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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. carrier February 2, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) New seismological results on the G0 IV η Bootis⋆ F. Carrier1, P. Eggenberger1, and F. Bouchy1,2 1 Observatoire deGen`eve, 51 chemin deMaillettes, CH-1290 Sauverny,Switzerland 2 Laboratoire d’AstrophysiquedeMarseille, Traverse du Siphon,BP 8, 13376 Marseille Cedex 12, France 5 Received ; accepted 0 0 2 Abstract. Several attempts have been made to detect solar-like oscillations in the G0 IV star η Boo. We present here new observations on this star simultaneously conducted with two spectrographs: Coralie mounted on the n 1.2-m Swiss telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory (Chile) and Elodie based on the 1.93-m telescope at a J the Observatoire de Haute Provence (France). In total, 1239 spectra were collected over 13 nights. The power spectrum of the high precision velocity time series clearly presents several identifiable peaks between 0.4 and 3 1 1.0mHzshowingregularitywithalargeandsmallseparationsof∆ν=39.9µHzandδν02=3.95µHzrespectively. Twenty-twoindividual frequencies havebeen identified.Detailed models based on these measurementsand non– 1 asteroseismicobservableswerecomputedusingtheGenevaevolutioncodeincludingshellularrotationandatomic v diffusion.Bycombiningtheseseismological datawithnon–asteroseismic observations,wedeterminethefollowing 2 global parameters for η Boo: a mass of 1.57±0.07M⊙, an age t = 2.67±0.10Gyr and an initial metallicity 6 (Z/X)i = 0.0391±0.0070. We also show that the mass of η Boo is very sensitive to the choice of the observed 2 metallicity,whiletheageofηBoodependsontheinputphysicsused.Indeed,ahighermetallicityfavoursahigher 1 mass, while non–rotating models without overshooting predict a smaller age. 0 5 Key words.Stars: individual: η Boo – Stars: oscillations – techniques:radial velocities 0 / h p 1. Introduction tions conducted with the 2.5-m Nordic Optical Telescope - o (NOT) on La Palma. In contrast to all other detections r The measurements of the frequencies of p-mode oscilla- which were based on velocity measurements obtained us- t s tionsprovideaninsightintotheinternalstructureofstars ing high-dispersion spectrographs with stable references, a andarenowadaysthemostpowerfulconstrainttothethe- : they monitored changes in the equivalent widths (EW) v oryofstellarevolution.Thefive-minuteoscillationsinthe oftemperature-sensitivespectrallines.Thisenabledthem i Sun have led to a wealth of information about the solar X to determine a largeseparationof40.3µHz. Meanwhile,a interior. These results stimulated various attempts to de- r search for velocity oscillations in η Boo using the AFOE a tectasimilarsignalonothersolar-likestarsbyphotomet- spectrograph by Brown et al. (1997) has failed to detect ric or equivalent width measurements, with little success a stellar signal. The analysis of NOT data was refined by due to the extreme weakness of the expected amplitude. Kjeldsen et al. (2003) using all existing complementary These past years, the stabilized spectrographs developed data: new EW measurements obtained with the NOT, forextra-solarplanetdetectionachievedaccuraciesneeded new radial velocities (RV) measured at Lick Observatory forsolar-likeoscillationdetectionbymeansofradialveloc- andRVs fromBrownwith the AFOE spectrograph.They ity measurements (Carrier et al. 2003, Bouchy & Carrier found a large separation of ∆ν=40.4µHz and identified 2003). 21 oscillation frequencies. A primary target for the search for p-mode oscilla- In this paper, we report Doppler observations of η tions is the well-studied bright subgiant G0 η Bootis Bootis made with the Coralie and the Elodie spectro- (HR5235). Several attempts have been made to detect graphsina multi-sitesconfiguration.These newmeasure- solar-like oscillations in the G0 IV star η Boo. The first ments confirm the detection of p-modes and enable the resultwasobtainedbyKjeldsenetal.(1995)withobserva- identification of twenty-two individual mode frequencies, which are compared with those independently identified Send offprint requests to: F. Carrier by Kjeldsen et al. (2003). We also present new models of e-mail: [email protected] ⋆ Based on observations obtained at the 1.2-m Swiss Euler η Boo based on our seismological constraints. The obser- telescopeatLaSilla(Chile)andatthe1.93-mtelescopeatthe vations and data reduction are presented in Sect. 2, the Haute-ProvenceObservatory (France) acoustic spectrum analysisand the mode identification in 2 F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis Table 1.DistributionanddispersionofDopplermeasure- ments.IndicationsforElodiemeasurementsareinbrack- ets. Date No spectra No hours σ (ms−1) 2002/04/23 96 7.83 3.69 2002/04/24 98 8.00 3.87 2002/04/25 86 7.96 3.17 2002/04/26 93 7.54 3.60 2002/04/27 64 5.23 3.34 2002/04/28 51 4.35 3.61 2002/04/29 46 (62) 11.81 4.52 (4.81) 2002/04/30 93 7.59 2.97 2002/05/01 99 8.02 3.86 2002/05/02 99 7.83 3.56 Fig.1. Radial-velocity measurements of η Boo. The dis- 2002/05/03 – – – persion reaches 3.8ms−1. Coralie and Elodie data are 2002/05/04 68 (61) 12.61 3.98 (4.21) represented with full circles and open triangles respec- 2002/05/05 71 (61) 12.26 3.79 (4.01) tively. The upper panel represents the photon noise un- 2002/05/06 91 7.77 4.04 certainties. 2.2. Elodie measurements Sect. 3, the calibration and modeling of η Boo in Sect. 4, Due to bad weather, only 184 spectra were collected over and the conclusion is given in Sect. 5. 3 nights with the high resolution (42000) spectrograph Elodie (Baranne et al. 1996) mounted on the 1.93-m telescope at Haute-Provence Observatory (France). The 2. Observations and data reduction observations are also achieved in simultaneous-Thorium mode. The wavelength coverage of the spectra is 3890– η Boo was observedin May 2002simultaneously with the 6815˚A, recorded on 67 orders. The dead-time is about spectrographs Coralie at La Silla Observatory (Chile) 120s as the exposure time varies between 150 and 240s and Elodie at the Observatoire de Haute Provence depending on the seeing, the extinction and the airmass (France) in order to improve the window function and to in order to reach a S/N in the range 150–300 at 550nm. make the mode identification easier (see Sect. 3). Theradialvelocitydeterminationmethodisthesamethan for Coralie data. The radial velocity measurements are shown in Fig. 1 and their distribution and dispersion are 2.1. Coralie measurements listed in Table 1. The dispersion of these measurements reaches 4.3ms−1. η Boo was observed over fourteen nights (April 23 – May 072002)with Coralie, the high-resolution(50000) echellespectrographmountedonthe1.2-mSwisstelescope 3. Power spectrum analysis at La Silla, known for the p-mode identification in the In order to compute the power spectrum of the velocity αCensystem(Bouchy&Carrier2002,Carrier&Bourban time series, we use the Lomb-Scargle modified algorithm 2003). During the stellar exposures, the spectrum of a (Lomb 1976; Scargle 1982) with a weight being assigned thorium lamp carried by a second fiber is simultaneously toeachpointaccordingitsuncertaintyestimate.Thetime recorded in order to monitor the spectrograph’s stability scale gives a formal resolution of 0.87µHz. The resulting and thus to obtain high-precision velocity measurements. periodogram, shown in Fig. 2, exhibits a series of peaks A description of the spectrographand the data reduction near 0.8mHz, exactly where the solar-like oscillations for process is presented in Carrier et al. (2001) and Bouchy this star are expected. Typically for such a power spec- et al. (2001). Exposure times of 180s, thus cycles of 295s trum, the noise has two components: with a dead-time of 115s,allowedus to obtain1055spec- tra,withatypicalsignal-to-noiseratio(S/N)intherange – At high frequencies it is flat, indicative of the Poisson of115-260at550nm.Foreachnight,radialvelocitieswere statistics of photon noise. The mean white noise computedrelativeto the highestsignal–to–noiseratioop- level σ calculated between 1.2 and 1.6 mHz is pow tical spectrum obtained in the middle of the night. The 0.0179m2s−2, namely 11.9cms−1 in amplitude. With meanforeachnightisthensubtracted.Theradialvelocity 1239 measurements, this high frequency noise corre- measurements are shown in Fig. 1 and their distribution sponds to σ = Nσ /4 = 2.35 ms−1. This RV pow and dispersion are listed in Table 1. The dispersion of radialvelocityuncertainty,largerthanforothersstars p these measurements reaches 3.6ms−1. with the spectrographCoralie (see e.g. Eggenberger F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fig.2. Power spectrum of the radial velocity measure- Fig.3. Autocorrelation of the power spectrum under- ments of η Boo. The window function is shown in the sampled with a resolution of 1.75µHz and a threshold inset. The noise is represented by the white line. of 0.2m2s−1. The large splitting is estimated to about 40µHz. etal.2004aorBouchy&Carrier2002),canbe mainly 1980): explained by the high rotational velocity of η Boo (vsini=12.8kms−1,determinedfromCoraliespec- l tra). νn,l ≈ ∆ν(n+ +ǫ)−l(l+1)D0 . (1) 2 – Towardsthelowestfrequencies,thepowershouldscale inversely with frequency squared as expected for in- Here, D0, which is equal to 16δν02 if the asymptotic rela- strumental instabilities. However, the computation of tion holds exactly, and ǫ are sensitive to the sound speed the radial velocities introduces a high pass filter. near the core and to the surface layers respectively. The Indeed, the radial velocities were computed relative quantum numbers n and l correspond to the radial order to one reference for each night and the average radial and the angular degree of the modes, and ∆ν and δν02 velocities of the night fixed to zero (see Sect. 2). This to the large and small separations. To search for period- results in an attenuation of the very low frequencies icity in the power spectrum, an autocorrelation is calcu- which can be seen on Fig. 2. lated and presented in Fig. 3. As the large spacing is not strictlyconstant,weuseanundersampledpowerspectrum The power spectrum presents an excess in the range 0.4– witharesolutionof1.75µHz.Wearethuslesssensitiveto 1.1mHz.The combinednoisehasa valuedecreasingfrom small variationsof the large spacing versusthe frequency. 0.027 to 0.019m2s−2 (14.5 to 12.2cms−1) in the above Each peak of the autocorrelation corresponds to a struc- mentionedinterval(see Fig.2). The noise has beendeter- turepresentinthepowerspectrum.Thetwostrongpeaks mined by fitting a function of the type 1/ν2. Note that at low frequency close to 11.5 and 23µHz correspond to the filtering induced by the radial velocities computation the daily aliases.The most probable largespacing is situ- doesnotinfluence the frequency ofthe peaksinthe range atednear40µHz forη Boo.Theresultofthe autocorrela- 0.4–1.1 mHz, but could slightly change their amplitudes. tion confirms the large spacing of 40.4µHz deduced from The amplitude of the strongest peaks reaches 79 cms−1, Kjeldsen et al. (2003). corresponding to a signal to noise of 6 (in the amplitude spectrum). This amplitude is estimated as the height of 3.2. Mode identification the peaks in the power spectrum with a quadratic sub- traction of the mean noise level. The analysis of the 184 The frequencies were extracted using an iterative algo- ElodiespectrainadditiontotheCoraliespectraallows rithm, which identifies the highest peak between 400 and us to diminish the first and second daily aliases (11.57 1100µHz and subtracts it from the time series. First, we and 23.14µHz) by only 9%. Note that a full coverage iterated this process until all peaks with an amplitude of Elodie data would have allowed us to diminish daily higherthan3σwereremoved(seeFig.4).σ representsthe aliases by 33%. noise in the amplitude spectrum decreasing from 14.5 to 12.2cms−1 in the above mentioned interval (see Sect. 3). Peaks with amplitudes below the 3σ threshold were not 3.1. Search for a comb-like pattern consideredsincetheyweretoostronglyinfluencedbynoise Insolar-likestars,p-modeoscillationsoflow-degreeareex- and by interactions between noise and daily aliases. This pected to produce a characteristic comb-like structure in threshold,whichensuresthattheselectedpeakshaveonly thepowerspectrumwithmodefrequenciesν reasonably a small chance to be due to noise, gave a total of twenty- n,l well approximated by the asymptotic relation (Tassoul three frequencies (see Table 2). Because of the daily alias 4 F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis Fig.5.PowerspectrumofηBoowiththetwenty-twoextractedfrequenciesindicatedbydashedlines.Theidentification of each extracted frequency is given in Table 3. Table 2.Identificationofextractedfrequencies.Somefre- quencies can be either ℓ=1 modes or due to noise. Frequency Mode ID S/N [µHz] 512.2 ℓ=1 3.2 544.6−11.6=533.0 ℓ=0 3.0 550.3 ℓ=1 3.0 589.9 ℓ=1 4.6 622.2−11.6=610.6 ℓ=0 3.6 614.1+11.6=625.7 ℓ=1 3.3 653.8+11.6=665.4 ℓ=1 3.3 669.9 ℓ=1 3.9 691.3 ℓ=0 4.4 724.5 ℓ=2 5.2 728.3 noise 3.4 729.5 ℓ=0 4.6 748.5 ℓ=1 6.5 777.2−11.6=765.6 ℓ=2 5.0 781.0−11.6=769.4 ℓ=0 4.1 775.8+11.6=787.4 ℓ=1 3.3 805.1 ℓ=2 3.0 809.2 ℓ=0 3.7 834.5+11.6=846.1 ℓ=2 4.1 Fig.4.Top:OriginalpowerspectrumofηBoo.Bottom: 888.7 ℓ=2 4.0 Cleaned power spectrum: all peaks listed in Table 2 have 891.6 ℓ=0 3.2 been removed. The dot-dashed, dotted and dashed lines 947.6 ℓ=1 3.1 indicate an amplitude of 5σ, 4σ and 3σ, respectively. 960.3+11.6=971.9 ℓ=0 3.7 Numerouspeaksarestillpresentbelow3σ,sincenopeaks have been cleaned below this threshold. These peaks can beduetop–modeoscillationsandnoiseorhaveartificially been added by the extraction algorithm due to the finite of 11.57 µHz, we cannot know a priori whether the fre- lifetimes of the modes quency selected by the algorithm is the right one or an alias. We thus considered that the frequencies could be shiftedby±11.57µHz,andmadeechellediagramsfordif- ratherduetonoise,e.g.peaksat625.7and665.4µHz.The ferent large spacings near 40µHz until every frequency peak at 728.3µHz was attributed to the noise, however it could be identified as an ℓ = 0, ℓ = 1 or ℓ = 2 mode. In couldberelatedtotheℓ=0mode729.5µHz”split”owing this way,we foundanaveragedlargespacingof39.9µHz. to its lifetime. It is difficult to identify ℓ=1 modes as they appearto be Theechellediagramshowingthetwenty-twoidentified mixed modes. Some identified ℓ=1 modes could thus be modes is shown in Fig. 6. The frequencies of the modes F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis 5 Table 3. Oscillation frequencies (in µHz). The frequency resolution of the time series is 0.87µHz. ℓ = 0 ℓ = 1 ℓ = 2 n = 11 512.2 n = 12 533.0 550.3 n = 13 589.9 n = 14 610.6 625.7 n = 15 665.4 / 669.9 n = 16 691.3 724.5 n = 17 729.5 748.5 765.6 n = 18 769.4 787.4 805.1 n = 19 809.2 846.1 n = 20 888.7 n = 21 891.6 n = 22 947.6 n = 23 971.9 ∆νℓ 39.9 (0.1) 39.7 (0.2) 40.9 (0.2) Fig.6.Echellediagramofidentifiedmodes(inblack)with a large separation of 39.9µHz. The modes ℓ=2 ((cid:4)), ℓ=0 are shown in Fig. 5 and are given in Table 3, with radial (•), andℓ=1(N) arerepresentedwith asize proportional order of each oscillation mode deduced from the asymp- to their amplitude. Open symbols correspond to modes toticrelation(seeEq.1)assumingthatthe parameterǫis determined by Kjeldsenet al.(2003). Bothidentifications near the solarvalue (ǫ⊙ ∼1.5).We cansee that the oscil- are in goodagreementatlow frequency.However,athigh lationmodesdonotstrictlyfollowtheasymptoticrelation frequency their ℓ = 2 mode frequencies((cid:3)) seem to be due to mixed ℓ=1 modes and a largecurvature of others • identified in this paper as ℓ = 0 modes ( ), and their modes in the echelle diagram. The average small spacing has a value of δν = 3.95±0.9µHz. The large spacing ℓ=0 modes ((cid:13)) are not present in our data. 02 is separately determined for each value of ℓ and is given in the last line of Table 3. The weighted average of these 4. Comparison with models three ∆ν yields the value of ∆ν =39.9±0.1µHz. ℓ In order to compare the asteroseismic observations with The twenty-twoidentifiedmodesarecomparedtopre- theoretical predictions, stellar models were computed us- viously identified ones by Kjeldsen et al. (2003) in Fig. 6. ingtheGenevaevolutioncodeincludingshellularrotation Both identifications are rather in good agreement at low andatomicdiffusion(seeEggenbergeretal.2005formore frequency but present major discrepancies at high fre- details). We used the OPAL opacities, the NACRE nu- quency. Although the present data have a higher S/N, clearreactionrates(Angulo etal.1999)andthe standard additional measurements are needed to resolve these am- mixing–length formalism for convection. biguities. 4.1. Non–asteroseismic observational constraints 3.3. Oscillation amplitudes Following Di Mauro et al. (2003) (hereafter DM03), the Concerningtheamplitudesofthemodes,theoreticalcom- luminosity ofη Boowasdeducedfromthe Hipparcospar- putations predict oscillation amplitudes between 1 and allax: L/L⊙ = 9.02±0.22. Concerning the effective tem- 1.5ms−1fora1.6M⊙ starlikeηBoo,withmodelifetimes perature, we added recent results to the references used of the order of a few days (Houdek et al. 1999). The am- by DM03 to determine a new averagevalue (see Table 4). plitudes of the highest modes, in the range 55–80cms−1, As a result, the effective temperature T = 6030±90K eff are then lower than expected. The observations indicate was adopted. This value is in perfect agreement with the that oscillation amplitudes are typically 2.5–3.5 times so- effective temperature of 6028±45K used by DM03, with lar.Thisdisagreementcanbepartlyexplainedbythelife- a larger error which seems to us more realistic in view of times of the modes. Indeed, the oscillation modes have thedifferentvaluesfoundintheliterature.Theboxinthe finite lifetimes, because they are continuously damped. HR diagramforη Boodelimited bythe observedeffective Thus, if the star is observed during a time longer than temperature and luminosity is shown in Fig. 7. the lifetimes of the modes, the signal is weakened due to ThemetallicityofηBooadoptedbyDM03is[Fe/H]= the damping of the modes andto their re–excitationwith 0.305±0.051. Compared to different observed metallici- a random phase. ties, this value seems to be quite large. We thus decided 6 F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis Table 4. Metallicity and temperature determination for The determination of the set of modeling parameters η Boo(since1990).Theerrorsonthe selectedparameters (M,t,V,(Z/X)) leading to the best agreement with the i i are chosen to encompass all acceptable values (last line). observational constraints is made in two steps. First, we constructed a grid of models with position in the HR di- agram in agreement with the observational values of the Teff [◦ K] [Fe/H] References luminosity and effective temperature (see Fig. 7). Note 6000 0.16 McWilliam 1990 that the initial ratio between the mass fraction of heavy 6219 0.30/0.37 Balachandran 1990 elements and hydrogen (Z/X) is directly constrained by 6068 0.19 Edvardsson et al. 1993 i the observed surface metallicity [Fe/H], while the initial 5943 0.20 Gratton et al. 1996 velocity V is directly constrained by the observed rota- – 0.23 Mishenina 1998 i tional velocity. – 0.28 Fuhrma(Cayrel de Strobel 2001) 6003 0.25 Cenarro et al. 2001 For each stellar model of this grid, low-ℓ p–mode fre- – 0.16 Buzzoni et al. 2001 quencies were then calculated using the Aarhus adiabatic 6000 0.25 Feltzing & Gonzalez 2001 pulsations package written by J. Christensen-Dalsgaard 6120 0.16 Gray 2001 (1997). Following our observations,modes ℓ≤2 with fre- 5964 0.19 Mallik et al. 2003 quenciesbetween0.4and1.1mHzwerecomputedandthe 5957 0.15 Nordstrom et al. 2004 mean large (∆ν) and small spacings (δν ) were deter- 02 5942 0.18 Allende Prieto et al. 2004 mined.Themeanlargespacingwascomputedbyconsider- 6030±90 0.23±0.07 ing only the radialmodes. Once the asteroseismiccharac- teristicsofallmodelsofthegridweredetermined,weper- formedaχ2minimizationasinEggenbergeretal.(2004b). Thus, two functionals are defined: χ2 and χ2 . The tot astero χ2 functional is defined as follows: to adopt a lower average value of [Fe/H] = 0.23±0.07, tot which is determined from the recent measurements listed 5 Ctheo−Cobs 2 in Table 4. χ2 ≡ i i , (2) tot σCobs Finally, we used the observed surface velocity of η i=1(cid:18) i (cid:19) X Boo to constrain the rotational velocity of our models. wherethevectorsCcontainsthefollowingobservablesfor From Coralie spectra, we determined a rotational veloc- one star: ity vsini = 12.8kms−1. Since the value of the angle i is unknown, we assumed that it is close to 90◦. Thus our C≡(L/L⊙,Teff,[Fe/H],∆ν,δν02). models of η Boo have to reproduce a surface velocity of about 13kms−1. The vector Ctheo contains the theoretical values of these observables for the model to be tested, while the values of Cobs are those listed above. The vector σC contains 4.2. Computational method the errors on these observations. Note that the observed rotationalvelocityisnotincludedinthisminimization,be- Basically, the computation of a stellar model for a cause of its large uncertainty resulting from the unknown given star consists in finding the set of stellar modeling inclinationanglei.Theχ2 functionalisdefinedasfol- astero parameters which best reproduces all observational data lows: available for this star. The characteristics of a stellar model including the effects of rotation depend on six χ2 ≡ 1 N νitheo−νiobs−hDνi 2 , modeling parameters: the mass M of the star, its age astero N σ i=1(cid:18) (cid:19) (t hereafter), the mixing–length parameter α ≡ l/H X p (3) for convection, the initial surface velocity V and two i parameters describing the initial chemical composition of where σ =0.87µHz is the error on the observed frequen- the star. For these two parameters, we chose the initial cies estimated as the frequency resolution, N = 22 is the hydrogen abundance Xi and the initial ratio between the number of observed frequencies, and hDνi is the mean mass fraction of heavy elements and hydrogen (Z/X)i. value of the differences between the theoretical and ob- Assumingthatthisratioisproportionaltotheabundance served frequencies : ratio [Fe/H], we can directly relate (Z/X) to [Fe/H] by N using the solar value (Z/X)⊙ =0.0230given by Grevesse hD i≡ 1 (νtheo−νobs). & Sauval (1998). Moreover, we fixed the mixing–length ν N i i i=1 parameter to its solar calibrated value (α⊙ = 1.75) and X we assumed the initial hydrogen abundance X to be Thedeterminationofthebestsetofparameterswasbased i X = 0.7. As a result, any characteristic A of a given on the minimization of the functional defined in equa- i stellar model has the following formal dependences with tion (2) which includes three non–asteroseismic and two respect to modeling parameters: A=A(M,t,V,(Z/X)). asteroseismic observational constraints. Once the model i i withthesmallestχ2 wasdetermined,werefinedthegrid tot F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis 7 inthe vicinity ofthis preliminarysolutioninordertofind systematic difference hD i between theoretical and ob- ν the best solution which minimizes at the same time χ2 servedfrequencies has been takeninto account.Following tot and χ2 . Christensen-Dalsgaardet al. (1995), the theoretical oscil- astero lation amplitudes are estimated by A ǫ (ν ) nl ∼= 0 nl , (4) A0(νnl) s ǫnl where A is the surface amplitude and ǫ the normalized energy of the mode. A (ν) and ǫ (ν) are obtained by in- 0 0 terpolating to frequency ν in the results of radial modes. The model shows that ℓ = 1 modes deviate from the asymptoticrelationforp–modes.Thisisa consequenceof the avoidedcrossings (Christensen–Dalsgaardet al. 1995; Guenther&Demarque1996;DM03;Guenther2004,here- after GU04). This results in frequencies which are shifted relative to the frequencies expected for pure p–modes. This is particularly true for the ℓ = 1 modes at low fre- quency which strongly deviate from the asymptotic rela- tion. The observed frequencies for ℓ = 1 modes seem to deviate from the asymptotic relation, which is in accor- dance with theoreticalpredictions. However,Fig. 8 shows that the model results are not able to precisely reproduce Fig.7. Evolutionary tracks in the HR diagram for two theindividualfrequenciesofthesemodesatlowfrequency. models of η Boo. The dot and the square indicate the lo- cationoftheM1andM2modelrespectively.Theerrorbox Figure8alsoshowsthattheagreementbetweenobser- in continuous line indicates the observational constraints vations and theoretical predictions for modes with ℓ = 0 of L and T used in our analysis, while the dotted box and ℓ = 2 is good, except for the two ℓ = 2 modes with eff corresponds to the constraints used by Di Mauro et al. the smallest and the largest frequency (ν = 724.5 and (2003). 888.7µHz). Note thatthe ℓ=2 modes arealsoinfluenced by the avoidedcrossings.However, the effects of coupling becomemuchweakerforthesemodesthanformodeswith ℓ=1,sincep–modeswithℓ=2penetratelessdeepinthe 4.3. Results stellar interior. The variations ofthe large andsmall spacingwith the Using the observational constraints listed in Sect. 4.1 frequency are given in Fig. 9. Large spacings for ℓ = 1 with the observed frequencies listed in Table 3, we per- formed the χ2 minimization described above. We found modes are not plotted in Fig. 9, since these modes devi- ate too strongly from the asymptotic behaviour of pure the solution M = 1.57±0.07M⊙, t = 2.67±0.10Gyr, Vi ∼= 90kms−1 and (Z/X)i = 0.0391±0.0070. The posi- p–modes. Table 5 and Fig. 9 show that the mean large spacing of the M1 model is in perfect agreementwith the tion ofthis model in the HR diagram(denoted model M1 observed value. The observed variation of the large spac- inthefollowing)isindicatedbyadotinFig.7.Thecharac- ing withthe frequencyis alsocorrectlyreproducedby the teristicsofthismodelaregiveninTable5.Theconfidence model, except for the large value of the ℓ = 2 point close limitsofeachmodelingparametergiveninTable5arees- to900µHz.Table5andFig.9alsoshowthattheobserved timated as the maximum/minimum values which fit the smallspacingsarecompatiblewiththeoreticalpredictions. observational constraints when the other calibration pa- Theobservedmeansmallspacingishoweverslightlylarger rametersarefixedtotheirmediumvalue.Notethatthera- than the theoretical one; this is mainly due to the large diusdeducedforηBooR = 2.72R⊙isingoodagreement value of the observed small spacing at 724.5µHz. with the interferometric radius of 2.766±0.039R⊙ and 2.682±0.043R⊙ determined respectively with the Mark We conclude that the observed frequencies listed III optical interferometer (Mozurkewich et al. 2003) and in Table 3 are compatible with theoretical predictions. with the VLTI (Kervella et al. 2004). Although the general agreement is satisfactory, we also Theoretical p–mode frequencies of the M1 model are note some discrepancies between observed and predicted compared to the observed frequencies by plotting the frequencies, especially for the ℓ = 1 modes at low fre- echelle diagram (see Fig. 8). Note that in this figure the quency. 8 F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis Table 5. Models for η Boo. The M1 and M2 models in- cluderotationandatomicdiffusion,whiletheM3modelis astandardmodelcomputedwithanovershootingparame- terα =0.2.Theupperpartofthetablegivestheobser- ov vational constraints used for the calibration. The middle part of the table presents the modeling parameters with theirconfidencelimits,whilethebottompartpresentsthe global parameters of the star. Model M1 Model M2 Model M3 L/L⊙ 9.02±0.22 9.02±0.22 9.02±0.22 Teff [K] 6030±90 6028±45 6030±90 (Z/X)s 0.039±0.007 0.057±0.007 0.039±0.007 V [kms−1] ∼12.8 ∼12.8 - ∆ν [µHz] 39.9±0.1 39.9±0.1 39.9±0.1 δν02 [µHz] 3.95±0.90 3.95±0.90 3.95±0.90 M [M⊙] 1.57±0.07 1.69±0.05 1.70±0.05 t [Gyr] 2.67±0.10 2.65±0.10 2.14±0.10 Vi [kms−1] ∼90 ∼80 - (Z/X)i 0.0391±0.0070 0.0580±0.0070 0.0390±0.0070 L/L⊙ 8.89 9.10 9.11 Teff [K] 6053 6013 6005 Fig.8. Echelle diagram for the M1 model with a large R/R⊙ 2.72 2.78 2.79 V [kms−1] 12 15 - spacing ∆ν = 39.9 µHz. Open symbols refer to theoret- (Z/X)s 0.0388 0.0570 0.0390 ical frequencies, while the filled circles correspond to the ∆ν [µHz] 39.9 39.9 39.9 observed frequencies listed in Table 3. Open circles are δν02 [µHz] 3.79 3.67 3.45 used for modes with ℓ = 0, triangles for ℓ = 1, squares for ℓ = 2 and pentagons for ℓ = 3. The size of the open symbols is proportional to the relative surface amplitude of the mode (see text). Modes with too small surface am- 4.4. Discussion of the results and comparison with plitudes (e.g. g modes) are not shown on this diagram. previous studies Detailed studies of η Boo based on the asteroseismic ob- servationsofKjeldsenetal.(2003)havealreadybeenper- formed by DM03 and GU04. Compared to these studies, we notice that our M1 model has a smaller mass. Indeed, DM03foundthatthemassofηBooislimitedtotherange M = (1.64−1.75)M⊙, while GU04 proposed two differ- or to the different input physics of the evolution codes. ent solutions: a model with a mass of 1.706M⊙ which Indeed, our models include shellular rotation and atomic has exhausted its hydrogencore,and another model with diffusion contrary to the models calculated by DM03 and a mass of 1.884M⊙ which is still on the main–sequence, GU04. For stars more massive than about 1.4M⊙, it is but is approaching hydrogen exhaustion. These two au- necessary to introduce another transportmechanism, like thors used the same non–asteroseismic constraints (see the rotationally induced mixing, in order to counteract Sect. 4.1). However, contrary to the analysis by DM03 the effect ofatomic diffusion in the externallayers.When andcontrarytothepresentwork,GU04usedacalibration onlyatomicdiffusionisincludedinastarwithathincon- method (the QDG method) which is not limited to mod- vective envelope, helium and heavy elements are drained els with position in the HR diagram in agreement with out of the envelope, resulting in too low surface abun- the observational values of the luminosity and effective dances which are incompatible with observation. This is temperature. This explains why GU04 found another so- illustrated on Fig. 10 which shows the helium profile in lution with a mass of 1.884M⊙, while DM03 determined the external layers at different age during the evolution a mass between 1.64 and 1.75M⊙. Recently, Di Mauro et on the main–sequence for a model including only atomic al. (2004) (hereafter DM04) showed that main–sequence diffusion and for the M1 model which includes shellular modelsprovideamatchtothe observedlocationofη Boo rotation and atomic diffusion. Fig. 10 shows that rota- intheHRdiagramwhenovershootingfromtheconvective tionally induced mixing prevents the helium from being core (αov ≥0.1) is included in the computation. drained out of the convective envelope. Indeed, the de- The fact that our M1 model is less massive than the crease of the surface helium abundance during the main– solutionofabout1.7M⊙foundbyDM03andGU04canei- sequence evolution is found to be very small for models therbeduetothedifferentobservationalconstraintsused including rotation and atomic diffusion. F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis 9 4.4.1. Effect of the metallicity To investigate the effects of non–asteroseismic observa- tional constraints on the solution, we decided to redo the whole calibration using the non–asteroseismicconstraints adopted by DM03 and GU04. The metallicity was in- creased to Z = 0.04 and a temperature of T = 6028± eff 45K was adopted. Note that we still used our asteroseis- mic constraints for this calibration. In this way, we found the solution M = 1.69±0.05M⊙, t = 2.65±0.10Gyr, Vi ∼= 80kms−1 and (Z/X)i = 0.0580±0.0070. The posi- tion of this model in the HR diagram (noted model M2 in the following) is denoted by a square in Fig. 7. The characteristics of the M2 model are given in Table 5. We conclude that the difference in the adopted value for the metallicityexplainsthedifferentmassdetermined.Indeed, Fig.8showsthatthe factthatweusedT =6030±90K eff instead of T = 6028±45K has no significant influence eff onthe solutionsince the M1 modelis alsoincluded in the smaller observational box determined by DM03. ThehighermetallicityusedbyDM03andGU04results ofcoursefromthelargervalueoftheobserved[Fe/H]:they Fig.9. Large and small spacings versus frequency for the adopted [Fe/H]=0.305±0.051, while we fixed [Fe/H] to M1 model. Dots indicate the observed values of the large 0.23 ± 0.07 for the M1 calibration. However, we notice (ℓ = 0) and small spacings, while squares correspond to that it also results from the way one relates the observed the large spacing determined with ℓ=2 modes. [Fe/H]to the massfractionsZ andX usedinthe models. Indeed, we directly related (Z/X) to [Fe/H] by using the solar value (Z/X)⊙ =0.0230given by Grevesse & Sauval (1998), while DM03 relatedZ,andnot (Z/X),to [Fe/H]. As a result, for a same value of [Fe/H]=0.305, we deter- mined Z = 0.032 while DM03 obtained a higher value of Z =0.040 (for X =0.7). We conclude that the derived mass of η Boo is very sensitive to the choice of the observed metallicity. When a metallicity of [Fe/H] = 0.23±0.07 is adopted, a mass of 1.57±0.07M⊙ is found. When the higher metallicity determined by DM03 is used, we obtain a mass of 1.69± 0.05M⊙, in perfect agreement with the results of DM03 and GU04. 4.4.2. Effect of the input physics Contraryto the masses,the ages ofthe M1 andM2 mod- els are very similar (2.67 and 2.65Gyr respectively) and are therefore not very sensitive to a change of metallicity. However, this age is larger than the age of 2.393Gyr ob- tained by GU04 for its solution with a mass of 1.706M⊙. DM03 pointed out that the age of the models depends Fig.10.Heliumabundanceprofileintheexternallayersof on the inclusion of overshooting: the age is about 2.3– the staratdifferentageduring its evolutiononthe main– 2.4Gyr withoutovershooting,andbetween2.4–2.7Gyr in sequence.Themodelontoponlyincludesatomicdiffusion, presence of overshooting. The age of η Boo seems there- while the model on bottom includes atomic diffusion and fore to be sensitive to the input physics used. To inves- shellular rotation. Apart from the inclusion of rotation, tigate these effects on the solution, we decided to calcu- the two models havebeen computedwith the same initial late models without rotation and atomic diffusion using parameters corresponding to the M1 model. the same observational constraints as the M2 model. In this way, we find the solution M = 1.70±0.05M⊙ and t = 2.39± 0.10Gyr, in perfect accordance with the re- sultsofGU04andDM03.Rotatingmodelspredictalarger 10 F. Carrier et al.: New seismological results on the G0IV η Bootis Fig.11. Ratio of the mass of the convective core to the Fig.12. Evolutionary tracks in the HR diagram for two total mass of the star (qcc) as a function of the central models of 1.7M⊙ computed with a different amount of hydrogen abundance (X ), for a standard model without overshooting. The dot indicates the location of the M3 c overshooting,forastandardmodelwithα =0.2andfor model.Theerrorboxincontinuouslinecorrespondstothe ov a model with rotation and atomic diffusion. Apart from observational constraints of L and Teff used in our anal- theinclusionofrotationandovershooting,thethreemod- ysis, while the dotted box corresponds to the constraints els have been computed with the same initial parameters used by DM03. corresponding to the M2 model. themassof1.884M⊙ determinedbyGU04andthevalues of M =(1.75−1.90)M⊙ found by DM04, because of the ageforη Boo thannon–rotatingones.This illustratesthe smaller metallicity used in our analysis. The characteris- fact that, for small initial velocities, rotational effects are tics of the M3 model are given in Table 5. foundto mimicthe effectsdue toanovershootofthecon- vective core into the radiative zone. Indeed, the lifetimes of rotating models are enhanced with respect to those of standard models, because the mixing feeds the core with fresh hydrogen fuel. As a result, the exhaustion of hydro- genin the centralregionis delayedand the time spent on the main-sequence increases. This can be seen on Fig. 11 whichshowstheratioofthemassoftheconvectivecoreto thetotalmassofthestar(q )asafunctionofthe central cc hydrogenabundance(X ).Weseethattherotatingmodel c exhibits a larger convective core for a given q , i.e. for a cc given evolutionary stage on the main-sequence, than the standard model without overshooting. In the same way, the non-rotating model with α = 0.2 also exhibits a ov larger convective core on the main-sequence than stan- dardmodels without overshooting.This explains why the inclusionofrotationorovershootingincreasesthelifetimes ofthemodelonthemain-sequenceandhencethededuced age for η Boo. Finally, we investigated the solution of a model which is still on the main-sequence. As found by DM04, these modelsdonotprovideamatchtotheobservedT andL eff of η Boo unless overshooting is included. Thus, our anal- ysis using the input physics described aboveleads to only Fig.13. Echelle diagram for the M3 model with a large onesolutionwhichisinaccordancewithasteroseismicand spacing∆ν =39.9µHz.Opensymbolsrefertotheoretical non-asteroseismic observables: the M1 model which is in frequencies, while the filled circles correspond to the ob- the post-main-sequence phase of evolution. Using the ob- servedfrequencies listed in Table 3. Open circles are used servationalconstraintslistedinSect.4.1,wetriedtodeter- formodeswithℓ=0,trianglesforℓ=1,squaresforℓ=2 mineamodelofη Boowhichisstillonthemain-sequence and pentagons for ℓ=3. by computing non-rotating stellar models including over- shooting. In this way, we found that a model computed with an overshooting parameter α = 0.2 and a mass of As already pointed out by GU04 and DM04, the fun- ov 1.7M⊙ enables to match the location of η Boo in the HR damental seismic difference between post-main-sequence diagram(seeFig.12).Asdiscussedabove,themassofthis (M1) and main-sequence (M3) models concerns the model (denoted model M3 in the following) is lower than avoided crossings. Models in the post-main-sequence

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