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Preview New species and records of Kleptochthonius from Indiana (Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae)

2000. The Journal of Arachnology 28:293–299 NEW SPECIES AND RECORDS OF KLEPTOCHTHONIUS FROM INDIANA (PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA, CHTHONIIDAE) William B. Muchmore: Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Box 270211, Rochester, New York 14627-0211 USA ABSTRACT. New records and supplemental data are given for thetroglobiticspeciesKleptochthonius packardi; and two new epigean or troglophilic species are described, K. griseomanus and K. lewisorum. Some comments are made on the status of the genus. Keywords: Pseudoscorpionida,Kleptochthonius, cavernicoles,Indiana In1879,H.HagendescribedBlothruspack- Kleptochthonius Chamberlin 1949:4; Hoff 1958:7; ardifromWyandotteCaveinCrawfordCoun- Malcolm & Chamberlin 1961:2–3; Muchmore ty, Indiana. This was the first cavernicolous 1965:1; Muchmore 1990:510; Harvey 1991:177; Muchmore 1994a:13. pseudoscorpionknowninNorthAmerica.Re- Chamberlinochthonius Vachon 1952:105; Hoff studyofthetypecollection(Muchmore1963) 1958:7. revealed that the species belongs in the genus Kleptochthonius (Chamberlinochthonius) Vachon: Kleptochthonius Chamberlin 1949. In 1994 I Malcolm & Chamberlin 1961:16; Muchmore reported an isolated Kleptochthonius palp 1965:1; Muchmore 1990:510; Harvey 1991:179. from Wilson’s Cave in Jefferson County, In- Kleptochthonius was described originally diana. No other material pertaining to the ge- by J.C. Chamberlin (1929) as Heterochthon- nus has been reported from the state until re- ius, a subgenus of Apochthonius Chamberlin. cently. Over the past several years, intensive The name Kleptochthonius was first applied search by J.J. Lewis and his colleagues in by Chamberlin (1949), after he discovered caves of southern Indiana has turned up new that the name Heterochthonius had been used material of K. packardi, together with several previously by Berlese (1910) for a genus of other species of pseudoscorpions. Thepresent Acarina. At that time, only two species were paper reexamines Kleptochthonius packardi known, K. crosbyi (Chamberlin 1929) and K. and describes two new species in the genus. multispinosus (Hoff 1945), both epigean METHODS forms from North Carolina. In 1952, M. Va- chon erected a new, allied genus, Chamberli- Most of the specimens studied here were nochthonius, the type species, C. henroti, be- dissected, cleared, and mounted on micro- ing a troglobitic form from a cave in West scope slides for detailed examination. Speci- Virginia. Malcolm & Chamberlin (1961) de- mens are deposited in the Florida State Col- scribed two new epigean species of Klepto- lection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida chthonius from Oregon and eight new trog- (FSCA) and the Museum of Comparative Zo- lomorphic species from caves in eastern ology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas- states; the latter they placed in Chamberlino- sachusetts (MCZ). Some abbreviations are chthonius, which they regarded as an ‘‘artifi- used in the text: L (cid:53) length; L/B (cid:53) ratio, cial but convenient’’ subgenus of Klepto- length/breadth; L/D (cid:53) ratio, length/depth; T chthonius. Subsequently, Muchmore (1963, (cid:53) tactile seta. 1965, 1976, 1994a, 1994b) and other authors (e.g., Harvey 1991) followed Malcolm & SYSTEMATICS Chamberlin in assigning species to the sub- Genus Kleptochthonius Chamberlin genera Kleptochthonius or Chamberlino- chthonius. However, subgeneric designations Apochthonius (Heterochthonius) Chamberlin 1929: 153; Beier 1932:42. are not used in the present report, because Heterochthonius Chamberlin: Hoff 1945:313; Hoff they are currently undergoing reevaluation 1949:434. (see Discussion). 293 294 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY The genus Kleptochthonius was well de- Lewis),1(cid:47).HarrisonCounty:BinkleyCave,about fined by Malcolm&Chamberlin(1961).Sup- 1.5 km S of Corydon, in pitfall trap about 300 m plementary discussions of specializedsensory into dark zone, 16 November 1997 (J.J. Lewis, T. setae on the palpal chela and of the dorsal Sollman),1tritonymph;CoonCave,6.5kmSWof Corydon,‘‘fromrockontopofbaited(cheese)pit- processofthemovablechelalfingerweregiv- fall trap, dark zone’’, 17 May 1997 (J.J. Lewis, S. en by Muchmore (1965, 1976, 1994a). Rafail),1(cid:63);MaucksCave,Harrison-CrawfordState Kleptochthonius packardi (Hagen) Forest,‘‘fromflowstoneinlowerlevelofcave’’,14 Figs. 1, 4 September1996(J.J.Lewis,JamesLewis,V.Lew- is), 1 tritonymph; Twin Domes Cave, TwinDomes Blothrus packardi Hagen 1879:399. Nature Preserve, in pitfall traps,31May1998(J.J. Chthonius packardi (Hagen): Hagen 1880:83–84; Lewis), 2(cid:47). Orange County: Murray Spring Cave, Hubbard 1880:37, 79, 84 (in part); Banks 1895: Paoli Country Club, in pitfall trap, 30 April 1998 13(inpart);Blatchley1897:170;Coolidge1908: (J.J. Lewis, S. Rafail), 1(cid:47); Saltpeter Cave, 6 km 114 (in part); Vachon 1952:111 (in part). Chthonius packardii Hagen: Packard 1888:43–48, NNEofMarengo,2March1997(J.J.Lewis,James figs. 12a-g, Pl. XI figs. 3, 3a-j (in part). Lewis, V. Lewis), 2(cid:47). (All on slides, in FSCA.) Chtonius [sic] packardii Hagen: Blatchley 1897: Supplemental data.—All parts of animals 205 (in part). pale in color. Eyes absent in all. Chaetotaxy Cthonius[sic]packardiHagen:Blatchley1897:171. of carapace 4-4-4-2-4 (cid:53) 18, except in one fe- Chthonius(?) packardi (Hagen): Beier 1932:61 (in malewherethereare3,ratherthan4,setaeon part);Roewer1937:240(inpart);Hoff1958:4(in part). posteriormargin.Tergalchaetotaxysomewhat Genus? packardi Hagen: Hoff 1949:443 (in part). variable, but usually much like the types, i.e., ‘‘Chthonius’’packardi(Hagen):Malcolm&Cham- 2-3:2-3:2-3:2-4:4:4:5-6:6:-. Internal genitalia berlin 1961:1. of male similar to those of K. crosbyi (see Kleptochthonius (Chamberlinochthonius) packardi Malcolm & Chamberlin 1961: fig. 3A). Ap- (Hagen): Muchmore 1963:2–5, figs. 1–2; Much- pendagesofadultsverylongandslender.Pal- more 1965:2, 7; Muchmore 1976:211; Harvey palfemur1.55–1.65(cid:51)andchela2.3–2.45(cid:51)as 1991:181 (in part); Muchmore 1994b:319–320. longascarapace;L/Boffemur6.85–7.15,pa- Not Chthonius packardii Hagan [sic]: Giovannoli 1933:604 (misidentification). tella 2.35–2.55, chela 7.1–7.9; L/D of hand 2.75–3.05; movable finger 1.55–1.7(cid:51) as long Type material examined.—Lectotype as hand. Leg I: femur 2.25–2.5(cid:51) as long as male (No. 1), allotype female (No. 2), and 4 patella. Leg IV: L/D of femur (cid:49) patella3.45– paralectotype males of Blothrus packardi Ha- 3.85,tibia5.25–5.7.Thedorsalprocessonthe gen [also labeled ‘‘Chamberlinochthonius proximal end of movable finger of chela is packardi (Hagen), det. W.B. Muchmore’’],on long,cylindrical(Fig.1).Thereisashortsen- slides, in MCZ. sorysetaonthemedialsideofthefixedfinger Type locality.—Wyandotte Cave, Craw- of the palpal chela, at or just distad of level ford County, Indiana. [Note: Harvey (1991: of trichobothrium ist (Fig. 4). 181) erroneously gives ‘‘Mammoth Cave, Tritonymphmuchlikeadultbutsmallerand Kentucky, U.S.A.’’ as the type locality of with slightly less slender appendages; with K.(C.) packardi]. only 7 trichobothria on hand and fixed chelal Diagnosis.—A large, eyeless species of finger and 3 on movable finger. Shortsensory Kleptochthonius with very slender appendag- seta on fixed chelal finger as in adult. es (length of palpal chela 1.3 mm or greater, Measurements (mm).—Adult: Figures chela usually 7.0 or more times as long as given firstforthesinglemale,followedinpa- broad); all parts light brown or lighter; dorsal rentheses by ranges for 6 females. Body L process on proximal end of movable chelal 1.90 (1.81–2.63). Carapace L 0.605 (0.59– finger long, cylindrical; a short, stout sensory 0.695). Chelicera L 0.53 (0.51–0.57). Palp: seta on medial side of fixed finger near base. trochanter 0.30 (0.28–0.32) / 0.155 (0.13– Additional material examined.—INDIANA: 0.17); femur 1.00 (0.97–1.11) / 0.14 (0.14– Crawford County: Route 66 Cave, 6 km S of Har- 0.155);patella0.36(0.355–0.39)/0.15(0.15– dinsburg, ‘‘hand-collected from raccoon scat (with 0.16); chela 1.50 (1.42–1.60) / 0.19 (0.19– Collembola) on mudbank, end of main passage of caveabout60metersfromentrance,dryupperlev- 0.22); hand 0.60 (0.55–0.63) / 0.195 (0.19– el’’, 26 October 1996 (J.J. Lewis, James Lewis, V. 0.22);movablefingerL0.94(0.89–1.04).Leg MUCHMORE—CAVERNICOLOUSKLEPTOCHTHONIUSFROM INDIANA 295 Figures1–6.—SpeciesofKleptochthonius.1–3.Proximalendofmovablefingerofpalpalchela,lateral view, showing dorsal process (dorsal at top; areoleisthatof trichobothriumb).1.Kleptochthoniuspack- ardi, lectotype male; 2. Kleptochthonius griseomanus newspecies,holotypefemale;3.Kleptochthonius lewisorum new species, holotype female. 4. Kleptochthonius packardi, lectotype male: Leftpalpalchela, dorsalview,withenlargementofsensorysetaonfixedfinger(othersetaeomitted).5,6.Kleptochthonius griseomanus new species, holotype female. 5. Right palp, dorsal view, with enlargement ofsensoryseta on fixed finger; 6. Left chela, lateral view (base broken; setae omitted). I: femur 0.62 (0.585–0.665) / 0.095 (0.08– Remarks.—Thenewlycollectedspecimens 0.11); patella 0.265 (0.235–0.295) / 0.09 appear to be slightly larger than the types (0.08–0.09). Leg IV: femur (cid:49) patella 0.865 from Wyandotte Cave, as reported in 1963. (0.86–0.955) / 0.245 (0.23–0.26); tibia 0.60 However, these differences are probably due (0.555–0.63) / 0.105 (0.105–0.12). inparttochangesinmeasuringtechniquesbe- Tritonymph: Two specimens. Body L 1.45, tween that time and the present. In any event, 1.68. Carapace L 0.49, 0.495. Chelicera L the species, as here recognized, is rather var- 0.40, 0.40. Palp: femur 0.75, 0.76 / 0.125, iableinsizeandchaetotaxy.Furthercollecting 0.125; patella 0.28, 0.29 / 0.125, 0.13; chela and study may reveal that more than one spe- 1.13,1.14 / 0.17, 0.17;hand0.46,0.45/0.17, cies is represented. 0.17; movable finger L 0.69, 0.71. Leg IV: In addition to the type locality, Wyandotte femur (cid:49) patella 0.605, 0.64 / 0.16, 0.18; tibia Cave, Kleptochthonius packardi has been 0.42, 0.45 / 0.09, 0.09. found in several caves in neighboring Craw- 296 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Figures7, 8.—Kleptochthoniuslewisorumnewspecies,holotypefemale.7.Leftpalp,dorsalviewbut chelatwistedshowingmedialsurface,withenlargementofsensorysetaonfixedfinger(darkenedareoles are underneath, i.e., on lateral side of chela); 8. Right chela, lateral view (setaeomitted). ford, Harrison, and Orange Counties, Indiana. sensory seta at the base of the fixed chelal Two females were collected within Twin finger. From the attenuation of the palp, it ap- Domes Cave, Harrison County, where K. gri- pears to be a troglomorphic species. No other seomanus new species is also present at the representative of the genus has been found in entrance. A tritonymph, apparently belonging this part of Indiana. to K. packardi, was taken some 300 m into Kleptochthonius griseomanus new species the eastern end of the Binkley Cave System, Figs. 2, 5, 6 the largest known cave in Indiana, while the holotypeofK.lewisorumnewspecies(seebe- Type material.—Holotype female low) was found in the Baelz Cave section at (WM8208.01001) from Indian Cave, (a sand- the western end of the system (about 5.5 km stonecaveintheHemlockCliffsareaofHoo- away, straight-line distance) (see Lewis & sier National Forest), about 6.5 km SSE of Sollman 1998). Taswell, Crawford County, Indiana, 5 July 1997 (J.J. Lewis, S. Rafail); allotype male Kleptochthonius(?) sp. (WM8240.02001) from leaf litter at base of A single, detached, left palp of an adult entrance pit, Twin Domes Cave, Twin Domes pseudoscorpion was collected in Wilsons NaturePreserve,HarrisonCounty,Indiana,31 Cave, Jefferson County, Indiana; it has been May 1998 (J.J. Lewis, R. Burns, E. Burns, H. tentatively identified as belonging to an un- Huffman, E. Jacquart) (mounted on slides, in known species of Kleptochthonius (Much- FSCA). more1994b).IfitisindeedaKleptochthonius, Diagnosis.—A smaller, less slender spe- it appears most closely related to K. sheari cies, with palpal chela 1.05 mm long, 4.7– Muchmore (1994a), with a relatively long, 5.05(cid:51) as long as broad; 4 corneate eyes; MUCHMORE—CAVERNICOLOUSKLEPTOCHTHONIUSFROM INDIANA 297 mostlylightbrown,buthandofcheladistinct- by those for allotype male. Body L 2.11 ly gray; dorsal process on proximal end of (1.87). Carapace L 0.555 (0.54). Chelicera L movable chelal finger small, roughly bilobed; 0.45 (0.42). Palp: trochanter 0.235 (0.23) / a short, stout sensory seta on medial side of 0.13 (0.125); femur 0.725 (0.73) / 0.13 fixed finger near base. Kleptochthonius gri- (0.125); patella 0.32 (0.295) / 0.15 (0.14); seomanus appears most closely related to K. chela 1.04 (1.06) / 0.22 (0.21); hand 0.43 inusitatus Muchmore (1994a) from eastern (0.435) / 0.22 (0.21); movable finger L 0.64 Ohio. The two are similar in size and propor- (0.66). Leg I: femur 0.39 (0.415) / 0.075 tions, but K. griseomanus differs in having a (0.075); patella 0.185 (0.185) / 0.075 (0.075). distinctlygraypalpalchela,fewersetaeonthe Leg IV: femur (cid:49) patella 0.615 (0.66) / 0.20 terga, a smaller, less strongly bilobed process (0.23); tibia 0.435 (0.46) / 0.09 (0.09); basi- onthebaseofthemovablefingerofthechela, tarsus0.245(0.235)/0.075(0.065);telotarsus and the small sensory seta on the fixed finger 0.415 (0.445) / 0.05 (0.05). closer to the level of trichobothrium ist. Etymology.—The species isnamed griseo- Description.—Representative of Klepto- manus in reference to the distinctly grayhand chthonius as discussed above, and with the of the palpal chela. followingparticularfeatures.Maleandfemale Remarks.—Two specimens of K. packardi much alike. Hand of palpal chela gray; chelal were collected within Twin Domes Cave, in fingers and other palpal segments, carapace the entrance pit of which the allotype of K. andcheliceratan;otherpartslighter.Carapace griseomanus was found (see above). The for- about as long as broad; epistome barely per- meriscertainlyatroglobite,whereasthelatter ceptible; 4 corneate eyes; chaetotaxy 6-4-4-2- is at best a troglophile, or an epigean species 4 (cid:53) 20. Coxal area typical; each coxa I with only accidentally associated with the cave. 5 coxal spines. Tergal chaetotaxy of holotype Kleptochthonius lewisorum new species 4:4:7:6:8:9:10:9:?:?:T2T:0, allotype similar. Figs. 3, 7, 8 Sternal chaetotaxy of holotype (female) 8: (3)8(3):(3)8(3):12:14:14:13:13:11:0:2; ster- Type material.—Holotype female nites 2–5 of male 13:11-10 / (3)6(3):(3)9(3): (WM8207.01001) from the ‘‘underside of a 11. Internal genitalia of male similar to those stone lying in leaf litter with some raccoon of K. crosbyi (see Malcolm & Chamberlin droppings,inthecompanyofsometroglobitic 1961: fig. 3A). Chelicera 0.8 as long as car- Sinella alata Christiansen (Collembola), twi- apace; hand with 7 setae; flagellum of about light zone,’’ Baelz Cave, Binkley Cave Sys- 7 setae; galea a very low elevation. Palp(Fig. tem, Harrison County, Indiana, 28 June 1997 5) long and slender; femur 1.3–1.35(cid:51) and (J.J. Lewis, F.A. Pursell) (mounted on slide, chela 1.9-1.95(cid:51) as long as carapace. L/B of in FSCA). trochanter 1.8–1.85, femur 5.5–5.85, patella Diagnosis.—A medium-sized species (pal- 2.1–2.15, and chela 4.7–5.05; L/D of hand pal chela 1.15 mm long), with moderately 1.95–2.05; movable finger 1.5(cid:51) as long as slender palps (chela 4.6(cid:51) as long as broad); hand. Trichobothria as shown in Fig. 6. A 4 eyes, posterior pair smaller than anterior short, sensory seta is present distad of tricho- pair; all parts, including palps, light brown or bothrium ist on medial side of fixed finger lighter; process on proximal end of movable (Fig. 5). Dorsal process on base of movable fingerofpalpalchelasmall,irregularlyround- finger small, roughly bilobed (Fig. 2). Fixed ed; a moderately long sensory seta on medial finger of holotype with 21 tall, spaced macro- side of fixed finger near middle. denticles and 10 very small, rounded micro- Description of female.—(Male unknown). denticles alternating distally; movable finger Representative of the genus Kleptochthonius with 11 tall, spaced macrodenticles, 6 very as discussed above, and with the following small alternating microdenticles, and 10 low, particular features. Palps very light brown, rounded teeth proximally. Legs rather long carapace and chelicerae tan, other parts ligh- and slender. Leg I with femur 2.1–2.2(cid:51) as ter.Carapacewithepistomeverysmall;4cor- long as patella. Leg IV: L/D of femur (cid:49) pa- neate eyes, posterior pair smaller; chaetotaxy tella 2.9–3.0, tibia 4.9–5.1. 9-4-4-2-4 (cid:53) 23. Coxal area typical of the ge- Measurements (mm).—Figures given first nus; each coxa I with 3 coxal spines. Tergal for holotype female, followed in parentheses chaetotaxy 4:4:4:6:7:9:9:9:9:7:T2T:0.; sternal 298 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY chaetotaxy 8:(4)6(4):—?—T1T2T1T:2. Che- DISCUSSION licera 0.75 as long as carapace; hand with 7 Like Tyrannochthonius Chamberlin 1929 setae; flagellum of 7–8 setae; galea a low el- (see Muchmore & Chamberlin 1995; Much- evation. Palp (Fig. 7) long, slender: femur more 1996) the genus Kleptochthonius con- 1.3(cid:51) and chela 1.95(cid:51) as long as carapace.L/ tains species with quite varied morphologies. B of trochanter 1.9, femur 5.05, patella 1.75, On the one hand, Kleptochthonius crosbyi and chela 4.6; L/D of hand 1.6; movable fin- (type species of the genus) is a small, four- ger 1.85(cid:51) as long as hand. Trichobothria as eyed, epigean chthoniid, with moderately shown in Fig. 8. A sensory seta of moderate slenderpalps,whileK.henroti(Vachon)(type length on fixed finger near middle of medial species of Chamberlinochthonius Vachon) is side (Fig. 7). Dorsal process on base of mov- alarge,blind,troglobiticspecieswithveryat- able finger small, irregularlyrounded(Fig.3). tenuated palps. In their revision of Klepto- Fixedfingerwithabout20tall,spacedmacro- chthonius, Malcolm & Chamberlin (1961) denticles, decreasing in size to very small recognized the close relationship of thesevar- proximally, and 10 moderately large micro- ied species by ‘‘considering Chamberlino- denticles alternating distally (in two ofthein- chthonius Vachon as an artificial but conve- tervals between macrodenticles there are two nient subgenus comprising essentially the microdenticles rather than one); movable fin- cavernicolously modified forms of Klepto- chthonius.’’ (p. 3). Now, when there aresome ger with 10 tall, spaced macrodenticles, 6 10 epigean species and over 30 cavernicolous moderately large alternating microdenticles, species known in the genus, it is perfectly and 10 low, rounded teeth proximally. Legs moderately slender: leg I with femur 2.1(cid:51) as clear that a generic or subgeneric distinction long as patella; leg IV with L/D of femur (cid:49) based on size, eyes, coloration,orslenderness of appendages is not warranted. However, it patella 2.95, of tibia 4.5. does appear possible that the natureandnum- Measurements (mm).—Body L 2.47. Car- berofspecialsensorysetaeonthefixedfinger apace L 0.54. Chelicera L 0.445. Palp: tro- of the palpal chela (Muchmore 1976, 1994a), chanter 0.265/0.14; femur 0.755/0.15; patella and perhaps some other characters (Much- 0.295/0.17; chela 1.15/0.25; hand 0.42/0.265; more 1965),will provideevidenceofseparate movable finger L 0.78. Leg I: femur 0.39/ evolutionary lines within the genus. Restudy 0.08; patella 0.185/0.08. Leg IV: femur (cid:49) pa- of all species in the genus is in progress. tella 0.615/0.21; tibia 0.43/0.095; basitarsus 0.235/0.08; telotarsus 0.43/0.045. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Etymology.—ThespeciesisnamedforJul- I am greatly indebted to the following for ian J. Lewis and his sons, James J. Lewisand the new collections of pseudoscorpions from Victor M. Lewis, who for the past several Indiana caves on which this work is based: years have been leading the way in studies of Julian J. Lewis and his associates, Elizabeth the invertebrate faunas in Indiana caves. Burns, Ronnie Burns, Henry Huffman, Ellen Remarks.—Because of the moderately Jacquart, James J. Lewis, Victor M. Lewis, F. long sensory seta near the middle of the fixed Allen Pursell, Salisa T. Rafail and Thomas P. chelal finger, Kleptochthonius lewisorum ap- Sollman. J.J. Lewis made many useful sug- pears related to one or more, as yet unidenti- gestions for the improvement of the manu- fied, species from the southeastern states. It script. The study was aided in part by a grant differs from them in size, proportions, and from the Indiana Department of Natural Re- body chaetotaxy. sources, Division of Nature Preserves. Baelz Cave, the type locality, consists of a LITERATURECITED shortpassageinthebluffofIndianCreeknear the Seven Springs resurgence of Binkley Riv- Banks, N. 1895. Notes on the Pseudoscorpionida. Journal of the New York EntomologicalSociety er; it is a route for floodwater overflow out of 3:1–13. the Binkley Cave System. This is about 6 km Beier, M. 1932. Pseudoscorpionidea I. Subord. from the site of capture of a specimen of K. Chthoniinea et Neobisiinea. Das Tierreich57:1– packardi in the eastern end of the system(see 258. above). Blatchley,W.B. 1897. Indianacavesandtheirfau- MUCHMORE—CAVERNICOLOUSKLEPTOCHTHONIUSFROM INDIANA 299 na. Annual Report, Indiana Department of Ge- Malcolm, D.R. & J.C. Chamberlin. 1961. The ology and Natural Resources21:121–212. pseudoscorpion genus Kleptochthonius Cham- Chamberlin,J.C. 1929. Asynopticclassificationof berlin (Chelonethida, Chthoniidae). American the false scorpions or chela-spinners, with a re- Museum Novitates 2063:1–35. port on a cosmopolitan collection of the same. Muchmore,W.B. 1963. Redescriptionofsomecav- Part I. The Heterosphyronida (Chthoniidae) ernicolous pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Chelo- (Arachnida-Chelonethida).AnnalsandMagazine nethida) in the collection of the Museum of of Natural History (10)4:50–80. Comparative Zoology. Breviora 188:1–16. Chamberlin,J.C. 1949. Newandlittle-knownfalse Muchmore, W.B. 1965. North American cave scorpions from various parts of the world pseudoscorpions of the genus Kleptochthonius, (Arachnida, Chelonethida), with notes on struc- subgenus Chamberlinochthonius (Chelonethida, tural abnormalities in two species. American Chthoniidae). American Museum Novitates Museum Novitates 1430:1–57. 2234:1–27. 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Zoologischer Anzeiger 2:399–400. (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida) from caves in Hagen, H. 1880. (Untitled). Pp. 83–84, In Two Ohio and Indiana, U.S.A. Transactions of the days’ collecting in the Mammoth Cave, with American MicroscopicalSociety 113:316–324. contributionstoastudyofitsfauna.(H.G.Hub- Muchmore,W.B. 1996. ThegenusTyrannochthon- bard). American Entomologist. Vol. 3. iusintheeasternUnitedStates(Pseudoscorpion- Harvey, M.S. 1991. Catalogue of the Pseudoscor- ida: Chthoniidae). Part II. Morerecentlydiscov- pionida. Manchester Univ. Press, Manchester, ered species.Insecta Mundi 10:153–168. Muchmore, W.B. & J.C. Chamberlin. 1995. The England. genus Tyrannochthonius in the eastern United Hoff,C.C. 1945. PseudoscorpionsfromNorthCar- States (Pseudoscorpionida: Chthoniidae). Part I. olina. Transactions of the American Microscop- The historical taxa. Insecta Mundi 9:249–257. ical Society 64:311–327. Packard, A.S. 1888. The cave fauna of North Hoff, C.C. 1949. 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