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2002. The Journal of Arachnology 30:84-97 NEW SPECIES OF EREMOBATIDAE (ARACHNIDA, SOLIFUGAE) FROM NORTH AMERICA Jack O. Brookhart and Paula E. Cushing: Department of Zoology, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver, Colorado 80205-5798 USA, E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Five new species of Solifugae are described from North America: Eremobcites chihiiaen- sis, Eremobates gerbae, Hemerotrecha sevilleta, Hemerotrecha cornuta, Eremochelis oregonensis as well as the females of Eremocosta gigasella (Muma, 1970), and Eremobcites polhemusi Muma & Brookhart, 1988. Keywords: Taxonomy, solpugida, camel spiders, sun spiders, wind scorpions The solifuges of North America are among and Brookhart & Muma (1981). Microscopic the best known in the world due to the exten- measurements were made at 25x using a sive publications of the late Martin Muma. Bausch and Lomb Stereozoom 7 binocular The last major taxonomic publications dealing microscope. A glass slide was lightly pressed with North American solifuges (Muma 1987, across the structures of smaller specimens in Muma & 1989; Brookhart 1988) raised the order to impose a level plane of measurement. number of named taxa in U.S.A. and Canada This was particularly useful in measurements to 175 species in 10 genera, of which four of the propeltidium and the female genital genera belong to the Ammotrechidae (Am- operculum. Gross measurements using a plas- motrechci Banks, Ammotrechella Roewer, Am- tic ruler were made to the nearest 0.5 mm. motrechula Roewer and Branchia Muma) and Measurements using the ocular micrometer seven belong to the Eremobatidae {Eremoba- were made to the nearest 0.1 mm. Drawings tes Banks, Eremocosta Roewer, Eremorhax were made using a camera lucida mounted to Roewer, Horribates Muma, Chanbria Muma, an Olympus S7H binocular microscope. Mea- Eremochelis Roewer, Eremothera Muma, and surements given in the description are in mil- Hemerotrecha Banks). limeters. Paratype measurements are given as Despite this impressive tally, new species ranges where appropriate. Ratios listed below are constantly being discovered, and our ex- were used as described in Muma (1951), amination of material from Sevilleta Long Brookhart & Muma (1981), and Muma & Term Ecological Research Site (LTER), So- Brookhart (1988). Diagrams illustrating the corro County, New Mexico, along with ma- method of measurement can be found in terial collected by the authors and material Muma & Brookhart (1988). Additionally we sent for inspection from various institutions used the ratio of chelicera width to width of has identified five new eremobatid species and fixed finger in those species in which the fon- the first females of Eremobates polhemusi dal notch was absent or obscure. Muma & Brookhart 1988 which had been de- Abbreviations: PT = principal tooth; AT = scribed from a single male, and Eremocosta anterior tooth; MT = medial tooth; IT = in- gigasella Muma 1970 which had been de- termediate tooth; MST = mesal tooth; PL = PW scribed from several males collected in Texas propeltidium length; = propeltidium CW and Mexico. Descriptions of these species are width; CL = chelicera length; = chelic- presented below. era width; FEW = fixed finger width; FL = FW = fond length; fond width. METHODS Ratios: A/CP: The sum of the lengths of the Measurements were made using the meth- palpus, leg I and leg IV divided by the sum ods described by Muma (1951, 1962 & 1970) of length of the chelicera and propeltidium in- 84 BROOKHART & CUSHING—NEW SPECIES OF SOLIFUGAE 85 dicating length of legs in relation to body size. posed to one fifth in E. durangonus and one The larger the number, the longer legged is third in E. suspe—ctus. the species. FL/FW indicates whether the che- Description. Male holotype: total length licera fondal notch is longer or wider. Longer 22, chelicera length 5.1, chelicera width 2.3, is defined as the anterior to posterior axis and propeltidium length 2.4, propeltidium width width is defined as the dorsal to ventral axis. 3.4, palpus length 16, first leg length 11.5, FW/FFW diagnoses the size of fondal notch fourth leg length 22. Ratios: A/CP 6.8, CL/ compared to the thickness of fixed finger. CW/ CW 2.3, FL/FW 0.6, WFF/FW 0.5, CW/WFF, FFW is used to indicate whether the fixed che- 8.1. Male paratypes (2).- total length 22.5-25, licera finger is thin or robust in relation to the chelicera length 4. 1-5.2, chelicera width 1.7- GOL/GOW size of the chelicera. demonstrates 2.4, propeltidium length 2. 1-2.4, propeltidium the relative size of the female genital oper- width 2.7-3.4, palpus length 16-19, first leg culum in terms of length and width. 11.4-12, fourth leg 19-23. Ratios: A/CP 7.1- Acronyms used in this paper are as follows: 7.5, CL/CW 2.0-2.4, FL/FW 0.5-0.7, WFF/ AMNH = American Museum of Natural His- FW 0.6-0.7, CW/WFF 6.1-8.6. tory, N. Platnick; BYU = BrighamYoung Overall color in alcohol dusky yellow. Pro- University, Richard Bauman; CSU = Colo- peltidium slightly darker than rest of body rado State University, Boris Kondratieff; with brownish-violet blotches anteriorly, eye DMNH = Denver Museum of Nature and Sci- tubercle dark, abdominal tergites dusky. Pal- UNM = ence, Paula Cushing; University of pal tarsi, metatarsi, and anterior edges of pro- New Mexico, Sandy Brantley and Dick Fa- peltidium tinged a faint brownish violet (Figs. gerlund; USU = Utah State University, Wil- 1 & 2), malleoli white. Chelicerae without ford Hansen, markings. Fixed finger straight, smooth ven- trally, typical of pallipes group with a well Family Eremobatidae Kraepelin 1901 defined, narrow mesoventral groove extending Subfamily Eremobatinae Kraepelin 1901 from tip of chelicera ending in a cup basally Genus Eremobates Banks 1900 beneath the flagellum complex. Movable che- Eremobates gerbae, new species licera finger with larger PT and smaller AT, Figs. 1-7 two distinct IT between PT and AT, the pos- — Material examined. Male holotype, female al- terior larger and located at the notch of PT lotype, 2 6 and 1 9 paratype collected from wet and dorsal edge of FF. MST intermediate in pitfall traps at Mack Burn Area, Rincon Mountains, size. Fondal notch wider than long with 2-3 Cochise County, Arizona, USA by Peggy Gerba, 14 small denticles visible mesally. Relative size August-8 October, 1995 (deposited at DMNH). — of fondal teeth graded I, III, II, IV ectally and & Etymology. This species is named for the mesally (Figs. 3 4). Flagellum complex typ- collector, Peg—gy Gerba of Tucson, Arizona. ical of Eremobates group with apical plumose Diagnosis. Eremobates gerbae is placed bristle large, distinct, occupying approximate- in the E. pallipes group (Muma 1951) based ly 75% of mesoventral groove. Palpus with on the shape of the mesal groove of the male 35-48 small, white, rounded papillae on pal- fixed finger, the shape of the dorsal aspect of pal metatarsus (Fig. 2). No ctenidia on first the male fixed finger, and the shape of the fe- post-spiracular sternite. male genital operculum. It appears to be Eemale allotype: total length 18, chelicera closely related to both E. durangonus Roewer length 5.1, chelicera width 2.1, propeltidium Muma 1934 and E. suspectus 1951. Males of length 3.0, propeltidium width 3.8, palpus E. gerbae are distinguished from both by the length 17, first leg length 12, fourth leg length presence of palpal papillae which are absent 18. Ratios:AlCP 5.8, GOL/GOW 0.6. Eemale in E. durangonus and E. suspectus. Male col- paratype: total length 20, chelicera length 5.2, oration is much lighter than E. durangonus. chelicera width 2.2, propeltidium length 2.9, The male fondal notch of E. gerbae is wider propeltidum width 3.6, palpus 19, first leg than its length while E. suspectus is longer length 12, fourth leg length 16. Ratios: A/CP GOL/GOW than wide. The medial notch of the genital 5.8, 0.9. operculum in E. gerbae is wide, almost equal Coloration in alcohol as in the males. Pal- to its width, and extends approximately two pus lightly tinged brownish-violet on tarsus thirds of the medial opercular length as op- and distal end of metatarsus, without palpal 86 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Figures 1-7. Eremobates gerbae new species. 1-4. male holotype. 1. Male propeltidium, dorsal view; 2. Male right palpus, mesoventral view; 3. Male right cheiicera, ectal view; 4. Male right chelicera, mesal view, 5-7. female allotype. 5. Female right palpus, mesoventral view; 6. Female right cheiicera, ectal view; 7. Female genital operculum, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. BROOKHART & CUSHING—NEW SPECIES OF SOLIFUGAE 87 papillae or ctenidia (Fig. 5). Fixed chelicera Overall color in alcohol dusky yellow, an- finger with PT and MT large, AT smaller. Two terior fringes of the propeltidium blotched small but defined IT between PT and MT, one brownish-violet; abdominal segments darker IT between MT and AT Movable chelicera both ventrally and dorsally. Palpus tinged with finger with large PT, a slightly smaller AT, 2 blotched brownish-violet markings at the api- MST & distinct IT and a visible (Fig. 6). Genital cal end of tarsus (Figs. 8 9). Malleoli white. operculum distinctive with two separated, Chelicera typical of members of pallipes raised scleritized plates, posterior edges group with a deep, thin mesoventral groove straight, interior margin U-shaped for three running from chelicera tip to under origins of fourths of its length, anterior arms undulate at flagella complex, widening slightly posterior- the margins —(Fig. 7). ly. Fixed finger narrow, smooth, without den- Remarks. Males of Eremobates gerbae ticles. Movable finger with large PT, AT go to key couplet seven in Brookhart and smaller, two IT with the posterior larger and Muma MST (1981) which separates E, durangonus on the PT, visible but small. Fondal V and E. suspectus. The type locality lies some- notch shaped, longer than wide. Fondal what between that of E. durangonus which teeth graded I, III, II, IV ectally and mesally SW & apparently reaches its northern limits in (Figs. 10 11). Flagella complex typical of New Mexico and E. suspectus which is en- pallipes group with large apical plumose bris- demic to the White River Basin of Arizona tle occupying 90% of mesovental groove. Pal- (Brookhart & Muma 1981). E. gerbae is pus with 50-59 small, white papillae on dor- known only from type locality. somesal area of palpal metatarsus, entire palpus with numerous short cylindrical setae Eremobates chihuaensis new species interspersed with thin, elongated setae. Two Figs. 8-12 short ctenidia on ventral, fourth abdominal — Material examined. Male holotype and male segment, extending less than half the length paratype from 22 miles SE of Chihuahua, Mexico, of the succeeding segment (Fig. 12) Females . 25 August 1980 collected by J. B. Karren from the are unknown. USU DMNH). — collection (both deposited at Remarks. Muma (1987) listed four mem- — Etymology. The specific name is an ab- bers of the pallipes group from Mexico, E. breviation of t—he type locality. dinamita (Roewer 1934), E. durangonus Diagnosis. Eremobates chihuaenis is (Roewer 1934), both from Durango, Mexico, placed in the Eremobates pallipes group E. putnami (Banks 1898) from Baja Califor- (Muma 1951) based on the shape and position nia, and E. formicarius (C. L. Koch 1842) & Muma of the mesoventral groove of the male fixed from Puebla, Mexico. Brookhart finger and the unmodified dorsal aspect of the (1981) also postulated that E. woodruffi & Muma fixed finger of the male chelicera. The rela- Brookhart 1981 was at the northern tively large posterior tooth located on the PT end of its range in the Big Bend region of MF of the male as well as the narrow mesov- Texas because of immatures resembling this entral groove distinguishes it from other spe- species found 3 miles south of Renosa, Mex- cies of the group. It goes to couplet two in ico in the state of Tamalipas. Only E. wood- & Muma Brookhart — (1981). ruffi occupies an area that might be sympatric Description. Male holotype: total length with E. chihuaensis. E. woodruffi differs in 20, chelicera length 6.0, chelicera width 2.8, coloration and male cheliceral profile from E. propeltidium length 3.2, propeltidium width chihuaensis. Females are unknown for both of 4.2, palpus length 20, first leg length 15, the previous two species. The relationship of fourth leg length 20. Ratios: A/CP 6.0, CL/ E. chihuaensis to each of these species cannot CW 2.1, FL/FW 1.7, WFF/FFW 0.83, CW/ be clarified until more specimens are collected WFF 4.7. Male paratype: total length 23, che- from Mexico. licera length 5.4, chelicera width 2.3, Muma & Eremobates polhemusi Brookhart propeltidium length 2.2, propeltidum width 1988 3.7, palpus length 19, first leg length 15, fourth leg length 23. Ratios: A/CP 7.5, CL/ Figs. 13-16 CW 2.3, FL/FW 1.0, WFF/FW 0.83, CW/ Eremobates polhemusi Muma & Brookhart, 1988: WFF 3.6. 18-19, figs. 50-52. THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 88 — Figures 8-12. Eremobates chihuaensis new species. 8-12, male holotype. 8. Male propeltidium, dorsal view; 9. Male right palpus, mesoventral view; 10. Male right chelicera, ectal view; 11. Male right chelicera, mesal view; 12. Male fourth abdominal segment showing ctenidia, ventral view. Scale bar = mm. 1 — Material examined. UNITED STATES: palpal length 15, first leg length 14, fourth leg Utah: San Juan County: 36, 39, 4 miles N. of length 23. Ratios: A/CP 5.1, GOL/GOW 0.5. Bluff, collected by Jack and Irene Brookhart in wet Color in alcohol straw yellow to creamy in- can traps set 27 May 2000 and collected 26 August cluding the propeltidium (Fig. 13); abdomen 2000 (deposited at DMNH). No female allotype slightly darker ventrally and dorsally; palpus designated for this species in original description (Muma & Brookhart 1988). and legs straw yellow to dusky yellow. Mal- — leoli white. Palpus covered with numerous cy- Description. Female: total length 26, lindrical bristles giving a dusky brown color- chelicera length 7.2, chelicera width 2.9, pro- ation to the apical tip of the tarsus (Fig. 14). peltidium length 2.9, propeltidum width 5.1, Chelicera fixed finger with large PT and MT; BROOKHART & CUSHING—NEW SPECIES OF SOLIFUGAE 89 — Figures 13-16. Eremobatespolhemmi female. 13. Female propeltidium, dorsal view; 14. Female right palpus, mesovental view; 15. Female right chelicera, ectal view; 16. Female genital operculum, ventral view. Scale bar = mm. 1 AT half the size of PT, single, small IT be- Exterior edges curved around a deep opercular tween AT and MT, two small IT between MT pit (Fig. 16).— and PT, MF with large PT and AT, 2 IT be- Remarks* Muma & Brookhart (1988) tween PT and AT, the posterior situated in the identified a single male of Eremobates pol- notch of the PT. Fondal teeth graded III, II, I, hemusi from Giddiegs Trading Post, San IV ectally and III, I, II, IV mesally, mesal Juan County, Utah in their revision of the Er- tooth not visible (Fig. 15). No palpal papillae. emobates palpisetulosus group. The new No ctenidia. Genital operculum typical of-pal- specimens listed here were from a nearby de- pisetulosus group with two separate raised sert grassland locality. Two other pitfall sites, plates, arms slightly enlarged anteriorly and one in the desert shrub 9 miles north of Bluff, expanded dorsally. Posterior edges flattened and the other in a pinon-juniper community and ending in a point on the exterior surface. 14 miles north of Bluff, contained no speci- 90 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 18 — Figures 17-20. Eremocosta gigasella female. 17. Female propeltidium, dorsal view; 18. Female right palpus, mesoventral view; 19. Female chelicera, ectal view; 20. Female genital operculum, ventral view. Scale bar = mm. 1 mens of E. polhemusi during the same time Mexico: Socorro County: 1 9 , collected in wet can span. trap, 26 July 1993, Site 222 during survey of Sev- LTER DMNH). illeta (deposited at Genus Eremocosta Roewer 1934 — Eremocosta gigasella (Muma) Diagnosis Eremocosta gigasella females . Figs. 17-20 differ from the related Eremocosta gigas Eremorhax gigas (Roewer): Muma, 1951: 48, figs (Roewer), a Sonoran species (Muma 1951, 32-33 (misidentification). 1970) by the position of the IT on the fixed Eremorhax gigaselliis Muma, 1970: 8. finger which are separated from the PT on Er- Eremopus gigasellus (Muma): Muma & Muma, emocosta gigasellus and are located on the PT 1988: 11 . of Eremocosta gigas and by the relative size Eremocosta gigasella (Muma): Harvey, 2001: in of the fondal teeth which are graded I, III, II, press. IV in other members of Eremocosta but are — Material examined. UNITED STATES: New graded II, III, I, IV in E. gigasella. — — — BROOKHART & CUSHING—NEW SPECIES OF SOLIFUGAE 91 Description,- Female: total length 26, Etymology.—From the latin cornu (horn) a chelicera length 14.1, chelicera width 6.4, pro^ description referring to the large horn-like se- peltidium length 6.5, propeltidum width 11.0, tae on the dorsal surface of the male chelicera. palpal length 15, first leg length 11.5, fourth Diagnosis, This species is placed in the leg length 19. Ratios: A/CP 2.2, GOL/GOW Hemerotrecha branchi group (Muma 1951) 0.6. based on the structure of the male flagellum Coloration of specimen in alcohol straw complex and the male chelicera! profile which colored with darker abdominal tergites. An- has modified but identifiable teeth on the male terior margin of propeltidium dusky (Fig. 17), fixed finger. Females have the characteristic Malleoli white. Palpi straw colored, with pear-shaped, raised operculum with a longi- dusky tarsi and apical region of metatarsi (Fig. tudinal rather than transverse genital opening. 18). Dentition of chelicera similar to Eremo- It appears most closely related to H. sevilleta, costa striata (Muma, 1951). Fixed finger with new species, H. marathoni Muma 1962 and large PT and MT and smaller AT. Two IT be- H. milsteadi Muma 1962 known from Texas MT MT tween PT and and one IT between (Muma 1962, 1970). It is easily identified by and AT Movable finger with large PT and AT the tiny denticles of the male fixed finger, lack Two IT locatedjust anterior to PT. Mesal tooth of fondal teeth, slightly flatter, wider, shorter present. Foedal teeth graded II, III, I, IV ec- ctenidia, and truncated, notched posterior edge tally and mesally (Fig. 19). Genital operculum of female genital operculum. — as in E. striata, (Muma 1951, fig. 31, p. 46), Description. -Male holotype: total length with long raised arms ending posteriorly in a 8, chelicera length 2.0, chelicera width 0.87, flared flattened inverted funnel like structure. propeltidium length 1.5, propeltidum width Interior margins undulate. Exterior margins I.8, palpal length 7, first leg length 5.5, fourth CL/CW tightly recurved. Posterior margin flattened leg length 10. Ratios:AlCV 6.4, 2.3, (Fig. 20). CW/WFF 4.7. Male paratypes (5) total Remarks.—Muma (1970) renamed some length 8-12, chelicera length 2.0-2.27, che- specimens as Erernorhax gigasellus that he licera width 0.8-1.2, propeltidum length 0.6— had previously called E. gigas (Roewer 1934), 1.1, propeltidum width 0.8-1.2, palpal length based upon examination of the holotype of E. 7-8, first leg length 5.5-6, fourth leg length gigas. He designated a male holotype from 9-11. RatiosiAlCV 6.3-7.7, CL/L7-33, CW/ Boquillas, Texas deposited in AMNH (Muma WFF 3-4.7. Because there was no fond, the 1970), and later (Muma 1976) indicated that ratios FL/FW and WFF/FW were not calcu- this species is known only from several males lated. A in Texas. male Eremocosta gigaseila was Color in alcohol dusky yellow except for also found at the Sevilleta LTER (Brookhart dusky amber markings on tarsus, metatarsus, We and Brantley 2001), were unable to find and tibia of palpus and anterior edges of pro- the male from Brewster County, Texas (Muma peltidium (Figs. 21 & 22). Propeltidium 1951) which probably represents a specimen slightly darker than the rest of body, eye tu- of E. gigaseila. Vazquez (1981) recorded this bercle dark, chelicerae without markings, ab- species from Coahuila and southern Veracruz, dominal tergites dusky. Malleoli white. Fixed A Mexico. female from Chihuahua, Mexico finger undulate with a small denticle near api- (BYU) also fits this new description. Distri- cal end. Mesal groove obscure. Movable fin- bution: Texas, New Mexico, Mexico. ger with small PT and slightly larger AT A small IT anterior to PT and separated by a Muma Subfamily Therobatinae 1951 small notch below PT No fond visible ectally, Genus Hemerotrecha Banks 1903 fond greatly reduced mesally with two tiny Hemerotrecha cornuta new species teeth. Flagellum complex typical of branchi Figs. 21-29 group with flattened striate setae dorsally, api- cal plumose bristles distinct except the apical Material examined. Male holotype, female al- lotype, 5 S paratypes, and 3 ? paratypes collected bristle v/hich is strongly hooked and blunt in wet pitfall traps placed near a gravel wash 6 tipped, ventral bristles also strongly plumose. miles N, of Boone, Colorado, USA, 20 May ~ 20 Several horn-like setae on the dorsal aspect of & June 1976 by Jack Brookhart (deposited at the chelicera (Figs. 23 24). Palpus with 19- DMNH). 30 large, white, clavate papillae on palpal 92 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Figures 21-29 Hemerotrecha cornuta new species. 21-25, male holotype. 21. Male propeltidium; . 22. Male right palpus, mesoventral view; 23. Male left chelicera, ectal view; 24. Male left chelicera, mesal view; 25. Male fourth abdominal segment showing ctenidia, ventral view. 26-29, female allotype. 26. Female right palpus, mesoventral view; 27. Female right chelicera, ectal view; 28. Female right chelicera, mesal view; 29. Female genital operculum, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. metatarsus (Fig. 22) and several small pointed length 2.8, operculum width 0.9, propeltidium setae on palpal tarsus and metatarsus. First length 1,2, propeltidium width 1,8, palpal post-spiracular sternite with two, thin, flat cte- length 7, first leg length 4, fourth leg length nidia extending over less than three-fourths 9.5. Ratios: A/CP 5.2, GOL/GOW 0.7. Fe~ the length of the succeeding tergite (Fig. 25). male paratypes, (4) total length 10-12, oper- Female allotype: total length 10, operculum culum length 2.3-2.9, operculum width 0.8- . BROOKHART & CUSHING—NEW SPECIES OF SOLIFUGAE 93 L8, propeltidium length L5-2.3, propeltidum steadi but can be separated by examining the width 1.7-2.3, palpal length 6-7, first leg shape and denti—tion of the fondal notch. length 4.5-5, fourth leg length 9.5-10.5. Ra- Description. Male holotype: total length GOL/GOW tios:AICP 4.9-5.3, 0.6-0.7. Color 9, chelicera length 2.5, chelicera width 1.8, in alcohol the same as the males. Operculum propeltidium length 1.1, propeltidium width fixed finger with AT, IT and PT, two smaller 1.6, palpal length 7.5, first leg length 6, fourth teeth separate the PT and MT, a single IT sep- leg length 10. Ratios: A/CP 6.7, CL/CW 3.1, arates the MT and AT Movable finger with CW/WFF 2.5. Male paratypes: (5) total length large PT and AT and a smaller IT separated 8-10, chelicera length 2. 1-2.5, chelicera from the PT. Fondal teeth I, II, III equal in width 1.2-2, propeltidium length 1.3-1.5, pro- size with IV somewhat smaller ectally and peltidum width 1.3-2.0, palpal length 7.5-8, mesally (Figs. 27 & 28). No papillae and no first leg length 5-6.5, fourth leg length 8-11. spine-like setae on the palpus (Fig. 26). Gen- Ratios: A/CP 5.8-7.3, CL/CW 2.5/2.8, CW/ WFE ital operculum typical of the branchi group 2.5-3.1 Because there was no visible with two joined, raised, rounded, pear-shaped fond the ratios EL/FW and WFF/FW were not plates surrounding the genital opening. These calculated. plates are expanded laterally at the posterior Color in alcohol dusky yellow except for edges, with a slight notch on the truncated dusky markings on tarsus, metatarsus, tibia, posterior mar—gin (Fig. 29). and apical 1/3 of femur of palpus and anterior & Remarks. The entire type series was col- edges of propeltidium (Figs. 30 31). Che- lected in wet pit fall traps placed in a gravel licera without markings. Propeltidium slightly wash populated with widely spaced salt bush, darker than rest of body, eye tubercle dark, Atriplex canescens. Brookhart (1972) collect- abdominal tergites dusky. Malleoli white. ed in this area but did not record this species Fixed finger with two distinct, small, tightly in Colorado, probably because he used dry pit spaced denticles. Movable finger with approx- fall traps. Brookhart has also collected this imately equal sized PT and AT, tiny IT below species in wet can traps near Peyton Road, El notch of PT. Fondal notch obscure ectally and Paso County, Colorado. Brookhart (1972) re- mesally. One, tiny fondal tooth visible ectally, corded another member of the branchi group, one distinct and one tiny tooth on the fond Muma Muma H. minima 1951 from Colorado. mesally. Mesal groove not visible. Flagellum (1989) suggests that the entire group may complex typical of branchi group with flat- need revision. tened striate setae dorsally, apical plumose bristles distinctly plumose except the apical Hemerotrecha sevilleta new species bristle which is strongly hooked and blunt Figs. 30-38 tipped. Ventral bristles strongly plumose. Dor- — Material examined. Male holotype, female al- sal surface of chelicerae with several horn-like lotype, 4 S paratypes, and 3 $ paratypes collected setae (Figs. 32 & 33). Palpus with 13-25 large 29 July 1991 at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Re- white, clavate papillae on palpal metatarsus, serve, Socorro County, New Mexico, USA, in wet palpal tarsus and metatarsus with several can traps that are part of the Sevilleta LTER, Wild small pointed setae (Fig. 31). First post-spi- Fire experimental area (deposited at DMNH). — racular sternite with two thin, flat ctenidia ex- Etymology. Named for the Sevilleta tending to or over the margin of the succeed- LTER collection area and to be treated as a ing sternite (Fig. 34). noun in appos—ition. Female allotype: total length 8.5, chelicera Diagnosis. This species is placed in the length 2.7, chelicera width 1.1, propeltidium Hemerotrecha branchi group (Muma 1951) length 1.3, propeltidium width 1.7, palpal based on the structure of the male flagellum length 7, first leg length 5, fourth leg length complex and the male operculum profile 8. Ratios: A/CP 5.0, GOL/GOW 0.7. Female which has modified but identifiable teeth. It paratypes: 3 total length 8.5-11, chelicera ( ) can be separated from H. cornuta by the size length 2.5-3.3, chelicera width 0.9-1.2, pro- and length of ctenidia, dentition of the male peltidum length 0.8-1. propeltidium width 3, fixed finger, visible fondal tooth, and posteri- 1. 1-2.1, palpal length 6.5-7, first leg length orly rounded shape of female genital opercu- 4-6, fourth leg length 7-11. Ratios: A/CP 4.4, GOL/GOW lum. It appears more closely related to H. mil- 0.6/0.7. Color in alcohol the same

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