THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN NATURALIST Vol.22 30th May2000 No.4 NEW RECORDS OF JURASSIC MOLLUSCS FROM THE CADDA FORMATION AT ENANTY HILL, IRWIN RIVER DISTRICT, WESTERN AUSTRALIA By GEORGE W. KENDRICK and KRISTINE M. BRIMMELL Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Western Australian Museum Francis Street, Perth WA 6000 ABSTRACT Fourteen species of Mollusca (12 Bivalvia, two Cephalopoda) have been collected from the Cadda Formation at Enanty Hill, Irwin River district, northern Perth Basin, increasing from 11 to 18 the number of species recorded from this source. New bivalve records are: juvenile gryphaeid oyster: Ludnidae undetermined species; cf. Astarte cliftoni Moore; two species of undetermined Heterodonta. New cephalopods are the ammonite Rseudoto/ressp.and an unidentified belemnite. The assemblage compares closely with that of the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) Newmarracarra Limestone of the Geraldton hinterland INTRODUCTION 147 and maps). Fossil evidence indicates that the Cadda Formation is, in part at The Cadda Formation is a sequence of least, equivalent in age to the Middle diverse lithologies - sandstone, Jurassic (Bajocian) Newmarracarra siltstone, shale and limestone - which Limestone of the Geraldton hinterland, forms limited, sporadic outcrops in the of which it appears to be a southerly, northern Perth Basin between the Hill more restricted and shallow water facies River area and south to about the equivalent latitude of Dandaragan. There, it lies in conformable contact with the A small, isolated surface deposit Cockleshell Gully Formation (below) correlated with the Cadda Formation is and Yarragadee Formation (above) located on the southwestern slope of according to Playford et al (1976:144- Enanty Hill, about 3 km NNE of the 211 town of Mingenew (lat. 2910’S, long. exclusively to the west. Evidently 115^27’E; Figure 1), from where fossils faulting has preserved the Cadda were first recorded by Coleman and Formation remnant at Enanty Hill, all Skwarko (1967). This exposure, located other surface evidence of coeval in a disused road-gravel pit, lies ca 120 sedimentation in the district having km N from the nearest known outcrops been removed by erosion. of the Cadda Formation in the Hill The greater part of Enanty Hill is River area and about 50 km ESE from formed of Permian rocks of the the nearest occurrence of the Mingenew Formation. Mingenew Spring Newmarracarra Limestone at Mt Hill. and other major springs in the district Drilling at Enanty Hill shows the Cadda lie within the Urella Fault system, Formation there to be at least 19.8 m. which allows groundwater to come to thick, overlying Triassic Kockatea the surface Shale. At the Enanty Hill gravel pit, the Enanty Hill lies within a zone of Cadda Formation occurs as discrete complex faulting associated with the pebble to cobble-sized pieces of major NNW-trending Urella Fault ferruginous reddish-brown to purple- (Playford et al. 1976, p. 236). Down¬ brown fine to very coarse-grained, throw is to the west with Permian lateritised sandstone, sometimes gritty sedimentary rocks confined to the or conglomeratic. Fossils are sparse, eastern side of the fault and Mesozoic occurring as internal or external moulds (Triassic to Cretaceous) deposits of mollusc shells, principally single 212 valves of Bivalvia, with rare inflation agree well with Moore’s cephalopods and small indeterminable criteria for the species (Moore, 1870: gastropods. Small pieces of fossil wood 250, pi. 14, figs 1, 2). are not uncommon. No bedded Type localities for Cucullaea inflata sequence is visible on the surface, where Moore and C. semistriata Moore are material appears to be a mantle of “Greenough district”, Newmarracarra accumulated weathering residue Limestone. Both species have been well overlying coherent strata (Coleman and figured by Skwarko (1974: pis 21,22). Skwarko, 1967). Moore (1870), inter alia, recognised four Fossils collected in May 1999 by species of Cucullaea in the members of the Western Australian Newmarracarra Limestone but the most Naturalists’Club include new records recent revision of these by Skwarko for both locality and formation and (1974) acknowledged three, a have been added to the research conclusion with which we concur. collections of the Western Australian Museum (WAM). Family L1M1DAE. All specimen numbers cited below are Incomplete external moulds (99.367, from the Museum's catalogues of fossil 99375) bearing sculpture identical with invertebrates and plants. that of Pseudolimea duplicata (]. de C. Sowerby) supplement those reported by Coleman and Skwarko (1967). Radial NOTES ON THE FOSSIL ribs are strong, with V-shaped ASSEMBLAGE interspaces, the base of each being occupied by a thin radial riblet. Bivalves P. duplicata is a widespread Middle Family CUCULLAE1DAE Jurassic species, which is not uncommon Of the four specimens of Cucullaea sp. in the Newmarracarra Limestone. from Ervanty Hill figured by Coleman Skwarko (1974, p. 88) noted that the and Skwarko (1967), two (figs 16,19, Western Australian specimens, in their 20) have the elongate form, i.e., length smaller size and reduced rib-count, are exceeding height, of the common, closer to Indian examples from Cutch, rather variable C. semistriata Moore and compared with those from Europe may represent that species. One specimen (fig. 15), a juvenile, is Family GRYPHAE1DAE. proportioned more like the relatively Several internal moulds of juvenile uncommon C. inflat'd Moore (height oyster shells are present on the external generally exceeding length) but has a mould of a right valve of a small reticulate umbonal sculpture, as is seen Camptonectes greenoughi Skwarko on well-preserved C. semistritata (e.g. (99.368, see below and Figure 2A). 91.914). Limestones of the Cadda Formation in Two internal moulds (WAM 99.365) of the Hill River district “are usually single valves are of mature size, closely coquinas of small oyster shells” resembling others attributable to C. (Playford et ai, 1976: 144) and inflata Moore and are identified concentrations of similar material also accordingly. Neither is complete but occur in the Newmarracarra Limestone length to height ratios and umbonal The identity of these small oysters 213 requires further study but provisionally Chlamys enantyiby Skwarko (1974, p. they may be regarded as probable 83, 84, pi. 26, figs 1, 6, 12). This juveniles of the common gryphaeid uncommon species is otherwise known Amphidonte rho//fom?/s(Etheridge). The only from fragmentary specimens from type locality for A. tholiformisEtheridge the Newmarracarra Limestone. The type is “Tibradden Station, Greenough River locality is “Waggrakine via Geraldton. district", Newmarracarra Limestone One mile south of road to Nanson on W side of hills", i.e., Moresby Range. Family OXYTOMIDAR A second small pectinid from Enanty Hill was reported by Coleman and Two representatives of this extinct Skwarko (1967) as Camptonectes sp. family of pectinoid clams are known nov. aff. C. lens (Sowerby, 1821) and from Enanty Hill. Coleman and subsequently described as Cgreenoughi Skwarko (1967) record the mould of a Skwarko, 1974. An external mould, small left valve consistent with Oxytoma 99.368 (Fig. 2A), represents this species decemcostata Whitehouse and the species in the present material As noted above, is also reported from the Hill River area it bears moulds of juvenile oyster shells, by Playford et al (1976). The type probably Amphidonte tholiformis locality is the Bringo railway cutting, (Etheridge). Newmarracarra Limestone C. greenoughi is only occasionally Incomplete external moulds of collected in the Newmarracarra Meleagrinella sinuata (Teichert) in the Limestone; the type locality is present material (99.359, 99.365) “Approximately one mile [1.6 km] NW supplement those reported by Coleman of Mt Fairfax, via Geraldton, \V face and Skwarko (1967). These are readily of hills", i.e., Moresby Range. It is recognised by the narrow, spaced, radial distinguished from other pectinids in ribs of alternating strengths on the left the assemblage by its thin shell and valve. M. sinuaca is common in the very fine divaricate sculpture. It is not Newmarracarra Limestone and occurs in significantly related to the large the Cadda Formation, Hill River district “Camptonectes" waggrakinensis (Playford etal 1976); the type locality Skwarko, which, lacking any kind of is the Bringo railway cutting, radial-divaricate sculpture, is better Newmanacarra Limestone located in the genus Mclearnia O. decemcostata and M sin uata are both Crickmay, 1930. strongly inequivalve species. Most Fine, divaricate sculpture also collection specimens are the larger, distinguishes C. greenoughi from costate and strongly inflated left valves; “Pecten "greenoughiensis Moore, 1870, a the smaller, flattened and faintly rare species from “Greenough district”, sculptured right valves are less often unrevised since its original, limited collected. description. Family PECTINIDAE. Family TR1GONIIDAE. As Chlamysl sp. nov. aff. C. splendens Trigotiia moorei Lycett in Moore, the (Dollfuss, 1863), a small pectinid was common and characteristic fossil of the recorded from Enanty Hill by Coleman Newmarracarra Limestone (and and Skwarko (1967 p. 206, pi. 25, figs associated formations of the Champion 9,13,17) and subsequently described as Bay Group), is well represented in all 214 Figure 2. Molluscs from the Cadda Formation, Enanty Hill. A WAM 99.368. Camptonectes greenoughi Skwarko. Natural mould of right valve exterior with moulds of attached juvenile oysters, x 2. B WAM 99.370. Lucinidae, genus unidentified. Latex cast of right valve exterior, x 1.8. C WAM 99.374. Pseudotoites sp. Latex cast of venter, x 1.8. All whitened. collections from Enanty Hill and from the original description (Moore, elsewhere in the Cadda Formation 1870), is “Greenough River district, (Coleman and Skwarko, 1967; Playford W.A.”, Newmarracarra Limestone, et al. 1976). The type locality, omitted according to the label accompanying 215 the holotype (Skwarko, 1974 pi. 33 also represented in the present caption). collection (99.375). Another specimen (99.372), a fragmentary external mould, The trigoniids were a dominant, diverse retains sculpture quite similar to that of and cosmopolitan family of shallow- Astarte cliftoni Moore, a species now burrowing bivalves throughout the included provisionally in the Enanty Mesozoic (Triassic to Cretaceous). Hill assemblage. Both A. apicalis and Their robust, strongly sculptured shells, with elaborate, interlocking hinge teeth, A. cliftoni are common in the Newmarracarra Limestone, the former enabled them to flourish in energised, coarse-grained substrates of inner shelf also present in the Kojarena Sandstone and the latter in the Colalura Sandstone environments (Stanley, 1977). (Playford et ai, 1976). Type localities All WAM specimens (99.361, 99.369) (Moore, 1870:249-250) are "Greenough of Trigonia moorei from Enanty Hill are district" and "Greenough river” disassociated single valves, that have respectively, both Newmarracarra been separated post-mortem. These Limestone. Neither species has been contrast markedly with the thin-shelled, recorded elsewhere from the Cadda fragile, near-edentulous Gresslya Formation. sanfordii (below), which occurs frequently as conjoined, paired valves, Family CERATOMYIDAE in likely consequence of a deep¬ burrowing habit. The most common fossil at Enanty Hill is the thin-shelled Gresslya sanfordii (Moore), found as either external or Family LUCINIDAE. internal moulds of single or paired A species of this family has been listed, valves (Coleman and Skwarko, 1967). as “Lucina sp.” by various authors (see Even fragmentary impressions of Playford, 1959; Playford et ai, 1976 and external surfaces (93.362, 99.371) are references) in the fauna of the readily recognisable from the presence Newmarracarra Limestone but has never of very fine, close, radial micro- been considered further and at present striation, crossing the low, irregular remains somewhat enigmatic. Some growth ridges. More conjoined valves of possible examples of this rare species this species are found at Enanty Hill have been collected recently from the than of any other, probably a Newmarracarra Limestone and now also consequence of a deep-burrowing habit from Enanty Hill (99.370, Figure 213). in fine-grained substrate, which favours The latter does not closely resemble any the close association of both valves /wst- of the genera of Jurassic Lucinidae in mortem. Chavan (1969) and identification is The type locality of this species was not deferred until the hinge and other stated by Moore (1870. p. 253) but the internal characters are known. label accompanying his figured specimen (pi. 13, fig. 9) reads "Shark Family ASTARTIDAE. Bay, W.A.”, according to Skwarko One confirmed and one probable species (1974, caption to pi. 32). This of this family are present in the Cadda erroneous locality evidently arose from Formation at Enanty Hill. The small confusion accompanying specimens Astarte a pica l is Moore was recorded by collected by M.W. Clifton and sent to Coleman and Skwarko (1967) and is W.A. Sanford in England prior to 1862. 216 In providing Clifton’s material to from W.A. Sanford ex M.W. Clifton, as Charles Moore, Sanford opined that it discussed above had come either from "Shark’s Bay” or This species is unknown from all "Champion Bay”, more likely the former subsequent collections and is clearly (Moore, 1870, p. 228-229). The species most rare In view of the prevalence of is unknown from the Shark Bay district fossil wood in the Cadda Formation at but is common in the Newmarracarra Enanty Hill, the possibility of its Limestone. Both of Skwarko’s figured discovery there should be kept in mind. specimens are from problematical Three small incomplete external moulds sources and the type locality for the (99.363, 99.364, 99.377) representing species remains undesignated. two species of bivalve, probably Unidentified bivalves. Fossil wood Heterodonta, remain unidentified. (99.378) showing on the freshly broken cross-section two narrow, infilled, Cephalopods tubular borings, parallel to the sides of the wood, may be attributable to a Ammonoidea wood-boring marine bivalve, though at present a non-marine origin for these Family SONNIN1IDAE seems equally plausible. No shell Three specimens of the ammonite remains are visible and interpretation is Newmarracarroceras clarkei (Crick) were conjectural. reported (as Fontannesia clarkei) from Moore (1870, p. 255, pi. 12, fig. 11) Enanty Hill by Coleman and Skwarko described a presumed wood-boring (1967). The species is one of the more bivalve. Teredo australis Moore from common ammonites of the "Western Australia”, without more Newmarracarra Limestone and Enanty specific locality data. He evidently had Hill provides the only other known two specimens, both of which were occurrence. This and related taxa have figured by Skwarko (1974, p. 99, pi. 34, been revised recently by Hall (1989). fig. 20, pi. 36, fig. 1) and reclassified as Martesia (Particorna) australis (Moore), Family OTOITIDAE family Pholadidae. The locality of the A specimen (99.374) of a species of former specimea designated by Skwarko Pseudotoites (Fig. 2C) from Enanty Hill as “holotype” is not given. That of the provides the first record from there of latter, a colony attached to a remnant this genus, previously known from the of fossil wood in a block of richly Cadda Formation of the Hill River fossiliferous shelly limestone, is “Shark district and from the Newmarracarra Bay, Western Australia" (Skwarko, Limestone. 1974. caption to pi. 36, fig. 1). This specimen may be regarded as the Coleoidea paralectotype. According to Moore (1870, p. 230), it is associated with "as Belemnite, unidentified. The mould of many as thirty species” of typical part of a belemnite guard (99.373), Newmarracarra Limestone fauna, showing the posterior part of the unknown from the Shark Bay area. phragmocone, provides the first record of Evidently Moore’s specimens of this group from Enanty Hill. It remains "Teredo” australis were among those generically and specifically unidentified. with spurious locality data obtained Fossil wood. Small pieces of fossil wood, 217 Table 1. Molluscan fossils recorded from the Cadda Formation of Enanty Hill. Sources: I Coleman & Skwarko, 1967; II WAM collection, 1999. Species I 11 1. Cucullaea inflata Moore ? + 2. Cucullaea sp. cf. C. semistriata Moore + 3. Pseudolimea sp. cf. P. duplicata (J. Sowerby) + + 4. Ostreoidean, juvenile cf. Amphidonte + tholiformis (Erheridge) 5. Oxytoma decemcostatii Whitehouse + 6. Meleagrinella sinuata (Teichert) + + 7. Camptonectes grecnoughi Skwarko + + 8. “Chlamys’ enantyiSkwarko + 9. Trigonia moorei Lycett in Moore + + 10. Lucinid, genus undetermined + 11. Astarte apical is Moore + + 12. cf. Astarte cliftoni Moore + 13. Gresslya sanfordii (Moore) + + 14. Bivalve, genus undetermined, species A + 15. Bivalve, genus undetermined, species B + 16. Newmarracarroceras clarkei (Crick) + 17. Pseudotoites sp. + 18. Belemnite, genus and species undetermined + variously preserved are not uncommon faunistically deficient gulf environment, at Enanty Hill, at times associated essentially enclosed by land on three directly with marine fossils and a sides and with a marine connection to possible leaf (99.369, P.99.57). From the north, allowing only restricted this, it would appear that the site was in oceanic exchange/circulation and more proximity to a river that discharged significant fluviatile discharge, terrestrial flood debris into the adjacent compared with the more fully marine inshore sandy shallows depositional environment of the Newmarracarra Limestone Because the Champion Bay Group CONCLUSION (which includes the Newmarracarra As presently known, the fauna of the Limestone) and Cadda Formation are Cadda Formation is a subset of that of the only known marine Middle Jurassic the Newmarracarra Limestone, the deposits in surface outcrop in Australia, former entirely, the latter substantially their Mollusca have been studied molluscan in character, in which extensively since 1870, as reviewed by Bivalvia predominate. The lesser faunal Skwarko (1974). The more common diversity of the Cadda Formation species of Bivalvia are now known reflects its relative paucity of outcrop, reasonably well but there remain many rarity of fossils and the limited attention uncommon to rare species of which which they have received. It appears little or nothing is known. The small that the Cadda Formation represents a gastropod and scaphopod fauna remains 218 essentially unknown. The Western Geologist - with descriptions of the Australian Museum is currently species. Geological Magazine, new series, enlarging its research collection of Dec. 4, v. 1, p. 385-393, 433-441. Jurassic molluscs in order to better HALL, R.L. 1989. Lower Bajocian understand the composition of the ammonites (Middle Jurassic-, fauna and its biogeographical Soninniidae (sic)) from the significance. Newmarracarra Limestone, Western Australia. Alcheringa 13:1-20. ACKNOWLEDG EMENTS MOORE, C. 1870. Australian Mesozoic We have to thank Mr and Mrs C. Geology and Palaeontology. Geological Gillam of.“Irwin Park” Irwin for access Society of London Quarterly Journal 26: to Enanty Hill and consent for the 226-261. removal of fossil material. We are PLAYFORD, P.E. 1959. Jurassic greatly obliged to members of the W.A. stratigraphy of the Geraldton district, Naturalists' Club for their generous Western Australia. Journal of the Royal contributions to collection. Mrs A. Society of Western Australia 42: 101-124. Nevin typed the manuscript. PLAYFORD. P.E., COCKBA1N, A.E. and LOW, G.H. 1976. Geology of the REFERENCES Perth Basin, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia CHAVAN, A. 1969. Superfamily Bulletin 124, 311 p. Lucinacea Fleming, 1828. In R.C.Moore, editor. Treatise on SKWARKO, S.K. 1974. Jurassic fossils Invertebrate Paleontology N, vol. 2, of Western Australia. 1. Bajocian Mollusca 6, Bivalvia. Geological Society Bivalvia of the Newmarracarra of America and University of Kansas, p. Limestone and the Kojarena Sandstone. N491-508. Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology arid Geophysics Bulletin 150: 57- COLEMAN, P.J. and SKWARKO, S.K. 110, pis 21-36. 1967. Lower Triassic and Middle Jurassic fossils at Enanty Hill, Mingenew, Perth STANLEY, S.M. 1977. Coadaption in Basin, West Australia. Australian Bureau the Trigoniidae, a remarkable family of of Mineral Resources, Geology and burrowing bivalves. Palaeontology 20: Geophysics Bulletin 92: 197-214. 869-899. CRICK, G.C. 1894. On a collection of TE1CHERT, C. 1940. Marine Jurassic in Jurassic Cephalopoda from Western the North-West Basin, Western Australia - obtained by Harry Page Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Woodward, F.G.S., Government Western Australia 26: 17-27. 219