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New species of Cloacina Linstow, 1898 (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) parasitic in the stomach of the quokka, Setonix brachyurus (Marsupialia: Macropodidae), from Western Australia PDF

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Preview New species of Cloacina Linstow, 1898 (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) parasitic in the stomach of the quokka, Setonix brachyurus (Marsupialia: Macropodidae), from Western Australia

Itn,is4t<nl>ns i>jilu h'<>\jlStxuis <! \. ,\ilu. I I'lWi. 123*\\, 17 3a NKVV SPECIKS OF CLOAC?\A IJNSTOW, 1898 (NEMATODA: STRONGYLOIDEA) PARASITIC IN THE STOMACH OFTHE OHOKKA, SHTOHtX HRACIIYURUS (MARSl'PIALIA MACROPOmnAE), FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA : bv I. Bi:vi:UiiKii- Summary MPiomwakeihomel I\he<nti<-i>*o>*k->k>a.NeScwiHsHpiexcihersuOtftlfYHCflUWhli('MhamrsIupniiasltioaw: MIXaVcWrop(oNdeindmaleo)d,ahorSnliWoens^tyelroindeAau-iilrp.aJii'aj.sil'kfhwi\n.lhKi.3 Stn\ V ittxt- 12%Ir. I7-3&3I Ntuj* |!W9, Six new speciesol Cl/kieitW I ittttOW IK1>K,mvdescribed fromihcsiomachofthequokka.Sctt/nnhrtich\wu\< tiohi RoUncst Is.,Western Australia lhey -iiv < . iv/va *p, now. characterised by lip-like inflationstil the pen "Hill cuticle oesophageal bosses eMemhny two lliiid* ol the way lo lite ilei've liiiii. the dehid poMcrior 10 llie supeirc\utlersitil^.v5<iab\s.elHncemmofmoelseonpgthha;geCa,lbideWnStiicjJl3.e^nov.t.scyhmamreatctreirciasledpibKyX'tatldocrasposvulcem,ra;lilysiemlpolnegastiendiiybbulccvaalgicfalpasualned, six leafcrownelements,ashallow huecalcapsule whichistiiehedanteriorlyin liiieral views,oesophageal pomc» extending lo the nerve ring, u single dorsal oesophageal deniicle., spicules 1.50-I»7 nun in length iBKl a axiirieni oiehm; ( iv/a *p, nftv,, characterised b> a dorsovenlrally clon«.'nlcd month opening, sis leal crown rlcniculs, cephalic papillae which are siliialed ehixe toecthcr anil whose Tips aiv deviated medially, a shallow buccal capsule arched anteriorly, an oesophagus without bosses or dcnlielcs. the durid posterior m ihe nerve one. spicules in the laniie l)7 |,.es trmi and a straight vagina; C fftftVM sp. now. characterised h) a cervical cbnutciccaullacraipnMfltaktionD,scenpiphlaeli.c.epsaoppillilaaeeuswitwhitnholuotned,enotbitculseesdoirstablosssee^sm,cnslpi.cuslhesleifalfei'hieowriainegleem0e5nKt-s0,.tnls.symmmmetarnidcalQ sUaiehi vauina; V, <>uh»«\ «p, mo, tharacioiised by issmall si/e. simple slendci oesophagus lacking hossesor denticles.small, syt unelrienl buccal capsule,cephalic papillaewith the proximal sctmicn! longerthan Ihedistal six leal crown elements, spicule-- ill tlu1 mime I..31 I.Jo nun and a Straight vuyina; C teU'ttutvhus *p, nov chjiracienscil by the shape nl"ihe cephalic papillae Willi the distal segment alobose and dltecied medially, six leal crownelements d^ oe^opha.Lius without lms-.es oi denticles thedeind posienorto ihe neive ring, spicules 2,VS i mm'j nnd ; -4ramht vagina Ki v Woko.s; Cltn^iuti, new species, nematodes. Stwntx. ijuokka, marsupials, pautsiics, liitrodmiion slteh ht».s,l species is the cjin»kka. Sth>ni.\ i<nulnuni\ tQuoy ev Gaimurd. IS.iOt, which is limited in its Manv spories <>\ inacropoilid otarsiipiaK arc disiiibnlion LO ihe soulinvesiern ivlmoii ol Western parasitised hy a 8U|W of species (tl" the nemahnlc Anslralia (Kiieliener |{W5); A single species ol' t"cnus Chnuitm Linsbnv, ISMS occurnng in Ihe Ctotnithi. C Mienicis was descrilvd froitl litis bosl sacudatcil lorcsiomaobs til' their luisis. The number by Mawson (l%l) and has subsequently been of species ol Chnnina known Iroin dilTereti! redesenbed by Hcveiid^e ( I91JS). but since this was kaii^.uut) or walhibv Imsis which ba\e hecr ba.scd on a sincle eollceiion. il is possible thai exuiitinccl in tlcUtil vanes considerably, ranging Iron additional species exist, r'.vjminaiion ol' a series of none mi Ihe case el tin: red-necked W'allabv tjuokkas has indic-ated that ihey, lilce most olhcr Mitrropits rufttgch&itSi hUvkxtiiftiiS (Quny & iii.ici'opudiiK, arc parasirisetl hy aseriesol speciesoi' CluinUirU, (S2>) tir Ivvo in ihe ease of the ntstnaniat' ( JiHUiutl. The new species cncmiiHeicd ai'c pademelnn. !Inlobule billunlivrii (Dexnmrcsl ilescribeo! in this paper IK22>. lo 25 in Ihe ease ol the wallaroo ot cnrn„ Mitt ntfiits rohiisnis GonKL 1S41 basetl on a recent Materials and Mclhods resist.m ol (be ^cmis tMcvi'rid^e OT8), In other itiuctitpitdid spceie>., iiisi.diicieiil innobcis of biisl-, V series ofsi\ quokka^ was collecled on koitnesi have been examined for parusiles lo be able lo K,, \\ \ in April lL>X?, tisine lianil nets, The animals provide reliable estimates uf Ihe divcrsily ol specie were killed with an overdose »a sodium penla nl (Iftiuititt likely LO be encountered in Lliem. One batbilone and Ihe slomaeh was examined L'ol parasitic nemaiodes. Nematodes lound were fixed in hot 70$ ethanol and were suhsecjuently stored in Ueparimcni ol Vcterinars Science. The University of 7()';> etbanol wilb 5fI j.dvcerol. lor examination. Melbourne Carkville Vie. 3CS2. nematodes were cleared in luetophenol IVrmanenl IK I l;l vlittlDGI prcparalions on slides ol apical views of Ihe mouth region; deirids in posterioi oesophageal icgum. opening the hur.sa and Ihe spicule lips were ntucte between nerverii\g andS \i pore: S-f. poreanteriorIrt tisme polyvnr,i laeioplienol as the mounting oesopluigo4nlcslinaljunction. medium. Drawings were prepared usuiy an Olympus HI12 Muff iMeasurements from It) specimens, types) microscope with Nomarski interference optics and fFtgs^U) q drawing tube. Measmements wfcrc made using an Total length 4,3 6.0 (5 4): intiairwrti widih 0.17 ocular micrometer and are presented in die text in 022 (ifIX); dimensions of buccal capsule 0.010 n'tilhmehvs ;r, the lan^e followed in parentheses by 0.015 lO.OMl x 0.0324I.03S (0.035); length p| the mean. Drawings of apical views o! ihe rnoulh oesophagus 0.36-0.4K ((Ml): ncf\c ring lo antenoi opening are prevented with the dorsal aspect end 0.I1) 0.26 (0.21 ); S L pore lo antetior end 0.52 uppermost: drawings ol the bursa have die venlral 043 (0.3N); deirids to anterior end 0.32-0,40 |0,54>, lobes uppermost, Bursa wUhoui promincnl divisions bclwcen lobes. lloloiypes have been deposited in llic South Ventral lobes joined ventrally; lateral lobes and Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAMA). I'aratypes ventral lobes joined. Dorsal lobe similarin length lit SAMA have heeii dcposiied in and in the British lateral lobes. Dorsal ray divides at midlenglh; Museum (Natural History), London (BMNII). secondary subdivisions occur al Vi length; internul Moiphologieal tcriuinolt'gy fornematodes In lows, branchlcts directed posteriory, nor reaching nurgm I lhal used by Beveridge WS)_ The abhrcviiiLedterm of bursa: cvternal hranchlets shorter than internals, ( 5 p pure is used m place or seetetoty-cAClctory pore directed laterally, not reaching margin of bursa tBird & Bud 1091) and oesophacus r> used as a b'ucniodorsal ray arising close lo lateral rays, not svnonvm of the mure correct term L'pharvnx" iBud reaching margin \A butvi. Posterolateral mid 6 \U\i\ 1991 1. ventrolateral rays fused, reaching margin of bursa; Following Beven'd.iie (|yM8). the new species arc iinteiolaicial ray divergent, shorter than other lateral based on classical names since the generic name is rays, not reaching margin ofbursa; ventrolateral am! dull ol a Roman goddess- venlrovenlml rays fused, teaching margin of huiM Gubcrnaculum broadly ovoid, fhOUMMQO (O.OMi ( liiat iiutceres sp. nov. long: genilal cone with prominent anterior lip. tl'IGS 1-14) posterioi lip shorter than anterior lip, wilh pair ol dome shaped papillae; pair u\' laieial infl-iliouH ol t\f>t\, Ho)o|ype 0, tVum sloiliach 0| Setonix culiete presvnl on eilher side ofanieriot lip, spicule^ bntchvitni.s, Roltnesi Is.. W.V coif I. Beveridge. elongate, L5b-I3)7 i IJfh) lung, alale. lip simple: ala VAjIVI.CIVt3ao,55Sl>A: MpaAratAvlplesC:301555K&;dall$otype; vv.. SSAAMMAA dunuiishinp m widlh gradually towards tip. AHCJOKOi i f, i ' i bmnh mx.o2x4 4 ivtnalv (Measuremenls Irom 10 specimens, tvpes) (Figs LVI4) loial length 4.1-6.4 n 7): maximum width 0.lc> Small nematodes' x'ervieal cuticle not mflaied in 27 (0.24c dimenstons of huc'eiil cjipsule 0.010- oesophageal region: transverse cutieular annulatiori.s 0.01*) lO.OLs) y. tt.03S.().040 tO.OVJ); Icn.'ilh ol prominent. Sub-median papillae very small, 004 oesophagus 0.4i (1.44 (0_4:^k neivi; p||ig u\ .miLiior Ion'1., projecting anterolateral^ from perioral ftttick; end IS-0.22 (0.20): S4-. poa- io interiorend \\$\ SlttWlOil Oil clcvaboiix «'f pen outl ettliele; pio\hnal O.40 (0.36H deirids lo anlenor end 11.2*0,33 KJ.3IH segmenl cylindrical, extremely short, 11,(101 long Tail simple, conical, 04 1-0.25 t()lf»» lon;j, vulva shorter than ovoid, ohtuse distal segment.0.003 [png itioslc to anus. 26-(f.3H tO.33) from (Hisieriot end. Buccal capsule shallow, cylindrical, symmetrical ill vagina straight. 0.62 1.05 (03)I) lony: oveieetor .1 dorsuveulral views, eireulat in apical view. Leal' shaped, infundihuluiu longer than sphincter, c&ffi crown elements 6 in number with prominent ellipsoidal, 0_0!s-0.10 {i)\Y)\ k 0.04-O.Ofi (0,0s). strumous, arising from full length of internal wjII ol buccal capsule, nut leeuived a| tips. Pen-oral cuticle inflated into lip like-lobes attachedtoeach leal crown i JertiH, goddess ofaericuUure. clement Dorsal toolh projecting prominenlly into buccal capsule: each suhventral seeinrofoesophagus Reittorks With lancet like projection into buccal capsule Oesophagus simple, elaviform; lining oriuuuented Clt'twimi cere.v is ehanicterisetl by ihe presence wilh rows ol scieroiised bosses from anterior end to of bphke inflations of ihe peri-oral cuticK two llnrds of distance lo nerve ring; denticles ahsem oesophageal bosses extending -h Of the way to id, fioirt oesophagus. Nerve T\tyi til mid-oesopbagcal neive tiny, the deirid posterior to Ihe nerve rin^, NF.W NEMATODES PROM QUOKKAS 10 Pigs l-t4. (loaciiutrt'iv.xsp. run. 1. Anteriorend. lateral view. 1; Cephalicextremity, lateral view, dorsal aspect on right hand side. 3. Cephalic extremity- dorsal view. 4. Cephalie evlremiiy. ventral view. 5. Cephalic papilla. 6. Cephalic CKtieniilV apical view. 7. Cephalic extremity- transverse optical section through hase ofbuccal capsule. K. Transverse section through anteriorextremity oroesophagusshowing thickening ofliningol oesophagus. 9. Bursa,apical view. 10. (iubenlnculuni, venlial view. 1 1. Genital cone,dorsal view. 12. Spiculetip. lateral view. 13. Femaletail, lateral view. N. Vaginaandovejeetor. lateral view. Scale bars=0.1 mm. I.9, 13. 14: 0.01 mm. 2-8. 10-12. C 1 JO RfcVI KIU.I I H absence ol oesophageal denudes, a symmetrical nci\e rin^; S pore anterior tooe.sopbaiMi intt--iin.tl buccal capsule, ji simple straight vagina tflld SpiOUlfft junettoii, mm cIo5nfgven1.e9r7sterximceiplltleCngtlhlt.ffItI'SisBdeivsetriindgguci.shaIbMl7efyI CW(aWWll Mult- (Measurements from 10 specimens, types Bevendgc. IWK and < pttpiUtlW Bcvendge. '. by Ihe possession of 6 tows of oesophageal bosses Total length fi.U-lA (o,h. inaximntii widib 03+- ttntl Hie occurrence ol Hie dcirid posterior lu the ».38 tO.^li; buccal capsule 0.006 (U.OOol v IMJ55- nerve ring. CtwtciiW ceres is distinguishable from all 0.(»6S (0.05S): length ol ctomphsglB 0,45 0.>J ol'these species by (lie shape <>t die cephalic papillae (0,-J7i: uenc riii;: to anleiior end \&.22l 0.1S (0.2-1.: which have a very shorl proximal segment and a S H pore to anterior end 0_W0.47 (0.41); Je-ind io larger obtuse distal segment similar to ibai antet'uT end 0.17 0.14 (t.U'O). Bursa withoui eiieotmleivil in C. ilniti'c Bcvcruke. IWi, C" Iri'he prominent divisions between lobes Ventral lolv> iiL-u-ri.jvie, ism, c hytbripvfr EteveridgC; Itofc t joined ventrally; lateral lohes and ventral Inbes tffWffWi Johnston & MCawson. \L)-\i). C. tnitiu joined Dorsal lobe sinulai in lem:th to lateral lobes ln-vrrid'i<\ t9*>8 ."id tfefA/ft lOflflSton (ft Diiivd ray divides at '/•. length; second &UbdiVWoji Mawson. IU3V, a suite ol species occurring in occuis at mid-lenirlh. Internal branchlcis longer lhau Uucntpm ilt'tsuiw (Gray. t#37l bni lacking externals, directed jHitsteiolatcrally. almost readmit: oesophageal bosses. ChmritHi ceres is limner marein orbursii: eviernal bniuehlcts shortei. duecir.l distinguished friuti < - ftw/ar, #m and C jwi/Zft'd almost laterally, not reaching margin »'t bursa, by the presence ol bp like mllalion-. Ol ihe UxlcTModorsal ray arises close lo lateral rays, not ciraunnral cuticle and Iroin t tint and < HttfiiliaM reaching margin ol bursa. Posterolateral ami in having a slruighl rather lh;iu a recurren! vaimia. ventn^luteral rays lused, reaching margin of bursa, unlcrolatcra! ray divurgenl. shorter (ban oiher lalera) CIoucIhq laius r» nou. av-.; uoi teaslliue marenr ol"burvr. ventrolateial ainl (FIGS 15-28) Ncnliovcnhal rays used, rcachirm margin ol bursa I (nibeinaeulum eloueate. o\oid m ditrso\ential view /v/w; Holuiype cf IVom stomach ill Ksitanft 0.010-0.020 ((1.017) long; -jcnilal cone promiuem AhIn7Hta,\Ch,\livMt>r)Su25\.M,.SRAopMtaUrAKafntApleHsC&:,310W05A6i7*f,«aCtOlll!io,\typI.he vUVc,vrSSriAAdMMgeAA. dapnootsmeiteie-otisu'hnaLplieippdCsQphfaolpirictlaellr.aet;uh,ap,na,i>ranSto-eltnrgilloCar-tepiliaaplp,iliwlnialt'lhnattipoanaifprcc\tti».tr' mic wsm: V, BMNH |09K».2Kl>-IO. cuticle present on either side ofanterior lip; spicules elongate, 5Q~}A7\ \M) ton^alawFulacOKniintshin^ 1 /V.v< lipium gradually in widtlt towards tip. Small nematodes: cer\ieal cuticle not inflated in oesophageal region; transverse etuiculai .umulatious hciuafc (Measurements Irom 10 specimens, types) prominent. Sub-median papillae 0.0093 long, (Figs 27-2X) projecting anteriorly IVom peri-oral cuticle: provmial r-.iai length 1 W.0 c7.d): mtf wj*h 0.57- segment cylindrical. '1.006 lung, longer ihan ovoid 0.49 IQMY* buccal capsule 0.006 (0.006) s (X05(1 distal segment 0.IKM5 lone. Mouth opening 0.070 (0-066); lenglh ol' oesnph.ieus II.4X (1_Sh dorsovenlrally elongate. Buccal capsule shallow, (0,52^ wene ring to amenor eikl 2XW.2/ it)23r. symmetrical laterally, areuate in laieral view, wilh SI, pore to anterior c\k\ 17 0.47 (0 42). .timid ro apex ctj arch lateial: dorsal and Neutral views aicuate anterior c\n\ lJ.i5-U.ll (0.1S). Tail simple, conical. with bases ol'aivh dorsal and ventral Buccal capsule 0.20^0.30 (0.24) louo; vulva close to anus, 45.0.63 w,ill\ eirettlar in apical view. \Jci\fCrotVQ element, o (ILSS> lo.m pDstecioi iaid; \agina straight. ieinovm ii hIui. .my iioin full length o| interna) Wall *>F 0.71-0.l»2 (0.K0) long; ovejccl.tr J-haped. sphmclei buccal capsule. vligblly incurved at lips. Pert-oral and intuudibuluni sh*>tl; egg ellipsoidal. 0.0S 0.1 cuticle not mllaled into lip-like lobes attached |o «U0)\ 0.06-0.07 (0.06), each leaf crown element. Oesophagus simple, elnviform. without pieneurul swelling, dorsal lobe ol oesophagus pitjjeeung prominently into buccal Lams, son ol Labdacus, kmjj Thebe capsule, hearing duel ol dorsal oesophageal gland1 lining <!' oesophagus ornamented wilh rows of RcnuuUs st IrmhsL'tl bosses L-siendun I'mm .in|en.»r oxl to level ol* nerve tine; single dorsal oesophageal (7om hid lains iseharaclerised by a dorsoventrally i\l uiiele present immediately anlerior lo nerve ring. clvuc.iicd buccal capsule, six learcrown elemenLs. a Nerve riu^ in mid-oesophageal region, deiritls in shallow buccal capsule which is arched anteriorly in mid oesophageal reeion. immediately anlettor lo lateral views, oesophageal bosses extending lo the NliW NEMATODES FROM QUOKKAS Figs 15-28, Clinirinoluitusp nnv. 15.Anteriorend, lateral view. 16,Cephalicextremity,lateral view.dorsalaspectOilri^lu hand side. 17. Cephalicextremity,dorsal view. I8. Cephalicextremity, ventral view. 19,Cephalicextremity,apical view. 20, Optical transverse section ril level »>| buccal capsiiL-. 21. Optical transverse section through anterior extremity ol oesophagus showing thickening of lininu- 22. Dorsal oesophageal denticle, dorsal view. 23- Bursa, apical view. 24 Spicule lip. lateral view; 25, Genitalcone,dorsal view, 2fr Gubentaculum. ventral view. 27. Femaletail, lateral view, 28. Vagina and ovejector. lateral view. Scale bars=(J.l mm. I5t23. 27. 2S:0.01 mm, [6-22. 24-26. ->> ! HI VI RID* ;i ncrw ring. a single dorsal oesophageal denticle S-h pore to anterior end 0.35 0.42 (0.3N); deind In spicules 1.50-1.07 mm m length and a recurrent anterior end 0.34-0.37 (0.3b). Btitsa without vagina Tht! antciiorl\ arched buccal capsule prominent divisions between lobes. Ventral lobe-, foVWCjltttClj distinguishes ii froirt all congeners joined venirally; lateral lobes and venltal lobes except t CiTt'C f#ft nov.. described Mow. Oilier joined. Dorsal lobe similar in length to lateral lobe species with oesophageal bosses, dorsal oesophageal Dorsal rny dividesjusl hefnre mid length;sccondarv deiUicles and asymmetrical buccal capsules are C. division occurs at -A length; iniernal hranehlets ( tfCftltyhl Bcveridge, \$ii& '|U*I C- /'"/v.vem/ straight, longer than externals, directed posietiorlv Bcu'tidge, IVUK. However, in C. (tltithyui. Ihe almost reaching margin ol bursa, external blanches buccal capsule is arched posteriorly in lateral views short, directed laterally; nol reaching margin ol while in C polvxena. the buccal capsule arches bursa, hxleruodorsal ray arises close lo lateral lays autcnotly only overihedorsaloesophageal tooiliand nol reaching margin ol' bursa. Posterolateral and die deviation i-* seen clearly only in dorsal views, ventrolateral rays fused, teaching margin *»* bursa, Chun 'nut i in n lacks oesophageal bosses and anterolateral ray divergent, shorter lhan other lateral denticles and is iherclore immediately distin rays, not reaching margin ol bursa; ventmhileral and guishahlc from (\ Utin\. Thus r. lan,s w clearly ventrovenlral rays fused, reaching margin ol bursa dispunishable Iftftji all tongeners. (iubernaculum sublriangUlar lit dorsovenhal \ii;\k 0.02 (0.02) long; genital cone proiniuenl: anterior lip CLoacina virve sp. nov. conical, wilh single papilla at apex, posterior lip (I IGS29-3 ) shorter lhan anterior lip. with pair of dome shaped papillae; pair of lateral inflations of cuiicle present hprs Hololype n* ftout siomaeh ol St'tetit| on cithersideofauleriof lip. Spiculeselongate-, 0:97- hiififivttnts. Rortiiest Is,. WA. coll. I. Uevcridgc. 1.35 1 1.25) long, alate; alae diminishing gradually in 17 n: 10X2. SAMA AHC ffif&t. allotype V SAM \ width towards spicule lip. AIK MWo: paratypes; IX frj, 44 v ' SAMA . MIC M)56<v | it, | 8j HMNII |^4*,Vailj7 IS. Ftrtutli* (Measurements o\ If) specimens, typo) (lags iK-Jtf) Dcuriptioii lotal length 7.3-10.5 o^.-S); maximum widili 041 Small nemalodes cervical cuiicle nol hil'lalcd ill OsJ tO.46); buccal capsule 0.0IS (0.0IK} x 0.000- oesophageal region, tram-verse eulieulai uuuilatiom- 0.003 (O.0V4); length of oesophagus Ml 72 • piominenl. Sub-median papillae 0.014 long, (0,65); nerve ring to anterior end 0.24-0.30 (0.27); projecting anteriorly from pen-oral uiltrle whh N h poie to anterior end 0.1V046 0).3'J): deind lo distal segment citived medially: proximal segment anterior end 0.30 0.41 10.34). lail stni[>le. conical. cylindrical, OOOfi long, shorter lhan ovoid, medially 0.20 0.26 (0.23i long; vulvaclose lo anus, .3541.51 directed disla! segment. O.00S long. Buccal capsule (0.42) from posterior end; vagina short, straight shallow, aivuate in lateral view. wiLh apex ol arch 0.32-0.63 (0.18) long; ovejector .1 shajx-d; >plunclci lateral. Mouth opening dorsoventrally elongate. and lufunilibulum short; egg ellipsoidal. 0.0X4).Ill Buccal capsule wall thick, dorsoventrally elongated (00°) x 0.05 0.06(0.05). 1(1 .ii'ieal view. Leal emwn elements in number. Mtcuived at ops. ;aise from full lengLb ol' internal kiyini>/<',i;y wall ol" buccal » apsule, Perioral culicie not inflated Circe, dauyhler ot the sun and IVrse, I'amous lor into lip like lobes aUached to each leal' crown hei magic, clement. Oesophagus simple claviTorm.dorsal seeiot oroesophagus protruding into buccal capsule will* Remarks opening ol dorsal oesophageal gland at apes; lining nol ornamented with rows ol scierolised bosses: CUnuino n'trr is characterised by a dotstnennall- denticles, absent m oesophagus. Nerve ring in mid- elongated mouth opening, six leal crown elements, oesopbageal region, deiiids in posterioi oesophageal cephalie papillae which an: situated elose together rteioti. posterior to nerve ring S \- pore anlcnoi |<i and whose lips arc deviated medially, a sh.dlo.\ oesuphit^'o intestinaljunction, buccal capsule arched anlcTtorly, an oesophagus without bosses or denticles, Ihe deitid posterior in Mult (Measurements bom II) specimens. t\pesi the nerve nng, spicules in ihe range 0AJ7 I i5 mm <hg> 34-37) ami a sltaighl vagina. The anteriorly arched buccal M lolal length 4:7 74 (00); maximum svidtb U capsule and Ihe dorsovcriually elongate motilh 0.J3 (0.2,xf; bmcal capsule (MMS (OJMKj x O.ObV opening distinguish this species from all Congeners 0,0()0 M,M))t leuelh ol oesopliagiis 0.5241.62 except C /fuu.v. Clvmimi ano dtllers front (. hito |Q.5tfT; e.eive rfllfl lo anterior end 0.22 0.27 d).25j: in lacking o^esophageal bosses and denudes, ip NFAV NEMATODES IROM QUOKKAS 23 Figs29-34. Cloariiiatint fip. nov. 29.Anteriorend. lateral view. 30.Cephalicpapilla. 31.Cephalicextremity, lateral view, dorsal aspect On riimt hand side. 32. Cephalic extremity, dorsal view, ^il- Cephalic extremity. apicaJ view. 34. Bursa, apical view. 35.Genitalcone,dorsal view. 36.Ciuhernaeulum, ventral view.37. Spicule lip.lateral view.3K.Femaletail, lateral view. 39. Vaginaandovejector. lateral view. Scalebars = 0.] turn. 29, 34, 38. 39; 0.01 mm. 30*33, 35-37. 'I Mil VI.KIIH, having itw literal posterior u» the nerve riiij rather dorsiwenlral view. 0,03 long: genital cone pm 'h.iM aiimcdiatcly anterior to il. in having a siiaigh! imnenl: anlerior lip conical, whh single papilla al i.( iiu! in having shorter spicules. apev; posterior lip shorterthan anterior lip. with pffl] Ofdome-shaped papillae; pair of lateral inflations ol (loac'ma chiton sp. rtfc>v cuticle present on either side ofanterior lip: spicules iRKfS 44K51J elongate, short. 0.5X 0.65 (0.62) long, alalc: al.i lertninaiing anterior to spicule tip . /V/'rv llolotype J from stomach "I Scfntit.s hmth\nnts. Rollnest Is-. WA, coll. t Beveridge ht'inah (MeaMiremenls ol 10 specimens, types) l7.~IV.ftM2, SAMA AUC 3Q5M. allotype : SAMA !l;igs50~5h \U<" _30S62: paratypes: 10 SAMA lotaI lengih X.5 12.5 { 10.5); maximum width0.40 Alir 3<>5f>3. I *. 1 V.mvtNH l99M.a2S.9H7, 0.57 (0..S0). buccal capsule 0.015-0.020 10,0201 \ (MM54LQ99 (0.0U0): length ofoesophagusO.70-O.7X f'f('\t'ription (0J5J: nerve ring to anterior end 0.32-0.40 tO.V/i. Small nematodes; cervical cuticle inllulcd lo Ijjvcl S-E pore to anterior end 0SX-1,17 (1.00): deirid lo 1)1 nerve ring; Iransserse culiculat aunukilioiis prftffl anlerior cud 0.12-0.20 (0,10). fail simple, conical ment Sub median papillae IHOTfc long, projecting I3-0.20 id,17) long; vtilva close lo anus, 0.26-0, <N autciiorly ttX>m pert oral cuticle, proximal segment (0.341 from posterior end: \agiua short- straight cylindrical, 0.003 lone, much shorter lhan obouud 11.29 0.3S I0.34.K ovejector J-shaped; sphincter and dhu\ tegrucjit. 0.013 lo^g, Mouth opening inl'undibiilnm short; egg ellipsoidal, 040-0.13 (0.1 1) dorsovenlrally elongate. Buccal capsule shallow, v 0.06 0.07(0.07), s\iiimetrical in lateral ami dorsovenual views. Iluccal capsule walls circular in apical view. Leal cnwvn elements 6 in number, with prominent Chiron, eeiiiaur. son of Saturn. sirialions. arising lr<»iu lull length *** internal wall of bueeal capsule. Pen-oral cuticle not inflated into lip- Remarks like lobes, attache*.! to each leaf crown elemeni. Oesophagus simple cluviform: lining not orna CfoitLUfta vhtttUi is eliaritctcnscd hy a cervical meiUCi! with ihws of seleroliscd bosses; denudes culictilarinflation,cephalic papillae with a long, obtuse absent in oesophagus.. Nerve rinn In mid distal segment, six leal crown elements, a symmetrical oesophageal region: deinds m anlerior oesophageal buccal capsule, a simple oesophagus without dculiclc\ t^c mm region, auterioi lo nerve ring: S t' pore posterioi to or bosses, spicules til tin- 0.5X-0.65 and -i ocsophago-intestinal junction straight vagina. Tlte shape o[the cephalic papillae and the lack Ofoesophageal bosses distinguish ihi- specie-, Muic (Measurements from 10 specimens, types) from all congeners, except C. tJfyofW. C. hchc. ('. diTgostal4(Vle4rlr»gith ?.4 ,* i> ix..vu maMmum width o.U- ftihytpsmiififvlii's,d(i'sltiitni\gnu>i)vsih.eId' nfnrtoimaa(ndiCi,ryilntpelc'utiins. UhamvtiVnlgiia 0.41 llLlflJi hnccal capsule 015-0,025 (0.020) H deeperbuccal capsule, in nol having the anteriorregion 0|0..0fi0f5?l;0n.e0rXv5e(rOi,n0g7(M>)o;mleanngttehriOloroeensdopIhLaMg>u-0s.O36V-(M,0),..?47*)I! fpiafnihjr>\mi\».i-nshupahvaignugs imluisciihni.sihl>o1rtberor.isipdoitcullhea^n| tph1e.7p3omskmoniir. 5-1; port from atUeriof end HI1)-Ml (03)7); deind ('. thv>>fi(), Iroui C hfbt and C ihclnii^ in kuiii" tl from anterior end 0.14-0.18 (0.17), Bursa without deeperbuccalcapsule In whichtheanterior maigindoc- prominent divisions between lobes. Ventral lobes nol have anlerior I'tbes in ihe submedian and venlral joined veinially: lateial lobes and ventral lobes positions and horn C. Iixp.sijn-h', (' finsiawi and <" joined. Dorsal lobe slightly longer than lateral lobes innia in having a shallower buccal capsule without ihe DurSyJ ray lung, dividing a! mid-length: secondary iindnlaiing anlerior margin present in the latter Iwo subdivision neat cMremily. internal branehlets shoit, species. In addition,thespiculesofT, rhirotiarc shortci slightly longer lhan exlernals, directed poslcrtorly. than those in all ol Ihe species listed. almost rVSGhing margin of bursa: inlcrnal branehlets very short, duecicd pov.iciolaurallv. nol reaching Cloacitw iddtnus sp no\- margin ol bursa. hxtcruodorsal ray arises close to (1-lCiS S2-62) lateial rays, nol reaching margin of bursa. Posterolateral and ventrolateral rays fused, reaching Aye;. Hoh>type f liom slomach of Sctom'x maigin of buis.,i: anierolateral ray divergent, shorter hrtn-h>Hin\. Kiatnest Is. WA, coll. I Ueveridge. lhan oilier lateral rays; nol reaching margin ol bursa; 17.v l'»X2. SAMA \\\< JOlSSi alloupe V SAMA ventrolateral a\M\ venLrovenlral rays fused, reaching AHC 30153^6:1p"a-ratypes: 4 frfs23 9 f. SAMAAM( margin of bursa (iubernaenluin quadrangular in 5(1557- BMNII lOviX.'-MX |-2 NEW NEMATOIHS l-ROM QHOKKAS 25 v\pi 40-51. CiOUcffKi chiton sp. nov. 40. Anterior end, lateral view. 41. Cephalic papilla, 42. Cephalic cUtemily, lateral view, dorsal aspect on right hand side. 43. Cephalic extremity, dorsal view. 44. Cephalic extremity, apical view. 45. Optical transverse section through buccal capsule. 46. Bursa, apical view.47. Guhcrnuciilum, ventral view. 4K. Genital cone,dorsal view. 4°. Spicule lip. lateral view. 50. Femaletail, lateral view. 51. Vaginaand ovejeclor. lateral view. Scale bars=0.1 rim40.42-46. SP,51:0.01 mm. 41.47-49. I P.I VI KIIKil- Dim rif'lioti (0.21), buccal capsule 0,005 (0.005* R 0.0l«-<u» tl VVrv small nematodes; cervical cuticle not inllated (0.014); lengdi iff nesopbagus 034-0,41 0>57> in oesophageal region; transverse euticukir nerve ring io anicrior end 0.15-0. IK (0 I annuUunns prominent, Siih-median p^pillji^ O.ulU S.-E pOK tn aateiini c\m\ 25-0.3-7 (0,2U|: dentil tit long, projectIne anteriorly from peri-oral cuticle; inHcruM c\m\ 0.17-0,2^ (0. I'M, Tail simple, conical. prmimal segmcnl cylindrical.0.007 hftjg, longerthan 0.1 I-0.IK0) IfrI long, vulva close to anus.(I 25-0.50 ovoid distal segment. 0.003 long. Mouth opening (0.27) from posterior v\u\; vagina elongate, straight. circular in apical view, Buccal capsule shallow, 0.72-1,00 (0.7*>) \onv: ovejeelt>r.l-shaped: sphincter svmmcliical tn lateral anddoisovcutral \ic\\s. Kiiccul and uirundiluiluni slmri; c-jc ellipsoidal. 0.07-0.(>'> r.ipsiilL' walls hexagonal in apical view. Leafcrown (0.0S) xO.04-0.0.S(0J)5). elements 6 in number, incurved at lip. arising liom lull lentil of internal wall of buccal capsule. Pen- oral LUticle nol inflated into hp-hke |ofoMi attached l<> t'adt'iuv Min nf the Plineiuciun king. Agcimi, each leal' crown clement. Oesophagus simple, ciaviform. slender. li/ling mil ornamented with rows Ueinui'lvs ol sclcmlised bosses: denticles nhseni ill oesophagus. dInViosnauliicsnetctdoorrsuall ooeessoopphhaaggeuasl tionottoh hruucVcfaplClhcfagpsIu'lmem. hu(n.tUc'lifiiiaituuai Jt(othtnhis)ttto\n &nmsMiawtslonns.(dvI(>i3v0smcmjh(lscmi,ki(II Cfervc Nllg in posterioroesophageal region, deirkls in si/c. simple slendi'r oesophagus lacking bosses or postciior oesophageal region, posterior lo neive ring; denticles, small, symmetrical buccal cupsuK-, S pore in region ofoesopbag.o intestinal junction. cephalic papillae with the proximal segmen* I lOftgCl than ihe tlislal, si\ leal' cmwn elemenis mm Mule (Measurements from 7 specimens, types) spicules in the range 1.31-1. 16 and u slraigla fHjg* 57 (M)\ vagina. Cleadtut tudimis ditfer-. troni r Total length 5.4-4.7 (4.1$! maximum vvidlh 0.15- httnietfiann in having (he deirid posterior in ihc 0,19 (0 I7), bdCCUl capsule 0005 (0.005) \ n.OI*- iietw ring ;iiul lunger spicules /(1^0-0_70 mm in (Xiai) (0,01Oi, leiiglhoroesnphagus0.52-0,3N(0,:Mi. C htmwiUunu). Cfcacinn cadmus also resembles ncive ling In anterior cm\ t).15 t) IN |0.I6). ( - attniUt ></i Mawson. 1077, C VN\0 Bevcriiiye. S-l; pore lo anterior eiul 0.26-0.31 10.28,1; deirid to I0OH and C. tys rieveiidgc. I00S bul (hey diller in imHliu.i ^\u\ 0.20-0,21 (0.21 ). Bursa withoul iuving the Noeoiidary hranchlets ol" the dorsal ray proiuineul diwMom. between lobes Ventral lobft lutstllg at i>i belnre Otc ptunaiy hilurealmn nUhei joined ventrally. lateral lobes and ventral lobes than alter it as in C ctulnms. Othersirmlai specie- joined. Dorsal lobe slightly longer [bun lateral lobes. arc C nt'kc Bevendge, I0MS tind (, digtutta Dorsal ray slender al origin, dividing lit mid-length: Johnston & MaWMiti. 1040 winch differ in having sceotiduiv suhdivismn occuiiiug at 2A length; interna! the tielnd uiilcnoi to ihe tierxe ring and Iniigei hranchlels longer than externals, directed posicnorly. spicules (>',5 mnn. C cvhrk He\ciidge, |V9H almost teaching margin nI bursa; external branchlets which differs in having the deirid imtprtor u» the shoricr. directed laterally, not reaching margin ol nerve ling and a ehuracteristicully enlarged spicule Ihh .1 I \u.-itiodoi\al ray arises close to lateral rays. lip, ami C, i><<n\i>hi M.iWsuii. iy?I which ha--.Ihe in»1 reaching margin ttf hnrsa. Pusierolafcral and deirid anterior In the nerve ring aint a shoUci scutiolaleial ntv's Iused, reaching margin nf hllfKft vuguui. anletolaleral ray divergent, shoricr lhan other lateral rays: noi reaching margin ol' bursa; ventrolateral and Clnacina ielemacfms sp. nov. veiiHovciitrul rays Hiscd- reaching margin of LWTsa ifKis 63-721 (mhemueulum ovoid in dnrso-\cmral view. 0.015 (0,01*)) long; genital cone promincnl; anterior lip hfi'.s- Moloiype ? Irom stomach of StfiHi conical, with single papilla ill apex: posterior lip ht'itiliMtius, Kottfiesl 1$-., W.\. coll I. Beveini. cMpia>tpuhiiel(rlearsei,Hdepuanotlroaanlntteeliraitioeoirrallhipip;,nrsiwpaiiilcliuiolmep.saniler"lcoOuntfgiacdtlOeeW.fplrUeIsseJin-ft1t.p\4imJ6 AII7H.vI,CV.I1W50H8M2IN..HSPAIi9M'1^>A'Sl/v>Ap.v2HsS:.C2f5t5.505S70.,SaAllMi'AtvpAcCK' ! S5.0\x5"7l2\ iI 40) King, ulute; spicule lipbifurcate, surrounded by nvoid llange: ala termin.iiing abruptly immediately first-hffiittU anleiior lo spicule tip. Small nematodes: cervical eultele not InIkited ill oesophageal region; transverse cuticular unnulalions I i>t)ttili' (Measurements of 10 specimens, types) promiiiont- Sub median papillae 0.015 long, (J t-sn|.62,i proievimg anteriorly from peri-mui eum k. distal Inul length 3.M 5.3 i4.o). maximum wtdlh 0.15-0.20 segment deviated medially; pioxitnal ttigM£ri1

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