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New species of cave dwelling cockroaches in the genus Neotemnopteryx Princis (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae) PDF

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Preview New species of cave dwelling cockroaches in the genus Neotemnopteryx Princis (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae)

NEW SPECIES OF CAVE DWELLING COCKROACHES IN THE GENUS NEOTEMNOPTERYXPRINCIS (BLATTARIA: BLATTELLIDAE: BLATTELLINAE) DAVID SLANEY P. Slaney, D.P. 2000 12 31: New species of cave dwelling cockroaches in the genus Neotemnoptenx Princis (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Memoirsofthe Queensland Museum. 46(1): 331-336. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Three new cave dwelling species of the Australian endemic cockroach genus, Neotemnopteiyx Princis (Blattellidae), are described. All three species, N. braesensis, N. wnlarensis and N. baylissensis were collected from basaltic larva tube cave systems in OnorthernQueensland.Arevisedkeytothe 14describedNeotemnopteiyxspeciesisincluded. Neotemnopteiyx. Blattaria. Blattellidae, Blattellinae, cocb-oaches, caves, subterranean, Queensland. Australia. David P. Slaney (e-mail: slaney(alwnmeds.ac.nz), Department ofZoology, James Cook University, Townsville 481. Australia. Present address: Ecology and Health Research Centre, DepartmentofPublicHealth. WellingtonSchoolofMedicine. UniversityofOtago. POBox 7343, WellingtonSouth, NewZealand: received13May2000. Recent studies investigating the origin of Department of Environment, Cairns, Queens- Australian tropical cave cockroaches (Slaney, in land; QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, press) have led to the discovery of three Queensland. additional species of the cockroach genus The male genitalia dissected from the type Neotemnopteryx Princis, 1951 (Blattaria: material include, if specialised, the seventh Blattellidae: Blattellinae) in basaltic larva tube abdominal tergum. Genitalia were dissected and systemsto thewest ofthe WetTropics region of prepared from adult specimens by removingthe nloacrktsherenyeQsueaenndsloacneldl.i.OTnheeogfetnhuesmccoontmapilnestel1y4 eKnOdHo.ftThheeaybdweormeenthperniorclteoamraecdeirnatNieosnbiitnts5-f1l0ui%d describedspeciesincludingthe3 inthispaper,all (Upton. 1991), consistingof40gchloral hydrate ofwhich are endemic to Australia (Roth, 1990, in 25mL distilled water to which was added 1995). They occupy a variety of habitats 2.5mL concentrated HC1. Lower concentrations including tropical rainforests of northern of HCI could be used for slower clearing of Queensland, woodlands of coastal Australia, delicatespecimens.Thegenitaliawerepreserved semi-arid shrublands ofthe interiorand caves in in 80% ethanol and 5% glycerol, and stored in Queensland and Western Australia. Of the 14 plastic genitalia vials with the type specimens. describedNeotemnopteiyxspecies, 9aresurface Genitaliawere not slide mounted so as to avoid dwelling species and 5 inhabit caves. The distortion and obscuringofimportantstructures. previously known cavemicolous species are N. In the descriptions I have followed, to a degree, douglasi(Princis, 1963), fromlimestonecavesat the terminology used by Roth (1990) in his JurienBay,WA,andN. wynneiRoth, 1995,from revision of the Australian Parcoblattini. Body limestone caves on theNullarborplain, WA. dimensions were measured using a In this paper I describe the three new stereo-dissecting microscope and ocular cavemicolous Neotemnopteryx species. In micrometer, and are quoted in millimetres. addition, a revised key to the 14 described Abbreviations: BL, total body length; PL, Neotemnopteiyx species is included. Further pronotum length; PW, pronotum width; EL, eye information on previously described species of length; EW, eye width; AL, antenna length; TL, Neotemnopteryx can be found in Roth's (1990) tegmen length; TW, tegmen width. revisionofthisand closelyrelated generaand in Roth (1995). KEY TO MALES OFNEOTEMNOPTERYX MATERIALSANDMETHODS The following key is adapted from Roth's (1990) key and his figures are cited. Acronyms of repositories are: ANIC, Neotemnopteiyxfulva appears in the key twice, Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, sincethe seventhabdominal tergum mayormay Canberra, ACT; MGC, M. Godwin Collection, not be specialised (Roth, 1990). 332 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 1. Seventhabdominaltergumspecialised(e.g.Fig.lC). . 2 SYSTEMATICS Seventhabdominaltcrgumunspecialised 8 BLATTARIA 2. Stylesclosetogetheratapexofsubgenilalplate,leftstyle BLATTELLIDAE morerobustthanright(fig. 131-inRoth,1990) BLATTELLINAE N.styliparedraRoth PARCOBLATTINI Shiesnotasabove 3 Neotemnopteryx Princis 1951 3. Posteriorhalvesoflateral marginsofpronotnm straight. weaklyoblique(figs6A.7AinRoth,1990) 4 Neotemnopteryx braesensis sp. nov. (Fig. 1A-E) Posterior halves of lateral margins of pronotum not straight 5 ETYMOLOGY. For the type locality. Black Braes lava 4. Supraanal plate subtrapezoidal; right style decidedly tubes,about270kmwestofLownsville. morerobustthantheleft(fig.6B,EinRoth,1990) . . . MATERIAL.HOLOTYPE.QML62986, c5,BB-2Cave. V.n».vfra//.v(Saussure) BlackBraeslavatubes, 19°33'S 144°07'E,NQueensland, & Supraanalplatetongue-shaped,withconcavesides;right Australia, 9.V.1997, D.P. Slaney, D. Blair F. Stone. and left styles about the same size (fig. 7B-D in Roth, PARALYPES. Same data as holotype, 2 6 (1 with 1990) N.glossaRoth dissected genitalia), 2 9, in ANIC, 1 6 with dissected 5. If1i0nAdminarRgotihn,o1f9s9u0p)raanalplateconcavelyN.ecxocanvcaetveadR(oftigh. hg9eonl,ioBttaByl-piae6,,C2ianvQe9,,M.oitnhFeQerMmda;altea1saswcTi,htohBloBotc-ye7lplei,CalivanceQk,iMno;gthp1eirg9md,eaBnttaB:-a7s1 Hindmarginofsupraanalplatenotconcavelyexcavated6 Cave,otherdataasholotype, inANIC. 6. RightparaproctwithU-shapedsclerotisationfFig.ID) 7 DESCRIPTION. MALE. Yellowish brown. RightparaproctwithoutU-shapedsclerotisalion(fig. 5B Pronotum subparabolic, widest just below inRoth,1990) N.gtoriousaRoth middle (Fig. 1A). Eyes reduced, base of eyes 7. Right style more robust than left: median genital reaching just below base of antennal socket. phallomerewithdarksclerotisedclaw-shapedapexand Antennae longer than body. Tegmina fully preapicalprojection(Fig. IF.) . . A',hme.sx-n.iissp.nov. developed, reaching margin ofsupraanal plate. Rightand left stylessimilar; median genital phallomere Hind wings fully developed, cubitusveinwith 3 without preapical projection (figs U, 2E.G in Roth. complete and 2-3 incomplete branches, apical 1990) A'/H/v«(Saussure) triangle absent. Front femur Type A with 3, 8. Hindwingsvestigial 9 anterior ventral margin with 4-5 large spines Hindwingsfullydeveloped 11 followedbyrowofsmallerspinesterminatingin 3 large spines. Tarsal claws symmetrical, 9. Eyespresent N.douglasi(Ptincis) unspecialised, pulvilli absent, arolia small. First Eyesabsent 10 abdominal tergum with 2 dense fan-shaped 10. Hind margin of supraanal plate with deep U-shaped groups ofsetae medially, and a few setae along indentation(Fig.2D) N.baylissensissp.nov. anteriorborderpartlycovered byhindmarginof HiinnRdotrnha.rfe9i9n5o)fsupraanalplateconvexlyrNo.unwdyendne(ifigR.o3tAh mspeetcainaloitsuemdw(iFitgh.21dB)e.nsSeevgernotuhpsabodfosmeitanealmetdeiraglulmy (Fig. 1C). Hind margin of supraanal plate 11. Hind margin of supraanal plate with deep U-shaped dcflexed (Fig. ID). Intercercal ridge present, indentation(Fig. IF) N.undarensissp.mov. large, lined with numerous small dark spines, Hind margin of supraanal plate without U-shaped extending into genital chamber (Fig. ID). indentation 12 Paraprocts asymmetrical, right larger, U-shaped 12. Pronotum elliptical, width about 1.5 times length (fig. with left halfcovered in short thick dark spines, 11AinRoth,1990) \.ellipiieoRoih leftparaproctclaw-likewith fewshort fine setae Pronotumnotelliptical 13 (Fig. ID). Subgenital plate and styles asym- 13. Apexofmediangenital phallomere bifurcated (figs8G, metrical, extendingbeyondsupraanal plate(Fig. 9BinRoth, 1990) N.hifiinalaRo\h IE). Styles covered with short thickdark brown spines, right style larger, at apex of subgenital Apexofmediangenitalphallomerenotbifurcated . . 14 plate (Fig. IE). Left phallomere hook-shaped 14. RightparaproctwithU-shapedsclerotisalion(Fig. ID) with subapical incision, overlying large A'./»/v</(Saussure) sclerotised plate with numerous small fine RightparaproctwithoutU-shapedsclerotisation(fig. 12B spines, median phallomere with dark sclerotised inRoth,1990) N.nanaRolh claw-shapedapex andpreapicalprojection, right THREENEWCAVE COCKROACHES 333 FIG. 1.A-E,Neotemnopteryxbraesensissp.nov., 6.A,pronotum;B,setalglandonfirstabdominaltergum;C, setalglandonseventhabdominaltergum;D,supraanalplateandparaprocts(ventralview);E,subgenitalplate, sstuyplreasa,naanldplpahtaelalnodmepraersap(rdoocrtssal(vveinetwr)a.l vFi-eGw,).N.Scuanldearbaernssi=s1spm.m.nov., 6. F, supraanal plate (dorsal view); G, phallomere with a cleft and elongated setose EW:0.6(0.5-0.6);AL:25.0(24.5-26.2);TL: 11.6 plate (Fig. IE). (10.2-12.5); TW4.0 (3.6-4.2). Measurements. Holotype first, paratypes in parentheses. BL: 17.2 (14.7-17.3); PL: 4.3 FEMALE.Largerthanmales.Eyesreduced,base (3.8-4.7); PW: 5.8 (4.6-5.8); EL: 1.5 (1.7-1.9); of eyes level with base of antennal sockets. 354 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLANDMUSEUM FIG. 2. A. Neotemnopteryxumlaremissp. nov.. 3. A, subgcnilal plaic, styles, and phallomcres (dorsal view). B-E, Neotemnopteryx baylissensis sp. nov., $. B, pronotum; C. setal gland on first abdominal terguni; D, supraanalplateandparaprocts(ventral view); E,subgenital plate,styles,andphallomeres(dorsal view). Scale bars= 1mm. Supraanal plate triginal. Subgenital plate broad, .Neotemnopteryx undarensis sp. nov. smoothly rounded. Females with ocelli lacking (Figs 1F,G,2A) pigment similarto otherfemales. Mpiegamseunrtemienntpsa.renFtehmesaelse.sBwLi:th17o.c5e-l2l1i.0la(c1k7i.n2-g aEboIYutM2O6L0OkGmYN.WFoorfTtohewntsyvpiellleo.cality, Undara lava lubes. 19.1); PL: 4.2-4.8 (4.4-4.5); PW: 5.6-6.8 (5.5-5.6); EL: 0.9-1.2 (1.1-1.2); EW: 0.4-0.5 MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE. QM T62987, 3, Wishing (0.5-0.6);TL: 12.9-16.7(11.9-12.8);TW:6.4-7.5 WellCave(U-52),Undara lavatubes, 18°06'S I44C,40'E, (3.6-4J0). N Queensland, Australia, 5.ii.l996, D.P. Slaney & E. Volschenk. PARATYPES. Same data as holotype, 1 6 REMARKS, Neotemnopteryx braesensis is with dissected genitalia,2 9,2oothecae, in AN1C. 1 S simi\aitoNeotemnopteryxJulva(Sau&suie)bnt\i\ with dissected genitalia, 2 9,2 oothecae.in QM. Same N. braesensismalesthemedianphallomerehasa locationasholotvpe, I 9.2juv., 14.iv.1990,M.Godwin. pmfreoemraapplhiecssalowfipttrhohjeuencstpaiimognem.esnp1tececidoensos.ciedAlellrithtNoo.ubgeBhrdafiefesfmeeanrlseeinsst MSH1toG4e4tCv°34eH30no's9hl9,eCl,aC6vIa,evtJeI,(jU4u(-vjU.1,u-6vS)1,l,3).2x,4.U.1nXU9d.n8a19d9r,aSar9M,a.lGAalo.vaadvLwaittitunltbeu,e,bseMM,sGG.CCII3388°°63I030755S'';;SS are largerthan males, both female morphs have 144'43'L,4 juv., I4.ix.1994, M. Godwin&. G Barnes,in smallereyes than males. MGC. I. M.W CAVE C(K. KKOAU1LS DESCRIPTION. MALE. Yellowish brown. P. broomehiUsnm theseventhabdominaltergum Pronotum subparabolic. widest just below isspecialised, and the subgenital plate and middle (as in Fig. 1A). Base of eyes extendmg are symmetrical. wellbelow baseofantenna! sockets. Antennaeas long as body. Tegmina extending bev Neotcmnnptervx baylissensis sp. nov. abdomen. Hind wings fully developed, cubitus <f.g.2B-F) vein with 5-6 complete and 2-4 incompi > r.,4 Rflth, I'- branches, apieal inangle absent. Front femur Type Aj. anterior ventral margin with 5*6 large llVVlOl (XIV.I or the locationol the boktypft B spines followed by row of smaller spines, ,m ofihe i irv < stem. terminating in 3 large spines. Tarsal claws MATERIA! HOLOTYPE. QM T62988, 3, wHh symmetrical, unspecialised, puhilli and aiolia dissected genitalia, Ba\liss Cave (11-3(1), (jnd.mt lava pgrreosteinpts. OFfirsItanab-dsohmaipneadl steetrageummewdiitahll2y,deannsde collectetd;,aiIsb•asna1n4a4b:aJi5t',E,5.N1U9Q9uSe,enDs.laBnladi,tAPusAtRraAl!ia,YPhIansd, numerous setae along anterior border (as in Fig. amc locality asboldtype,2J.V.I985, F. Howard], D, SIuBp)raaSneavlenptlhateabwdiotmhisniadleslceorngcmanveu,nhsipencdiamlairsgeidn IWrewiinns,ieiann.dtflI.QSWtone,IDI 'O•i',al2ityooatslrhcoclaoer.ypeI.9l.xi.i199i, I1. wapiitchaldleyerpoUu-nsdehdapleodbeesxcbaevaartiinognl,onfgorsmlienndgeprasnetaoef hAaNn1dC;coll1ec9te,daRtusnwHeye'tSpoCtaavteoba(Iit,-t2i3l.),iiiS,iil°se>n7l.FI.MiSltonHeo,win dorsally, denselycovered with small dark spines t.udwm,..lMavGaC3l3ub9e8, i-n-Mtii'. L'E IQ.h i''1"- - ventrally (Fig. IF) Intereercal ridge absent Paraproets asymmctneal, right with finger-like DESCRIPTION. MALL. Pale yellowish brown. process, leftwilhnumerous shortdarksetae(Fig : turn Subparabolic, Widesl near base (Fig IG). Subgenital plate and styles asymmetrical 2B). Ocelli and eyes absent. Antennae longer (Fig.2A). Sidesofsubgenital phne lohedbearing (ban body, legminu reduced, reaching Tl Hind short thick spines (Fig, 2A). Styles similar. wings vestigial, reaching top ofT2. Front lemur elongated,extendingbeyondmarginofsupraanal Type A-„ anterior ventral margin With 5 large plate, covered with few long and shorl sp- spines followed by row ot smaller spines, right style pointing dorsally, left pointing terminating in 3 large spines. Tarsal claws ventrally (Fig. 2A). Left phallomere ha symmetrical, unspecialised. pulvilli and arolia shaped with siihapical incision, median absent. Fusi abdominal tergum withlarge medial phallomererod-likewithshallow grooveinapes, depressioncontainingdensegroupofset.ic.seuie right phallomerewithaclei1 andelongated -.close also pre i'i Unrounding depression (Fie. 2C). Seventh abdominal tergum unspecrah plate(Fig. 2A). Measurements. Hokitype first, paratypes in Supraanal plate v\ilh sides concave, hind ma parentheses liL: 26.1 (25,5-26.3); PL. 6.2 with deep U-shaped excavation, forming pairof ((I7A6..V30-7-U.M9));.1 1P-2W-:1.37).;7T(L7:.42-58..50)(;23LL4:-226.40);i2T.2V-2..7y.i6; avdpeoinretsaralallllvlyyr.(aosuannidndePdilgol,onbgIePstIhbieInantreisrnpegienrsecmsaallalrtiddaagiepkeaxsbpsieannnetds Paraprools asymmetrical, right with finger-like FEMALE. Larger than males. Supraanal plate process, wit11 tew slantdarkspines,leftparaproer similar to male, but extending beyond u.aiL claw-like (fig. 2D). Subgenital plate and -... i subgenitalplate,withIl-shapcdexcavationnotas asymmcincal, extending beyond margin of deep, end lobes lacking dark spines ventrally supraanal plate (Fig. 2F). Styles similar, Subgenital plate broad, smoothly rounded. elongated, covered with few long and short Ootheca reddish brown, 7.5-').Smm long, with spines (Vie T) Fell phallomere hook sh, 10-28eggcells. with SUbapical incision, median phallomere Measurement*. BL: 26.8-27.5; PL: 7.0-7.5; PW: rod-like, apieallv acute, rigid phallomere s\ith 8F..6W-:91I.:3-I1.L4:.25.2-27.3:TW: 7 1 SO; II 2 - pVlia&teKtwuiwtnhensthosr,tKsoplionteysp(eF,igH.L2K2)2..6; PL:<> >; pw; 6.3; TL: 9.0; TW: 4.3 RFMARKS. In males ofA', umlarensisthe deep 1 1 shaped excavation in the hind margin of 'he FFMALE. Larger than males. Ocelli and supraanal plate is similar to that of Paratem- absent. Supraanal plate trigonal, lateral mat napteryxbmomefrillensh Rolh. 199ft,and 10that UOriCaVe, apes shallowlv indented Silbgcililal ol V buyltssemts described below. However, in plaie broad, rounded, forming peak at apex. 336 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Oothecapaleyellowishbrown, 6.4-6.5mm long, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS with 9-10 egg cells. This workwas supported by funding from the Measurements. TL: 22.2-26.6; PL: 6.5-6.7; PW: Australian Research Council and James Cook 6.6-7.3; TL: 8.3-8.6; TW: 4.2-4.7. University of North Queensland. I thank Dr David Rentz (ANIC) for training in dissection REMARKS. Individuals ofN. baylissensis lack Maonndtepirtehpa(raQtMi)onfoorfhisspteicmiemegnusi,dianngdmeDrthGreouogfhf ocelliandeyes.WhilecollectingspecimensofA'. the collections. baylissensis, cockroaches were noted not to respondtothelightfromheadlamps.Roth(1990) LITERATURECITED recorded a female individual of this species PRINCIS, K. 1951. Neue und wenig Bekannte collectedfromBaylisscaveasaspeciesofPara- Blattarien aus dem zoologischen Museum, temnopteryx(P.sp.4),althoughheremarkedthat ^Copenhagen. Spolia Zoologischen Museum the habitus of the female resembled that of Hauniensis 12: 1-172. Neotemnopteryx douglasi (Princis). The ROTH,L.M. 1990. ArevisionoftheAustralianParco- U-shaped excavation in the hind margin ofthe blattini (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). supraanal plate of the male N. baylissensis Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 28: 531-596. Ps.pebcriomomeenhiisllseinmsiilsa,rthoowtheavtero,fNt.heimadsayrmemnestirsiacnadl 199W5es.NteerwnsApuecsitersalainad(rBelcaotrtdarsioa)f.coRcekcrooradcshesoffrtohme subgenital plate and the habitus ofthe recently WesternAustralianMuseum 17: 153-161. collected male specimen leads me to conclude SLANEY, D.P. in press. New species of Australian that the specimens are a new species of cockroaches in the genus Paratemnopteryx Neotemnopteryx. In addition, aligned molecular Saussure (Blattaria, Blattellidae, Blattellinae), sequence data obtained from the entire with implications for the evolution of tropical mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene UPTOcNav,efMa.unSa.e.1J9ou9r1n.alMoeftNhatoudrsalfHiosrtocroy.llecting, (COII) further support the inclusion of N. preserving,andstudyinginsectsandalliedforms. baylissensis in the genus Neotemnopteryx The Australian Entomological Society (Slaney, unpubl. data). miscellaneouspublicationNo. 3, Brisbane.

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