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Preview New record of six marine fishes from St. Martin's Coral Island, Bay of Bengal, in Bangladesh

NEW RECORD OF SIX MARINE FISHES FROM MARTIN’S CORAL ST. ISLAND, BAY OF BENGAL, IN BANGLADESH 1 Mohammad Ali Reza Khan2 Key words: Acanthusfuliginosus, Apogon endekataenia, Choreodon robustum, Halichoeresjavanicus, Sargocentron rubrum, Thalassoma lunare, St. Martin’s Coral Island, Bangladesh. This paperdeals with 10 species ofmarine, coral-associated bony fishes fromthe lone coral island in the eastern partofthe Bay ofBengal. Six ofthese arereported fromthe country for the first time. Their ecology and utilisation have also been discussed. Introduction robustum, Halichoeresjavanicus, H. marginatus, Kyphosus cinerascens, Lutjanus lutjanus, Bangladesh is a country ofrivers, rivulets, Sargocentron rubrum and Thalassoma lunare. marshes, estuaries, islands and long coastalbelts. The status of several other species also appears Nearly 250 species offreshwater and475 species to be uncertain. of marine fishes, including some 50 species of In this paper I have attempted to provide cartilaginous fishes (Hussain 1970, Rahman 1989 first hand information on the ecology of six and Khan et al. 1995) have been recorded in its species of fishes that inhabit the coral reefs of waters. Bangladesh is heavily dependent on the Bangladesh. However, it seems all these species supply ofmarine fish to feed its own population have already been reported from other parts of and the export industry ofnon-traditional items. the Bay of Bengal but Bangladesh (Chhapgar Ichthyologists ofBangladesh started studying its 1989, Day 1878, Misra 1959, Munro 1955). fishresources inthe earlynineteenfifties (Ahmad 1953) when the country was known as East Study Area and Methodology Pakistan. These old records of the Pakistan era and the work done during the current decade, for Ofthe severalhundredoffshore andinshore some reason,*do not include most of the fishes islands in Bangladesh, one alone is apparently that live among the corals of Bangladesh. It is formed ofboulders and ringed by corals (Khan apparent fromthe existing literature andfrommy 1964, Khan 1982). This is the St. Martin’s Coral own field observations thatnearly 200 species of Island that is locally known as Narikel Jinjira. marine fish, including 12 cartilaginous species Located beyond the southeasternmost tip of are landed in the fishmarketofSt. Martin’s Coral Bangladesh and opposite the Myanmar coast of km Island. Mostofthese are traditionally commercial Akyab, St. Martin’s Coral Island is tiny, 8 sq. fishes thatarebeing used forhuman consumption in expanse. It is dominated by coconut trees and N athome orabroadand formaking fishmeal. Even lies between 20° 30’ - 20° 39' and 92° 1 8’ - 92° this listdoes not include species such asAcanthus 21' E. The Coral Island is formed ofa large main fuliginosus, Apogon endekataenia, Choreodon island and three separated islets. The main island has three distinct human habitations under a ‘Accepted June, 1997. village system known as Uttar Para (northern 2Nature Conservation Movement, GPO Box-3413, Dhaka- village), Maddhya Para (middle village) and 1000, Bangladesh. PresentAddress: DubaiZoo,P.O. Box67 Dubai, UnitedArab Dakshin Para (southern village). The three Emirates. southernmost islands are collectively known as NEWRECORD OFSIXMARINEFISHESFROMBANGLADESH 229 Siradia (meaning separated islands), covering failed to visit it in August 1995 and July-August another square kilometre or so (Khan 1985). The 1996 due to inclement weather conditions. My latteris connectedto the southeastemmostcomer last visit to the island was for three days in of the main island only during ebb tide. Coral November 1996. Island is a sedimentary continental island and its During my sojourn onthe island I normally main portion is dumbbell-shaped because oftwo walked across the island, sometimes following saucer-like undergroundbase rocks (Choudhury the coastline and occasionally criss-crossing the 1985). main island. In the process I noted wildlife ofthe A border river, called Naaf, runs through islandbyvisual observations, checking fish catch the international boundary of Bangladesh and ofthe islanders and taking note ofthe fishes that Myanmar. It ends in the Bay of Bengal. At this land on the makeshift fish market ofthe island at meeting point, on one side is the last landmass of Uttar Para. I tried to keep photographic records Bangladesh, the Badarmukamand Maungdu, the ofboth the plants and animals on the island. last comer of the Akyab coast of Myanmar. A At the time of our visit in July 1994, we 12 km wide channel of the Bay of Bengal came across half a dozen teenaged anglers separates Coral Island from both the countries. returning froman angling trip from Siradia. Also The island has been inhabited since 1850 several villagers were engaged in fishing among and at present there are about 600 families with the boulders inDakshinPara withtheircastnests. 4000 people. Almost all the islanders are Their catch included several species of fish that fishermen. Their fishing activities are limited lookedunfamiliarto me, so Iphotographed them. from October to April, which is the period offair Later on, we also triedwatching the fishes intheir weather. The remaining period of the year is natural surroundings. The measurements of the usually too windy, rainy or cyclonic, so that the specimens were deduced from the photographs. islanders do not dare to venture out in the Bay. The species list was forwarded to several All administrative, social and economic activities ichthyologists inBangladeshand only one replied ofthe islanders are restrictedtoUttarPara (Khan, with definite suggestions (Kader, pers. comm.). 1998). The species identification was aided by the SW During the monsoon, communication fisheries experts at the Marine Fisheries with Coral Island and the nearest Bangladesh Resources Center at Umm-al-Qawain, U.A.E. border-town ofTeknafremains disrupted for an Several guide books were used to identify the appreciable period. Rarely do any outsiders visit fishes (Anon. 1977, 1982, 1986; Carasson 1977, the island at such a period. Some islanders Chhapgar 1989, Day 1878, Grant 1985, Madsen practice agriculture following monsoon showers. 1975, Masuda et al. 1984, Munro 1955, Randal Others remain engaged in tending the coconut et al, 1978, Sirimontapom 1984). Names ofthe gardens, makingnew fishingnets orrepairing old fishes mostly follow those given in Carasson ones and catching fish from nearby areas during (1977) and Munro (1955). the monsoon (Khan, 1998). I started visiting Coral Island from 1980 Results and Discussion and to date have paid over a dozen visits, each my We lasting two to seven days. All visits except took nearly 25 photographs, covering one to the island were during the season of fair 10 species of the marine fishes of St. Martin’s weather. In 1994 two nature lovers from Dhaka Coral Island. Six species had not been reported (Bangladesh) and I visited the island in July from the coastal waters ofBangladeshpart ofthe amidst bad weather conditions. We again went Bay ofBengal (Gafur 1976, Hussain 1970, Khan to the island in December-January 1994-95 but et al. 1995, Rahman 1989, Quddus and Shafi 230 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95 (1998) 1983). At least four other species that had been Uncommon. Caughtby the villagers using a cast consideredearlierasrare oruncommonwere also net fromthe boulder strewn areas ofwestern side foundinCoralIsland. Descriptions andecological ofDakshin Para. notes on all 10 species offishes are givenbelow: 4. Moon or Green Wrasse: Thalassoma 1. Red Soldier or Crimson Squirrel Fish: lunare (Linnaeus). Fam. Labridae: Quite a Sargocentron rubrum (Forskal) (=Holocentrum colourful fish. Thebody is lanceolate and laterally rubrum Bleeker 1877), Fam. Holocentridae: A compressed, with continuous dorsal and anal fins red fish with 8 silvery white longitudinal bands thatare longitudinallybandedblack, redandblue. and three white vertical bands behind the eye, The greenish-yellow body, reddish head and coveringboththepreopercle andopercle. All fins operculumtraversedbyblue stripes andblue, red and head are also reddish. The short snout is andyellow tail lookvivid. The tail is forked, both pointed while the eyes are very large. The tail is ends of which extend so far backwards that the forked with two lighter portions bordered centre takes the shape of a U or half-crescent, marginally and centrally by darker lines. The that is yellowish. The name ‘moon’ wrasse has specimen was about 14 cm, while the maximum been derived from this shape ofthe tail. It lives recorded length is 20 cm (Day 1878). It was among sand orcoral stones andbase rocks. Some caughtby cast net from the rocky intertidal zone are also present in the live corals. The fish was in Dakshin Para. Not a common species. about 18 cm long. Caught by anglers from the 2. Eleven-banded Cardinal Fish: Apogon rocky intertidal zone in Siradia. endekataenia Bleeker. Fam. Apogonidae: A 5. Javan Wrasse or Rainbow Fish: small, colourful coastal fish with pronounced Halichoeresjavanicus (Bleeker). Fam. Labridae: eyes, appreciably long peduncle and a black Less colourful than the sword-lipped wrasse but blotch at the base ofthe tail. There are at least 10 looks reddish brown from snout to tail with lots longitudinal bands, half of which are reddish- ofgreen, while the chin, throat and abdomen are brown and others are lightly coloured. One dark white. Teeth more or less similar to the sword- and broad band starts at the snout, passes over lipped wrasse, but much smaller. There is a the eyes and the body, ending at the notch ofthe prominent black spot at the base ofthe orangish forked tail. Lateral line is prominent. Ventral fin pectoral finand orangishmarkings overthe head, short and does not reach the anal fin. All fins are nape and cheek (opercles) are prominent. Both reddish-brown. Two specimens measured 8 cm the dorsal andanal fins are variouslymarkedover and 9 cm. Rather uncommon among the coral the basic green colour. There is a distinct black and other boulders. Caught by cast net from the spot or ocellus between the base of the 5th and intertidal region ofDakshin Para. 7th (out of9) dorsal spines. Eyes red with bluish 3. Sword-Lipped Wrasse: Choerodon rings. Tail rounded. The specimen measured robustum (Gunther) (= Xiphocheilus robustus). c. 12 cmandwas caughtby anglers from Siradia. Fam. Labridae: This fish attracted my attention 6. White-tailed or Red-tailed Surgeon as itresembledthe parrot fishwe see regularly in Fish: Acanthurusfuliginosus Lesson {-Acanthus Dubai market. Both the upper and lowerjaws are matoides, A. xanthopternus). Fam. Acanthuridae: A equipped with tusk-like teeth, hence the other grey-brown oval shaped coastal fish with a name Red Tusk Fish. The fish when dead was shortbuttubularmouth. The pectoral fin ispartly red and faded red with whitejaws and tusks, and yellow and the forked tail base is marked by a reddish fins. The eyes were also red, with yellow broad white band. Both the dorsal and anal fins iris. The tusked teeth are meant to cut out corals have longitudinal, dark, bluish bands. From for eating. The specimen measured c. 24 cm. It behind the pectoral fin to the peduncle the body lives along the rocky shore of Coral Island. is marked with bluish striations. An oblique NEWRECORD OFSIXMARINE FISHESFROMBANGLADESH 231 yellow band in front of the eye and a slight that abounds in the rocky shores of St. Martin’s depression over it are clearly visible. There is a Coral Island. It is laterally compressed andrather single spine over the peduncle. It was caught by pear-shaped. The colour ofthe specimen on my cast net from the rocky areas and measured 21 palmwas dominatedbyblackandblue. The most cm. Not a common fish. distinctive feature seemedto be the yellow patch The following species (7-10.) are rather on the blue-black pectoral fin. Each scale on the uncommon in our waters. They are not body had a dark patch, which over the back, traditionally caughtinthe fishing gearbutby cast shoulder and head formed continuous and nets or caught by anglers. They are apparently organised lines orstreaks. The continuous dorsal more common in the rocky near-shore and coral and anal fins hadblue-edgedmarks. The tail was bearing areas of Coral Island than in the open rather rounded and variously coloured. Eyes sea. greenish-blue. The specimen caught by the 7. Rosy Snapper: Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, anglers resembled the description of the type Fam. Lutjanidae: It is the nominate race for the specimen more than the one collected from the genus and was founded by Bloch in 1790. The Andamans and illustrated by Day (1878). It name seems appropriate as the sides ofthe body measured c. 16 cm. Hussain (1970) is possibly ofthe fishhaverosytoreddishlineseachofwhich the first to report it from Bangladesh. is separated from the next by a lighter one. Red 10. Zebra or Blue Angelfish: lines also criss-cross the area ahead of, behind Pomacanthodes semicirculatus (Cuvier). Fam: andundertheprominentlywhite eyes andextend Pomacanthidae. The specimen is a juvenile up to the opercles. Those over the lateral line are caught from the tiny pools formed in the rocky rather oblique, almost up to the base ofthe soft intertidalregionofSiradia. It isbluish-blackwith portionofthe dorsalfin, andthenbecome straight prominent white, broad bands alternating with till the end ofthe soft fin. Back olivaceous. The blue ones, peduncle bandedbuttailbandless and forked tail is dark with light red border. Upper almostwhitish. The posterior white bands end in canine teeth are prominent and the fish had no the anal and dorsal fins. Body shape deep as in A ocellus orblack spotoverthebody. The specimen other angelfish and measured 4.7 cm. second measured about 13 cm and was caught by cast specimen was 2.4 cm. They were caught by net. An uncommon species. Khan et al. (1995) children with the help ofa clothnet. This species have reported it for the first time from is uncommon, but a second species Ringed Bangladesh. Emperor Angelfish (P. annularis) is common 8. Ashen DrummerKyphosuscinerascens around the island. Hussain (1970) at first (Forskal). Fam. Kyphosidae (Sparidae): A silvery considered the former as uncommon but later as grey, perch-like, rock-dwelling coastal fish with common. Adults ofthese fishes may be present an elongatedcaudalpeduncle, darkeyes and fins, in deeper water while the fingerlings seem to whitish bands over the preopercle and opercle. prefer the rocky intertidal region. The snout is short and dark. Interorbital area, In addition to the above, I had also noted a opercle andpreopercle coveredby smallerscales. couple ofspeciesofBlenny intherocky andcoral The specimen was caught by anglers from the pools at Uttar Para, Dakshin Para and Siradia. I rocky intertidal zone. It was c. 22 cm long and do not think that this has yet been reported from Hussain (1970) reported the species for the first the country. time from Bangladesh. Some of the people of Coral island are 9. Two-eyed Wrasse or Speckled traditionally not fishermen but farmers or farm Rainbow Fish: Halichoeres marginatus. Fam. labourers. They generally fishwith cast nets and Labridae: This is another colourful marine fish other smaller fishing gear. Their daily fish catch 232 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95 (1998) rarely exceeds 2 kg, barely sufficientforthe daily overview of the marine fishes of St. Martin’s requirement ofa family offive or six. Teenagers Coral Island of Bangladesh. Scuba diving may also go fishing with rod and line to bring in also reveal new records of fish and inver- sustenance level food for their families. To reach tebrate species. It may also highlight the Siradia they walk nearly 16 km to and fro. These abundance of fish species preferring the rocky two groups ofislanders generally do not sell their and coral areas. This is a new avenue for fishery catch in the market but keep it for home experts ofBangladesh, which they may venture consumption. Such fishing is more prevalent into in the immediate future. during the monsoon when inclement weather compels the people to remain indoors, making Acknowledgements them jobless. The fish usually caught through these non-traditional methods and on non- I thank to Messrs. Shigeysu Tamaei, commercial basis provide subsistence to the Japanese InternationalCooperationAgency’s fish poorer section ofthe population ofCoral Island. expert, Mohammad Abdul Razzak (former Therefore, to better the economic conditions of Director) and Mohammad Abdel Rahim Hassan the local people, this non-traditional fishing is al Zarouni, Director, Marine Resources Research quite important and needs to be encouraged. Centre, UAQ, UAE, forhelping me in identifying As far as the marine fishes of Bangladesh are the fishes from photographs and allowing me to concerned, there is only one paper by Hussain use their reference books. I thank Prof. Mohd. (1970) that provides a complete list. This even Abdul Kader, Institute of Marine Fisheries and includes certain genera without mention- Dr. MohammadFaridAhsan, Associate Professor ing species that are likely to be present in of Zoology, Chittagong University, Chittagong Bangladesh. Six species offishrecordedhere find for identifications; Messrs. M. M. Hussain, no mention in his work or those of Khan et al. former Chairman, Fisheries Development (1995), Rahman (1989) and Quddus and Shafi Corporation and A.K. Ataur Rahman, former (1983). Director General, Directorate of Fisheries, I believe that, in the past, both earlier and Government ofBangladesh, Dhaka for literature; recent fish experts in Bangladesh depended Mohammad Anisuzzaman Khan, Director, almost entirely onthe fish samples caught in their Nature Conservation Movement, Dhaka, for researchvessels oron the samples collected from accompanying me on my field trips to the Coral the market for preparing their lists of fishes of Island, and Abul Kasem Master of St. Martin’s My the country. So species that abound in the rocky Coral Islandforhis hospitality andguidance. shores and live in coralbeds ofCoral Islandwere gratitude to my wife NurumNahar needs special possibly missed, simply because these did not mentionas she had not only leda “widowed life” my appear in the fish markets. during sojourn at the island but also my Further investigations are needed to get an generously financed trips. References Ahmad, N. (1953): Fish fauna of East Pakistan. Pak. Production Department, SEAFDEC, Singapore. Journ. Science, Lahore. 5(1): 18-24. Anonymous (1986): Fishes of the Sultanate of Oman. Anonymous (1977): Simon & Schuster’s Guide to Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fishes. A Fireside Muscat, Oman. Book: Simon and Schuster Inc., New York. Carasson, R.H. (1977): Field Guide to the Coral Reef Anonymous (1982): A Colour Guide to the Fishes ofthe FishesoftheIndianandWestPacific Oceans. William South China Sea and the Andaman Sea. Primary Collins Sons Co. Ltd., U.K. NEWRECORD OFSIXMARINEFISHESFROMBANGLADESH 233 Chhapgar, B.F. (1989): CommonFishes ofIndia. World Khan,AtaurR.,GyasuddinKhan,ZubeirAhmed, Golam Wide Fund for Nature-India, Bombay. Mustafa, & M. Nasiruddin (1995): Economically Choudhury, M.I. (1985): Probal Deep (in Bengali Important Marine Fishes and Shell Fishes of meaning coral island). Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. MarineBranch, DirectorateofFisheries, Bangladesh. Govt, ofBangladesh, Dhaka. Day, F. (1878): The Fishes of India: being a Natural Madsen, J.M. (1975): Aquarium Fishes in Color. History of Fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. & Freshwaters ofIndia, Burma and Ceylon. Vol 1 2. Masuda, Hajime, KunioAmaoka, ChuichiAraga, Teruya ReprintEdition, 1994JagmanderBookAgency,New Uyeno & Tetsuo Yoshino (1984): The Fishes ofthe Delhi. Japanese Archipelago. TokaiUniversityPress,Tokyo, Gofur, A. (1976): The Ichthyofauna ofthe Kamaphully Japan. Estuary (Chittagong, Bangladesh). M.Sc. Thesis Misra, K.S. (1959): An aid to the identification of (unpubl.), Institute of Marine Sciences, Chittagong commoncommercial fishesofIndiaandPakistan.Rec. University, Bangladesh. Indian Mus. 57: 1-320. Grant, E.M. (1985): Guide to Fishes. Department of Munro, I.S.R. (1955): TheMarineandFreshwaterFishes Harbours and Marine, Australia. of Ceylon. 1982 Reprint Edition by Sony Reprints Hussain, M.M. (1970): Marine and estuarine fishes of Agency, New Delhi, India. the northeast part of Bay of Bengal. Scientific Quddus, Miah M.A. & Mohammad Shafi (1983): Researches 7 (1): 26-55. Bangladesher Matshya Swampada (in Bengali). Khan, F.H. (1964): GeologyofSt. Martin’sIsland. GSB, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Vol-10,Part2-BoftheGeological SurveyofPakistan. Rahman, Ataur A.R. (1989): Freshwater Fishes of Khan, Mohammad A.R. (1982): WildlifeofBangladesh- Bangladesh(includingestuarinespecies). Zoological a checklist. Dhaka University, Bangladesh. Society ofBangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Khan, Mohammad A.R. (1985): St. Martin’s - a vanish- Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen, &W.F. Smith-Vaniz (1978): ing coral Island of Bangladesh. Tigerpaper 12(4): Illustrated IdentificationGuidetoCommercial Fishes. 6-12 UNDP Regional Survey and Development Project. . Khan, MohammadA.R. (1998): ProbalDeep St. Martin’s FAO/UNDP, Rome. (In Bengali). National Conservation Strategy Sirimontaporn, Pairoj (1984): Fishes ofSongkhla Lake Implementation Project- Ministry ofEnvironment (Thailand). Japan International Cooperation Agency, 1, and Forests, Govt, ofBangladesh, Dhaka. Tokyo, Japan.

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