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“ (ACANTHACEAE) APHELANDRA NEW OF SPECIES ECUADOR AND from PERU CWasshausen Dieter Botany Department of ui230sDecleswmcnextendsfron.norlhwes.€mMexicosou.hcastwarf h o genus o*f a f neotropical and the Aphelandra, a Brazil to southeastern in Catarina and wet x>th regions of through 1 Argent southwestern mountains of in Andean province of Salta in the . rpaches zenith its diversity inmorphological and thenumber species Colombia, 41 species of from described ^ 61 ^P““= Presently, America and in Brazil. “™^A,^^haceae, South found to western they are ^ and from Peru and 44 38 species from Ecuador, undisturbed forests in widespread, ^ ^ found 15% are only and range, distribution extremely local in collected and are rarely the familiar are rarely forests devoid of cystoliths, being from ot er distinguished ^dh -thecous The genus narrow, is 1 ^ ^ most acanthaceous one by which which often possess character p each of longitudinal clefts, 3 ^^ en pol and by having ellipsoidal and in certain species anthers g and bractlets, bracts wy the ^^oluding a large flowering spikes are often species, are the pore. Its Important occur. blades colored leaves margins of the leaf variegated or on the ^ otherwise, tee racts,o intepetiolar spiny absence of presence or on and of ocelli orflowerbracts, Old the g probably whereas in The nearest relative is absent upper corolla lip is the and In Crossandra, rica Asia. Aphelandratheupperlipalwayspresent. and Pebas A^npiyacu. Maynas: Rio ^ plowmanuWasshausen,spjiov(F^.J^^^ Aphelandra 0 vicinity,3n0'S,7r49W,10Aprl977. m stem 1.5-2 tall _^ 5-40 Unbranched shrub or treelet the petioles short-petiolate, J appres^d, 1 nar- gradually trichomes apex, densely hirsute, the acuminate at ^ puberulous, mmlong, blades (12-14 pairs) the hirsute, veins the atbase, dtcurrent mid above the and both sparingly rowed from the middle or slightly upper so above, the terminal, sessile prominent beneath, less a solitary, Inflorescence nndnlate. spar- puberulous, the dense, the rachis inconspicuously moderately corollas), ^5 (excluding cm . m and cm long 12-19 spike subsessile mm rounded appressed acute to at with wide, ingly pubescent 17-18 3333_-4433 long, elliptic, broadly recurving, orange, axis; bracts bright apex, attenuate basally, glabrous, rather firm, distinctly parallel veined, margin entire; bractlets elliptic to ob- mm mm 20-22 lanceolate, long, 3-3.5 wide, glabrous, acute and reticulately veined apically; calyx deeply mm mm mm lobed, 17-20 long, the lobes lanceolate, the posterior segment larger, 20 long and 4 wide, some- mm mm mm mm what erose at apex, the anterior pair 19-20 long and 3.5 wide, the lateral pair 17 long and 3 wide, all glabrous and subhyaline; corolla white tinged with magenta on lower lip or the tube carmine red, lip mm yellow with two dark-red spots throat, 80 long, tomentose, especially on the upper part of the tube, at mm mm throat and upper lip, the tube curved, 2.5 wide at base then gradually enlarged to 7 at throat, the upper mm mm lip erect, ovate, 22-25 long and 3.5-4 wide, entire and cucullate at apex, lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, mm mm mm the middle lobe obovate, 14 long and 1.75-2 wide, truncate the lobes obovate 2 long at tip, lateral mouth and wide; stamens slightly exserted beyond the of the corolla tube; anthers unequal, posterior thecae mm mm 3.5 long, anterior thecae 6 long; ovary minutely punctate. Capsule not seen. Aphelandra plowmanii morphologically similar to A. crispata Leonard emend. Wasshausen from Ama- is new zonian Colombia and Ecuador. The species distinguished by having leaf margins entire or slightly un- is dulate, bracts bright orange and recurving and corollas that are either white tinged with magenta on lower lip or tube carmin red, lower lip yellow with two dark-red spots at throat. In contrast, in A. crispata the lateral mm cm veins terminating in broad teeth 1-5 high and 2-2.5 apart, the bracts are red to purplish, crisped or twisted but not recurved and corollas are pinkish-purple to violet. — m and mature upland on well-drained 130-ca 600 Distribution. ^Along trails in forest alluvial soil, Aphelandra 2A-H). knappii Wasshausen, sp. nov. (Fig. Type: p m Herb or shrub 1-4 stems terete to subquadrangular, glabrous, drying dark-purplish. Leaves long-petio- tall; cm cm 15-20 late, the petioles 3-5 long, glabrous, drying dark-purplish, the blades broadly elliptic to ovate, long, 6-10 cm wide, acuminate apex, narrowed and attenuate at base, glabrous, thin, the veins (10-12 pairs) at margin and glabrous, conspicuous on both the upper and lower surface, the entire slightly undulate. Inflores- and cence of 3-5 and terminal spikes, these few-flowered congested at the tips of the branches, short, axillary the peduncles 3-4 cm long, glabrous, drying dark-purplish; bracts obovate, somewhat asymmetrical, 12-15 mm mm long and 8-10 wide, rather thin, glabrous, obtuse or rounded at apex, vernation prominent, margin mm mm mm entire; bractlets oblong to lanceolate, 4 long and 1 wide, minutely ciliolate at tip; calyx 4-4.5 long, mm mm and deeply lobed, lobes subequal, posterior lobe oblong, 4-4.5 long 2 wide, truncate at apex, anterior mm mm mm mm long and wide; yellow with pair lanceolate, 5 long and 1.5 wide, the lateral pair 5 1 corollas mm glabrous without and tomentose within at insertion of filaments lobes apically green-tipped, 40 long, tube mm mm mm base, the tube suberect, 36 long, 1 wide at base, this to 5 above base, then gradually enlarged to mm mm mm mm 7-9 upper 5-6 long, the 2 lobes 4 long and 3 wide, mouth, spreading, the lip at the lips mm mm mm rounded, middle lobe 4 long, 3.5 wide, the lateral lobes 3.5 long and 3.5 the lower 3-lobed, the lip mm mm mm 40 mouth tomentose wide; stamens 8-10 beyond the of corolla tube; filaments long, at exserted mm mm mm pollen white; ovary 2 high; style 55 long, exserted. base; anther thecae 5 long, dorsally tomentose; mm mm mm seeds dark brown, subcircular, 4 Capsule clavate, 15 long, 5 wide, blunt at tip, nitid, glabrous; flat, in diameter, sparingly papillose. Lindau found Ecuador and A.jacobinioides also in Peru. Aphelandra morphologically similar to knappii is 3-4 cm The new by having broadly elliptic to ovate, glabrous leaf blades, peduncles species distinguished is mm obovate, somewhat asymmetrical, 12-15 long, obtuse long, bracts glabrous, these drying dark-purplish, mm mm apicaUy green-tipped, 40 long, tube 36 long and or rounded apex and yellow, with lobes at corollas : Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7(1) 112 C Fig. 2. A-F: Aphelmdra knappS {Knapp 8077). A. Habit B. Bract. Bractlets and calyx lobes. D. Corolla 113 New species of Aphelandra from Peru and Ecuador I, mm pubescent pe- the wide mouth. In contrast, in A. jacobinioides the leaf blades are oblong-elliptic, -9 at cm mcles 1-2 not drying dark-purplish, the bracts a are long,, mm mm and 42 long uncateandsubmuci apex and the corollas are orange to yellow, 48 long, the tube late at mm wide mouth. at 3 200-800 n between w sand at elevations Distribution.—Tropical km PERU. San Martin: Lamas. Convento, trail to Tioyacu and Nuevo Lamas, 68 of Tarapom- studied in addition to the type: aterial 200-800 m, 22 Mar 1986, Knapp & Mallet 6896 (MO, US); Lamas, Convento trail to Tioyacu and Tarapoto-Yurimaguas, 6°16'S, 5 & (MO, km 76-17^, 200 m, 19 Apr 1986, Knapp Mallet 7105 68 Tarapoto-Yurimaguas road, 6°16'S, ca. uevo Lamas (then to Rio Shanusi), of & Loreto: Balsapuerto, 220 m, Jan 1933, Klug 2847 (US); Balsapuerto (lower Rio Huallaga basin). 150-350 m, 28-0 Aug 1929, Killip S). 28617 nith (US). m drying brownish. Leaves long-petiolate, the Low shrub stem terete to subquadrate, glabrous, ca. 1.3 tall; cm and inconspicuously puberulous, the sparingly glabrous to (unwinged portion) 1.5-2.5 long, petioles narrowed from above cm acuminate apex, cm 3.5-5 wide, glabrous, at 10.5-15 long, blades elliptic to oblong, and conspicuous both above and raised the veins (10-11 pairs) slightly the middle and attenuate at base, firm, 4-5 margin Inflorescence of short, axil- on lower surface, entire. conspicuous secondary veins below, glabrous, peduncles 1.5-2 branches, the and congested at the tip of few-flowered lary and terminal spikes, these yellow, mm 10-12 somewhat asymmetrical, long narrowly obovate, cm glabrous; bracts yellow, long canaliculated, mm cuneate base, margin entire; bractlets lanceo- 2-lobed apex, at obscurely at and 7-8 wide, firm, glabrous, mm mm mm subhyaline, glabrous; calyx 5 long, wide, striate-nerved, 1-1.5 narrowly 3-3.5 long, late to ovate, mm mm glabrous, the posterior lobe 2 wide, the anterior pair 1 subhyaline, lobes lanceolate, striate-nerved, mm 28 yellow-green, long, gla- mn mucronulate apex; corolla both pairs at wide, the lateral pair 0.5 vide, mm mm mm hp 3-4 4 wide mouth, the upper long, the 2 wide base, at 25 n long, at brous, the tube suberect, 1 mm mm middle lobe 3 long and 3 wide, lower 3-lobed, the n rounded, the lip and long 2.5 ide, a mm mm rounded; stamens reaching the tip of the upper hp; obtuse or and 2 wide, all the lateral lobes'3 loitg mm mm mm 28 ovary 3 high; style long, ex- thecae 2.5 long; anther filaments tomentose point of insertion; at A and Pem^ Lindau from Ecuador jncohinimties similar to '‘""^hrrdtTnvT/sLi morphologically also is ca.l.3mmll; stems glabrous, drying brovratsh; leaf beingalow shrub, new by This distinguished species is somewhat asym- narrowly obovate, cm bracts yellow, cm and 3.5-5 wide, firm; long blades 10.5-15 smaller, mm and yellowish-green, 28 long, tube apex corollas glabrous at metrical, obscurely 2-lobed at apex; bractlets m shrubs 4 branches are mm mm jacobinioides are to tall; plants of A. mouth. In contrast, 25 wide long, 4 at cm 6-8 cm membranous; bracts greenish, wide, 16-20 long, blades are puberulous, not drying brownish; leaf and orange apically pilose corollas to submucronate apex; bractlets and at broadly symmetrical, truncate ovate, 1500-1800m. Ferreyra 1675 (GH, Tingo Maria and Boqueron, between Hnanuco: Divisoria, PERU. Material studiedin addition to the type: drying dark reddish-brown Leaves Lie glabrous, subqnndrangular, orsImroTlsTi^Ihlml Herb in puberulous. the blades cm sparrngly glabraie to 1-3 long, (unwinged portion) long-petiola.e, .he pe.ioles narroW cm acuminate apex, arid attenuate at base, a. cm 5-9 wide, 11-20 long, broadly eniplic to obovate, and on both np,mr lower conspicuous the glabrous, (9-11 pairs) primary veins glabrous, niembranous, the and few-flowemd and terminal spikes, these 3-« axillary short, of surface, margin Inflorescence the entire. lower broadly conges.eda.d.efipsorbranches,.hepedunclesl-3cmlong,darkreddish-browu;bracmgreen, 115 mm mm ovate, 12-15 long and 12-13 wide, apically somewhat asymmetrically bilobed, becoming narrower to mm 10 wide toward apex, apically acute, firm, glabrous, minutely gland-dotted, distinctly parallel ca. all mm mm nerved, margin entire; bractlets lanceolate, somewhat shorter than the calyx lobes, 4 long, 1.5 wide, mm 4-5 striate-nerved, subhyaline, glabrous, minutely ciliolate at apex; calyx long, the lobes lanceolate, stri- mm mm ate-nerved, subhyaline, glabrous, the posterior lobe 1.5 wide, the anterior pair 1 wide, the lateral pair mm mm mm 0.5 wide, minutely ciUolate at apex; corolla yellow, 30 long, glabrous, the tube suberect, 25 all mm mm mm mm long, 4 wide at base, 7-8 wide at mouth, the upper lip erect or spreading, 5 long, the lobes 1 mm mm long and 2 wide, puberulous within, the lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe 4 wide, the lateral lobes 3 mm mm long and 3 wide, obtuse or rounded; stamens reaching the of the upper filaments tomentose all tip lip; mm mm mm at point of insertion; anther thecae 3 long. Capsule green, clavate, 12-13 long, 4 wide, blunt at tip, mm 4 nitid, glabrous; seeds dark brown, suborbicular, in diameter, sparingly papillose. flat, more Aphelandra ancayacensis is also morphologically similar to the widespread species A. jacobinioides from Ecuador and Peru. It is distinguished from the later species by plants being somewhat smaller herbs or m shrubs, 0.3-1. 3 tall; stems dark reddish-brown; leaf blades elliptic to obovate; peduncles dark reddish- mm mm cm brown, somewhat longer, 1-3 long; bracts green, 12-15 long and 10-13 wide, lower apically some- mm what asymmetrically bilobed, upper apically acute, all minutely gland-dotted and corollas yellow, 30 long, mm mm m tube 25 long, 7-8 wide at mouth. In contrast, A. jacobinioides are plants of shrubs to 4 stems not tall; dark reddish-brown; leaf blades oblong-elliptic; peduncles not dark reddish-brown, 1-2 cm shorter, long; mm mm bracts green, 10 long, 9 wide, all uniform in shape and size, truncate and submucronate at apex, lack- mm mm mm ing glandular dots and corollas orange to yellow, 48 long, tube 42 long, 16 wide mouth. at — Distribution. In well-drained soils, primary forest on the upper river terra km 23 S of Nuevo San Martin i: m, Mar Woy 0 5 1954. tkowski 1146 (US). Pasco: I a. 10“12’S, 325 m. 14-15 Apr 1983, D.N. Smith 3699 (MO, I Aphelandra schunkei Wasshausen, 5A-G). sp. nov. (Fig. Peru, h Type: m Herbs or shrubs 0.4-1.5 tall; stems subquadrangular, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, the petioles 1.5-3 cm long, glabrate to puberulous, the trichomes sordid, the blades elliptic to broadly elliptic to oblong, 15-22(-26) cm cm long, 4-7(-9) wide, acuminate apex, narrowed and at attenuate at base, rather firm, glabrous, shining in- tensely olive-green, vernation prominent on lower primary surface, the veins (14-18 pair) glabrous or puberu- lous, the trichomes appressed, the margin entire or slightly undulate. Inforescence of 2-10 short, axillary and terminal spikes, these few-flowered and congested cm at the tips of the branches, the peduncles 2-2.5 long, mm glabrous, canaliculated, bracts intensely green, narrowly obovate to ovate, 13-17(-24) long and 8-10(-l4) mm mm tire; bractlets lanceolate, shorter than calyx lobes, 2.75-3 long, 1 wide, striate-nerved, subhyaline, mm 4-5 glabrous, ciliolate at apex; calyx long, the lobes lanceolate, striate-nerved, subhyaline, glabrous, the mm mm mm posterior lobe wide, 1.5 the anterior pair wide, the 1 lateral pair 0.5 wide, minutely at ciliolate all mm mm mm apex; corolla yellow to greenish yellow, 35-40 long, glabrous, the tube 30-35 4 suberect, long, mm mm mm wide at base, 7-9 wide at mouth, the upper lip erect or spreading, 5-7 long, the lobes 3 long and mm mm 3.5 wide, puberulous within, the lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe 3.5-4 in diameter, the lateral lobes mm mm 3 long and wide, 3.5 obtuse or rounded; stamens all reaching the tip of the upper filaments tomen- lip; mm mm tose at point of insertion; anther thecae 4 long, dorsally tomentose; ovary 3 30-35 high, glabrous, style mm mm mm long, slightly exceeding the anther thecae. Capsule green, 13 4 clavate, long, wide, blunt at tip, mm nitid, glabrous; seeds dark brown, 4 flat, suborbicular, in diameter, sparingly papillose. Aphelandra schunkei morphologically is similar to A. davidsonii Wasshausen found Department also in the new Huanuco, of Peru. This species is distinguished by having larger leaf blades, 15-22(-26) cm long and cm mm 4-7(-9) wide; green spikes on longer peduncles 2-2.5 cm long; bracts intensely green, 13-17(-24) long 7 New Wasshausen, species of Aphelandra from Peru and Ecuador 1 1 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7(1)

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