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new pupil information booklet - Royal Alexandra and Albert School PDF

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Preview new pupil information booklet - Royal Alexandra and Albert School

NEW PUPIL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2013/14 INDEX PageNumber Welcome/TermDates 2 IntroductionBoardersandFlexiBoarders 3 TheShapeoftheDay 4 Bedtimes 4 SchoolReports 4 UsefulContacts 5 FinancialDetails 6 PupilAppearance 7 UniformClothingList 8 SixthFormDressCode 10 ListofPersonalClothes/PocketMoney 11 BoardingAims 12 UsefulNotesforParents 13 HealthCentre 16 Music&HorseRiding 17 ExtraCurricularActivities 18 SchoolTrips 18 WeekendLeaveOutsideofSchool 19 Photography&UseofVideo 20 PrivacyNotice 21 SchoolRules 21 ClassroomCodeofConduct 21 ExpectedStandardsofBehaviour 22 AbsenceProcedures 23 GuardiansforChildrenwhoseParentsareLivingAbroad 24 Terms&Conditions–FlexiBoarders 25 Terms&Conditions–Boarders 29 www.raa-school.co.uk 2013/14 1 WELCOME ThisbookletisinpreparationforyourchildjoiningtheRoyal AlexandraandAlbertSchool. Wehopeitwillanswerthemany questionsyoumusthave. Ifyouhaveanyquestionspleasedonothesitatetocall Admissionson01737649001oremail [email protected] Term dates 2013/14 TTeerrmm BBeeggiinnss HHaallff TTeerrmm BBeeggiinnss HHaallff TTeerrmm EEnnddss TTeerrmm EEnnddss AAuuttuummnn TTeerrmm Monday Friday Monday Wednesday 2nd Sept 2013 25th Oct 2013 11th Nov 2013 18th Dec 2013 Boarders Sunday Sunday return 1st Sept 2013 10th Nov 2013 SSpprriinngg TTeerrmm Wednesday Friday Monday Friday 8th Jan 2014 14th Feb 2014 24th Feb 2014 4th Apr 2014 Boarders Tuesday Sunday return 7th Jan 2014 23rd Feb 2014 SSuummmmeerr TTeerrmm Wednesday Friday Monday Friday 23rd Apr 2014 23rd May 2014 2nd Jun 2014 4th Jul 2014 Boarders Tuesday Sunday return 22nd Apr 2014 1st Jun 2014 NB: Bank Holiday Monday 5th May 2014 is a normal school day. SSAAFFEEGGUUAARRDDIINNGG CCHHIILLDDRREENN This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and all staff and volunteers share this commitment. This means that we have a Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection procedures in place. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) are aware of these procedures. Parents and carers are welcome to read the Policy on request or to access it from the website. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. 2 INTRODUCTION FLEXI BOARDERS Flexi Boarding is a flexible system designed to meet the needs of busy parents and to allow pupils to take full advantage of the many after school activities in the evenings and at weekends. Flexi Boarders may arrive in school any time after 7.30 am to have a full break- fast. This is helpful for parents who need to leave early for work. Parents may collect their children any time up until boarders of the same age group go upstairs to prepare for bed. Flexibility is the key. Flexi Boarders are expected to stay overnight in a boarding house for 7 - 10 nights a year. We have created an online booking system so you can book your child in. Login details will be sent to you after the start of term. Any questions about overnight stays should be directed to the boarding house. The costs of the overnight stays are included in the Flexi Boarding fees. The fees cover breakfast, lunch and tea Mondays to Fridays and breakfast only on Saturdays. Any Flexi Boarding pupil who stays on for lunch or beyond after Saturday Term dates 2013/14 morning school will be charged according to the applied rates. After lessons during the week, Flexi Boarders are expected to take full advantage of: Compulsory Activities 4.00 - 5.00 pm Tea 5.00 - 6.00 pm Prep (Junior) 6.00 pm Prep (Year 7 & 8) 6.00 - 7.00 pm Prep (Year 9) 6.30 - 7.30 pm Prep (Year 10 & 11) 6.30 - 8.00 pm WWee bbeelliieevvee tthhaatt tthhee nneeeeddss ooff eeaacchh ppuuppiill aanndd ffaammiillyy aarree uunniiqquuee.. WWee ooffffeerr aa sseerrvviiccee tthhaatt iiss fflleexxiibbllee eennoouugghh ttoo mmeeeett aallmmoosstt aallll ooff tthheessee nneeeeddss.. BOARDERS New boarders should arrive at the boarding house between 2pm and 4pm on the Sunday before the start of term. Returning boarders should arrive between 4pm and 8pm. This will give you time to help your child settle, speak to the house master/mistress and discuss any medical matters that may be important as well as an opportunity to acquaint yourselves with the school. One of the most important things for new students is that they Before setting off from home, we suggest the following mental join in the extra-curricular activities. This means that they checklist! settle into the school quickly and gain so much more from the school. •Have you all the required documentation? •Have you all the required school uniform? You should therefore plan for your child to stay for at least the •Are all your child’s possessions labelled? first two weekends rather than go home. •Have a checklist of any questions you may have when delivering your child; ie: contact telephone numbers and We do not recommend frequent daily communication with home best time to call your child (NOT during prep or after in order to discuss every little matter that arises. An anxious specified bed times!) parent can cause an anxious child. 3 THE SHAPE OF THE DAY 6.45-7.00 am Wake up 7.30 – 8.15 Breakfast (Last serving 8.05) 8.30 – 8.50 Registration, Chapel/Assembly 8.55 – 9.45 Lesson 1 9.50 – 10.40 Lesson 2 10.40 – 11.00 Break Time 11.00 – 11.50 Lesson 3 This is a basic timetable of events during the day. Mealtimes are managed by Year group. Activities are encouraged after 11.55 – 12.05 Lesson 4a (Juniors) 11.55 – 12.45 Lesson 4 (Seniors) school and during the weekends. Your child will be provided with full details during the first week of term. Each House will 12.05 – 1.15 Lunch time (Juniors) also issue guidelines. 12.45 – 1.50 Lunch time (Seniors) 1.15 – 1.50 Lesson 4b (Juniors) 1.50 – 2.40 Lesson 5 Bed Time Lights Out 2.45 – 3.35 Lesson 6 Juniors 7.30pm 8.00pm 3.35 Return to Houses Year 7 8.45pm 9.15pm 4.00 – 5.00 Activities 5.20 – 6.25 Tea (Last serving is 6.15) Year 8 9.00pm 9.30pm 6.20 – bedtime Prep/Activities/sports/leisure time Year 9 9.30pm 9.45pm Year 10 10.00pm 10.15pm Year 11 10.00pm 10.15pm Note: Saturdays are structured in the same way, but Junior School pupils finish at 11.10 am and Key Stage 3 / Key Stage 4 pupils at midday. SCHOOL REPORTS PARENTS’ EVENINGS Autumn Term Y9 & Y11 Full reports October: Juniors, Y10 and Y7 (and new Y8 &Y9 pupils) Y7, Y8 & Y10 Interim reports December: Sixth Form January Junior short reports February: Juniors, Y9 & Y11 Y12 &Y13 Interim reports Spring Term March: Y7, Y8 and Sixth Form Y7-Y11 Interim reports Sixth Form reports Summer Y7, Y8 &Y10 Full reports Y9 Interim reports Sixth Form reports Junior Final reports 4 THE SHAPE OF THE DAY USEFUL CONTACTS TELEPHONE NUMBERS – OFFICE HOURS Headmaster’s Office 01737 649041 Foundation Office 01737 649050 for all accounts queries Nuffield Health Centre 01737 649200 Admissions Office 01737 649001 for new admissions only Junior Office 01737 649027 School Office 01737 649000 the switchboard for all queries. SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM EMAIL ADDRESSES Headmaster Paul Spencer Ellis [email protected] Bursar Diana Bromley [email protected] Deputy Head Kathryn Hobbs [email protected] Director of Boarding Carl Bingham [email protected] Head of the Junior Department Ines Salman [email protected] Senior Assistant Head Gary Bendall [email protected] Assistant Head Simon King [email protected] HOUSE CONTACT DETAILS House Duty Phone Payphone Head of Boarding House Email Albert House 01737 649080 649085 Paul Johnstone [email protected] Alexandra House 01737 649090 649095 Sufia McGuire [email protected] Cornwall House 01737 649100 649105 Frances Hartigan [email protected] Edinburgh House 01737 649110 649115 Daniel Swan [email protected] Elizabeth House 01737 649120 649125 Fiona Jones [email protected] Gatton Hall 01737 649130 649135 Vicki Sampieri [email protected] Gloucester House 01737 649140 649145 Craig Harrison [email protected] Kent House 01737 649150 649155 Ian Rowe [email protected] Rank/Weston House 01737 649160 649165 John Stafford [email protected] Details of other useful contacts are available on our website FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT ACADEMIC PROGRESS OR BEHAVIOUR IN SCHOOL Year 7 Mr S Randolph, Head of Year 7 [email protected] Years 8 / 9 (Key Stage 3) Mr M Jones, KS3 Co-ordinator [email protected] Mr M Brown Head of Year 8 [email protected] Head of Year 9 tbc Years 10 / 11 (Key Stage 4) Mrs A Danaee, KS4 Co-ordinator [email protected] Ms L Rushe, Head of Year 10 [email protected] Mr C Baker, Head of Year 11 [email protected] Years 12 / 13 (Sixth Form) Mr M Pawson, Head of Sixth Form [email protected] WWEEEEKKLLYY NNEEWWSSLLEETTTTEERRSS These are emailed to parents but can also be downloaded from our website: wwwwww..rraaaa--sscchhooooll..ccoo..uukk 5 FINANCIAL DETAILS FEES - 2013/2014 BANK DETAILS Boarders £4,483 per term Lloyds TSB Bank A/C Name: Royal Alexandra & Albert School Senior Flexi Boarders £1,679 per term Sort Code: 30-94-38 A/C No: 25611768 Junior Flexi Boarders £1,224 per term INTERNATIONAL BANK A/C DETAILS AAllll ffeeeess aarree ppaayyaabbllee bbeeffoorree tthhee tteerrmm ssttaarrttss IBAN/Number: GB17 LOYD 30943825611768 Swift /BIC: LOYD GB 21042 Monthly payment of fees Monthly payments can be arranged through SFP PPaayymmeennttss ccaann bbee mmaaddee bbyy ccrreeddiitt oorr ddeebbiitt ccaarrdd.. School Fee Plan. Please contact the school on 01737 PPlleeaassee ccaallll AAccccoouunnttss oonn 0011773377 664499005577 ffoorr ddeettaaiillss.. 649057 to obtain a credit agreement for completion. A charge will be made for credit card payments. CHILDCARE VOUCHERS CCHHAARRGGEESS Parents may be interested to know that we can accept Charges and any prepaid supplemental charges will not childcare vouchers because our fees are (always and normally be reduced as a result of absence due to illness or only) for wrap-around childcare and no element of the otherwise. In the event that your child takes study leave at home fees is for education. We are already set up with several before or during public examinations or stays at home childcare voucher providers who usually pay us directly following those examinations no reduction of charges will be into our bank account. The details you will require to made in respect of such periods spent at home. give your provider are: DEF number 936/4623, Registering Body is OFSTED, and the government registration number (URN) is 125279. We do not have a certificate to attach to the application form, but this has TTAAXX CCRREEDDIITT FFOORR CCHHIILLDD CCAARREE never been a problem in the past. You may be entitled to Tax Credit for after school care. Our bank sort code is 30 94 38 and Please direct your enquiries to the Inland Revenue Tax Credit the account number is 25611768. Help Desk on 0845 3003900, or write to: Tax Credit Office External Communications Tax PO Box 145, Cop Lane, Preston, PR1 0YZ quoting DFE No: 936/4623 Website: wwwwww..iinnllaannddrreevveennuuee..ggoovv..uukk//ppddffss//wwttcc__55..hhttmm##cc Please note: the School is not able to deal with ANY enquiries in this matter. IINNVVOOIICCEE QQUUEERRIIEESS If you have any queries about an invoice please contact our credit controller on 01737 649057 6 PUPIL APPEARANCE These guidelines are provided with the aim of ensuring that wear a shirt and tie. pupils are well presented, in the correct frame of mind and well JJEEWWEELLLLEERRYY--UUNNIISSEEXX prepared for every lesson. 1 pair of plain studs - one in each lower lobe. AAPPPPEEAARRAANNCCEE 1 watch 1 neck chain - not visible Informal wearing of uniform is not appropriate for school. All staff and parents have a responsibility to ensure that: No other jewellery is allowed and these items may need to be removed for certain subjects for health and safety reasons. a) pupils leave the house appropriately dressed; b) they remain that way during the school day. Tongue studs are strictly forbidden HHAAIIRR AANNDD MMAAKKEE--UUPP UUNNIIFFOORRMM Make-up should be subtle and not obvious, ie no green or ALL White shirts. Blazers and ties are to be similar eye shadow or bright lipstick. Only clear nail varnish and worn at all times unless directed by the sensible length finger nails. Hair may not be of an extreme Headmaster. School jumper is optional. fashion or extremely coloured. It may also need to be tied back for Dark outdoor coat. some lessons for health and safety reasons. Facial hair must be shaved or cut in an appropriate manner. BOYS Charcoal grey or black trousers, black socks. TThhee HHeeaaddmmaasstteerr oorr AAssssiissttaanntt HHeeaaddtteeaacchheerrss GIRLS White fitted blouses with school crest (Senior girls) Black skirt SSAAFFEEGGUUAARRDDIINNGG CCHHIILLDDRREENN WWIITTHHIINN SSPPOORRTT Black trousers (not high fashion, limited flare, no jeans) with black socks. To safeguard children within sport, they should be; Black or flesh coloured tights (no patterns) with skirts. 1. Wearing gum shields for rugby, hockey and lacrosse. Junior girls have the option of a summer dress for the summer term. 2. Wearing shin pads and football boots for football. SHOES Black hard leather school shoes. Heels are to be no Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children have the higher than 3cm and sensible width. No stilettos or necessary safety items. trainers. PREFECTS Prefects are allowed to wear a Prefect Tie. NB: Girls performing in the choir or orchestra will be required to 7 UNIFORM CLOTHING LIST Uniform supplier: SWOTS, 24 Church Street, Reigate. RH2 OAN Tel: 01737 243825 Also order from: wwwwww..sscchhoooolluunniiffoorrmmssoonnlliinnee..ccoo..uukk The link to SWOTS is limited to their supplying uniform in our designated colours and styles and no payment will be made by SWOTS to the school. AAsstteerriisskkeedd iitteemmss aarree oonnllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm SSWWOOTTSS, which has the correct colours and designs. Other items may be purchased from any supplier. SENIOR SCHOOL (Years 7 - 11) ** IItteemmss oonnllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm SSWWOOTTSS Girls SScchhooooll OOppttiioonnaall *Blazer with school crest *3 White fitted blouses with school crest (Senior girls) *2 Grey V neck jumpers with maroon stripe *Black skirt (no other style permitted) 2 pairs black trousers (not high fashion, limited flare, no jeans) Black or flesh coloured tights with skirts or black socks with trousers Black hard leather school shoes (heel not more than 3cms high) SSppoorrttss OOppttiioonnaall *Maroon polo shirt with school logo *Black skort with school logo Black jogging bottoms *Grey sweatshirt with school logo *Reversible maroon/gold rugby shirt *Maroon football socks Black swimsuit Football boots, shin pads and gum shields (If the child wishes to play football or rugby) 2 pairs trainers (1 pair of pimpled astroturf trainers) Boys SScchhooooll OOppttiioonnaall *Blazer with school crest *School tie *2 Grey V neck jumpers with maroon stripe 3 White shirts (non iron) (no other style permitted) 2 Charcoal grey/black trousers Black socks Black hard leather school shoes SSppoorrttss OOppttiioonnaall *Maroon polo shirt with school logo *Grey sweatshirt with school logo Black jogging bottoms Black cotton rugby shorts *Reversible maroon/gold rugby shirt *Maroon football socks Black swimming trunks 2 pairs trainers (1 pair of pimpled astroturf trainers) Football boots, shin pads and gum shields OOppttiioonn EExxttrraass ffoorr YYeeaarrss 1100//1111:: Tracksuit bottoms & *GCSE PE Polo shirts 8

www.raa-school.co.uk. 2013/14 [email protected]. Autumn Term . Boarders return. Spring Term. Boarders return 4th Jul 2014. NB: Bank Holiday Monday 5th May 2014 is a normal school day. 2 .. which are regularly advertised in the school newsletter 'Medical Officers for Schools associati
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