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r= New ~ Phytologist March 2001 Vol. 149 No. 3 Author index Abbott, L. K. see Jakobsen, I. Clapp, J. P., Rodriguez, A. & Dodd, J. C. Inter- and intraisolate Andrew Smith, FE. see Ezawa, T. rRNA large subunit variation in Glomus coronatum spores, 539 Anta, B. see Diez, J. vogan, A. see Reignault, Ph Apostolakos, P. see Komis, G. -oleman, J. S. see DeLucia, E. H. Ashford, A. E. see Briggs, C. L. ‘olls, J. J. see Donnelly, A Auguy, F. see Duhoux, E. ‘raigon, J. see Donnelly, A. Ayer, F. see Peter, M. curtis, P. S. see Gavito, M. E. Ayling, S. M. see Cavagnaro, T. R. urtis, P. S. see Medlyn, B. E. Ayres P. & Ingram J. Change for good reason, | Ayres P. Welcome to new editors, 153 Dawson, T. E. see DeLucia, E. H De Angelis, P. see Medlyn B. E. Bachmann, K. Species concepts — the continuing debate, 367 De Bellis, R. see Tagu, T. Bagchi, S. N. see Ray, S. DeLucia, E. H., Coleman, J. $., Dawson, T. E. & Jackson, R. B Bago, B. Pfeffer, P. & Shachar-Hill, Y. Could the urea cycle Plant physiological ecology: linking the organism to scales above be translocating nitrogen in the arbuscular mycorrhizal and below, 12 symbiosis?, 4 De Vries, O. M. H. see Tagu, 1 Bala, A. & Giller, K. E. Symbiotic specificity of tropical tree Del Pero, M See I acourt, I rhizobia for host legumes, 495 Deléens, E. see Merah, O. Balestrini, R. see Tagu, T. Diem, H. G. see Duhoux, E. Barton, C. V. M. see Medlyn, B. E. Diez, J., Anta, B., Manjon, J. L. & Honrubia, M. Genetic Berry, S. L. see Roderick, M. L. variability of Pisolithus isolates associated with native hosts and Betti, L. see Marini, F. exotic eucalyptus in the western Mediterranean region, 577 Biondi, S. see Marini, F. Dodd, J. C. see Clapp, J. P. Black, C. R. see Donnelly, A. Dommergues, Y. see Duhoux, E. Blodgett, ]. T. see Stanosz, G. R. Donnelly, A., Craigon, J., Black, C. R., Colls, J. J. & Landon, G Bodker, L. see Larsen, J. Elevated CO, increases biomass and tuber yield in potato even Bogusz, D. see Duhoux, E at high ozone concentrations, 265 Bonfante, P. see Tagu, T- Duhoux, E., Rinaudo, G., Diem, H. G., Auguy, F., Fernandez, D.., Borderies, G. see Mercier, L. Bogusz, D., Franche, C., Dommergues, Y. & Huguenin, B Bowyer, P. see Carzaniga, R. Angiosperm Gymnostoma trees produce root nodules colonized Bradford, K. J. Early germination events — a personal by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi related to Glomus, 115 perspective, 163 Durand, R. see Reignault, Ph. Brandes, B. see Jentschke, G Briand, X. see Mercier, L. i gli, S. see Peter, M. Briggs, C. L. & Ashford, A. E. Structure and composition Ernst, M. see Wirsel, S. G. R of the thick wall in hair root epidermal cells of Esquerré- Tugayé, M. T. see Mercier, L. Woollsia pungens, 219 Ezawa, T., Smith, S. E. & Andrew Smith, FE. Differentiation of Broadmeadow, M. S. J. see Medlyn, B. E. polyphosphate metabolism between the extra- and intraradical Bruns, T. D. see Lilleskov E. hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 555 Bucher, J. B. see Siegwolf, R. T. W. Feist, L. J. & Parker, D. R. Ecotypic variation in selenium ‘annell, M. G. R. see Saxe, H. accumulation among populations of Stanleya pinnata, 61 varzaniga, R., Bowyer, P. & O'C Yonnell, R. J. Production of Fernandez, D. see Duhoux, E. extracellular matrices during development of infection Forbes, L. Science and the visual arts, 17 structures by the downy mildew Peronospora parasitica, 83 Forestreuter, M. see Medlyn, B. I ‘avagnaro, T. R., Smith, FE. A., Lorimer, M. F,, Haskard, K. A., Fournier, ]. see Mercier, L. Ayling, S. M. & Smith, S. E. Quantitative development of Franche, C. see Duhoux, E. aris-type arbuscular mycorrhizas formed between Asphodelus Freeman, M. see Medlyn, B. E. fistulosus and Glomus coronatum, 105 Ceulmans, R. see Medlyn, B. E. Galatis, B. see Komis, G. Chaffey, N. J. A timely celebration of trees, 365 Garnier, E. see Lavorel, S © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606 www.newphytologist.com New 602 Author index Phytologist Gavito, M. E., Curtis, P. §. & Jakobsen, I. Neither mycorrhizal Laitat, E. see Medlyn, B. E. inoculation nor atmospheric CO, concentrations has strong Landon, G. see Donnelly, A. effects on pea root production and root loss, 283 Lapeyrie, F. see Lagrange, H Gazey, C. see Jakobsen, I. Larsen, J. & Bodker, L. Interactions between pea root-inhabiting Giller, K. E. see Bala, A. fungi examined using signature fatty acids, 487 Gil-Rodriguez, M. C. see Mercado, J. M. Lavorel, S. Aardvark to Zyzyxia — functional groups across Girlander, M. see Lacourt, I. kingdoms, 360 Godbold, D. L. see Jentschke, G. Legnani, G. & Miller, W. B. Short photoperiods induce fructan Gordon, C., Wynn, J. M. & Woodin, S. J. Impacts of increased accumulation and tuberous root development in nitrogen supply on high Arctic heath: the importance of Dahlia seedlings, 449 bryophytes and phosphorus availability, 461 Leibinger, W. see Wirsel, S. G. R. Gower, L. B. see Pennisi, S. V. Lilleskov, E. Nitrogen and ectomycorrhizal fungal communities: Graham J. H. What do root pathogens see in mycorrhizas?, 357 what we know, what we need to know, 156 Gremmen, N. J]. M. see Smith, V. R. Lombi, E., Zhao, F. J., Mcgrath, S. P., Young, $. D. & Sacchi, G. A. Giinhardt-Goerg, M. S. see Siegwolf, R. T. W. Physiological evidence for a high-affinity cadmium transporter highly expressed in a Thlaspi caerulescens ecotype, 53 Hartley, S. E. Induced plant resistance, 366 Lorimer, M. EF. see Cavagnaro, T. R. Haskard, K. A. see Cavagnaro, T. R. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. see Reignault, Ph. Hogetsu, T. see Wu, B. Lucansky, T. see Pennisi, S. V. Hogetsu, T. see Zhou, Z. Luppi, A. M. see Lacourt, I. Honrubia, M. see Diez, J. Houle, G. see Reynolds, C. E. Manjon, J. L. see Diez, J. Huguenin, B. see Duhoux, E. Marini, FE, Betti, L., Scaramagli, S., Biondi, S. & Torrigiani, P. Polyamine metabolism is upregulated in response to tobacco Jackson, R. B. see DeLucia E. H. mosaic virus in hypersensitive, but not susceptible, tobacco, 301 Jackson, S. B. see Medlyn, B. E. Marquis, C. see Reynolds, C. E. Jakobsen, I. see Gavito, M. E. Martin, F. see Tagu, T.- Jakobsen, I., Gazey, C. & Abbott, L. K. Phosphate transport by Matyssek, R. see Siegwolf, Ras communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in intact soil cores, 95 Maurer, S. see Siegwolf, R. T. W. Jarvis, PG. see Medlyn, B. E. McConnell, D. B. see Pennisi, S. V. Jay-Allgmand, C. see Lagrange, H. McCutchan, C. L. & Monson, R. K. Night-time respiration rate Jentschke, G., Brandes, B., Kuhn, A. J., Schréder, W. H. & and leaf carbohydrate concentrations are not coupled in two Godbold, D. L. Interdependence of phosphorus, nitrogen, alpine perennial species, 419 potassium and magnesium translocation by the ectomycorrhizal McGrath, S. P. see Lombi, E. fungus Paxillus involutus, 327 McGrath, S. P, Lombi E. & Zhao, E-]. What’s new about Johnsen, @. see Saxe, H. cadmium hyperaccumulation?, 2 Jwa, N.-S. & Walling, L. L. Influence of elevated CO, Medlyn, B. E., Barton, C. V. M., Broadmeadow, M. S. J., concentration on disease development in tomato, 509 Ceulmans, R., De Angelis, P., Forestreuter, M, Freeman, M.., Jackson, S. B., Kellomaki, S., Laitat, E., Rey, A., Roberntz, P, Kane, M. E. see Pennisi, S. V. Sigurdsson, B. D., Strassemayer, J., Wang, K., Curtis, P. S. & Kellomiaki, S. see Medlyn, B. E. Jarvis, P.G . Stomatal conductance of forest species after long- Kelly, J. M. see Samuelson, L. J. term exposure to elevated CO, concentration: a synthesis, 247 Komis, G., Apostolakos, P. & Galatis, B. Altered patterns of Mendgen, K. see Wirsel, S. G. R. tubulin polymerization in dividing leaf cells of ¢ hlorophyton Merah, O., Deléens, E., Souyris, I. & Monneveux, P. Ash content comosum after a hyperosmotic treatment, 193 might predict carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield in Kruger, E. L. see Stanosz, G. R. durum wheat, 275 Kuhn, A. J. see Jentschke, G. Mercado, J. M., Xavier Niell, F. & Gil-Rodriguez, M. C. Photosynthesis might be limited by light, not inorganic carbon Lacourt, I., Girlander, M., Perotto, S., Del Pero, M., Zuccon, D. & availability, in three intertidal Gelidiales species, 431 Luppi, A. M. Nuclear ribosomal sequence analysis of Oidiodendron: Mercier, L., Lafitte, C., Borderies, G., Briand, X., Esquerré-Tugayé, towards a redefinition of ecologically relevant species, 565 M. T. & Fournier, J. The algal polysaccharide carrageenans can Lafitte, C. see Mercier, L. act as an elicitor of plant defence, 43 Lagrange, H., Jay-Allgmand, C. & Lapeyrie, F. Rutin, the Miller, W. B. see Legnani, G. phenolglycoside from eucalyptus root exudates, stimulates Miwa, M. see Zhou, Z. Pisolithus hyphal growth at picomolar concentrations, 349 Monneveux, P. see Merah, O. www.newphytologist.com © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606 New Phytologist Author inde x 603 Monson, R. K. see McCutchan, C. L. Siegwolf, R. T. W., Matyssek, R., Saurer, M., Maurer, S., Morison, J. I. L. Increasing atmospheric CO, and stomata, 154 Giinhardt-Goerg, M. S., Schmutz, P. & Bucher, J. B. Stable Muchembled, J. see Reignault, Ph. isotope analysis reveals differential effects of soil nitrogen and nitrogen dioxide on the water use efficiency in hybrid poplar Nara, K. see Wu, B. leaves, 233 Sigurdsson, B. D. see Medlyn, B. I O'Connell, R. J. see Carzaniga, R. Smith, C. J. see Tang, M. Smith, D. R. see Stanosz, G. R. Parker, D. R. see Feist, L. J. Smith, F. A. see Cavagnaro, T. R. Payne, W. see Winkel, T. Smith, S. E. see Cavagnaro, T. R. Pennisi, S. V., McConnell, D. B., Gower, L. B., Kane, M. E. & Smith, S. E. see Ezawa, T. Lucansky, T. Periplasmic cuticular calcium oxalate crystal Smith, V. R. & Gremmen, N. J. M. Photosynthesis in a deposition in Dracaena sanderiana, 209 sub-Antarctic shore-zone lichen, 291 Perotto, S. see Lacourt, I. Souyris, I. see Merah, O. Peter, M., Ayer, F. & Egli, S. Nitogen addition in a Norway spruce Stanosz, G. R., Blodgett, J. T., Smith, D. R. & Kruger, E. L.W ater stand altered macromycete sporocarp production and stress and Sphaeropsis sapinea as a latent pathogen of red pine below-ground ectomycorrhizal species composition, 311 seedlings, 531 »feffer, P. see Bago, B. Stocchi, V. see Tagu, T. Piccoli, G. see Tagu, y a Strassemayer, ]. see Medlyn, B. E. Ray, S. & Bagchi, S$. N. Nutrients and pH regulate algicide Tagu, T., De Bellis, R., Balestrini, R., De Vries, O. M. H., Piccoli, accumulation in cultures of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria G., Stocchi, V., Bonfante, P. & Martin, F. Immunolocalization laetevirens, 455 of hydrophobin HYDPt-1 from the ectomycorrhizal Reignault, Ph., Cogan, A., Muchembled, J., Lounes-Hadj basidiomycete Pisolithus tinctorius during colonization of Sahraoui, A., Durand, R. & Sancholle, M. Trehalose induces Eucalyptus globulus roots, 127 resistance to powdery mildew in wheat, 519 Tang, M. & Smith, C. J. Elicitor induced defence responses in Renno, J.-E. see Winkel, T. Medicago sativa, 401 Rey, A. see Medlyn, B. E. Torrigiani, P. see Marini, F. Reynolds, C. E., Houle, G. & Marquis, C. Light and salinity affect growth of the salt marsh plant Aster daurentianus, 441 Vourlitis, G. see Saxe, H. Rinaudo, G. see Duhoux, E. Roberntz, P. see Medlyn, B. E. Walling, L. L. see Jwa, N.-S. Roderick, M. L. & Berry, S. L. Linking wood density with tree Wang, K. see Medlyn, B. E. growth and environment: a theoretical analysis based on the Willis, A. J. Endangered plants in Iran, 165 motion of water, 473 Winkel, T., Payne, W. & Renno, J.-E Ontogeny modifies the effect Rodriguez, A. see Clapp, J. P. of water stress on stomatal control, leaf area duration and Ryan, M. G. see Saxe, H. biomass partitioning of Pennisetum glaucum, 71 Wirsel, S. G. R., Leibinger, W., Ernst, M. & Mendgen, K. Genetic Sacchi, G. A. see Lombi, E. diversity of fungi closely associated with common reed, 589 Samuelson, L. J. & Kelly, J. M. Scaling ozone effects from Woodin, S. J. see Gordon, C. seedlings to forest trees, 21 Wu, B., Nara, K. & Hogetsu, T. Cytochemical and ultrastructural Sancholle, M. see Reignault, Ph. analysis of the cell walls and extracellular matrices around Sattelmacher, B. The apoplast and its significance for plant conidia and infection structures of Peranospora parasitica, 137 mineral nutrition, 167 Wynn, J. M. see Gordon, C. Saurer, M. see Siegwolf, R. T. W. Saxe, H., Cannell, M. G. R., Johnsen, @., Ryan, M. G. & Xavier Niell, FE. see Mercado, J. M. Vourlitis, G. Tree and forest functioning in response to global warming, 369 Young, P. Molecular biology of the Rhizobiiaceae, 17 Scaramagli, S. see Marini, F. Young, S. D. see Lombi, E. Schmutz, P. see Siegwolf, R. T. W. Schréder, W. H. see Jentschke, G. Zhao, FE. J. see Lombi, E. Schultze, M. Mycorrhizae research, 19 Zhou, Z., Miwa, M. & Hogetsu, T. Polymorphism of simple Schultze, M. Plant—microbe molecular communication, 164 sequence repeats reveals gene flow within and between Sellose, M.-A. Adding pieces to fungal mosaics, 159 ectomycorrhizal Suillus grevillei populations, 339 Shachar-Hill, Y. see Bago, B. Zuccon, D. see Lacourt, I. © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606 www.newphytologist.com New 604 Key u ord index Phytologist Keyword index ABA, 509 cell walls, 167 external mycelium, 327 acclimation, 247 cheaters, 159 extracellular crystals, 209 acid phosphatase, 555 chimera, 159 extracellular matrix, 83 acidic vacuole, 555 chlorophyll fluorescence, 291 active oxygen, 401 ( hlorophyton comosum, 193 fixation, 495 adhesion, 83 Cistus, 577 flavonoid, 349 air pollution, 21 classification, 360 flavonol, 349 algal polysaccharides, 43 Climate change, 154 forest trees, 21 algicide production, 455 collar rot, 531 forests, 247 alpine, 419 common reed, 589 fructans, 449 AM fungi, 105 community structure, 156 fruitbody, 159 anti-GM, 9 compartment, 95 Functional group, 360 Aphanomyces euler hes, conidia, 83 functional types, 461 Apoplast, 167 critical load, 461 fungal biodiversity, 589 appressoria, 83 crop water balance, 71 fungal diversity, 156 arbuscular mycorrhiza, 115, 283, 48 cyanobacteria, 455 fungal ecology, 589 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 555 fungus, 349 arbuscular mycorrhizas, 4, 357 Dahlia, 449 arbusculate coils, 105 defence responses, 401] Gas exchange, 154, 233 Arctic heath, 461 diamine oxidase (DAO), 301 Gelidiales, 431 arginase, 4 Dicranum scoparium, 461 gene flow, 339 arginine decarboxylase (ADC), 301 dikaryons, 159 genetic differentiation, 339 arginine, 4 disease, 509 genetic engineering, 9 Armillaria, 159 dividing leaf cells, 193 genetic modification (GM), 9 A sphode lus fistulosus, 105 dry mass per unit of leaf area, 275 genetic variation, 539 Aster laurentianus, 441 Gliricidia sepium, 495 Atmospheric CO,, 154 ECM fungi, 339 global biochemical cycles, 12 ecosystem function, 360 Global carbon, 154 basidiomycetes, 159 ecosystem physiology, 12 global change, 360 benomyl, 95 ecosystem processes, 12 global warming, 369 bioassay, 455 ecotype, 61 Glomus coronatum, 105 biocontrol, 487 ecotypes, 3, 53 Glomus invermaium, 95 biomass partitioning, 71, 233 ectomycorrhiza, 127, 137, 311, 349 Glomus mosseae, 357 biomineralization, 209 ectomycorrhizal fungi, 156 grain yield, 275 Blumeria graminis, 519 ectomycorrhizal fungus, 577 growth analysis, 71 elevated {¢ (0 7: 247 guild, 360 cadmium, 3, 53 elevated carbon dioxide (CO,), 509 Gymnostoma, 115 calcium oxalate, 209 elevated carbon dioxide, 283 Calliandra calothyrsus, 495 Elevated CO, concentration, 154 H,O, accumulation, canker, 531 elevated CO,, 473 hair roots, 219 carbohydrate partitioning, elicitor, 43 haploidization, 159 carbohydrate, 419 endomycorrhizal ericoid fungi, 565 helicoidal walls, 219 carbon dioxide, 265 endophyte, 531 hydrophobin, 127 carbon export, 419 endophytic fungi, 589 hyperaccumulation, 3, 53 carbon isotope discrimination, 275 ericoid mycorrhiza, 219 hyperaccumulator, 61 carbonic anhydrase, 431 Erysiphe graminis, 519 hyperosmotic treatment, 193 carrageenan, 43 eucalypt, 349 hypersensitive response (HR), 301 Casusrinaceae, 115 Eucalyptus, 577 hyphal coils, 105 cell wall, 127 exopolyphosphatase, 555 hyphal P transport, 95 www.newphytologist.com © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606 New Phytologist Keyword index 605 Iles de la Madeleine, 441 nitrogen deposition, 311 populations, 61 indicator groups, 360 nitrogen fertilization, 473 Populus x euramericana, 233 induced resistance, 519 nitrogen translocation, 327 potassium translocation, 327 infection structures, 83 nitrogen, 4, 154, 233, 461 potato, 265 inorganic carbon, 431 NO,, 233 powdery mildew, 51° inorganic nitrogen, 291 northern red oak, 21 PR proteins, 509 interdependence magnified intersects nutrient availability, 156 pro-GM, 9 technique (IMIT), 105 nutrient effects, 455 intermittent drought, 71 nutrient transter, 4 quantum yield, 431 internal transcribed spacers, 577 quercitrin, 349 intertidal, 431 Oidiodendron citrinum, 565 Quen Us le.x , D« a inulin, 449 Oidiodendron griseum, 565 Quercus rudra, 21 ion relations, 167 Oidiodendron maius, 565 ion transport, 167 Oidiodendron tenuissimum, 565 Raunkiaer, 360 irradiance, 419 ontogeny, 71 recombinant DNA technologies, 9 ITS region, 311 organismal adaptation, 12 recovery, 461 ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), 301 relative growth rate, 441 laminarin, 43 Oscillatoria laetevirens, 455 respiration, 419 latent pathogen, 531 ozone uptake, 21 513C — 8180 response, 233 leaf area index, 71 ozone, 21, 265 Rhizobium, 495 leaf area ratio, 441 ribosomal DNA, 577 leaf mass ratio, 441 “P95 root length, 283 lectins, 83 PAL activity, 401 root loss, 283 Leucaena leucocephala, 495 Paxillus involutus, 327 root pathogen, 487 lichen photosynthesis, 291 PCR identification, 156 root pathogens, 357 life-cycle, 159 PCR-RFLP, 311 root production, 283 light, 291 pea, 357 root rot, 509 Pennisetum glausum, 7 | root-free soil, 95 macroalgae, 431 Peronospora parasitica, 83 rRNA large subunit, 539 macrofungi, 311 phenology, 369 rutin, 349 macrotubules, 193 phospholipid fatty acids, 487 magnesium translocation, 327 phosphorus translocation, 327 SA, 509 Mastodia tesselata, 291 phosphorus, 461 S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase Medicago sativa, 401 photoperiod, 449 (SAMDC), 301 Mediterranean conditions, 275 photosynthesis, 431 salinity, 291 meta-analysis, 247 Phragmites australis, 589 salt marshes, 441 mineral content, 275 phylogeny, 565 selenium, 61 mineral nutrition, 167 physiology, 369 semiarid tropics, 7 | model parameters, 247 phytoalexins, 401 Sesbania sesban, 495 moisture, 291 Phytophthora parasitica, 509 shoot blight, 531 molecular identification, 156 phytoremediation, 3, 53, 61 signal, 349 morphogenesis, 115 Picea abies, 327 signature fatty acids, 487 Mosaic, 159 Pinus densiflora, 137 Solanum tuberosum, 265 multinomial, 105 Pinus resinosa (red pine), 531 species diversity, 311 mycelium, 127 Pinus, 577 Sphaeropsis sapinea, 531 mycorrhizal nodule, 115 Pisolithus, 57 spore dispersal, 339 mycorrhizosphere, 357 plant breeding, 9 sporocarp production, 156 plant crystals, 209 §-1,3-glucans, 83 dI5N, 233 plant defence, 43 SSCP. 539 N,, 495 plant physiological ecology, 12 SSR microsatellite marker, 339 neutral fatty acids, 357 polyamines, 301 stable Isotopes, 233 neutral lipid fatty acids, 487 polyphosphate, 4, 555 Stanleya pinnata, 61 Neutral red, 555 Polytrichum juniperinum, 461 stomatal conductance, 21, 154 Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), 43, 301 population, 339 sub-Antarctic, 291 © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606 www.newphytologist.com New 606 Keyword index Phytologist Suillus grevillei, 339 Trifolium subterraneum, 95 viscosity, 473 symbiosis, 127 Triticum aestivum, 519 volatilization, 61 systematics, 565 Triticum durum (durum wheat), vulnerable plant species, 441 275 temerature, 291 trophic interactions, 357 Water status, 154 Thlaspi caerulescens, 3, 53 tropical tree legumes, 495 water stress, 531 time course of development, 105 tuber yeild, 265 water temperature, 473 tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 301 tubulin crystals, 193 water-use efficiency, 71 '9C transfer, 137 Turgidiusculum complicatulum, 291 Westoby, 360 translocation, 3, 53 turnover, 283 wetlands, 589 ‘Transpiration, 154 wheat, 519 tree and forest functioning, 369 undisturbed soil cores, 95 wood density, 473 tree hydraulics, 473 unit leaf rate, 441 Woollsia pungens, 219 tree, 127 uptake kinetics, 3, 53 trehalose, 519 urea cycle, 4 zinc, 3, 53 www.newphytologist.com © New Phytologist (2001) 149: 601-606

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