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New Reactor Neutrino Experiments besides Double-CHOOZ 5 0 M. Goodmana 0 2 aHigh Energy Physics Division n HEP 362 a Argonne Illinois 60439 J 1 Several new reactor neutrino experiments are being considered to measure the parameter θ13. The current 2 plansforAngra, Braidwood, DayaBay,KASKAand KR2DETare reviewed. Acase ismadethat,together with Double-CHOOZ,a future world program should include at least three such experiments. 1 v 6 0 1. Introduction and Remarks about θ13 ⊙ Tunneling issues 2 1 The mixing angle θ13 is the last mixing angle ⊙ Safety 0 tobe measured. Anon-zerovalue ofθ13 is keyto 5 the possibility of measuring CP violation in fu- ⊙ Outreach and Education 0 ture long-baseline accelerator experiments. The / The document was written with a site- h best limit on θ13 comes from the reactor experi- independent description of such a new experi- p ment CHOOZ.[1] It has recently been recognized - ment, but seven appendices were included about p that the best possibility for rapidly measuring a particular initiatives. In a companion presenta- e non-zerovalueoftheparameterθ13 comesfroma tion atthis meeting, the Double-CHOOZ project h newreactorexperimentusingtwoormoreidenti- : was described.[3] That project may be the first v cal detectors and improved control of systematic one underway, but due to limitations of its size i errors. X and distance, more sensitive and larger but later During2003,a groupofneutrino physicistsas- r projects are also under active development. This a sembled for a series of workshops to explore the paper will describe the plans for some of these capabilities of a new nuclear reactor experiment. “other” experiments. Together, they wrote a white paper called “A The possibility of a new reactor experiment New Nuclear Reactor ν Experiment to Measure θ13”[2]. Severalissueswereaddressedinthisdoc- to measure θ13 was a key concern of the DNP/DPB/DAP/DPB Joint Study on the Fu- ument: ture of Neutrino Physics, which recently issued ⊙ The optimal baseline distances, luminosity the report, “The Neutrino Matrix”[4]. One of scaling and the impact of systematics thetwohighpriorityrecommendationswasfor“a comprehensiveU.S.programtocomplete ourun- ⊙ Previous reactor Experiments derstanding of neutrino mixing, to determine the ⊙ Detector Design character of the neutrino mass spectrum and to searchforCPviolationamongneutrinos,”includ- ⊙ Calibration requirements and procedures ing “anexpeditiously deployedmulti-detector re- ⊙ Detector overburden and backgrounds actorexperimentwithsensitivitytoν¯edisappear- ancedowntosin22θ13 =0.01,anorderofmagni- ⊙ Systematic error budget tude belowpresentlimits.” Thechoice of0.01re- flectsthedesiretoprovideunambiguousinforma- ⊙ Possible sites tionaboutθ13 thatwouldbeusefultoforeseeable ⊙ Other physics that could be addressed in a future long-baselineexperiments thatcould mea- new experiment sure CP violation and matter effects. As shown 1 2 in Figure 1, it also reflects the approximate fore- the year 2012, because it is of the type that cre- seeable sensitivity for the next generation or two ates weaponsgradematerial; indeedthat is what of reactor experiments. it was built for. It is currently used to provide powerforthe city ofKrasnoyarsk,andwillbe re- placedwithanenergyplantwhichcannotbeused to createPlutonium. Itmighthavebeenpossible to complete a 300 GW-ton-year experiment be- fore the reactor turned off. However a planned visit by western physicists in 2003 was canceled bylocalsecurityofficials,anddevelopmentofthis experiment effectively ended at that time. 2.2. Diablo Canyon The idea for using the Diablo Canyon reac- tor has been developed by the Berkeley group and others.[6] They did a geological evaluation and tunnel cost estimate for two detectors near this pair of cores with a total 6.1 GW-thermal power. The excavation of a horizontal tunnel in thecoastalmountainscanprovideoverburdenup to 800 mwe with tunnel distances up to 3 km. Figure 1. A plot of the sin2(2θ13) sensitivity Originallythe powercompany,PG&E,cooper- (vertical) versus reactor luminosity (horizontal) ated in the development of the proposal. Con- forparticulardetectordistances,systematicerror structionofanon-sitewastedisposalfacilitypro- assumptions and ∆m2 from Reference [7]. videdawindowoftimeduringwhichtherewould be civil construction on site anyway, and the ad- ditionofatunnelwouldnotcreateadditionalen- vironmental concerns. However, for reasons that are not clear, PG&E decided that this project 2. Sites would not be in its interest, and they have dis- couraged further development of this proposal. 2.1. KR2DET The first idea for a new nuclear reactorexperi- 2.3. KASKA mentwastheKR2DETprojectusingareactorat The largest concentration of nuclear power Krasnoyarskin Russia which utilizes a rapid fuel plants in the world,andhence the most powerful cycle.[5] Use of a rapid fuel cycle would reduce neutrinosource,isatKashiwazaki-Kariwa,witha the systematic error on the flux of neutrinos due total of 24.3 GW-thermal. Seven reactors are lo- to burn up. The most attractive feature of this catedalongthewestcoastofJapan. Thereactors experiment is that the entire site is located at a are located in one cluster of four and one clus- depth of 600 meters of water equivalent (mwe). ter of three. A favorable geometry exists which They proposedtwodetectors,eacha4.7mdiam- consists of two near detectors and one far detec- eter liquid scintillatortarget,enclosedina trans- tor, located on the site boundary. The ground parentsphericalballoon. Eachdetectorwoulduse is soft, so rather than constructing a cavern un- 800 8-inch photomultipliers, mounted on a stain- derground,adetectorwouldbe placedinashaft- less steel screen which separates a veto from the hole, drilled with the techniques used for making inner detector. bridges. The experiment, called KASKA, plans The existence of the underground lab together to use four volumes of liquid: with the reactor is a strong advantage. But this particular reactor will be closed by treaty before 1. An inner Neutrino target consisting of 3 Gadolinium loaded liquid scintillator. one near Daya Bay and the other between Ling Ao and Ling Dong. A far detector could be lo- 2. A gamma-catcher consisting of scintillator cated deep in the hills under a considerableover- without Gd. burden of 1200 mwe. When Ling Dong is com- plete, this will be the second mostpowerful reac- 3. A buffer region consisting of mineral oil tor complex in the world. without scintillator. 2.6. Angra dos Rois 4. An optical barrier before a cosmic ray veto Angra dos Reis is located about 150 km south region with weak scintillator. of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The nuclear facility KASKA recently received some R&D funding to contains two operational reactors. The Angra-I drill a test hole and make some preliminary cos- reactorisanolderlowpowerreactor(1.5GW-th). mic ray studies. They are also developing a pro- Angra-II is 4.1 GW-th. The reactors are located totype detector. on the coast and the reactor company controls a stripoflandthatstretchesinlandabout1-1.5km 2.4. Braidwood andisapproximately4kmalongthecoast. Much The Braidwood project is an active collabora- of the terrain is mountainous granite with multi- tionofChicago,Oxford,KansasState,Columbia, ple peaks up to 600 m high. The focus of the de- ANL, FNAL, BNL, Pittsburgh, MIT, Michigan sign workis now orientedtowardlarge detectors, and Texas. The Braidwood reactor is a two larger than 100 ton each, in order to take advan- unit facility located about 50 miles southwest of tage of the spectral shape test. This means that Chicago. AnR&Dproposalforoneyearhasbeen energycalibrationwillbecrucial. Thenextwork- submitted to the NSF and the DOE and a full shop of the International Working Group is ten- proposal is expected in about a year. The base- tatively scheduled for 23-25 February 2005 near linedesignconsistsoftwonearandtwofardetec- Angra, Brazil. torswitha3.5mouterradius. Thedistanceswill be along the center line of the two reactor cores, 2.7. Common concerns and approximately 200 m and 1500 m from the The experiences at Diablo Canyon and Kras- cores. Theplanneddepthis180mcorresponding noyarsk emphasizes that there has been a his- to 450 mwe. The design currently is for a two toryoflessthanstellarcooperationbetweenreac- zone detector, using 0.1% Gd loaded scintillator torpowercompanies/authoritiesandreactorneu- in the inner volume and mineral oil in the outer trino experiments. The cases are all different, volume. The radius of the acrylic sphere will be butincludeSanOnofre,PaloVerde,Krasnoyarsk, 2.6 m. There will be approximately 25% pho- andDiabloCanyon. Anappreciationoftheneeds totube coverage, using 1000 PMTs per detector. and concerns of the reactor authorities is crucial The detectors will be movable. Baseline sensi- in developing a new larger program. These is- tivities will not use the reduced systematic from sues include security, safety and economics. So moving, but this will be used as a cross-check. far, the other reactor operators: Electricite de A veto system of approximately 1 m of passive France, Tokyo Electric Power, Exelon, and the shielding surrounded by active veto counters on governmentsofChinaandBrazilhavebeenmore thetopandsideswillbeused. Therewillalsobea willing to cooperate with the physicists investi- layer of active veto counters below the detectors. gating new experiments. Careful and continued consideration to these concerns is crucial for a 2.5. Daya Bay successful ambitious future program of neutrino TheDayaBaycomplexofreactorsislocatedin reactor experiments. China outside Hong Kong. There are two reac- torsatDayaBay,twomoreatLingAo,andplans 2.8. Comments foranothertwonearbyatLingDong. Nearbyare A summary of proposed experiment parame- large hills. Two near detectors would be built, ters is given in Table 1. As funding agencies 4 Proposal Power Baseline Detector Overburden (GW) Near/Far (m) Near/Far (t) Near/far (mwe) Angra dos Reis (Brazil) 4.1 300/1300 25/25 60/600 Braidwood (US) 6.5 200/1500 25/50 250/250 Double-CHOOZ (France) 8.4 150/1050 10/10 50/300 Daya Bay (China) 11.6 300/1500 25/50 200/1000 Diablo Canyon (US) 6.4 400/1800 25/50 100/700 KASKA (Japan) 24.3 300/1300 8.5/8.5 140/600 KR2DET (Russia) 3.2 115/1000 46/46 600/600 Table 1 Detectorparametersforproposedexperiments. Notethatexceptforthe reactorpowers,andtheDouble- Chooz far detector distance and overburden, and the KR2DET overburden, all parameters are subject to design and optimization. try to evaluate the best strategy, it is important REFERENCES to keep in mind that except for power, most en- 1. M. Apollonio et al., Eur.Phys.J. C27(2003) triestherearesubjecttodesignandoptimization. 331. The optimum strategy for a future program of 2. K. Anderson et al., “White Paper Report on reactor neutrino experiments includes considera- aNewNuclearReactorν ExperimenttoMea- tion of detector sizes and systematic errors, but also costs and institutional and national consid- sure θ13”, January 2004, hep-ex/0402041. 3. G. Mention, these proceedings. erations,notfullyconsideredinthispresentation. 4. “The Neutrino Matrix”, S. Freedman and B. A glance at Figure 1 indicates some of the Kayserchairmenoftheorganizingcommittee, challenges. The thick curve represents the sen- physics/0411216. sitivity/luminosity relation using a reasonable 5. V. Martemyanov et al., hep-ex/0211070, guess for the ultimate systematic errors of a new 2002. experiment.[7] Note that the luminosity (in GW- 6. Appendix D of Reference [2]. t-years)for a sensitivity of0.01is 70times larger 7. P. Huber et al., Nucl.Phys. B665 (2003) 487. thantheluminosityforasensitivityof0.03,which is the goalfor Double-CHOOZ.I think a firstex- periment such as Double-CHOOZ is a prerequi- site for the more sensitive experiment, whether it meets its goal by increased luminosity or by decreased systematic errors. But I also think the storywon’tstopthere. Justasexperimentstoin- creaseknowledgeoftheelementsoftheCKMma- trix are continuing, better knowledge about θ13 will be a continued goal of the particle physics community for some time to come, whether or not a non-zero value is found soon. I foresee at least three new rounds of neutrino reactorexper- iments, each building on the lessons of the previ- ous experiments.

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