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New species and records of Amakusanthura, Cyathura and Haliophasma from Sri Lanka (Crustacea: Isopoda: Anthuridae) PDF

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Preview New species and records of Amakusanthura, Cyathura and Haliophasma from Sri Lanka (Crustacea: Isopoda: Anthuridae)

Revue suisseZool. Tome98 Fase. 3 p. 589-612 Genève, septembre 1991 New species and records of Amakusanthura, Cyathura and Haliophasma from Sri Lanka (Crustacea: Isopoda: Anthuridae) by Hans-GeorgMÜLLER * with 101 Figures Abstract New species and records are presented for the isopod family Anthuridae from a sabellariid reef at the west coast of Sri Lanka. Amakusanthura moragallae n.sp., Amakusanthura stocki n.sp. and Cyathura bentotae n.sp. are described. Haliophasma pooreiKensley, 1980 isredescribed, withconsiderationofthemale unknownuptonow. INTRODUCTION This paperis partofa series dealing with shallow watercrustaceans fromthe tropical Atlantic andIndopacific Ocean. Itreports onanthuridisopods from asabellariidreefatthe westcoastofSriLanka. The genera Amakusanthura, Cyathura and Haliophasma are represented with 4 species, 3 ofthese being new to science. Haliophasma poorei Kensley, 1980, previously known from off Somalia and off Bombai, India, requires a complete redescription, with consideration ofthe 6 unknownuptonow. The area investigated is about 1 km north of the mouth of the Bentota river, very close to the Moragalla and Beruwala villages. Therefore this location is under some freshwaterinfluence on themarine organisms, particularly during the monsoon season. Specimens have been collected by the author over a period of2 weeks in May 1989. particularly from the moreexposedouterreefflatandthe sheltered innerreefedge. * InstitutfürAllgemeine und Spezielle Zoologie derJustus-Liebig-Universität, Heinrich-Buff- Ring29,D-6300Giessen,Germany(presentaddress). * Laboratoire de Biologie Marine et de Malacologie, Université de Perpignan, Avenue de Villeneuve,F-66025PerpignanCedex,France. . 590 HANS-GEORGMULLER Specimens are deposited in the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Genève (MHNG) and theMuséumnationald'Histoirenaturelle, Paris (MNHN). Figs 1-8. Amakusanthura moragallae n.sp., immature adult, holotype: 1) dorsal view; 2) telson; 3) antenna 1; 4)antenna2;5)mandible;6)maxilla;7)maxilliped; 8)pleopod 1 , ANTHURIDAEFROM SRI LANKA 591 AmakusanthuraNunomura, 1977 Amakusanthura moragallaen.sp. (Figs. 1-29) Holotype: Immature adult (MHNG); outer reefflat, from sabellariid colonies, intertidal, 8-16 May 1989. Paratypes: 2 S, 6 immature adults, depositedasfollows: 1 <?,4 immature adults MHNG; 1 6 2immatureadultsMNHN; collectedtogetherwithholotype. Derivatio nominis: The specific name refers to the village Moragalla, which is very closetothetypelocality. Description, immature adult: Body relatively slender, 11.6 times longer than wide, bearing some lateral setae. Total length 2.4-7.1 mm. Cephalon with rather small, well pigmented anterolateral eyes. Cephalon, pereonites and posterior part ofpleon with some dorsal irregular pigment reticulations. Body proportions: C<1<2 = 3=4 = 5 = 6>7. Pleonites 1-3 free, pleonites 4 and 5 fused dorsally. Telson tongue-shaped, widest about at midlength, 1.9 times longer than wide and distally rounded; telsonic margin in distal half faintly serrate and bearing many setules; dorsal surface oftelson in distal halfwith 3 pairs ofsetaein arrangementas figured; distalmarginoftelson also with 3 pairs ofsetae. Antenna 1, peduncle 3-articulated; proximal article widest and 1.7 times length of second article; third article slightly longer and narrower than second article, bearing long seta at outer distal margin; flagellum of 3 articles, with second article longest; terminal article smallest, bearing 5 simple setae and 2 aesthetascs. Antenna 2 relatively robust; peduncle of5 articles, second largest, grooved to accomodate peduncle of antenna 1; 4th peduncular article 1.75 times length of third article; 5th article 1.3 times longer than 4th article; flagellum of 4 setose articles, proximal article as long as three distal articles together. Incisor of mandible with 3 cusps, lamina dentata with 5 marginal serrations; mandibular palp of3 articles, with second article longest; first and second article bearing short distal seta; terminal article smallest, bearing 4 short fringed setae. Maxilla elongate, mediallycurvedindistalthird; distalpart5-toothed, bearing minute setabetweenthird and fourth indentation. Maxilliped robust; endite roughly triangular, tipped with short seta which extends beyond distal margin of first palp article; palp of 3 articles, terminal one being smallest, articulating at outerdistal margin ofsecond article; distal article bearing 4 medially curved setae. Pereopod 1 robust, subchelate; propodus expanded, roughly oval in outline; palm nearly straight, with 4 simple setae and row of5 scales; mesial surface near palm bearing 5 simple setae; carpus elongate triangular, with 2 posterodistal setae. Pereopods 2-7 ambulatory, similar to each others, each article bearing some setae; propodus roughly rectangular, posterodistal margin always with denticulate compound spine (pereopod 7, 3 compound spines); posterior margin ofpropodus in pereopod 7 with row of scales in two distal thirds; carpus triangular, lacking free anterior margin in pereopods 2-3; posterodistal margin of carpus in pereopods 4-7 with small compound spine. Pleopod 1, sympodite with 3 retinaculae; endopodite narrow, 3/5 length of operculiform exopodite; endopodite with 2, exopodite with 15 distal plumose setae. Uropodal sympodite subequal in length to oval endopodite; endopodite bearing several long setae at outer and distal margin; dorsal surface ofendopodite near outer margin with 8 feathered sensory setae; endopodite slightly extending beyond distal margin of telson; exopodite slightly longer than endopodite, oval, distal margin with 5 plumose and 9 simple setae. 6: More slender than immature adult (13 times longer than wide) and eyes about twiceas large. Total length 5.7 mm. 592 HANS-GEORGMULLER Figs9-17. Amakusanthura moragallae n.sp., immature adult, holotype: 9) pereopod 1; 10) pereopod 2; 11) pereopod 3; 12) pereopod 4; 13) pereopod 5; 14) pereopod 6; 15) pereopod 7; 16) uropodal sympoditeandendopodite; 17)uropodalexopodite. ANTHURIDAEFROMSRI LANKA 593 Figs 18-26. Amakusanthuramoragallaen.sp., 8,paratype: 18)dorsalview; 19)antenna 1; 20)antenna2; 21)pereopod 1; 22)pereopod2; 23)pereopod3; 24)pereopod4; 25)pereopod5; 26)pereopod6. 594 HANS-GEORGMÜLLER 100 pm Figs27-29. Amakusanthuramoragallaen.sp., a,paratype: 27)pereopod7; 28)pleopod 1; 29)pleopod2. Antennae more slender than in immature adult. Antenna 1, flagellum of 5 articles; articles 2-5 decreasing in size distally; article 2 bearing 7, article 3 with 6 and article 4 with 2 aesthetascs; terminal article minute, with few simple setae. Antenna 2, second and fifth pedunculararticle subequal in length, second article groovedto accomodate peduncle of antenna 1; flagellum of 4 setose articles, more slender than in immature adult. Pereopods generally more slender than in immature adult. Pereopod 1 subchelate, propodus expanded, elongate-oval; mesial surface ofpropodus near palm with 16 curved setae. Pereopods 2-7, in setation and spination similar to immature adult. Pleopod 1, sympodite with 4 retinaculae; endopodite slender, 7/10 length ofoperculiform exopodite; endopodite distally with 6, exopodite with 15 plumose setae (drawn as simple setae). Pleopod 2, sympodite with 2 retinaculae; rami subequal in length, endopodite narrower; appendix masculina of endopodite articulating at about midlength, apically rounded, nearly reaching to distal margin of ramus; endopodite with 3, exopodite with 9 distal plumose setae (drawn as simple setae). Manca: Inhabitus similarto immature adult, total length 1.35 mm. Distribution: SriLanka. Remarks: I see no close affinities to other members ofthe genus whose descriptions aregenerallytoo short. The faintly serrate telsonwith its characteristic arrangementofsetae andtherathersmall, sparsely setoseuropodalexopodite arereliablefeaturesfortherecognitionofthis species. ANTHURIDAEFROMSRILANKA 595 Because A. moragallae n.sp. was exclusively found associated with sabellariid colonies, itis supposedthatitlives inworm tubes. Amakusanthurastocki n.sp. (Figs. 30-56) Holotype: Immature adult (MHNG); innerreefedge, from dead barnacles covered with algae, intertidal, 14May 1989). Paratypes: 2immatureadults (MNHN);reefflat, frombrownalgae, intertidal andshallowrock pools,4-16May 1989. 1 S, 1 immatureadult(MHNG); outerreefedge,frombarnacles,intertidal,7- 16 May 1989. 1 a, 3 immature adults, 3 postmancas (MHNG); outer reef flat, from sabellariid colonies,intertidal,8-16May 1989. Derivatio nominis: The species is dedicated to Prof. Dr. J.H. Stock, Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam, in appreciation for his extensive work on pycnogonids, copepods andperacaridcrustaceans. Description, immature adult: Body relatively slender, about 10 times longer than wide, bearing few lateral setae. Total length 3.8-4.5 mm. Cephalon with rather small, well pigmented anterolateral eyes. Cephalon with dorsomedian dentritic pigment patch. Pereonites, pleonites and telson with some dorsal irregular pigment reticulations. Body proportions: C<1<2>3<4 = 5>6>7. Pleonites 1-3 free, pleonites 4 and 5 fused dorsally. Telson oval, tongue-shaped, widest at about midlength, 1.7 times longer than wide and distally rounded; telsonic margin in distal half shallowly serrate and entire margin bearing many short setules; dorsal surface of telson in distal half with 6 pairs of setae, the more medially articulating pair much longer than others, as figured; distal marginoftelsonwith5 pairs ofsetae. Antenna 1, peduncle 3-articulated; proximal article about as long as article 2 and 3 together; flagellum of3 articles, with second article longest; small terminal article bearing 4 simple setae and 2 aesthetascs. Antenna 2 relatively robust; peduncle 5-articulated; second article largest, grooved to accomodate peduncle of antenna 1; articles 3-5 increasing in length distally, articles 3 and 4 shallowly grooved; flagellum of 4 setose articles, proximal article longer than 3 distal articles together. Incisor ofmandible with 3 cusps, lamina dentata with 5 marginal serrations; mandibular palp of 3 articles, with second article longest; first article with one, second article with 2 simple setae; terminal article smallest, bearing 4 short fringed setae. Maxilla elongate, medially curved in distal fourth; distal part 5-toothed. Maxilliped with triangular endite tipped with short simple seta, seta not reaching to distal margin offirst palp article; palp of3 articles, terminal one being smallest andbearing 5 medially curved simple setae. Pereopod 1 robust, subchelate; propodus expanded, roughly oval in outline; palm about at midlength with distinct rounded tubercle bearing fringe of scales and some short setae; mesial surface near palm bearing 6 curved simple setae; carpus elongate triangular, posterodistal margin with some tiny tubercles. Pereopods 2-7 ambulatory, similartoeach others, each article bearing some setae; propodus roughly rectangular, posterodistal margin always with compound spine, partly denticulate; posterior margin ofpropodus in pereopod 7 with row of scales in two distal thirds; anterior and posterior margin ofdactylus in pereopod 7 also bearing row of scales; carpus triangular, lacking free anterior margin in pereopods 2-3; posterodistal margin ofcarpus inpereopods 4-7 with small compound spine. Pleopod 1, sympodite with 4 retinaculae; endopodite narrow, 4/5 length of operculiform exopodite; endopodite with 5, exopodite with about 38 distal plumose setae (drawn as simple setae). Uropodal sympodite 1.3 times length of endopodite; endopodite oval, bearing many long setae at 596 HANS-GEORGMULLER Figs30-36. Amakusanthura stocki n.sp., immature adult, holotype: 30) dorsal view; 31) telson; 32) antenna 1; 33)antenna2; 34)mandible; 35)maxilla; 36)maxilliped. ANTHURIDAEFROM SRI LANKA 597 Figs37-43. Amakusanthurastockin.sp.,immatureadult,holotype: 37)pereopod 1; 38)pereopod2; 39)pereopod 3;40)pereopod4;41)pereopod6;42)pereopod7; 43)pleopod 1. outer and distal margin; dorsal surface ofendopodite near outer margin with 8 feathered sensory setae; endopoditejust extending to distal margin of telson; exopodite larger than endopodite, roughly oval, with shallow distal notch; exopodite with many plumose and some simple marginal setae (plumose setae drawn as simple setae, simple setae indicated with arrow). 6: More slender than immature adult (11 times longer than wide), with eyes greatly enlarged. Total length 4.0 mm. Cephalon with anteriorly directed, rounded tubercle anteriortoventral articulation ofmaxilliped. Antenna 1, penduncle similar to immature adult; flagellum 6-articulated; articles 2-5 with several aesthetascs at outer distal margin; terminal article minute, bearing 2 simple setae. Antenna 2, peduncle and first flagellar article more slender than in immature adult. Pereopod 1 similar in outline to immature adult; mesial surface of propodus near palm HANS-GEORGMÜLLER 598 Figs44-48. Amakusanthura stocki n.sp., immature adult, holotype: 44) uropodal sympodite and endopodite; 45) uropodalexopodite. S paratype:46)dorsalview;47)cephalonlateralview;48)distalpartoftelson. ,

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