line ,a broad grey postmedian fascia ,and a generall gyrey cast to the fore wing are distinct ivThee, coloration and pattem is similar to amicula Mironov & Galsworthy ,2004, but the postmedian is a diiiere nshtape, and the disca ldot stronger, Externally the species also resembles stataria Inoue, 1988, which however has very difEer- ent genitali aT.he female genitali ain fac tdo not fal lobviously into any particul agrroup, and could not be mistaken fbr any other species, but the appendix to the ductu sbursae is a littl reeminiscent of ivbiginascens Prout ,1926, and thi sspecies could be related to it .There is also some similarity in the patter onf the genital itoa gummaensis Inoue ,1980, Holotype .9, China, Sichuan ,Pinglu ,Wanglang, 1,100 m, 2. viii. 1999, leg, Zhou Kan, L-3148(IZCAS). slide no. Eupithecia.tLelvido rMsiartoanov & Galsworthy, sp. nov (Fi g6.) Descriptio (n8) ,Wingspan 15-17 mm; fbre wing 8.5-9. 0mm, Fore wing rather broad with slightly bowed costa and termen; apex tapered; ground colour grey ;transvers eline sin- visible; costal margin darker ,almost black ,especially in the middle and towards apex; ter- minal area slightly darker ,dark grey with narrow ligh twavy subterminal line ;terrninal line narrow, black ,interrupt ebdy veins; disca ldot relatively large ,ovate, black ,Fringe slight grey ,almost unicolorous, only slightly spotted with dark grey at vein endings. Hind wing rather broad ,with slightly concave termen; ground colour slightly lighte trhan fore wing; transyers elines inconspicuous; terminal line as fore wing; disca ldot circular, smaller and pale rthan on fore wing; fringe sas fbre wing. Head, notum and abdomen covered with rusty ochreous scales. Male genital i(aFig 2.1) .Uncus medium sized, biapica l.Vitlv ewith two heavily sclero- tized ,prominent ,blun tventral processe sand a narrow and deep hollow between them; apex of valve narrowly reunded; sacculus heavily sclerotized. Vinculum ]arge ,relatively long and wide, trapezoid .Papilla eon the anterior arms of labides of medium size, unmodified, Aedeagus rather slim, equal to or slightly shorter than length of valve. Vesica armed with three relatively short, slightly curved horn-lik ceornuti (on ean apical cornutus with blunter tip), one elongate and twisted VLshaped plat ewith two pointe dends ef whjch one is longer than the other, and connecting with a small irregula rplate near ductus ejaculat obraiseu.s Sterni tAe8 heavily sclerotized, short, triangular, basall ybroadened ,with more sclerotized later amlargins and two divergi nsgh,ort and blunt apical rods; basa lhollow narrow and deep. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 344 V.G,MIRoNov, A.C.GAI.swoRTHy & D. XItE /f,al・i S nyee..・twajg,r・ ,.. il,,4":.・:i/'1/';:;;sv, 'k.W"' ij.i.・.1・1,,. giil' .Eeqtt"t'u:/,/ig;・:.l'-" 't,・l・・sllt,"' ISkL " .te{tTf ngl'"/tt,. s////'/'it,lt/lt'i''//// wtK/V2''7;tS. 'va""'ill;'i.ij,;E"..''vaas'[S: ・ SPJ Figs 19 - 21 .Male genitali aof Eupithecia species (sca lbaer=] mm; with sternite A8; later avilew of uncus and papill ean the anterior arm of iabides enlarged). 19. E. niFvana sp, nov, 20. E. m ag lc a sp .n ov. 2I. E,julvidorsat asp. nov. Female unknown. Range, Central China,Known from Shaanxi province, NII-Electronic Library Service