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Preview New species and new records for the Malvaceae of Baja California Sur

NEW AND NEW RECORDS FOR THE SPECIES MALVACEAE OF BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR Paul A. Fryxell Department Botany of Texas University of Austin, Texas 78713 Leon Luz Jose Luis de la Dominguez Miguel L. Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas de Baja California Sur Apartado Postal 128 La Mexico Paz, Baja California Sur, INTRODUCTION The tropical dry forest of Baja California Sur in one of the driest areas in is which this subtropical type of vegetation is found (Fig. 1). It is a disjunct plant community, most found and canyons similar to that in the foothills of the Sierra Madre Occidental of southern Sonora (Shreve 1934, 1937), where extends about it 4° Both meet Sonoran Desert of latitude farther north. locahties the at their northern boundaries, but the peninsular one has been developed in isolation at some least since the last expansion of a xerothermic period, thousands of years ago (Axelrod 1979). Both the Gulf of California and the desert seem to have played an effective role as geographic barriers since that time. This dry-season deciduous forest covers an approximate surface area of 1750 km^ and occupies and middle mountain range 400-1000 m. The foothills, slopes in the of best hills, expression of the community located the canyons of the Sierra de La Laguna; in is outside the composition and structure of the forest gradually degrades. This it, community has been documented by several authors the centu- floristically in last own Leon de Luz (unpubhshed based on have ry. la et data), their collections, al. been updating information from Brandegee and Wiggins early (1892) (1980); at present 575 species of vascular plants have been reported for this community, of which 42 (7%) can be considered as endemics. According to the present flora, the ratio of families/genera is 1/3.5, that of genera/species is 1/1.8, values that resem- found Recent La Burrera Canyon, the ble ratios in island floras. collections in in new Todos have brought two Mal- vicinity of Santos, B. C. to light species of S., vaceae Wiggins 1980) that are very distinct, and which are described and (cf. below. Following some range extensions and noteworthy recent illustrated that, Malvaceae from collections of the region described are presented. BURRERA CANYON LA All of the localities included in this report (except one, the report for Sida hyalina) come from La Burrera Canyon (23°29'N, 110°00'W), which within the is only tropical dry forest in the Baja California peninsula. located within the all It is — CONTR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM VOLUME 198 21 Biosphere Reserve of the Sierra de La Laguna, Baja CaUfornia Sur (see Fig. 1). Above the woodland community found, where cHmate and forest, a flora are is well dehmited by a sharp boundary in the mountain gradient. In the alluvial plains of the lowlands, below 400 m, the dry forest mingles with the xerophytic vegetation of the Sonoran Desert in a transition of gradual change over tens of kilometers. Com- Families with the greatest richness prior to this report are Leguminosae, positae, Polypodiaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Malvaceae, the with 8 genera last and 23 species and infraspecific taxa (no endemics recognized Physiognomi- yet). dominant La Canyon cally species in Burrera are Lysiloma divaricata, Pachycer- Tecoma pecten-aboriginum, Adelia Karwinskia humboldtiana, eiis stans, virgata, Jatropha and vernicosa, Albizzia occidentalis. According to the Mexican climatic chart (SPP-INEGI, La Burrera official 1981), Canyon and most of the tropical dry forest of the Sierra de La Laguna are located Koeppen BS in the climatic types (subtypes dry and semi-hot to semi-dry and 10% semi-hot, winter precipitation less than of the annual total). possible to It is consider a single rainy season, which goes from July January, but two periods to Some are generally recognized: September and January. climatic stations report mm up to 600 of annual precipitation, but temperature probably the most is summer important limiting factor, since in the soil-surface temperatures can reach 60°C and air temperatures 45°C. Soils are derived from the decomposition of them immature granitic rocks. All of are without differentiated the rocky layers; Landforms The character variable. are basically arroyos and grassy slopes. high- is est diversity of plant life-forms and density of individuals found alongside the is arroyos. Nevertheless, in a study of endemism, Leon de la Luz et (1995) found al. 75% that of the endemics grow on the slopes of the range, where water and shade are available than the arroyos. less in NEW SPECIES & Malvastrum Fryxell, Leon de Luz Dominguez, nov. Type: Mexico. hillii la sp. km Baja California Sur: El Chilicote, 2 S de Corral Gde. La Burrera, Todos Santos, 23°30'N, 110°02'W, 970 m, 18 Feb Dominguez 77 1990, L. TEX!; (holotype: HCIB!). isotype: Fig. 2. Frutex caulibus rubellis sparse stellato-pubescentibus; laminis foliorum ovatis mm cm 5-8 8-13 longis; inflorescentiis spiciformibus; calycibus longis cihatis; pet- mm mm 8-10 columna 3-4 alis luteis longis; staminalis glabris, longis; mericarpiis mm) ca. 13 in apiculo hirsutis, cuspide apicalis brevis atque cuspidibus dorsa- (0.5 mm), duabus parietibus lateralis fere laevibus. lis (1 m Perennial shrubs ca. the stems reddish, sparsely stellate-pubescent 1 tall, (becoming glabrescent), the hairs 3-5-armed, shortly without preferen- stipitate, Leaf tial orientation. blades ovate, basally truncate, coarsely crenate-serrate, acute, cm cm palmately 5-nerved, 5-8 long, 3-5.5 wide, the upper surface with sparse mm hairs 0.5-1 long that are stellate, bifurcate, or simple, the lower surface with cm only stellate hairs; petioles 1-3 long, with pubescence denser than that of the mm stem; stipules broadly linear, 7-8 long (but very early deciduous, leaving only scars). Inflorescence usually a terminal spiciform raceme, but the flowers earliest cm solitary in the leaf axils; pedicels solitary, 0.5-1.5 long, with pubescence similar to that of the stem, reduced upward and subsessile at the summit; bracts of the MALVACEAE FRYXELL. LEON DE LA LUZ & DOMINGUEZ: 1997 OCEAN PACIFIC Cobo San Lucas WM Tropical Decidu Forest FIG. Collection ted. Site La Burrera Canyon, a typical loc£ I. s 1, is id Sidastrum burrerense were collected here, as Cerro Aguas Escondidas irdia bivalvis. Site 2, li Sonoran and caul scrub of the Desert, the loc is mm mm mm 7-12 8-13 involucel liguliform, long, wide; calyx long, stellate- 3, 1 mm pubescent and on the margin; petals yellow, 8-10 long, glabrous; staminal ciliate mm mm column 3-4 1-2 long, pallid, glabrous; filaments apical, long, the anthers numerous; styles ca. 13, exceeding the androecium, the stigmas capitellate. Fruits - CONTR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM VOLUME 21 ^£^— MALVACEAE LEON DE LA LUZ & DOMINGUEZ: FRYXELL. 201 1997 mm oblate or disciform, 7 in diameter, reddish brown; mericarps ca. 13, horse- mm, shoe-shaped with a prominent ventral notch, 2.5 x 4 with a small apical cusp mm mm) mm), and two dorsal cusps apically hirsute (hairs to 0.5 long), (0.5 (1 glabrous basally and laterally, the lateral walls nearly smooth. Additional Specime NE de Todos rera Santo: (HCIB, TEX). 472 Malvastrum found in low deciduous forest at elevations of 750 to 970 hillii is December; m, where fairly abundant. It flowers in fruiting follows in February. it is The specific epithet honors S. R. Hill, whose noteworthy monograph of the genus Malvastrum (Hill 1982) a model of a good monograph and the principal is knowledge source of our of the genus. Wiggins (1980) recorded only Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke for Baja California, but Hill (1982) and Fryxell (1988) also reported M. bicuspidatum Watson) Rose subsp. bicuspidatum for the peninsula, but farther to the north (S. The new M. Geographically than relationship of the species problematical. hillii. is one might compare M. bicuspidatum (with various subspecies), but does to it it not appear to be of this affinity. In general aspect, especially in the large flowers, M. Krapovickas there are similarities to the Bolivian species, grandiflorum (see Hill 1982: 256, 56). There support for this affinity in the presence of an fig. is on two and apical cusp the mericarp, in addition to the dorsal cusps, in the size of the leaves, which are relatively large. The flowers and the fruits are also relatively M. The large, but not as large in M. as they are in grandiflorum. mericarps of hillii M. do not have the prominent ribs on the lateral walls that are characteristic hillii M. M. from of grandiflorum (see Hill 1982: 254, Clearly, distinct fig. 55). hillii is M. grandiflorum, but not certain aUied with this species or of a it is if it is if it is different affinity. & Leon Luz Dominguez, nov.— Sidastrum burrerense de Type: Fryxell, la sp. km Canon La Mexico. Baja "Los Gueribos," Burrera, 25 California Sur: al NE Nov Dominguez de Todos Santos, 23°29'N, 109°57'W, 2 1994, 550 m, R. TEX!; HCIB!). 7257 (holotype: isotype: Fig. C. 3. Suffrutex cauhbus atque sparsissime atque minutissime puberulentis gla- foliis fohorum pan- brescentibus; laminis ovato-lanceolatis, valde serratis; inflorescentiis purpurascenti- terminalibus pedicellis calycibus ecostatis; petalis iculatis gracilis; columna staminalis mericarpiis 6-7, valde atque subtiliter bus, reflexis; hirsutis; reticulatis. Perennial subshrub, the stems terete, sometimes reddish, very sparsely and minutely puberulent becoming glabrescent. Leaf blades narrowly ovate to lan- weak tendency be ceolate, basally truncate or subcordate, with a to hastately lobed, palmately 7-nerved, coarsely and irregularly crenate-serrate, gradually acumi- cm cm nate, 4-9 long, 1.5-4.5 wide, sparsely and inconspicuously pubescent, the mm upper surface with simple hairs 0.3 long and a few stellate hairs, the lower mm 0.5^ surface with stellate hairs 0.2 in diameter dispersed uniformly; petioles cm pubescence young stems and sometimes with long with similar to that of the a mm mm few simple hairs to long; stipules filiform, 7-8 long. Flowers solitary in the 1 leaf axils or on lateral branches, forming a terminal paniculiform inflorescence, cm more 2-3 or exceeding the leaves; pedicels slender (almost capillary), less CONTR. UNIVERSITY OF HERBARIUM VOLUME 21 f Sidastrum burrerense mm long, glabrous; calyx 4-4.5 long, minutely stellate-pubescent, ecostate, divided mm more 5-6 or less to the middle; petals long, reflexed, lavender or purplish; mm staminal column 4 long, sometimes purphsh, with prominent white hairs 0.3 mm mm 6- few long; filaments apical, (5-10), 1.5 long, the anthers whitish; styles mm exceeding androecium, 7, the the stigmas capitellate. Fruits oblate, 4.5-5 in mm diameter; mericarps 6-7, ca. 3 long, finely reticulate in the basal part, with a mm small apical rostrum, smooth; seeds solitary, ca. 2 long. FRYXELL, LEON DE LA LUZ & DOMINGUEZ: The type locality described as a wet arroyo with low deciduous forest and is m riparian vegetation. Sidastrum burrerense found between 550 to 620 eleva- is November where and tion, rare to abundant. flowers in fruits in January. it is It The La specific epithet notes that this species characteristic of the Burrera is known Canyon. Sidastrum burrerense the species of the genus from Mexico fifth is maps and from (Fryxell 1978, 1988) isolated the others geographically (see the is tehuacanum in Fryxell 1988: 411, 420). has a very similar aspect to that of but It S. The has reflexed petals similar to those of paniculatum. color of the corollas S. is between between and intermediate these species. Similarities burrerense S. S. tehuacanum include the form and dentition of the leaves, the type of pubescence, number and the of the mericarps. Differences include the size of the leaves (larger burrerense than tehuacanum), the pubescence of the staminal column in S. in S. (hirsute in burrerense, glabrous in tehuacanum), the size of the calyx (4^.5 S. S. mm mm 2-4 burrerense, tehuacanum), the reticulation of the mericarp in S. in S. smooth tehuacanum), and (dorsally reticulate in burrerense, dorsally in char- S. S. and and acteristics of the corolla (purplish reflexed in burrerense, pale rose S. tehuacanum). rotate in S. Key Mexican to the of Sidastrum Species strictum (Standley) Fryxell. S. iflorescences paniculate, often with capillary pedicels; leaves narrowly lanceolate-elliptical ovate, glabrous or pubescent above; stems densely to sparsely pubescent or glabrous; yellow, lavender, or purplish; mericarps 5-8. irolla Leaves narrowly lanceolate-elliptical, obscurely serrate, glabrous above; corolla yellow; mericarps lodiegense (E. G. Baker) Fryxell. 5. S. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, serrate, pubescent or glabrous above; corolla lavender, pur- plish or yellowish; mericarps 5-8. Corolla purplish, reflexed; stems densely stellate-pubescent; leaves serrate, stellate- 3. pubescent above. paniculatum (L.) Fryxell. S. Corolla lavender or yellowish, reflexed or rotate; stems sparsely pubescent to glabrate; 3. leaves notably serrate, subglabrous above. mm Corolla lavender, reflexed; staminal column hirsute; calyx 4-4.5 long; mericarps 4. and finely reticulate laterally dorsally. & Leon Luz Dominguez. burrerense Fryxell, de la 5". dorsally. 1 RANGE EXTENSIONS Recent collections in Baja California Sur have brought to light the following Malvaceae range extensions the peninsula of Baja California of previously to known only from mainland Mexico. alamosana Watson Mpio. de La Rancho Slda (or glabra Miller?). Paz, ca. S. S. 1. La Burrera, 23°29'N, llO^Ol'N, 480 m, herbacea anual, margenes del arroyo, selva Dec M. Dominguez 29 (HCIB, TEX). baja caducifolia, 3 1990, CONTR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM VOLUME 204 21 E Sida hyalina Fryxell. Mpio. de La Paz, Cerro Aguas Escondidas, de La 2. Paz, 24°08'N, 110°08'W, 100 m, herbacea perenne, ladera rocosa, matorral sarco- 29 Oct Leon de Luz 4722 (HCIB, TEX). caule, 1990, la Bastardia bivalvis (Cav.) H. B. K. Mpio. de La Paz, Rancho La Burrera, 3. "El Garbancillo," 23°29'N, 110°01'W, 600 m, herbacea perenne, en ladera, selva Dec M. Dominguez 467 (HCIB, TEX). baja caducifolia, 2 1992, Sida acuta Burm. Mpio. de La Paz, Sierra de Laguna, "El Palmillar," 4. la f. Nov 23°28'N, 110°00'W, 900 m, arroyo humedo, selva baja caducifolia, 6 1990, Leon Luz (HCIB, TEX). de 4821 la ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Benjamin P. Shaw for his skill in illustrating the two new species LITERATURE CITED Age Axelrod, D. 1979. and origin of Sonoran Desert vegetation. Occas. Papers Cal. Acad. Sci. 132: I. Brandegee, T. 1892. Distribution of the flora of the Cape Region of Baja California. Zoe 223- S. 3: Fryxell, P. A. 1978. Neotropical segregates from Sida L. {Malvaceae). Brittonia 30: 447^62. 1988. Malvaceae of Mexico. Syst. Bot. Monogr. 25: 1-588. [Sidastrum on 416-421] pp. . A Hill, S. R. 1982. monograph of the genus Malvastrum A. Gray (Malvaceae: Malveae). Rhodora 84: 1-83, 159-264, 317-409. A Leon de la Luz, J. L., A. Breceda, and R. Coria. 1995. floristic criterion for conservation purposes. BSA AIBS Poster Session of the 46th Annual Meeting, Symposium, 6-10 August 1995, San Diego, California. Shreve, F. 1934. Vegetation of the northwestern coast of Mexico. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 61: 373-380. 1937. Lowland vegetation of Sinaloa. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 64: 605-613. . SPP-INEGI. 1981. Carta de Climas 1:1,000,000. Hoja La Paz. Wiggins, L. 1980. Flora of Baja California. Stanford: Stanford University Press. I.

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